#exo-l secret santa 2023
way-of-the-sun · 6 months
Even when it rains
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This is my Secret Santa gift for @tao-lay. It was a lot of fun to participate again this year and I hope this little story warms your heart during these cold months.
Genre: fluff, tiniest bit of angst
Prompt: something soft, something domestic, something that soothes the soul
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (Suho)/Kim Jongdae (Chen)
Words: 1.012
Junmyeon was sitting at his desk, trying and failing to come up with some lyrics for his upcoming new solo album. His eyes were unfocused and he was gripping a pen lightly between his fingers. It must have been hours of him sitting there, trying to be productive but his brain just wouldn’t cooperate.
Junmyeon sighed and lifted his gaze to look out of the window. The sky was grey and it was raining heavily. The raindrops falling against the window were making a calming sound and lulled Junmyeon even further into a state of listlessness. A deep sigh left his mouth.
The last few weeks were stressful for all of Exo but Junmyeon bore a heavier burden as the leader. There was so much criticism, so much hate against one of their members and all of this made for a melancholic and emotional atmosphere. A few weeks ago Jongdae announced that he was going to be a father and the backlash wasn’t pretty.
Junmyeon got blind sided by the news when Jongdae first told all the members about his growing family. But he was happy for him nonetheless. Just like all the other members. Everyone encouraged him and Junmyeon could still remember the happiness that lightened up Jongdae's face when he received all the love from his Exo members. He remembered hugging Jongdae tight for longer than necessary and how Jondae's arms tightened around his body when he whispered words of support into Jongdae's ear.
But even though all the Exo members were happy and supportive, Junmyeon feared that Jongdae would get lots of hate for starting a family and marrying his girlfriend from some fans and in the end Junmyeon‘s fears came true. It hurt to know that his member, his dear friend for many years had to go through all this trouble just because the industry and some fans couldn’t accept that even though they’re idols, they still have a life outside of their job.
Lightning brightened the sky and the following thunder pulled Junmyeon out of his spiralling thoughts. He sighed again and buried his hand in his hair.
„I have to get it together…“ he murmured and gripped the pen tighter. Just when he wanted to start working on his lyrics again a knock on the door interrupted his half-hearted attempt.
Junmyeon put the pen down and turned to face the door.
„Come in.“ he said and waited for the person outside to come inside. A small surprised sound left his mouth when he saw Jongdae standing in the door frame. Jongdae was clutching an umbrella in his right hand, raindrops falling down onto the floor. He was wearing comfortable clothes and it looked like he came to visit Junmyeon straight after finishing his daily vocal lessons.
„Hyung…“ The unusually silent voice surprised and alarmed Junmyeon. There has seldom been a day when Jongdae was quiet. Junmyeon mustered his unexpected companion and saw deep circles under his eyes. The whole aforementioned situation seemed to affect his friend more than he wanted to admit maybe even to himself. Junmyeon knew that he had to be strong for Jongdae right now so he did what he did best and straightened his spine, put on his most comforting smile and invited Jongdae in.
„Come, sit down.“ Junmyeon gestured to the comfortable couch which was a new addition to this room. After a few too many nights of him falling asleep on his desk, trying to write lyrics, Junmyeon decided that he needed a place better suited for taking a nap. After pestering his manager he finally got his brand new couch where Jongdae now gingerly sat on. He looked smaller than normally sitting there. Exhausted and sad.
Jongdae’s facial expression plucked at Junmyeon's heartstrings and he knew that he had to interfere. So with the gentlest voice he asked this one important question.
„What is bothering you?“
Jongdae lifted his head and looked straight at Junmyeon, exhaling loudly.
„Hyung… shouldn’t they be happy for me?“ This quietly uttered question nearly broke Junmyeon’s heart. He immediately knew what Jongdae was talking about so Junmyeon stood up and walked over to the couch and sat down next to his friend. He put his arms around Jongdae’s shoulders and just hugged him tight for a moment. Jongdae returned the embrace and melted into the warm and strong arms surrounding him. When Junmyeon felt Jongdae melting into his embrace he started to speak again.
„They should. And I know for sure that so many people are happy for you. Including all of the boys and including me.“ Junmyeon stroked Jongdae’s hair. It had gotten longer and Junmyeon knew that Jongdae would trim his hair in the near future. But for now Junmyeon just let the strands of hair run through his fingers, occasionally playing with the ends of Jongdae's hair.
„Everything will be fine.“ He whispered. Jongdae didn’t say anything for a few seconds but then his quite voice could be heard.
„Thank you.“ Jongdae's arms squeezed Junmyeon's waist.
Junmyeon didn’t say anything any more just nodded and cradled his precious friend inside his arms. It didn’t take long before Jongdae’s breathing got deeper and his body sagged against Junmyeon’s. Smiling softly, Junmyeon relaxed into the couch and looked down on his friend sleeping in his arms. All the sorrow seemed to have left Jongdae’s face and Junmyeon felt the urge to just protect him always.
Junmyeon kissed him lightly on the brow and gripped him tighter, not wanting to let him go. The scent of Jongdae's shampoo drifted into his nose and Junmyeon took a beep breath, enjoying this closeness.
Jongdae was shuffling deeper into the warmth of the couch and the body heat of his companion. Junmyeon gazed at him full of affection and love.
„I will always be there for you.“
Junmyeon listened to the rain that was pelting against the windows. The sound was lulling him to sleep. He closed his eyes and just before he drifted off to sleep a soft whisper left his lips.
„Even when it rains.“
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tao-lay · 6 months
Spinning Around You
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Hello @way-of-the-sun! This is my little gift for you, and I hope you like it. I had several approaches when I received the prompt, but I really hope this gives the prompt you left some justice. Happy Holidays!
Title: Spinning Around You Genre: Fluff, BodySwap, Soulmate Characters: Kim Minseok, Do Kyungsoo Words: 1,394
Minseok learned the hard way that a large salad plate, and a champagne flute cost 50 bucks; especially if they’re the good kind. His tips for the night were wiped out because of a rookie mistake he could have avoided if he had just stopped to let a family pass instead of trying to squeeze past them. He sighed as he handed the last dollar to his manager, pocketing only a measly 6 dollars into his pocket at the end of the night.
"See you tomorrow," he called out, adjusting his backpack behind him before waving at his coworker who was assigned to be the closer for tonight.
Once he reached his apartment three blocks away, he plopped down on bed only to stare up at the ceiling. 'I guess i can skip dinner?' he thought to himself. Minseok could feel his eyelids flutter shut but his stomach growled just before he could be lured to sleep.
He glanced at his wall clock then sighed, pushing himself off the bed then slipping on his shoes. Minseok decided to make his way to a nearby fast-food restaurant that offers value meals. Once he was there, he opted for a meal that had chicken, rice, and a drink. The restaurant was quick with his order and he decided to have the food taken out so he could eat his meal in the privacy of his own home.
"Watch where you’re going," said a gruff voice as a hand lightly pushed at Minseok’s shoulder.
"Sorry," he replied. The man was a good foot taller than he was and he wasn’t trying to pick any fights tonight. He caught a glimpse of a familiar face under a black cap behind the said gruff man, though. The man had a fair complexion, complementing the dark clothing he wore, and the plumpest lips he had ever seen up close. He looked familiar but he just couldn’t put his finger on who that might be.
Minseok did as the bigger man said, and minded his own business. He headed back home to eat his meal in peace. It wasn’t the most mind-blowing meal he’s had, but it was still food for his stomach so wasn’t too disappointed at it. Minseok threw away the disposables then resumed his lying position on his bed. He whipped out his phone and looked up the latest performance of this one singer he had been having a crush on for the past couple of months.
With his body being tired, his stomach full, and his heart slowly filled with lyrics and song, he eventually drifted off to sleep.
Minseok woke up to an alarm. It wasn’t his alarm but he shut it off out of instinct. He patted around the bed to feel for his phone. And... Well, he felt a phone, it wasn’t his. But he managed to unlock it with his fingerprint? Everything is a blur, but he was sure he was awake.
Why is it 4am? Why was he waking up to an alarm that was two hours earlier than he was used to? Why was his bed so big and soft?
He sat up on his bed then stepped on the floor, seeing something that freaked him out more than being able to unlock a stranger's phone using his fingerprint. He saw feet that weren’t his. It was connected to his body, sure. But they weren’t his! He stumbled out of bed then headed over to where he thought the bathroom was. It was the walk-in closet. Minseok padded out then walked to the other door he could find in the room. Thankfully, it was the bathroom and right there, in the mirror, staring at him, was a face that wasn’t his. Instead, it belonged to a famous singer whom he was a fan of.
He was in the body of the very soulful singer, and gifted dancer do Kyungsoo. The singer that he had been crushing on for three years and counting. The singer whose concerts he went to even if he was just seated in the general admission section. The celebrity who he has met in person after winning a raffle draw from buying his album. The singer who gave him the warmest smile and told him that he recognized him, even though it was their first time meeting in person.
Minseok gasped loudly upon the realization then covered his mouth, making the idol in the reflection also cover his mouth in shock. He looked down at his hands, turned them around over and over before he ended up lightly slapping his face.
It was real, he wasn’t dreaming. He was definitely in this celebrity’s body and it most likely meant that the same celebrity was now in his bed, waking up in a dingy apartment. Minseok wants to run to where his apartment is and apologize to the celebrity.
Minseok made himself decent; wearing a simple pair of jogging pants, a plain shirt, and a cap to cover his current identity as this artist. This artist had won several awards on music shows already, able to hold decent and high notes despite dancing flashy choreography. It was only one of the reasons why Minseok has a crush on him, but that wasn’t the time to gush. If he could get to where his apartment was, and maybe talk to the person whom he switched bodies with, they could successfully return to their own bodies.
After successfully dodging two big security guards, several "loving" fans who were "staying" in the room beside where Kyungsoo was staying at in the hotel, and managing to get a hold of a cab, he finally arrived at his apartment. His fancy yet casual clothing stuck out like a sore thumb in his own neighborhood. He stepped inside the apartment then adjusted his cap to cover his face in case anyone would recognize him. When he reached his apartment, he knocked on the door twice.
The door opened not soon later, his own eyes staring right at him. Unlike him though, he was met with excitement and with glee instead of sheer confusion. The door flung open and he was met with a body hugging his own.
Now he was more confused?
When Kyungsoo in Minseok's body pulled away, he was looking at the other with wide and sparkling eyes. He was looking at the other so lovingly, one would think that it was Kyungsoo (in Minseok's body) that was the fan.
"I have been waiting for this day," Kyungsoo said, gently leading Minseok back into the small apartment. "And I had been hoping it was you."
Minseok was so confused. Yes, it was his idol telling him all these lovely things that are making his toes curl and his stomach flip, but why?
"If you remember during the third grade, when you helped a kid buy milk from the canteen because that kid didn't have enough money.." Kyungsoo was blushing, and it was strange for Minseok to see himself blushing, but he welcomed it. He vaguely remembers the story, though.
"That kid was me," Kyungsoo hummed, almost melting with the way his voice crooned. "And I had the biggest crush on you that time,” he nodded, lightly fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “But our family moved away even before I could tell you how cool you were, and how you made me feel seen. My crush was rekindled when you won my fansign event. It was just so unfortunate you didn’t recognize who I was."
Now it was Minseok's turn to blush.
"So now," Kyungsoo smiled widely, "Shall we.. Return to our own bodies?"
"But how," Minseok croaked, voice hoarse from not using it the entire morning.
"Like this," Kyungsoo's smile grew wider as he leaned closer to Minseok then pressed a soft kiss to his lips afterwards.
When Minseok opened his eyes afterwards, he was looking at Kyungsoo. It had indeed worked; they were back to their own bodies. Before Kyungsoo could utter another word, it was Minseok who closed the gap between their lips again.
As they pulled away again, Kyungsoo smiled at Minseok, lightly adjusting his cap. “By any chance, do you have three dollars?”
Minseok tilted his head in confusion again.
“I kinda.. Have a craving, and I want to buy milk from the convenience store.”
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miramizar · 6 months
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🎉 Every Month of 2023 🎉
Link your favorite or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
Thank you @ambivartence for the tag!! 💗 Please allow me to include a draft and some stories on AO3, or else I'm stumped hahah (Hopefully I'll be able to create stuff more frequently and evenly next year (^^;)💫 )
January: Birthday edit for Kai
February: Birthday edit for Jisung
March: Drabbles for The Swan Princess
April: My new signature for MaySketchADay (if you count that I drew it the day before the challenge started adjhbfbf)
May: Ophiuchus&Serpens for MaySketchADay
June: Yami&Yugi for PuzzleJune
July: SuTeuk fanfic
August: Birthday edit for Mark
September: A Xiumin moodboard that goes along with this exo fanfic (I'm planning on posting it soon!!)
October: YeTeuk fanfic
November: ...please have another MaySketchADay drawing (aka Pyxis - I did so many in May and absolutely nothing in November I'm so sorry idnfnf)
December: Chanyeol for the EXO-L Secret Santa Event
💖 I'd like to tag anyone who sees this and feels like doing it 💖
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way-of-the-sun · 9 months
Hi there! I'm your Secret Santa for this year's EXO-L event! Nice to meet you! I've been looking through your blog for a bit and I noticed a loooot of Minseok reblogs and pics. Is it safe to assume that he is your bias? I hope to get to know you better!
Hello to you too!
It’s so nice to meet you. I’m excited to get to know you a little bit better as well. It’s fun to get in contact with other Exo-Ls! Thank you in advance for being my Secret Santa this year. I hope all of us will have a wonderful and great time.
And you’re right - I reblog a lot of Minseok gifs and pics! I would say that Xiumin is my bias even though I love all of the Exo members. Minnie just has a special little place in my heart… he just caught my attention right from the moment when I started liking Exo.
Do you have a bias? And when did you start stanning Exo?
I hope you had a nice week and I wish you a nice and relaxing weekend!
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miramizar · 9 months
Hello!! This is your Exo-L Secret Santa! I’m going to throw out some ‘getting to know you’ questions, feel free to answer any or all!
How did you get into kpop? Who is your exo bias? (I have a guess but just to confirm) What have been your favorite comebacks this year?(from any group! I’m a multi also) I hope you’re having a good September! Fall is just starting where I am.
Hi!! Nice to meet you, Santa anon~
Ooh those are some good questions hahah (>v<;) Of course I'd love to answer them all! ✨
I got into kpop through my youngest sister - she heard "Call me baby" during dance class and after looking Exo up at home, she shared her findings with me 💞 That was back in early 2016, so my first actual era was the Monster Era, but the songs she showed me ("Call me baby" and "Overdose") will always be equally meaningful to me 💝
I did decide on a bias pretty quickly, and I have a feeling your guess is correct - my url won't give it away, but I do post a lot of Junmyeon-related things on my blog so that's probably a giveaway asfafgdg (^^;) so yes, Junmyeon is my ult bias 💖
While there has been some good comebacks this far (like Nct Dream's "ISTJ", Shinee's "Hard" and solo albums) I have to say that Exo's comeback was and still is the one comeback that made 2023 for me - even if the album as a whole isn't my absolute favourite, "Cream soda" keeps growing on me (both song-wise and choreography-wise) and seeing them perform together for the first time in a long while made sososo happy... nothing can top that, honestly 💗
What about you? How did you get into kpop and who is your exo bias? I'm also really curious about what other groups you like, feel free to tell me about them if you want to! 💫
Thank you! I hope you're having a good September as well - fall has definitely started where I am as well and it definitely has me feeling a bit giddy 🤎🍂 do you like the fall, or is your favourite season a different one?
Thank you for reaching out to me and for asking me these questions! 💕I wish you all the best until the next time we talk~
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