wortverlust · 2 years
Jo, these are for you and all the hard work your putting into drawing these💐and all for free too? I think you are so sweet and talented, please know that you are feeding us Levi simps, also, I don't care much for ships because they're not real but uh, that Levi x Eren one you did? rgjjijit I wanna be Eren so bad lmaoo anyway I enjoy your work very much and I enjoy seeing you on my dash 🥺😙
B-Bunny... F-Flowers…f-for…m-m-m-me? wfowhfweh AAAAWWWW thank you so VERY MUCH!!!
PLEASE I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! a-and…fgidsfoiahf G O D i don't know what to say….just, please, thank you so very much for your words and droppin' in my inbox!!! (YA STILL MANAGE TO MAKE ME SPEECHLESS!!!)
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4 notes · View notes
sakkiichi · 9 months
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Ways in which your kid calls his dad. Will he get to hear a ‘papa’?
ft. Scaramouche/Wanderer, Albedo, Xiao, Childe, Kaeya, Neuvillette x gn! reader.
cw/genre: pure fluff. Reader is referred to as ‘mama’, you and the character have a child. They’re all girl dads.
a birthday present for my dearest @bunny-rambles 🩵 i’m wishing you the best day today and always, hun ! ilysm, thank you for always being by my side. I hope we can celebrate many many more birthdays together, mwah <3
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ note: about this fic… i struggled quite a little with it, and i’m sorry it’s not my best piece… this was a totally new concept to write for me, but i still hope you can enjoy, bunbun, dear ♡
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Wide indigo orbs meet his furrowed gaze.
Scaramouche is not amused.
Or at least that’s what he wants whoever sees him right now to believe. Namely, you.
Tiny hands cup the Wanderer’s cheeks, big eyes, so similar to his, staring up at him in wonder. The little girl in his arms squeezes his face, a pout forming on her father’s lips. Giggles erupt from her smiling lips, the corners of Scaramouche’s mouth unconsciously tilting upwards.
“You’re amused, huh?” Your husband asks, rocking the baby in his hold. She stares at him, her little arms flailing upward, giggling happily.
“Moochie!” She babbles, trying to stand on the wanderer’s knees, her hands reaching for his hat.
“Hey, hey, now!” Kunikuzushi pouts, securing his hat. “That is not a toy and I’m not Moochie…”
“Moochie!” His daughter repeats, poking his cheek.
He sighs.
“Not Moochie…” Scaramouche’s ears take on a rather rosy tone, especially when your giggles are not exactly inconspicuous, your attempt at keeping hidden just outside the living room, obviously half-assed.
“Pa-pa. Not Moochie.” He repeats, bopping his little one’s nose. “And here, play with this.” He offers, handing his baby a doll curiously identical to himself.
Your eyes soften from your spot when you observe the fond smile on your lover’s face. He might feign annoyance, but when it came to your baby, all the facade was scattered to the winds. Storm clouds and lightning seemed so far away when he was surrounded by the blue skies and birdsong that dawned with your daughter’s hand grabbing his finger.
“Pa..” The little one begins, lifting the doll, as if indicating that it indeed represents her father.
“Pa…” Your wanderer prompts, as he points to the cloth mini version of himself.
Then, the girl’s eyes focus somewhere beyond her dad, tiny hands wiggling and waving, the plush doll still in her grasp.
“Mama!” She exclaims, making to reach for you, trying to climb over the sofa’s backrest, where it not for your partner’s protective hold.
Finally stepping out from your hideout, you walk towards them.
Familiar warm arms wrap around the no longer broken puppet, as your precious baby rests between your two heartbeats. Yours, steady, undeniably human. His, bloomed anew, thanks to you; with a newfound tune, sweeter, gentler, thanks to his little one.
Scaramouche closes his eyes, lashes of now starlit midnights resting on his perfect cheekbones. His head leans on your shoulder, your lips feather-light on his dusky hair, as your hands gently lift his hat a bit.
Your girl grabs one of her father’s fingers once more, the handmade mini wanderer kept close to her chest.
Yes, storms were definitely over for days to come.
A tug on the leg of his pants and familiar unintelligible noises pull the alchemist out of his task.
Albedo’s features soften when he spots the cause of his distraction.
Putting the notebook he was currently scribbling on aside, he crouches down.
“And who do we have here?” The chalk prince asks, smoothing the golden locks on his baby’s small head.
“Mama?” She replies, her tiny hand pulling on her dad’s clothes.
The gesture is followed by one of Albedo’s gentle chuckles, eyes like northern stars on clear nights bright at the sight of his daughter.
“Mama’s not here now, little princess.” He explains, as he picks the baby up. “They will get home soon, though.” Your child stares at him as if unsatisfied with the answer, head slightly tilted to the side. “How about we have some fun in the meantime?”
Giggles that always reminded Albedo of sunshine days at dragonspine are the answer that follows.
Taking his little one’s two hands in his, the chief alchemist helps his daughter take a few trembling steps, the baby happily padding on the wooden floor.
“There we go, princess!” Your lover chuckles, sitting the girl securely on the beige couch. Teal eyes flecked in emerald follow your partner’s movements, as he rummages through your living room’s drawers.
A few seconds later, more incomprehensible joyful babbles follow, when he sits by your daughter’s side, his hands expertely setting the supplies he retrieved on the low table. She stares at him intently, her gaze drawn to the vibrant crayons cluttering the tabletop’s surface.
“What should we draw today, my princess?” Are Albedo’s words, as he hands his child a light blue pencil, its tip dulled so she can’t hurt herself.
“Snow!” She exclaims, her tiny feet kicking back and forth in excitement, eliciting chuckles from her dad.
“You want to paint snow, my little cecilia?” He asks, combing through her blonde strands. “Alright, how about we paint you, mama and papa building a snowman?”
“Yay!” Your baby reaches for the blank paper, wonder and excitement written all over her rounded features, her tongue sticking out the corner of her small mouth. She always loved to draw and paint, especially when it was with Albedo. And even if her pictures often ended up turning out as just criss-crossing lines or messy splotches, you and your husband always kept every single one of them, displayed as priceless masterpieces on the fridge’s door, the living room walls or your study.
After a few minutes of focused work, three figures start taking form over a background of messily drawn blue snowflakes.
“Look, dearie.” Albedo calls. “Who are these?”
His girl looks up at him, a huge smile on her face as she bites the pencil.
“Mama! Me! And Papa!” She answers proudly, pointing at each of the figures.
Albedo’s eyes widen, gilded sparks reflected in the cloudless skies of his irises at his daughter’s words.
Those last two syllables.
His own pencil falls out of his grasp, clattering to the carpeted floor. In this moment, nothing else exists, save for the jingling echo of his daughter’s angelic tone.
“Papa?” She asks, tugging on his sleeve.
Albedo picks the little girl up, rising her as she laughs, unaware.
“Can you say it again, little princess? ‘Papa’.”
“Papa! Papa!” Giggles leave her throat.
Softly, Albedo places a kiss on her kid’s forehead, hugging her as the both of them lay down on the sofa.
When you got home, silence greets you, broken only by even breaths. Smiling to yourself, you brush a kiss against your husband’s and your daughter’s hair, a new painting adorning the walls after you gently throw a blanket over the sleeping figures of your two treasures.
“Do you want to hold her, Xiao? She’s been looking at you for a while.” You chuckle, your gaze softened when it sets upon your yaksha.
Golden eyes, not unlike the child’s currently on your arms, shadow in fear and shame for a moment.
What if he hurts the baby? What if his karma taints her somehow? What if-
“Xiao.” Your hand finds his gloved one, centuries of bloodshed written in the concealed scars. “She’ll be okay.” You reassure, a gentle squeeze, as your fingers slot between his.
The adeptus glances in his daughter’s direction, her round amber eyes curiously observing him.
Your husband’s jaw sets, his lips drawn in a taut line. If someone were to look at him now, they may think he’s sulking, the furrow of his brow apparently an indication to steer clear.
You, however, know better.
“Here, I’m with you, love.” You softly utter, placing your daughter in her father’s arms.
The baby stares up at her dad in awe, her little hands fiddling with the necklace he always wears.
She’s so small… such a pure and precious being… will she be safe with him?
Just as these thoughts plague his mind, the girl curls up in his embrace, nuzzling against his toned torso.
“See? She adores you, Xiao…” You tell him, knuckles brushing against your baby’s soft full cheek. “Isn’t that right, sweetie?” She turns around, a smile drawing on her lips, as she buries herself further into Xiao, whose cheeks have gone as red as the carmine lining his eyes.
“H-hello, little qingxin…” Xiao greets her, awkwardly rubbing her back.
In response, his baby tilts her head slightly backwards, the molten suns in her stare illuminating her father’s rusted gold gaze.
“Papa!” She goes, a little clumsy, it sounding more like ‘dada’.
The vigilant yaksha’s eyes widen, his heart feeling like a million bright lanterns floating towards a starry sky.
“Xiao! She said ‘papa’! See? She loves you!” You excitedly chant, hugging your husband’s waist, as you pepper kisses all over his face. “You are her first word, dear, our baby adores her dad so much. I knew she would!” A smile tugs at your lips, lids fluttering closed as you rest your cheek on Xiao’s shoulder.
His hands hover around his daughter, his hold on her delicate, as if she was a newly bloomed flower whose petals could vanish if the wind blew too strongly.
“Papa…” The girl repeats, her chubby cheek squished against’s Xiao’s form. Her eyes are droopy, a little yawn escaping her as she settles more comfortably in her father’s embrace.
Your adeptus heaves out a sigh of relief, the warmth of a familiar fireplace swarming all around him, as if candid candle flames were running through his veins when the soft snores of his daughter reach his ears.
The conqueror of demons’ mask would be shed for tonight.
Small hands are glued to the window’s glass panes, a pair of bright blue eyes staring awestruck at the image currently taking place in your garden.
Flashes of crystalline cyan flit across the air as Childe wields his double blades, merging them into a spear, his muscles taut at the effort.
The little girl’s tiny hands curl into fists, as she leans forward in anticipation, marine gaze following her father’s movements.
He reminds her of the illustrations she’s seen in the picture books Teucer has shown her before.
She must get closer.
Looking over her shoulder, your daughter makes sure you’re busy with something in the kitchen.
Her plan can be put into action now.
Crawling towards the door on all fours, she realizes she’s nowhere near tall enough to reach the handle.
Oh, but she takes after you, and will not be deterred by something like this.
Silently, the baby makes her way towards the dog you took in. He’s big and fluffy and very peaceful, often keeping company to the little girl. With a gentle pat to his side, she looks up at him with those big blue eyes and, despite his instinct to keep her safe, the puppy obliges to her demand.
Folding his paws, the animal lowers himself to the ground, allowing your daugher to climb. A vivid spark flashes through her ocean eyes, tiny hands securing on her companion’s fur.
And just as she was about to reach the door opening to the garden, a familiar voice that’s lulled her to sleep many a night stops her in her tracks.
“And just what do you think you’re doing, little lady.” You stand a couple feet away from her, hands on your hips, your concern masked with masterfully feigned anger.
Your baby stares up at you, that oceanic gaze puppy-like, much like her father did when you were mad at him.
“Mama…” She mumbles, her little hands signaling to where Childe is training outside, sounds you can’t understand leaving her pouty lips.
You sigh, kneeling to pick her up, rubbing your dog’s chin gently.
“So you want to see papa training, don’t you, little troublemaker?” You prompt, smiling as you tickle her belly. She giggles, wiggling her legs in your hold. “Alright, just this once, and because he’s almost finished with his routine.” You warn, softly pinching her cheek.
Once outside, you both stare at the harbinger, you, with heating cheeks; your daughter, in admiration and wonder.
“Papa!” She calls, energetically waving to her father, as you have to struggle so she doesn’t fall out of your grasp.
Suddenly, Ajax’s hydro blades vanish, a rare glow present in the eyes that are so like his daughter’s. A wide grin spreads across his sun-kissed features, arms opening as he runs towards you and his baby.
“Papa! Papa!” His daughter repeats, as your husband hugs the both of you.
No matter how cold Snezhnaya’s blizzards blew, Ajax would always have his personal patch of sunshine in you two.
Calla lilies surround the scene, their russet-hued petals aglow in the blue shimmer of the statue of the seven standing amidst the lake.
Dusk approaches, the sky still dyed in shades of tangerine and cherry blossom, the sun, a glimmering halo right above the horizon.
Over frondous grass spotted in sun and shadow, a blanket lies, its baby blue pattern fading into the multiple colors of the snacks scattered above it: portions of cake you baked the afternoon prior; sandwitches carefully cut in triangle shapes; handpicked apples and sunsettias, cut and placed into plates by your lover.
But perhaps the most vivid color of them all was that of the couple sitting atop it.
A couple and their daughter.
“You really liked this pie, didn’t you, little lily?” Kaeya coos at his baby, her chubby cheeks littered with crumbs of the soft cake she’s been devouring all afternoon. Two pairs of ice blue eyes meet each other beneath the setting sun, the girl’s giggles eliciting a chuckle from her father’s lips as he carefully wipes her face. “Mama will be mad if you stain your dress, little princess.” The cavalry captain points out, in mock scolding.
His reprimand is met with a bashful smile and his kid cuddling into him, her tiny hands clutching his clothes.
“Kaeya, don’t tease her!” You swat at his arm playfully, soft laughter leaving the both of you as your husband smooths over your girl’s hair, placing a soft kiss on her head.
“Don’t pay any mind to papa, now.” You reassure her, tenderly brushing over her chubby hands. “He’s a little silly sometimes.”
The girl looks up at you, those iceberg toned eyes wide in wonder at the world that she still has to discover around her.
You ruffle her hair, as she turns around in Kaeya’s embrace, settling on top of his legs, staring up at him.
“Papa!” She announces, taking ahold of Kaeya’s long braid, playing with it. “Papa… prince!” She points out, as she grabs one of the dolls she brought: a boy wearing a crown.
With a knowing grin, you shift closer to your lover, leaning against his side.
“Yes, little sweetheart, you’re right, papa is a prince.” Kaeya’s hand locks with yours over his shoulder, fingers laced together, the warmth of his touch so paradoxical, given the freeze he commands.
“And that is why you’re our little princess.” The knight tells your baby, as he places a stray calla lily on her hair.
“Princess!” She happily babbles, rising her arms.
Instances like this… they truly stoked gentle flames around the captain’s heart, oftentimes concealed behind apparently crystalline walls of frost. As long as he had the two of you, at least during brief moments like this, there would be no need for practiced facades.
Across the distant horizon, even dusk seemed to delay, allowing a few more seconds of luminous skies for the family sitting below it, a flickering smile crossing the anemo archon’s face of stone.
Slate skies expand above him, his opal eyes restless oceans in the tears they contain, painted lashes dripping in midnight droplets.
Rainbow roses seem to weep too, their petals downcast, the sunrise shades of their blossoms muted in the downpour.
Neuvillette stands alone, the garden of your shared home melancholy; the trees too bare, the grass ashen, the flowers wilting.
Save for the pitter-patter of rusted silver droplets, silence reigns the scene.
The hydro dragon’s mood had a tendency to be mirrored in the heavens over Fontaine, after all.
Sighing, the Chief Justice takes a sit by a bush of lumidouce bells. Fitting, for someone whose shoulders slump not unlike the petals of the periwinkle hued blooms.
“Neuvi, love.” A familiar voice calls him, gently. “What are you doing out there in this weather, dear?”
Long argent locks of hair shift, like seafoam by moonlight, when he turns around, water, from the rain, or his tears, or both, running down his cheeks.
“Someone has come to see you, my love.” You softly utter, beckoning your husband towards the porch, the impending cacophony of his racing mind and falling downpour partially silencing.
Neuvillette’s features warm up a bit the moment he realizes who you’re talking about.
A little girl placidly rests between your arms, eyes of crystalline dusk looking up at her father. Unlike his, hers are rounded, lacking the dark circles frequently etched under your lover’s.
“Look who’s here, little rainbow.” You coo at your daughter, who tries chasing after your wiggling fingers, right as you playfully poke her belly. “Papa is here, do you perhaps want to play with him?”
The baby looks at you, one of her tiny fists on her mouth, as her eyes crinkle up in crescents. Then, she turns towards her dad, arms reaching out.
“Papa! Papa!” She laughs, inclining her flexible small torso towards him.
Neuvillette’s gaze widens, placing his hands around his little girl, protectively cradling her in his embrace.
“Papa is here, sunshine.” Your lover assures her, as he leans down to kiss her nose.
In the distance, a familiar arch shoots across the heavens, the violet of goodbyes and separations shifting into rosy affection.
Golden replaces dull steel, flecks of it dotting the grass, remnants of rain clinging like emeralds to the verdant stems.
The sun is out. The hydro dragon cries no more.
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7K notes · View notes
elllisaaa · 7 months
no nut november - hwang hyunjin (1st to lose)
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-> pairing : hyunjin x fem!reader
-> words count : 2,6k
-> genre : smut, etablished relation
-> warnings : slight pussydrunk!hyunjin, sending nudes, teasing, dirty talk, praising, unprotected sex, marking, oral (f. receiving), fingering, creampie, use of 'good girl', nipple play, begging + the way i'm depicting hyunjin does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction.
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | no nut november
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When all the members agreed to this stupid bet, Hyunjin was determined not to lose, or at least, not to lose before Jisung. Everyone knew both of them would be the first to be out, it was obvious, but he had his pride. He just wanted to not be the first to lose. Because he had a bit of consciousness left ; his sex drive was too high to not do anything for a whole month, but one week, maybe he could handle it. 
He didn’t text you right away, thinking about all the things he had to do and that he would see you tonight ; he’ll tell you at this moment. But when he got home, you were not here, just a note saying you were spending the night at your best friend's because she wasn’t feeling well. Hyunjin didn’t think much of it, going on about his day casually texting with you. He didn’t recall the bet once because they had all agreed not to talk about it in order not to disturb them while they were working. 
It’s only when, three days after the agreement was made, you sent him a picture of you, wearing only your underwear, that he realized he totally forgot to tell you. He came very late last night and just wanted to sleep. And you left very early in the morning, which didn’t give him a chance to address a word to you. 
Hyunjin gulped loudly, closing his eyes and trying to think about all the most disgusting things he knew, just to stop the memories of you and your sweet voice moaning his name coming back into his mind. But it was too late. He had a bonner, and all he wanted was to came back home and fuck you. 
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He resumed practicing his choreo, but all he was thinking about was you. Your face when he gave you what you wanted, your moans when he got down on you, your mouth wrapped around his cock, your tight little cunt that he was just wishing to be buried into right now. And all of that didn’t help him to calm down, nor the fact that you were actually still wearing only your underwear when he stepped into your apartment. He knew you were more comfortable like that when you were alone but you always put something back on before he got home - or you would end up fucking like bunnies everytime. But he came back earlier and the sight in front of his eyes was very, very tempting. 
“- Baby… Why are you doing this to me ?”
You turned around with a grin on your face, letting the meal you were cooking warm up behind you, still not aware of how difficult you were making it for him to keep his calm. 
“- Doing what ? Thought you liked it…”
You stopped the gas under your pot before stepping closer to him, noticing how tense his jaw was. 
“- Are you alright Jinnie ?
- Yeah, yeah, don’t worry. You’re just… I can’t resist.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his compliment. You always liked men being vocal about how much you were driving them crazy, and Hyunjin just reinforced that by telling you everything that crossed his mind at every moment. 
“- Why would you have to resist though ? I’m here to please you.”
You smiled once again, finally reaching him and pecking his lips, making him gasp and going stiff. 
“- I… Me and the boys made a bet.”
You frowned and tilted your head to the side, wondering which dumb shit it was this time, and if it was coming from your boyfriend or Jisung. 
“- And what is it ?
- No nut november.”
The laugh that escaped your lips was so loud that Hyunjin was torn between finding your smile beautiful and feeling vexed that you thought he was so bad at controlling himself. The pout on his face told you exactly that when you were finally able to look at him again. You put your hands on his cheeks, still smiling from ear to ear. 
“- And you agreed ?
- Yeah, why ?
- Baby… We both know that you won’t last a week in this. You’re so hard right now, and I haven’t done anything yet.”
Hyunjikn groaned, closing his eyes to stop himself from looking at your thighs, and your lips, and your whole body. Still, you were absolutely right. He knew he wouldn’t last long, but he thought he was stronger than that. While he was thinking, you started to run your fingers through his hair, kissing his cheeks but never his lips. 
“- So ? Am I still “so in for it” or not ?”
He thought about it for a moment. Yes, he would never hear the end of it if he lost on the third day, and Jisung’s ego will get even bigger. But what was the point ? He didn’t want not to touch you for a month when you were literally his stress reliever. 
Without saying a word nor answering to you, he put his hands on your hips and his lips on yours, making you smile into your passionate kiss. He gave up so much more easily than you thought, but you weren’t going to complain. Hyunjin broke the kiss just to let his eyes wander all over your half-naked body. 
“- Like what you see ?”
He licked his lips, his hands sliding from your hips to your ass with a grin on his face. And even if you should be used to it, the fact that he was effortlessly so hot still made a shiver run down your spine.
“- So much… Makes me want to fuck you right now.”
Your own hands slipped under the hem of his shirt, your fingers running across his warm skin. And it was driving him crazy. It’s been three days since he had felt your touch for the last time, and he didn’t want to contain himself any more. It’s already been too long for him. 
Hyunjin pushed your hips into his, letting you feel his hard cock under his clothes, and kissed you once again. You could feel his heated skin through his still clothed body. And that was driving you insane. You could make fun of Hyunjin all you wanted, but you knew you were not any better. You couldn’t have resisted him more than he did. Your sex drive was as high as his, but you were grateful he gave in first - wouldn’t have been good for your image. 
Soon enough, you felt Hyunjin’s tongue licking your lips, and you opened your mouth with a little whimper, kissing him hungrily while your hands were gripping his shirt, forcing him to break the kiss to take it off. You stepped back and settled on top of the kitchen’s counter, and then pulled Hyunjin between your legs, your face inches away from his. 
“- Then fuck me Jinnie… I want you so bad…”
And that did it for him. Hyunjin let his head fall into your neck, sucking on it, licking it, biting it, and making you moan and tug his hair in your fingers. His own hand already found the clip of your bra and took it off. His lips traced a trail from your neck to your nipples that he quickly took in his mouth, getting you to whine his name and grip tightly at his roots. 
“- I missed feeling your skin…”
You smiled at how innocent this comment was even though Hyunjin was playing with your breast, and that his lips were making their way to your soaked panties. Your boyfriend was always eager to eat you out. Of course he loved it when you sucked him off, but he could spend hours between your legs without getting tired of your taste, or the noise you were making every time he did. And well, you couldn’t protest when he was this good with his mouth. 
Hyunjin kept eye contact with you while he slowly took off your panties. He threw them away somewhere in the room, kissing your inner thighs and making his way to your cunt. You sighed, relaxing completely under his touch, spreading your legs wide and tugging at his hair. When he finally put his mouth on your clit, you moaned and closed your eyes shut, the familiar rush of pleasure coursing through your veins. 
“- God… I wouldn’t have survived one month without your mouth on me…”
Hyunjin chuckled against you, sending vibrations that made you shiver. He stuck his tongue out, practically making out with your clit as you were clenching around nothing, whining and grinding against his face.
“- You really love tasting me baby, don’t you… ?”
You let out a shaky breath when your boyfriend pressed a finger against your entrance, teasing you a bit before pushing it between your folds and making you moan loudly. He didn’t stop licking you all this time, a mix of his saliva and your juices dripping down from your cunt to the counter beneath you. 
“- Yeah… Pussy drunk are you ? Of course you are… Look at you baby, face buried into me like you didn’t eat me out just three days ago…”
As much as you liked teasing him, it was getting difficult to even think of a single thing, and your words were quickly replaced by never ending and louder moans each time his now two fingers pressed against your sweet spot. You just stopped talking for a while, the heat in your body starting to get unbearable. 
“- Jinnie… P-Please… A little more… Just n-need… More…”
Hyunjin almost whined at you begging for him, for his tongue and fingers to give you what you were waiting for. Your hands were gripping his hair tight, and he could have come untouched just from the feeling and the view of your blissed out face. But he wanted to be in you so bad, he just pressed his tongue harder on your clit, overstimulating you a bit while you were coming just for him. 
He let you come back from your orgasm while he was wiping off your juices that dripped on his chin. Hyunjin smiled at you when you opened your eyes, looking so fucked out he just wanted to burry himself deep in you. 
“- Wouldn’t survive a month without eating you out…”
You heard his mumbled words and it made you laugh : you two were definitely not made for this type of challenge, but it didn’t even cross your mind as you kissed Hyunjin and your hands were sliding his pants down his thighs, his boxer following quickly. 
“- Want you in me…”
You were asking for it so sweetly, how could he say no to you ? (and yes, he had convinced himself that he caved in only because you were looking really gorgeous, not because he couldn’t hold back anymore.) Hyunjin guided his cock to your cunt, letting only the tip slide into you. 
“- How much do you want it love ? Tell me… ”
He liked to tease you just before entering you, just before he couldn’t tease anymore because he was always too far gone in your warm, tight, wet cunt. He was crazy over you, over this feeling. But at the same time, he couldn’t resist the urge to hear you beg for him, for his cock one more time. 
“- P-Please… 
- Please what ?
- Want your dick in me… Want you to be rough…
- That’s my good girl…"
You almost cried at the feeling of him entering you fully, making you feel on the verge of tears from the overwhelming feeling of his warm body against yours. Hyunjin’s lips were only inches from yours and you leaned in to kiss him hungrily while he was putting his hands on your waist and started to move back and forth. Both your moans were muffled by your messy kisses, feeling saliva drip from your mouth to your chin, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care when his dick in you felt like heaven. 
“- Shit… You’re so tight love… 
- Just for you… For your big cock…
- Yeah ? Big enough for your little wet cunt ?
- Fuck ! Yes… Don’t stop… C-Close…”
As your second orgasm was approaching, you started to lose your words, only capable of letting out some words here and there, and rutting your hips against Hyunjin. You nuzzled your face into his neck, muffling your moans against the sensitive skin, making your boyfriend shiver, loving to be so close to him, even though his pace was all but romantic. 
“- Gonna cum love ?
- Y-Yeah… Keep going p-please…”
Hyunjin sped up the rhythm of his hips, feeling you getting tighter with each thrusts, then getting sloppier and messier, telling you he was also almost there too. You also knew he liked to be praised when he was about to come. So you did just that.
“- You’re making me feel so good baby, so full… Love it when you lose control like this, just for me… You’re going to make me come with your big dick…”
Your boyfriend moaned against your lips, his forehead pressed against yours and his fingers digging into the skin of your hips so deep you hesitated between whining in pleasure or in pain. 
“- Ah- So good for me Hyunjin… Want you to fill me up… Come on, give it to me…”
“- Baby… Fuck !”
And that did it for Hyunjin. It only took him a couple more thrusts before he reached his high, cumming hard inside of you. And the feeling of his hot seed spilling in your cunt pushed you over the edge too, crying out in pleasure, joining the fucked out songs your boyfriend was letting out as he continued moving until it all started to feel too much. 
Both of you needed a moment to come back to reality, looking each other in the eyes and smiling softly before sharing a sweet kiss. You sighed, leaning totally against Hyunjin’s firm body while he stocked your back softly. You didn’t know what was to gain if he won the bet, but judging by your actual state, you didn’t care much, rather not at all. 
“- Go to the shower baby, I’ll warm up our meal and we could watch the drama we started last time. How’s that sound ?
- Perfect. I love you so much…”
You giggled before kissing him and muttering an “I love you too” against his lips. You pushed him away from you, just so you could get down off of the counter and put back your underwear, preventing his cum from spilling out of you and dripping down your thighs. Hyunjin stared at you, frowning and you understood something was bothering him.
“- What ?
- Sure you don’t need help to clean up ?
- Yes, I’m sure. I can do that myself, and I know you need your shower after work.”
Hyunjin took you in by your waist to kiss you before gathering his spare clothes on the floor and getting to the bathroom. Once there, he took his phone out of his pants, sending a message in the group chat.
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Hyunjin shutted his phone off for the night, wanting to enjoy this moment with his sweet girlfriend that he could have whenever he wanted while the other would have to contain themselves. And for him, that was the real victory.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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taglist - @bangchans-angel @its-hannjisung @3rachasninja @boi-bi-ahaha @supergoopjudgepyschic @jaiuneamesolitaiire @starsandrqindrops @anonymousreader55 @iwannabangchan69 @b3tOxic @fawnpeaks @lxrii @channiesgoodgirl @imsotiredandalsonineteen @bbchangbinnie24 @abbystaysstuff @chrishak @cscsi @minskzy @hyunlixs-wife0309 @stayconnecteed @miserya99 (if your pseudo is crossed out, it's because I can't tag you and you'll have to change your settings)
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ghoulphile · 1 month
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i want this man to do gross, disrespectful, unspeakable, borderline illegal things to me
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⭐ inbox | discord | ao3 ⭐ requests: temporarily closed | tag lists: open last updated | 5/31/24 notes | i'll update this post as i continue to write. fics will be 18+ unless stated otherwise ❤️ requests closed so i can catch up on the ones already submitted - will be opening up again soon!
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🍒 sticky fingers cooper howard x reader one-shot | 18+
“Lil girls should know it’s rude ta steal.”
🍒 janey's dad pre-war cooper howard x reader two-shot, part 1 | 18+
“We really, uh, shouldn’t - oh fuck, you look --”
🍒 run rabbit run cooper howard x reader drabble, request | 18+
the drabble thing HNNNGH think about coop calling you bunny from the start bc he clocked that you were always a down for it and you not getting it until he after you fuck for the first time
🍒 in the middle of the night cooper howard x reader drabble, request | 18+
Cooper watching you sleep. Its a quiet night. nothing but bugs passing by. Cooper keeps watching, and his mind wanders. cut to him "borrowing" your soft and smooth hand, pulling it from under your makeshift blanket and wrapping it on his dick, jacking himself with your hand bc he's bored/trying to pass the time/stay awake
🍒 wish you'd make me cry cooper howard x reader drabble, request | 18+
"You’re such a needy fucking brat." :3c
🍒 dog days pre-war cooper howard x reader fluff, request
I was wondering if you'd write something about maybe prewar/postwar (either one) cooper where his love is a bit sick (not life threateningly so ect) and he just takes good care of them
🍒 it's always the quiet ones pre-war cooper howard x reader drabble | 18+
We can see that Cooper tends to go for good girls but what if he ran into a seemingly innocent - or at the very least kind - person… but they dirty talk like a sinner in the sack?
🍒 i can taste your skin in my teeth cooper howard x reader drabble, wip request | 18+
drabble request thingy: "you're so wet and I haven't even touched you" and/or "aww... you're pathetic" I feel like these go so well together in a very mean(super hot) way >:)
🍒 use me pre-war cooper howard x reader drabble, wip request | 18+
for the drabble request "I want to use you so fucking bad" with pre bomb coop?
🍒 don't threaten me with a good time cooper howard x reader request , wip | 18+
how do you think our ghoul would handle having a breeding kink?
🍒 in the collision of your kiss pre-war cooper howard x reader one-shot, wip | 18+
"As I live and breathe, that's Cooper Howard! Why, he must've cost a fortune -- how ever did you get him to agree to attend a children's party?"
🍒 criminal tongues cooper howard x reader request, wip | 18+
Could I get and aggressive smut with coop like he hasn't had any in 200 something years ! Hes needy and wants it NOW
🍒 finders, keepers cooper howard x reader request, wip | 18+
Cooper wants people to know the reader is *his*, and she best damn well know it to. If she doesn't, he'll have to show her
🍒 god is a woman cooper howard x reader request, wip | 18+
If you don't mind of making cooper howard/the ghoul being submissive or treating reader like a goddess of a smut?
🍒 bury all your secrets in my skin cooper howard x reader request, wip | 18+
I was thinking how it would be to be the first to get him to take all his clothes off since the bombs fell. Being the first to get him to be vulnerable in this way. If you would write this I would be very grateful.
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jals-stuff · 2 months
Some Rayne brainrot...
this is some stupid (and a bit horny??? no? yes? i don't know) stuff that went through my mind last night
MDNI PLEASE! this spawned in my head, no context
warnings: female reader, rayne is ooc and pervy, he is staring, dubcon (bit steamy at the end), bit of swearing, bit of horniness, mentions of boobies and peen...
i am very sorry, i wrote this with 0 hours of sleep. barely proofread. enjoy
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Rayne Ames. The Divine Visionary, the Sword Cane.
If you watch animal documentaries, you are probably aware that cheetahs can stay in the same position for up to sixteen hours without moving at all…
Well, it so happens that Rayne’s facial expression is like a cheetah. He somehow always looks like you’ve told him a really bad pun, and he’s judging you for it (not funny, did not laugh). He probably even has this face on while he sleeps, eats, showers, and probably even while he decides to please himself. 
And yet, despite looking annoyed every second of the day, despite looking like the unfriendliest guy in the whole Academy, he looks absolutely stunning. Anyone would agree that Rayne Ames is a feast on the eyes. And you, as his seatmate in class, aren’t one to deny this.
It was your last class hour for today and you couldn’t wait to go back to your dorm room and rot in bed like the absolute lazybone you were. Changing out of your uniform was now an emergency, as the shirt you had picked today was somehow way too tight for you.
Being clueless with basic things such as laundry had its pros and cons. Sure, your clothes were smaller now and you could barely fit; but it made you look incredibly sexy! …or so you kept telling yourself. Maybe you were just trying to cope with the fact that you were incredibly bad at basic human tasks.
You made your way to the classroom and got your notebook out. 
Today’s subject was pure theory, and you would’ve fallen asleep if you didn’t have the most scrumptious distraction sitting right next to you. You spent the hour doodling, taking notes whenever you paid enough attention to do so, and mostly throwing quick glances at your seatmate, Rayne, who was way too focused on the soporific theoretical experiments your elderly professor was passionately explaining, to pay attention to you.
When the old man turned around to write something on the blackboard, Rayne finally turned a fraction of his attention towards you. Of course, this happened during the minuscule amount of time you weren’t looking at him, and he took notice of a few things.
First of all, your notes were an absolute mess. Instead of trying to keep them consistent, you had picked a few words the teacher said, and chose to throw them into an adventure with other words, picked at different moments during class, resulting in an abomination that wouldn’t make sense, even to you. But you wouldn’t know, of course, since you never read your notes anyway. 
He would give you bonus points for the adorable little bunnies you had been doodling for the majority of your time in class, though.
Secondly, you seemed like you were about to sleep, but given the way you were taking notes, everything sort of made sense. Not your notes though, only the fact that you weren’t invested enough to stay awake.
Third of all, your shirt. He wished his eyes hadn’t lingered for such a long time on it. Why was it so tight? “Is she so dumb she can’t even do laundry?”, he wondered to distract himself from the fact that the button that kept your shirt closed around the chest area had the strength of a thousand lions. 
His eyes moved back to your face, and at this very moment, you chose to look at him. Your eyes met, and his expression was, as always, unreadable. Was he bored? Upset? Annoyed? At this point you were pretty sure he didn’t know any better. But it seemed a bit different this time, you could’ve sworn you saw his lower lid twitching slightly. 
You decided to turn your attention back to the teacher— or at least pretend to, for a while, and it lasted for a whopping fifty seconds. Efforts had been made! You deemed yourself deserving of a little treat, and an attempt was made to look at Rayne once again.
His eyes were still on you. Now it really felt like he was upset. You were used to his icy glare but it was getting a little uncomfortable, and so, as one does, you had a great shitty idea. You decided that stretching your back could maybe help you release some of this discomfort, and your button, may it rest in peace, gave up on its sole task of keeping your shirt closed. 
You couldn’t tell where it went at all. In fact, you didn’t even notice, but you did feel a little more comfortable now that your chest area was no longer being compressed, except it was in a literal meaning now, and not just figuratively speaking. You could still feel Rayne’s eyes on you, and decided that you wouldn’t look at him for the rest of this oh so boring class.
What you hadn’t noticed was that his eyes were no longer on your face, but rather on the missing button’s previous spot. “Is she so dumb she can’t take care of her clothing?”, he wondered to distract himself from the fact that he could now clearly see your bra. 
He could see that one mesmerising spot where your breasts were pushing in a wondrous effort to get out of their insufferable lace prison. In fact, pretty much anyone could’ve seen it if they had turned around, but it seemed this professor was either hypnotic or soporific because everyone was staring in his direction. 
You were then blissfully unaware of the fact that Rayne was now leading an internal battle. He had to get his eyes off of your cleavage, for your breasts were not the only things screaming for freedom anymore. Ah, perhaps Rayne was also bad at laundry, because his pants felt increasingly tight the longer he stared at you.
Divine Visionary or not, he was but a man, and what power does a man hold when presented with sweet bosoms? None. That’s right. He tried to think about anything else. Rabbits? His little brother, Finn? The concerning relationship Lance had with his little sister? The way alcoholism thrived amongst the ranks of the State police? No matter what went through his head, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
He had to do something about it, and you were probably not escaping this one.
As soon as the bell rang, he closed his coat as much as he could, and grabbed your arm before you could leave, and this time you could tell he was pretty upset. Why? How could you know? You didn’t know anything. Had your head not been attached to your shoulders, you would’ve probably lost it already. 
Instead of giving you any sort of explanation, he immediately dragged you with him. Your life felt like a movie that was playing in front of your eyes. My time has come, you thought, but… not quite.
You found yourself in Rayne’s dorm room, locked in with him. His roommate wasn’t there, and it was clear this crime would leave no witnesses. 
It took him half a second to remove his coat and— oh. You were suddenly in Egypt.
Everything was there: the stone hard pyramid, the Sphinx (that seemed ready to pounce on you), and the heat. Oh boy, the heat. As a very refined lady (yes you are), you brought your hand to your chest in indignation, and oh, how distraught you felt when you realised that your beloved chest button was nowhere to be seen. It was all starting to make sense.
Without a word, he pushed you against the wall and his lips met yours in a rough, steamy kiss. Your whole body felt like it was on fire; his toned chest was pressing against yours and breaking your buttons further, his clothed erection was slightly rubbing against your clit through your panties and his hands roamed your body hungrily while his tongue left no corner of your mouth unexplored.
It was all a lot to take in but it felt so intoxicating, the way his large hands held onto your hips to keep you from squirming too much underneath his passionate touch, and how his teeth were grazing against your lips while a mixture of both your salivas dripped from the corner of your mouth. 
His body was grinding against yours like waves on the beach, and both your breathings were becoming increasingly noisy. Only after long, delicious minutes of this make-out session did he break the kiss, panting for air, as he looked into your eyes with a lustful gaze you were now used to seeing.
It wasn't your first time pushing his buttons like this, and it certainly wasn't your last.
“You did it on purpose, admit it.”
Whaaat, you? Pfffft, never! But… let’s just say you’re not usually that bad at doing your laundry.
smol reminder that i am very bored and i also take requests for mashle, hsr, genshin, jjk, elsword, tower of fantasy...
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talaok · 9 months
In control
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel is the boss of a group of criminals in the QZ, and you're his little bunny everyone knows better than to look at, but Joel seems to have forgotten who's really in control, so you decide to remind him.
warnings: as always this is just porn so...smut| restraints (idk man he's handcuffed), teasing, f masturbation, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, praising, pet naming, and lots of daddy kink of course
btw this is the third part to this but it can be read alone
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It all started with one simple sentence.
"You do as I say, bunny, I'm in control here"
That's what Joel had told you last night when you were teasing him a little too much and his patience was running thin.
And sure... in the moment it was hot and made you comply immediately, but as you finally got ready to go to bed...those words echoed in your mind over and over, so much that you couldn't fall asleep.
The thing was that, yes, you did do as he said most of the time, especially when it came to the bedroom, but you did so because you wanted to, not because he had all the power.
Hell no. It was the exact opposite.
You held all the power.
the real power
And as much as you were certain both of you knew that, after last night... you couldn't help but wonder if he was starting to forget
And what do you do when someone forgets something?
You remind them, of course
__ __ __
You knew he was coming even before he opened the door. 
it was hard to miss the sound his boots made with each step. It always amazed you how every single part of him, (his walk, his talk, his demeanor) was rough, but all he's ever been to you was soft, well...except for the times where you didn't want him to be.
"I'm home" he called, as he closed the door behind him and took off his shoes.
You were practically vibrating from how excited you were.
"Hey there," you said nonchalantly as you walked into the living room.
And the moment he saw you- the moment he saw you he looked ready to faint and jump your bones at the same time.
You had put on those tiny white lace panties and matching bra he'd gifted you a little while ago.
Only that
"Did you have a good day?" you asked, biting your lip as you met him halfway, being that he was already stalking towards you.
"It just got a hell of a lot better" he murmured, wasting no time before taking hold of each side of your head and meeting his lips with yours.
"What did I do to deserve this?" he asked, eyeing your outfit
You shrugged "I just wanted to surprise you"
He smirked, picking you up without so much as a warning.
"Well you did bunny" he muttered, in between kisses "Surprised me real good"
He was already hard, his cock was straining against his jeans and you could feel it right against your core.
"Been thinking about you all day, baby" he breathed, as his lips took hold of every piece of skin they could access "And then I come home and find you like this?" he smirked "You might just kill me one of these days, my heart it's not as strong a it used to be, I'm an old man sweetheart"
You giggled, a part of you forgetting your mission for tonight.
"You're not old daddy"
"No, then what am I?" he asked as he kicked the door to the bedroom open.
"Very handsome" 
A soft chuckle left his lips
"Well played" he kissed you, as he sat on the bed with you now straddling his lap.
You had put on a red lipstick and it was now smeared all over his mouth too.
His hands were on your ass, guiding you to grind onto him, and forcing a whimper out of your throat.
"god I love the little sounds you make f'me bunny" he groaned, "wish I could listen to them all day" he murmured as he took you by surprise, and in a matter of seconds you were pinned down beneath him, his whole body caging yours.
"Daddy" you whined, as his fingers started to graze against your belly towards the hem of your panties.
His hum was muffled by his work on your neck.
Oh how easy it would have been to just abort your mission and let him take care of you like you knew he was about to.
But a part of you, a part of you still wanted to see the look on his face when he realized what was happening.
and that part of you won.
"Daddy wait" you murmured
"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked, raising his head to look at you.
"I just- I want to take care of you today," you said sweetly, batting your eyelashes.
A smirk pulled at his lips
"yes daddy"
"And how would you like to do that?" he taunted
You bit your lip, hiding the grin underneath them "You'll see"
It took a moment for him to agree, but seeing how eager you were at the prospect he didn't have it in him to say no.
"alright" he nodded
A wide smile rose to your lips
"Lay down" you instructed.
And with a groan, he did.
His head was resting on a pillow, and his whole body was now at your disposal.
You took your time getting on top of him, and once again, you felt every cell in your body jump from the excitement.
You smiled as you let your hands explore his chest, still covered by an old flannel.
His hands immediately went to your waist, but you stopped him just in time.
"na-ah" you shook your head "no touching"
He cocked an eyebrow, but let you do your thing as you placed his arms back on each side of him.
Your eyes found his, and as you only found lust and restraint in his, you were sure he could see something else spark in the back of yours, so before he could have time to ask you what exactly that was, you started undoing his shirt, kissing any new piece of skin you uncovered, until his whole broad chest was on display, and his cock was painfully hard.
You stifled a laugh, if only he knew what was about to happen...
"Bunny" he groaned, trying to grind against you "you're killin' me here" 
"But Daddy" you pouted, starting to gently stroke his arms "I haven't done anything yet"
"Yeah baby" he chuckled, as you took hold of his wrists, slowly moving his arms above his head, and grinding onto him at the same time so as to distract him "That's the problem"
"'m sorry" you murmured, ghosting his lips "I'll do something now, close your eyes"
"Close my eyes?"
"yes daddy"
And if he hadn't been so completely hypnotized by you and the feel of you, he would have noticed the sound of metal against metal coming from behind him... but as I said, Joel was a bit preoccupied at the moment.
"Alright," he obeyed, closing his eyes.
Now was the time, so as quickly as you could, you wrapped each of his wrists in the cuffs you had hidden, and secured them, being careful not to make them too tight.
You already were gonna torture him, double torture would just have been cruel.
"wha-" his eyes opened immediately as he realized what had happened "bunny..." he growled, now a tint of anger in his tone "What did you do?"
 You bit your lips as you watched him struggle beneath you
One of your fingers went to trace his jawline, stroking his beard at the same time.
He really was handsome...
"I think you know what I did" you smiled
"take them off right now baby" he ordered "or I'm gonna spank that pretty ass of yours until every inch of it is red"
You could only smirk in response.
"Where did you even get these?" 
"I asked one of your men for a favor..." you explained, caressing his pecs
"Why?" you teased
"I'll need to have a talk with him"
You giggled "A talk... sure" you mocked, before bending down to kiss him, tasting all the frustration and arousal on his tongue.
"What's this about?" he asked once you leaned away.
Now was your time to shine.
"You think you're in control here?" you asked, looking him right in the eyes.
"Take these cuffs off and we'll see who's in control"
You chuckled, rolling your hips on his crotch and making a strangled groan flee his lips.
"no no now" you tutted "Here's how this is gonna work" you explained "I'm not gonna touch you... or make you feel good in any way, until I hear you begging for me," you said "Until you say please"
He watched you, his chest heaving with each deep breath he took.
"oh baby you're in so much trouble"
You smiled "It's easy really" you sweet talked "Just beg me"
He chuckled "You know I'm not gonna do that"
You faked a pout, even though you knew damn well that's what he was gonna say.
"That's too bad" you cooed, as you climbed off of him "'cause I'm just so wet already... and I was really in the mood" you continued, now sitting on the bed "so if you're not up for the job... I guess I'm gonna have to do it myself"
"bunny don't you dare-"
You didn't pay his protests any mind as you took one pillow and propped it behind your head as you lay down in front of him.
You watched as his eyes went wide with anger and his hands desperately tried to free themself.
"y/n" he called your name with a sternness you hadn't heard in a while.
He used your name only when he was really pissed off
"What daddy?" you asked innocently, as you slowly spread your legs, giving him a full view of what he was missing "you don't like it when I touch myself?"
You hooked your fingers in your panties, gradually taking them off until you could discard them on the floor with just a flick of your ankle.
"you know I don't" he growled again.
You smiled as you brought two of your own fingers to your mouth, and without breaking eye contact, gently started sucking on them, wanting them to get as wet as possible.
"mhh" you hummed, watching as he fought his restraints.
"You know you could stop this any time you want" you reminded him, unhurriedly bringing your fingers to your core "You just have to beg"
You waited for him to cave, but all he said was
"I'm gonna make you pay for this bunny" 
You let out a low sigh "that's not how you beg daddy" you scolded, starting to slowly circle your clit and causing a soft moan to leave your chest as you shut your eyes.
You could hear his heavy breathing as you started to go faster and faster, and when your fingers traveled downwards, finding your entrance, it was like you could physically feel the anger emanating from him.
You spread your legs even more as you sank your fingers inside of you, having to bite down on your lower lip to stifle an even louder moan.
"feels so good daddy" you whined, as you curled them into your g-spot "so good" you moaned, as he watched every single motion of yours, desperate and mesmerized at the same time.
You let your left-hand travel to your tits, reaching into one of your bra cups until your boob had spilled and you could stroke and grab at it however you wanted, heightening your pleasure.
"Don't you wish you were the one doing this to me?" you teased, as you continued fingering yourself.
Your fingers felt very diffrent from what you were used to
"I know you do," he said "I know those tiny little fingers of yours don't come close to my cock, and you know it too bunny"
"oh trust me" you moaned, fastening your pace just to piss him off "T-they do the job just fine"
"fuck" he groaned "bunny c'mon" 
And there it was, his tone had changed, it was softer now, more pleading.
"What?" you teased, your mouth open as you sucked in ragged little breaths "You want me to stop?"
You could feel your orgasm coming, your legs were stretching desperately across the bed as the sound of your slick cunt filled the room and Joel's poor ears.
"Yeah I do" he breathed 
"Are you gonna beg?" you asked, building your climax
"I know you want this cock baby" 
"That doesn't sound like begging to me" A wicked smile pulled at your lips, as your thumb reached for your clit, making you cry out.
"Oh fuck Daddy" you whined "'m coming" you quickened your pace "I'm-I'm"
"bunny don't even think about-"
but before he could get the full sentence out you were already moaning so loudly any words of him would have been just washed away.
"oh shit" you smiled through a sigh "that felt good"
"yeah? you know what would feel even better?" he asked, watching you crawl closer to him "having my cock deep inside that tight pussy"
"oh yeah that'd feel good too" you admitted, "but you know what you have to do first"
"bunny..." he groaned, as you undid his zipper and pulled down his pants and boxers at the same time before straddling him again.
Your cunt was dripping right onto his manhood, and you could see he was about to give up, so just to give him a slight push...
"whoops" you bit your lip, catching your still glistening fingers "I should probably clean these up shouldn't I?" you cooed, bringing your fingers to your mouth before abruptly stopping "Unless you want to do it..." you considered, offering him your fingers like they were an untouchable prize.
"You know damn well I do baby"
"Yeah?" you asked "All you have to do is say please"
"just say it Daddy" You grinded on his cock, making him groan louder than ever before "Just admit that you're not in control"
"fuck-fine" he sighed, making you smile so wide your cheeks hurt.
"please bunny" he murmured
"what was that?" you teased
"You're gonna make me say it again?"
"yes, and put a little enthusiasm in it too"
"or what?" he had the audacity to ask
"or..." you shifted on his lap, making him stifle a moan "I'm not riding your cock" you put simply.
"fuck ok, just- please bunny" he breathed "Please let me taste you, and please ride me, baby"
And again, you smiled wider than ever, as you finally let your fingers in his mouth.
He hummed loudly around them 
"who's in control, daddy?" you asked, retracting your fingers and finally taking his cock in your hand
"You bunny, you're in control" he said with no hesitation "Fuck, you've always been"
"Now that's what I like to hear" you giggled, before ultimately sinking down onto his shaft, moaning loudly as you did.
the relief that washed over Joel almost made him pass out, your pussy was squeezing him tight, shooting pleasure through every nerve in his body, and it took all of him not to come right there and then.
"oh my god," you whimpered, 
he was so deep you could feel him in your fucking belly
"fuck, you feel so good bunny" he groaned, as you started to bounce up and down his dick, crying out loud every time his cock hit that spot inside you that made you want to scream.
Your hands were firmly planted onto his chest, clawing at him like a cat.
"goddamn baby" he purred "you're so fucking tight f'me"
You could feel a bubble forming in your belly and you had to close your eyes as you started rocking back and forth, using his cock to stimulate your G-spot over and over again.
"Just for you daddy" you promised
"I know sweetheart" he groaned again "I know"
Your eyes were fluttering shut as your orgasm went to take over.
"Come for me sweetheart" he breathed, feeling your walls squeeze him even further as he lost himself in the image above him "'m right behind you" he said, pushing you over the edge.
Your mouth was open and your jaw slack as your climax spread inside of you like wildfire, and Joel... Joel couldn't hold it anymore at the sight, releasing inside of you with a roar of your name.
"fuck" you breathed heavily
"you done?" he asked, cocking a brow
"Maybe..." you smirked
"Bunny, you've tortured me enough for tonight, don't you think?"
"fine, you're right" you smiled "Let me find the keys to these things," you said, reaching to your nightstand and gently undoing the cuffs.
He groaned weakly as you freed him, massaging his own wrists.
You laid down next to him, and he took you in his arms, holding you close against him.
"Did you have fun?" he asked, as you placed your head on his chest.
"Oh yeah" you giggled "did you?" you said, looking up at him.
His not-answer was more of an answer than he could have ever given you.
"You did!" you gasped "you liked it"
"alright fine... I might have liked you taking control a little bit" he admitted "but you cuff me to the bed one more time... and you're gonna regret it bunny"
You bit your lip "Is that a challenge?"
"You just try me..." 
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ruh--roh-raggy · 7 months
Pretty Little Wife (William Afton x Wife! Reader SMUT)
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Hi everyone, this is my first fic for the FNAF fandom, AU where William isn't a murderer, he just owns the pizzeria with Henry. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, THIS STORY CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, mirror sex, soft dom William, slightly possessive William, fingering, multiple orgasms, throat holding/slight choking but not really, hand job, praise, fluff at the end, William is just really obsessed with being your husband, she/her pronouns used, AFAB reader, sweetheart, honey, baby, bunny used as pet names. I hope you guys enjoy!
If anyone knows who came up with this head cannon originally please let me know so I can tag them! William Afton absolutely fingers his wife with the hand his wedding ring is on, the thought has been making me feral for days.
You can find my Masterlist here! ~ AO3 Link!
William loved nothing more than showing off his pretty little wife. Having you holding onto his arm, giving his bicep a tender squeeze whenever you joined in about one of his accomplishments. It was nights like tonight when he wished he had turned down his friend's request to join him and his wife for dinner. Every small shift in your movements highlighted something he absolutely adored about you; how you crossed one leg over the other, causing your dress to ride up slightly and show off the plush flesh of your thigh, how you would lean your head on his shoulder and he would catch the intoxicating scent of your perfume, how your much smaller hand would fidget with his when prompted to talk about yourself. “Will, I still don't know how you managed to pull a dime like that.” Henry chuckles as he pours the both of them a glass of whiskey. He hands him the crystal glass, the dark amber liquid swirling around inside.
“What can I say? I'm a lucky guy.” He smiles as the sound of your laughter drifts in from the other room.
“To our beautiful wives, my friend.” The glasses clink together as they toast. William eyed his business partner with disdain. He had noticed his lingering gaze on you the entire night, the sight alone was enough to nearly throw him into a jealous rage. How dare he look at you in such a disgusting manner, his best friend of all people.
“We should probably get going.” William forces a casual grin of dismissal. “I'm sure (Y/N) is getting pretty tired, she's had a long day.”
“Of course.” William nods courteously. “I wouldn't want to keep you and the Mrs. out too late.” The pair make their way back into the dining room where you sat chatting excitedly with William’s wife, Emilie. Your bright smile sent a surge through Williams veins, your bright eyes landing on him the instant he had entered the room. “Honey, you want to start heading home?” You nod, rising from your chair and molding into his side. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, shooting a possessive look towards the other man.
“Goodnight, it was wonderful to see you.” The pair make their goodbyes before you head out the door with your husband. “We should do that again soon.” You smile up at him as you cuddle into his side. A brief scowl flashes across his features as he thinks of the way his friend looked at you.
“Of course honey, I know how much you love spending time with Emilie.” His thumb languidly trails over the bare skin of your shoulder. You pause, your husband halting in time with your stopping movement. You gaze up at him lovingly, your hand sliding over his stomach as you turn him to face you.
“I love you, Mr. Afton.” You say softly and with a smile.
“And I love you, Mrs. Afton.” His head drops lower, allowing his lips to meet yours as he pulls you into a sweet kiss. The ride home was spent with you tucked comfortably into his side as he drove. You pulled up in front of your house, your gaze drifting up to meet his. “I can't get over how beautiful you are.” Your breath shudders from your chest as you feel yourself drowning in him. William always seemed to have this effect on you, his strong and dominant gaze holding you firmly in place as he admired your beauty. His hand slowly slid over your thigh, a shiver running up your spine at his subtle movements. His hand drifts to your face, tilting your chin up slightly as he brings his lips to yours. “Let’s head in.” He whispers.
“Okay.” You respond in the same tone as a smile creeps across your lips. William slides out of the driver's seat, taking long strides around the front of the car to open your door for you. You giggle as he offers his hand to help you out, allowing him to spin you around before he pulls you into his side. “I’m going to make some tea, do you want some?”
“That would be great, baby, thank you.” He kisses your forehead, both of you lazily walking to your shared bedroom to change into something a bit more comfortable. You had opted for one of your husbands button down shirts, the loose fabric cascading off one shoulder as you left it half unbuttoned, the lace of your lingerie peeking out just below the hem. William was forced to suppress a groan as he caught sight of you in the mirror, admiring the way you looked in his clothes with a giddy expression on your face. “Sweetheart,” you perk up at the sound of his voice before turning to face him, “come here.” You saunter over to him, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you look at him with bright, excited eyes. He gently takes hold of your waist, turning you around and guiding you back into his lap. You could see both of your reflections in the full length mirror across from you, your husband’s massive stature easily dwarfing your smaller frame. You sigh softly as you feel his lips press against your shoulder, your eyes meeting his in the mirror as you watch him trail kisses over your exposed skin. You feel his hand slide over your thigh, the cool shock from his wedding band drastically contrasting his warm skin. William always loved the way the gold band looked as his hands roamed your body. You push your back into his broad chest as he eases your legs open, “I think you look even better in this shirt than I do.” He breathes next to your ear. You squirm in his lap as he languidly trails his fingers up and down the inside of your thigh.
“I don’t know about that.” You run your hand over his strong forearm. “You’re always very nice to look at.” Your eyes drop to his lips before slowly raising to meet his again. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet chuckle.
“Is that so?” His hot breath fans over your lips. His finger trails along the edge of your underwear before he hooks into them, slowly easing the lace down your legs. He holds your face in his hand, directing your attention to the mirror in front of you. “You seem to forget how beautiful you are, sweetheart.” His massive hand wrapped around your thigh, massaging your soft skin as he presses a kiss to your cheek. Your head falls back against his shoulder as he finally runs his fingers over your dripping folds. “Look in the mirror, bunny.” He growls. You struggled to meet your reflections gaze, warmth immediately spreading across your cheeks at the sight of your husband's fingers quickly becoming covered in your arousal. Moans fell effortlessly from your lips as he gradually increased his pace. You cried out his name as he suddenly sinks his teeth into your neck. Your body jolts as his thumb grazes over your clit. “Look how pretty my girl is, already so loud from just my fingers.
“W-Will-” You gasp out his name, struggling to keep your eyes on the mirror as you watched him relentlessly fucked into your soaked cunt. He whispers sweet praises in your ear in an attempt to keep your mind from getting too hazy.
“You know, I never get tired of seeing my wedding ring disappear inside of you.” He hums. You could faintly make out the glint of the gold band in the dim lighting of the bedroom. William felt your walls flutter around his fingers. “Cum for me sweetheart.” He speeds up his pace rubbing your clit, your orgasm crashing over you not long after. You screamed as white hot pleasure ripped through you, William taking your chin in his hand to force you to look in the mirror. Your legs shuddered, your hips desperately grinding against his drenched hand. “That’s it honey, good job.” He praises you gently. “Think you can give me a few more.” He grins mischievously at you. A whine escaped your lips as he slowly began to pick up his pace again, your throbbing cunt already growing oversensitive from his touch. You squirmed, keening at his touch as he grazed your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your body jolted at the smallest stimulation, your husband very easily able to bring you to the brink of your second orgasm. He chuckled slightly as you pushed yourself further down onto his fingers.
“Fuck.” You groan, your climax just out of reach.
“Just relax honey, let me take care of my pretty little wife.” He says as he nips at your neck, causing you to yelp. He caresses your jaw, guiding your eyes to meet his in the mirror. He traces a finger down your throat before wrapping his hand around your neck. “Who do you belong to honey?” You feel the smirk spread across his lips as they press to the corner of your mouth.
“My husband.” You suppress a grin as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth. You hear a growl rise in his throat, hearing you call him your husband always did something to him. You scream as his fingers begin to fuck into you at a relentless place.
“Such a sweet little wife I have, look at how well you’re taking my fingers baby. Fuck, I love you so much.” You feel him start to rut his hips into you, his hard member pressing into the curve of your ass. He somehow managed to understand you begging to cum through the sobs that cracked free from your throat. The light pressure he was putting on your throat was making you delightfully lightheaded. You watched as his fingers slid in and out of your soaked core. Your body went rigid as he thrusted perfectly into a spot inside you that turned your vision white.
“Shit, that’s it, right there.” You gasp out. He places hot open mouthed kisses to your jaw. After a few more pumps of his fingers you screamed out his name, begging him to keep fucking you as you rode out your second orgasm. Your husband curses under his breath, you feel him struggling to pull off his pants. His hands wrap around your waist, moving you to sit on his stomach, guiding your hand to wrap around his cock. He hissed as you gave him a few tentative pumps. You moan as his fingers slip back inside of you, his rhythm matching your strokes.
“Faster.” He groans out a command, both of your rhythms increasing. You whined, resting a hand on his thigh as you struggled to stay upright. His hips stuttered as he tried to resist fucking into your fist. Your legs trembled as you fought against your impending orgasm, wanting to finish at the same time as him. You felt his cock twitch in your palm.
“I’m gonna cum.” You moan, rolling your hips against his hand.
“Finish for me sweetheart.” He holds on tightly to your hip with one hand, keeping you in place as the other pounded into you. You hear his breathy moans and strangled gasps as his own climax begins to creep up on him. He growls out your name as hot ropes of cum shoot from his aching member and splatter on his stomach, You collapse onto the mattress, his hold on you the only thing keeping your hips in the air as he forced one more orgasm out of you. You sobbed into the sheets, hot tears trailing down your cheeks as the intense pleasure became almost painful, your gummy walls clenching around his fingers as your whole body shook. Your body slumped as you came down from your high, William gently eased his fingers out of you and laid you down. He pulls you into his arms, his chest heaving against your back as you both try to catch your breath. He carefully tilts your chin up, kissing you softly as he holds you close.
“I love you Mr. Afton.” You smile sleepily, your eyelids already feeling heavy as you sink into the mattress. He chuckles at your fucked out state. He helps you out of his shirt before fully stripping down himself. He pulls your back to him, placing a kiss to your shoulder.
“I love you Mrs. Afton.” You laid in silence, the two of you just enjoying the quiet intimacy. It wasn’t long until you drifted off into a dreamless sleep wrapped up in your husband’s embrace.
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to my tag list drop a comment below! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!
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m-ayo-o · 4 months
hello 💕 just wanted to let you know I'm a big fan of your stories... I am obsessed with bunny and megumi 🫶🏻🫶🏻 please pretty please could you write a little extra something where he asks bunny what does she want for valentine's day and she tells him she really would love it if yuji comes spend the night with them again 🥺💕
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  * ✦ ˚ . r e d r i b b o n ★⋆. ࿐࿔
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hellooo thank uuu lovely ! REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED : written in the past! 🍒 nsfw ! explicit sex, aged up yuji x bunny girl reader, cw: light bondage, oral, explicit sex, messy cum... hybrid fics 💕 valentine's
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You're being shy about it. Coy, even. But Megumi can sense that you're just itching to ask him something.
You know he's not massively interested in valentine's day. The cards, chocolates and love letters? They're a gimmick. He'll do that for you any day. And he does. He leaves you notes, he buys you flowers- your favourite kinds that make your nose twitch with happiness when you inhale their scent, and he gets thoughtful gifts for you year round.
His attentive nature leaves you not wanting much for valentine's day.
Apart from a certain someone...
After your last encounter with him you really wish you could have just another night with Megumi's pink haired friend.
You sigh out his name when Megumi asks what you'd like for valentine's.
He's a little astounded but he finds it kind of funny. He could tell you really enjoyed spending time with his sweet friend while he was away.
So he calls him and they make a plan.
Needless to say, you're tripping over yourself when you're guided into your apartment to find Yuji tied up in red ribbons on your bed. There's one around his mouth that already looks damp from his breath, one around his chest, and his big forearms are tied to the bedframe above his head.
"Oh.. Yuij..." you come out of your little daze, stepping over to the bed and getting on top of him where he lies.
"Bunny," your owner addresses you, "can I tell you something funny?"
You look back at him and nod, while you get settled on Yuji's lap.
Your owner asked you to wear pretty red underwear today and you didn't really think too much about it. But when he strips off your dress to reveal your cute body wrapped in red, Yuji whines and your eyes go all wide and dazzled, darting back to him.
"You asked for each other," Megumi chuckles, "for valentine's."
It's not as if he feels left out or anything. He gets you all year round. It's just the fact that, on this special occasion, you thought of each other and it's just so adorable to him.
You sigh with happiness and your ears flop, looking at Yuji, the sweet man who makes your heart melt.
"You two look so cute. Enjoy your valentine's gift, sweetie." Megumi pecks your cheek and gets settled on the chair in your room, his hungry gaze lingering over your bodies, waiting to see what you'll do to each other without his firm and guiding hand.
You're feeling a bit lost at first, but before long you're placing kisses over his handsome face and undoing the ribbon on Yuji's big chest. Admiring the pretty bows tied around his wrists, you start to wonder how he got in this position, realising that Megumi must've done it. That only makes the situation ten times hotter.
Your body starts moving and your pussy, that's covered in the tiniest triangle of red material, grinds over Yuji in his tight red boxers.
You notice his arms start to flex. His biceps bulge and he tugs at the ribbon.
Megumi clears his throat and shoots Yuji an icy glare. The man below you stops his listless movements and lets you continue.
You kiss his cheek, his neck and his gorgeous pecs, stopping to suck on his hard, dark nipples, continuing down his torso to find his abs. You kiss each defined muscle and move to his waist, making him jump with the ticklish feeling of your soft lips and eyelashes fluttering over his skin. But it just makes you kiss him harder, because when he starts to giggle and squirm, his stomach tenses and you can see his muscles moving. Your mouth waters and you start sucking him there, leaving little red marks and working your way further down.
Megumi feels kind of proud, seeing you mark him like that, knowing how often he does it to you.
Yuji's starting to whimper into the ribbon now, feeling you kiss his v taper and his hips. It tickles in such an intense way, and with your mouth getting so close to his crotch, he can feel his cock starting to fill up real quick.
"Mmhh-- mfmm---"
Your warm and pretty face dives between his thighs and Yuji starts moaning through the red silk. He wants to touch your ears so bad. They look so fluffy and cute and he really wants to play with them while you nuzzle into his crotch. You press your face on him there, feeling his warm, hard dick, and you suddenly jump when your cheek gets a little bit wet. You inch back and notice a damp spot on Yuji's red boxers and your eyes get that excited look in them again. You press your face closer and your lips find the darker patch on his shorts.
He uses all of his power to keep his hips stuck to the bed, almost wishing that Megumi tied his whole body down.
You stick your tongue out, innocently tasting the nectar he spilled, not entirely realising that it's the most sensitive part of Yuji's body right now.
Your lips pucker and you keep kissing him there, smooshing your cheeks into his length and rubbing him up and down through his boxers.
Megumi knew you'd end up doing something like this. You always beg for cock, but when one is given to you, you have no idea what to do with it. He seriously wants to step in right now and at least tug Yuji's shorts down for him. He's got such a look on his face... almost like he's drunk. A hot, pink blush covers his cheeks and his eyes open and close lazily. He looks dizzy.
"Baby," Megumi coos, approaching you and touching your back, "take Yuji's cock out, you're torturing him."
He caresses your snowy tail and starts rubbing his thumb over your ass that's barely covered by the thin string of red.
You look between your owner and Yuji, realising what kind of state he's in, and you pull his waistband down slowly and watch his cock bounce out.
You'll never get over how big he is.
You wonder how he even got inside you before.
But he did, and you're determined to do it again. So, with Megumi's guidance (he couldn't help himself) you place your lips around Yuji's cock and your owner moves your head up and down. He knows exactly how much you can take. But Yuji doesn't. He starts moving his hips now, making you gag, getting both of their dicks harder. But no, Megumi doesn't allow it. He pins Yuji's hips down and encourages you a little more, before lifting you off and bringing you to sit up on Yuji's lap.
Your pretty, pink haired friend looks like he's about to hyperventilate, so you plead with Megumi to take the ribbon off his mouth and he agrees.
"Bunnyy---" Yuji sighs and pants, catching his breath, "bunny-" and as soon as his lungs are filled, you hear his request, "bunny, pl- please sit on my cock baby-!"
His thick and muscular arms start straining again and it looks like he's going to cry.
"Please, please I can't wait- f- fuh-- feels hot-!"
Megumi knows exactly what he means. It feels like he could cum from only a couple of strokes of your pussy.
And he does.
In your hole, dripping from you, down his shaft, over his balls, all over the sheets. You're both absolutely drenched by the time he's finished.
And your owner, like the devil on your shoulder, tells you to keep riding him to fuck him through the overstimulation (because Megumi secretly loves Yuji's sweet whining noises when he gets like this).
So you ride out the best Valentine's Day of your life on Yuji's cock, with Megumi's hands on your ass and his lips on yours.
You kiss and fuck all night long, till Yuji is done and Megumi can take his turn.
"happy valentine's, sweetheart" ︎your owner murmurs in your ear, pressing kiss after kiss to your neck before you pass out from pleasure.
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megumi | yuji
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
hello I hope ur request are open! If not be free to ignore this!! Okay so TADC x y/n? (The amazing digital circus also it can be muti characters or one!! The choice is yours!! ^ ^)
OKAY OKAY SO WHAT IF..🥁🥁🥁 y/n was like Jessica rabbit from "who framed roger rabbit" 👀 and was very like motherly to everyone but when she was called doll,/toots,/ect, by jax or anyone SHE WOULD PUNCH THEM HARDDDD (kinda like the lola bunny fanfic??) Also she is like one inch taller then jax (she a tall women👀❤️)
Digital Circus x a jessica rabbit-type reader!
since im a little melty brain from blasting through a bunch of requests today im going to do part of the cast! mostly characters i think would be interesting with this kind of reader as well as some characters i just wanna write more of (cough cough kinger cough cough)(i was originally going to do gangle as well but uhuh!!) ...this reminds me ive never watched who framed roger rabbit... or rather i have, but its been so long that ive truly forgotten nearly every aspect of the movie relying on the character wiki talking about her personality to guide me through this
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caines and jax's parts are both likely going to be on the shorter side thanks to both of their cores holding similar themes in regards to half of the idea
anyways he's going to call you pet names, especially if he's interested in you.. good luck trying to land anything on him, though, he's going to easily zoom through the air
okay nod to the lola bunny request aside, i think caine would be just head (jaw?) over heels for you, i mean, he would be anyways, but something about your caring and quick witted personality
probably makes literal heart eyes at you and audibly goes "awooga"
absolutely loves watching you do your thing during the in house adventures, on the few times he actually spectates them; though you may or may not be the reason he watches
seems like the kind of person to call you "hot stuff" or "babe"
doesn't really care about the height difference since he rarely ever stands on the ground anyways, plus he doesn't care how small he is
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to get a good idea of how jax would interact with you, i recommend this similar post! hope this links correctly, im still new to linking stuff in my posts!!
a lot of elements from the post above bleed into this, but lets add some more to it to make it a little more unique to the jessica rabbit idea!
takes it upon himself to try to get some sort of reaction out of you, outside of the name stuff... which proves to be a little harder than he thought.. actually, oddly enough, you seem to enjoy his antics?
well thats certainly new to him...
aaaaaand oh! hey would you look at that you've officially caught his attention, congratulations!
does not take too kindly to being the new second tallest, though... sure you're barely taller than him but its the principle! how can he lord his height over everyone else now!
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so here's where i may be biased since i love kinger and i wish more people wrote for him, so his part may be a little longer, we'll see! i write these lil notes as i work on the post
right away i dont think he would call you any of the petnames listed above, or anything similar. i think, should you guys get on a nickname basis he would call you sweeter ones, "my love," "my darling", "my sweetheart", and similar stuff!
does not have lightning reflexes like jax and caine but if the names genuinely do bother you he would likely stop, you'll just have to remind him
imma be so real this man needs someone to stand back and just be there for him because he is going through it, so to have someone in his corner who has his best interests at heart will really do a lot for him
no comment on the height difference since kinger is pretty tall himself (and hes taller than jax! the only reason jax isnt upset about that is because kinger is always hunched), but i dont think he gives a darn about height
i am once again thinking about the in house adventure prompt with kinger that i had earlier, where he gets stuck somewhere and you have to go rescue him... this + that prompt, JUMPS UP N DOWN
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shroomsroom · 18 days
Hiii I was wondering if you can do all the greasers with a s/o that doesn't talk at all only for one day they just spoke like normal drink lots of water dear 😘🫶🏽
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Summary: The Outsiders x Silent!Reader
Warnings: none
Author's Note: thanks for the reminder to drink water, been feeling a little sick lately
You were not a talker, the whole gang knew that. The best they'd get out of you is a chuckle or a word or two. So when you're out with one of the gang and you're nonstop talking, imagine their shock!
It started when he got you a milkshake from the DQ, you smiled and thanked him and that was that. Imagine his pleasant surprise when you asked him how his day was. He eased into the conversation, unsure on how to talk to you, but he found you easygoing and fun to be around. There was always hesitancy in his voice, like he didn't want to scare you back into your shell, but really enjoyed your conversations and when he dropped you off at home he asked if you wanted to do the same thing next week.
Johnny understood your wish to be quiet. He felt it too, although not on the same level. It was a quiet night on the lot where you and Johnny spent a lot of night together when you suddenly spoke.
“I think I saw a bunny over there” you whisper quietly and point at a bush.
“Do you like rabbits?” he asked, expecting a simple nod but when you opened your mouth and started rambling about your favorite animals he was giddy with excitement. He complimented your voice once, but saw how shy that made you so he laid off and started asking you about your favorite things to get you chattering more.
Soda usually let you hangout at the DX with him while he works because you don't get in his way and talk too much. He was just fixing up a car from underneath when you asked him a question.
“What're you doin?” He nearly bumped his head trying to get out from under the car quickly. He had a huge grin on his face, excited that you used your voice to express interest in what he enjoys.
“Just fixing up the axle of these tires” he said, “if you have anymore questions, just ask” you nodded and started to asked a slew of questions, Soda was almost overwhelmed if it wasn't for the fact that he was hanging onto each note of your voice, savoring this rare moment.
Steve doesn't really talk much without Soda either, so when your sitting at the drive in in silence you get an overwhelming urge to start conversation.
“What're you doin tomorrow?” You ask quietly. He smiles,
“Longest sentence I've heard you say in a while” he teased and you smile awkwardly. “I'm not doing anything, what are your plans?” He asked, trying to prod more conversation out of you. You happily obliged and started to tell him about your plans from beginning to end. Steve can't help but feel happy that you've talked to him for so long, and he definitely knows he's gonna brag about this to the rest of the gang.
Two-Bit had invited you over to his house for the day to help with his sisters. They were respectful and cute and got excited when you came in. They started by asking you a sea of simple questions to which you only curtly replied to until you started to warm up to them. When they had you talking about certain events in your life, you started getting more talkative. Two Bit was watching from the side in awe and he quickly sat down next to you. He started trading stories with you, anecdotes from the past or plans for the future and that was how you spent your whole day talking to Two-Bit and his sisters.
Darry had invited you over to cook one of your favorite dishes with him for dinner. You originally had a recipe paper but had lost in on the way to his house. It took a little bit of confidence but you eventually warmed up to the idea of instructing verbally. The moment you started, Darry blinked at you for a few seconds before smiling.
“Yes ma’am” he chuckled, readily following your instructions.
When he served up the dish later, he nudged you with his elbow.
“How many more recipes like that do you have?”
You were at Buck's with Dally for a party. Your drink glass was drained and you were craving another so you turned to Dally trying to ask him for another drink using hand gestures. He wasn't getting the message so you tried to ask him verbally, however the music was too loud and you were getting frustrated. You grabbed him by the collar and yelled into his ear,
He looked at you shocked for a moment before laughing,
“Didn't know you had that in ya, dollface” He picked up your glass,
“‘S long as your willing to talk to me more, I'll get you drinks any time you ask.”
You rolled your eyes but a small smile settled on your face.
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janaispunk · 2 months
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joel miller - oneshots - part 2
fic recs masterlist - please check the tags and warnings on each fic! if you enjoyed a fic, please show the writer some love <3
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into the deep end by @magpiepills
you're poison but a good kind by @northernbluess
only need ten by @pascalpvnk
creep it real! by @swiftispunk
leopard print & stuffing by @toxicanonymity (featuring tommy miller)
devour by @jksprincess10
trick or treat by @tieronecrush
a quiet storm by @ozarkthedog
boo by @pascalsbby
i put a spell on you, and now you're mine! by @5oh5
i wanna show you off & best kept secret by @joelscurls
innocent trouble by @velvetmud
punishment & safe and sound by @joelsgreys
trick or treat? by @morallyinept (featuring dave york & frankie morales)
checkmate & nobody does it like you do by @honeyedmiller
#1 girl by @joelhoney
i found the door by @tinycozycomfort
animals, tell me more, forget, use me & thankful by @endlessthxxghts
good to be home by @hearteyesforjoel
i hope you're happy by @blissfulbarbie
obedience by @wintrwinchestr
home for christmas & bunny tails by @sweetercalypso
a promise softly sung by @agentmarcuspike
five of joel miller's birthdays by @bastardmandennis
lover's rock by @tinygarbage
lonesome and mad by @hyzer34
all three dogs, wish you were here & walking through fire by @macfrog
shopping by @notjustjavierpena
strawberries and cream & a villain's monologue by @aurorawritestoescape
birthday surprise & the burglary by @aurorawritestoescape (featuring tommy miller)
ivy by @dancingtotuyo
apocalypse by @tremendum
sticky by @ezrasbirdie
told you i'd be back by @palioom
leftovers & the kind of love we make by @katiexpunk
please, mr miller? by @auteurdelabre
silent night by @javiscigarette
the stranger by @nala2811
full by @morallyinept
no soul to sell & in the next room by @atticrissfinch
i'll fix it for you by @bi-writes
for a good time call... joel & wrong until you make it right by @missredherring
tangled triumphs & our little sheep by @planet-marz1
fire walk by @motherofagony
stress by @joelsflannel
still sleepless, christmas after all & good with my hands by @mrsmando
distracted by @psychedelic-ink
rough day by @pedge-page
the art of breaking by @corazondebeskar-reads
the most wonderful time by @always-andromeda
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exhaslo · 2 months
Hi! hello! Can I request a side story #2 for puzzle pieces? Im sorry but the series is just so good!! can I request where wifey is finally pregnant and miguel is going FERAL, like he is down bad. Pls?
also if you like, add where the baby comes, ok bye!
Don't be sorry! I love writing extra Puzzle Pieces content!!
Warning: Fluff, mentions of sex, language
Your fingers trembled slightly as you held the pregnancy test in your hands. Your nervous smile growing wider by the second as you thought of ways to tell your loving husband, Miguel. Your heart rate pounding faster as you could just imagine your future with a little Miguel running around.
All those nights of Miguel bullying your body paid off. The thought made your face grow flustered. Stepping out of the bathroom, you gripped onto the pregnancy test, wondering how you were going to tell Miguel.
Should you be cheesy and give him a bunch of baby food or put a bun in the oven? Maybe you should just tell him? Pouting at the thought, you wanted to be just a little clever towards Miguel.
"Oh! Oh! I know!!"
It took a few days for you order to arrive. Unable to stop smiling, you placed the box in the living room and waited for Miguel to return home. He had you take the day off since you weren't feeling too well. You blamed the morning sickness on some small food poisoning.
A bad idea since Miguel was about to have his men raid the restaurant the two of you went too. You had to beg him not too, especially since it was a white lie.
Sighing at the thought, you quickly pushed it away as you heard the door open. Hurrying over, you smiled towards an exhausted Miguel.
"Welcome home~" You cooed, spreading your arms out for a hug.
"Aye, que vista (what a sight)," Miguel hummed, burying himself into your embrace, "Are you feelings better, my little bunny?" He asked, inhaling your scent.
"Hehe, I am. Are you hungry? I made dinner...and I have a surprise for you~"
"Oh? Can I have the surprise now?" Miguel chuckled, finding you adorable.
You gave Miguel a pout, but after a bunch of little kisses and hand roaming, you caved. Miguel kept his hands on your waist, kissing the back of your neck as you brought him to the couch. Whines and whimpers escaped your lips as you tried to get serious.
"M-Miggy, the puzzle," You complained.
"Sorry, sorry, mi amor (my love). Can't wait to see what you have in store for me,"
You giggled as you sat on Miguel's lap, working on the puzzle with him. You felt his breathe against your neck as he hummed every now and then. You shuddered softly when Miguel groaned softly as the word, 'baby' was formed.
"(Y/N), are you-"
"Awe, finish the puzzle,"
Miguel just chuckled as he pinned you to the couch. His eyes sparkling in awe as he captured your lips in a passionate kiss. His words and feelings expressed with each moment of his body and hands.
"Thank you."
Miguel was going crazy. It had been a few months since you announced your pregnancy to him. Miguel was spoiling the shit out of you. Making sure you got everything you wanted, taking care of your every whim.
If you were craving something, Miguel would get it. If your feet hurt, Miguel would massage them. Miguel was going to do everything for you.
Currently, you were at home with a big belly, being taken care of by Jessica. As much as Miguel wanted to be home with you, he still had a job to do and a mafia to run.
That, and Miguel was having a hard time resisting you. You looked so perfect with your big belly. His child inside you, growing. The thought made Miguel want you more and more. He wished for you to have their child already to Miguel could put another one in you.
"Fuck, I need to focus," Miguel grumbled.
Miguel needed to calm these thoughts. He felt like a beast wanting to devour you. How could he resist though? You always looked at him with needy and lustful eyes, whining and begging for any little thing. It was so cute.
"Soon. Soon."
When it was close to your due date, Miguel took off of work and hovered over you. He had his men ready at any moment to make sure there was a clear path to the hospital for your baby. Miguel wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.
"Miggy," You whimpered, holding his hand, "You're more worried than me, hehe."
"I just want to make sure everything is smooth." Miguel pecked your forehead, stroking your hand, "I can't wait to see our child."
"Mhm~ Same~" You cooed then groaned, gasping softly, "M-Miguel...ah....m-my...hn, my water-"
"On it!"
Miguel easily picked you up, calling out to Lyla who was on speed dial. Carefully, but quickly, Miguel carried you to his car, making sure you made it to the hospital.
You were crying and breathing heavily as Miguel held your hand. His focus and attention all on you as he whispered sweet nothingness in his ear. You cried, gripping his hand tightly,
"M-Miguel! It hurts!"
"Shh, I know, baby. I know. You're doing such a good job." Miguel whispered, kissing your hand.
You cried until you reached the hospital. Miguel hurried beside you as the nurses took over. He didn't leave your side for even a second. His hand holding yours as you pushed, cried and screamed.
After one last scream and push, you breathed heavily as cries filled the room. Miguel stroked your hair and kissed your head, whispering you a good job. The nurses went to clean the baby before returning the child to the two of you.
"M-Miguel," You panted softly, "Look, our baby~ Hehe,"
"Good job," Miguel hummed, kissing you, "Such a good girl,"
Stroking your hair, you just smiled as you held your baby. The doctors congratulated the two on you on a healthy baby boy before leaving. The nurses stayed to clean you up, before transferring you to another room and the baby to the baby room.
To your request, Miguel got on the bed and cuddled you as you rested. Exhausted took over your system as you fell asleep in his arms. Miguel hummed happily, kissing your head.
By the time you woke up, you were still exhausted, but also relieved. A smile formed against your lips as you looked up at your husband. Miguel was watching the news, his hands stroking your hair every now and then.
"How's our baby?"
"Healthy," Miguel responded and pecked your forehead, "How are you?"
"Tired. When can we go home?"
"Soon, baby. I know you don't like hospitals." Miguel hummed and chuckled lowly, "That much of a hurry to go home and make another baby?"
"M-Miguel!" You squeaked, covering your face in his chest, "H-How long have you....b-been ready for another one?"
"Months." Miguel said with a soft groan, nibbling against your ear, "You've been so fucking tempting."
"Miggy!" You whined softly.
Miguel just chuckled, pulling you close as he whispered dirty thoughts into your ear.
He was ready for another child.
And he wasn't going to wait much longer. Not after holding back for the last few months.
"Ah, amor, I'm going to treat you so good after doing such a good job."
I hope you enjoyed! Puzzle Pieces is always fun to write! Also, you all might like my new series:
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline @vvampir3s @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @secretadmirerisnowonline @jadeloverxd @bunnibitez @oharasfilipinawife @randomgoosegame @lilbanas @daisy-artfield @axi-moore @mimiemie @darkfairy102190 @jazzyj1011 @mcmiracles @innercreationflower @spoderssimp @thel0velykey190 @moonvoidpng @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @scaleniusrm @love4saturn @nyxgoddessofchaos13 @slutty-chronicles @ghstypaint @migueloharastruelove @brainmatterdump @a060403 @trendyharold @yannauauau @kimivixen @angel-xx-1 @nxrdamp @miguelzslvtz @lynxslokley @wafflefries786 @pochapo @what-the-jams @flaps200 @ii-angelsrolltheireyes-ii @nakimushiohime @tojishugetiddies @aya-world @supercowgirl04 @mysteris-things @daisy-artfield @mcmiracles @alexa4040 @llama--drama @kpopscoups17130000 @havkjhdecs @ruexvn @tojishugetiddi @openup-yourmind @black-swan-blog27 @xstarsdiary @kiddisquacking @gachagator @yujyujj @emmyrxx @blackteamint @sockears @black-swan-blog27 @soraya-daydreams @byjessicalotufo @nanoinn @bunnibitez @aockskcw @l3laze @dimitri-needs-therapy
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jungle-angel · 2 months
Our Nest (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob are preparing for your little one's arrival and already, shenanigans have ensued
Warnings: Pregnancy, parenthood, Auggie being a menace etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia and the lovely @bradshawsbaby my darling, I leave this as a little gift for you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
It was one of those gloriously warm spring days in Montana when all the flowers were in bloom, the windows of the house open to let in the breeze and the birds singing. The lilacs and the crape myrtles that you and Bob had planted after your wedding several years before had fully bloomed already, releasing their heady scents and causing more than a few sneezing fits.
Bob hummed a little as he organized the bookshelf in the corner of the nursery, right next to the rocking chair. Already Meemaw and Papa had sent over an old box of books that had been his when he was a baby, each one carefully picked with all the love in the world and inscribed with his date of birth and a message from Meemaw and Papa.
"Whatcha got Bob?" you asked folding one of the little blue onesies to put in the laundry.
"All the books that were mine when I was a baby," he answered. "Got Baby's Good Morning Book, Baby's Bedtime Book, Baby's Story Book, the Christmas Stories, Child's Story Book, Child's Fairy Tale Book, Peter Rabbit and.......looks like Winnie The Pooh too."
You couldn't help but ooh and aah over the books and their illustrations. You wished you could have a few of them to hang on the walls.
"Hey!" chirped a little toddler voice. "Get out me swamp!!"
You and Bob laughed when you saw Auggie running to the door with the kitchen broom as soon as the doorbell rang, when who should enter but Jake Seresin himself, greeted by his godson wielding a broom.
"Bob! I think Shrek's at it again!" Jake announced. "He's chasing me out of his swamp!"
"You're the one who had to show him that movie," Bob informed him.
Jake rolled his eyes as Auggie laughed and hugged his leg, hanging on for dear life and giggling like crazy as Jake lifted one leg and then the other.
"How goes Mommas?" Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Good, save for the fact that my husband is right there watching you," you chuckled.
"Hey it's called being courteous, it's technically not flirting," Jake explained.
"Although Natasha might disagree."
Jake made a noise that caught in his throat, his hand moving quickly to protectively cup his denim clad scrotum.
"That's what we thought," Bob said with a shit eating grin.
Jake gathered up Auggie to go and cause havoc elsewhere for the day, leaving you and Bob to finish putting together the nursery. You unpacked all the baby clothes, blankets, shoes and other things your family and friends had sent you over the last few months including adorable little bunnies, puppies, bears, elephants and duckies for your little boy.
"Oh remember this?" you laughed, unfolding one of the blankets from the box.
"Oh, my Uncle Red's wife made that years ago," Bob cooed, holding up the little ducky quilt. "I used to sleep with it every night and Mom had to wrestle it away just to wash it."
You and Bob shared a few laughs as you kept organizing and putting everything together. Outside, you could see two mountain bluebirds in the nest they had made in the crape myrtle, wondering if there were any eggs due to hatch. Already the chicks had begun to hatch while there were more horse and cow births happening at least twice a week. The bunnies too had been hard at work, their numbers multiplying in the last few weeks as well.
"Oof," you breathed, feeling your baby kick. "Oh I know little guy, you're ready."
Bob helped you up from where you had been sitting, letting you lean against him as his hand rested gently on your belly. "Did he drop?" he asked.
You nodded.
Bob smiled broadly as he knelt to kiss your bump. "Now you wait a minute mister," Bob chuckled. "There's still some things we need to get ready for you."
You laughed as Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. He wasn't wrong. Even though you were days away from giving birth, there were still so many things to do in such a tiny time frame.
The next few days were spent prepping the house and finishing the nursery. The laundry and the last of your knitting went smoothly although your cats would have said otherwise. Bluey and Echo, Bob's two blue-heelers, had taken to fetching the oddest things from the other rooms which led to an odd assortment of everything piling up in the living room. But you wouldn't have had it any other way.
At last, the day had come, a warm and calm night when you woke up suddenly after your water broke unexpectedly. Jake and Natasha came to take Auggie back to their place for a while, while your midwife came to the house to help. Bob stayed with you the whole time, just as he had done with Auggie, letting you squeeze his hand as you relaxed in the warm bath.
At long last, on June 1st, at 1:30 in the morning, your sweet little boy, Patrick Lewis Floyd, was born; sharing a birthday with Bob's father Joe. As soon as you were back in yours and Bob's shared bed, he snapped a few photos and sent them to his parents, siblings and the Daggers. It's not long before his phone is flooded with messages, all from the proud aunts, uncles and grandparents of your new little boy.
Joe and Irene, Bob's parents, are proud as ever of their grandson and of you both, more so now that Joe can joke about Patrick being his birthday present for that year. His Meemaw and Papa are all too proud to be great-grandparents again, all of them offering to come by and help with whatever is needed.
You and Bob wake later the next day at the sound of Patrick's fussing in the little bedside bassinet, Bob carefully lifting him into his arms and bringing him to the window to hear the birds singing. Patrick calms right down as soon as he's heard the birds sing and as soon as he's latched onto you to feed.
And when you and Bob are snuggled in your shared bed with Auggie coming in to see his new baby brother, you are both overjoyed and happy at the little nest you've built together.
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ataraxiaspainting · 4 months
One More Hour.
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Megumi x GN Reader.
Synopsis: After nearly a whole day of spending time in your boyfriend’s dorm, he still wants more. Can you really deny him that wish, especially after he has bribed you with more chocolate and plushies, along with cuddling his dogs?
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
we fell in love in october by girl in red
Honeypie by JAWNY
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez
Bubble Gum by Clairo
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
As It Was by Harry Styles
Mayonaka no Door / Stay With Me by Miki Matsubara
Hey Lover! by Wabie
Electric Love by BØRNS
No matter how much time passes, Megumi's dorm room remains unchanged in appearance and function.
The door glides open effortlessly unless Megumi has locked it for the night or day.
The rear wall of his room boasts fully stocked bookshelves, primarily filled with history books and nonfiction literature. This tends to annoy you, as reading any of them inevitably leads to immediate boredom-induced sleep. Once, you suggested that Megumi should embrace more imaginative reads, prompting him to respond with a half-serious glare that may have been annoyance or simply playful teasing, a common occurrence when the two of you are alone.
Megumi sleeps on a single futon, always left in a disheveled state, which is rather peculiar considering his typically organized nature. Even you occasionally make your bed, unless you're too tired in the mornings. However, Megumi consistently leaves his futon untidy, with stacks of nonfiction books near his pillow, as is his custom.
You always ponder silently, wondering if he keeps such boring books near his bedside so he can fall asleep faster, a mischievous smile forming within.
In the far corner of his dorm room sits his desk, always facing away from you. On it, you'll find Megumi's trusty laptop, open notebooks filled with scattered ideas, a collection of books, a handful of succulents and bonsai seedlings, and if you're fortunate, his Nintendo Switch. It's likely occupied by the perpetual loading screen of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Omori, or Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Although he claims to play these games solely to appease your persistent recommendations, deep down you suspect he genuinely enjoys them. Of course, if you were to ever voice this suspicion, he wouldn't hesitate to sell his beloved Nintendo Switch on some online auction platform right before your eyes, subjecting you to a rather cruel spectacle.
However, he would undoubtedly retract his decision at the last possible moment. Megumi may possess various traits, but intentionally causing you emotional pain out of spite is certainly not one of them.
“‘Gumi, what’s your favorite type of chocolate?”
At your question, Megumi stares at you like you have grown a second face like Tomie Kawakami. Surely to him, you’re also just as pretty right, minus the second face thing? You’ll have to put it on your list of impulsive things to ask him, physically writing it down or otherwise.
In your hands is the heart-shaped box he had just given to you as a supposed reward for not having talked his ears off. Along with not having thrown his gift, a container of some homemade strawberry cake that you made from a boxed mix, that you would never admit, at him when he inevitably made some teasing quip. You aren’t known for being exactly willing to let insults from fellow peas in your pod pass without them hammering back. It is just what you do.
He may avoid the question, but at least he will still be chained down to sitting with you on the floor if you keep on pouting with every action he takes.
As always, acting like he is being held hostage in his own dorm room, he shuffles from side to side instead of responding. He’s faking being nervous again. Even if you wanted to, you could never actually hurt Megumi.
He looks at the floor, feigning confusion and fear.
You sigh.
There is a slight smirk that appears on his face as you do so.
He can be such a dick sometimes, intentionally or not, although him being the former is quite rare, he only does it with you. The duality of such a foreign species of a man called Megumi Fushiguro, you guess.
“Cherry, of course.” Of course. “I just love it. You should know that. Bec-”
Immediately, your hand slaps over his mouth like its life depends on it.
“Don’t you dare, everyone knows I hate cherry-flavored things!”
Like he was drowning, Megumi acts out a struggle and as soon as your hand is off, he takes in deep breaths, inhaling in and out quickly like you had single-handedly made him see the heavens itself. He is strange. But so are you.
So, against your better judgment, you throw your copy of Crime and Punishment, all 700 pages of it, at him, hitting his forehead with a loud slamming sound erupting from the attack.
“Ow!” Megumi exclaims, rubbing the sore spot with his hands. Maybe your actions were over the top? Yet, then again, so was his.
You cross your arms. “Deserved.”
“I can take away that rabbit plush I gave you last week.”
“You wouldn’t dare, Fushiguro.”
“I would. You’re lucky, though. I don’t usually tease anyone aside from you.”
That’s true. Megumi is stoic in all matters, from cooking to reading. That is, aside from matters where a closed door and you are involved. It is like he becomes an entirely different person, you heavily, heavily doubt Yuji would believe you if you told him.
Even on dates, he is never this expressive. If anything, he is a well-meaning but cold Prince Charming whenever the general public has eyes on him. If only that were true.
“But really, what is your favorite type of chocolate?”
His smirk disappears, replaced with a thoughtful expression.
“Hmm.” Perhaps the all-powerful concussion made him go back to normal? That would make sense. “Coffee, maybe.”
“Huh? Why, to still satisfy your caffeine addiction?”
“Goes well with ginger.”
It is a hard-to-stomach image that appears in your head; Megumi eating Shogayaki for breakfast with black coffee along with coffee-flavored chocolates on the side. It makes you sick just thinking about it. If that vision ever became an unfortunate reality, you could imagine yourself looking at the scene in pure horror. 
He isn’t teasing you if his expression tells you anything.
He’s serious.
“They aren’t that sweet either.” He really is serious. “You know I don’t like sweet side dishes. Ginger and coffee are a good combination.”
He really is fucking serious.
“Get out, Megumi.”
“...This is my-”
“Argh! Don’t care! Get out!”
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redeyerhaenyra · 9 months
Hey, its ya girl, ominoose. Honoured to be here on opening night.
I would like to request Jake Lockley, Blue Jones and Basil Stitt with a curvy/chubby reader please! XOXOXO
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Jake, Blue, Basil, with a curvy reader
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Summary: Some headcanons for Jake, Blue, and Basil with a curvalicious reader
Warnings: Masturbation(male), possessiveness, unhealthy relationships in Basil's section, recording, thigh fucking, dollification(?)in Blue's section, a small bit of titty worship if you squint
Notes: MUSHI omg, yes yes yes 1000% yes, autistic bisexual curvy oscar isaac lovers RISSSEEE- I kinda got carried away with Basil's section hehehe but I hope you enjoy nonetheless :)
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Jake Lockley
OK so if there's one thing we know about Jake, he is the opposite of shy, especially when it comes to his affections for you
Man lives and breathes to just look at you
The bastard will fucking pout if you're going out and you don't wear tight clothes
"But, hermosa, I wanna show you off, you're so hot. Everybody wishes they were you, prometo."
He's so proud you're his, there is nothing about you he doesn't love. Like I said earlier, he just likes to look at you.
All the curves and bumps, your soft tummy, your plush thighs, he can't get enough.
You will be sitting in his lap most of the time and this is non negotiable
It's half a sex thing for him and half that you're basically his plushie that he likes to cuddle, just having you sit pretty on his lap, all warm and squishy, makes him feel better
I think he'd definitely be into thigh fucking like c'mon now it's obvious
Feeling and seeing his dick between your squishy thighs just makes him go feral
I've said it before I'll say it again he fucking lives for making Marc and Steven jealous and recording himself fucking your thighs on Steven's phone for the poor guy to find later is just one of the many ways he does that
He talks alot too, just to rub it in further
"Guau, qué chica tan bonita. Hmm? You're so beautiful aren't you, baby? So perfect and squishy for me, I bet Marc and Steven wish they were here right now, huh? Don't you agree? Yeah, I bet you do."
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Blue Jones
Oh no
If you thought Jake was bad you have a whole nother thing coming
Blue will PERSONALLY make sure all the costumes you wear on stage highlight just how curvy and plush you are.
But no one else is allowed to touch you
Oh no, that right's reserved for him and him alone
Tbh even when you're not performing, he'll want you to be wearing tight fitting shirts so he can stare at your boobies as you go about your day
Yeah he's a tit guy, don't get me wrong he loves all parts of your body but titties just do it for him
Him and Jake are very similar tbh, he also likes to show you off.
When high rollers are in the club you'll be sitting on his lap and no one else's
You're his doll, toy, barbie even
He likes to dress you up and play with you ;)
I'm serious he will pick out outfits for only him to see you in, dress you up in them, sit you on his lap and brush your hair
Like I said you're his toy, his stress ball, even
Just squeezing you will calm him down, any part of you, it's almost grounding to him
He talks to you in these moments, but it's just sort of general babbling about how shit his day was, and all you have to do is sit in his lap and let him nuzzle your breasts
"You're so good to me, bunny. I don't deserve you, do I? No matter what I do you're always here.. always so soft for me.."
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Basil Stitt
Ah, everyone's favorite recluse
Look at the way this man lives and tell me he's not a porn addict please
So we've established that he's a greasy little basement dweller who watches porn on the regular
And we all know that most mainstream porn showcases sort of a singular body type (no hate to my skinny ladies btw ily mwah mwah)
Like it never occurred to him that he might find chubby ladies attractive
So when you, his new neighbour, moving into the apartment across the hall from him, knock on his door to say hi with the most wonderful tight leggings on he basically dies on the spot
The way your thighs looked so squishy and plush- he just wanted to grab them and sink his teeth into them
He tried to end the conversation as quickly as possible because he knew he would've ended up moaning out loud at any point
And then you turn around to walk away AND HE SEES YOUR ASS he's dead he's so dead
The next time he sees you, you're coming back from a night out, clearly a little tipsy, and wearing the shortest, tightest black dress he's ever seen, he dies a second time
His face is pressed up agaisnt the peephole in his door so he can watch you
You drop your keys at one point and bend over to pick them up and he basically cums in his pants untouched
Groaning and falling to his knees as his now softening dick rubs against the wet patch in his jeans
He makes it a point to watch you whenever he can now
He learns your schedule off by heart, it becomes his schedule. Probably has alarms set for it on his phone
Like "Oh , it's 9AM, time to watch my neighbour leave for work." "Oh its 8:30 time to watch her come home."
He really desperately wants to talk to you more but the poor guy is just so insecure :(
This cycle continues for a while.. until one fateful day, you come back from your weekly night out, in the same tight black dress that he loves so much on you... but this time... you're accompanied by a man
The both of your are similarly a little drunk, giggling and fumbling over the keys to your apartment
What? What's this? A friend, brother... partner? Basil silently begs you from behind the door to not let him into your apartment but oh god that's exactly what you do
He feels the tears running down his face before he realises he's crying, pleading for you to stop from behind his door.
His pleads turn to shouts as you close the door, sniffling and crying
Definitely fucks up his apartment again in his anguish
And when he's done that he angrily jerks off, to get back at you? He's not sure. He doesn't even know if you're having sex with the guy, or if it's just a friend you're letting crash at your place, but he's so obsessed with you he can't imagine it being any other reason that you would "betray" him like that
His poor cock is red and sore and he realises he shouldn't have tugged on it so hard 🥺 poor baby
He spends the next day crying in bed, it feels like you've dumped him when you're both barely more than acquaintances but by this point he's formed a sort of parasocial relationship with you, and your soft tummy, that he can't get over the prospect of you even looking at other men
And so, it's decided. He's going to go, knock on your door, and talk to you.... tomorrow. One day. He will do it! Just.. not today.
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ssturniolo · 5 months
Christmas surprise
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Chris x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - y/n gets a Christmas surprise
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - rushed so idk how well it’s written
𝔞/𝔫 - Thumpers backkk!!
Waking up Christmas morning just doesn’t feel the same as it used to. Especially with the triplets visiting their family in boston, and yours being across the country. Yes, your apartment is decorated and there are presents under the tree, but for you it’s always been who’s around the tree rather than whats under it.
You sit on the couch with hot coco in hand, turning on your favorite Christmas movie as you cuddle deep into your blanket. Your bunny thumper is curled up next to you, his little nose wiggling contently at the sweet smells of freshly made cinnamon rolls and cookies.
Now nearing time for bed, you realize that although it would have been better with human company, your day wasn’t that bad. You spent it baking, stopping thumper from chewing on things, watching Christmas movies, and finishing wrapping presents for when the triplets come back to LA.
Midway through the movie ‘ELF’ a loud knock on your door startles thumper awake. Wondering who would be stopping by this late at night, you peek your head out the door to see your beautiful blue eyed boyfriend. Chris.
“Oh my god” you whisper to yourself as you push the door completely open, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as if you’ll never let go.
“Thought I’d come back to surprise you” Chris says as you lead him into your apartment, sitting yourself on his lap as you reach the couch.
“Tried to wrap myself but they wouldn’t let me through airport security,” he smirks.
“You’re just so hilarious Chris” you reply, rolling your eyes playfully.
You truly couldn’t be happier he was with you though. No matter how nice and peaceful today had been, it could always get better simply with his presence. He truly is the best gift of all.
“I see you were busy today” he says, eyes flicking between the chewed up wrapping paper and cords littered across the floor and thumper, now sleeping peacefully again next to you.
“Can’t complain” you laugh softly at your bunnies unbothered state.
“I really wish I could’ve gotten here sooner” he says, using his index finger to tilt your chin to meet his eyes.
Tracing your finger down his jawline you smile, pecking his cheek lightly.
“It’s ok my love, you’re the best Christmas surprise of all”.
Merry Christmas my loves !!💋
XOXO - Zoe
Taglist ⬇️
@dwntwn-strnlo @soleilsturniolos @mbbsgf @gabbylovesreading @0-r-a-y-0 @sturn3g1rl @lvrsparadise @taylorssfilmsss @emssturniolo @ilovemattsturn @nickenthusiast @itsaaliyah2 @thetriplets3 @urfavstromboli
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