wortverlust · 2 years
Jo, these are for you and all the hard work your putting into drawing these💐and all for free too? I think you are so sweet and talented, please know that you are feeding us Levi simps, also, I don't care much for ships because they're not real but uh, that Levi x Eren one you did? rgjjijit I wanna be Eren so bad lmaoo anyway I enjoy your work very much and I enjoy seeing you on my dash 🥺😙
B-Bunny... F-Flowers…f-for…m-m-m-me? wfowhfweh AAAAWWWW thank you so VERY MUCH!!!
PLEASE I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! a-and…fgidsfoiahf G O D i don't know what to say….just, please, thank you so very much for your words and droppin' in my inbox!!! (YA STILL MANAGE TO MAKE ME SPEECHLESS!!!)
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