stateswscarlet · 1 year
Hi Scarlet! I saw your twt bio said no dms so I thought I would share my successes here that I got from your threads and content!
Bit of a background: I hovered over from the a+p girlies after affirming for 9-10 months for all my desires, using everything they taught and even putting full faith into thoughts and science manifesting. I would affirm almost nonstop (during work, school, even as I was eating/talking to others) for the entire time and I eventually got super frustrated! Not a single manifestation came in or even the slightest movement, maybe a butterfly and a car here and there (looking back at it its because I accepted seeing them internally and didn’t contradict that state, it wasn’t even the affirming). In March-ish I found your account on my timeline and previously I would ignore any states related information because I thought states were the same as dominant thoughts, but something about your thread at the time caught my attention which led me down a rabbit hole (positively!) of consuming your threads. I realized a lot of it actually made sense and explained why I didn’t see success so far.
Anyways so after a few weeks of learning about states I decided to stop overconsuming and stick to your account and edward art ONLY for all my manifestation needs. It was a little hard breaking free from the affirming mindset but I decided to focus on embodying how it would feel if I no longer had to worry about my thoughts and allowed that to wash over me. I used your “embody being the solution” thread SO SO much and I realized I was able to quickly solve all my internal issues using that because anytime I felt stuck, I just had to assume the feeling of being unstuck and what the ideal situation would be! I also fell in love with fulfilling my imagination and although I did care about experiencing it in the 3D, it was more like me not even thinking of it reflecting because its a LAW. I remember you saying you don’t even have to think about stuff reflecting because it does so anyways and my only role is to naturally give it to myself. So here is a list of some of my *bigger* manifestations that came in within a month-ish of me APPLYING states of being after I learned about it:
SP and I got back together after 8 months no contact and 11 months separation
My top choice graduate school which rejected me months ago actually reaching out to me offering me a spot saying the rejection was a “system error”
Free coachella tickets all expense paid in a luxury hotel that sponsored not only me but my boyfriend and 3 friends
My favorite makeup brand randomly sending me a HUGE package of makeup that I never ordered or asked for (I wanted more makeup from this brand)
My dad receiving a random check to clear his entire credit card debt of around a decade
A better job for my boyfriend that pays him double of his last one and has flexible hours that he didn’t need to apply for or interview and hes been loving it!
Free first class plane tickets to Bali this summer! I had already booked normal ones months before but last week I got an email saying my party had randomly been selected for a free upgrade. This happened like a day or so after I for fun assumed the state of someone who has a live of luxury.
I have other smaller successes but these are some of my main ones!I really want to thank you scarlet you have honestly changed my life and I can’t believe it truly was that easy all along! Thank you for your amazing threads, please continue dropping more (I literally have your notifs on haha)
AWW YAYYYYYAYAYS IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!! You’re absolutely amazing🫶🏼
I dont even use this platform but just thought I would share this ❤️
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dorotheanaugust · 1 year
thoughts don’t manifest, but they are a result of your state
let’s use an sp as an example.
let’s say you really like this boy. but he’s everyone’s crush. every girl in school drools over him. he’s everyone’s dream. and you know that. but you think of it negatively. you think of it as “oh no, she’s looking at him”. and then you turn around and say you’re in the wish fulfilled. see, you would NOT be paying attention to this girl looking at him if he was yours. you would not be checking story views if he was yours. thoughts don’t manifest, states do, but thoughts show you in what state you are in.
“but i visualize! i affirm! what do you mean i’m not in the state of dating him?” yes, those things help. but they’re only methods. you have to stay in the state. going into and falling out of a state takes less then a second. you ARE very close to being asked out, but every time you think of the hot cheerleader who has a crush on him you stop the process. every time you think that his ex is super hot you slow it down. you CANNOT think of it negatively, and thinking of it negatively isn’t just thinking you don’t have him (i have another post in the way about this, will put the link here when it’s done).
your thoughts reveal the state your in. as mentioned before, that boy is wanted by all the girls. whenever you think of that, remember that even with his hot ex and the hot cheerleader, he chose you. remember that out of all the girls staring at him, he’s staring at you. you have to decide you have him, and keep deciding it, because the same way you decide you have him by thinking of you two holding hands, by thinking about all of the girls he can pick over you you’re deciding you don’t have him.
“how do i fix this?” DECIDE you have him. and stay loyal to that decision. he’s yours.
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stateswscarlet · 3 months
this thread i wrote is too yummy to not share here! go check it out my bbys!!
intro to states + how to embody a state
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