koolkat9 · 2 years
Because there is no content for them and they will not get out of my head I had to make some headcanons (i’d make a fic but I have so many projects already so I’m waiting to clear my plate before going onto another idea). 
Getting Together
It starts out with GerFra and PortEng getting together
PortEng has been together for awhile, like centuries (though there has been some breaks during that period)
GerFra is newer, having only gotten together in like the 80s or 90s
It’s obvious though to Ludwig that Francis isn’t over his crush on Arthur and if Ludwig is honest, he got his own little crush on Arthur after all. Then of course, Francis can’t deny Afonso is attractive despite having a bit of a rival type relationship with him and Ludwig just has a thing for guys with long hair so he also finds Afonso hot. Basically both are down bad for PortEng
But they are open and honest with each other and are able to vent their frustrations to each other. Like they’re over at one their houses after a meeting and Francis is moaning about how Arthur and Afonso are both hot and how he just wants to be sandwiched between them (with Ludwig being there somewhere of course). Ludwig doesn’t really complain until you get some drinks in him and then he’s gone, being almost as dramatic as Francis about it. 
On PortEng’s side, Afonso has always known Arthur’s first love was Francis and that Francis was Arthur’s first kiss. He also knows Arthur is still down bad for Francis even though Arthur tries to deny it. Again, though he sees Francis as somewhat of a rival, he can’t deny he’s never thought about how kissable Francis’s lips are. 
Then there is Ludwig. Both Arthur and Afonso agree that basically anyone attracted to men has to admit Ludwig is attractive. Arthur got to know him quite well in the 70s and 80s and finds him to be a good drinking buddy. But he admits that sometimes he wishes that he would have tried to be more back then (him and Afonso were on a break during that period). 
Afonso is the first one to come up with the idea that maybe the four of them could try dating
Francis proposes they try flirting with Afonso and Arthur and basically drop subtle hints they’re interested in them
Ludwig decides to attempt to flirt with Arthur since he has a more personal connection with him compared to Afonso and they’re both kind of awkward so Ludwig feels more comfortable approaching him. Unfortunately, Ludwig isn’t the most experience with flirting in general and certainly not “subtle” flirting, so he ends up being a bit to forward and Arthur immediately catches on to what he’s trying to do
Francis sets his sights on Afonso. Of course Afonso being a romance nation picks up on it and begins flirting back and they make a slight competition out of it and in the end they end up furiously making out just as Ludwig and Arthur walk over to them.
Ludwig is flustered by the display and Arthur gives an approving whistle. While they wait for the two to finish, Arthur takes Ludwig’s hand. Ludwig tenses a bit in which Arthur whispers: “Is this okay?” and Ludwig nods. 
Francis and Afonso eventually pull away and smile at each other before smiling at their lovers-> Francis squeals at Ludwig and Arthur’s linked hands, giving Ludwig a peck on the cheek as a reward for roping in Arthur 
General Headcanons
Ludwig does not know how to handle three people flirting with him and complimenting him. He expected it from Francis and Afonso, but he is surprised at how flirty and forward Arthur is. Frankly they are all a little shocked by how far Arthur will take it. But Ludwig loves every minute of it, though it's also a bit overwhelming
Francis and Afonso will occasionally do each others hair when the four of them are just hanging around, watching a movie or tv or something
Both Francis and Afonso love to paint/sketch Arthur and Ludwig and they’ll put them in so many different poses. Arthur pretends to be annoyed but he secretly likes it. 
Afonso and Francis spoil Ludwig and Arthur with food while Arthur and Ludwig spoil Afonso and Francis with baked goods
They are all super affectionate when in private/with close friends and family. Arthur and Ludwig are both touch starved and try to act like they aren’t but Francis and Afonso have learned just how to get them to drop that act and just melt into whoevers embrace they're in
That being said, Afonso and Francis are not bothered by PDA and now that they’re all together, they have a partner they can be overly affectionate with while Arthur and Ludwig have a partner that is more than content just holding hands and keeping the more mushy stuff for private settings
They all love when Arthur reads aloud to them 
They all love when Ludwig shows his strength/uses it on them (ex. Carrying two of them at once) 
They all  love when Afonso sings to them. He’ll even play the guitar.
They all love when Francis cooks their favorite foods, especially when they're down. Afonso won’t admit it since cooking is one thing the two of them have competitions on, but he does find comfort in Francis’s cooking when he’s too down or sick to cook himself
Afonso and Arthur love to make music/sing together though a lot of their music tastes don’t overlap. Francis and Ludwig love to listen in on these little “concerts” even joining in sometimes (Fran on piano, and Ludwig–if they can convince him–will sing). 
Ludwig thought Francis was pushy with getting him to take breaks, but now he has three men breathing down his neck when he over works himself. At least he gets three times as many cuddles when he finally does stop to rest
Francis and Afonso tend to prefer more elaborate dates such as fancy restaurants, a night of dancing while Arthur and Ludwig are more than happy to just stay in with a movie. But they all enjoy going out for walks especially in the evening down by the beach. 
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Hetalia Polyship Week 2022: Day 1
Prompt:  Musicals || “Thank god that I’m not you”
Rating: T
Ship: GerFrukPort
Word Count: 1243
Author’s Note: This is based on an au we discussed in my gereng server where engportfra are actors all pursuing set builder Ludwig while also being in a throuple themselves. Also, I like to think Francis uses he/they pronouns so I switch between those pronouns.
Curtain Call
The wings of the stage were buzzing with energy, for in a mere few hours, the curtains would rise, and the open night would commence. Ludwig put the final nail in the window frame he had been working on. At least it had fallen apart during the dress rehearsal and not the actual show. He just had to oil the wheels on one of the moving set pieces and check the other two to make sure they were still in working order, then they’d be good to go. 
Hopefully, with the show coming to an end, Ludwig would finally be free of all the confusing feelings that had arisen during production. The thought was both a relief, but it also kind of hurt. To have three actors pursuing you definitely was overwhelming and made Ludwig’s job a lot harder, it was nice to be the center of attention for once, and over this time, he got to know his three suitors; he would miss them when they all went their separate ways. 
He’d miss Arthur's nagging. Although it was annoying at times, it was nice to know someone cared enough to bring him water and make sure he was eating. He’d miss the way Arthur’s eyes would light up as he tried too hard to hide his smiles behind scowls. And most of all he’d miss the subtle compliments and flirty remarks that would rival the language used by poets of the past.
He’d miss Francis’s affection the most, he thinks. The way they’d hang off Ludwig as if it was the most normal thing in the world, how they would always greet him with a warm embrace and part with one even warmer. He’d miss the way Francis’s curls framed their face perfectly, always appearing so soft to the touch (but Ludwig would now never know if that was true). And though he was often overwhelmed by Francis’s forwardness when it came to flirting, he did appreciate the food they made, and he’d be lying if he said Francis’s compliments hadn’t boosted his confidence ever so slightly.
Lastly, he’d miss Afonso’s calmness. The way he could remain relaxed yet level-headed during even the most stressful situations and the way he would comfort Ludwig in the carpenter’s own stress. He’d miss the sweet, gentle nothings Afonso would occasionally whisper when Ludwig was burnt out and needed the pick-me-up. But the most he would miss the rare sight of Afonso focused: tightly knit brows, spark in his eye as he looked over his scripts, pulling any and all information to boost his performance.
As Ludwig pulled away from the last squeaky wheel, he came face to face with the three actors who had been consuming his thoughts. 
Arthur was dressed in a fiery red coat that just reached his knees, with golden stitching along the edges. Golden chains and earrings, striking red eyeshadow, and dark eyeliner accented the outfit. A leather corset wrapped around his middle gave the otherwise fearsome look an alluring aura. To top it all off, a pirate cap adorned with pale feathers. An outfit befitting of both a seductive yet dangerous pirate captain. 
Francis in turn was fitting in a frilly blouse and a pale blue coat that reached the floor. It was as if the stars had been taken and threaded into the fabric itself with the way it glittered with every small movement. His hat was a greyish white, decorated with dried flowers instead of the traditional feathers. He was dripping in jewelry and gems: earrings, necklaces, bracelets, all of which matched Francis’s eyes. The sparkly look was complete with purple eyeshadow with a hint of glitter. He looked like royalty despite being a mere pirate captain. 
Afonso was dressed in a nobleman’s coat. Darker green vine patterns wrapped around the torso and sleeves, meeting with the silver stitched pattern on the edge of the collars and cuffs. His hair was tied back by a matching ribbon, giving a clear view of his face. His natural features were amplified by simple makeup instead of the brightly coloured blends of Arthur and Francis, yet he was nonetheless beautiful. An elegant nobleman if there ever was one. 
Ludwig felt his whole face burn seeing them decked out in their costumes. All he could do was stare, unable to form a coherent thought in their presence. It was as if he was back to the very first time the three had begun flirting with him.  
Francis’s giggling shook Ludwig from his daze. Arthur shoved the Frenchman. “What?” Francis asked with feigned offense, “He probably thinks we look pretty. So much so he’s been left speechless.”
“Or he’s thinking: ‘thank god I’m not you,’” Arthur shot back, gesturing to the other’s costume. “You’re going to melt under all those damn frills.” 
“Aw are you concerned mon amour?”
Arthur’s face turned bright red, but if looks could kill, that glare would have ended Francis on the spot. Luckily before things could escalate. Afonso stepped between the two. “Now, now, meus amores, we have more important business here right? We’re going to scare him off like this.”
Wait… ‘mon amour’ and ‘meus amores’? Ludwig may not have been well versed in French or Portuguese, but he knew Italian well, and those sounded like…
“So…” Afonso went on, “I don’t know if you’ve realized what we’ve been trying to do, but with us parting ways soon, we’ve decided to just come out as say…”
“We love you,” Francis continued. 
“All of us,” Arthur added.
“Romantically,” Afonso concluded for clarity. 
So they did fancy him. It was quite obvious to everyone (including Ludwig) that these three actors had liked him romantically, but hearing it laid out so clearly still made Ludwig’s head spin. Perhaps part of the shock came from the fact that it appeared all three of the actors were dating as well. “Wait…Are all of you…”
“Together?” Francis finished for him, “Yes. Yes, we are.” To prove the point he took Afonso’s hand and gave it a squeeze. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t know sooner, it’s all over the tabloids,” Arthur noted. 
“But what we are trying to get at is that we want to invite you into it,” Afonso explained. 
Ludwig awkwardly opened and closed his mouth, trying to find what he wanted to say. It was a dream come true. Over this production, he had fallen in love with all three of them and couldn’t bear to choose only one of them. But with this revelation, he could have it all, and everyone would be happy. 
“Love,” Arthur spoke softly, stepping forward to put a hand on Ludwig’s arm. “You don’t have to make a decision now. You’ve got time to think. We just wanted–”
“I’d love to,” Ludwig blurted out. His blush surely darkened as he realized how desperate he sounded. “I-I mean…I’d like that…I have feelings for all of you so…”
The three actors looked at Ludwig with wide eyes. “Well then…guess it’s settled,” Francis said with an amused huff. “Perhaps we can have dinner after the show tonight.”
Ludwig nodded, perhaps a bit too eagerly. 
“Ten minutes till curtain,” someone shouted in the distance. 
“Well I guess this is farewell until intermission,” Arthur sighed.
The three bid farewell to Ludwig, giving the German the much-needed time to process everything. But as he waved to the actors as they departed, Ludwig couldn’t suppress a wide grin from spreading on his face. 
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koolkat9 · 2 years
I think Francis, Arthur, Ludwig and Afonso should all kiss.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Gerfrukport for the ship thing, 2,3, 17, and 29
Oh my god, oh my god. Again, got so excited seeing this. Thank you!!!
Ship Asks
2- How’s their team work? Do they share well?
For the most part they work well together. Francis and Afonso who are more laid back and cheery in nature balance out Arthur and Ludwig who are more on the uptight and serious/grumpy side. They’re able to push each other out of their comfort zones and bring out different sides to each other thanks to these differences. But also, Lud and Art are very similar to each while Francis and Afonso are similar each other and in this way they have someone who they can talk to who will understand them on a more personal level. This mix of different and similar people really helps them work well together. 
For the most part they share well. Though Arthur will sometimes hog the blankets when asleep, Francis and Afonso will fight over the bathroom/mirror when trying to get ready and Ludwig...Well Ludwig is probably the best sharer out of all of them (though maybe he would be a bit more defensive of his sweets because he has the worst sweet tooth out of all of them).
3- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
They’re fairly open about their relationship though Arthur and Ludwig prefer to keep public displays of affection to a minimum. Afonso and Francis on the other hand go all out and make it everyone’s business that they’re all together, though they don’t push Lud’s and Art’s boundaries. But going back to how its a nice balance of personalities, Afonso and Francis can be as affectionate as they want with each other while Ludwig and Arthur can give each other the more discrete forms of affection they prefer in public. 
I also like to think that many nations were wondering when they would all get together. Arthur and Francis’s feelings for each other were no secret even when Francis got with Ludwig and Arthur with Afonso. Also, a hand full of people also knew about Arthur’s former crush on Ludwig which came back full force when he saw both Francis and Ludwig together. So yeah...The four of them became good entertainment for a few months before they finally got together. 
17- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
Ooof....Don’t make me think about this!!! /jk 
First off, no it would not be permanent. They probably wouldn’t officially “break up,” but maybe they’d take a break from each other, like keep their distance.
Francis and Arthur’s tensions would probably result in them taking a break. Like a bickering session may have gotten out of hand, or one/both of them were being stubborn about something. They don’t break up, but they may spend some time away from each other. 
Over all, Arthur has a nasty habit of push people he loves away so some of that would probably cause some tension and result in some distance between himself and his lovers. But since he has had a more or less positive romantic experience with Afonso spanning over centuries, he’s not as scared to be vulnerable and thus is less likely to push his lovers away to the point they all think a break is needed. 
Ludwig is a workaholic which may also lead to some tension sometime and a break between them. But he’s gotten a lot better at finding a balance since getting with Francis so this will rarely happen.
So yeah. It would be really rare and take a lot to get them to take a break from each other. Even if they do, it’s not really a break up as it is taking some time to calm down before coming back together and figuring things out.
29- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
I've talked about Arthur and Ludwig in relation to this question. Quick run down, they'd act calm and collected in an emergency in order to best solve the problem. Once things calm down then they'll break. Minor injuries neither worries about too much and will tend to them as needed (though in the case of Ludwig, Arthur may take the opportunity to spoil Lud a bit).
Sickness, both will use it as an excuse to spoil their lover and tend to them as needed. Arthur will usually sing/read to whichever one of them is sick. If they're well enough, Arthur will make them tea. Ludwig will ensure they stay hydrated and give them lots of cuddles (because Arthur, Francis and Afonso all get cuddly when sick).
Francis will panic. Thanks to his age, experience, and his adrenaline, he can be somewhat useful in emergencies (ex. stopping excessive bleeding, pulling someone out of harm’s way), but he won’t be good at making well thought out decisions and it won’t take much to make him shut down completely. Minor injuries and sickness on the other hand are easy to handle. He’ll fuss over his lovers and be overdramatic about it, but it’s more in an attempt to make them smile/show he cares. He’ll cook them soup, give them all kinds of cuddles and kisses, give them massages, basically almost anything they ask.
Afonso, though not as much as Francis, is more likely to panic, but he’s a bit better at trying to figure out solutions with his head rather than just reacting with adrenaline and reflex. But he’ll show his emotions through it all. Sickness and minor injury his reaction would depend on who is hurt/sick. He may tease Francis a bit because even though they’re in love they are still competitive and like to tease each other. But if it’s Arthur and Ludwig he’ll basically baby them (because this is the only time he can get away with it). He’ll also cook for them all (especially if Francis is sick), he’ll make sure they have enough pillows and blankets. Normally, he’ll be the one to stay with whoever is sick while another healthy lover goes out to get cool cloths, medicine, etc. 
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koolkat9 · 2 years
For the otp thing GerFrUkPort 1, 6, 15, and 29 please 👉🏻👈🏻
Gosh work has been a bitch especially today with debit being down (and it looks like it will be down until Monday). And I've still got two more days until my next day off. At least I go on vacation soon. Sorry for the rant lol. It's been a day for the past few days.
This. This makes me feel better!
Obligatory OTP Asks
1.Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
I think they all would do it at some point depending on the situation though Afonso and Francis would be quicker to get to that point. It takes a lot of pushing and arguing for Ludwig and Arthur to admit that (Arthur takes the most to get to that point).
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
Arthur definitely would be one of the ones to leave to "protect the others." I put quotes because depending on the period, he'd not just leave to protect him, he's scared of being loved and would take it as an opportunity to run from his fears instead of facing them.
Francis would definitely be the one to beg them not to go. In stressful situations he hates to be alone and he probably would not know when or if he'd ever see his lover(s) again.
Ludwig and Afonso could swing either way depending on the situation, though I think Ludwig would lean more towards begging them not to go because he has been alone for so long and now he's surrounded by so much love. He doesn't want to lose any of them.
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Yes absolutely. Francis makes them. Arthur acts like he hates it, but each time one of them says 'I love you' Arthur melts.
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
I don't think any of them would. Then again...Maybe Arthur would just to fuck with Francis but then again, the other two would freak out in some way and Arthur would not want to mess with them.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
40, 42 and 43 if you didn't already answered them 👀
Ship Asks
40 - Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
Gosh...There are so many, but I’ll focus on memories of all four of them together.
There is of course the confession. They look back on it fondly. They laugh at how blunt Ludwig couldn’t help but be, the way Francis and Afonso made flirting a competition, etc. And it all lead to them getting together and being happier than they ever had before.
It’s happened a few times where they all ganged up on Ludwig to get him to rest. Boy often overworks himself, but he’s got three boyfriends who will not let this kind of thing slide. When they all came to him the first time and demanded he go to bed, Ludwig realized just how much they all loved him. Not even his stubbornness or frustration could bring them down or make them give up on him. They all piled on top of him in bed showing that they weren’t mad, just concerned and Ludwig is really touched.
There was the time Ludwig helped Arthur prove to Francis and Afonso he could bake. Baking was one of the things Arthur and Ludwig would do together during the 60s-90s when they’d occasionally hang out. Francis and Afonso, knowing Arthur’s track record in the kitchen all too well don’t trust him near a stove unless under strict supervision. In this case Ludwig is suppose to be that supervision. But Ludwig sits back and lets Arthur do his work only getting involved as a taste tester. In the end he blows away his other two lovers and they trust him to at least bake.
Then there was the time Francis was have rough day with work and the politics in his country and his three lovers showed up to surprise him. Afonso cooked for them, Lud and Art baked him his favorite dessert and they spend the rest of the night cuddling watching cheesy romance movies and/or crappy reality tv. He’s surprised they were able to tell he was struggling, then again Arthur always knew him best and probably made plans with the help of the other two. He’s touched none the less and having them there makes everything a little bit better.
There was the time they all went out sailing. Afonso hadn’t been in awhile and Ludwig had never properly sailed anywhere so Francis and Arthur are more than happy to arrange something. It was a surprise for Afonso and he was elated. It brings back memories of his time with Arthur on the sea, it’s strange but nice to have Francis on their side this time, and it’s also nice to teach Ludwig a thing or two about sailing. 
There is also the time they finally convinced Ludwig to sing with them. Arthur and Afonso were strumming on their guitars when Francis joined in with his piano as he usually did and they finally pulled Ludwig in when Arthur started playing one of the many songs they’d listen to in the 70s and 80s. The three were amazed at how good Ludwig actually sounded. He was a little rough around the edges from inexperience but still beautiful. In the end it was a fun jamming session that they all treasure dearly. 
Lastly there is their first night spent all together. Ludwig is still too nervous to take things to the next level and everyone is cool with it so they just watch movies,  Francis makes them all get facials and even paints his lovers nails while Afonso paints Francis’s. It’s a pretty relaxing night over all and would set the tone for how most of their Friday nights would end. 
There are probably many more, but these are the first that come to mind for me.
Special places? Well there is Arthur’s garden. It’s nice and serene plus Arthur is very proud to show it off when he can. The sea/beach because 3/4 of them have a deep connection to it, spending a good chunk of their teen years as pirates/sailors and Ludwig is just happy to see his lovers happy. Francis’s mansion in Calais because it’s spacious, far from the hustle and bustle of a big city, and right next the beach. It’s a nice place to relax.
42 - Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
Definitely, especially in the case of Ludwig. Ludwig comes off as a very serious, stoic, no nonsense type of person, and he is to an extent. But he’s also so soft towards those he loves. As long as his lovers aren’t doing things that will get them hurt he’ll let them get away with things and help them clean up the eventual mess and uses it as a teaching moment.
Arthur also let’s his lovers get away with certain things. In most cases these actions are things Arthur wants deep down so that helps (ex. affection, being spoiled, etc.).  In cases where things will blow up in his lovers faces, he’ll also use it as a lesson (or in the case of Francis laugh in his face). 
Francis and Afonso love to spoil their lovers so of course they’ll get away with things. Francis may question Arthur and Ludwig’s fashion choices, but he’ll let it go most of the time and reason that they look cute in anything. It takes a lot to bother Afonso, so lover or not, it’s hard to bother him in general. 
43 - Do they talk often? What about?
They talk as often as they can. Afonso and Francis usually lead the conversation. Usually it’s about their day/week, about their interest, sometimes politics though that’s only when it’s getting the point one of them needs to vent. Really anything that comes to mind. It could be the most mundane thing to the most philosophical cuddling all the while. Makes immortality and nationhood a bit more bearable you know? 
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Hello hello!! For the ship bingo porteng and/or GerFraPortEng ??
Welp I answered PortEng here
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I love them so fucking much. I've only shipped them for what? A month? But they're already my OT4. It's a combination of my 3 most beloved Arthur ships: GerEng, Fruk and PortEng
Just...ugh Port and Fran being similar enough in their approach to romance allows them to get all the affection they want any time. Like Lud and Art prefer to be discreet about their affection in public which mildly annoys Fran and Port, but now that they are all together, Port and Fran can be as affectionate as they want with each other while respecting the other two's wishes. Also, they got a friendly rivalry going on and that seeps into their flirting.
Ludwig and Arthur, like Port and Fran are a a lot similar and thus can have a better understanding of each other. It's nice to have a lover that's content just holding hands in public and nothing more. They have similar tastes in music. They are two men who enjoy their quiet time and who can find comfort in each other's awkwardness.
Ludwig just being loved on and flirted with by these three pretty men and not knowing what to do with himself. Again, like for Arthur and the BFT, touch starved Lud getting triple the cuddles like he deserves. And like, he's so inexperienced, but he's got 3 experienced lovers who guide him through the complications that are relationships.
We got childhood friends to lover with Fran, Art and Port.
Enemies to lovers with fruk
Rivals to lovers with PortFra
In conclusion, it's a nicely balanced ship with two opposite personality types so they can push each other out of their comfort zone while also having that person they can hang back with when things get too much. And there are just so many dynamics at play in this ship that it's just so engaging.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
11. Gerfrukport
My dude...You have no idea how excited I was when I saw this. A million thank yous
Ship Asks
11. - Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
Of course they do! Since they're all European they have similar if not exactly the same holidays. In cases like Christmas, they may celebrate a day or two before while spending the actual holiday with their families.
Anniversaries are a big thing. They all like spoiling each other, but when you're dealing with people like Ludwig and Arthur who will act like they hate being fussed over, you need a proper excuse to go out of your way for them. Anniversaries are a gold mine of excuses. Francis and Afonso will go a bit overboard, using both personal and political (ex. celebrating the anniversary of entente cordiale) based dates as anniversaries. Ludwig and Arthur know what they're doing, but deep down they like being fussed over and they feel less guilty by telling themselves that these are anniversaries, it's normal to shower your lovers in extra love and gifts.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Powers out meaning I can't write out the fics I was planning on, but in the meantime I guess I could get started on a gerfrukport fic outline.
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