#every couple of centuries
suispiria · 2 years
I really could talk about it for hours kaladin was a doctor in training forced to join the military by the village’s rich guy that had a grudge against his family then he’s wrongly convicted to a life sentence because another rich guy wanted what he won in battle THEN it turns out the life sentence consists of slave labor of the suicide mission kind where they’re sent to the frontlines having to carry huge planks of wood and they’re unarmed human shields and bridges for the army and it only stops because his crew develops superpowers and the king’s council turns them into a super task force and this is all framed as a good thing . Insanity
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boonsandwhatever · 11 months
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Because yes.
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princessstevemunson · 7 months
Constantly thinking about this fic I read where Klaus Hargreeves goes to Eddie Munson’s afterlife and thinks it’s the worst one he’s visited. I’m sorry a basement to play D&D in is worse than an endless Walmart??? (This something Klaus actually thinks) I work at Walmart that would be my personal hell.
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waffliesinyoface · 6 months
the reason mokou can use fire isnt because she's part phoenix or whatever, it's entirely because she got in a fight with kaguya at one point and kaguya went "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" and mokou spontaneously combusted in sheer rage. she has since learned to weaponize it
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scrambled-eggsed · 2 years
No but really when i was 9 years old and read the secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel for the first time and the flamels/flemings were introduced. And nick is this unkept guy in jeans and a tshirt, while perry is this beautiful and sharp woman, wearing a quality dress in comparison to her husband's faded clothes. And their love is so unique and filled with adoration. THAT was my butch awakening
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see-arcane · 2 years
Somewhere in the Bureau of Increasingly Less Faithful Dracula Adaptations
Directors 1-60: Look, Mina clearly needs to be the sexy vampire bait-heroine in the next every one. She’s her era’s modern woman! She’ll appeal to all the wistful nerd chicks in the audience when we have her drop that Victorian snore Jonathan and pair her with Dracula!
Directors 61-99: Please, Mina’s old news. The real spotlight belongs to the original man harem juggler, Lucy. Everyone knows from the movies and shows that she 1) Is the hot one, 2) Brings all the dudes to the yard, and 3) Has plenty of potential for unfulfilled bisexy goings-on with Mina and Dracula. (Cannot stress enough that the Mina stuff stay unfulfilled, though.) If anyone’s the Babe-for-Bloodsuckers damsel protagonist, it’s Lucy!
Director 100: ...Shouldn’t it be Jonathan? 
Directors 1-99: what
Director 100: I mean, in both Dracula and the cut prologue, “Dracula’s Guest,” Jonathan Harker gets sought out by the most lusty/bloodlusting vampires, period. In “Dracula’s Guest,” he gets approached by a vampire woman in a tomb, then an entire graveyard full of eager vampires in a storm, all of whom he was only shielded from because Dracula was stalking him in his giant wolf form and literally laid on top of him as protection while he howled to get the villagers’ attention. Then he left after tasting Jonathan’s neck. 
When Jonathan finally gets to the castle in the novel itself, Dracula destroys his personal space and imprisons him outright, full gothic heroine style, and at one point undresses and redresses Jonathan while he’s unconscious--after rescuing him from the three vampire girlfriends who hypnotize and try to take turns preying on the guy, which they and the Count go out of their way to call ‘kissing’ him. With the latter setup being only the first of multiple attempts from the ladies. 
Point being, if anybody should get acknowledged as the resident vampire magnet and damsel in distress with unwanted toothy intimacy issues in a new adaptation, it should be Jonathan Harker. 
Directors 1-99: ...
Director 100: ...
Directors 1-99: We always figured him and Dracula were just good friends
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Be Mine
Thena woke to the feeling of something fluttering against her cheek. It wasn't Gil's hair, or his hand, or his shirt against her cheek as she laid her head on his chest. She blinked, finally opening her eyes against the Australian sun. She was covered in rose petals. The whole bed was. They didn't even grow roses in the garden.
The Warrior Eternal sat up, looking around the room. There were bushels of plenty of other flowers around, from sunflowers to azaleas. When Gil had time to do this, she had...well, perhaps she had some idea. The night before had been...
Thena stood from the bed, slipping Gil's shirt on, which he kindly laid out for her every morning. She knew he had heard her get up, by this point, but she padded through the house silently, following the trail of flower petals towards the haven of the kitchen.
They weren't scattered sparsely--every step she took was more rose petal than wooden floorboard. The smell was light, telling that they had been spread out much earlier. "Gil?"
"In here, Sweetheart!"
A soft smile came to her at the pet name. He was feeling particularly good this morning, if he was using cute terms of endearment for fun. She didn't mind it.
It had taken her by slight surprise when he first started using them. It was just here and there, but one day she had asked him about the 'Sweetheart's and the 'Darling's. He had apologised and promised not to. She was the one who insisted that if he wanted to, then she wouldn't stop him.
Gil was already plating up a beautiful breakfast with a wide smile on his face. He looked at her like there was no sun in the sky at all--just her. "Hey."
"Hey," she smiled, still but accepting as he came over and greeted her with a kiss. He really was feeling particularly elated this morning. "What's all this?"
"Well," he grinned at her as he pulled out her chair for her and pushed her in and everything. "It's February 14th, my love."
Oh, yes. Western civilisation had concocted some holiday or another for the day around the 15th century?--or was it the 14th? Either way, she never bothered to keep track of all these newer holidays. "I see."
"So, I was wondering," Gil turned, pulling out yet another bundle of flowers, this time white lilies stuffed into the water pitcher. He presented them to her on one knee, just as handsome and charming and lovable as the first moment she laid her eyes on him in deep space. "Will you be my valentine?"
Thena smiled impossibly wide, a featherlight laugh floating up and out of her. The dust in the air turned into sparkles and she shook her head at him. "We have been out here - married! - for centuries. Are you truly asking?"
"Yes!" he insisted, because Gil liked doing things like this. He liked making romantic dinners just as much as he liked making dinners on hard days, and perfectly ordinary days. He liked picking flowers for her and he liked telling her she was more beautiful than every star in the sky. He scooted closer, pushing the lilies into her hands and resting his on her bare knee. "So?--what do you say?"
Thena set the lilies down so she could use both hands. She held his cheeks, tilting him up so she could kiss him with all she had. She could kiss him like they didn't need air, because they didn't (not as much as a silly human, at least). She could kiss him like she never had to let go--like it was just the two of them in the whole world.
Gil let her pull back, both of them smiling against each other's lips. His hands ran over her back, over the linen of his shirt. He settled his cheek against her palm, where it rightfully belonged. "That's a yes?"
"Yes," she laughed, kissing him again for good measure. She sighed at the taste of his delicious food already on his tongue. "What a terrible wife I am, forgetting such an occasion."
"Oh, come on," Gil rolled his eyes, blushing at her way of pointing out how sweet she thought it was that he did things like this.
Thena feigned a woeful, maidenly sigh. "What ever shall I do for my poor, beloved husband?"
"Mm, I don't think anyone would feel bad for me," he pointed out as he sat next to her, waving his fork up and down at her, "when my wife is this beautiful."
Thena took her time dismissing his sweet talk. She poked her fluffy eggs before taking a bite, "you mean after last night?"
Gilgamesh blushed.
"I could shower you with all the flowery compliments you gift me," she suggested, also in a playful mood after such a sweet gesture (and after that kiss).
"I told you, Sunshine," he freely claimed one of her hands for himself as he shovelled a bite of eggs into his mouth. "When I say 'em, they're true."
Thena's eyes drifted down to her fork in her hand, allowing his flattery just for the special occasion. Gil would describe her smile as small and shy, which she would argue it wasn't. The Warrior Eternal had no shyness to her.
Gil happily leaned forward as his wife held up a bite for him on her fork. He would always accept any small gesture of hers, because they were her way of expressing all the things he put into words. They were her form of flowery compliments and flirtations and pet names. And he loved every one of them.
Thena finished her bite and stood, kissing him on the temple before leaving the table. "Finish your breakfast. Then come find me."
Gil blinked as she pulled her hand out of his. He could complain about it, but he was curious as she started waving a blade around--her way of sweeping up the petals from the floor. "Baby?"
"Leave the dishes, my Sweet," she called back, maybe caught up in his sappiness. She picked up the pile of collected petals on her way to the bathroom.
Gil heard the tap for the bathtub squeak on. He tossed back the rest of his food and all but threw the plates into the sink to be taken care of later. He loved cuddling her in the bath, and she knew it. "I'm on my way!"
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marymekpop · 2 years
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if this is love.. if this is what it feels like.. then i think i’m in love
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mimiatmidnight · 3 months
Tbh i havent been enjoying twitter this much since Liz died
That tweet that was like "This is the first interesting thing Kate has ever done in her life" >>>>>
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
at the end of the day like it's not lesbians' job to resolve contradictions for you!! if you don't know how to square loving men with genuine unflinching opposition of the patriarchy, there are literally GENERATIONS of straight and bi feminist women who have been discussing this. but instead, for some reason, this is lesbians' responsibility, so our criticisms of men are met with unique discomfort, because they aren't underpinned by the assurance of partnership with a man to prove that we acknowledge men's humanity (as if lesbians don't have male friends, family members, children, students, comrades, etc + as if there aren't millions of heterosexual women who genuinely despise their partners).
when I relate a criticism of the patriarchy, and of men, it's not MY job to explain how that squares with the domestic harmony you and jakey share. I'm not persecuting that harmony when I don't have an answer for you:I don't have those answers because, as a lesbian, I don't need them, and frankly I don't envy you the task. there are people with these answers, but expecting lesbians to both have them + spoonfeed them to you every single time we open our mouths is starting to feel like a double standard when the vast majority of straight women don't have them either 😭
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uselesslilium · 2 years
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Some vampire!Shu x human!Mika, for your vampire AU needs.
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pennamepersona · 1 year
sure hope someone taught griffin mcelroy the word translucent in the past 6 years
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syn4k · 1 year
unrelated but does anyone know how to multiply and divide radicals. specifically ones both inside and outside of the exponent and with variables i understand zero of what's going on here
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lux-scriptum · 11 months
if Elliot grew out his hair it'd be all over
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sunsage · 1 year
Took some quick screenshots of Monkey King’s Room of Stuff just to show how bad his hoarding situation is. Like my man you gotta clean this place up, it’s dire.
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fruitsyrups · 1 year
I'm looking back through my art tag because I was wondering when the last time I posted art was (march) and now I'm like. Hmmm. Been a while since I've really drawn any finns and jakes!!! Especially Jake.
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