#exactly how i envisioned i wanted my art and style to turn out yk
jkgnggj · 3 months
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sorry I just really adore reiko so I drew this like two weeks ago on the Monday I got off from work right before doing taxes 🤧 so her eyes were rushed and I struggled lots with her feet and getas and skirt bcuz I couldn't find the right positioning and fabric texture and angles and I refused to look for references cuz I'm lazy but I think it ended up turning out really good she's so like rounded and tiny and squishy I love her so much she's like my favorite Tori drawing I've drawn so far ahhh also I did something new with her hair (and eyes but that's cuz I was rushing) like I made the hair more detailed and stuff and I like how it ended up looking Idk if I'll use it more often tho. ANYWAYSSS FEAST UR EYES ON THE GIRL FAILURE EVERRR
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