fairestar · 8 months
you are the void · an epiphany
there's a reason why it is called the “I AM” state. the void is you in your purest form, you being nothing but pure awareness. it lives within you, not separate from you. it's not somewhere you have to get to, there's nowhere to get to because you are it.
a lot of people (me included, this post serves as motivation for myself too) find it hard to access it because they think of the void as something otherworldly; they put it on a pedestal after coming across success story after success story of users who are now living their best lives thanks to the void. but that's the thing, it's not “thanks to the void,” it's thanks to themselves! they did that, they gave themselves their wonderful lives, it was all thanks to their power, not the void’s. the void by itself holds no power, you're the one that imbues it with it, because you are it! you are the void, you are pure awareness.
what people experience when they “get to” the void is just themselves, their own selves, free from any 3D limitations, free from their bodies, free from their senses (hence why the symptoms include not hearing, seeing or feeling anything). the void is just your consciousness in its most pure and abstract form.
and since the void is nothing but you, why should it be hard to “get there”?
it shouldn't! we keep thinking of it as something other than ourselves and keep overcomplicating it and that's why we struggle so much. we make it hard, for no reason. it should be as easy as doing anything else, as moving your finger to scroll on your dashboard, as looking to either side of the road before crossing the street, because you control your finger and you control your neck and you control your eyes, and you control the void, not the other way around. because, again, the void is within you!! is right there, you just have to decide to experience it (see that i said “experience” and not “enter” or “get there”) and trust that you will because you said so.
don't think of it as something you have to catch as if it were running from you. it shouldn't be something you have to work hard for, it shouldn't take long, it shouldn't be hard or stressful. you don't need to lay down on your back and control your breathing and not move at all and be scared of losing focus and avoid scratching your nose or swallowing saliva. see how silly that sounds? because it is! if you're trying to experience something that you know lives within yourself the same way your heart rests on your chest, then you shouldn't be losing your mind over it, because you know it is there, you know it is you!
i hope this post helps you understand the true nature of the void. if we know we are it, we are the operant power, we are god and whatever we say goes, then we shouldn't have any problem with experiencing the void.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 7 months
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you have to love what you desire.
you might think that sounds kind of dumb, of course you'd love your desire! but what i mean is that you have to visualise what you actually want. manifesting is supposed to be fun and not feel like a chore. if you're laying down at night and think “i don't really feel like visualising that tonight,” that's because you're not making yourself feel what you actually want.
sit with yourself for a moment and find out what it is that you really desire. once it is completely clear, come up with a scene that implies that you already have your desire. you will notice that you feel so excited, so happy when you visualise it, and once you feel that love you will realise “this is what they mean when they talk of fulfillment”.
you have to love what you're making yourself feel. and by that love you change your state to the wish fulfilled. this is the key, this is the secret. no one to change but self. give it to yourself in imagination and do it in such a lovely way that the feeling of fulfillment will end up being all-encompassing, which in turn will make you want to dwell on it and the outer world will have no chance but to conform to the love you're feeling.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
postscript: this post was written after reading this one of edward art’s, i really recommend it for further reading as it was very eye-opening and inspiring!
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fairestar · 7 months
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“awakened imagination” by neville goddard · a summary
this post is the first of a forthcoming set in which i summarise and simplify neville goddard’s book “awakened imagination”. you can read the original here, and you can check other summaries here. please note this book is heavily reliant on his religion and, as much as i will try to make it as non-religious and simple as possible, there are still passages and comparisons that i can't take out without hindering neville words’ meaning. take these posts as if i were taking notes for future reference during class.
❁ chapter I : who is your imagination?
“imagination” is the kind of word that has been used for so long it has gathered plenty of different meanings, which often oppose each other: thought, hallucination, suspicion... neville identifies “imagination” with the power that makes achievement of our goals inevitable. there is only one thing in the world: imagination, and all our deformations of it. imagination is the very gateway to reality.
according to blake, man is only a natural organ subject to sense; the eternal body of man is imagination: god itself, the divine body. by imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be; only as we live by imagination can we truly be said to live at all.
with this book, neville wants you to function imaginatively, to open your “immortal eyes inwards into the worlds of thought”, where you have all of your heart's desires ripe and ready to harvest. imagination is the hidden mystery from the ages, the hope of glory.
“every man is mary and birth to christ must give”.
imagination's birth and growth is the gradual transition from a god of tradition to a god of experience. if the birth of imagination in you seems slow it is because you are unwilling to let go of that comfortable, but false, grasp to tradition.
man is the garden in which christ —imagination— sleeps. man is awakened by his imagination getting lifted up to heaven and being made god-like. in the moment of awakening, he meets the test of sonship, of his imagination being christ: the forgiveness of sin (“sin” meaning failing to achieve one's aim in life, falling short of one's ideal; “forgiveness” meaning identification of man with his aim/ideal in life). this tests man's ability to inhabit the nature of his opposite (go from the state of the undesirable self to the state of the desirable self), to perform the work of an awakened imagination.
is imagination power sufficient to, not only enable us to assume, but to execute the idea too?
suppose i desire to be in some other place, but i lack the social and financial resources to do so; could i, just by imagining myself in such place, cause the physical realization? would only my imagination be sufficient to incarnate my desire? does imagination understand what is deducted from the senses? does it recognise the outer world?
suppose i am capable of sustaining the feeling of the wish fulfilled, of acting with continuous imagination; will my assumption harden into fact? and if it does, will i find that my actions throughout this period have been reasonable? after assuming that i already am that which i desire, must i constantly guide myself by “reasonable” ideas and actions so as to cause the fulfillment of my assumption?
the answer to all these questions is that an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact; continuous imagination is sufficient for all things, all of our “reasonable” plans and actions won't ever make up for our lack of continuous imagination.
“imagine that you are and you shall be”.
truth depends upon the intensity of imagination, not upon external facts. you become what you imagine. you have a self-determined history. imagination is the truth, the life revealed.
but the thing is, we cannot get hold of truth with the logical mind (stop thinking and worrying about the how! logic does not come into play here, let it go, you don't need it), it cannot be enclosed by facts: as we awaken to the imaginative life, we discover that imagining a thing is to create it, that true judgement doesn't need to conform to the outer world to which it relates (this means, the truth doesn't always look the same as the 3D does at that moment).
the imaginative man does not deny the reality of the sensuous outer world (3D), but knows that the inner world of continuous imagination (4D) is the force by which the outer world comes to pass. he sees the 3D and all its situations as projections of the 4D. to him, everything is a manifestation of the mental activity present in his imagination, without the outer, reasonable man being aware of it. he knows that everyone must become aware of their inner activity, and the relationship between the inner and outer worlds.
the moment you discover that your imagination is god-like, you accomplish acts that can only be described as miraculous. but until you realise that everything you come across is part of yourself, you won't accept that you are the one that has chosen the conditions of your life, that they are in affinity to your mental activity. you must firmly believe that reality lies within you, not without; although others have bodies and lives of their own, their reality is rooted in you and ends in you.
it is a marvelous thing to discover that you can imagine yourself into the state of your wish fulfilled and escape the prison of ignorance. embrace this new knowledge and let go of your past beliefs for they're untrue. live in continuous imagination and make your desires come to pass.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 8 months
it does not matter what this 3D body is experiencing right now through its 3D senses, it is just a shell my true self is currently occupying. it is not the truth. i am not this empty shell, i am my mind. i am awareness.
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fairestar · 7 months
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affirmations enchiridion · volume I : self concept.
𐙚 enchiridion: a handbook; manual.ㅤ𐙚 affirmation: the assertion that something exists or is true.ㅤ✸ these posts will serve as a source of reference for anyone looking for reassurance and/or affirmations to use for their manifestations.
· i am the one in everything:
i am god. i am the sole creator of this reality. i am the operant power. i am an infinite being. i am a master manifestor. everything that surrounds me is my creation. all existing things owe their presence to me. i am the stem of the flower, i am the roots of the tree. i am the one in everything. I AM.
why would it be hard for a god to get what they want? i am all-powerful. i am omnipotent. i can create anything, i can bring anything to life. i can have anything i want. my mind is limitless, my imagination is the source of all existence. i place all of my faith upon myself for i am the onliest god.
i am not the three-dimensional body i am now occupying, i am my mind. i am not this empty shell. i am greater than what its senses perceive. i am awareness and i am aware of what is true and what is false. my consciousness is the only truth. everything outside of it is of my conception and therefore mutable.
· i am free to feel:
i am worthy of my desires, i deserve whichever it is i want. i have no reason to feel guilt or hopelessness when it comes to my manifestations. no matter how hard life can get, it does not come in the way of my desires. i am free to feel whatever emotions arise from the outer world and its situations, i am a god but i am a human too, and i know that gloomy feelings, whichever their nature may be, have no effect over my desires. i am gentle with myself and i let myself feel whatever it is i need to feel when things get hard and the world seems like too much, because i know it won't last forever and i have the power to make it all better when i am ready to do so.
· i am all-powerful:
once i become aware of a desire and assume its end result is now mine, the desire comes to fruition. there is nothing left to want, there is nothing to wait for or hope for or expect. my desires are not separate from me, they do not exist in a realm separate from the one i inhabit because there is nothing and nowhere but my self. my desires are god-given for i am god and i gave them to me myself. my desire is alive in my consciousness and since my consciousness is the only reality, my desire is real and already in my possession. what i have in my mind is what i truly have.
there is no time delay to my manifestations because time does not exist unless i want it to. there is no resistance to my manifestations because nothing can oppose my power. there is nothing that i cannot have. there is nothing that is impossible.
all i have to do is affirm and persist in it because, how could it not come to pass? how could i possibly fail? how could a god ever face defeat? that is the only impossible thing: failure.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 7 months
i am not trying, nor hoping, nor expecting to get my desires. the moment i imagined them and assumed their existence they became mine in imagination: if they exist within my consciousness, they are already mine. there's nothing to wait or hope for.
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fairestar · 6 months
i am the void and the void is me. it isn't hard to experience it because it is nothing but myself in my purest form. it never takes me long and i don't have to work hard for it because it is within me.
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fairestar · 6 months
today is november 11th, 11.11.
if you're into angel numbers, or if you just like patterns and repeated digits, then maybe you could put this giddy feeling and this day to use and mark it as the conception of your new life. seize this opportunity and manifest all those things you yearn for, the face, the appearance, the friends, the significant other, the house, the car...
personally, i find this date very motivating. the number 1111 is believed to carry a message of new beginnings, wishes being granted, being on the right path, trusting your intuition... and, let's be honest, it's a pretty number, too.
i know a lot of people in the law of assumption community don't like such “esoteric” beliefs (like astrology, for example), but if a little number, a pretty date, can be the definite motivator for some to finally stop procrastinating and start living the life they deserve, then why wait, why let this “opportunity” pass? we understand we are the gods of our realities, we know there's nothing but us and no mysterious external entity is sending us secret messages, but motivation and determination can come from curious sources. sometimes it is nice, and fun, to step away from the god mentality and just live life as everyone else, believe for a few minutes that we're being guided by greater beings that have our best interests at heart. and, sometimes, i like to believe this to be true, that i am being guided by a greater being, but not one external to me, but my self, me, guiding this 3D creature that i sometimes believe myself to be.
maybe this post is digressing a little (a lot) from the law’s principles, but if i'm being honest, i just love angel numbers and we only get a day like this once a year, so it feels kind of grand. and i also love assigning meaning to meaningless things.
so, what im trying to say is, if you feel like today is meaningful, then put that assumption to use! make all your wishes come true! you know that what you assume to be true is what comes to pass, if you've assumed that today is a powerful day, then it will be, as it would happen with any other date to which you assign this quality! knowing this, take today to bring into existence everything you desire, manifest all those things you've written down in your drafts, all the pictures you've saved to your pinterest boards, all those fleeting thoughts marked with “i would love to have/be/experience this”... do it! and please let me know all about it later ♡
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fairestar · 7 months
hello 👼🏻🤍
i want to use void state to manifest my dream life. when i try, i feel the floating, but i can’t concentrate bcs i hear the sounds ( i think i’m focused on this symptom ) and i postpone it with sayings like “i am very close, i’ll go ahead without forcing myself and try it later”
what can you suggest me to do? my process is going well and i know i’ll be successful, but i need a advice
thank u 🎀
hi! first of all, let me congratulate you, you're doing really good!
if you've ever done edward art's “the creator” meditation, you've heard him say “you don't need your body for this”. and you truly don't. don't think of your symptoms when trying for the void because your body has nothing to do with it and will just confuse and distract you. let it go. you are trying to experience your purest form and that doesn't include having a body, just your consciousness.
also, it's good that you're being gentle to yourself, but don't procrastinate! you are so close, why would you postpone and wait for your dream life? go ahead and get it!!!!
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fairestar · 4 months
Hello! 💗
I have been trying to reach the void for a few weeks, however I never feel the sensation of floating, no matter how much I affirm and affirm I do not feel that I float, I really do not want to give up with this void thing, I know it is something real and I I will use it to manifest my desires, but I don't know what else to do, I never feel the sensation of floating, what should I do?
Thank u 🎀
hello, love!
one thing to keep in mind is that everyone is different and so are their experiences. i don't believe the floating sensation is a must have, same with the affirmations.
you can try changing methods: meditation, yoga nidra, waves, subliminals, sats, lucid dreaming... but the most important thing is to understand that to experience the void you do not need your body, therefore you shouldn't be placing your attention on it or on the symptoms.
what you're trying to do is experience your purest form, your uninhibited consciousness, that does not include your body. try to step away from this symptom fixation and im sure you'll find it much easier!
hope this helps you ♡
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fairestar · 7 months
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affirmations enchiridion · volume II : overall life.
𐙚 enchiridion: a handbook; manual.ㅤ𐙚 affirmation: the assertion that something exists or is true.ㅤ✸ this post is part of a series, you can check the previous one here (self concept), or go to #enchiridion in my blog.
· i am hearty and guarded:
i am forever healthy. whatever body i choose to inhabit is always well. no harm of any kind can ever come my way or to the ones i love. i never suffer from any sickness nor get any uncomfortable symptoms that might alter my days. i am never in pain. i am perpetually free from feelings of sadness, anger, regret, embarrassment, anxiety, stress and any form of negativity.
i am eternally safe and protected. i am surrounded only by people who mean well and want the best for me. only good things happen to me, only good experiences come my way. everything always works out in my favour. i am the luckiest person. i am happy forevermore.
· i am abloom:
i am living the life of my dreams. everyday is a new adventure i cannot wait to revel in. from the moment i wake up to when i fall asleep, life keeps surprising me with how lovely it can all be. every instant is a beautiful experience i get to enjoy. i find every waking moment amazingly rewarding.
my social life is ever flourishing. i am constantly in touch with the people i care for. every moment i spend with someone else is a wondrous and pleasing event. i always have fun and create the most enchanting memories with the people i love. i have the best relationship with my family, my relatives are loving, caring and understanding. i have the most wonderful friends, who support me and are proud of me. i never have arguments with anyone nor i am ever on bad terms with anyone.
i am incredibly successful. all of my endeavours are fruitful and come out exactly as i want them to. i am prosperous. i can manage any problem that might come my way with unparalleled gracefulness and intelligence.
my life is a peaceful, most joyful, beautiful heaven and i am so thankful i get to experience it everyday. i am so thankful to myself for crafting this wonderful world. i am so thankful to myself for granting me this marvelous life.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 7 months
i always thought manifestation is living in your head only and that's where your desires will always be..... when i find out these desires materialize in this world i was shooked because i thought loa is just living in your head like a daydreamer....
even though one of the pillars of the law is to “give it to yourself in imagination” because you don't actually desire the thing, but the feeling that having the thing causes, another of the pillars of the law is “an assumption will harden into fact if persisted in”, so you'll obviously get your desire in the outer world because that's part of your innate power and because the 3D works for you, it mirrors your assumptions, your truth.
one more thing: daydreaming isn't the same as visualising, when you manifest you aren't “living in your head like a daydreamer”. to manifest something you have to think feelingly of it, you have to position yourself in that scene and use your senses. when you daydream you're just thinking of a nice little scene to soothe / entertain yourself and say “wouldn't it be nice if this were real?”.
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fairestar · 7 months
“consciousness is the only reality” → what exists within my mind is reality → the outer world is not reality → what i have in imagination is what i actually have.
because i thought of my desires i gave them existence → they exist in my mind and my mind is the only real thing → my desires are real and already mine.
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fairestar · 7 months
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affirmations enchiridion · volume IV : studies and hobbies.
𐙚 enchiridion: a handbook; manual.ㅤ𐙚 affirmation: the assertion that something exists or is true.ㅤ✷ this post is part of a series, you can check the previous ones here (self concept), here (overall life), and here (personality and appearance), or go to #enchiridion in my blog.
· i am pure knowledge:
i am enlightened. i am imaginative. i am astute and resourceful. i am brilliant. i am well-read. i am perspicacious. i am the embodiment of knowledge and excellence. i am all-knowing.
everything i study is like a tree, it takes root in my mind and never leaves me. no subject or topic is ever too hard for me to understand. it never takes me long to comprehend any course. studying is effortless, quick and easy. i have a complete grasp over every class. i sincerely enjoy studying.
i am always completely focused while studying. nothing can ever distract me. thoughts flow seamlessly from one to the other when i am working on assignments. i can quickly make connections between different ideas and topics as to come up with the perfect solution for a problem. i am perpetually full of energy and determination to study. i am free from feeling fatigued or burnt-out. i feel exceptionally happy, accomplished and calm while studying. i am forever motivated.
i excel in everything. i constantly get full marks on all exams. i always know the right answer to any question. no matter what topic it is, i know exactly what to do. i am relaxed and confident while taking tests. i fully comprehend every question. i can easily solve complex math problems. i can smoothly express my ideas and thoughts. i am effortlessly eloquent and can write praise-worthy work.
· i am the one that inspires:
i am gifted. i am creative. i am a visionary. i am original. i am incomparable. i am unheard-of. i am forever inspired.
i am a naturally artistic and creative person. my imaginativeness is limitless. i am a prodigy in every activity and field. i can do and perform anything without much effort. i am a natural at everything. i can sing, i can dance, i can play any instrument, i can write, i can recite, i can do whatever it is i want and be perfect at it.
i am talented. i am proficient. i am distinguished. i am illustrious. i am demiurgic. i am celebrated. i am the one that reaches people's hearts with their work.
i can successfully turn all my ideas into reality. every one of my conceptions is authentic and completely new to the world. all of my endeavours are forever successful and well received. i inspirit everyone around me. every person who ever comes across my work will for evermore be transformed by it, they will everlastingly carry it with them.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 7 months
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affirmations enchiridion · volume III : personality and appearance.
𐙚 enchiridion: a handbook; manual.ㅤ𐙚 affirmation: the assertion that something exists or is true.ㅤ✸ this post is part of a series, you can check the previous ones here (self concept) and here (overall life), or go to #enchiridion in my blog.
· i am the favoured one:
i am divine. i am awe-inspiring. i am lovely. i am unheard-of. i am everyone's favourite. i am youthful and refreshing. i am endearing. i am delicate. i am ethereal. i am the definition of the word “empyreal”.
i have an angelic disposition. every thought i have is exquisite. every word that comes out of my lips feels like poetry. every movement i make is delicate and breathtaking. my presence carries warmth and grants tranquility to everyone around. people smile when they think of me. i am everybody's dream. i am the one that brings harmony in moments of tempest. i am the one people turn to when in need of advice. i can handle any problem with unparalleled gracefulness and intelligence.
i am beloved. i am cherished. i am treasured. i am admired. i am respected. i am doted-on. everyone loves me. everyone finds me gracious and charming. i am the one that comes to mind when people think of beautiful, revered things. each person gives me their complete attention. everyone listens to what i have to say. everyone appreciates my opinions and takes them into account.
i am compassionate. i am sincere. i am genuine. i am gentle. i am calm and at peace. i am filled with light, serenity, creativity and clarity. i am careful of my well-being. i am loving. i am passionate. i am devoted to the people i love. i am true to my feelings and principles. i am truehearted.
· i am the radiant one:
i am beautiful. i am the fairest of them all. i am breathtaking. i am graceful. i am mesmerising. i am alluring. i am heavenly. i am the brightest star.
my body is perfect. my body looks exactly how i want it to. my frame is delicate but strong. i am always in good shape. i have the physique of an athlete. i can always trust my body to be healthy. my factions are beautiful and captivating. my frame is entirely symmetrical. my face can inspire artists to paint their masterpieces. i am completely satisfied with the way i look.
i always look my best. i am elegant. i am stylish. i look good no matter what i wear. every clothing piece fits me exactly the way i want it to. i carry clothes the way a model does. my hair is always shiny and soft. my nails are always healthy and pretty. i am free from any unwanted hair. i don't ever get acne or blackheads. i am never sweaty, never too hot nor too cold. my skin is smooth, consistently hydrated and clear.
✿ important note: the affirmations in the next paragraph might be triggering for people who deal with eating disorders.
i have the healthiest relationship with food. no matter what i eat, it always is nutritious and good for my body. i am always hydrated. i can eat whatever and however much i want without worrying or feeling guilty. i do not care about my weight because i know i am perfect. i love food and i know that it is good for me. every meal i have is delectable.
there is an ever-present but subtle air of resplendence that accompanies me wherever i go. a soft, most delightful perfume is left behind whenever i move. no matter what angle, i look good in every picture of video. my appearance provokes a feeling of religious devotion. my semblance is glorious. my fairness invokes thoughts of purity and perfection. every living creature is devoted to my presence.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ© fairestar, 2023.
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fairestar · 7 months
I wanna manifest waking up in my dream life I'm sick of living this miserable life, can you give me a guide idk where to start from
Thank you sm
if you mean “guide” as in a law of assumption guide, check the stuff i linked in this post. if you mean “guide” as in how to start your manifestation, follow these steps:
sit down with yourself for a minute and think of what you'd like to change about your life and how you'd like for it to be. is it yourself? your appearance? your relationships? your environment? your finances? and if you could make it all perfect right now, what would that “perfect” mean?
once you know what you want, assume it is yours. if you have feelingly thought of your desire, you've given it form in your mind, and since it's in your mind, you already have it, it's yours. so, accept that!
persist in this knowing, have faith in yourself. you have decided you will wake up to your dream life, and you will, because you said so.
congratulations! you have manifested your dream life!
if you catch yourself having doubts and/or giving too much power to the 3D, check these posts, they might be helpful: here, here, here and here.
hope this helps you ♡ can't wait to hear about your imminent success!!
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