#neville goddard
starsreality · 3 days
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You don’t persist in an assumption because you want the 3D to change, but rather, already shifted realities meaning you KNOW the 3D will conform to your assumptions. You have faith in your assumption to be true so you don’t look to the outer world for validation since the 3D is a mirror of the past and only the present (4D) is the true reality.
For the 3D to change, it must take place in the 4D. Decide what you want then become it. Leave the 3D alone, stop absorbing everything and just observe. Make your dominant thoughts focused on your new story. Persist in your new story no matter what the 3D shows because, after all, the 3D follows and you lead. If you allow the 3D to think for you then you handing over your power.
Allow yourself to surrender control over your journey and stop supervising the process to check if things are all going “right” and have faith in the assumption everything is done for you. Everything is working out perfectly and you don’t need to do a thing to get what you want. Let yourself rest. You don’t need to go out of your way to do anything else and just accept the outcome that it’s yours. You have shifted to your desired reality.
If you’re checking the 3D, questioning where your desired reality is, you ARE separating yourself from ‘wish fulfilled state’. The 4D is instant but the 3D takes a while to conform to a new story, this is why you shouldn’t care about the 3D, it’s like a tv airing a show from weeks ago. Before expecting the 3D to change, you must first change the 4D.
Your ‘I am’ is your being of state and the state you occupy is what you manifest into your reality. A state is not obtained, you’ve always had it but now choosing to awaken. You’re always occupying a state but never two. If you’re contradicting yourself, the dominant state will manifest.
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nondualiber · 2 days
real useful things i've realized about loa while i was "resting" from tumblr & overconsumption:
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• stop gaslighting yourself, make actual change instead. you know when you're not doing it right. if you spiral, get desperate, dwell in the old story... well, i've got some news. -- this might seem obvious but for me it wasn't. i was super desperate, giving like 1 step forward 50 steps back but i still played blind bc i thought that if i just said "oh no but my mindset doesn't matter" that would solve all my problems. damn
• WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. ik EVERYONE says this but omfg. i can NOT stress this enough. actually find what works for you. i used to think that my key (decide once n keep going with my day) was not a "correct" way to do it bc it made "no sense" or wtv, but now i've manifested a lot of things with that method & i'm so proud of myself for doing so :,,) wdym with "works for you"? whatever makes you confident enough to not spiral, to believe you actually have what you want, to not pay attention to the 3d & doesn't make manifesting feel like chore but something that comes naturally for you is the correct way to do it. trust your feelings, your intuition, yourSelf; they don't lie
• work on your manifesting concept, a.k.a trust in law. we talk a lot about "self" concept but not about "manifesting" concept. for me, i (kind of) believed i could manifest, i just didn't believe 100% in law. i still don't, but i've gotten considerably better!! my best tip to build trust in law was to start manifesting things that were "easier", more archivable, but not happening on a daily basis so i'd know if it was my manifestation turned reality
• stop consuming. not over-consuming but just consuming, literally. don't read neville, don't open tumblr, don't listen to edward nor any other coach! again, this one was obvious to everyone but me. trust me, you already know everything you need. "but i actually put in practice what i read!" yeah, but which one? you read 100 methods everyday. consuming is thinking from the 3d, and long-term it will demotivate you. trust me
• and last one, forget about deadlines. "when will i have it?" now. "where?" here. now and here. keep that mindset, and tbh in one week it'll be done
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keanotte · 2 days
Dare to assume
Go to bed and dare to assume you are now who you want to be. Fall asleep assuming it is true and you will be on the road to success. This is how things are brought into being.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 17 hours
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💗Robotic affirming is repeating your affirmations until you get your desire. It works instantly , it is totally worth it. You don't have to believe your affirmations. You can repeat them mindlessly.
🤖It doesn't matter how long you do it . There are no rules. You can use as many affirmations you want to. Robotic affirming helps to pass your limits and doubts. Let's say you affirm for 1- 2 hours for your desire but then start wavering ( complaining , worrying , entertaining opposing thoughts etc ) . It is okay if you waver but don't dwell on those thoughts. Deny them. Don't let them get to you. Ignore those thoughts and start repeating your affirmations . Sammy ingram said that you can say your affirmations out aloud to get rid of negative thoughts because you can't speak one thing and think another thing at the same time.
💗Basically, you are saturating your mind with what you want. Once those affirmations become dominant , they will manifest since dominant thoughts manifest. The more you familiarize your mind with your desire, the more fast you will manifest it.
🤖Affirm. Affirm and Affirm. Don't leave your important tasks, in other words, don't neglect your life to affirm but affirm when you are scrolling through your phone , showering , doing skincare , cooking, eating etc .
💗You are affirm until your desires materialize into the 3D . You need to be RELENTLESS. You need to be CONSISTENT. Don't think about how or when your desires will manifest. Don't put your desires on a pedestal. I mentioned it my paradigm and mental diet post too and I will mention it again , REPETITION IS THE KEY.
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icyg4l · 2 days
PAC: How Can You Attract More Clientele?
hello beautiful people! i wanted to do something different today! this is for my business owners out there, this one is for you. if you need some extra reassurance/advice on how to gain more traction, this is for you. without further ado, please pick the image that resonates with you the most.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: I heard “something’s brewing” as I was shuffling for this pile. Pile One, do you know how lucky people are to have your talents in this world? Why don’t you take your talents where they belong? I feel like you aren’t really pushing yourself the way that you’re supposed to. You’re all talk but when it comes down to actually putting in the work, you get scary. There’s no point in planning for the future if you don’t live in it. So do what you have to do in order to be known! Another thing about you is that there’s some shame around your work. It’s like you’re embarrassed to show off your stuff so you’ll just hand it off to people that you know and when you get compliments, you won’t necessarily take them as one should. You need to celebrate your work forreal. Your work needs to be seen. You need to be around other creative people so that you can have personal muses in your life. You need to know that your talents will be recognized as long as you let them. All in all, in order to attract clientele, you need to be willing to put yourself out there.
Cards Used: Princess of Swords, The Hermit, Prince of Cups, Knight of Swords, 2 of Wands, 7 of Swords.
extras: shuffle. coffee brewer. sodastream. alliteration. mime. pasties. original invention. 
Pile Two: Aggressive marketing is a tactic that you need to take on, Pile Two. This is a pile similar to Pile One in the sense that you are being too coy. I am seeing a fast-paced work environment. You deliver your products fast and you come up with ideas pretty fast. The thing is though, you do not really sell yourself. When I say this, I mean that you are too calm and humble with the way that you market yourself. People tend to overlook you because you’re not really showing off your product/brand. Invest in your brand and you will see better results. If you have a TikTok or Instagram, I’m not going to lie, talking fast or talking in a bubbly manner will help your clients flock to you. I am feeling a little chaotic right now as I type this. I feel like you need to unleash your chaotic side into this marketing. People would be more willing to buy the product if you show off your authentic energy. 
Cards Used: Four of Swords, Temperance (RX), The Devil (RX), The Hermit, 9 of Wands, Ace of Swords, Prince of Cups, Eight of Wands
extras: panda express. takeoff. funeral. egg sandwich. sadistic. clueless. “you are the visuals baby.”
Pile Three: There is nothing wrong with getting shit done, Pile Three. I feel like this pile thinks that they do everything right, or do you? I think you need to stop caring about the validation of other people. Do you actually like what it is that you’re doing/selling? Is it fulfilling to present this product to other people? If so, then you need to just be patient. You are very impatient to the process of gaining sales. You need to let more time pass. Your business hasn’t taken off because you do not let shit marinate. If you let time pass by, you would actually gain more clientele. As you await for this moment though, take everything as a learning experience. If you do not feel fulfilled/personally rewarded, then it is time for a rebrand. You need to figure out how this product resonates with you. What is your personal connection with it? How can you connect to other people through this product? What lasting impact do you want to leave on people? I also see that you do need to get involved with people offline as well. Posting flyers up around your neighborhood would really benefit you, my love. 
Cards Used: The Emperor, Strength, 4 of Swords, The Devil, The Hanged Man, Judgment, Prince of Wands, Queen of Discs 
extras: orlando. drill rap. ohio. “earthy scents.” twisted tea. green giant. 
Pile Four: I actually feel like this pile is super close to meeting their goal number of clients. You have been putting in the right amount of work and therefore, you have been getting rewarded. But you need to learn how to network. I feel like this pile just needs to be at the right place at the right time. If you find yourself getting invited to an event that needs your skills, you should check it out. It’ll be the key to your big break. I also think that you should consider trading with other creatives to gain more clientele. Consider promoting other creatives’ work so that more people can come to you. I think it really all comes down to the timing of it all. But your time is pretty soon. You’re already eating good but soon you’ll be eating real good. There’s not really much you have to do but just show yourself off. 
Cards Used: Wheel of Fortune. The Magician. Queen of Discs. King of Wands. 7 of Discs. King of Discs. The Emperor.
extras: dill pickle. onion rings. pastel colors. breakfast foods. sizing issues.
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base-under · 4 hours
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outside-director · 2 days
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reimouness · 3 days
⊹ ᳝ ࣪ 𓄹 Shifting vaunt and some affirmations because shifting is the easiest thing for you !!
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╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴ ╴╴╴╴
I love how i wake up in my dr like that without even doing a method, even with methods it’s literally so easy i enter my dr in less then one minute isn’t wonderful ? Everyday i wake up happily and at peace knowing i control everything so i decide the fact that shifting is easy for me.
★ shifting is incredibly easy for me and will always be because i said so
★ i enter my dr extremely easily, absolutely every time i decide so
★ im a shifting master and i never fail at entering my dr
★ isn’t wonderful how i always wake up in my dr every time i sleep
★ im at peace knowing i am a shifting master because i said so
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╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴ ╴╴╴╴
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shradsmanifestt · 3 days
Don't give up on your manifestation
Don't give up guys. Just don't. Why would you do that? When you ain't got nothing to lose anyways.
You are manifesting every second. Whether you're trying to consciously manifest something or you have no idea what manifestation even is , you're still manifesting regardless. That is the ultimate truth.
So why would you give up? You see even if you say you already have it or say where it is I don't have it yet, you are right. That's the beauty of it.
You see the subconscious mind is neutral. It does not care whether you like what you're assuming or you don't want it. It will always reflect your dominant thinking no matter what.
Knowing about manifestation and knowing how it all works you're already ahead then more than 90% of the world population. So when you know exactly what this is all about, why would you give up?
All you need to do is decide what you want. That's all you need to do. If it takes time let it, why let the 3d win over your imagination (which is the real reality).
Plus another important thing to note is. You have nothing to lose if you stop persisting. You'll just be stuck in the old story anyways. So do yourself a favour and persist until it conforms in your 3d
Trust your mind and trust me when I say you already have it. Just decide and it's ✅
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061306 · 21 hours
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𓏲 🎧 — Lucky Girl Syndrome by ILLIT  ִ۫  ·
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mrs-trophy-wife · 13 hours
Desire is hidden identity, as you already are what you want to be.
—Neville Goddard
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yourecitten · 14 hours
focus on the 4d
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All is already existing in the present, now moment we call 4D. It's just that your 3D physical mind and ego can't process, grasp, or understand that you have it in that moment. That's all the "delay" is. Because once it appears in your 4D consciousness, your 3D experience will have to conform. So yes once you claim it in the 4D, it is already yours in that moment.
I know that it can be hard for our minds to understand that nothing matters in the 3d but it's the truth. you can experience anything right now, in this moment in the 4d and the 3d has no choice but to reflect it.
identify yourself as the person who has it because you are and just know that it comes to the 3d. it doesn't matter anyway right? you don't want that thing, you don't need it because you can give it yourself at any given moment but yea, it's gonna come to the 3d at any given moment.
and remember, it's oke to have doubts you just need to learn how to get back to the state. take a deep breath, don't be hard on yourself, and remember who tf you are :)
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starsreality · 19 hours
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Before a show is aired on TV for everyone to watch, it must be processed through the TV station. But there many shows scheduled to play before yours so do get discouraged and start doubting the existence on your show the instant it doesn’t get aired? No, you don’t. You know it’s real and will be aired on TV soon so you persist in the knowing it’s all done.
Basically to sum it up, just because the 3D is playing the thoughts of your past doesn’t mean you didn’t shift realities. You shifted realities in the 4D, meaning you can rest in the knowing it’s all done. The mirror reality (3D) will do the rest and begin to conform. You’re persisting not because you are required to do anything but simply because it’s real. It’s true. The affirmations are a reminder for when you forget that.
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🩰I am proud of being tall .
💌God blessed me with good height.
🩰I am not insecure about my height since it is perfect.
💌I am at my desired height. I am ____ft / inches tall.
🩰If Burj Khalifa were a human , it would be me.
💌I am Tall like Wonyoung , Yuna , Rosè , Tzuyu, Karina , Yujin , Yunjin , Kazuha , Hyein.
🩰I am blessed with a Tall figure.
💌Being tall makes me more pretty than I already am.
🩰I am confident in my height.
💌Everyday I grow tall , I can't stop growing it's insane .
🩰Everyone wishes they had a tall figure like me.
💌 I can understand how Wonyoung feels , I feel like cropping my legs in photos too , they are so long!!
🩰I get compliments on my height every second .
💌Everyone says that I should be a model because of my tall body proportions.
🩰My long legs make me look taller than I am .
💌Everyone notices how tall I am.
🩰I love being tall.
💌Wonyoung is jealous of my height.
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keanotte · 2 days
When the desire is upon you, that is the perfect time to accept your wish in its fullness. Your 3d being may think it is not real now, but your 4d mind knows it already is. So the desire should be accepted by you as a physical fact now
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icyg4l · 14 hours
PAC: What Can You Do to Pass Your Finals?
Hello beautiful people! It is about that time of the year again where us students are struggling to meet deadlines & have to study for the dreadful finals. Well, I’m here to give you all some tips on how to pass your final exams this season. I will be using my True Heart tarot deck for this reading per usual. If you resonate with this reading enough to want to book with me, please read my guidelines and dm me for a reading! Without further ado, please select your academic weapon!
Left-to-Right: Pile 1-3 (Elle Woods, Dionne Davenport, Jade the Brat)
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Pile 1: I feel like this pile really needs to consider having a study buddy. That would help you tremendously. Doing things like going back and forth to repeat formulas, coming up with sufficient answers for mock trials and practicing for a foreign oral exam with another person can be some of the things that you do. Study dates are absolutely necessary. I feel like you also need to change the scenery. Go somewhere that you’ve never been before, particularly near a body of water. And another thing that you can do to help you achieve academic success is chewing gum while you study. It’s scientifically proven that chewing gum can improve your memory & can boost your test scores (only if you put the effort in though beforehand lmao).
Cards Used: Death, 7 of Cups, Princess of Cups, Knight of Cups.
extras: being by the water. trees. hair twirler. fidget spinner.
Pile Two: I think the best thing that you can do is ask for assistance directly from the source. I feel like this is specifically for those who are struggling in their math or science classes. I get the feeling that you don’t want to take this class ever again. So, you need to get situated and fast. I feel like this pile may be going through a separation/breakup from their partner. It may be affecting your ability to focus on school. But it is best that you not only seek academic guidance from the source, explain your situation to them so that they can understand what you’re going through. They may direct you to some mental help. I feel like another thing that you could do is practice grounding exercises. Surround yourself in nature. Go bicycling or hiking. Go to a conservatory. Lastly, another thing you could do is go for a swim. I feel like you need to get moving. You need to get physical before/while you’re getting ready to study.
Cards Used: 7 of Cups, 9 of Discs, 2 of Cups, Judgment, Queen of Cups, 5 of Cups, Page of Cups.
extras: pull ups. heartburn. feeling helpless. “unusual.”
Pile Three: This pile feels very extreme. It’s a crucial moment in your academic career that could either make or break you, it seems. I think that this finals season determines whether or not you will have to go to summer school or whether you will get into that school. Maybe even going to the next grade or having to retake that particular class. So, you have to buckle in. I am seeing someone crack their knuckles and stretch out their neck. I don’t get the feeling that this is a traditional final. It could be a project or a paper that’s graded harshly. It could also be a collaboration. Whatever it is, I feel like your mother figure could help you a lot with this. She knows more about this subject than you think. Allow her to help. Another thing that can help you is reaching out to people who have done the same project as you in previous years or the semester prior. And lastly, take really good notes from people who are well-versed in this subject. They will come in handy & you won’t regret that you did it.
Cards Used: The Tower, 10 of Discs, The Lovers, The Moon, The Empress.
extras: “it’s gametime.” “appealing.” sweaty hands. marnie. beats headphones. deep breath in & out.
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