#expert witness financial services
Financial Services Expert Witnesses: Their Contribution to Fraud Investigations
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Financial fraud is a pervasive threat in today's complex financial landscape, affecting businesses, investors, and consumers alike. To combat this menace and seek justice, legal proceedings often require the expertise of expert witness financial services. These professionals play a crucial role in fraud investigations, offering specialized knowledge and insights that are instrumental in uncovering fraudulent activities, analyzing financial data, and presenting evidence in legal proceedings.
Expert witness financial services are individuals with extensive experience and expertise in various aspects of the financial industry, including banking, investment, accounting, and regulatory compliance. They possess a deep understanding of financial regulations, industry standards, and best practices, making them invaluable assets in fraud investigations. Let's explore the significant contributions of financial services expert witnesses in fraud investigations.
Specialized Knowledge and Expertise: Financial services expert witnesses bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and expertise to fraud investigations. Their deep understanding of financial products, transactions, and regulations allows them to identify red flags, anomalies, and potential areas of fraud within complex financial schemes.
Data Analysis and Forensic Examination: One of the key roles of financial expert witnesses is to conduct thorough data analysis and forensic examination of financial records. They utilize advanced analytical tools and techniques to scrutinize financial transactions, detect irregularities, and trace the flow of funds, providing crucial evidence in fraud investigations.
Risk Assessment and Compliance Review: Expert witness financial services also assist in risk assessment and compliance review processes. They evaluate financial institutions' risk management practices, internal controls, and adherence to regulatory requirements, identifying areas of non-compliance or vulnerability to fraudulent activities.
Expert Testimony and Report Presentation: During legal proceedings, financial expert witness provide expert testimony and present detailed reports that outline their findings, analysis, and conclusions. Their testimony is essential in explaining complex financial concepts to judges, juries, and legal teams, helping to build a compelling case against alleged fraudsters.
Due Diligence and Background Checks: Financial expert witnesses perform due diligence and background checks on individuals, businesses, and financial transactions involved in fraud investigations. They verify the authenticity of documents, assess the credibility of parties, and uncover hidden connections or conflicts of interest that may indicate fraudulent behavior.
Collaboration with Legal Teams: Expert witness financial services collaborate closely with legal teams, including attorneys, investigators, and law enforcement agencies, to gather evidence, develop case strategies, and support litigation efforts. Their insights and expertise strengthen the legal team's ability to pursue justice and hold perpetrators of financial fraud accountable.
Educational and Preventive Measures: Apart from their contributions to ongoing fraud investigations, Bridging loan problems expert also play a role in educating businesses, institutions, and the public about financial fraud risks and preventive measures. They offer training, seminars, and advisory services to enhance fraud awareness and promote fraud prevention strategies.
In conclusion, 
financial services expert witnesses are indispensable assets in fraud investigations, offering a comprehensive range of services that include data analysis, risk assessment, expert testimony, and collaboration with legal teams. Their contributions significantly enhance the effectiveness and integrity of fraud investigations, ultimately leading to justice, accountability, and the protection of financial interests.
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class1akids · 9 months
I saw on Twitter that the Chapter 399 title is reference to this poem by Miyazawa Kenji (the "Be not defeated by the rain" poet):
(this panel ties the two poems together)
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The phenomenon called I Is one postulated, organic alternating-current-lamp Blue illumination (A complex of all transparent ghosts) Together with scenes and with everyone Busily, busily flickering Very surely to keep on lighting,
One karmic alternating-current-lamp Blue illumination (Light persisting, its electric lamp lost) These, from twenty-two months’ Direction sensed to be past Papers and mineral ink assembling (Everything that flickers with me Everyone senses at the same time) Continuing on to this, Are links and links of light and shade, Sketches of mental images as they are About all this, people, galaxies, asuras and sea urchins Eating cosmic dust, inhaling air or saltwater
Might think up fresh ontologies But they are ultimately a mental climate Yet surely these recorded scenes are Each the very scene recorded as it is And if it is nothing, nothing itself is as it is And so to an extent is shared by everyone (All is within me everyone So everyone within each one is all) Yet within the Cenozoic alluvial epoch’s Enormous shining accumulation of time, The words supposed to have been rendered correctly In a light’s eclipse, time’s mere speck (Or a billion years of Asura) Might have already changed composition or quality And yet both I and the typographer Might sense them to be not changed at all, That, as a tendency, is possible, Really as we sense our receptive organs And scenes and characters Just sensing them in common, So what is called records and histories, geological histories Along with various data (Under the temporal spatial constraints of karma) Are no more than what we sense Perhaps two thousand years from now A pertinently different geology will be adopted Relevant evidence will emerge one by one from the past So everyone will think that two thousand years before There were colorless peacocks filling the blue sky And then aspiring scholars at the upper stratum of the atmosphere From the place of glittering frozen nitrogen Will excavate splendid fossils Or might well find In a stratified plane of Cretaceous sandstone Gigantic footprints of transparent humankind All these propositions are asserted As properties of images or time itself In the fourth dimensional continuum
And some explanation about the context and meaning of the poem from here:
Eternal Light
Kenji had a very good reason, too, to feel the burden of responsibility toward the weak and the meek. He was the eldest son of a man, Masajirō, who made a fortune running the town’s pawnbroking shop. In those days, pawnbroking was a far more respectable profession than it seems to be today. A small provincial town in a prefecture far from the centers of development in the Meiji era (1868–1912) lacked the banking facilities of the big industrialized trading cities. The Miyazawa family business provided essential financial services to the destitute farmers of the region.
As a boy Kenji witnessed many encounters in his father’s shop, where poor farmers came in with whatever they could barter for a bit of cash to feed their families. He grew up with a keen sense of guilt over this and saw it as one of his missions to repay the farmers by teaching them through his writing how to achieve happiness and comfort in life. Not only that, he became an expert on the use of fertilizer and worked tirelessly to increase its applications. Suffering from pleurisy and tuberculosis, it was his indefatigable—perhaps the right word is obsessive—missionary spirit and social activity for the betterment of the local farmers that led, in part, to an early death.
Kenji described himself as a blue light in the preface to his poem “Spring and Pandemonium.” The light that is Kenji flickers incessantly in harmony with all else in the universe. This light—the life of an individual—does not die out at death. He writes in this preface that it is only the lamp, or the body, that is lost. The light remains on, flickering forever.
Though we die, the light and its memory continue to shine; and it is that light that can be seen throughout the cosmos. That is why some of Kenji’s characters end up in the heavens. Campanella, one of the heroes of his exquisite novel Ginga tetsudō no yoru (trans. Night on the Milky Way Train), alights from a train that is traversing the night sky. Another character in this novel, the scorpion, becomes a star so that its body can provide light and heat for an age. Yet another, the nighthawk in “Yodaka no hoshi” (trans. “The Nighthawk Star”), flies straight up into the sky, also turning its body into a star.
Kenji’s characters defy time and space to set for us, if you will, shining examples.
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ukrfeminism · 4 months
Rape trials will be “delayed for years” because two thirds of barristers who are accredited to prosecute sexual offences are considering quitting. 
Survey results published on Monday revealed that 64 per cent of barristers who prosecute rape and sexual offence cases do not intend to reapply to be ­accredited by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) amid growing complaints over pay.
The prospect of a profound collapse in the number of available prosecutors prompted the head of the Criminal Bar Association to tell ministers that “doing nothing to increase … fees is not an ­option unless we want to accept that rape and serious sexual offence trials will continue to be delayed for years, ­repeatedly postponed on the day because there is no barrister to prosecute or defend”. Tana Adkin KC added that “the human cost for victims of these crimes as well as innocent defendants is beyond financial measure”.
Of the 64 per cent who told the survey, which was commissioned by the association, that they would not reapply, 62 per cent pointed to poor pay and 50 per cent cited personal “wellbeing”. Some 78 per cent of barristers with less than five years’ experience said that they would not consider working on rape and sexual offence cases.
The survey results will heap pressure on the Ministry of Justice and the attorney-general’s office, which oversees the CPS.
Fears have been rising over the effect of court delays. Evidence emerged last year that hundreds of rape and sexual assault trials were collapsing every year as alleged victims dropped out of prosecutions. Data obtained from the Ministry of Justice revealed that more than 1,600 cases had collapsed over the previous five years in England and Wales after complaints were withdrawn ­despite charges having been made.
Legal experts say that the backlog of cases — which stands at a record high of about 65,000 — is prompting alleged victims to quit prosecutions because many find waiting up to three years for a case to come to trial to be too stressful.
To be eligible to receive rape and sexual offence prosecution instructions, barristers must be on the specialist advocate panel, which means that they have received CPS training on dealing with vulnerable witnesses. Training ­involves instruction in what the CPS says are myths and stereotypes around rape and sexual offences.
In 2022 criminal defence barristers settled strikes that had brought the crown courts to a halt after they accepted a 15 per cent rise in legal aid rates. Fees for prosecution barristers were not increased until a year ago, when they too were given a 15 per cent pay boost. And it is claimed that junior prosecution barristers are paid significantly less than their defence counterparts.
Association officials said that the average fee for defending in a five-day rape trial was £2,185 while the prosecution pay was about £300 less. They added that those prosecuting five-day fraud trials were paid about £380 more on average than barristers prosecuting rape cases. 
Harriet Wistrich, a solicitor and founder of the Centre for Women’s Justice, said that “the prosecution of sexual crime requires great expertise and knowledge, particularly given the traumatic nature of the crime and the need for understanding the complex laws and procedures surrounding such prosecutions that have developed to encourage victims to come forward and counter a victim-blaming culture”.
The Ministry of Justice said that the pay rise 18 months ago for defence barristers amounted on average to an annual boost of £7,000. It added that ministers had “also increased fees for those doing pre-recorded cross-examinations as part of our action to better support victims and see more rape cases reaching court, with an increase of over 50 per cent in adult rape prosecutions in the latest year”.
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odinsblog · 11 months
Andrew was entering his third month of unemployment when he sat down at his computer and opened the inbox of his LinkedIn account. He’d received a response to a query he’d sent off four days after his friend-turned-manager walked him into a conference room swimming with sunlight, smelling of cologne and the faintest hint of perfume left behind by a group of attorneys who’d recently vacated the space after a five-hour meeting.
“I’m sorry, man,” Colin Perkins had said. Andrew’s eyes glided to the glass conference table, landing on the silver tray holding a molehill of bagels. He imagined they must be stale by now, having been left there uncovered in the icy office air.
Someone had planted the pointed end of a white plastic knife in an open container of chive-and-jalapeño cream cheese. It brought to mind the moon landing; all that was missing was a tiny American flag. A laugh trudged up his throat, but he disguised it as a cough.
“I told you,” Colin continued, raking his hands over his manicured Afro, “that the last to hire would be the first to go.”
A month earlier, seventeen women and two men had accused the CEO of the company of sexual misconduct. That news had plummeted the stock. The layoffs followed. Andrew had witnessed dozens of employees being escorted by security from the building like criminals. Now it was his turn.
Andrew nodded, placed a comforting hand on Daniel’s shoulder, and squeezed. The crisp cotton of Daniel’s shirt felt cool beneath his palm. “It’s okay, man, I understand. Don’t sweat it.”
He’d spent that first week revamping his résumé, calling friends and old colleagues, people who might know of a job opportunity at their own place of employment or elsewhere. He’d never had a LinkedIn account, but took the time to set one up. To conserve the little bit of savings he had, Andrew dropped his gym membership and went back to drinking tap water instead of the bottled Evian he loved. He gave up Starbucks coffee and the expensive cabernet sauvignon he purchased by the case.
By week three, he was spending his days on the couch, dressed in boxer shorts and sweat socks. He’d stopped opening the blinds and only went outside to empty the garbage. He whiled away the hours playing video games, and watching Netflix and Pornhub. Oftentimes, he went days without brushing his teeth.
When his mother called to check on him, Andrew lied, claiming he had several interviews lined up. When his father took the phone into another room to ask if he needed money, Andrew assured him that he was fine on the financial front, even though he wasn’t. He’d made up his mind to sell his Shelby Mustang before he took a dime from his parents. That was a big decision because he loved that car more than he’d ever loved any woman.
The day he opened the e-mail, the panic had just started to set in. He could feel it creeping along the back of his neck, like the soft scuttle of caterpillar legs.
From: OBF, INC.
To: Andrew Jamison
Dear Mr. Jamison,
We found your resume to be very interesting and believe that you would be the perfect addition to our dynamic team of Client Liaisons.
Affordable benefits for you, your spouse, and/or children after 90 days!
Opportunities to advance within!
Hourly, overtime, and tremendous bonus opportunities!
If you love helping others, then you will love working for OBF, INC.
OBF, INC. wants to talk to you now! To set up an interview TEXT OBF51893.
Liaison was just a fancy French word for customer service agent. Well, that was his skill set. Andrew was an expert at assisting people.
He texted the number and received an instant response that directed him to call a telephone number and enter his personal code: 1032.
An automated voice offered him two available interview dates. He was instructed to press 1 for the first date and 2 for the second. The mechanical voice told him that he would receive a call advising him where the interview would take place.
It all seemed very clandestine. Andrew was cynical, but his desperation outweighed his skepticism.
A day later, he received a call from a woman with a Southern drawl . . . Georgia, Alabama, Texas? He couldn’t quite pinpoint where she hailed from, but listening to her speak conjured visions of sweet tea and fireflies. She asked for his full government name and the code he’d received via text message. There was a pause, two clicks, and then the syrupy voice asked if he had a pen available. He did. After she’d rattled off the address, she wished him good luck. There were a few more clicks and then the line went dead.
He walked into the lobby of the forty-story office building and was struck by the contemporary opulence of the space. Marble floors, potted palms that towered eight feet into the air, white leather sofas, and a slick-looking Louboutin-red reception desk.
Andrew presented his license to the security guard and was given a name tag, which he clipped to the lapel of his ash-gray jacket. He was told to go to the eighteenth floor.
While waiting for the elevator, he perused the list of companies listed on a plaque mounted to the wall. OBF, Inc. was nowhere to be found.
He smirked, shrugged his shoulders, and stepped into the elevator. On the eighteenth floor, smack outside of the elevator door, was a sheet of lined legal paper taped haphazardly to the wall. Scrawled on its face in black marker was: This Way to OBF, INC. Below that was an arrow.
He started down the hall. A man the color of cedar and as tall as an NBA player speed-walked past him, mumbling to himself. Andrew thought he looked dazed, as if he’d just received news that a loved one had passed away.
“Good morning,” Andrew murmured.
The man turned eyes as wide as saucers on Andrew. He opened his mouth and muttered something that Andrew wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. The elevator doors slid open just as Andrew leaned in and asked, “Uhm, sorry, brother, but did you say run?”
The man leaped into the elevator, pressed his spine against the back wall, and fixed his eyes on the glass numbers above the closing doors.
Andrew stood blinking at his reflection in the chrome elevator doors. After a moment, he shrugged and continued down the hallway where he came upon a second handwritten sign directing him to turn left at the women’s bathroom. He rounded a corner and found himself staring at eleven men seated in folding chairs. They all looked up from their iPhones and Androids. Andrew nodded and headed toward the pretty blonde seated behind a metal desk.
“Good morning,” she smiled. “Name?”
“Andrew Jamison.”
“Okay, Mr. Jamison, please take a seat. Mrs. Americus will be with you shortly.”
He scrutinized his fellow applicants. They were all black men save for the one white guy with a man-bun who was called in as soon as Andrew sat down. Man-bun wasn’t in there long. In less than five minutes, cheeks flushed and cursing under his breath, he stormed across the reception area and out of sight.
Andrew clenched his jaw and made eye contact with another man across the room from him. He imagined the unease in the man’s eyes mirrored his own uncertainty.
“Andrew Jamison, Mrs. Americus will see you now. Just through that door.”
The door opened to a large office filled with cubicles and desks, manned by women tapping away on typewriters or murmuring into the handsets of—
Andrew slowed his gait.
Are those rotary telephones and, wait, Royal typewriters?
As Andrew gawked, a large man with a mustache as thick has a shoe brush appeared before him. Andrew glanced up and then quickly shifted his gaze away from the brawny man’s left eyelid, which was weighed down with a sty the size of a dime.
“In there,” the man huffed, aiming a chubby finger at a closed door not more than five feet from where they stood.
The office was as small as a janitor’s closet. And dark.
The lone window on the far left wall faced the shadowy back of a department store. Metal file cabinets lined the walls; some of the drawers were open, revealing manila folders bulging with papers. He could see, even in the muddy darkness of the room, a layer of dust atop the cabinets. Hanging on the walls were at least twenty framed photographs of people, all of whom were black.
The air was rife with the scent of cigarette smoke.
Andrew remembered people smoking at their desks when he went to visit his mother at her office job when he was young. Once, on a flight to Detroit with his grandmother, he stood at the back of the plane waiting to use the bathroom, and found himself engulfed in a cloud of smoke billowing from the cigarettes of three passengers.
He couldn’t recall the exact year cities around the country began banning smoking in bars and restaurants, but he was supremely aware that smokers had to be at least four hundred feet away from the entrance of any building if they wanted to light up.
Yet here was this woman, puffing away like it was 1975. Andrew eyed the near-empty box of Winstons and then the woman. She was robust—a meat-and-potatoes sort of gal, with doughy cheeks and large blue eyes. Her sun-bleached blond hair fanned back from her face—a style made famous by the eighties icon Farrah Fawcett. Her lips were slathered in tangerine-colored lipstick. The same color rung the filters of a dozen long-dead Winston butts heaped in the black ceramic ashtray. Andrew thought, If she’s going for clown instead of glamour, well, bull’s-eye!
Ornate rings twinkled on seven of her ten fingers, the rose-gold chain she wore around her neck dribbled down her chest and disappeared into her cleavage. She looked to be in her midfifties.
“Good morning, Mr. Jamison. Please have a seat.” Her eyes remained glued to the sheet of paper clutched in her hands. Andrew assumed it was his résumé.
He sat down.
“You graduated from Brown University?”
“Y-yes, I did. I graduated summa cum laude in 1990.”
Her desk was cluttered with newspaper clippings; stacks of aging yellowed papers, and dated fashion magazines. Andrew’s eyebrows climbed. Was that Marcia from the seventies sitcom The Brady Bunch on the cover of that Glamour magazine?
Andrew chuckled to himself. This had to be an elaborate joke. Someone was putting him on. His eyes ranged around the office in search of a concealed camera.
“Impressive,” she said finally, looking him directly in the eye. “Do you have a wife?”
“Are you married, Mr. Jamison?”
“No, I’m not.”
She searched his face. “Are you gay?”
Andrew bristled. “Mrs. Americus, I don’t think you’re legally allowed to ask me that question.”
She smirked.
“It’s a yes-or-no question, Mr. Jamison. I know it’s unusual, but believe me, for this position I would need to know.”
His rent was due tomorrow and then again in thirty more days. His savings were dwindling. “No, I’m not gay.”
“Do you have children?”
“One daughter, she’s twenty-two years old.”
“Do you have a good relationship with your daughter? With the mother?”
Mrs. Americus glanced at his résumé. “Perfect.” She reached for the dying cigarette and brought it to her lips. “And according to your application, you’ve never been arrested. Is that true?”
“Well, we will be doing a background check.”
“Do you have any bad habits? Do you use narcotics?”
“No ma’am.”
“Any . . . um . . . undesirable recreational activities?”
“Porn? Well, not just porn. Kiddie porn.”
Andrew’s mouth fell open.
“No judgment, Mr. Jamison. Again, I just need to know.”
“No, I do not watch kiddie porn,” Andrew spat.
“Good!” she exclaimed, drumming her fingers on the desk. “Let me tell you the specifics of the job . . .”
Some of the faces behind the glass frames looked familiar. Again Andrew found himself squinting. Was that Omarosa? He pitched forward in his chair.
Mrs. Americus stopped talking and followed his gaze. “Um, yes,” she spouted. “That is who you think it is. She’s been one of our best recruits.”
Andrew swallowed.
Mrs. Americus stubbed out her cigarette and laced her fingers under her chin. “Some of our liaisons work directly with government agencies. That’s a promotion of sorts. Of course, before you can be assigned to the big house—I mean the White House—you’d first have to prove yourself out in the field.” She giggled. “In the field. You get it? It’s a double entendre.”
Andrew’s mouth went dry.
She twisted around in the chair and pointed to a photograph of a pair of middle-aged women standing shoulder to shoulder, each holding a red MAGA baseball cap. “Those ladies are Diamond and Silk. Do you know them?”
Andrew shot out up from the chair. For a moment, he thought his knees would buckle. “What does OBF stand for?”
Mrs. Americus reached for the pack of cigarettes. “OBF stands for One Black Friend.”
“One Black Friend?”
“Yes. You see, in these troubling times, times where so many people are labeling white people as racist, we need black people to stand up for us—to have our backs, as your people are fond of saying. Sometimes, Mr. Jamison, a God-fearing, good white person may be accused of a crime or some other offense perpetrated against a person of color, and when the accused does not have a person of color in his circle, it looks bad. The public may see him . . . or her, as a racist simply because their circle is . . . white. Lily.
“And that’s wrong. Not having black friends does not make a white person racist by default. Anyway,” she waved her hand, “that’s where OBF comes in. We provide that one black friend. That one black friend introduces doubt, and more often than not, that doubt diminishes a large percentage of the negative impact our clients might face.”
Andrew just stared.
“Oh, Mr. Jamison, don’t look so shocked. This practice has been around for centuries.” She pointed to the far wall near the window. “You see that guy there? He was actually the inspiration for this company.”
Andrew peered at the photograph. “Who is he?”
“Joe Oliver.”
“Joe Oliver?”
“Yeah, Joe Oliver. You don’t remember him? Joe Oliver, George Zimmerman’s one black friend.” Mrs. Americus raised a black ceramic coffee mug to her lips and sipped. The red decal on the side of the mug read: Black Tears.
Andrew’s stomach lurched, perspiration beading across his forehead. “This is some kind of joke, right?”
“Oh, I assure you this is not a joke and I am very serious. As serious as a heart attack. Is that how the saying goes? As serious as a heart attack?”
Andrew started toward the door.
“Wait, Mr. Jamison. Look here.” She pointed at a photograph hanging above the row of filing cabinets. “This is another one of our liaisons. Since he’s been working for us, he’s paid off his student loans and I understand that he’s just recently purchased a Cadillac.”
Andrew followed her index finger to the photo of a grinning black man holding a Blacks for Trump sign above his head like a trophy.
“Shall we talk about salary?”
The lights flickered.
He thought, Maybe I’m still asleep. Maybe this is a nightmare.
“Andrew? I can see you’re having a hard time processing all of this. But really, it’s not as uncommon as you might think. We live in America, this is a capitalist country, and we monetize everything. Everything.”
Andrew couldn’t remember reaching for the doorknob, but suddenly he was stumbling through the reception area.
He fled down the corridor, rounded the first corner and then the next. A slight man the color of honeyed milk stepped from the elevator. He wore a yellow dress shirt with a red bow tie. His dark-blue khakis were flooded just enough to offer a wink of his orange-and-navy argyle socks.
Upon Andrew’s frantic approach, the startled stranger stepped swiftly out of his path. Andrew didn’t make eye contact. He jabbed at the elevator button until the doors slid open.
Weeks later, Andrew was seated in a truck-stop diner with his fork poised over a plate of scrambled eggs and corned beef hash.
The mounted television was tuned to Fox News. The anchor reported that yet another young black man had been gunned down by a vigilante, another Good Samaritan, named Christopher Parks.
Christopher Parks was heading home from his job as a sanitation man when he spotted young Daniel Latham sitting in Starbucks, dozing over his law textbooks. Parks entered the establishment, woke Latham with a tap to his shoulder, and asked if he lived in the area. According to eyewitnesses, Latham replied that he did in fact live in the neighborhood. Parks demanded to see Latham’s ID and was met with laughter. The law student gathered his belongings and stood to leave—rather menacingly, one eyewitness reported.
That was when Christopher Parks pulled his weapon and fired. The stunned Latham, still laughing, crumpled into his chair and pressed his hand over the whole in his heart. It wasn’t until he saw the blood that the smile slipped from his lips and he began to cry.
The cops were called, but not an ambulance. Well, not immediately.
The police shackled Latham to the chair and took Parks to the police station for questioning. The woman behind the counter gave Parks a high five and a tall Caffè Mocha to go.
By the time an ambulance arrived, Daniel Latham was dead, having bled out all over his take-home final exam.
In the days that followed, it was revealed that Daniel Latham had several unpaid parking tickets and was thrice fined for not scooping his dog’s poop. Not only that—he was also a practicing Buddhist who supported a woman’s right to choose.
A search of Latham’s apartment unearthed a well-worn copy of Alex Haley’s The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which was on his nightstand alongside Jay-Z’s Decoded. This discovery was further evidence that Latham was no angel.
Laura Ingraham looked directly into the camera and told her viewers that Christopher Parks was a hero, a polite and well-spoken man who had been raised by his father after his mother died from breast cancer when he was just three years old. Yes, as a youth, Christopher had been suspended from school for fighting, and as a young man he’d beaten a girlfriend with a pipe. Later, when he was in his early thirties, he’d threatened to castrate his boss—a black man old enough to be his grandfather. All of that behavior, Laura Ingraham said, was directly connected to the trauma of losing a mother at such a tender age.
She paused, and in that moment her entire face pulsed with empathy. “That said,” she continued, “Al Sharpton, along with the Black Lives Matter terrorist organization, have labeled Christopher Parks a racist and are calling for his arrest.” She shook her head and chuckled. “Earlier today, I had the pleasure of speaking with Christopher’s longtime best friend, Andrew Jamison . . .”
Andrew lowered his fork, reached for his shades, and slipped them onto his face.
—OBF, Inc., a short story by Bernice L. McFadden
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jennifermurphseo · 4 months
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theculturedmarxist · 7 months
In Ukraine, the West has some intellectual understanding that the war is a war of attrition, but the power of the WSC discourse is such that this is frequently lost sight of. In many ways this isn’t surprising. The WSC—the Liberal mindset at war—looks at conflict as it looks at everything: from a lofty position of complete understanding, based on the universal applicability of a priori normative assumptions. The Liberal mindset as a whole, recall, sees itself as “practical”, and scorns long study and detailed analysis. It sees learning for its own sake as largely pointless, since it knows all the important answers anyway. Universities are only important for acquiring certificates an knowing where to find the detail: technical training is a joke, and for inferior mortals. So Liberal society admires the smart person rather than the intelligent, the quick-witted rather than the expert, the advocate who argues well on the basis of a quick scan, rather than the academic expert with deep knowledge.. It exalts the financier who makes a fortune out of speculating in pharmaceutical stocks above the doctors and researchers who have actually done the work.
The Liberal mindset is thus resistant to learning and the analysis of experience, not least because that might force a modification of some a priori ideas. And these ideas tend to be normative, emotional and moralistic. That’s not surprising: anyone with even a faint acquaintance with psychological research on decision-making knows that our fundamental decisions and opinions are overwhelmingly initially arrived at in the unconscious mind first. The conscious mind seems to function largely as a mechanism for providing an intellectual and rational gloss to opinions already formulated on subjective and emotional grounds. So the Liberal mind, uninterested in detail, unwilling to learn, and working from largely-arbitrary a priori ideas, responds emotionally and often angrily, to ideas and even facts that challenge its gut reactions. Don’t confuse me with facts, I know what I think, as the late Mrs Thatcher said on more than one occasion.
I’ve pointed out a number of times that the Liberal mind, in its many, often conflicting, forms, is inherently normative and moralising. This means that it responds to questions, debate and criticism not by engaging with the issues, but by shrill personal attacks on those who disagree. There’s nothing more satisfying and addictive, after all, than the feeling that you are superior to others by virtue of your normative assumptions, and that you you therefore think and speak on a higher plane than those who would try to confuse you with facts. This seems to be a universal tendency within the factions of the Western Security Complex, for all its internal incoherence : I have, for example, never seen a thoughtful and carefully argued piece of WSC punditry on Ukraine, and I don’t expect to see one on Gaza. A superior attitude of moral and normative judgement does service instead, and relieves you of the need to actually know, and even more learn, things.
So try to explain the tangled history of Ukraine and Russia since 1991, and you are a Putin-loving Russian agent. Try to explain the background to the recent coups in West Africa, and you are an apologist for neoimperialism. Try to explain the probable causes of the Hamas attack, and you are a sympathiser with baby-killers. Some of you may already have had exchanges like the following:
So why do you think this attack took place?
A combination of fifteen years of imprisonment and sanctions, and a sense of betrayal by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states.
But you can’t possibly say that justifies all this killing!
We’re not talking about justifications, but explanations.
So you refuse to condemn Hamas then?
You asked me why I thought the attacks took place.
Ah, you must support Hamas.
The advantage of this kind of ad hominem, normative approach is precisely that you don’t need to know anything: indeed, knowledge itself is suspect because it might eat away at your sense of moral and intellectual superiority. Practitioners of this tactic feel (or seem to feel) the certainty of Knowledge about the world that we associate with revealed truth, or the writings of the Gnostics. It follows that everything contrary that cannot be denied can be, and must be, assimilated to this Knowledge, which is a scheme of thought (?) forcibly imposed onto a complicated world. Those who Know, for example, that Washington is behind everything of importance that happens in the world have already decided that the war in Gaza must have been carefully planned by Biden and Netanyahu to provide an excuse for, well, let’s say attacking Iran. All contrary evidence can simply be dismissed as Iranian/Russian propaganda that the rest of us are stupid enough to accept, or very clever western disinformation. And those who Know that evil must be fought wherever it happens, looked at one video from Gaza, freaked out and demanded that the Palestinians be punished. Don’t confuse me with facts, I know what I think.
The Liberal tendency to impose prefabricated schemes on the world based on selective and often erroneous moralised readings of the past, and a priori assumptions about how the world works, has been fully on display in Ukraine, and I’ll therefore go through that in a bit of detail, with side-glances elsewhere. Let’s look first at the nature of the fighting itself (the theatre), then the wider strategic questions related to Europe and the West, then the strategic questions at the level of the world itself. In each case, it will be clear that the WSC is right out of its depth, and has no real idea what’s going on.
First of all, let’s look at Russian tactics and military objectives. Because the WSC can only conceive of others doing what it already knows about and has practised, it follows that other nations must in fact be doing what the West would do, even if they say they are not, and there’s no evidence that they are. The image the West has of large-scale military operations is pretty much limited to Gulf War 2,0, with its rapid movement of armoured units and capture of territory. For pundits, including military ones, that’s pretty much all they know, so it follows that it must have been what the Russians were planning in 2021. The fact that the Russians did not capture much territory therefore means that they failed. It doesn’t matter how many times the Russians explain that their concept of operations has nothing in it about capturing territory: they must be lying or simply wrong. So the WSC is convinced that the Russians were seeking a reply of Gulf War 2,0 and it failed.
But then there is talk of attrition warfare. We think we know what attrition warfare is: it was the terrible waste of life for no strategic gain that characterised World War 1, or at least 1915-17 on the Western Front. So in this case the Russians are like the Germans of 1914 who attempted to win the war by large-scale manoeuvre operations and failed, and then dug in. At which point the Russians then become the British and French, engaging in pointless attritional attacks, except that they aren’t really the Allies, they are the Germans, because everybody knows that in 2023 they are defending, except how can you engage in attritional warfare if you are defending, so they must in fact be attacking, which means that they must be suffering enormous casualties (60,000 casualties on the first day of the Somme in 1916, remember?) which means Russian Generals must be callous monsters trying to overwhelm the Ukrainians by human wave attacks, even if there’s no evidence of that actually happening. Trying to explain to a WSC pundit how an Army can have a posture of operational offense and tactical defence means that you are a buddy of Putin. Trying to explain what Hamas is up to militarily would cause the WSC’s collective head to explode, although if they had been paying attention they would already have looked at the tactics of ISIS in Iraq. Don’t confuse me with facts, I know what I think.
Because we know a lot about the Russian Army, or we think we do. There were all those popular histories of the eastern front in World War 2, written from interviews with German generals. Oh, and Stalin’s purges and the catastrophes of 1941, and the terror of the Red Army advancing into Germany in 1945, and Afghanistan, and then it all went wrong in the 1990s, and there were the Chechen Wars and nothing much has happened since, and the Russians are undisciplined barbarians who can’t stand up to western-trained forces operating western equipment. So if they haven’t collapsed they soon will. And of course the Ukrainian people will soon rise up against the conquerors and take to the deserts and mountains of Ukraine, forming tribal militias as they did in Afghanistan. Or something. Don’t confuse me with facts, I know what I think.
What’s clear for those with eyes to see is that the War is taking off in ways it has no right to. Drones and precision missiles, to name the most obvious, have changed everything. But the WSC, incapable by definition of learning anything, is simply helpless in front of all this, and so talks about what it knows and understands. A retired Major General from a western Army may perhaps have commanded a battalion on actual operations, and seen platoon-level actions, using small arms and light weapons with air support. Few western nations are actually capable of deploying a functioning Brigade-sized unit on operations, whereas the Russians have been chewing up whole Brigades recently. So people talk about what they know: capturing a village, attacking a bridge, attacking an airfield, daring special forces operations. All these are peripheral to a war of deliberate attrition, where the Russian aim is to grind down the Ukrainian forces and then move forward, as they did against the Germans eighty years ago. It’s impossible for western military experts (OK, that’s controversial, I know) to actually conceive of a war in which Ukraine has lost more men killed than the entire active and reserve strength of any European military. Even on the Russian side, and taking the most-likely figure of 30,000 dead, then with those casualties, as well as the severely wounded, the British Army of today would cease to exist.
The link to the higher levels is clear enough. The WSC certainly has long-term aspirations but it’s incapable of carrying out long-term plans. It’s fixated on the next move, whilst the Russians are busy re-designing the chessboard. The Russian view has been consistent for fifteen years, and has almost certainly hardened substantially over the last year and a half. They want the US out of Europe, Europe itself quiescent and respectful, and a large, disarmed area that they control, between them and the nearest western military power. This is an investment for the next twenty-five years, at least, and if it takes a bit of time, it takes a bit of time. Ukraine in a sense is collateral damage in all of this, since the Russians probably have no very precise idea of what they want there, so long as it is consistent with the overall plan. And rather than trying to understand what that plan might be, the WSC ignores that level entirely, and toasts the capture of a village, the destruction of an aircraft and the despatch of a clapped-out howitzer, as though these things were important. If they think of the higher level at all, it’s in the context of fantasies of the attempted re-creation of the Soviet Union. But don’t confuse me with facts, I know what I think.
And finally, even the new security order in Europe that the Russians are seeking to establish is only part of the ultimate goal: a world where political, military and economic power is more evenly distributed than it is now, and there is no hegemony. Moreover, it is a goal that they broadly share with other nations, with whom they cooperate on certain issues, to the extent that the various nations find it useful: a relatively subtle concept the WSC simply cannot understand. So far as I can tell, this has pretty much passed by the WSC by, for all that they whine and moan about unfair Chinese competition and the Wagner group operating in Africa. At their best, countries with a Liberal pragmatic tradition, like Britain, can actually be highly effective in the short term. But as you would expect, the same countries are terrible at any long-term vision, and find it culturally very difficult to entertain, let alone put into practice. In diplomacy, and often in war, the British tradition is of series of tactical victories crowned by a strategic defeat, because they were never able to produce and stick to a coherent vision. And this is the mentality which has taken over the whole western political class recently, with its obsession with the news cycle and the next tweet. It isn’t even that the Russians are playing seven-dimensional chess, it’s just that, like many other countries, they have some idea where they want to go, and all we know is that we don’t like it, and it’s not fair and we want to stop it. But that’s not a policy.
And now the WSC has pivoted effortlessly from Ukraine (with a brief diversion into francophone Africa) into Gaza. In the course of twenty-four hours, Substacks I receive that talked with utter certainty about what was happening in Ukraine, have begun talking with equal certainty about Hamas and Gaza, and largely echoing each other. Well, I have some experience in the region and have been involved a bit with its problems, but I don’t claim the kind of in-depth knowledge that would allow me to pontificate like that. But in Gaza, as in Ukraine, the WSC is unlimited in its confidence in itself, even as it is limited by what it knows and what it understands, and by its very feeble capacity for learning. If it pontificates endlessly, it is because so many business models depend on it. But they know what they think: please don’t confuse them with facts.
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deeploretv · 2 months
Was Geoff Hammond Murdered?
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On June 14, 2017, affluent entrepreneur and author Geoff Hammond died suddenly at age 69 in his Bluffton, South Carolina home. Despite being described as extremely healthy by his physician just days earlier, the cause of death was listed as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, Hammond suffered a severe head wound resembling a golf club injury that went largely undocumented by authorities.
Suspicions arose from the outset due to inconsistencies in the accounts provided by Hammond's wife Jayne about the timing and circumstances of his death. The 911 call she made also contained unidentified voices, suggesting potential witnesses. Jayne's handling of the funeral arrangements, which disregarded Hammond's Catholic faith, and her odd behavior at the memorial service further raised red flags.
In the days after Hammond's death, a series of questionable financial transactions occurred involving his lucrative business assets and $6 million Boca Raton home. These transactions appeared designed to rapidly transfer ownership to Jayne, her sons from previous marriages who were his sole beneficiaries, and her personal jeweler David Rosenberg - individuals Hammond allegedly distrusted. His daughter Tara was excluded from the nine-figure estate.
Despite these irregularities, the initial investigation by authorities was incomplete. A private investigator hired by Tara, Joseph Dalu, uncovered substantial evidence suggesting homicide, conspiracy, fraud and forgery. However, when Dalu provided a 75-page report to law enforcement in 2020, no thorough follow-up was conducted.
Medical experts who reviewed the autopsy found it deficient, lacking documentation of the head injury and failing to determine an actual fatal mechanism of death. Nonetheless, authorities considered exhuming the body for a second autopsy in 2021 before abruptly closing the case as unfounded in 2024, claiming insufficient evidence existed to continue the investigation.
To this day, Hammond's loved ones believe a full, impartial probe into the circumstances surrounding his perplexing death was never completed. They remain determined to uncover the truth about the unanswered questions and suspicious events that continue to shroud this baffling case in mystery.
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Birds of Prey Part One
The purpose built transporter drove unnoticed up to the corners of Wentworth and Kensington Streets in the heart of London’s financial services center. The tinted windows hid the identity of the occupants, who did not look like the sort of people one normally saw behind the steering wheel of such a behemoth of a vehicle.
The four women, all in their early to mid thirties, sat in the cabin of the transporter making final preparations for an audacious crime which they were about to carry out. Sylvia Trench, a vivacious red head and leader of the gang addressed her accomplices in a cut glass English accent” ladies you know what we have to do, we go in all guns blazing, anyone tries to be a hero put a fucking bullet into the centre of their heads. Sylvia looked at Fatima Blush, a dazzling brunette and an ex Mossad agent in her late thirties, “ Fatima when we enter the bank put two into the heads of each of the four security guards, that will terrify everyone else into doing exactly as we tell them”. Fatima smiled and replied “it’ll be my pleasure Sylvia, they’ll be dead before they hit the ground”. Sylvia continued “ Fiona , Tatiana , remember just as we’ve rehearsed, we completely disable their entire security system, audio, visual and sensory. That will give us 30 minutes to get what we came for, which is not what the cops will think, and by the time the cavalry arrive we’ll be long gone and then we’ll bring the house down, won’t we”? The four women laughed, each one had been a Secret Service Agent who had faked their deaths 12 months earlier so as to get into business for themselves. Sylvia was a member of MI5, Fatima, ex Mossad, Fiona Volpe a highly trained assassin for the CIA, reddish brown hair, surveillance and security expert. The security system that could keep Fiona out hadn’t been invented yet. Tatiana Romanova, auburn hair, drop dead gorgeous figure. Promoted to the rank of Colonel in the KGB by the age of 25, youngest Colonel , male or female ever in the KGB. All four women had numerous hits under their belt for their respective countries Between the four of them they had racked up over one thousand kills, some deserved it and had it coming, others were just collateral damage, innocent bystanders. Sylvia had once planted a bomb on a military transport jet just to kill a federal witness who was to give evidence against a multi national conglomerate . The 240 innocent elite special forces soldiers who also died in the explosion were irrelevant to her.
The $50 million dollar fee she received for the assassination wasn’t.
However for this job they had been contracted by an international crime syndicate to acquire the contents of just one safety deposit box buried in a secret vault in the most secure bank in the world and following its theft the women were to bring the bank down . They were each being paid a fee of $1 billion for the assignment. The women didn’t care who or how many men they had to kill to get this box. No one was going to stand in their way. The plan had taken six months to prepare but now they were armed and ready.
“Ladies” said Sylvia, “it’s time”.
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touhoutivations · 11 months
mmh. i'm trying to get a job for the first time in a bit and i'm afraid i wont get it. the workforce is pretty hostile nowadays cuz everythings just like. shaking up all the time, you know. you think i'll make it? ~ sincerely, eientei's best (and hopefully employed) kon-consultant
Kukuku, I feel you. It's hard to get that bread, especially since the kappa started making all these pesky 'all-the-rhythmns'- but don't worry! As the "most wanted" in Gensokyou, I'd be glad to lend you some words- at a price~ I do specialise in gathering, so you came to the right place! There's a few factors, and…well…in the free market, you must utilise all your tools in a free-for-all.
Start with kon-nections if possible, check around if y'know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. If you're fresh meat, it might help to ask around family, friends, acquaintances, your school or other community situation- if you got the ties, there's nothing wrong with usin' them. I'm not toooo well-versed in recruitment agencies, but they might be an interesting choice to flick through- but just check in with other people to make sure you ain't the one getting the short stick! (or at least, if you can get a longer stick elsewhere)
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Or, if your scoop ain't working, make the whole pool your net! Speedrun those resumes and chuck em like a paperboy into any and every inbox! After the 76th tapping session on your typewriter, the fear of rejection just becomes benign (those numbers can stack up, but at least you can brag about them? or put 'fast typer' on your resume) So for the first round, do any that you can speedrun- anything that wants you to do those shitty puzzles or rewrite criteria and all that junk? Save it for when you can do it
…And now for those jobs- it's a bit of a gamble- those speedy ones will have all these silly little kappa machines to say yes or no before they know your name. Those ones you do selection criteria on, they take more time, but they're probably taking time to look through too? But talking about yourself can be oh so draining- so whenever you get a question on one of these- save what you're saying for later people asking the same question. Have a big scroll of how fantastic you are.
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As for a little spice…well, I'm not saying to -lie- buuut dress yourself up. You love stealing an extra candy apple at a festival? 'Quick-witted and a fast-learner specialising in resource management.' Got involved in a black market and crashed the economy? 'Expert financial analyst with an eye for detail and graphic design. Experience in customer service and operating as an intermediary between divisions.'
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It's quite the fun and optimistic game, showing off your absolute best and truly being the ultimate gaslighting girlboss charmismatic consultant you can! Know what you're worth, know you are hot stuff even if those pitiful robots don't, and I know you claw and stumble your way into something!
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You can do it, just remember: Kon-sult, Kon-spire, Kon-trol!
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xettle-technologies · 22 days
The impact of sustainability in fintech: reflections from the summit
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In recent years, the Fintech industry has witnessed a paradigm shift towards sustainability, with an increasing emphasis on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial decision-making processes. This transformative trend took center stage at the latest Fintech Summit, where industry leaders converged to explore the intersection of sustainability and financial technology. Among the prominent voices shaping this discourse was Xettle Technologies, a trailblazer in Fintech software solutions, whose commitment to sustainability is driving innovation and reshaping the future of finance.
Against the backdrop of global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, the imperative for sustainable finance has never been greater. The Fintech Summit provided a platform for thought leaders to reflect on the role of technology in advancing sustainability goals and fostering a more resilient and equitable financial ecosystem.
At the heart of the discussions was the recognition that sustainability is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative for Fintech firms. By integrating ESG considerations into their operations, products, and services, Fintech companies can mitigate risks, enhance resilience, and unlock new opportunities for growth and value creation. Xettle Technologies’ representatives underscored the company’s commitment to sustainability, highlighting how it is embedded in the company’s culture, innovation agenda, and business strategy.
One of the key themes that emerged from the summit was the role of Fintech in driving sustainable investment. Through innovative solutions such as green bonds, impact investing platforms, and ESG scoring algorithms, Fintech firms are empowering investors to allocate capital towards environmentally and socially responsible projects and companies. Xettle Technologies showcased its suite of Fintech software solutions designed to facilitate sustainable investing, enabling financial institutions and investors to align their portfolios with their values and sustainability objectives.
Moreover, the summit explored the transformative potential of blockchain technology in advancing sustainability goals. By enhancing transparency, traceability, and accountability in supply chains, blockchain can help address issues such as deforestation, forced labor, and conflict minerals. Xettle Technologies’ experts elaborated on the company’s blockchain-based solutions for supply chain finance and sustainability reporting, emphasizing their role in promoting ethical sourcing, responsible production, and fair labor practices.
In addition to sustainable investing and supply chain transparency, the summit delved into the role of Fintech in promoting financial inclusion and resilience. By leveraging technology and data analytics, Fintech firms can expand access to financial services for underserved populations, empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and build more inclusive and resilient communities. Xettle Technologies’ representatives shared insights into the company’s initiatives to support financial inclusion through digital payments, microfinance, and alternative credit scoring models.
Furthermore, the summit highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing sustainability goals. Recognizing the interconnected nature of sustainability challenges, participants underscored the need for cross-sectoral collaboration between Fintech firms, financial institutions, governments, civil society, and academia. Xettle Technologies reiterated its commitment to collaboration, emphasizing its partnerships with industry stakeholders to drive collective action and scale impact.
Looking ahead, the future of sustainability in Fintech appears promising yet complex. As Fintech firms continue to innovate and disrupt traditional financial systems, they must prioritize sustainability as a core principle and driver of value creation. Xettle Technologies’ visionaries reiterated their commitment to sustainability, pledging to harness the power of technology to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient financial ecosystem for future generations.
In conclusion, the Fintech Summit served as a catalyst for reflection and action on the role of sustainability in shaping the future of finance. From sustainable investing and supply chain transparency to financial inclusion and resilience, Fintech has the potential to drive positive change and advance sustainability goals on a global scale. Xettle Technologies’ leadership in integrating sustainability into its  Fintech solutions exemplifies its dedication to driving innovation and creating shared value for society and the planet. As the industry continues to evolve, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability will be key drivers of success in building a more sustainable and resilient financial future.
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acceptccnow · 9 months
Credit Repair Payment Solutions: Boosting Business with Streamlined Systems
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the fast-paced universe of credit repair, success hinges on two pivotal elements: effectiveness and efficiency. As credit repair experts, you are well-versed in the painstaking efforts required to rejuvenate credit scores for both individuals and businesses. Yet, to truly excel in this industry, it's imperative that your payment systems are not only secure and reliable but also finely tuned for high-risk transactions. In this piece, we'll delve into the game-changing potential of credit repair payment solutions, exploring how streamlined systems can propel your business to new heights. Importantly, we'll highlight how the adoption of the right payment processing strategies can bolster your credibility and fuel your expansion.
The Essence of Payment Processing At the core of any thriving credit repair enterprise lies the capacity to seamlessly accept credit card payments. Today's clients demand flexibility, and the ability to offer a range of payment options can significantly influence your business. This is especially pertinent in the high-risk transaction domain, which often presents unique challenges. By embracing dependable payment processing solutions tailored for high-risk scenarios, you not only meet your clients' expectations but exceed them, underscoring your commitment to their financial recovery.
Mastery of High-Risk Transactions Navigating the intricacies of high-risk merchant accounts and transactions can be treacherous without the right tools. This is where specialized payment processing systems, customized for high-risk situations, come to the fore. These systems are purpose-built to mitigate risk while optimizing the efficiency of credit repair payments. Equipped with robust fraud prevention mechanisms and advanced encryption, they create a secure environment that cultivates trust and longevity for both your clients and your business.
Pioneering E-Commerce in Credit Repair The digital revolution has reshaped the business landscape irrevocably. E-commerce has rapidly emerged as the favored channel for clients seeking credit repair services. To harness the full potential of this burgeoning market, you require an e-commerce payment gateway that seamlessly accommodates standard and high-risk credit card processing. By offering fluid online payment options, you unlock the gateway to a broader clientele, thereby expanding your outreach and influence.
Elevating Credibility via Efficiency Credibility serves as the bedrock of any credit repair enterprise. Clients must place unwavering trust in the meticulous handling of their sensitive financial data. Streamlined payment solutions not only augment transaction efficiency but also bolster the credibility of your services. When clients witness your investment in cutting-edge payment processing systems, they are more inclined to regard you as a trustworthy partner in their credit journey.
The CBD Challenge For those engaged in credit repair within the CBD industry, the challenges are particularly formidable. Given the persistent stigma surrounding CBD-related businesses, dependable payment processing is non-negotiable. An integrated CBD merchant account, coupled with high-risk payment solutions, can alleviate these challenges, enabling you to confidently accept credit card payments and fostering growth within this burgeoning sector.
Crafting a Tailored Resolution Recognizing the idiosyncratic demands of the credit repair sector, payment processing providers now offer bespoke solutions for merchants like you. Whether you engage in traditional credit repair, e-commerce operations, or CBD-related services, a payment processing system finely attuned to your field's intricacies can profoundly enhance your operations. This personalized approach ensures that you are not merely employing a system but harnessing a tool optimized precisely for your unique requisites.
In the credit repair realm, where success hinges on demonstrable results, the right payment processing system emerges as your most invaluable asset. By seamlessly integrating credit card processing, adept high-risk transaction management, and e-commerce capabilities, you elevate your enterprise's efficiency, credibility, and reach. It transcends the act of payment acceptance; it epitomizes the delivery of a seamless experience that reflects your unwavering commitment to your client's financial well-being. Embrace credit repair payment solutions that truly comprehend your industry, and witness your business flourish as you stride toward a more prosperous future.
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Expert Witness Testimony in Bridging Loan Defaults: Legal Ramifications
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Bridging loans serve as a crucial financial tool in various industries, facilitating temporary financing solutions for individuals and businesses. However, when borrowers default on bridging loans, it can lead to legal disputes and complexities. In such cases, expert witnesses specializing in financial services, commonly known as Banking Expert Witness or Financial Services Expert Witnesses, play a critical role in providing testimony and insights regarding bridging loan defaults and their legal ramifications.
Understanding Bridging Loan Defaults:
Before delving into the legal implications, it's essential to comprehend the nature of bridging loan defaults. Bridging loans are short-term loans typically used to bridge the gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing property. These loans often have higher interest rates and are secured against the property or other assets of the borrower. In the event of a default, where the borrower fails to meet repayment obligations, legal proceedings may ensue.
The Role of Expert Witnesses:
Expert witnesses specializing in financial services bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to legal proceedings involving bridging loan defaults. Their role encompasses various aspects, including:
Financial Analysis: Expert witnesses conduct thorough financial analysis to assess the circumstances leading to the bridging loan default. They examine financial statements, transaction records, loan agreements, and other relevant documents to provide a comprehensive overview of the financial situation.
Evaluation of Default Causes: Expert witnesses delve into the root causes of the loan default, identifying factors such as financial mismanagement, market fluctuations, economic downturns, or unforeseen circumstances that contributed to the borrower's inability to meet repayment obligations.
Assessment of Loan Terms: Banking Expert Witnesses scrutinize the terms and conditions of the bridging loan agreement to determine if any clauses, covenants, or obligations were breached by either party. They evaluate the fairness and enforceability of the loan terms within the legal framework.
Industry Standards and Practices: Financial Services Expert Witnesses provide insights into industry standards, best practices, and regulatory requirements related to bridging loans. They assess whether the lending institution followed standard procedures in approving and disbursing the loan and if adequate risk assessments were conducted.
Quantification of Damages: In cases of loan defaults, expert witnesses quantify the damages incurred by the lender, taking into account outstanding loan amounts, accrued interest, penalties, legal fees, and any other financial losses attributable to the default.
Legal Ramifications and Expert Testimony:
Expert witnesses' testimony holds significant weight in legal proceedings concerning bridging loan defaults. Their expert opinions and analyses assist legal professionals, judges, and juries in understanding complex financial matters and determining liability, damages, and appropriate remedies. Some legal ramifications of bridging loan defaults may include:
Breach of Contract Claims: Lenders may file breach of contract claims against borrowers who default on bridging loans, seeking remedies such as repayment of outstanding amounts, interest, and damages for contractual breaches.
Foreclosure Proceedings: In cases of severe defaults, lenders may initiate foreclosure proceedings to recover their collateral, such as the property secured by the bridging loan.  expert witness financial services provide insights into foreclosure processes and the valuation of collateral assets.
Negotiated Settlements: Expert witnesses may facilitate negotiations between parties to reach settlement agreements outside of court, minimizing litigation costs and expediting resolution.
Compliance and Regulatory Issues: Expert witnesses also assess compliance with financial regulations, highlighting any regulatory violations or non-compliance issues that may have contributed to the loan default.
In conclusion, 
Expert Witness Testimony in Bridging Loan Defaults involves a comprehensive analysis of financial data, legal implications, and industry standards. Banking Expert Witnesses and Financial Services Expert Witness play a crucial role in elucidating complex financial matters, aiding in legal decision-making, and navigating the legal ramifications of bridging loan defaults within the framework of financial laws and regulations.
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naturalrights-retard · 9 months
The Transgender IdeologyIn the final sections of this series we will examine the claim made by critics who believe we are witnessing a push to divide the public using the gender identity issue, specifically by promoting a narrative that transgender people and gender identity questions are much more prevalent than they actually are.An exhaustive list of those promoting and benefiting financially from the various industries involved in transgender health services would include everyone from endocrinologists and surgeons, pharmaceutical companies producing hormones and puberty blockers, and various non-profits and foundations. We have named a few of the players in this brief 4-part series.Strangely enough, some of the highly educated doctors appear to have convinced themselves what they are doing is genuinely for the health of the patient. In the Swedish documentary Trans Train Doctor Olle Soder is interviewed about his work as an endocrinologist at Karolinska University Hospital. When discussing why he prescribed patients hormones and other treatments while knowing the potential consequences he said, “you must weigh the suffering the patients would go through without that treatment”. He also acknowledges he was giving out hormones without follow up on the long-term effects before lamenting, “well, these people are suffering and they are asking for help.”We also have the case of Dr. Deanna Adkins, a professor at Duke University School of Medicine and the director of the Duke Center for Child and Adolescent Gender Care. Dr. Adkins provided an expert testimony to a federal district court in North Carolina concerning a state law governing access to sex-specific restrooms. In her testimony, Dr. Adkins contradicted accepted biology and revealed an ideological bent by stating, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.” Dr. Adkins argued that gender identity is the preferred basis for determining the sex of an individual and “the only medically supported determinant of sex.” Adkins also claimed it was “counter to medical science” to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, and external genitalia to override someone’s chosen gender identity.When examining the various players involved in the promotion of transgender treatments we ought to distinguish between those who are benefiting financially from providing various health interventions to adults and children, and those who are benefiting from the promotion of transgender ideology itself. I believe these groups are separate but also occasionally their paths overlap. Both are involved in normalizing these dangerous procedures but their motivations and goals appear different.
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blognerdzone · 4 months
Navigating Traumatic Brain Injury with a Skilled Attorney in New Jersey
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious medical condition that can result from various accidents and incidents, including car crashes, falls, sports injuries, and workplace accidents. The impact of TBI on an individual's life can be devastating, leading to long-term physical and cognitive impairments, emotional distress, and financial challenges. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing in New Jersey, it is crucial to seek legal assistance from an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the complexities of your case.
In this blog post, we will discuss the role and benefits of having a skilled traumatic brain injury attorney NJ. We will explore how such an attorney can assist you in obtaining compensation for your damages while protecting your legal rights and ensuring that you receive the medical care and support you need.
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Assessing Liability: One of the key roles of a traumatic brain injury attorney is to determine who was at fault for the accident that caused your injury. Your attorney will investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident, gather evidence such as police reports and witness statements, consult with experts if necessary, and evaluate all potential liable parties. Depending on the case specifics, liability may fall on another driver involved in a car crash, a property owner responsible for maintaining safe premises, an employer who failed to provide adequate safety measures at work or other individuals or entities whose negligence led to your TBI.
Calculating Damages: Another critical aspect of TBI cases is determining the extent of damages suffered by the victim. TBI can cause severe physical limitations such as paralysis or loss of motor function; cognitive impairments like memory loss or difficulty concentrating; emotional problems such as anxiety or depression; and economic losses such as medical bills and lost wages. Your traumatic brain injury attorney in New Jersey will work with you to quantify the full scope of your damages, taking into account both past and future costs and losses. This may involve consulting with medical professionals, vocational experts, and economists who can provide expert testimony in court.
Negotiating Settlements: In many cases, TBI claims can be resolved through settlement negotiations between the victim's attorney and the liable party or their insurance company. Your lawyer will use their experience and negotiating skills to pursue a fair and just settlement that covers all of your damages adequately. They will also protect you from being pressured into accepting an inadequate offer or signing away your legal rights before fully understanding the implications.
Representing You in Court: If a settlement cannot be reached, your traumatic brain injury attorney in New Jersey will prepare your case for trial and represent you in court proceedings. They will present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, make arguments on your behalf, and advocate for your interests throughout the legal process. Having a skilled litigator on your side can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome at trial.
Providing Emotional Support: Finally, it is crucial to recognize that TBI cases can be emotionally challenging for victims and their families. A compassionate traumatic brain injury attorney in New Jersey understands this aspect of the situation and provides not only legal guidance but also emotional support throughout the case's duration. They can connect you with resources such as support groups or therapy services that can help you cope with the impact of TBI on your life.
If you or someone close to you has sustained a traumatic brain injury due to someone else's negligence or recklessness in New Jersey, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance from an experienced attorney who understands the complexities of TBI cases. With their knowledge, skillset, and empathy, they can help you navigate this difficult time while fighting for justice on your behalf. Contact a reputable law firm today for a free consultation and start your journey towards recovery and compensation.
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wong007 · 5 months
Navigating the Legal Landscape: Understanding the Burden of Proof in Car Accident Lawsuits
Car accidents can be life-altering events, leaving victims with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. When seeking compensation for damages resulting from a car accident, understanding the legal intricacies is crucial. One key aspect that shapes the outcome of car accident lawsuits is the burden of proof. In this article, we'll delve into what the burden of proof entails, its significance in car accident cases, and shed light on how hiring a car accident lawyer, like those in Las Vegas, Nevada, can make a difference.
The Burden of Proof Unveiled
The burden of proof in a legal context refers to the responsibility placed on a party to prove the truth of their claims or assertions. In car accident lawsuits, the burden typically lies with the party seeking compensation, often the plaintiff. Establishing a solid case requires presenting evidence that convincingly demonstrates the other party's negligence or fault in causing the accident.
Car Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada
When faced with the aftermath of a car accident, engaging the services of a skilled car accident lawyer becomes paramount. In Las Vegas, Nevada, where traffic is bustling and accidents are unfortunately common, having a legal professional by your side can significantly enhance your chances of a favorable outcome. A seasoned car accident lawyer Las Vegas, Nevada, possesses the expertise to navigate the local legal landscape and can guide you through the complexities of your case.
A Beacon of Legal Support
In the realm of car accident lawsuits, Corena Law stands out as a beacon of legal support. Car accident lawyer las vegas nevada. Specializing in personal injury cases, including those arising from car accidents, Corena Law boasts a track record of successfully representing clients in Las Vegas, Nevada. The dedicated team at Corena Law understands the intricacies of the legal system and strives to alleviate the burden on victims by fighting for their rights and just compensation.
The Role of Evidence in Car Accident Lawsuits
In any legal proceeding, evidence is the linchpin that can make or break a case. In car accident lawsuits, evidence is crucial for establishing liability and proving the extent of damages. This can include but is not limited to:
Photographs and Videos: Visual evidence such as photos or videos from the accident scene can provide a clear depiction of the circumstances surrounding the collision.
Eyewitness Testimonies: Statements from individuals who witnessed the accident can serve as powerful evidence, offering an unbiased account of what transpired.
Police Reports: Official police reports filed at the scene of the accident can provide a comprehensive overview, detailing factors like weather conditions, traffic violations, and officer observations.
Medical Records: To substantiate claims of injuries and medical expenses, comprehensive medical records are indispensable.
Expert Opinions: In some cases, expert opinions, such as accident reconstruction specialists, can be enlisted to provide a professional assessment of the events leading to the accident.
Q1: What should I do immediately after a car accident? A: Seek medical attention first, then document the scene by taking photos, collecting contact information from witnesses, and obtaining the other party's details. Report the accident to the police and contact your insurance company. It is advisable to consult with a car accident lawyer for guidance on the next steps.
Q2: How long do I have to file a car accident lawsuit? A: The statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit varies by jurisdiction. In Nevada, for instance, the general time limit is two years from the date of the accident. However, it is recommended to consult with a car accident lawyer promptly, as delays can impact the strength of your case.
Q3: Can I handle a car accident case without a lawyer? A: While it is possible to handle a car accident case without a lawyer, having legal representation significantly improves your chances of a favorable outcome. A car accident lawyer can navigate legal complexities, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure your rights are protected.
In the aftermath of a car accident, understanding the burden of proof is crucial for building a robust legal case. With the support of a skilled car accident lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada, such as Corena Law, victims can navigate the legal landscape with confidence. Remember, evidence is the key to success in car accident lawsuits, and seeking professional legal assistance ensures that your rights are safeguarded. By being proactive and informed, you can increase your chances of obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve.
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deotravels · 7 months
Same day Delhi Local Tour
Experience the Magic of Delhi with DeoTravels: Your Ultimate Local Tour Guide
Is it true that you are prepared to leave on a remarkable excursion through the dynamic roads of Delhi? Look no further than DeoTravels, your trusted companion for a remarkable local tour experience. With our expert guidance and exceptional services, we ensure that your Delhi adventure is filled with captivating sights, cultural wonders, and cherished memories.
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Delhi Local Tour: Unveiling the Gems of the Capital City Delhi, the essence of India, is a city saturated with history, culture, and variety. Investigating this rambling city can be overpowering, particularly for first-time guests. That's where DeoTravels comes in, offering you a comprehensive and hassle-free local tour experience.
Delhi Local Sightseeing by Car: Convenience at Your Fingertips Our local tour packages provide the luxury of exploring Delhi's iconic landmarks and hidden gems in the comfort of a private car. Skip the stress of navigating public transportation or hailing taxis – with DeoTravels, you'll have a dedicated car and driver at your disposal. This permits you to make your own schedule, guaranteeing you visit the attractions that make the biggest difference to you.
Delhi Local Sightseeing Taxi Fare: Transparency and Affordability We understand the significance of straightforwardness with regards to valuing. DeoTravels offers competitive and affordable taxi fares for local sightseeing in Delhi. Rest assured, there are no hidden charges or surprises along the way. We have confidence in furnishing our clients with a peaceful and financially savvy insight, permitting you to capitalize on your Delhi visit.
Delhi Local Tour Places: A Tapestry of Historical and Modern Marvels From the majestic Red Fort to the tranquil Lotus Temple, Delhi is a treasure trove of captivating attractions. Our expert tour guides will take you on a journey through time, narrating the stories and legends behind each site. Explore the narrow alleys of Chandni Chowk, visit the grand Qutub Minar, and witness the architectural brilliance of Humayun's Tomb – all while soaking in the rich tapestry of Delhi's history and culture.
Short Tour from Delhi: Unraveling Nearby Delights If you have limited time, DeoTravels offers exciting short tours from Delhi to nearby destinations. Our carefully curated itineraries ensure that you make the most of your time and create lifelong memories.
Delhi Local Sightseeing Itinerary: Tailored to Your Preferences At DeoTravels, we believe in personalization. We understand that each traveler has unique interests and preferences. Our group of experienced travel specialists will work intimately with you to make a redid neighborhood touring schedule that lines up with your cravings. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a food lover, or an avid shopper, we'll ensure that your Delhi tour caters to your specific interests.
Delhi Tour Cost: Affordable Packages for Every Budget At DeoTravels, we believe that a memorable tour shouldn't break the bank. We offer a range of Delhi tour packages at various price points, catering to every budget. From budget-friendly options to luxurious experiences, we have something for everyone.
Delhi Tour Package Price: Unlocking the Gateway to Delhi's Wonders Delhi, with its myriad attractions, beckons tourists from far and wide. At DeoTravels, we offer customized Delhi tour packages that cater to your every need. From exploring historical landmarks like the Red Fort and Qutub Minar to immersing yourself in the charm of Old Delhi's narrow lanes, our packages are thoughtfully crafted to provide an authentic and enriching experience. Contact us today to find out the price of our Delhi tour packages.
Delhi Tour Operators List: Trusting the Experts When it comes to exploring Delhi, having a reliable and knowledgeable tour operator is crucial. DeoTravels takes pride in being one of the most trusted names in the industry. With our years of experience and a team of expert guides, we ensure that you have a seamless and memorable experience in Delhi. From assisting you in navigating the city's bustling streets to providing insightful commentary about its history and culture, our tour operators are dedicated to making your journey exceptional. Choose DeoTravels for an unforgettable Delhi tour.
Local Shopping in Delhi: A Shopper's Paradise No Delhi tour is complete without indulging in its vibrant shopping scene. From bustling markets to upscale malls, Delhi offers an array of options for every shopaholic. At DeoTravels, we guide you to the best shopping destinations in the city. Immerse yourself in the colors, sounds, and flavors of Delhi's markets with DeoTravels as your guide.
Are you craving a quick escape from the bustling city life of Delhi? Look no further! DeoTravels is here to offer you an unforgettable local tour experience that will leave you rejuvenated and mesmerized. Our short tours near Delhi are designed to showcase the best of the city's cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and hidden gems. Whether you're a local resident or a tourist visiting Delhi, our expert guides will ensure that you have a memorable one night tour near delhi, a delightful one-day sightseeing experience, or an immersive city tour that covers iconic attractions like Delhi city tour Qutab Minar.
With DeoTravels as your local guide, you can delve into the heart of the city, discovering its true essence. Our meticulously planned itineraries ensure that you make the most of your time, offering you a well-rounded experience of Delhi's highlights.
For those seeking a short tour near Delhi, our one-night tour is perfect. Imagine escaping the city for a while and immersing yourself in the serene surroundings of nearby destinations. From exploring the rustic charm of a nearby village to visiting a majestic fort, you'll have the opportunity to witness the beauty that lies just beyond Delhi's borders.
If you're limited on time and want to experience the essence of Delhi in just one day, our local Delhi local sightseeing 1 day tour is tailored to meet your needs. Our expert delhi local guide guides will take you on a whirlwind adventure through the city, showcasing its iconic landmarks, cultural hubs, and vibrant markets. Witness the magnificence of Qutab Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stands tall as a testament to Delhi's historical legacy. Marvel at its intricate carvings and architectural brilliance as our guide narrates fascinating stories about its past.
At DeoTravels, we understand the importance of capturing memories that last a lifetime. That's why we offer a unique addition to our tours – a personalized video of your New Delhi city tour. Our professional videographers will accompany you throughout the journey, documenting the most significant moments, and creating a beautiful keepsake that you can cherish forever. Relive your tour whenever you want, and share the magic of Delhi with your loved ones.
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