#epithet erased ask blog
for the trio.
pick a song do you all collectively all agree you all hate?
Z: that one song that goes "what's new pussycat." on loop
P: mhm.
R: agreed.
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Hi Molly!! ^^
"Oh! Feenie!"
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"Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're doing well..!"
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Daily Orange Character #3:
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Zora Salazar from Epithet Erased!
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askepitheterased · 2 months
Okay but really, is Sylvie a furry? Since dr. Beefton is kinda his fursona
Sylvie : Dr Beefton is not a fursona! He is just a manifestation of my psyche while I'm asleep! Just because I think he's a really cool example of epithet use and the fact that he's kinda based off of a character I made when I was younger doesn't make him my fursona... Wait- I know that kinda proves your point but-
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teleports behind you...
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kidpunchertrio · 2 months
Hey Ben
*hands you a chunk of dirt and runs off*
What?? What do I even do with this??
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askslyvie · 6 months
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Asks open for this AU! So far you can only ask Sylvester.
The story so far is that Mera got away with Sylvie's Epithet and He is not taking it well!
Epithet Erased belongs to JelloApocalypse, all characters belong to him.
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I headcanon when Sylvie goes to take a nap that boy is KNOCKED OUT COLD.
Imagine the family guy death pose
That's it that's how he sleeps
that or he sleeps on his back, arms crossed like he's in a sarcophagus
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strawberry-link · 1 year
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✨Sweet dreams! ✨
Something cozy and sweet before I head of to bed, hope everyone has a great day/night.
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maris-picnic-blog · 6 months
WOAH HI GUYS it’s mod Gory, you know, the frequent meme/shit poster mod. I’ve come to bring you some updates!
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Now, for those of you who are interested in our blog, we’re so sorry for taking so long to start the story! We have been trying our best to get the story all planned out first, as I have said. Ofc, things will change with asks, but we need to have the basic story we’d like to tell lol.
I’ve decided to start giving out some snippets of silly planning, as well as some notes I’ve written and some things we’ve drawn so far! Obviously, we’ll still post silly little memes while you all wait for updates and the actual story! In fact, we have that fake Twitter app that lets you make character profiles and such and have prepared some posts for when things get too silent. Have a little snippet!
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Fandom Twitter sure is fun
Anyway, I’m sure you guys would like to see a bit of what our character cards will look like!
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The cards will look a little something like this, but our characters will (probably) be drawn to match how they look in our stories!
As for my notes…. Oh boy my notes….
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I like to write….
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I like writing future scenes :3
ANNNNNYWAY, I hope you guys aren’t too disinterested because we haven’t been posting! The posting might slow down even more because of Christmas. I’m going to San Antonio with the family, so I probably won’t be able to contact Ichigo until I get back to the hotel every night…. Sorry pookie 😔 /j
Well, I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas before I head out! Here’s an early little Christmas gift my friends!
-Mod Gory (ps i turned on asks if you wanna ask us about our progress)
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m0ll1x · 3 days
Hi and welcome to the first post on this blog! My name is M0nk1e, but most people call me Mollix or Mollie! There's going to be a few things that I'll be going over when it comes to this EE ask blog.
1.) Mostly half of the characters in EE (excluding the adults) are in facts MINORS. So, no NSFW questions, it just makes sense, right? Plus, it's also kinda weird that you would ask those types of questions considering the fact that that's...not okay. So, keep it PG-13, folks.
2.) Please do not trash talk, hate, bully and/or target specific characters (except for martin.), this is supposed to be a safe and fun place for fans of the show to ask their favorite characters or main EE cast general, normal questions. That being said, if such rule was violated or broken, you will immediately be blocked and your question will be deleted.
3.) There will be no shipping characters, wether it's your oc, self insert, or in a joking manner, it makes not only me but everyone who want to genuinely ask questions will feel very VERY uncomfortable. So, please refrain from doing said action or it will be an immediate warning and/or block.
4.) If I do not respond to your question right away, please do not spam, investigate, and/or ask if i seen it. It is likely that I am either away, doing homework, on a trip, extremely tired, lack of motivation, or simply just sleeping. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM IGNORING YOUR QUESTIONS, I JUST DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO ANSWER FAST ENOUGH AT SAID MOMENT OF TIME.
5.) Please be specific when it comes to asking a question to a certain character, I don't want to go on a wild goose chase to find out and see who you're referring to.
6.) And that's pretty much it! Hope you took the time to actually read this. But until then, stay frosty.~
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eclipsedfates · 9 months
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[Molly Blyndeff Ask Blog OPEN!]
[Molly carefully sets her phone at the desk, making the camera face towards her.]
"Uh.. Hi. I'm Molly.. and this is my ask blog..!"
"You can send me an ask if you'd like, but you have to read the rules first."
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[Molly Blyndeff is now open for asks!]
//Carrd for more info!
//Thanks for stopping by! - CHromo, Mun
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ask-naven · 1 month
twerk 🙏
No, I don't think I will! 😊
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askepitheterased · 2 months
Sylvie : What the? Hold on- I can't help you with that, I can only give you therapy for seeing that happen... If you want to stop doing that I think you'd need eraser cuffs, and then maybe I could help you manage it so it won't melt people's faces
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randomlinf · 1 year
Why are you working for the Museum? Why at night? (asked by somewhereglum from reddit)
"s still who are you lot answer me and also it was close to home good second job and well i like the night time its nice calm and well i just got this job so i don't really have more to say to you" *after i say that i pet the super hot phoenix as i do it slowly cools down and it slowly falls asleep again on my head as i smile at it sleeping*
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