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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
Sinners and Saints (Sihtric x reader)
Summary: One day you stumble upon your childhood friend, Osferth, whom you have not seen in years. Yet the more time you spend with him, the more you find yourself drawn to his companion, Sihtric….and the butterflies his dark eyes give you.
This is my contribution to @emilyhufflepufftlk 100 followers challenge! Congratulations again! I’m so happy for you! 
My prompt was - "Love doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints." - Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton (in bold within the story)
Words: 5500
Warnings: A couple of swear words, fluff, my poor attempts at humor, Osferth being a good bro. 
Tag List: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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This gorgeous moodboard was made by @flowers-in-your-hayr​. All credit goes to her! 
"...so there she was, aye, and next thing I know, she flips 'er dress up and I see the most perfect set of…."
 "I'm going to be sick." Osferth mumbled to himself, trying to block out Finan's retelling of his prior night. To the laughter of his companions, he started to push away from the outdoor table at the alehouse. He was no virgin anymore, Finan and Uhtred had seen to that, but he still felt squeamish when listening to their stories of recent conquests. His mother's voice whispered in the back of his mind, things she had told him before her passing, about respect and love. Plus, he could not help but think that this idea of conquests, of women's worth derived from what pleasure a man could take from their bodies, was what brought bastards into this world….like him. 
 "Alright, Finan, we get it. You saw the arse of a goat and couldn't help yourself." Uhtred teased, slinging an arm around Osferth so he could not escape them- most likely to find a church and pray for their souls. 
 "Oi, lord! Ya know that was one time!" Finan feigned mock-outrage, making Uhtred and Sihtric laugh. 
 Osferth put a hand over his eyes as if that would somehow block the image from his mind. Something he desperately did not want there. 
 "How much longer are we here, lord?" Sihtric asked, changing the subject, while twirling a dagger between his hands fluidly. 
 Although Osferth would never admit it aloud, and God forgive him, it was hard not to be jealous of how easily his companions handled their weapons like they had been born with weapons in hand. They continued to tell him it was practice. Recently though, he decided it was a gift that he clearly did not have. 
 "Until I feel satisfied with the training of Lord Godwin's fyrd and his defenses." Uhtred stated indifferently, as if it was something he had to repeat to himself often. 
 "Ya think King Alfred knew how much of a horse's arse Lord Godwin is?"
 Uhtred glanced up, a tiny smirk on his lips. "Probably."
 "But he knew you were the man for the job." Osferth commented. Not necessarily to defend his father but to hopefully bolster Uhtred's confidence. "The men respect you, even if their lord fails to acknowledge his own respect."
 "The baby monk is right." Finan said. "What else needs to be done for the town?"
 Uhtred and Finan began discussing ideas and strategies, Sihtric adding an occasional comment but mostly just listening. 
 Osferth found his attention wandering, since this was an area outside of his expertise. His gaze drifted to the town and its residents who moved about to complete their duties under the midday sun. Their group had only been in this large town for two days and already Osferth was keen to return to Coccham. 
 From amidst the crowd, a familiar face caught his attention. The world tilted off its axis as his entire body went rigid, all his focus zeroed in on her. His heart hammered in his chest and the air whooshed from his lungs painfully. 
 "Y/n?" He muttered to himself, disbelief and shock clearly painted in his tone and on his face. 
 "Baby monk, ya alright?"
 Finan's words did even register, so consumed by the ghost before him. Rapidly, he slid off the bench, almost losing his footing when he went to stand, but pressed on, hurrying towards her. 
 "Y/n!" He called, an almost desperate tone in his yell. 
 When she did not turn around, he shouted louder. "Y/N!" 
 That time she paused, then slowly turned to find him standing still amongst those walking around him, a solid rock in a stream of people. He held his breath as he intently watched her expression, suddenly worried seeing him would not be as meaningful as he hoped. He could see her utter his name silently, eyes wide. Then in the next moment, she dropped the basket on her hip and ran towards him. He opened his arms just in time for her to collide with him, and with her embrace, a painful wave of nostalgia and guilt crashed over him with the strength of a tempest. 
 "It's really you." She finally whispered, peering at him in awe. 
 "Hi." He smiled, his own shock clouding his mind from forming coherent sentences.  
 Then to his surprise, she reared back and punched him in the arm. 
 "Ouch! What was that for?" He whined, rubbing the offended limb. 
 Throwing her hands in the air, they landed on her hips as her voice rose in anger. "For disappearing in the middle of the night without telling me!"
 "I did tell you."
 "That you were THINKING about leaving, not that you WERE leaving!" She reared back and punched him in the arm again, ignoring his pained cry as she continued to berate him. "I spent an entire day running around the monastery trying to find you only for Father Harold to finally pull me aside and tell me you left for Wincheaster." 
 And there was the heaping of guilt he knew he deserved. "I'm sorry….I just….I just knew if I didn't leave that night, then I never would."
 Her face softened at his quiet admission, understanding passing in her eyes. "I know. I wasn't truly surprised…. Just wish you'd have told me before."
 "I'm sorry."
 She sighed, all anger and frustration disappearing, much to his relief. She was a force to be reckoned with when truly in her fury. "So, what are you doing here?"
 "Ah, traveled here with the Lord Uhtred to assist Lord Godwin in his defenses….or something."
 "Uhtred? That Uhtred?"
 He smiled at her, catching the reverence in her tone. "That very one."
 "How did you find him? How did you join him? Wait! Are you a warrior now? We have a lot to talk about and you better get started." There went the hands on her hips again, making his smile widen at the image. Even as a young girl, when her hands were on her hips, you knew she meant business. 
 "Would you like to meet him first?"
 A shy look passed over her face that he was unused to seeing. "I'm…. I'm not presentable to meet a lord."
 He scanned her, noting the dried mud on the hem of her dress and shoes, the small smear of what looked like flour on her left temple. What he noticed most was how the years had made her even more beautiful. She had always been a pretty girl but now, she truly looked like a beautiful woman. A fact he was unsure of how to feel about. 
 He chuckled lightly after a moment. "Well, you certainly smell better than Lord Uhtred so I think it's fine."
 That caused her to tip her head back and laugh loudly, the desired effect of his comment. She gathered up her basket and walked next to Osferth, back to the table where his companions were. It was impossible to ignore their curious stares as they approached. 
 "Lord Uhtred, may I introduce y/n. Y/n, this is Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg." Osferth said, standing next to her at the end of the table.
 Uhtred nodded graciously, clearly wondering why this woman mattered and why Osferth was introducing her. 
 "Oh, it's an honor to meet you!" Y/n gushed, a bright smile on her face. "Uncle Leofric told us so much about you, but I never thought I'd ever meet you in person."
 "Leofric?" That caught his lord's attention, his gaze narrowing and eyeing her with renewed interest. "How did you know that turd?"
 "When he came to visit Osferth, he'd tell us stories."
 "Ah….all exaggerated, of course." Uhtred said with a cocky smirk. 
 "Wait. I think we're missin' the most important thing here." Finan leaned forward, dark eyes bouncing between Osferth and her, as he pointed a finger at them, hand still wrapped around his cup. "Ya said 'Uncle Leofric'....are ya related to Osferth?"
 Osferth answered quickly. "No, her family owned the farm next to the monastery, so we grew up together." Then he furrowed his brows as a thought hit him. He had been so amazed to see his childhood best friend (only friend really) that he had not realized that she should be back at the farm and not in this town. "Wait, y/n, why are you here and not at the farm?"
 Her face crumpled for a brief second before she was able to mask it into a neutral expression. She shrugged casually, but he could read the subtle tension in the action. "We lost the farm, so mother and I came here to look for work."
 "Ah." There were so many things he wanted to ask but could tell now was not the right time. If she lived here, he would have plenty of time to hear the full story later. Instead he decided to change the subject. "So, you know Lord Uhtred, the others are Finan and Sihtric…. And Sihtric is also a bastard." He added as an afterthought. 
 That made her face light up as she turned to look at the Dane. "Hey, another bastard! We really need to start a club. We can all rant about how awful our fathers are."
 "You're a bastard?" Uhtred asked, shock evident in his voice. 
 "Yes, my lord. My mother was a servant for a lord. Got pregnant. The lord's wife did not like that so sent my pregnant mother back to her family. Certainly, it was our Lord's Will because how else would I have been able to grow up with Osferth?" She asked, patting him on the cheek affectionately. He blushed and swatted her hand away, much to the other's amusement. 
 "I reckon you have quite a few amusin' stories of growin' up with Osferth, eh?" Finan smirked. 
 "I might….but I don't share secrets for free." She matched his smirk with her own crooked smile. 
 He slapped his hand on the table. "I'll owe ya a drink! I need to 'ear this."
 "No….oh no, no, no." Osferth said but knew it was a lost cause before he even tried to deter them. The rest were already deciding when and where to meet that night. "Lord help me."
 "It's not that bad." She teased, bumping his arm with hers. "The worst one is when we went streaking naked through the monastery."
 Osferth felt his face heat up like the flames of hell itself as everyone laughed. "It was your idea."
 "Yeah, yeah, so you like to remind me." She smiled fondly. "Now, if I don't get back home, my mother is going to think I've run off with some man or I've been kidnapped. Either way, she will raise the fyrd herself to find me. I will see you all tonight."
 The others said their goodbyes but before she could step too far away, Osferth gently touched her arm, halting her movement. 
 "Y/n….I'm….I'm glad our paths have crossed once again."
 She pulled him into a tight embrace. "I am too, Osferth. I've missed you." With that, she turned and walked away with her basket still on her hip; but not without glancing over her shoulder at the group before disappearing around some buildings. 
 Once out of sight, Osferth sighed and turned back to his companions, only to see them all still staring intently in the direction she disappeared. 
 "No….y/n is off-limits to you fornicators." He stated firmly, well as firmly as he could be. 
 "She's very pretty…." Uhtred declared, a playful grin on his face. 
 "Lord, no. All of you, keep your hands off of her."
 "Or what?" Finan chuckled, eyes alight with mischief. "You'll fight us, baby monk?"
 "I will if I must."
 "Alright. Her dignity won't be tarnished." Uhtred lifted his cup in Osferth's direction. "Your reputation might be tonight depending on what stories she shares." 
 Osferth groaned, sitting back down next to his lord. "I'm going to need a lot of ale."
 "That can certainly be arranged!" Finan laughed, jovial once more. 
 As discussion started back up again, they all missed the silent, longing glance Sihtric snuck one last time in the direction she walked away….
 Over the next several weeks Lord Uhtred helped increase the defenses of the town and instructed the guards and fyrd how to better defend against the Danes. 
 During those weeks, you found yourself frequently spending time with Osferth and his companions. First it started off with meeting them in the evenings for ale, laughter and good company. Within days, it became almost expected for one of them to purposefully seek you out. Most of the time it was Osferth and Sihtric coming to join you in whatever your tasks for the day because they were bored or unwanted in meetings. It was not difficult to tell that although they were certainly welcomed members of Uhtred's group, not everyone else saw them in such a positive light. 
 So the three of you often passed the hours away together, waiting until evening to rejoin Uhtred and Finan at the alehouse. Their presence became such a regular occurrence that your mother practically adopted them, they even had their assigned seats at your small kitchen table for meals. Somehow, they seamlessly slipped into your daily life in a way that seemed like they were meant to be there this whole time. 
 Even at the alehouse in the evenings, you usually found yourself nestled between Osferth and Sihtric on the bench. A place you certainly found yourself enjoying more and more….especially next to the Dane. 
 Over the weeks, there was something growing between you and the Dane. It gradually revealed itself with each passing day, growing like the roots of an oak tree. It was through the borderline flirtatious comments that you teased each other with. It was in the subtle touches that caused butterflies in your stomach to dance, from your fingers barely gracing each other when passing something, to the way you leaned your head on his shoulder when your eyelids threatened to close, to the way your thighs would touch under the table and away from view of the others. It was in the lingering looks when your gazes locked and you swore you never wanted to look away. It was in the consistency of being next to one another whenever you could, either sitting at a table or just walking down the street, almost like your bodies were magnetized to one another's. 
 Plus the more you talked to Sihtric, the more you desired to know about him. For he was like no other man you had ever met. 
 Almost a fortnight after you reunited with Osferth, there was one particular evening after staying out far too late with the four men and drinking a bit too much, Sihtric graciously offered to walk you back home. You knew propriety demanded Osferth should be the one to escort you but he was already passed out, head on the table and snores emitting from his mouth. Giggling at your childhood friend, you accepted Sihtric's offer and the two of you easily fell into step. 
 On the walk you learned more about his past, about going up in Dunholm and his cruel father. You had heard bits and pieces while with Osferth and the others. Maybe it was under the cover of darkness, maybe it was the extra ale flowing through both of your blood, but he confessed secrets to you he had never told another besides his mother. When you reached your home, before he could slip away, you clutched his arm and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. After, you bid him goodnight and slipped inside your humble home. 
 After that night, he always walked you home, sometimes alone and sometimes one of the others would join. But when it was just you two, when you were alone, you would bid him a goodnight with a kiss on the cheek or he would kiss your hand, locking eyes with you in a way that made a fire stir in your belly and your core clench. 
 There was definitely something between the two of you, but neither seemed able to verbalize it or take the next step. 
 "So, what is going on between you and Cedric?" 
 You turned your head to look at Osferth, who laid on the grass next to you, soaking in the heat of the early afternoon sun. "What?"
 "You know….that blacksmith. The one you were talking to the other day."
 "Oh." The memory hit you. You had stopped by to drop off your mother's damaged cooking pot for Cedric to attempt in fixing, although you personally thought it was a helpless cause. The dent in it was significant, but he offered to see what he could do. As you dropped it off at his workshop, the two of you began discussing an approaching saint's day and the celebration that would occur with it. 
 Several minutes later, you heard your name called and looked over to see Osferth and Sihtric walking towards you. You bid Cedric a farewell, promising to stop by the next day to come pick up the pot. After receiving his promise to try his best at fixing it, you headed off towards the stables with your fellow bastards. At the time, you had not thought the encounter significant but with it happening two days ago and Osferth now bringing it up, you wondered how long he had been ruminating on it. 
 Finally, you simply said, "he's a good man, and has been kind to my mother and I since we arrived here."
 "Is he….pursuing you?" Osferth turned his head to scrutinize you, his lips pursed slightly as if concerned about your answer. 
 You openly laughed at the notion. "No, that's silly. He is just a kind man."
 If anything, you had to fend off flirtatious advancements from some of the young men that worked under Cedric. Those same young men quickly learned to keep their eyes on their work and mouths shut. When one openly called out to you, and before you could offer a sharp retort, Cedric threw a hammer at him from across the shop. He bellowed that he did not allow heathens to work for him and if they chose to act godless then they needed to find a new place of work. Their blatant interest diminished after that and Cedric made a point to be the only one that conversed with you if you came to the shop. Although he was easily ten years your senior, you found him a likeable man with a quick wit and sarcastic comments that occasionally left you in stitches. 
 The idea of him pursuing you was an amusing idea. He was still a bachelor, never having married, claiming that his work and apprentices kept him far too busy for much else. 
 Your answer appeared to satisfy Osferth. A thoughtful look crossed his face and he opened his mouth as if to speak, but immediately slowly closed it and turned his head back to stare at the blue sky. 
 A stillness settled after your answer, only interrupted by the frequent bird song and the wind through the tall grass. You closed your eyes, enjoying the sun's warmth and just lying around relaxing on the hill outside of the town, away from the hustle and bustle and chores that demanded your attention.  
 "He was watching you like a man who wants a woman." Sihtric stated after a couple minutes of peaceful silence. 
 Startled by his sour tone, you shifted up to look over at the Dane. He sat on the other side of Osferth, one leg propped up and an arm casually slung over it, but his gaze was focused straight ahead, staring off into the distance. Now that you thought about it, over the past two days Sihtric had become more reserved and sullen than you had ever seen. Even his companions commented on it a few times to which he would shrug his shoulders or make an excuse and walk away. You had thought he just missed Coccham, the group having been away for so long, or something happened that made him introspective. It had also not escaped your notice how the prior closeness between you two had halted. Now you wondered if there was something more to his demeanor.  
 "Well, that is most unfortunate for him since I am not interested in him."
 "Does your mother not want you to marry?" Osferth asked, his voice deceptively neutral. 
 Sighing, you leaned back on your hands. Eventually you knew Osferth would bring up the topic, he was your friend after all and you were certainly of marriageable age. Actually far too old to not be married by some people's standards, but you ignored them. "She does but she has told me that she will not force it upon me. She said I should make my own choice….that if I am able, I should choose love."
 You knew your mother offered you that choice in hopes your life would turn out differently than her own. 
 "But if Cedric is a good, kind man….could you not love him….or someone like him?" Osferth pressed. 
 "Perhaps. There are plenty of men I have seen who the church would call a 'good' man but are cruel in their own home, and there are many men who are calloused but it's obvious they love their wife and children. My love doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. I would rather choose a man whom I know loves and cares for me than a man I know is 'good' but carries no love in his heart." You paused, the candid confession rolling off your tongue before you realized it. Sighing, you ran a hand over your hair before quietly saying. "I just….I just want someone that loves me….sinner or saint."
 Not a word was spoken as all three contemplated your statement, the silence hanging heavy like a brewing storm. Tilting your face to the sky, unable to meet the gazes of your companions, you chastised yourself for the candor with which you spoke. Osferth had asked a simple question initially and you chose to make it complicated. They did not need to know how you longed for love, how the hope for it in your potential future was what kept you going. It was foolish and you supposed after this, they would only see you as a silly girl with outlandish dreams of a storybook romance. 
 Finally, Osferth broke the silence. "Well, I shall be praying fervently for this man….hopefully he knows what he is getting into before he marries you."
 You laughed, appreciating his lighthearted comment. Reaching a hand out to smack Osferth's arm, you teased. "Keep that up and you won't be invited to my wedding."
 "Your mother will let me in."
 "Yeah, you're probably right." You glanced over in the direction of the town, regretting that your time away had to end. "I need to head back, those chores won't finish themselves."
 The three of you headed back to the town, quiet contemplation cloaking your group. Yet you feared that whatever spark lay between you and the Dane had been extinguished forever by your unexpected honesty. For still he refused to look your way, keeping his gaze focused forward. If your heart fissured within your chest, you swallowed down the pain. It was better for the spark to die out now then burn brightly only to be smothered later. 
 Or at least that was what you told yourself. 
 "What you said….about the sinners and the saints…."
 You whirled around, heart leaping into your throat with a silent scream on your tongue. In the small herb garden behind your house, you had thought you were alone. After the awkward conversation on the hill earlier that day, you sought solace in your chores. Thankfully Osferth and Sihtric headed back to meet with their companions on their own accord, leaving you to trudge through your muddled thoughts with all the grace of a newborn foal. 
 Now you found the very person who your thoughts centered on, standing just a few paces from you….and your heart began to race for a very different reason. 
 When his voice trailed off, those dark eyes that set fire licking through your veins dropped to the ground, you quietly stood up from where you had knelt, wiping the dirt from your hands, although you moved no closer. 
 "Sihtric?" You tried to prompt him. 
 "Is it true?" His piercing gaze lifted to meet yours, stealing the very breath from your lungs. "Your love doesn't discriminate?"
 "Yes." You breathed out. 
 He nodded silently before taking a step closer to you. "And what about….what about Danes?"
 Your chest pulled tight at his words, yet a coy smile grew on your lips. The flutter in your belly made your gaze drop for a moment as you tried to stifle the excitement making butterflies dance. Although this was no declaration, it was the closest the two of you had talked about what lay between you. Taking a steadying breath, you prayed this moment would not pass by without confessing the truth that you had harbored in your heart for weeks now. 
 "Not even towards Danes." You shook your head, the smile still on your lips. "And…. There is one I'm becoming quite fond of lately."
 "Yeah?" He took two steps closer, somehow moving cautiously but eating the ground with each determined step. 
 "But….do you think this Dane could be….fond of me?" You softly murmured, feeling as if your heart lay in the palms of your hands for all to see. 
 That last step separating you two disappeared almost before you finished asking your question. His hands ever so gently reached over to take yours, entwining your fingers together. The two of you stood so close, your chests almost touched with each breath you took. Your breathing seemed to cease under the intensity of his gaze and a shiver raced up your spine. Yet you had no desire to withdraw from him.
 "He would be a fool not to." He whispered, the barest hint of a tremble in his voice. "I'd bet you are constantly on this Dane's mind. That he cannot go a day without seeing your face and hearing your laugh. You are the first thought that he wakes to and the reason he falls asleep with a smile. That you have become the north star that it seems the gods have been guiding him towards for his whole life."
  As he spoke, everything faded to oblivion around you. The past and future vanished. Dane versus Saxon disappeared. The world narrowed down to this….this moment….this moment that you had dreamt of but never thought would come true. 
 The two of you continued to stand there, lost in one another's eyes with fingers intertwined. Your heart raced within your chest but a cooling breeze swept away the fears that plagued your mind. For staring at him, you knew he spoke no falsehoods. That he owned your heart just as much as you owned his. That very heart you could feel hammering away in his own chest. His eyes fervently held yours, a silent conversation, a confession, spoken only in looks but you both understood the language. His gaze dipped down to your lips, tracing them before slowly rising once again to your eyes. A curl of pleasure blossomed in your core as you witnessed the fire now in his eyes. 
 "If this Dane wanted to kiss me…. I wouldn't mind."
 A deliciously, sinful smirk teased his mouth. "As my lady commands."
 His head tilted, leaning towards yours. Unconsciously your eyelids fluttered closed. Then the briefest of touches made your knees weak and your mouth part open in a sigh. After a moment's hesitation, he continued to shower your jawline with kisses. Needing to touch him, your hands landed on his chest, feeling the tunic that covered his firm chest. Your hands moved upward to grasp the back of his neck, his pulse jumping for a second as your nails scraped his skin. His hands landed on the curve of your waist, bringing you even closer to him, erasing the unwanted space between your bodies. 
 As his lips began their ascent upward along the otherwise of your jaw, you moved. For the burning sparks in your body screamed if he did not kiss you, you would spontaneously combust. Shifting your face, you stole a kiss on his lips before he could place it on your skin. It was more of a gentle pressing of your mouths, but even then, you heard a sharp inhale from him. Before you could question him, his mouth returned to yours with soft, probing kisses that urged you to respond. Not that you would ever deny him. What started off as a gentle flame quickly became a roaring fire. Breathing became unnecessary, for how could air bring you life when your body craved Sihtric, when your lungs demanded to breathe him in instead. He led you in a drugging kiss that had you melting against him. Your lips drank from one another as if that alone could sustain you forevermore.  
 The passionate kiss abruptly ended as Sihtric and your gazes darted towards the side of your house. Only to be met with the sight of his three companions standing at the entrance in various states of smugness. 
 "Oh, for the love of Odin…." Sihtric mumbled. 
 You buried your face in Sihtric's chest, face heated in embarrassment but unable to stop the giggles that poured forth. So caught up in finally confessing your feelings and kissing the man who haunted your dreams, you forgot that anyone could walk by and see you. His arms tightened around you, keeping you within his protective, loving embrace….and you knew there was nowhere else you would rather be. 
 "Took the two of ya long enough." Finan continued, leaning against the side of your humble home with a shit-eating grin. 
 "Amen." Osferth had a small, teasing smile on his face. "Thought I would have to lock them in a room together before one of them finally confessed."
 Apparently, you and Sihtric were not as subtle as you previously thought. Now it made sense why Osferth was questioning you about Cedric and your thoughts on love and marriage earlier. Your heart flooded with gratitude towards your childhood friend, for without him you doubted neither Sihtric or you would have spoken up. Peering over, you caught Osferth's eye and mouthed a quick 'thank you'. He nodded, a simple joy radiating from his face. 
 "Lord?" Sihtric called over with a blank expression. "Permission to continue?"
 Uhtred chuckled. "I guess you've waited long enough. Go ahead." 
 Without waiting a moment longer, Sihtric tipped your face back up towards his and claimed your lips once more. You vaguely thought you heard laughter coming from the others but it all blurred away, like a faint sound while underwater. All you could see, all you could feel, all you could hear was Sihtric. 
 Just how you wanted it. 
 Suddenly you yanked your head back, your breathing labored and lips swollen. "My mother is helping at a nearby farm today. She won't be back until it's dark."
 He hummed against your skin trailing small kisses along your jawline and down your neck as if unable to keep his hands and mouth off you now that the dam had been released. 
 "I'm not as pure as Osferth thinks me to be."
 That statement made his actions stop. Carefully he raised his head to meet your gaze. "After dark?" He confirmed, voice rough in a way that sent a bolt of heat through you. 
 "Yes, she planned on having supper with them….so my home is currently empty….and I did just clean my blankets the other day…."
 He swooped in to give you a feverish, greedy kiss that left no doubt where his mind had gone. When he finally pulled back, you were surprised your legs could still hold you upright. Your whole body felt like puddy in his arms and he had only kissed you, albeit you doubted you would ever forget the way his mouth worshiped yours. 
 "You are certain? You want this?" He softly asked, staring into your eyes once more. "You want me?" 
 It was the last question, the vulnerable undertone, the hint of insecurity in it that sealed your decision. Letting your actions be your answer, you grabbed his hand and started pulling him in the direction of the door to your home. It did not take more than a second for him to come beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
 With his taste on your lips, the future did not matter right now. It did not matter that he was Dane and you were not. All you knew was Sihtric was neither a saint nor a sinner, but simply a man deserving of love. The river of your love was pointing you directly towards him, and you silently vowed to never let it run dry. 
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magravenwrites · 3 years
A Good Place to Start
Finan x OC
A/N: This is my contribution to @emilyhufflepufftlk 100 follower challenge - I am so so sorry it is so late, just realised its been sat in my draft folder and I completely forgot to post it 🙈🤦‍♀️
Introducing my TLK OC - Aethelthryth (otherwise known as Ethy by her close friends and family).  She is Uhtred's blood sister!
Warnings: Fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, love confessions, the use of the word 'bastard', Sihtric playing matchmaker.
Prompt is in bold
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the gif
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The sound of clashing swords and the clacking of wooden training staffs echoed through the training yard of Cookham.  The mid-morning sun shone brightly, making it unseasonably warm for the time of year.  
The resulting temperature didn't help Aethelthryth as the sweat dripped down her forehead as she prepared for her next sparring round against her partner, Sihtric.
She had already lost the previous five rounds, she couldn't afford to lose another one.  Though, Sihtric was a far more battle-hardened warrior than she was, so it was hardly that surprising, she supposed.
She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, removing the stray blond hairs out of her face.
She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her racing mind, trying to recall her training.  She readied herself in an defensive position, feeling the weight of the bluntened sword in her hand.
Over the previous rounds, she had discovered that Sihtric was more of a tactical fighter than one that relied on brute force.  If she was going to beat him, she had to play his game.
Without warning, Sihtric lunged forward, attempting to strike at her left side, which she managed to parry at the last second.  
Just because Sihtric was a tactical fighter, didn't mean he wasn't fast too. 
He didn't wait for her to gather herself before he launched into a tirade of attacks; right, left, right, left, right, left, head.
She scrambled to duck out of the way of the blade, managing to roll under his arm and swipe at him as she came up behind him.  He easily stepped out of the way of her strike, it was a clumsy attempt.
After he had regrouped himself, he came at her again, and she spotted his tell-tale sign of his feinting to the right.  It was a move he was fond of.  
This time, instead of falling for his trick, she stepped in closer to him on his exposed left side and blocked his attack.  She used his own momentum to trip him backwards where he landed in the dirt, his sword falling from his hand.  
She put her own sword tip to his neck, panting as she tried to regain her breath.  A look of shock came over his features.
She had won.
A face-splitting grin took over both their features.  
"I told you that you could do it."  He told her smugly.
She removed the sword from his neck, stepping back as he climbed to his feet.
"I should have beaten you three rounds ago."  She protested.
He shook his head as he squeezed her shoulder in congratulations.
"You are too hard on yourself, Lady."
Aethelthryth rolled her eyes at him as he used his nickname for her.
"Sihtric, how many times must I tell you?  I may be your Lord's sister, but that does not mean I am a Lady.  Please, just call me Ethy - or Ethel if you must, just anything other than 'Lady'."
He only smirked at her grumbling, they both knew he would continue to call her 'Lady' no matter how much she asked him not to.
She directed them both to the edge of the fence, placing her training sword in the weapons barrel.
A booming laugh caught her attention from across the grounds, it was the most joyous sound.  Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes settled on the maker of the noise.  
Finan had his head thrown back, eyes sparkling as he heartily laughed at whatever Osferth was talking to him about.  His sword was resting across his shoulder, showing off his muscled bare arms.
His accent was distinct even from across the field as he made his no doubt witty reply, even if his words were lost to her.  
A small smile made its way onto Ethy's face as she watched him.  She would never grow tired of watching him.
"When are you going to tell him you have feelings for him?"  Sihtric's voice startled her out of her reverie.  
She had forgotten he was with her for a moment.
Clearing her throat, she averted her eyes as she occupied herself with unting the laces of the bracers on her arms.  It was a weak attempt at trying to hide the blush she could feel spreading across her cheeks.
"I don't know what you're talking about." 
"Yes you do, I'm talking about your feelings for Finan.  He feels the same as you, so why not tell him?"  He had grown tired of watching them both pine for each other  and neither of them having enough guts to do anything about it.
"He doesn't feel the same Sihtric, it will never happen."  She mumbled, still refusing to look at him.
"So you do have feelings for him then?" 
Her eyes snapped to his, where she saw a smug smile pulling at his lips, his eyes alight with mischief.
"That's- that's not- that's not what I meant."  She protested.
"Even if he were to feel the same way as I do - which I don't - it wouldn't matter anyway.  My brother would never let it happen - you know how protective Uhtred is of me after how long I was locked away with my Uncle Aelfric.  But Finan doesn't feel the same way anyway, so it doesn't matter.  Please leave it alone, Sihtric."  She begged.
Sihtric released a sigh in response, nodding his head.
"Fine, but join me for a drink at the Alehouse this afternoon - we must celebrate your win today."  
"I would love to, but I can't - I have agreed to help my brother with teaching Young Uhtred and Stiorra their letters.  As Uhtred ignored most of our lessons growing up, we figured I was probably the better person for the job."  You snarked.
"You Christians think too much of your letters.  It won't take you all afternoon surely?"
"They are Uhtred's children.  If they are even half as stubborn as their father, then yes - it will take me all afternoon."  You laugh.
"Stubbornness must run in the family."  Sihtric mumbled.
Ethy's mouth fell open in mock offense as she whacked his arm with her bracers in retaliation.
"As does violence."  He added, rubbing the spot where she had hit him, pretending it had hurt. 
They both laughed at each other, knowing he was not wrong in either of his statements.
Neither of them noticed the Irishman staring at them from across the grounds.
Once their laughter had settled down, Ethy began to walk toward the gate of the training ground, shouting over her shoulder.
"I will try and meet you at the alehouse later, Sihtric, but I cannot make any promises."
He waved her goodbye as she left to change out of her sparring clothes and tidy herself before seeing her niece and nephew.
‐-- Time Skip ---
It had taken Ethy all afternoon to wrangle her niece and nephew into focusing on their studies.  Young Uhtred, once settled, took a far more vivid interest in reading than his sister, who was far more interested in drawing symbols and staring out of the window than learning to read and write. 
But both had made progress by the end of the day, leaving Ethy exhausted but happy.
After praising the children for their progress, she sent them off to wash before their evening meal.  Leaving herself to gather the pages and ink left behind.  
Ethy had just about finished tidying up when her brother walked through the door.
"How did they get on?"  He asked, as he joined her at the table. 
"Once they settled, they did rather well.  They take more of an interest in learning than you did at their age, at any rate."  She teased.
"Perhaps that is because they have a better teacher."  He grinned.
"No, I won't let you pin your lack of interest on Father Beocca - that was entirely your own fault."  Ethy reprimanded.
"Beocca wasn't our only teacher growing up - he was one of the better ones."
"That didn't mean you paid any more attention to him than you did to the others.  If Beocca couldn't get you to focus, then the others had no hope."  She laughed.
"True enough."  He laughed in return.
A comfortable silence spread between them for a time, simply enjoying being in each other's company.
"I saw you fighting today."  He changed the subject.
"Oh?"  She bunched the fabric of her dress in her hands.  
Uhtred still wasn't overly fond of the idea of her fighting; if he had seen her losing matches, it would not help her convince him to let her keep fighting.
"You did well.  I am proud of you."  He told her gently.
A gave him a small smile, releasing the dress from the hands in relief.
"Thank you, Uhtred."  She told him genuinely.
He pulled her closer by her shoulders, before lowering his head to rest his forehead against her own.  Both of their eyes fell shut.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt."  He whispered.
"I know," she whispered back.  
They both pulled back as they heard a knock on the door interrupt their peace.
Their matching blue eyes moved to the figure that had appeared in the doorway of the hall.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, Lord"  Osferth's shy voice reached them.
"Not at all Baby Monk, what is it you need?" Uhtred asked as he moved to the head of the table, taking a seat.
"Actually, Lord, it was the Lady Aethelthryth I came to speak to." 
"Ah, well in that case, I will leave you be, I need to sort some papers before my evening meal."  Uhtred said, rising to his feet and making his way to the stairs.
"Uhtred, I hope you will see your children before you lock yourself away with paperwork."  Ethy's stern voice echoed across the room.
Uhtred paused with his foot on the bottom step of the stairs.
"They have not seen you since first thing this morning, you were meant to help with their lesson today but you were busy.  You need to see them now.  They miss you."  She continued to lecture him.
Uhtred sighed, watching his sister's stormy eyes glare at him, daring him to challenge her.
"Very well, I will have my meal with them before I make a start on the papers.  Where are they now?"  
"They went to get cleaned up, but knowing them, they're probably causing havoc by now."  Ethy chuckled.
"Well, they are my children, would you expect anything less?  I shall fetch them now."   Uhtred teased.
"No, but that was my point.  I will see you later, Ossy, tell the children I will say goodnight to them before they go to bed."  She teased, using her old nickname for him when they were children.  Back when he was called Osbert.
"I will as long as you promise never to call me that again.  Especially in front of Baby Monk, I don't want you giving him ideas."  He grumbled. 
They both looked at Osferth who was miserably failing to hide the smirk on his face at their antics.
"Oh please, your men know I call you Ossy - and they know why.  Now go - find your unruly offspring."  She shooed him from the room.
Her brother only laughed as he left the room.
Having finished tormenting her brother, Ethy finally turned to greet her guest properly.
"What can I do for you, Osferth?"  She smiled lightly.
"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me for a drink at the Alehouse, Lady?"
She groaned at the use of her title.  
"Why must everyone insist on calling me 'Lady', I am not one, you are my friend, please just call me Ethy."  She exclaimed.
Osferth looked to his feet bashfully, a grin pulling at his features.  He eventually lifted his gaze to meet her own once more.
"Very well - would you accompany me for a drink at the alehouse La-... Ethy?"  He stumbled, making the pair of them chuckle.
Ethy narrowed her eyes at the Baby Monk, scrutinising him.  He had clasped his hands tightly together in front of him, had a guilty hunch to his shoulders and he kept averting his eyes from her.
"Did Sihtric put you up to this?"  She guessed amusedly.
"He...might have suggested it…"  He scratched at the back of his head guiltily.
Ethy rolled her eyes.  Sihtric knew her too well.  She could never say no to Osferth.  He looked too much like a kicked puppy when he was disappointed.
"Fine, but I'm not dragging Sihtric halfway across town because he's too drunk to find his own way home this time.  If Ealhswith wants him home, she will have to fetch him herself."  She huffed dramatically.
Osferth laughed heartily as he opened the door for her, hiding his sly smile as he followed behind her.
Ethy pulled the door to the alehouse open, propping it with her elbow to let Osferth through behind her.
The warmth from the room hit her face, a contrast to the cooling air outside.  The smell of ale was unmistakable in the air, despite it being relatively quiet inside.
She soon spotted Sihtric, sitting at their usual table to the right of the room.  She paused when her gaze settled on a familiar head of brown locks sitting opposite Sihtric.  
She wasn't sure why she was surprised to see Finan there, he often joined his comrades for a drink in the evening.  But for some reason she found herself thrown off kilter.
Finan was facing away from her, nursing a mug of ale in his hand.  His still bare arms resting on the table in front of him.  
Ethy found herself fidgeting with her blond hair and smoothing her down her dress as she started to make her way over to them.
She was only three or four paces away from their table when Sihtric spotted her.  
He makes eye contact with her, slightly raising his hand off the table.  She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
She knew he wanted her to wait there, but she didn't know why he wanted her to wait.  She saw as a mischievous glint returned to his eyes as he shifted his focus back onto Finan.  
An uneasy feeling rolled in her belly as she watched.  What on earth was Sihtric planning?
"So Finan, when are you going to tell Lady Ethy that you have feelings for her?"  Sihtric bluntly asked his friend.
Finan's shoulders stiffened.  "Not this again, Sihtric, how many times do I have to tell ya to leave it alone?"  He groaned.  
Ethy's heart dropped as she listened to his response.  She was right all along, he did not feel the same.
She bit her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay.  Taking a step backwards, she decided it was better to leave before she could embarrass herself any further.  Why would someone as perfect as Finan ever love her anyway?
Before she could get far, Ethy felt someone collide with her shoulder.  Turning her head, she looked at Osferth who had taken a hold of her elbow to prevent her from running away.
He smiled gently down at her before he bent his head close to her ear.   
"Wait a minute.  Listen"  He whispered.
She was about to protest but he nodded his head back in the direction of the table their two friends were sitting at.  
Damn Sihtric for choosing Osferth to convince her to come.  She could never say no to him.  
With a reluctant sigh, she moved her focus back on to the Dane and the Irishman.  
She didn't know why she was bothering, her heart was breaking enough without having to listen to more about how Finan didn't love her.
"But you do love her don't you?"  Sihtric pressed his friend.
"You know I do."  Finan all but growled in return, taking a swig from the mug of ale in his hand.
Ethy's heart somersaulted as his words sunk in.  Did she hear that right?  He loved her?
She knew she had heard him right when Sihtric gave her a smug smile from over his mug of ale, raising his eyebrows at her in an 'I told you so' manner.
She could almost cry with relief.  She felt so giddy.  He loved her too.  
She hadn't even registered that Osferth had let go of her elbow, trusting her to stay by herself, a large grin painted on his features, happy for his two friends.
"Then why not tell her?"  Sihtric continued to push his friend.  
Finan slammed his mug onto the table in annoyance.
"You know why."
Sihtric only raised his eyebrows at him.
"I love her, I can't deny that.  But I have nothin' to offer her.  She is my Lord's sister - my brother’s sister.  She is a Lady, too kind and gentle to be tainted by me.  She deserves warmth, comfort and a life I could never hope to give her.  She deserves so much more than that.  She could choose whichever man she wants.  I don't think any of 'em would be worthy enough of her.  And who am I?  An Irish bastard with no money or great estate to offer her.  I go off to battle, and I can't expect her to always be waiting for me to get home to her.  What sort of life would that be for her?  Besides, she doesn't feel the same.  Why would she feel anythin' for an undeserving bastard like me?"  Finan ranted.
Ethy wiped a tear that had escaped from her eye.  She had no idea he felt like that.  How could he think so little of himself?  How could he think so highly of her?
"What would you tell her?  If she did feel the same?" Sihtric asked him gently.
Finan sighed defeatedly.
"If I could tell her how she's everything to me - but we're a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start."  He leant back in his seat.
Ethy plucked up her courage, taking the final few steps to stand just behind his shoulder, her heart pounding.  She was surprised Finan couldn't hear it already.
"I think that's a good place to start." 
Finan shot out of his chair, whirling around to look at her, his eyes wide in shock.
Both of them just stared at each other in silence for a while.  Neither of them knowing what to say.
"H-how much of that did ya hear?" 
Finan nodded, swallowing thickly.  
Sihtric rose from his seat, patting both of his friends on the shoulder.
"I think my work here is done. We'll leave you both to it." He grinned smugly, turning to Osferth.
Ethy groaned as realisation swept over her.
"You planned this didn't you?"
"Oh you sly bastard."  Finan smirked as he too, realised what had happened.  
Sihtric had set them up.
"It worked didn't it?  You were both pining and miserable, and now you can be happy and together.  You can thank me later."  Sihtric defended as he started retreating towards the exit.
"Sihtric - I swear I am going to beat you so hard in training tomorrow."
"Aye, that makes two of us."  Finan added.
Sihtric only chuckled.  "I look forward to it!"  
Osferth's sniggering caught Ethy's attention from where he was hidden behind Sihtric.  
"Don't think that doesn't apply to you as well Baby Monk - I know you were in on this."  Ethy threatened.
"Goodnight Lady."  Sihtric laughed as he backed out of the door, all but dragging Osferth with him.
Once the Dane and the Baby Monk had gone, an awkward silence fell over them.
Ethy moved to sit where their traitor of a friend had just vacated, while Finan sat back in his place, sitting opposite her.
This was not how either of them had planned this.  
They both sat there, quietly observing the other for a time.  Letting what just happened sink in.
Finan was admiring the way the candle light was shining off Ethy's blond hair, making it look even softer than normal.  He wondered if it was as soft to touch as it looked.  
He noticed a blush covering her cheeks as she noticed him gazing at her, her eyes, blue, like her brothers, avoiding his gaze.  She had started to pick at her nails, a habit he had noticed she did when she was nervous.
He smiled fondly at the action.
"You always do that when you're nervous."  He commented without thinking.
"What?"  She asked, raising her eyebrows in question.
"You always pick at ya nails or fidget with ya hands when you're nervous."  He gestured to her hands.  
"Oh."  She quickly moved her hands into her lap - under the table where he couldn't see them, in embarrassment.
He chuckled at her action.
"Ethy, listen…"
"No, you listen - you've had a chance to say your confessions, now it's my turn to say mine."  Ethy interrupted.
He nodded for her to continue. 
"Finan… I have had feelings for you for a long time. And, until now, I had never dreamed that you would actually return them.  But I fear you have placed me on a pedestal that is in a higher place than I should be.  To hear you talking before… you would think I am some great Lady, whose every need requires tending to.  I am not such a woman, nor will I ever be.  I do not need - or want - money or a grand estate to be happy.  I just want you."
"But it's what ya deserve.  I have hardly any money to my name, and I can't ask ya to constantly wait for me, always worryin' if I'll be comin' home from the next battle."  Finan argued.
"Money is not what I want.  The last time I had money and an estate I was trapped with my Uncle.  I never want such things again.  I do not need them to be happy.  As long as we have a roof over our heads and a fireplace to sit by your side at, I couldn't be happier.  And as for waiting for you to return from battle - I hope you know I intend on joining you on the battlefield.  I will be by your side - always.  If you want a woman that stays at home waiting for you, then you will have to find someone else, for I have no such intention."
He chucked at that.
"No, I know you would ride into battle with us - Lord help anyone who tried to stop ya.  I just don't want to see ya hurt."
Ethy beamed, he wouldn't try and stop her from joining him.  Fighting by his side.  By her brother, together.
"There's one more thing…" Ethy added.
"Oh?"  A worried look overtook Finan's face.
"I won't have any more of this 'I don't deserve this' speech from you.  You think far too little of yourself."
He sighed, his shoulders slumping.
"But I am tainted.  My past -"
"Is exactly that - your past.  We both have our secrets, our trials from before we knew each other.  But that doesn't matter.  We can unravel them together."
He gazed at her with wonder in his eyes.
"God, I love ya."  He reached over the table offering his hand to her.
She fought the urge to blush.
"I love you too."  She took her hand from her lap and grasped his hand on the table, intertwining their fingers together.
"Remind me to thank Sihtric later."  She mumbled, watching their hands tangled together.
"Only after we've wiped the smug grin off his face first."  Finan grinned.
"Obviously."  She laughed.
Ethy looked back to Finan, his deep chocolate brown eyes meeting her own.  She saw them dart down to her lips.
He leaned in slightly over the table, waiting to see how she responded.
He grew confused when she stood up, her hand still in his, as she moved around the table and sat on the bench next to him.
He reached up, his finger caressing her cheek, before his thumb traced her lower lip.
She leaned in closer.  Him meeting her halfway as their lips connected in a sweet kiss.
It was only short, but it was perfect.
He moved his arm so it was wrapped around her shoulder, bringing her closer to his side.  
She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling him press a kiss to the top of her head in response. 
They could both get used to this.  Neither of them wanted to move and ruin the moment.
That was until a stray thought had Ethy smirking.
"Though I wouldn't get too excited if I were you,"  She said.
"Why not?"  Finan asked warily, meeting her eyes as she moved her head off his shoulder.
"We still have to tackle my brother."  She said, struggling to keep a straight face as she watched the colour drain from Finan's.
Tags: @emilyhufflepufftlk @axe-does-writing @morosemagick @solinarimoon @evelyn-shelby @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
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fandomhopped · 3 years
Amorous Little Girl
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Pairing: Uhtred x fem!oc
Summary: The royal family disappointment and the Coccham group meet through an accidental run-in, sprouting into a kidnapping:)
Warning: toxic daddy issues, aethelflaed slander, one swear word—i think that’s it (unless you want to add terrible writing as a warning-😭i’m sorry in advance)
Word Count: 5k
“Father, why am I never allowed to meet these men?” Magnhild asked King Alfred after he sent her out of the room upon the arrival of Uhtred of Bebbanburg.
“Because you are a young woman,” he answered and flicked his wrist as if to tell her to leave.
“Aethelflaed has met them,” she retorted and crossed her arms with a pout.
“You and Aethelflaed are nothing alike,” he told his daughter.
“She is my sister,” Magnhild responded.
“Aethelflaed is educated, and refined, and independent on her own accord. You are an amorous little girl,” her jaw went slack at his accusations.
“An amorous little girl?” she questioned, “Are you joking?”
“Magnhild, we will speak of this later. I have king duties to tend to,” he dismissed her.
“Fine,” she muttered and slung open the doors to go into the hallway.
She was angry, blind rage took over her body. She hiked up her dress so she could walk faster down the corridor, fuming. She wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, she knew the halls like the back of her hand. Her jaw clenched and unclenched over and over as she thought of what her father called her.
An amorous little girl? He could not have been serious. She did not speak up about politics nor the ways of war and domination, but only because that was what her mother taught her to avoid. However, that did not mean she did not understand and have her own opinions of the matters. She only ever tried to obey and please her parents, but she could never be Aethelflaed.
As she came to the realization that she will never receive her parents love, she began to cry. She always cried when she was mad—something she hated she did and probably why her father thought of her as a little girl.
Oh, how her blood boiled as she thought of how much they paraded around Aethelflaed and obviously showed her more affection. Aethelflaed with her perfect face, and her perfect etiquette, and her perfect, moral, Christian heart, and her knowledge of the ways of war, and her sweet attitude, and her independence.
She became distracted when these thoughts came forward, running right into another person in the hallway. It was a very muscular man, because she was nearly knocked onto the ground.
“Oh, God, I didn’t see ya. I’m sorry,” he apologized quickly and put his hand on her shoulder.
“Finan, why are you hitting women? Is that not a sin?” another man next to them spoke, causing another man to laugh.
“Pardon me,” Magnhild excused herself and took a step to walk away, sniffling.
“Wait, are you hurt? Why are you crying?” the same man that hit her asked.
“I am fine, forgive me for running into you. I wasn’t paying attention,” she apologized.
“Well, why are you crying?” the man, who has not spoken, asked, he looked as if he were a Dane.
“Family issues,” she told them hostilely.
“Your family issues involve the king?” the accented man asked and Magnhild scoffed, crossing her arms.
“My family is the king,” she spoke, annoyed with their ignorance. Everyone knew her mother and father, everyone knew Aethelflaed, everyone knew Edward—even at his young age—yet, no one knew Magnhild.
“The king has another daughter?” the tallest one asked.
“Yes, but my father thinks I’m an amorous little girl, so I don’t meet too many men when they visit him,” she told them, “why are all of you here to see the king?”
“We have a report from East Anglia,” the tall replied.
“Ah, a battle for Beamfleot is soon to come,” she nodded to show her understanding, wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, “I must be on my way, but if you need to find me, which you probably won’t, I will be somewhere in the courtyard.”
“Wait, what is your name?” the accented man asked.
“Magnhild,” she told him and looked to all three men, “and yours?”
“Finan,” he introduced himself, but you had already heard his name when you first ran into him and the tall one said it.
“Nice to meet you, Finan,” she shook his hand and looked to the quiet one.
“Sihtric,” he said and she shook his hand next.
“Sihtric, I love your name,” she complimented and looked to the last one, “and yours?”
“Uhtred,” he answered with a crooked smile and grasped her hand, kissing the back of it. He looked into her eyes, the smile not leaving his lips.
“Uhtred,” she repeated and smiled her beautiful smile that usually had men crawling after her.
“We were going to the ale house after we speak with King Alfred,” Finan chimed in, the two not breaking eye contact.
“I might join you,” she told them and turned on her heels with an excited smile gracing her lips.
Once sun set, Magnhild went to the ale house—without telling her parents, of course. They would have her sent to the chapel with the priest to be cleansed, if they knew she was going to drink with unmarried men.
She walked into the ale house and looked around for the three men she had met only that day. As she stood at the bar, waiting for the woman to give her her drink, she felt an arm sling over her shoulder.
“Aye, Lady Magnhild, I thought you weren’t going to join us,” he spoke and laughed. Magnhild grabbed her drink and walked with Finan to Uhtred and Sihtric along with another man she sort of recognized.
“Ah, here she is,” Uhtred said as she sat next to Sihtric, “Alfred’s secret daughter, meet Alfred’s bastard son,” he introduced and Magnhild’s eyes widened, her head snapping to the boy.
“Magnhild, family disappointment,” she introduced herself and shook his hand with a smile.
“Osferth…family reject,” he greeted awkwardly.
“Well, I do not have much time until my sister realizes I’m gone and tells my father,” she told them and downed what was in her cup, “shall we, gentlemen?”
“We shall,” Finan held up his cup and the others hit their cups together before drinking down the ale.
After many, many pitchers of ale and laughs, the group resorted storytelling.
“You let him trap you for a year then with Mildreth?” Magnhild asked as she laughed along with the rest of the men besides Uhtred, “everyone knows of Mildreth’s debt.”
“Okay, time to go,” Uhtred interrupted and stood up to go pay for his ale.
“No, Uhtred,” Magnhild whined and poked her bottom lip out. He looked down to her and got the dirtiest of thoughts, but quickly pushed them away, “I’m sorry for laughing, please stay,” she begged and grabbed his hand to pull him back down to sit beside her. She poked her lip again and tilted her head down to look at him through her lashes. He pulled his lip between his teeth with his tongue, looking down to her poked out lip then back up to her eyes, and sat down.
“We have already spoken of my misfortunes, let’s speak of yours,” Uhtred prompted and looked to woman, “why does your father think you’re an amorous little girl?”
“He…,” she snickered, “caught the guard and I… in bed and my sister told him that of our various acts before that,” she answered, then laughed before her next statement, “he threatened to sell me to the whorehouse,” she laughed harder this time.
“You have not waited for your wedding day?” Osferth asked as the men only stared at her.
“Not all of us are strong in our faith, but I did pay for my sins once Alfred found out, he—,” she stopped when she saw royal guards sent by her father, “shit,” she hissed and turned her head away, “what do I do?” she asked the group, who quickly became serious, as they watched the guards walk around the ale house.
“Sit on my lap,” Uhtred told her.
“Is this the time?” she asked him and sent him a look of confusion.
“Pretend you’re a whore,” he told her with a smirk and pulled her into his lap, “don’t look at them, keep your face at my neck when they come over here,” he instructed and she nodded, “Finan, toast to something.”
“Uh…t-to Baby Monk,” he said quickly and everyone hit their cups before drinking.
“Gentlemen, have you see the Lady Magnhild?” a tall guard asked and Magnhild kept her face in Uhtred’s neck, pretending to kiss it. Uhtred’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer.
“Dark hair, blue eyes, and warts all over her face?” Finan asked the guard and he shook his head, “then I have no idea,” the men laughed as their drunken state returned.
“Who is Lady Magnhild?” Uhtred asked as he tilted his head to give the girl in his lap better access to his neck.
“King Alfred’s daughter,” he spoke and Uhtred furrowed his eyebrows.
“His daughter name is Lady Aethelflaed,” he corrected the guard.
“He has another daughter,” the guard responded.
“You lost the king’s daughter?” Finan asked and the guard looked away from Uhtred, “Should we help find her?”
“We cannot do everything for Wessex,” Sihtric shook his head and laughed.
“I am finding a room for the night,” Uhtred stood up abruptly and threw an arm over Magnhild, hiding her face in his side, “with this one,” he smirked and gestured to the girl, “sleep well, we leave midday.”
“I think we should be telling you to get some sleep, Lord,” Finan chimed in and they all laughed. Uhtred slapped Finan in the back of the head and walked out with Magnhild.
Once they were outside, he pulled her into a darker area, “Do you think they saw you?” he asked.
“Not at all,” she laughed, “oh, that was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done.”
“Your family knows you’re gone, we need to get you back,” he told her and looked around.
“They care not, they only do not want the ones who know of me to be confused when they do not mourn my sudden disappearance,” she told with a bright smile, “I want to do something else exciting.”
“It is late, you need to sleep,” he shook his head and tried to reason.
“No, Uhtred, they can wait a little bit longer before they know I am back,” she brushed it off and jumped eagerly, “let’s sneak into my bedchamber.”
“That is not a good idea,” he rejected the thought and shook his head.
“Why?” she asked and swayed a little bit due to the ale still in her system.
“For the same reason it is not a good idea for us to be alone right now,” he stressed and looked around again.
“Oh, that is—,” she was interrupted.
“Lord Uhtred!” a deep voice called from a close distance. Uhtred sighed and grabbed Magnhild, pushing her against the side of a close building and connected his lips to hers, “Lord Uhtred!” the voice called again, even closer.
Magnhild’s hands went to the side of his face and pulled him closer, completely forgetting why he even pushed her against the wall. She was pretty sure he forgot as well, because he reached for her hands and held them above her head.
“Lord Uhtred,” the voice called again, meekly this time, after clearing his throat. Uhtred pulled away but kept his face right in front of hers for a second before turning to the man.
“What?” Uhtred seethed and moved forward a little to make sure the man couldn’t see her face.
“King… King Alfred wants to see you,” the man said and gulped at the sight of Uhtred so mad.
“I will be there in a moment,” he told the man, causing him to leave quickly. Uhtred turned back to Magnhild, “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I did not want him to see you.”
“It is fine, Uhtred,” she told him and then gestured back to the town, “uhm, I should get back to my…,” she trailed off.
“Alfred will ask me to help find you,” he told her, “stay here and I will come back for you.” Magnhild nodded and Uhtred left her against the wall. She brought her fingers to her lips as she smiled.
What seemed like a long while after Uhtred left her, she heard loud stepping approaching her, so she pushed herself against the building.
“Lord Uhtred, we’ve already looked back here,” one man said as the light of a torch shone around the corner.
“We are looking everywhere more than once, this is the king’s daughter,” Uhtred responded.
“I didn’t even know the king had another daughter,” one man said and Magnhild threw her hands up in defeat. The men stepped around the corner, she jumped in fake surprise looked across the group.
“Lady…Madgefeld, we have been searching for you,” one of the guards spoke.
“It is Magnhild, you arse,” she corrected him and stood in front of them, “I know that you were looking for me, because none of you know silence nor surprise,” she insulted them, “take me to king, it is back to hell for me.”
The guards and Uhtred led her to the courtyard before Uhtred turned to the men and told them he could take her to her father.
“Did you hear that, Uhtred? They didn’t even know name,” she crossed her arms, “that man has been working for my father since I was born, and he did not even know my name.”
“You cannot worry yourself with that,” he told her and rested his left hand on the small of her back, “maybe it is better to not be known at all, than to be known by all.”
“I do not wish to hear your wise quotes,” she told him and laughed.
“I am not wrong, if you are to mess with something, you will not be held accountable by the kingdom of Wessex and possibly beyond. If…Aethelflaed is to do so, all of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria would know of the princess of Wessex’s mistake,” he reasoned with her. She stopped walking and turned to the man.
“Friends are not supposed to give solutions to problems they complain about,” she told him with a scowl.
“We are friends?” Uhtred questioned playfully and pulled a look of mock confusion.
“You have lied and covered for me more times since I met you earlier today than anyone I’ve ever known, I consider that to be a friend,” she said with a smile, “do you not agree?”
“ ‘Friends’ is so constrictive, it takes away the chance of being anything more,” he spoke confidently and tucked a strand of hair behind Magnhild’s ear, running his thumb down the shell of her ear before pulling away.
“Are you under the impression that there is a chance of anything more?” she asked in return with a teasing smile.
“Well, you seemed to enjoy what was happening earlier,” he shrugged and looked over her body shamelessly.
“You are not married?” she asked him and he cleared his throat.
“No,” Uhtred shook his head.
“I would have assumed women throw themselves at your feet,” she tilted her head to one side.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “They do, but I do not marry the first attractive lady I see,” he told her, “otherwise I would already have you in your house of God.”
“Was that attempt to flatter me?” she asked and leaned against the wall behind her.
“That depends… did it work?” he asked and looked up and down the hallway before placing his hand next to her head on the wall and leaning against it, “oh, come on, Magnhild, give me a chance.”
She let her head hang loosely before looking up to him, “Fine, this is your chance,” she shrugged, “woo me, Lord.”
“W-woo you?” he questioned and down the hallway again.
“Yes, do what you believe will win me over,” she told him and smiled.
She knew what she was getting into…or, at least, she thought she knew.
She felt as though she knew the Lord Uhtred and what his next play would be: to win her over with lame attempts to get her to swoon.
She definitely was not expecting him to lean in and bring her lips to his. Taken by surprise, she did not move at first, she only stood against the wall with Uhtred towering over her.
Right as he was about to pull away and apologize, thinking she was uncomfortable, Magnhild came to her senses pulled him closer to her. With one hand remaining against the wall, his other crept up the side of her body and to her neck.
She placed her hands on either side of his face as he held his body against hers. His tongue tasted of ale as it slipped into her mouth, a wave of pleasure washing over Magnhild.
Their moment was cut short when Uhtred quickly pulled away at the sound of a door closing.
They looked to see priests walking toward them, Magnhild grabbed Uhtred’s hand and ran toward her bedchamber quickly, escaping the view of the priests.
She pulled him into her room and held him against the door, reconnecting their lips and picking up exactly where they left off.
Magnhild hadn’t been with anyone since the guard that her father caught her with, so she wasn’t sure if it was the act or the person that had her wanting more than what was happening.
Uhtred seemed like a good person, but she only just met him that day. It felt wrong, but that feeling did not stop her from letting him pick her up and placing her on the bed.
Once she untucked his tunic, a knock came from the other side of the door.
“Magnhild,” a voice called, but the girl did not move from her spot nor stop her actions with Uhtred, “Magnhild, I know you are in there,” she recognized the voice as her mother’s.
“I need you to hide,” she told Uhtred and he groaned quietly before hiding behind the door. Magnhild opened it and looked to her mother, “hello, Mother.”
“Magnhild, why do you need to disobey your father and I over and over?” she asked as walked into the room. Magnhild gestured for Uhtred to sneak behind her mother and leave the room.
“I do not,” Uhtred heard her say before he walked quickly down the corridor and to the guards that remained in the courtyard.
He cleared his throat and rolled his shoulder before speaking to the men, “the princess has returned to the queen.”
“What took so long, Lord?” one of them asked and the rest laughed. Uhtred only walked past the group in silence.
“You ‘ought to be careful, we all know what happened to the last man that got caught in the princess’ bed,” another one spoke.
“Aye, poor Bjarte,” another commented, “and his wife.”
“What, uhm, what happened to Bjarte?” Uhtred asked before continuing his path to seek out Finan.
“Beheaded in front of all of Wessex, ‘t‘s a shame—he was the best of us,” the same man answered and hung his head.
The Dane-slayer looked over the men and back in the direction of Magnhild before finding a place to sleep for the night with the words of the royal guard on his mind.
The next day, Uhtred settled his affairs in Wessex, he saddled his horse and readied himself for his trip, as did Sihtric, Finan, and Osferth. He had no intent of speaking to, or even seeing, the princess which he shared an intimate moment with the previous night.
He had worked too hard for his land and the right to keep his life for a girl to mess that up. If Alfred had had his best warrior beheaded for being seen with her, he has no doubt in his mind Alfred would do the same to him.
Uhtred rode to the gate of Wessex, before hearing someone yelling after him. Of course he turned to see what the commotion was. He saw Magnhild quickly making her way toward the group.
“Wait!” she called as she ran toward their leaving horses, “take me with you.”
“I will not,” Uhtred shook his head, hoping Alfred did not see what was happening.
“My father is putting me in nunnery, because he said I am not Christian enough. Please, Uhtred, I cannot bear the life of a nun,” she begged and grabbed his leg.
“You cannot leave Wessex, you are a princess,” he reasoned and glanced to Finan for him to help. Finan only shrugged at his lord before Uhtred looked back down to Magnhild.
“They do not care for me here, most of the people of Wessex do not even know of my existence,” she told him with pleading eyes, “please, Uhtred.”
“You cannot pretend that you do not have a life here,” he told her and got off his horse to guide her back toward her father. He put his hand on her shoulder and started to walk her back.
Magnhild pushed his hand away from her and stood tall in front of him, “Uhtred, I’d rather pretend that I’m something better than these broken parts, pretend I’m something other than this mess I am, and I want get away more than pretend that I am loved and happy here,” she told him and he sighed, looking back to see no one is even watching the princess beg to leave her home.
“I know that you wish for my help with this,” he let out a long breath, “but bringing you with us is too much of a risk for yourself and for me.”
Magnhild let her jaw hang loosely, “where is the Uhtred that I was with last night?” she asked and crossed her arms.
“We were drunk,” he excused and put his hands on his hips.
She scoffed and slapped his arm, “you were as sober as you are now,” she told him.
Uhtred sighed and said, almost painfully, “We must remember it differently.”
“Well, then,” she scoffed and took a step away from him, “this is good bye, I wish you unsafe travels, I must be off to my long robe and headdress.”
“Magnhild—,” he began.
“If I were Aethelflaed, would your answer be different?” she cut him off, yet he stayed silent, “of course,” she threw her hands up before walking swiftly away from the man.
Many, many morning later, Magnhild sat with Abbess Hild on a pew before a cross.
“If God loved me, why would he give me a family who does not love, nor like, me?” Magnhild asked with anger, they had been on the topic of conversation for a bit of time now.
“He loves you, God does not give His people anything He knows they cannot handle,” Hild responded and held the princess’ hand in hers.
Magnhild wiped her eyes, “does He punish me, because He knew I was going to have sinful relations with Bjarte last winter? Did He know before I was going to lay with him, so he cursed me with an unloving family?”
“I assure you, He did not.”
“It is all so confusing—the sinful relations. I know he had a wife, and I know we were not married when I invited him into my room, however, why does it matter so much? It is only pleasure, is it not?” Magnhild spoke quickly, “I just do not understand.”
“The act is saved for man and woman after they’re wed,” Hild explained vaguely.
“But, why?” she asked, “for example, if man and woman are already said to marry, why do they have to wait until after they are married before a priest?”
“Man and woman are supposed to be united before God, then they can go to their next step—having children. One leads to the other, if you perform the act with other man besides your husband, you will have bastard children running all over Wessex,” Hild told her, then muttered, “which is a Dane’s way.”
“Abbess, is it wrong to marry a Dane?” she asked next, with the same look of begging for guidance.
“I do not see why it would be, as long as you raise your children to be Christians as well,” Hild shrugged, “but surely your father will not marry you off to the Danes.”
“And if I want to marry a Dane without my father’s knowledge?” Magnhild questioned and looked to her feet to avoid eye contact.
Hild furrowed her eyebrows, “Lady, Danes are cruel, and unforgiving, and merciless, and will mock our God,” she told her.
“But this Dane is not cruel, he does not hate Christians,” Magnhild defended and looked back up to Hild.
“I have only ever met—,” a look of realization overtook her face, “oh, Magnhild, you don’t mean U—.”
“May I interrupt?” a deep voice with a hint of a smile in the tone called from the doorway. The women turned quickly to the voice to see the man in question standing there, staring back at them.
“Uhtred,” Hild greeted and welcomed him with a hug as Magnhild stood far back behind Hild, “why are you here?”
“I have come to visit someone,” he told her.
Hild pulled a look of confusion, “you visit a nun?” she questioned, “a woman of God?”
“Eh, if that is what she is telling herself now,” Uhtred chuckled to himself briefly, “do you know where Lady Magnhild could be found?”
“Uhtred, if you have come to pull one of these women into sin while she is in a volatile state, then I beg you to leave,” Hild spoke sternly, yet Uhtred still watched her with a crooked smile—the one that Magnhild saw every night she fell asleep. Well, the crooked smile and the look on his face when he left her to her version of torture.
“I would never do such thing,” he said and laughed.
Hild sent Uhtred a look that the princess could not see, “Magnhild, please join us.”
Magnhild drug her feet as she walked over to the pair, “Yes?”
“Lord Uhtred would like to speak with you,” she spoke and took a step to leave, then looked back to Magnhild, “I will excuse myself, but remember what I told you,” Hild nodded to her before leaving the two.
“Lord Uhtred,” Magnhild greeted.
“ ‘Care to take a walk with me?” Uhtred nodded his head to the door.
Magnhild stared at him for a moment before agreeing, “Only because I want to speak of something other than my un-Christian acts,” he laughed before following her outside.
“Do you have a normal dress?” Uhtred asked and looked around suspiciously.
Magnhild gave him an odd look, “I have the dress I wore before I was sent here, why do you ask?”
“We are taking you with us,” he shrugged and put his hand on the small of her back, looking back one more time before leading her behind a building to find his three loyal men.
“Excuse me?” she looked over the group then sent a glare to Uhtred, “Why are you doing this? Is this a test to see if I have changed into a better Christian?”
“What? No,” Uhtred shook his head, “Is this not what you want? To leave?”
“You are joking,” she stated, “I cannot just leave.”
“Why not?” Sihtric asked.
“Because… well, because… what happened to your safety and mine?” she changed the subject.
“Your father will not kill me, I know of this now,” he told her and grabbed her hand, “we came back for you, you can stay here if you wish—but if you are to go with us, we must leave before Hild returns.”
Magnhild sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. She could go with this group of men that she barely knew, or she could stay in torment.
She knew what she wanted to do, but was that the right choice? She only wanted someone to love her, care for her, not ignore her or her feelings—Uhtred came back for her, that had to count for something, right?
“Ugh, give me a moment,” she looked around the corner and left the group.
“That went well,” Sihtric muttered and looked to Finan.
“Why are we doing this again, Lord? Will this not result in treason?” Osferth spoke up.
Uhtred refused to face his men, “We will be fine.”
“Forgive me, Lord, but why this girl? You have done nothing other than speak and think of this one since we left Wessex,” Finan asked with a voice of concern.
“I do not know yet,” he admitted and looked around the corner, “she is—.”
“If you say she is different because she is not loved by her father, I’m going to leave,” Finan spoke jokingly and ran his hand over his face.
“I was not going to say that,” he sent the Irishman a glare, “she is…an amorous little girl that interests me.”
“Okay, we must go quickly,” Magnhild appeared before the men with a bright smile on her lips.
She was finally getting away, she was finally free, and no one would care about her absence.
“You ride with Finan and you keep your head down until we are out of sight,” Uhtred directed and helped her onto Finan’s horse, “I am going to speak with Hild, you all to the woods until I join you.”
They did as Uhtred said. Hild knew as soon as Uhtred began to answer cryptically that he had Magnhild with him. She knew what they were doing, yet even after he left with Magnhild, she did not speak of it to anyone, not even the king—but then again it wasn’t as if the king came to check on his daughter.
Hild knew the princess would be happy with Uhtred and his men.
And that she was, Magnhild used the skills her mother drilled into her brain, so she couldn’t be the best wife. She cooked for the men, she helped with cleaning, and she helped Uhtred with his needs…all his needs.
The two had had the talks, and Magnhild made it very clear that she did not want to get married yet, however she would not reject being a significant other to Uhtred. After a brief temper tantrum from the man, he agreed.
Magnhild lived with Uhtred in peace and happiness…until Alfred called for Uhtred once again.
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solinarimoon · 3 years
A/N: This is my second piece for @emilyhufflepufftlk 100 follower challenge. This piece ended up being very bleak and dark. Please don’t disown me. My prompt was lyrics from Newsies (an absolutely wonderful movie/play) and they will be in bold. My OC’s name, Fiadh (pronounced fee-a) is an old Irish word meaning “wild” and comes from the word for wildlife, fiadhurla.
Warnings: Major character death, violence, threats of sexual violence, crude langauge/swear words, some heavy heavy angst. You have been warned.
Word Count:2492
My Masterlist
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Far Away
The branches and bushes snag on Fiadh’s cloak as she plunges through the underbrush. Tears stream down her ashen face and dampen the golden hairs that have fallen out of her braid, plastering them along her cheeks. The trails they leave are cold against the heat rising from her body. Her breath comes in ragged gasps and she can feel a pain grasp at her side but still she runs.
She is running to escape the collapse of her world.
When they had placed Finan’s sword on the table in front of her, Fiadh’s mind had gone blank. The focus of her attention snapping to the blade. Coated in brown, congealed blood and gore. The woman had tried to slide back in her seat, move away from the offending blade, but firm hands had held her shoulders, keeping Fiadh in place and confronting the awful truth.
“Your man’s not coming to save you, girlie. Irish bastard tried fighting his way past our guards. Took one too many arrows in the process.” The sneer on the Dane, Olav’s face was cruel. Twisted. A ragged scar ran along the man’s temple and forehead where he had taken a blow from an enemy spear. Finan’s spear.
The spear that moments before had been thrust through the leather and mail worn by Olav’s brother.
Years before all this, when Fiadh’s love with Finan was still fresh and exciting, that battle and the chaos that followed had led to the feud that continued to rage between the men of Coccham and Olav’s marauding band of Dane’s.
Looking up from the blade, Fiadh struggled to find any words as the lump in her throat lodged firmly in place. Dropping her head once more, she desperately tried to wipe the tears cascading down your face, but with hands tied behind her back she had instead furiously brushed her cheek against her shoulder.
“Uhtred has lost his right hand man and you are now free to wed another, Fiadh.” Choking back a sob, Fiadh began to shake her head, wishing to drown out the offending words. “ Aw, my dear. Do not shed tears over him,” Olav continued to torment her while leaning on his fists, towering over the woman. His words were condescending. Cruel. “I will have no trouble finding you another cock to fuck the irishman from your mind.”
Fiadh felt her despair overcome by a seething rage at his words.
Clenching her jaw, and lifting her head, Fiadh met Olav’s face. Her eyes, still brimming with tears, contained a rage that could burn the entirety of Alfred’s England.
The glob of saliva that smacked into Olav’s face came as a surprise to him.
The Dane had not expected the woman to continue to have such a fighter’s spirit after hearing the news.
Slowly, Olav smeared the offending mucus off onto his tunic, his face betraying no emotion.
A few steps brought him around the small table to peer down at Fiadh. Her face screwed up in anger and anguish.
Olan’s next words are quiet, low. A promise.
“I will break that spirit of yours, Fiadh. And my only regret will be that I was unable to do so before he died. Because showing him a broken shell of his woman would have been the sweetest revenge. I will have to settle for this now.” His fingers reached out to trail up her arm, grazing across the pulse of her throat to firmly grasp her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. Drawing his hand back, he struck her across the cheek. The blow brought stars to her eyes and she should have fallen to the ground, such was the force behind his hand. Before she could slide off the chair, he grasped at her shoulders dragging her up to stand before him, shaking her firmly.
“You will yield to me, girl. And you will beg for my mercy,” he continued to the guard standing behind her, “now return her to her tent. See that she is guarded at all times.”
Olav released her roughly into the hands of the other man who callously dragged the woman out of the tent and along the path towards her own tent.
The night was thick with the sounds of the men in Olav’s camp. Fires burned bright, sending shadows flickering along the path and tents. Fiadh had never known Olav to have such a large sum of men under his command. That Finan would have thought to try and breach the border set around the camp must have been madness. The fear for her safety was the only thing that could drive him to do such a desperate act. And that guilt of that thought gnawed at Fiadh. Her stomach roiled like a snake.
Fiadh allowed herself to be dragged along. Defeated. Waiting to be alone inside her tent where she could allow her misery to consume her.
Lost in her own anguish, Fiadh almost missed the slight movement on the side of the path.
It was only a moment and then the shadow was gone. But Fiadh’s instincts began working.
Her eyes scanned the path ahead, searching for anything out of place.
Slightly, Fiadh slowed her feet to more shuffling and resisted the pull from the guard at her arm.
“Come on now, bitch. Stop that. Get a move on!” Pulling harder, the guard stumbled as Fiadh rushed forward and he lost his grip on her arm.
He straightened up only to find a knife at his throat and Faidh staring at him several paces away.
“That’s no way to speak to a woman,” Sihtric declared before dragging the blade firmly across the man’s throat. The crimson life force pulsed down his body as he jerked.
After he laid the man down, Sihtric stode the few paces to grasp Fiadh’s shoulder.
“Run, Fiadh. Osferth is in the woods with horses. That way,” he gestured past the few tents neighboring the trees, “go now! Uhtred is in the camp and we mean to end this tonight.”
“I will stay and fight, Sihtric.” Fiadh’s words, despite her conviction, come out rasping and choked. “I will avenge what they have taken from me.” Her tears slip past her lashes once more as Sihtric grasps the back of her neck and drops his forehead to rest on hers.
Fiadh can feel the Dane’s body shudder, trying to hold in his own sobs.
“No, Fiadh,” he whispered. His words were broken. “You are needed by his side now. He needs you.”
Fiadh pulled her head back, her eyes questioning, desperate.
“He…” She couldn’t bring herself to say the words.
“For now, he lives. But, Fiadh,” Sihtric watched her while he spoke the next words, “he will not survive long. His wounds are deep and there are many. He needs you. He needs his wife.”
Fiadh staggered back a pace, searching Sihtric’s face. The anguish there mirrored her own and she felt her heart sinking into her stomach.
“Go now, Fiadh. Find Osferth. We will return when Olav is dead.”
Sihtric’s next words were a promise. “He will die this night.”
Fiadh grasped onto Sihtric’s arm, still grasping her neck, and bowed her head a moment gathering her strength.
Then she turned and ran into the night.
When she found Osferth, it was clear that the man had been crying. Eyes red rimmed and wet met hers and no words were spoken. Just arms reaching to pull her in for a tight embrace before moving towards the horses.
He had his own and another horse saddled and ready to ride. Osferth helped Fiadh into her saddle.
They rode hard and fast to reach Coccham.
When Fiadh enters the room she pauses, letting her eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
Low candlelight flickers against the walls and dances across the bed where he was laid.
Finan’s eyes are closed and she can see the labored breathing in the rise and fall of his chest. His skin is dull and pale. Not full of the vigor she usually loved in her husband.
Fiadh can feel herself beginning to break. Furiously, she blinks back the tears blurring her vision as she takes the few steps to close the distance between them.
Dropping to her knees beside the bed, she reaches out and takes his hand.
As soon as he feels her touch, Finan’s eyes open and he turns his head towards his wife.
A gentle smile slides across his lips and Fiadh feels his fingers tightening against her own.
For long moments, neither of them can bring themselves to speak.
Tears flow freely from the corners of Finan’s eyes as he gazes at his wife.
“Are you my angel come to bring me aloft?” The Irishman’s voice is barely a whisper.
Fiadh shakes her head and let’s a small laugh escape her lips.
“No, my husband.”
“Sihtric and Uhtred…”
“Sihtric found me. Sent me to your side. I don’t know their plan. Osferth hasn’t told me. No one has told me anything.” Fiadh can feel herself slipping. Loosing control and breaking into hysterics.
Finan pulls his wife into him, despite his wounds, to rest her head on his chest as he slides his hand along her hair in gentle slow sweeps.
“Shhhh, girl,” he soothes. “Mo ghra. It is ok. You will be ok.”
“But you’re,” her voice squeaks out through her choked tears.
“I know, my love.” Finan’s voice interrupts her pain. “We do not have much time. But I will leave this world knowing you are safe.”
Fiadh pulls back to stare into the eyes of this man who lights up her world, seeing him smiling at her before he continues, “and that is enough, mo ghra. It is enough.”
There is no holding back her sobs any longer as Fiadh drops her face once more into Finan’s once strong but broken body. She grasps desperately at him and feels his arms wrap her tight. And feels the shudder in his breath as the pain of his movements takes hold.
But neither care, because the pain of the flesh is temporary. But the pain of their hearts needs to be held close. That pain needed to be shared and cradled between them. It was the last gift Finan could lay before his wife.
Slow minutes pass while Finan holds her, allowing their tears to flow and their hearts to break with one another.
Because there was no way to stop the breaking. From the moment they first kissed, they had shared their entire lives together. The loss of friends and battles. The joys of triumphs and long nights in one another’s arms. Sharing this pain together would be no different. Not as long as Finan’s body held life.
“Have I ever told you, mo ghra,” Finan’s words are slow, weak. His lips moving only slightly to form the words, “that in loving you, my world was finally at peace?”
The flames from the candles continued to send waves of light dancing around the room. Fiadh brought their interlaced fingers up to place her lips against Finan’s hand and to choke back the sobs threatening to break free.
“Do not speak this way, Finan.”
“No, Fiadh, I must,” he whispered as he shifted his hand out of her own to caress her tear stained cheek. “You have brought me peace. And you will find another peace after I am gone.”
Fresh sobs wracked Fiadh’s body at his words.
And he held her as she fell apart. Until his limbs could hold her no more.
When she left the room and walked out into the early grey light of dawn, Fiadh’s steps led her without any conscious thought.
But soon Osferth’s steps fell in with hers.
When their path led her back to the horses grazing in the pasture, she stopped. Her eyes staring across the field at the distant hills and towards Olav’s camp. Waiting. Searching.
Osferth broke the silence.
“Do you think they will succeed?”
Osferth’s voice was quiet. Strained. It was the question both had been wondering. Would there be even more devastating loss for them in the coming light?
Fiadh shook her head, acknowledging she did not know how to think.
The young man continued, “what if they do not? What then?”
The thought lingered in the air for some time.
“Then I ask something of you, Osferth.” Fiadh’s own voice was quiet. Exhausted and hoarse.
Osferth shifted his face to glance at the woman in reply.
“I ask that you, all of you, let me go, far away, somewhere they won’t ever find me. And tomorrow won’t remind me of today.”
Osferth closed his eyes and bowed his head.
Fiadh continued to scan the grounds in the distance.
After some time, two riders could be seen approaching from the horizon.
Uhtred and Sihtric arrived in the pasture. No words were said. No embrace. The silence spoke for them all.
Sihtric stayed by his horse, stroking the beast's muzzle and whispering in his mother tongue.
Uhtred crouched to his knees, hands clasped in front of his face, head held low.
Gathering her courage, Fiadh breathed deep. “Is it done?”
Her eyes still stared off into the distance, not daring to meet her Lord’s face. She knew no matter what she saw there it would only continue to tear her world apart.
“It is done.”
When Uhtred did not - could not reply, Sihtric answered her plea.
“Throat slit. In his tent. He and the men who would have led in his absence. The rest will leave to find other places now. He did not have his sword.”
Fiadh dared to glance at Sihtric. The man’s face was a mask, but she could see streaks where tears had fallen.
The silence began again. And it stretched on until Fiadh felt as if her legs would collapse from exhaustion. Slowly, she turned to stride away but was stopped by a soft hand on her arm.
Osferth turned to her, “It is done.”
Fiadh nodded her head once, not meeting his eyes.
“So now, will you stay?”
The question brought her face up to stare at the man, her eyes filling with tears she thought had run dry.
No answer to his question felt right. Fiadh did not know what to think or what to feel.
She left the question unanswered. And walked back towards the town.
Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list.
Tagging: @maggiescarborough @pokeasleepingsmaug @nxrdist @mystic-shadows42 @emilyhufflepufftlk @magravenwrites @lauwrite1225 @morosemagick @thebohemianpenguin @mrsalwayswrite @notyourwildestdream @obipoelover @ecarroll1978 @93xdiagonxalley @nobodys-business-world @evelynshelby @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @trenko-heart
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 3 years
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Em’s 100 challenge masterlist:
Thank you everyone for participating! I have loved all your lovely creations so much 💜
My Dearest Eliza (Anthony Bridgerton x OFC) by @quantumlocked310
Moonlight (Uhtred x Gisela) by @solinarimoon
Past, Present and Future (Jesper x reader) by @for-bebbanburg
Amorous Little Girl (Uhtred x OFC) by @fandomhopped
Far Away (Finan x OC) by @solinarimoon
Sinners and Saints (Sihtric x reader) by @mrsalwayswrite
Gisela moodboard by @flowers-in-your-hayr
Till our last breath, I am yours (Finan x OC) by @morosemagick
An Awakening of Colour (Sihtric x reader) by @morosemagick
Intertwine (Finan x reader) by @geekandbooknerd
Jesper x reader by @sophies-crow-club
Kaz x reader by @sophies-crow-club
A Good Place To Start (Finan x OC) by @magravenwrites
I Would Ruin You (Uhtred x reader) by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Although the deadline has past, if you picked prompts and haven’t had a chance to finish them, please take your time. Post them whenever you finish them and I’ll add them to this list 💕
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quantumlocked310 · 3 years
My Dearest Eliza,
Congratulations on 100 followers @emilyhufflepufftlk​ !!! I love the musical prompts, and came up with this little moodboard for ya. There may even be a second also based on Hadestown coming up because of this one.
I chose Anthony Bridgerton x OFC and the quote I picked is: “All of his sorrow won’t fit in his chest, it just burns like a fire in the pit of his chest” – AnaïsMitchell, Hadestown 
Of course because it’s Hadestown my main inspiration was 1920s Jazz Era New Orleans. 
I wrote a little “love” letter from Anthony based on my concept for this board. Which was basically “What if Anthony took a trip to New Orleans and fell in love with a beautiful Jazz Musician, but has to leave and go back home (hence the sorrow)?” I also decided his dad being sick is why he has to leave so urgently (it’s not canon from the books but that’s what i’ve decided for this.)
Don’t forget to click to see the moodboard in its highest quality!
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My Dearest Eliza,
I regret my every  It is with my deepest apolo  Our time together meant everything to me. I cannot counterfeit any longer that I did not develop deep feelings for you. Your beautiful music swept me into your embrace and I can no longer deny myself  pretend that what we did meant nothing. This confession, however; changes nothing. I cannot allow my feelings for you to jeopardize my family’s future, and for that you have my deepest apologies. My father’s car picked me up this morning and he has instructed that I be on my way back to England immediately. His letter was unusual and I fear he  I will regret forever that I could not taste your lips  see you one last  deliver this message in person. It is with my deepest sorrow that I inform you I will likely never not return to America any time soon. Please don’t forget  It is best if you forget about me. I will never  As I will endeavor to move on without you  forget you.
I love you,   Forever yours,   
If you’d like to read more of my work, here’s my masterlist.
Everything Taglist: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​ @punkrocknpearls​ @solinarimoon​
Photos are not mine I found them on Pinterest.​
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ราคาพิเศษ 2790 บาท เท่านั้น จากราคาปกติ 4,800 รองเท้า SUPERSTAR adidas Originals ร่วมเฉลิมฉลองปีกุนด้วยรองเท้า adidas Superstar รุ่นลิมิเต็ดเอดิชันคู่นี้ สีสันและดีเทลบนรองเท้าคู่นี้ได้แรงบันดาลใจจากการเชิดสิงโตในเทศกาลตรุษจีน อัปเปอร์ตัดเย็บจากหนังสัมผัสนุ่ม แต่งดีเทลด้วยผ้าตาข่ายและผ้าซาตินเพื่อเพิ่มผิวสัมผัส แผ่นหุ้มส้นรองเท้าและแผ่นรองพื้นรองเท้าอวดให้เห็นกราฟิกรูปสิงโตของชาวจีน มีไซส์ Us 4 eur 36 22 cm.หมด Us 4.5 eur 36.5 22.5 cm.หมด Us 5 eur 37.5 23 cm.ห���ด Us 7.5 eur 40.5 25.5 cm.หมด Us 10.5 eur 44.5 28.5 cm.หมด Us 12.5 eur 47.5 30.5 cm. ไซส์ผู้ชายค่ะ ถ้าผญ.ใส่ดูหน่วยซม. ควรลดไซส์ ของใหม่ของแท้พร้อมกล่องลิมิเต็ดสีแดงพร้อมถุงผ้าใส่รองเท้า Ems100 บาทพร้อมส่ง ขอคนพร้อมโอนค่ะ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5QgMeopsVp/?igshid=18xennnie4n45
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thedenimbar · 5 years
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[ Yeezy ] 9US citrin new in box 10,000 ems100 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qNS_dlucX/?igshid=1lhlt5jhx8dqd
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themattminor-blog · 6 years
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Air max1 size46 12us 30cm ลทบ 70 ems100 Line id pharanda.mc 890THB https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjF4kej6P1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rv0c3ai1youp
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solinarimoon · 3 years
This is my first entry for @emilyhufflepufftlk​ 100 follower challenge.  Congratulations Em!  You’re writing is simply wonderful and you deserve all the praise!  My prompt will be in bold below.   This was a different character for me so please let me know what you think!
A/N: Valhalla was not the only place that Danes and Vikings could be brought to in glorious death. Odin chose warriors but Freya did as well. Her chosen men/women can with her to another hall. I took a bit of liberty with the idea but google some more info about it if you are interested.
Warnings: canon character death.
Word Count: 752
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The fire from the pyre was still alight casting flickering shadows over Uhtred’s face as he sat.  His eyes staring but unseeing. 
Tear tracks still sullied his anguished face.
Finan’s eyes had finally closed in slumber some time before, his back resting against a tree, head lolled to one side.  
Hild had said her goodbyes, knowing Uhtred would need time alone. Time to grieve.
The smoke from the smoldering fire rose and drifted on the wind.  It carried with it all of the anguish of a broken heart.
Uhtred dropped his head, rubbing the heels of his hands against his eyes and taking a ragged breath.  He could feel fresh sobs breaking their way through his body.
Suddenly, a noise of snapping twigs and rustling leaves seized his attention.
Rising to his feet, Uhtred drew Wasp’s Sting from her scabbard, eyes searching and scanning the surrounding forest. 
Something stirred, moved away into the darkness through the trees to Uhtred’s left.
Slowly, taking careful footsteps, Uhtred followed the shadow as it moved along the moss carpeted floor of the wood.
After some minutes, his path brought him to the edge of a small glade.
The moon shone softly onto the night.
Just as softly, like mist floating through the branches, a figure emerged across the clearing.
Draped in a billowing cloak, as blue as the pale light of the moon, she walked.  Her bare feet made no sound as they moved forward on the soft forest ground.  
The figure crossed the clearing to stand before her husband, her pale hand rising to caress the line of his jaw.
Uhtred’s eyes filled with tears at the feel of her hand upon his cheek. He stood frozen for a moment, a man bereft and broken.
And then Gisela smiled.
Silently weeping, Uhtred crashed against her, his tears dampening her hair as he buried his face against her neck and wrapped his arms around her.
Gisela rocked him and sheltered him in his sorrow.
“I cannot be without you, wife.  The moon has set on my life and the dark is a suffocating weight.”
Uhtred’s words came out ragged and broken.  
“Your destiny is not complete yet, my love.”
Gisela pulled herself back to look at her husband's face.
She took his face in her hands as he brought his forehead to meet hers.
“You have more to your story.  And your men need you.  Our children need you. The world is still in need of Uhtred of Bebbanburg.”
Uhtred pulled back to meet his wife’s eyes and memorize the lines and curves of her face.
“When you leave here, where will you be?  Where must I go to be with you?”
Gisela brought her hand to gently ease the creases in her love’s forehead as she spoke.
“The Valkyries have brought me to Freya.  She has taken me to Folkvangr to dwell in Sessrumnir.  You are destined for Valhalla, my love.  And when you meet Odin in his hall, we will meet eternally on the fields between.  There will be feasting, fighting, love-making, and laughter.  And we will be together, my love.”
“But I do not wish to stay in this life without you at my side.”
“I know, Uhtred.  But my love, take your time.  I’ll see you on the other side.  When your time is right, when it comes to you I will be there waiting.”
Uhtred caressed the face of his wife, running his hands down to grip her shoulders then wrap her in his embrace.  He held so tight to her, knowing what was to come next.
“I love you, Gisela.” Simple and honest.
“And I you, Uhtred. Even in death, I love you.”
Gisela kissed his forehead and slowly removed herself from his arms.  Turning, she walked away towards the far side of the clearing.  But before she disappeared, back into the shadows and mist, her face peered over her shoulder, back towards the moon of her life.
“Take your time, Uhtred.  I will see you on the other side.”
And then she was gone. Fog rising on the wind.  Moon light caressing the night in her slumber.
In the morning, Uhtred woke, slumped against the tree with Finan.  He raised his eyes to the sky, peering at the light of day.  A sliver of moon was still visible in the early hour.  It was his Gisela.  The moon of his life, reminding him that he was not alone.  And that she was waiting.  He would take his time.
If you would like to read more of my works my master list is here.
Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list.
Tags: @maggiescarborough @pokeasleepingsmaug @nxrdist @mystic-shadows42 @magravenwrites @emilyhufflepufftlk @lauwrite1225 @morosemagick @thebohemianpenguin @mrsalwayswrite @notyourwildestdream @obipoelover @ecarroll1978 @93xdiagonxalley @evelynshelby @nobodys-business-world
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เหรียญมังกรโคตรเศรษฐี เนื้อทองเหลือง พระอาจารย์อุ่นใจ วัดถนนโค้ง อ.ปากช่อง จ.นครราชสีมา เปิดองค์ล่ะ 500 บาท บวกems100 บาท
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 3 years
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Em’s 100 Followers Challenge:
Seeing as I love taking part in other people's challenges, I thought I would make one of my own!
Challenges are a great way to have a go at writing and interacting with other people from the fandom, so I would like to encourage anyone to participate regardless of experience. Also if you don't write but would still like to be involved, moodboards and edits are very welcome too!
A few rules:
Send me an ask with the prompt(s) you wish to use from the list below to inspire your fic/moodboard. You can have as many as you like but once two people have picked a prompt I will cross it off.
Although I only write for TLK, I'd like to open this up to some other fandoms I know you guys write for. You are welcome to pick any of the following characters and fandoms: The Last Kingdom - ANY character; Peaky Blinders - Tommy, Arthur, John, Michael, Finn, Isaiah; Shadow and Bone - Kaz, Jesper; Bidgerton - Anthony, Benedict, Colin.
Please tag me in your wonderful creations and use the tag #ems100
You can write absolutely anything you want! It can be x reader, OC or a canon character. Seriously anything - just please list any warnings and use read more if it's long.
the deadline will be the 31st July.
“I’m just saying if you really loved me you would share him!” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton
“Love doesn’t discriminate, between the sinners and the saints” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton @sophies-crow-club @mrsalwayswrite
“Best of wives and best of women” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton @morosemagick
“My love, take your time. I’ll see you on the other side” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton @solinarimoon @flowers-in-your-hayr
“History obliterates, and in every picture it paints, it paints me and all my mistakes” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton
“He may have been the first one to die, but I’m the one who paid for it. I survived but I paid for it” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton @wtfrae
“All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own, but now I want to hold you too” – Anaïs Mitchell, Hadestown @lazypeachsoul @wtfrae
“The meanest dog you ever meet, it ain’t the hound dog in the street… the real dog you really got to dread, is the one that howls inside your head” – Anaïs Mitchell, Hadestown
“All of his sorrow won’t fit in his chest, it just burns like a fire in the pit of his chest” – AnaïsMitchell, Hadestown @quantumlocked310
“It takes a little patience, takes a little time. A little perseverance and a little uphill climb” – Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, Dear Evan Hansen
“I’d rather pretend that I’m something better than these broken parts, pretend I’m something other than this mess that I am” – Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, Dear Evan Hansen @sophies-crow-club @fandomhopped
“If I could tell her how she’s everything to me, but we’re a million worlds apart and I don’t know how I would even start” – Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, Dear Evan Hansen @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @magravenwrites
“You’re still our brothers and we will fight for you” – Jack Feldman, Newsies
“Let me go, far away, somewhere they won’t ever find me, and tomorrow won’t remind me of today” – Jack Feldman, Newsies @solinarimoon
“Cause I’m dead if I can’t count on you today” – Jack Feldman, Newsies @wtfrae
“And if you are gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. I have something to believe in, now that I know you believed in me” – Jack Feldman, Newsies
“I want to know your story, I want to know your past, I want to know your future too. Fill my days and nights with the tale of you” – Kaley McMahon, Twisted (Starkid) @for-bebbanburg
“I never cared for stories, until you entered mine. Now my only wish is that our plots may intertwine.” – Kaley McMahon, Twisted (Starkid) @morosemagick @geekandbooknerd
“Heal my heart and mend what’s broken, to feel you once more” – Jeff Blim, Black Friday (Starkid)
“and nothing’s ever gonna take us down, because nothing can keep me from loving you” – Darren Criss, A Very Potter Musical (Starkid)
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Tagging some mutuals who might be interested but no pressure 💕 @morosemagick @solinarimoon @lauwrite1225 @magravenwrites @maggiescarborough @promenadewithme @lazypeachsoul @mrsalwayswrite @for-bebbanburg @flowers-in-your-hayr @geekandbooknerd
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toonl1f3 · 7 years
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Coarse Omen Jeep & Beep Limited 400Pair Collection : Valentine's Day Brand: Coarse Artist: Mark Landwehr & Sven Waschk Height: 3.5 inches Material: Vinyl 1800฿ + EMS100฿ Free Postcard 4 pcs.
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funkokingthailand · 5 years
ขาย Cosbaby มือ 1 ทั้งหมด
ขาย Cosbaby มือ 1 ทั้งหมด
Cosbaby Avengers Infinity war /Cosbaby Avengers End game/ Cosbaby Captain Marvel / Cosbaby Spider man / Cosbaby Deadpool /Cosbaby Toystory / Cosbaby Winnie the pooh / Cosbaby Incredibles2💙💚💛🧡❤️ #สินค้าทุกรายการเป็นมือ1 #สินค้าส่วนใหญ่มีมากกว่���1ชิ้น
📦ส่ง ems 70/80 กล่องต่อไป+10 กล่องใหญ่ ems100 กล่องต่อไป+10
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