#especially considering neither of them were originally in it like lmaoooo
andorerso · 2 months
both Jyn and Cassian making it to the finals when no other ship did, does that mean they're certifiably the hottest couple of Star Wars?
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draconia-bsd · 5 years
Can I please get 7 for Oda x Yosano? (Yoda? Looooool xD)
Lmaoooo, that's it, Yoda is their ship name now. xD
Thank you for requesting this, and I'm really sorry it took so long to finish. ;-; (also I hope you don't mind me setting this in BEAST au)
7- "I've missed you" kiss:
Auburn paysages appeared to have hastily changed through the narrow glass windows, and in such an overwhelming manner it made all the more tired passengers think about the train as a cage spinning in circles, holding them in the same time and place until they finally go insane and catch fire to match the colour of their surroundings. Despite it's appearance, however, the morning itself wasn't particularly poetic, at least not to one man. Oda, just like majority of people around him, stared into the nature, but it's beauty failed to impress him as his mind was entranced by a force of a different sort. His heart ached for warmth, arms longed for tenderness and soul craved the sweet, familiar smell of a loved one. Nothing in this world did he cherish more than her, making their separation during these numerous days unbearable, and this journey, ultimately, the most vicious torture.
Habitually, Oda would reach for his phone ready to dial her number, just to be faced by the cruel reality of his current situation. The mission he and his protégé, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, were given was of extreme importance for the whole city and it's surrounding aeria as it was their job to dismantle a group of criminals coming from various organisations, calling themselves "The Midheaven Clan". What made them so dangerous was not only their access to sensitive information from their original affiliates, but their grudge against both the underworld and the goverment, making them a threat which could easily cause mayhem all around. Considering a similar event has happened in the past, it was in everyone's interest to destroy this newly formed group, but of course, that was no easy job for they had known majority of people who could be involved in their demise. Naturally, this asked for an obscure party to join in the game, and who better than an organisation whose entire existance is considered an urban legend- the "Armed Detective Agency". President Fukuzawa was seldom to accept the mission at first, but after realising it is, indeed, the best way of dealing with the situation, he decided to help for the love of his city and people within it. Not long after this, Ranpo announced a plan which consisted of their two most capable members infiltrating the problematic group and gathering information that is to be sent to the goverment. During this time, their connection to the Agency is strictly to be done through Katai as he is the only one who can protect them from being spied on or tracked. The mission started immediately leaving time for goodbyes to a bare minimum. Luckily, with meticulous study of the backstories Ranpo provided, everything turned out as planned. Both he and Ryunosuke felt a weird mix of pitty and anger towards people they had spent the past two months with, but in the end, even with all the suicides upon their capture, justice was served and the city was safe for the time being.
Gazing through the train window with a blank face, Oda remembered how horrible it was day after day on that forsaken mission. Yes, Ryunosuke is a dear person to him, like a younger brother he never had, and he did enjoy the time they spent together away from those awful people, but nothing could put his mind away from his precious Akiko. In a way, she was his biggest strength, and also his biggest weakness. Every day he would think of her to get through with his act and every night he would curl up and silently cry for her. He was well aware she will be fine, after all she is a tough person, sometimes even more so that himself, but the thought of her coming to an empty apartment, having nobody to vent her frustrations to, nobody to hug and feel her warmth...it tore him appart. Despite being aware of his role in her life, he oftentimes found himself uncontrollably exploring scenarios where she replaced him with someone else, causing him to feel like a fragile child before a wicked illness, short with air and filled with burning rage he only dared express upon himself. Those nights were the hardest, all he wanted to do was hear her voice, be reassured, or at least grab a straw and ask Katai how she is...and a few times he almost did listen to his heart, but thoughts of how disappointed she would be if he failed the mission, not because of his natural weakness or sloppy planning, but because he was lacking trust in her, of all people! Akiko's heart would undoubtedly ceumble like a fallen autumn leaf beneath his feet, and that was not allowable, he was a better human being than that.
This bitter reminiscing was soon interrupted by a flash of sunlight burning his azure eyes. Instinctively, he closed them tight, but in a way, it was a perfect indicator that they are close to home, he needed something to shake him up. Oda then woke his protégé up with gentle strokes on his sholder and the black haired man reluctantly moved his body in a straight sitting position. It was rare to see Ryunosuke this tired, but somehow dark circles around his eyes looked more natural on him than his regular rested look; probably because that was the state they first found him in before recruiting him into the Agency- a vulnerable boy with despair deep within his midnight eyes. It was in times like this that Oda wished to hug and comfort him, but his ego was still a frail one, making him still a child in many ways.
"Are you alright Ryunosuke?" Oda asked.
"Quite fine, thank you." the younger man replied while rubbing his eyes.
It was obvious something wasn't right, but before Oda could say anything, it was time to exit the train. Stepping outside, Oda thought to himself that time seems to be an insignificant variable in this place, since it was as busy as in any other part of the day, the only difference being colour and intensity of the light. Holding onto his luggage and his fellow detective, Oda frantically searched for the fastest way to distance from this mess, guided solely by desire of his heart. Ryunosuke followed with great difficulty to keep up with such energetic movements, basically jumping a few times in order not to let go of the redheads hand. To bypassers it was a funny scene, but neither of them were in the mood to laugh. When they finally came to their usual parting spot, on Oda's initiative, the two men hugged and exchanged their well wishes for the other. It will definitely take them a while to start working and see each other again, so as an elder, Oda felt the need to know his partner won't be hard on himself and will take the rest he deserved. Albeit, the hug may have been too much for his younger co-worker, but he didn't worry, kindness and tenderness were needed in that boy's life, and he was full of it, especially now.
Yet again, swiftly moving through the streets, Sakunosuke constantly checked his watch, hoping he arrives before Akiko's lectures. She never missed them, but he had to see her, at least for a few minutes, before she leaves. His lovesickness was ever-growing and had reached it's peak, if they missed each other now, he would fall asleep and remain imprisoned in sweet dreams filled with her image until the end of time. Even with his mind in a sweet mist, he managed to notice that a flowershop on the corner was opening. Accepting the risk, he quickly got in and asked if they had her favourite flowers, carnations, in the colour of red. With a smile on his face, an old gardener put down his scissors and with a snap of his fingers made a bouquet worth of a queen. Oda never saw such a graceful ability before, but he didn't think much of it at the moment- with glee in his eyes, he left a generous tip to the shopkeeper and thanked him before hurrying off again. When he came to the apartment door his hands begun shaking and throat became dry, still he unconsciously curled his mouth into a dumb smile, making him look much like an excited dog. He rang the bell, and to his surprise, the door opened immediately revealing to him a mesmerising sight. Her. Akiko was standing there only for a second before wrapping herself around his neck and locking him in a tigh hug, but he had already absorbed her appearance. Purple eyes shined with a light so bright and soft it looked like fairy dust and her skin was so mild and soothing that neither ice or fire could overpower it. Breathing out of sync, feeling each others heartbeats, their lips slowly merged into a kiss, gentle but passionate, so long they were both left out of breath. But that wasn't enough.
"Welcome." She whispered, gazing into his deep blue eyes as she dragged him inside and closed the door.
He smiled and placed a series of small kisses on her lips, cheeks and neck before officially giving her the flowers.
Akiko smelled them and smiled innocently "How wonderful of you." she exclaimed and kissed him passionately as a thankful gesture.
From this moment on words were unnecessary, all they needed was each other, and with no obstacles anymore, there was absolutely nothing that could distract them- this was a torture for far too long...
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