talk-w-eruri · 1 year
hi commander! hi captain!
i hope you're doing well today :3
i heard you're accepting some questions atm and i have to admit i'm quite curious about nr 8 esp when it comes to tea
thank you so much for your time 💕
- 🥛
[Do they ever share (or steal) each other’s food? How do they act/react to it?]
Erwin relaxes in his armchair, and begins. "Good evening!—Ah... Milk."
Levi sets his elbow on his own armchair and hides his amusement behind his fist. "Do you have to be so damn chivalrous all the time?" he snips.
"It's only polite," Erwin amends. He rubs his chin. "Tell me you aren't amused by that name?"
"Not at all," he replies flatly.
Erwin gaze lingers on Levi for a moment longer. Finally, he composes himself. "Levi has a relatively small appetite. More often than not, he offers me—well, that's putting it lightly...—he gives me his food without my consent."
"You're the size of a Titan. You need more than one serving, no matter what it is. How else do you expect to maintain your kind of... physique?" His argument loses steam near the end. And despite his attitude, pink appears on his cheeks.
Erwin chuckles demurely. "Suffice it to say, Levi has many reasons for his behavior, but the fact still stands. He'll get upset if I refuse—"
His brows pinch. "—I don't get upset—"
"—but I'm flattered by the gesture all the same." He looks to Levi meaningfully.
"...Anyway, I eat plenty on my own," Levi prefaces. "It's not a big deal."
"Not at all," Erwin agrees knowingly.
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talk-w-eruri · 1 year
Hello Captain, Commander. I hope you are both well, and thank you for agreeing to Admin's idea for this blog. We all have a lot of questions but...I'll stick to the ask game for now. (👀)
3 and 11 please?
"It's more like Erwin agreed and I was roped into it," Levi disagrees in a grumble.
Erwin lifts an inquisitive brow. "Would you like to do something else?"
Levi deadpans.
What quirks/mannerisms do they consider characteristic of each other?
With a small chuckle, Erwin meets their eyes again and appears deep in thought. While he thinks, he touches his chin.
"Erwin rubs his chin when he's thinking hard about something," Levi remarks. "And taps his quill when he's thinking of something to write. Drops ink all over the damn place.
“Hm. Whenever we have dinner and the topic changes, he taps the table. One time for whatever reason... And when I catch him staring at me and he’s sitting, he leans back," Levi lists flawlessly.
"I... tap the table?" Erwin blinks. “I don't even recall ever doing so before.”
"Yeah, well." Levi crosses his arms. "You do."
"Levi crosses his arms when he's discomforted."
Levi uncrosses his arms and bumps Erwin’s foot under the coffee table. "I have no idea what you're on about."
Cocky now, Erwin goes on. "More often than not, Levi puts his hand on his hip, or both if standing, especially when talking at long lengths. When he's enthusiastic, he talks with his hands, which is the only time I see him doing so."
"Unless I'm pissed..."
Erwin tilts his head like a puppy. "I disagree. When you're angry, you speak quietly. When you're, pissed, you yell and gesture.”
Levi sighs and waves for him to go on.
"I do know you quite well. Is there a problem with that?"
“Too well.”
Levi scoots to close the slight distance between them on the sofa, and crosses his leg over his ankle. From should to hip, they're touching. He means it kindly. “When you ask rhetorical questions, one of those bushes above your eyes go up. No other time.”
"Ha… Levi puts his hands in his pockets when he has something to be anxious about," Erwin notes. "And he hums when he's happy."
"When you're anxious you put your hands behind your back," Levi challenges.
Erwin lays his palm on Levi's leg. He swallows visibly.
Erwin raises him. “Did you know you swallow when I touch your leg? Every time, and at no other place. Interesting.”
Furious, Levi snags Erwin's arm, and drops it behind his head instead. "Let's move on."
How do their arguments usually play out? Do they make up quickly?
Levi's brow pinches, then eases completely as Erwin starts to mindlessly stroke the nape of his neck. He sighs. “Hm.”
"We don't often argue, by strict definition," Erwin answers slowly. "We have spats, of course, but..." He leans back, mindlessly rubbing circles now. "I can't recall the last time we argued, in particular."
"'Cause I leave if it's headed in that direction," Levi answers plainly. "You're not wrong... but the arguments that do happen just don't get a chance escalate."
Erwin is caught off-guard by his straightforwardness. After further thought, he realizes it's true. Levi avoids personal conflict like the plague.
"And when you return, we discuss the issue reasonably," Erwin finishes.
Levi grunts dismissively. "I got a bad temper."
"It used to be worse."
"Tch." Levi relaxes as Erwin's rubs rise to his hair, content.
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talk-w-eruri · 1 year
hey y’all! just finished my emt certification last night and I was wondering if there were any jobs in the scouts where I could put that to use?
thanks ahead of time -Flora
Levi blinks. "Obviously."
Levi can be heard sipping his tea as Erwin launches into a more... fluffy way of putting together a response to this generous offer.
"Yes, of course! First-aid, especially that on the battlefield, is always greatly appreciated, and needed, at that. You would be a useful asset to the cause."
"Tch." Levi bumps Erwin's foot with his own. "Obviously. There are about a dozen shoes you could fill. You could start today... if you want."
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talk-w-eruri · 1 year
hi commander and captain!
just wanted to wish the two of you [and the admin] a happy new year 💕
we'd love to see you at the party in the mess hall later :3 and don't worry about hange too much - mobilt and i are keeping an eye on them and we'll try to limit their alcohol consumption to a reasonable amount 😅
see you later in case you'll join us 👋
- 🥛
Levi spies Milk from the bedroom door attached to Erwin’s office. It’s cracked into a slit. “Can you hurry it up?” he grunts at Erwin. Then to Milk, “We’re busy.”
“Happy new year,” Erwin pleasantly replies. He’s dressed in the bare minimum long pajama bottoms and a tucked shirt for appearances’ sake. Levi chose not to bother.
His hands are clasped behind his back, however only Levi can spot the messy bit in the back, creating something of a tail.
Erwin ponders. “That sounds delightful. I don’t want to arrive too late to miss the festivities, but alas…”
“Busy,” Levi grunts again. “There are more important things than showing up in time to get drunk with everyone else. Getting back in my bed, for example.”
“Excuse me.” Erwin smiles demurely. “Levi wants to cuddle some more.”
His intentions exposed, Levi shoves the door open, waltzes out in similar dress, and drags Erwin back to the bedroom. The door firmly shuts… then locks.
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talk-w-eruri · 1 year
Helloooooo hope you both are doing alright!
I’m curious about numbers 1 and 7 for the ask game?
What’s the first thing they usually do to get the other’s attention?
"Jay," Levi acknowledges. He sets his ankle on his knee and considers the question as Erwin's big arm slides around his waist. He looks down at Levi meaningfully; a look that says he knows exactly what he's going to say, but Levi's answer interests him a lot more.
"Easy," he says. "Even when Erwin's balls-deep in his work, he's more observant than he comes across. If he doesn't hear me knock when I get to his office, slamming it does the trick." Then he grumbles, "All I really have to do though is exist somewhere close by."
"Why, of course," Erwin purrs. "Time with you is time well-spent. I wouldn't dare miss your appearance."
Levi's cheeks blush pink. "Cheesy old man."
"What else do you do, hm? Say, when I insist I'm working?"
Erwin hears his teasing tone from a mile away. His expression darkens. "If he's ignoring me, and he knows it, then I'll take away the damn distraction."
"By doing this, you mean?" Erwin tilts Levi's jaw up, and turns his attention towards him.
Levi deadpans. He leans up for a quick kiss as a good-enough answer.
Erwin presses a kiss in Levi's hair in return, appearing to consider his turn at the question. He clears his throat. "I have to say, Levi is certainly similar... In fact, he's much more observant of his surroundings than me. I suspect he can sense I'm close just by my footsteps." Erwin snickers then. "Apologies, Levi. I can sense I've embarrassed you."
He's drawn tense. Levi leans into his side, scoffing dismissively. "Yeah, well. It's true, isn't it?"
"Yes. But he's very attentive, too. I feel as if I have his full attention, whether I ask for it or not."
Levi visibly swallows. "Next question," he mutters.
Describe how they walk together (i.e., matching strides, holding hands, etc).
Erwin hums. "An interesting question, but I'm afraid the answer is rather straightforward—"
"Erwin's a giant," Levi states plainly. "The closest thing he's getting to holding hands is my elbow"—he shoots Erwin's exasperated expression an offended look—"but he's not so far above the clouds that he can't reach."
Erwin sighs, smiling nonetheless. "Levi dislikes crowds."
"Who doesn't?"
"So I often touch his waist, certainly if the volume of people calls for it."
"He'll do that anyway if he can get away with it." Then quieter, "And other things.
"The big downside is his height forces him to slow down for me. I could keep up... but I don't see the need people have to rush around. I get there when I get there." He amends, "Unless Erwin has somewhere to get to. Or there's an emergency."
"Mm." Erwin squeezes his shoulder, smiling, almost smirking. "That goes without saying. It's unconventional at times... but I wouldn't have my height any other way."
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