#eventual pietasu
mewscarrafone · 1 year
Hey people! Sorry for the shameless self-promotion here, but I just posted my first fanfic of Tokyo Mew Mew on Ao3! Do you feel like giving it a look?
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pumpkinpie59 · 11 months
someday i’m gonna make a comic making fun of my Big 3 Ships (leolotus, tfa oplita, and pietasu)
(ramble incoming)
like honestly
they have a lot in common
leonardo and lotus blossom is a hero and a morally grey ninja for hire. mutual feelings and they don’t seem to be emotionally constipated about it lol. they’re only in 87, but that’s okay bc they outshine every other tmnt pairing lmao. i still want them to return. leo’s an extrovert and lotus is an introvert
optimus prime and blackarachnia/elita-1 is a hero and a …… borderline villain. mutual feelings but it’s ridiculously complicated with really weird denial issues. in g1 and the netflix trilogy (which is bad), optimus and elita are basically married. and in anything else there’s nothing clearly romantic between them. they’re both introverts (in tfa at least).
pie and retasu is a redeemed villain and a hero (tho not a leader like leo or optimus). pie likes retasu and she eventually becomes curious about him (at least in the og anime. in the manga they hardly interact and the closest we get is them being coworkers in the last sequel. in the reboot they keep in touch and seem to be pretty fond of each other). both introverts.
i suppose hero x villain couples are kind of my thing tho i do like that in leolotus’ case there isn’t much conflict in that department. they’re pretty fluffy most of the time. only when lotus was manipulated into believing leonardo disgraced her clan was she ever antagonistic towards him, but he managed to calm her down and clear the misunderstanding. but they spend the rest of the episode on a date mission together.
pie and retasu only fought by necessity and probably would’ve been friends otherwise. in the og anime, pie kinda … avoided fighting her after he fell for her, preferring to fight her teammates instead while she tried to talk to him. also he died to protect her.
…. optimus and blackarachnia are … stupid. they both have feelings for each other but they’re stupid about it. blackarachnia seems to still care about him but will deny it. she claims to hate him but never goes through with hurting him (badly). she doesn’t want him dead and has fulfilled her promises to him. she blames him for her mutation but i think deep down she blames herself more. meanwhile optimus mostly respects her privacy and leaves her alone but tries to reach out to her when she needs his help.
where was i going with this idk
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