#fem toritsuka
en-vys · 1 year
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creds to banner from @ - cafekitsune!
summary: just because you bagged a psychic doesn’t mean he’ll change himself into a feeling induced individual just for the sake of dating you. well… you have introduced another feeling towards him. jealousy.
warnings: sfw, besides. suggestive topics are discussed
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jealous!saiki / isn’t afraid of you wandering off or talking to guys. he only minds whenever the guy starts the conversation with you.
jealous!saiki / makes sure at least one of his so called “friends” (nuisances) has an eye on you, if your classes didn’t line up. (which is weird since he snuck in his name in all your classes…)
jealous!saiki / doesn’t care if toritsuka makes conversation with you. It just depends if the topic is too suggestive… about body parts… thats when he pulls you aside by either your waist or by the edge of your skirt.
jealous!saiki /isn’t into pda. like at all. he only holds your hand or the keychain of your bag whenever he hears you sighing at a nearby couple who is showing blatant pda.
jealous!saiki / since he can only see the muscles in your body he doesnt rely on your looks, rather your personality. so whenever he hears a guy say anything positive about your personality he randomly pops up beside you! as a reminder that you have someone.
jealous!saiki / hates it whenever his brother comes in for a suprise. especially when you are over. he hates seeing you and his brother having actual interesting conversations. if he ever touches you he slowly pulls his brother away and tells him to back off since 1. you were the only other person he could stand, and 2. he was just annoyed with him in general.
jealous!saiki / never tells you what other guys think of you. but sometimes when he comes around a corner and you’re talking to your friends. he hears a guy have a thought about the way you look positively. he puts him on a list of a guys he needs to steer you away from.
jealous!saiki / doesn’t stop you from being friends with guys but respects the fact that you’d rather have his company instead-although you both share the same friend group.
jealous!saiki / hated being bombarded with questions about bagging one of the hottest girls in PK but now… nevermind he still hates that guys see you as a hot person.
normal!saiki / is rather glad he has you as a girlfriend so whenever his friends invite him to somewhere he uses you as an excuse.
normal!saiki / brags about you… to his grandmother.. he talks about you as if its just another day with other people but he (secretly) loves talking about you in front of his grandmother. obviously she approves of you.
normal!saiki / hates having to deal with the thoughts of others, and is happy that you support the fact he wants to get rid of his powers. although, you give him all the more reason to not get rid of them, with your clumsiness and almost deaths.
normal!saiki / loves your private time together. no shame in not wanting to be by others. as much as he doesn’t sleep very often, you always gave him a sense of peace. whenever he is certain you are asleep by him he likes to twirl a lock of your hair and kiss you on the head.
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jkgnggj · 10 months
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✯☆ genderbent mikorei monday ☆✯
i just love how lu draws genderbent miko... mmm gyaruo and also female tori ughh reiko my beloved
back at it again with another mikorei com by @lu-kario <3
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softara-art · 2 years
Trio Psychic still wip
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Toritsuka Reita masterlist
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Toritsuka Reita x Fem! Reader dating headcannons
Does this masterlist look dry or do you have any request? Ask away!
Looking to see what else I write? Here's my fandom masterlist!
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yae-energy · 11 months
u is for u and mee
synopsis: a collage of texts between you and your best friend saiki
cast: bestie! saiki x black fem reader (kaidou and toritsuka cameo)
cw: light cursing, the dark reunion 😱😱😱
a/n: take 2 of posting this cause ???? dawg idek. anyhow,,,
who’s coming??? 😟
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“Hi 🤓”
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“boy dem tampons 😐”
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tags: @megurulvr @honeybleed @jujuyii @chinieh @jogeto @mypimpademia @miirene | tag form
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bajablastwrites · 2 years
Okay, I know there’s only going to be a solid 50% chance of you actually doing this request but I’m willing to take the chance because I can’t shake the feeling that you’re the perfect person to give this ask to. How would Saiki react to a s/o that suffers from… not exactly intrusive thoughts…but still thoughts that randomly pop into her head that’s straight out of a horror movie? Like they can never open the front door normally without randomly picturing someone stabbing them as they open it.
What do you mean it’s not normal?
TW: somewhat detailed description of gore
Saiki x fem reader
Authors Note: you’re right anon! I am the right person because I too have questionable, graphic, horrendous, disgusting and extremely detailed thoughts like this. (I had unrestricted access to the internet as a kid and my morbid curiosity always wins when it comes to graphic content, builds character and I don’t regret it👍🏼) I was originally going to just go with just the questionable thoughts but it turned into a completely different thing so… oops. Hope you still like it tho!
so I’m going too assume you also had unrestricted access to the internet and your thoughts really show it with how gory and graphic your imagination is. It concerns Kusuo a little bit since they just pop up during the most normal and mundane tasks.
Or sometimes you’ll just space out and your mind wanders to that one gore video from you saw on online one day that was filmed by the Mexican cartel, with quality so shit it might as well have been filmed with a microwave.
Now Kusuo doesn’t think you’re a bad person at all, just because your morbid curiosity has you stare at a dead body for a bit doesn’t mean you’ll want to recreate them. You’re no sicko after all.
But it always catches him off guard because he never knows when it’s going to happen, especially if they involve you. You had the most detailed scenario on what would happen if the person behind you pushed you down the schools stairs or shoved you over the railing and your only thoughts afterwards was “damn that’d suck real bad.” Which concerned him even more. What do you mean “that’d suck real bad.” It’ll be more than just sucking really bad. Man’s was flabbergasted.
He’s followed you home and used his clairvoyance on you on multiple occasions because you’d randomly have thoughts of offing yourself— like a “if I had to” scenario. You had everything from how you’d do it, down to even the contact info of company who’ll clean up any blood or other biohazards left behind. Like how or why do you know the contact info for a clean up crew?
Now that he knows you and you know about his powers, he now intervenes on your graphic thoughts if they involve you.
I feel like he also has a morbid curiosity as well so he’ll also be weirdly fascinated with things like gore to a mild extent. But if your thoughts involve you he’ll be quick to interrupt your thoughts by saying something like “stop it.” That’s probably the only time he’ll get a little upset with you and your graphic thoughts. He knows you can’t control your thoughts but like, can you not think about those things happening to you, please?? He doesn’t care about your thoughts unless they involve you getting hurt or dying in someway because he cares about you, will he tell you that? Absolutely not!
You’re still his favorite person even if he won’t admit it to you or himself.
A weird advantage of your dark and gory thoughts is that you also have some useful medical knowledge as well. You know where important arteries are located and such.
But back on topic, Kusuo likes to have you around when he’s with Toritsuka. Man’s was scared of you after Kusuo asked you what the worst way to kill someone would be and you gave the description of the worst Mexican cartel gore video to exist. (If you know, you know)
“Just out of curiosity. What’s the most creative and painful way to kill a person?” Kusuo asked as you began to sort through all the horrendous and atrocious things you’ve seen. “I mean you want them to be awake you’ll have to drug them with adrenaline. For maximum pain use dulled knives or machetes to chop off the hands and feet, maybe skin them too— it’ll take a lot of work because the blades are dull but they’ll feel everything and be awake for it all. It’ll get pretty bloody though.” You said as you had a vivid memory of the atrocity you’ve seen on the place you call the internet. “Good to know.” He patted your shoulder, satisfied with your answer. What he saw you visualize was less satisfying to him though.
Toritsuka fears you just as much as he fears Saiki. To add to your fear factor, your guardian spirit is either a mortician or a critical care surgeon. Man’s starts sweating when he’s partnered with you during any cooking assignment— or when you have any sharp or pointed object in your hand. Kusuo can’t help but feel proud that you can put the fear of god in him just by holding a pen or pencil, even if you don’t mean to.
Speaking of scaring people, you used scare Kaido when he first met you. You know how he was first scared of Aren when he first met him, it was like that with you as well. He’s not scared of you anymore— or at least not as much as he used to be. You still make him a little nervous though. In his head he sees you as Dark Reunion’s ultimate weapon that was created to defeat him, but ended up becoming a failed experiment and rebelled against them to fight by his side.
Now you and Aren get along really well. He really likes you, he likes to ask you “hypothetical” questions. So you both look very sus, since he’s making questionable scenarios and you have answers for said questionable scenarios. They mostly involve ways to help or get people to the hospital in time if said scenarios were to happen, so it’s oddly wholesome. Kusuo is always nearby because (he’s salty) you guys look like you’re planning a murder and he can’t have you guys getting arrested— it’ll draw too much attention to his class. It’s not that he cares about you guys! (He doesn’t want Aren taking away his only favorite person)
Your aura is somewhat unsettling at the start according to Aiura, like there’s a layer of dark purple clouds or fog surrounding you but once you get passed them it’s a warm and golden aura. Good people work behind the scenes after all.
Speaking of good people Hairo also likes you, man respects you even. He knows how to stop heavy bleeding, what to do if someone has a seizure, breaks a bone, etc.
Teruhashi thought what you were saying was either bullshit or saying it to impress Kusuo since he’s always with you. (I love Teruhashi, but I like slandering her a little bit more) She made the most elaborate scenario in her head about you wanting to be a nurse or doctor in order to get close to Kusuo and be able give him a “physical” (Kusuo didn’t appreciate that visual and wanted to go back to your gory thoughts afterwards) she tried to learn random facts about the body to try to get Kusuo’s attention but you always add more details or facts because you just simply know more (it’s that mortician/surgeon guardian spirit watching over you I swear) you add in extra information in ways that is easy to understand too. So she kinda just gave up because she can’t memorize all that shit to try and out perform you.
Despite your gory and graphic thoughts Kusuo still likes you, wouldn’t change a thing about you— well if he could have you stop making up scenarios where you die or get severely hurt he would, but that’s about it! Loves you just the way you are.
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yuheartss · 6 months
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IN WHICH — saiki k meets a girl with a pink afro, she reminds him of cotton candy …
౨ৎ WC? 742 wordss
౨ৎ warnings! - fem!reader, fluff, unedited , lowercase intended!
౨ৎ a/n: I think I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don’t b mean₊ ⊹₊ ⊹
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you always hung out with Kaidou, not because he was your only friend or anything— it’s just that he was just one of the people who didn’t give you weird looks about your skin or hair, you moved to Japan when you were in junior high and been here ever since your mum got a job transfer
today, kaidou was going to introduce you to his friends from his class, of course, you were very nervous you thought of the worst possible situations ever. What if they make weird comments about my hair?? You thought, twisting some of your curls around your finger
Kaidou seemed to notice your nervousness and patted you back, “don’t be nervous! My friends are great- not saying you aren’t, your like really great but- it’s just- you know..” you laugh at his attempt to cheer you up “thanks kaidou” you chuckled now getting up from the bench you were on
his friends finally showed up, a big guy with a strangely enormous butt chin, a pink haired boy who looks like he’s so done with everything, three girls (one which was glowing somehow??) a boy with red hair, and two other purple haired boys
“You sure do have a lot of friends Kai…” you muttered as he awkwardly chuckled, you stood up straight as a foot shorter yet glowing girl approached you with a brunette and orange brown behind her, the glowing girl took your hands in hers “your so pretty! I love your hair! What’s your name? I’m teruhashi kokomi!”
Teruhashi gave you a smile that blinded you for a bit but you could just see that her face screams not as pretty as me but your still good looking you gave her an awkward smile “hi.. I’m l/n y/n nice to meet you teruhashi and thanks!”
Teruhashi introduced the shorter girl as Yumehara and the girl to her left as chi sati she waved at you while she was scarfing down a double cheeseburger now this this is what impressed you she had a whole bag full just waiting to be devoured
Then teruhashi introduced the red haired boy, which everybody called him hairo so you will too then both of the purple boys greeted you themselves the firsts name was koboyasu and the second was Toritsuka; almost immediately they began to share both of their life story with you
You stood there with all your weight on your right leg slowly tuning out the boys and the rest of the gang why are they telling me their life story!?! I don’t care! You thought, whining softly underneath your breath someone nudges your arm softly you looked up at the also pink haired guy he nods his head at you and walks off “follow me” you hear a voice in your head
You turn back to the crew then at kaidou then you look back at the guy you hesitantly take a step forward “good grief..we’ll be back they won’t even know we’re gone” you pause for a sec and mutter an ok before walking away with him wait what if he kidnaps me?! What the hell am I doing—
“Don’t flatter yourself” he says, walking in front of you, your eyebrow twitched in annoyance to which a faint smile lands upon his lips “so where are we going?” You ask now walking side by side
“I was going to the convenient store before they showed up and dragged me along, so that’s where we’re going” he informed you looking at your hair, he must’ve been staring for a while because you noticed “what?” You questioned him getting a little defensive
“Your hair…” he began as he opened the door to the store for you “what about it?” You say following him as he went to get his snack of choice, he picked out some coffee jelly that came in three
He didn’t answer, you sighed and went to get a dessert too “you know…I’ve never even asked for your name..” you say just know realizing that you’ve been with this teen and never asked he turned to you as he payed for both of your treats “Saiki”
“Okay saiki, tell me what you were gonna say about my hair” you semi demand and quietly thanking him for buying the treat, you can clearly see him hesitating “just say it man” you hurry starting to get impatient
“….it reminds me of cotton candy”
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blowedtvhead · 2 years
Can I get headcannons for Toritsuka and Saiko for a fem!S/O that gets jealous easily? Like, she’s okay with them being around guys and girls she’s familiar with, but any girl she’s not familiar with she’s immediately suspicious of.
Reita Toritsuka and Metori Saiko with an easily jealous Fem!S/O
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Reita Toritsuka:
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- It's no secret that Toritsuka likes to surround himself with people (especially girls)
- So, you're jealousy is constantly challenged around him (at least at first)
- He honestly didn't really pick up on your jealousy
- Saiki had to help him understand why whenever girls were around him that you would get upset
- So, he would constantly apologize after understanding everything
- He definitely gets rid of his womanizing ways for sure
- If he does upset you, he will try everything in his power to make you feel better
- Honestly, you really don't have much to worry about him because you're really the only girl that will be around him
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Metori Saiko:
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- He is around people quite a bit because of his family
- When he caught wind of the fact that you get jealous...well, he likes to take advantage of it
- He enjoys that you get jealous because it shows that you love him
- He gets such a serge of confidence seeing you eye any person that gets near him
- "Oh, princess, are you jealous? Aw, how sweet"
- If you do actually tell him that it really bothers you, then he will tone the purposeful jealousy-making
- He does reassure you that he loves you and that you're the only woman for him
- When you are mad at him, he'll get you whatever you want or do whatever you want to get you to forgive him
© yakshasslut 2023, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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sillysnack · 9 months
my toritsuka reita playlist... i cant explain the thought process for these songs. had to put 2010s filipino songs. especially Classmate.
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such a toritsuka song, yknow? translation under the cut xD i swear. classmate is such a toritsuka song. reita's definitely singing. the fem voice is also still him. chiyo, if you will. it's also chiyo's song. yumetori have shared custody over this song
Yeah, this is my song for you, classmate
(Wait, are you even studying?) Yeah
([You're] crazy, what course are you taking?) Astronaut
(Why astronaut?) I'm going to the sun.
(The sun? It's hot there.) Then I'll go in the evening, jackass (idk how else to translate gago. jackass just sounds the most appropriate tbh)
Hang on, I still have a song to make
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lu-kario · 10 months
literally anytime you draw fem toritsuka i lose my little lesbian shit
what a girly
as a lesbian myself it is my duty to feed other lesbians that good fem!tori shit yk.
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dayquil-nyquil · 3 years
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☁ Requests Currently: (OPEN) ☁
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☆ PSA: all characters will be 18+ ☆
☆ fem/afab and gn! reader only please
☆ headcanons, blurbs, one-shots, and short fics are all accepted
☆ max of 3 characters for headcanons and blurbs
☆ usually, only one character is allowed for one-shots and short fics unless character x reader x character is requested (then we're happy to oblige)
☆ fluff, angst, and spice are all accepted as well 👀
☆ no nsfw as of right now. both mods need to brush up on spicy writing lol
☆ if you're a minor please don't request anything romantic. both mods are adults and we feel uncomfortable writing that. however, platonic requests are more than welcome :)
☆ we don't write any disabilities except depression and anxiety because we feel that we can't write disabilities we don't have. we don't want to fabricate someone's real-life struggles that we don't experience
☆ each mod writes for specific characters! ex: don't ask mod nyquil to write for mahito from jjk bc she hates him, however, mod dayquil simps for him and would be overjoyed to write for him
☆ both mods dayquil and nyquil are in college so please be patient with us :)
↓ fandoms down below ↓
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characters mods will write for:
mod dayquil characters are in orange, mod nyquil characters are in blue, characters both mods write for are in green (bc orange + blue = green lol well technically yellow not orange but yellow doesn't show up well lol)
kusuo saiki, shun kaido, reita toritsuka, and kineshi hairo
germany, japan, italy, romano, spain, russia, england, america, prussia, canada, sweden, finland, norway, denmark, romania, and greece
2Ps!- england, america, canada, italy
loki laufeyson, bucky barnes, steve rogers, tony stark, peter parker, eddie brock + venom, vision, shang-chi, peter quill, and dr. strange
lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon, solomon, diavolo, and barbatos
anakin skywalker + darth vader, obi wan kenobi, the entire bad batch, captain rex, luke skywalker, han solo, kylo ren, poe dameron, finn, and the mandalorian
tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, giyuu tomioka, and kyojuro rengoku
yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, kento nanami, sukuna, and mahito
eren jeager, armin artlert, macro bodt, jean kirstein, reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, levi ackerman, erwin smith, zeke jeager, and hange zoe
students- izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, tenya iida, fumikage tokoyami, neito monoma, and hitoshi shinso
pro heroes- all might, eraserhead, hawks, and endeavor
villains- shigaraki, dabi, and overhaul
eyeless jack, ben drowned, ticci toby, homicidal lui, tim sutton (masky), and brian thomas (hoodie)
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hueningkaisbabi · 4 years
Sweets ~ Saiki K
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Chapter 1 ~ Coffee Jelly
pairing: saiki k x fem!reader
summary: saiki goes to his favorite café and his “not“ friends follow him. When he’s there the waitress who serve some coffee jelly captures his eye and his mind with her thoughts and looks.
genre: happy stuff
next ~
you worked at cafe mami with mera
you’re homeschooled so you didn’t know many kids your age
but then they showed up
a bright pink haired boy followed by 7 other people
his face was stoic but he was pretty adorable you thought
the people behind him were pretty loud compared to the silent pink haired boy
you were wearing a white skirt with a light pink sweater that had a white collar
some cotton white calf socks and white shoes
hair in a low messy ponytail
you walked over to the table smiling
“hello welcome to cafe mami what can i get you”
all the boys (hairo, nendo, toritsuka, kaido, and kobayasu) all looked and mumbled “oh woah” to the sight of you
chiyo waved to you already knowing you because of mera
teruhashi waved as well and smiled but her eyes looked angry
chiyo and the boys ordered while teruhashi didn’t even pay attention just staring at saiki
saiki looked at you and suddenly blinked a lot trying to just see you
he could tell you were beautiful
“coffee jelly please”
“ohhh you must be saiki, mera told me about you, the boy who only buys coffee jelly, nice to meet you”
he nodded at you with a slight blush the most emotion he’s ever shown but only out of embarrassment
everyone stared at him in surprise with you just smiled at his cute face
not knowing he could hear your thoughts he heard how you thought he was cute
“oh no” he said to himself
“he seems like someone who doesn’t want to date, that blue haired girl stares at him like she’s in love, everyone can see it” you thought
“woah” he mumbled
teruhashi gasped at this, “WAHHHH”
saiki turned away and you walked away confused
everyone thought teruhashi was hurt and she was inside knowing saiki said woah to you and not her
“totally not fair, she’s not even as pretty as me” saiki could hear and suddenly he heard your thoughts
“she’s beautiful.... i wish i looked like her then maybe i’d get noticed”
saiki was baffled hearing saddening thoughts instead of some thoughts agaisnt teruhashi
usually saiki hears the bad in people or nothing in nendos case but with you
you were happy and nice which was new to him
you brought everyone’s food and handed saiki his coffee jelly last
“we have these new coffee spoons, i wanted to give you one since you’re our biggest coffee jelly customer”
saiki took it in his hand “thanks”
you smiled and blushed “wahhhh he’s adorable!!! mera was right” you thought
saikis eyes went wide slightly “yare yare mera thinks i’m adorable....that’s awkward”
you walked away standing at the counter just watching them
happiness and sadness hit you
mera was the closest friend you’ve ever had
you didn’t have a friend group to hang out with
it hurt being homeschooled at these times and then it happened
“hi are you y/n?” a boy with a double chin said
you looked up “um yes i am...you are?”
“i’m nendo, mera told us about you, you’re very pretty”
everyone behind him looked nervous about your reaction
“aww thank you that’s very sweet” you said back and even in your thoughts you weren’t mean like saiki thought
thinking you’d say “ew i know i am” or “wow he’s ugly”
instead your thoughts were nice “he’s so nice, i’m glad at least someone thinks i’m pretty”
it was sad but happy. a weird thing for saikis brain
maybe you weren’t so bad after all~~~saiki thought
heyyyy! i’m gib this is my first story! i started writing on wattpad but i think this suits me more. hope you enjoy! this will be a continuous story and i’ll update the chapters every couple days. if you have requests please send them in!!
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
But have you considered: trans fem toritsuka
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ao3-saiki-updates · 2 years
Disastrous Life of Saiki Kumiko
Disastrous Life of Saiki Kumiko by APigInRollerSkates
Saiki Kusuo is not a boy, he is a girl. When you are not only have psychic superpowers, but are a cute girl? The adventures you know are about to be changed, and the relationships between characters switched up. Fem!Kusuo, Fem!Saiki At first this story kinda just followed the cannon plots, but it gets better, trust me (Relationships undecided, I'm taking recommendations) Cross-posted on Fanfiction.net
Words: 9944, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Nendou Riki, Kaidou Shun, Yumehara Chiyo, Kuboyasu Aren, Mera Chisato, Saiki Kurumi, Saiki Kusuke, Saiki Kuniharu, Saiko Metori, Teruhashi Makoto, Hairo Kineshi, Toritsuka Reita
Relationships: Pairings up for vote, Saiki Kusuo & Teruhashi Kokomi, Saiki Kusuo & Everyone
Additional Tags: Fem kusuo saiki, cute kusuo saiki, Cute Girl, female kusuo saiki, Genderbending, saiki and Teruhashi are best friends
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26077333
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bajablastwrites · 3 years
Saiki with a sleepy girlfriend
Saiki x fem reader
Summary: You’re a very tired gal, but saiki doesn’t seem to mind too much.
Originally Saiki didn’t mind that you liked to sleep, until he got into a relationship with you then he realized how excessive and broken your sleeping habits are.
He uh… he likes to watch you sleep sometimes— and by sometimes I mean all the time. He’ll literally be inches away from your face when he knows you’re 100% asleep and just stares at you. You just look so….normal— don’t get him wrong your excessive need to sleep is anything but normal but for now he’ll just watch you sleep.
If you fall asleep on him and you guys are in his room, again he’ll just watch you while occasionally giving you kisses, cuddles and just about any form of affection Kusuo can think of without it waking you up. It’s easy to give your sleeping girlfriend affection when she’s unconscious, after all (um…😳👀). That sounds creepy and wrong but you get his point. It’s not weird leave him alone.
If you wake up while he’s in the middle of staring at you it can either go two ways, you wake up slowly and you aren’t completely aware of your surroundings yet so kusuo plays dumb and says you dreamed or imagined it if you ask him about it or you suddenly jolt awake and nearly head butt your boyfriend with the way you sat up, which leads you asking him why he was THAT close to your face in the first place. Next thing you know he’s gone cuz he doesn’t want to answer. He loves you but he would rather die than admit he likes to admire you while you sleep.
There are times where you guys have conversations via telepathy and you just straight up die on him, it’s like you left him on read but with telepathy. The first couple of times it happened he’s teleported into your room just to make sure you didn’t actually die. You stopped answering him so suddenly so he just wants to make sure you’re ok. He most likely went to sleep next to you as well.
He actually really enjoys napping with you, especially when he’s wearing his ring. When he’s wearing his ring it makes him nervous tho cuz he’s not sure if someone’s gonna walk in on your guys so he tends to lock the door (very sus) in order to actually go to sleep with you. Just think about it, peace and quiet, holding and cuddling your girlfriend, her not being aware of the affection you’re giving her cuz she’s not even awake- (bro?🤨)
A side note but Kusuo doesn’t like it when you sleep outside of his room because of the fact that Kusuke has cameras in the house. Obviously Kusuke knows who you are and has seen Kusuo teleport you away from the living room when you accidentally go to sleep on the couch, so not only are your sleeping habits interesting to him but you’re also his little brother’s girlfriend. So needless to say you’ve peaked his interest. But back on track.
Kusuo’s not sure how to feel about the fact that you can go to sleep on pretty much anything. It’s just…the way your neck is bent when you go to sleep against the school wall doesn’t look normal or comfortable. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re still breathing he would’ve assumed your broke your neck and died.
He takes it upon himself to wake you up to either get you in a more comfortable position (his lap) or to tell you that class it starting soon. He’ll sometimes let you use his school bag as a pillow, he even hypnotizes the class into thinking you’re awake if you can’t even lift your head up or keep your eyes open on some days. He doesn’t want you getting in trouble after all.
Obviously he’s pretty protective of you, especially if Toritsuka is around. Cant have people like him trying to mess with his sleeping girlfriend. He makes sure that you’re near him during school hours so that no one tries to do anything weird if you manage to go to sleep.
Teruhashi took notice that Kusuo is always around you and when you fell asleep on him and he just let you be and even moved you down to his lap instead of his shoulder she was losing her mind. Of course Kusuo knew she was nearby which is why he moved you— I mean he would’ve done that anyways but her spying on both of you made him move you to his lap sooner than usual. He even ran his fingers through your hair for good measure too. In her head she thinks you declared war on her for saiki’s affection and faked sleep to rub it in her face, when in reality you closed your eyes for a bit and accidentally went to sleep on him.
So she tried to act like she was tired around saiki by yawning, stretching, saying she’s a little sleepy. You know that sort of thing and when it didn’t work she decided to make it “authentic” by actually depriving herself of sleep that night and was miserable the next day. Her fan club took care of her though so it’s ok.
Saiki tries to help you get a proper sleeping schedule if yours is nonexistent. He’ll try going at it naturally by giving you warm milk or tea, maybe giving you melatonin if you have insomnia and sleep disturbances. If those don’t work he’ll try going to sleep with you since you tend to sleep fine when he’s around, but he didn’t factor in that he’s only taken maybe 3 or 4 hour naps with you instead of a full night sleep, so he learned that you’re constantly waking up during the night the hard way— which in term wakes him up because of your squirming and shifting. So him being half asleep just used his powers to make you go back to sleep and it seemed to work for the most part. Until the next day where you STILL woke up tired. So he decided to just use his powers on you and see if that works next time.
He couldn’t help but notice that your energy levels suddenly spike up at ungodly hours of the night. So you’re usually wide awake during the night because of it, so for obvious reasons Kusuo made it his personal mission to try and coax you to go back to sleep with him during the night.
You guys tend to bicker about your sleeping habits too, it’s nothing serious though. It’s mainly him saying things like “you said you were going to take a nap not go into a fucking coma.” When you go to sleep during the day and wake up at like 11pm, so you would mock him by repeating what he said to you because you’re petty like that. Which leads to him calling you childish brat and leads to more playful banter between the two of you. Depending on how far it goes, someone’s gonna end up with a couple of love bites and it’s not gonna be him.
Because of your sleeping habits you don’t really do much— mostly because you just don’t have the energy to, and Kusuo’s pretty ok with that for the most part. But he does try to get you to do stuff with him so that you’re not spending most of the day sleeping. If he’s going out to run errands you’re coming with him, if he’s dragged to do something with his friends you’re coming with him and so on. You just make things more tolerable for him even if you’re constantly tired.
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suckerforsaikik · 3 years
For ship bingo he's some crack ships
Akechi x Toritsuka
Teruhashi x Kusuo (The girl from I cant remember what her name is)
wait akekchi x toritsuka actually sounds super fun
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Also fem terusai? obSESSSED
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