kursed-curtain · 1 year
DIY Pom Pom Triumph Tutorial
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(And Mr Fancycakes)
So, you wanna make your own holdable Triumph statue because he's adorable, or you need a buddy to sit on your desk as emotional support?
Here's a (hopefully) simple tutorial for how to make your own hamster-gerbil-capybara-something-or-other!
Materials (For Triumph)
Fork (any size, depending on how big you want your pom poms to be)
Orange yarn
Small black beads (for the eyes).
Craft Glue (not needed if you have the screwed on eyes that I use, but good if you want a more stable statue)
Optional Materials:
Alternatively, you may use your hands or a pom pom maker instead of a fork.
White yarn, for Triumph's feet to be a different color
Different eye options/ideas - buttons, googly eyes, black beads.
If you want the option I use in this tutorial, you can buy the special eye sets that have little screws at the end - I found those by looking up "black eyes for dolls" and they're usually called Safety Eyes and Noses
Construction paper, if you find tying to be hard (or you're making a majestic unicorn! More on that in another tutorial)
Making The Pom Pom
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Step 1: Cut a string of yarn and thread it through the middle of your fork
This can be any length, though I would recommend you not make it too short because short strings are harder to tighten and tie off.
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Step 2: With the yarn attached to the ball, wrap the fork
It's like spaghetti! Wrap the yarn as many times as you would like, and thicker layered wraps are more fluffy! (For the people who want numbers, small/average pom poms are ~20 wraps and bigger/fluffier pom poms can get to around 50+)
I use a serving fork and even my hands for the bigger triumphs seen in this tutorial! Experiment with how fluffy you want your pom poms to be.
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Step 3: Grab the back end of the first string, bring it over the top, and tie your wrap off
I like to knot it multiple times, front and back (after sliding it off the fork) to secure the yarn!
This should create a ball, with a bunch of loops of yarn. The start of a floof!
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Step 4: Cut the loops, and cut the excess fluff
Here's a bunch of tips because if you accidentally cut the wrong strings the whole ball could unravel!
- Make sure you know which string is holding your pom pom together. These things are fragile once you start cutting them!
- try cutting every loop (that isn't the string keeping it together) for ultimate floof!
- Triumph's body is mostly oblong rather than spherical, so when cutting your yarn I would recommend making it more like an oval!
- and remember they fall apart easily!
Now begins...
The Construction!
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Make two pom poms (one being slightly bigger for the body) and stick them together using a toothpick.
Use four more toothpicks for the legs.
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Wrap yarn around the legs. Start from the top, wrap to the bottom, then wrap back up to the top.
Make sure the top closer to the body is more layered.
Either tuck or glue the end of the yarn to the body or the toothpick (the part inside the body). I decided to tuck the ends into the body since it's an easy fix, but you can glue it on if you prefer.
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For the ears, grab one (or two) toothpick(s). Check how far you can stick the ears in before you do anything!
If you grabbed one toothpick, snap it in half to make two ears.
Cut a length of yarn. Tie one end to the pointy end of the toothpick. Wrap the yarn (I do a sort of figure eight/diagonal wrap instead of the horizontal wraps I do with the legs). Then, tie the end of the string to the other end of the toothpick. Cut off any excess yarn at the bottom, and cut off the top so it ends in a point.
I glued my ears on but you don't have to, if the toothpick fits.
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Stick the beady little eyes on, and there you have it!
Your own mini Triumph! Remember, he's fragile, but easy to make! Make hundreds, I'm not stopping you! Customize, make little accessories
If you decide to make your own Triumph, or majestic unicorn, or maybe even a snute if you figure that out, reblog or tag me so I can see!
Always seek (a crafty) adventure! ;D 🏹
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getcakrecipes · 1 year
Best keto lemon pound cake Low-Carb Treat
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schmanguss · 1 year
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#frostedfoxcakeshop #smashcake #monster #flamingo #pinkflamingo #oneyearold #birthday #fancycakes #niece #birthday #tradition #philly #philadelphia #cake #dessert #theme @frostedfoxcakeshop (at The Frosted Fox Cake Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3i8yID5mN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captmickey · 6 months
Fluffy Wonderland, a King's Quest Fanfic
I asked for a prompt to do of the guards and this is based entirely on the idea that Triumph gets a winter coat.
Can be found on AO3 as well
When Graham had won the Knights Tournament, the word of the knight from Llewdor spread like wildfire: How he used his wit to outsmart his opponent in the duels, how his archery skills is something to be feared and recognized, how his compassion for anyone that would even so much as look his way was immense.
And, most importantly, how unique his steed was.
It wasn’t the traditional horse like the others and it wasn’t something otherworldly like the famous and majestic Mr. Fancycakes. It was, however, a room for constant debate within the various households of Daventry where family members and friends would constantly debate as to what Triumph was. A gerbil? Capybara? Maybe a weird hamster thing… no one could rightfully say, and even asking Graham himself had him just stare, smile brightly, and go “Triumph is my best friend!”
Anyone who was anyone wanted a mere glimpse of the steed.
Number One was absolutely not one of those people.
There were many things Number One (reluctantly) allowed Graham to do, even as king. He allowed him to occasionally have those chocolate chip pancakes at night (and even go so far as to make it himself, even if it was unbecoming of a monarch to cook), he turned a blind eye to Graham wearing his adventurer’s cap in favor of the golden crown, he even allowed Graham from time to time to hug him during times of distress… but there was one very stern rule he told Graham that he will not, under any circumstances, budge on: Never let Triumph inside the blasted castle.
Not because he feared if the steed was ‘potty trained’ as Kyle and Larry so gleefully teased, that was truly the least of his concern based solely on how the steed was inside the stables. He stood firmly to that rule because the beloved royal steed ‘lovingly’ shedded like a monster every winter.
And every blasted year, Graham would bring Triumph inside during the peak of winter because it was ‘too cold’ even with the steed’s excessive and stunningly white winter coat.
He sat on the steps of the Throne Room that was currently covered in all things white fluffy with his arms resting on his legs with his armor long since discarded. Sitting beside him was Number Two, his armor also placed to the side alongside his own with his head in his hands. In front of the two guards was the source of their exhaustion, two brushes on the floor covered in its thick white fluffy coat looking to be nothing more than a ball with a head and ears… was Triumph.
Triumph looked their way and gave a small chirp as if to ask ‘everything alright?’
“How does one creature have so much excessive fur?” Number One grumbled, his eyes locked onto the steed’s beady stare.
“Add that to the pile of mystery questions. Right next to ‘does he hibernate’ but before ‘does he purr’.” Number Two said. He raised his head up. “Did the lad come back yet with whatever made device he claimed to have for all of this?”
“No. I believe he has abandoned us to our fluffy fate.” Number One picked at a tuft of fur off his undershirt. “Funny, I never thought I’d perish under something so… soft.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Hardly. I’m being somber.”
Number Two scoffed and shook his head, more bits of white fur coming off his head. “Y’know, with all this fur, we could make a second Triumph… maybe even open up a clothing line where instead of sheep’s wool it’s whatever this is. We’d call it Triumphantly Cozy.”
Number One took a very deep long breath, not willing to indulge in the make-believe scenario.
“Maybe sell dolls too.”
The captain of the guard looked around the throne room and frowned. “This is going to take months to find every last bit of fur and remove it from the room.”
“Not like you’re going to be doing it yourself, though.” Number Two countered.
“Ideally, but it’ll end up being like that.”
The second in command leaned back on his arms, staring. “How’d you figure?”
Number One scoffed. “It’s routine at this point: I’ll start cleaning, you’ll make some irritating joke, and then for the final stab, Pockets will make some infuriating pun and do that ridiculous sheepish smile of his. I’ll pout, you’ll tell me to lighten up and I’ll be fuming in absolute annoyance as I continue to find bits of this blasted fur inside my blasted armor and–”
He stopped and held his head in his hands, feeling Number Two patting his back.
“There, there… it’s not so bad.” Number Two said.
“It is. That’s how we got into this blasted situation in the first place.” Number One bemoaned.
Number Two paused, thought it over, and raised his brows. “Huh… good point.”
Triumph, as if overhearing the whole conversation and understanding it, stood up and began to walk over. Number One looked up from his hands and went wide eyed, pointing a finger at the steed.
“No no! No! Sit back down, you’ll get even more fur everywhere!” Number One tried to order. It was a foolish attempt, even he knew that. Triumph listened to no one but its own belly or Graham. “Sit! Sit!!”
Number Two bit his lip to not laugh as he watched Number One move back, a pointed finger still at the steed who stopped, stood for a moment and leaned its head to the side, preparing itself for a thorough shake.
The two guards eyes went wide and both leaned back. “No no no NO! TRIUMPH NO!”
The steed ignored and shook hard as more bursts of white fur fluttered into the throne room and, by extension, onto the guards who sat there. Number Two spat out some fur. Triumph gave a small trill before going over and pressed its fluffy white head against the captain’s chest and nuzzled.
“No, not the shirt!” Number One gasped before sighing in defeat, realizing Triumph was going to keep rubbing its head against him, as if asking for pets. Number One, naturally, obliged and began patting its head. “Zards…”
Triumph chirped and leaned into the scratch.
“You have a way with animals.” Number Two snickered, brushing some fur off of him.
Number One shot a glare his way but continued to pet Triumph as it kneeled back down and rested its head on his lap. He all but gave up at that point that he could somewhat spare his uniform of the white fluffy fur fate. He didn’t hate Triumph, that was a point he needed to be abundantly clear. He just hated the fur the steed shedded.
“You’re just like Pockets, you know that?” Number One sighed in defeat as he continued to pet Triumph. “A harmless nuisance that spreads warmth everywhere you go.”
“I think he likes you.”
Triumph, once more, chirped.
“He better, considering the length I go through just to make sure he’s not a walking blasted dandelion. Isn’t that right, Triumph?”
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thewatercolours · 2 months
PART TWO - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Two (2015)
It really is beautiful in the rain though. I love the unevenness of the cobbles so that rain pools in lovely puddles. The way the water comes down in sheets off the rooves.
No tapestries on the walls of the hallway leading to Grandpa’s room. Hm – a good Watsonian reason might be that the tapestries are traditionally hung in respect for a deceased king (sob.)
Triumph balloon! (Assuming it’s a balloon, and not a pinata? That would be… weird.)
Balloons with seams in them,
“Does it have a dragon?” (Graham, thinking: “Um, well, technically yes! For about a minute. And if we count my PTSD flashbacks, We can add an extra 30 seconds.) Aloud: “It miiiiiight!”
The “Rapid Escape” theme played on the low, low keys of the piano. Yesssss.
The way Graham just looks gobsmacked by the sight of the goblin king. All he can do is stare, wide eyed.
That goblin that took Graham’s hat must be in high demand for fairy tale re-enactments. His impression of Graham’s jog is spot on.
Graham tries to get respect by assuming the deep voice again. How much have you been been doing that since you ascended the throne, young sir? And has it ever worked?
What?? You can see Graham walking around I the dark cell if your screen is bright enough, not just the ripples? I did not know this! Oh – and now I can’t. Must be a one shot thing.
I remember when I first played and all the salamanders started lighting up I thought for sure we were going to see the dragon fully revealed. A tense moment it was. I had to mentally adjust.
Who would have thought Graham’s cell would be one of the most glittery locations of them all? (It’s luminescent mushroom spores.)
Some hospitable little goblin set him up with a bouquet and a placemat. Good on him.
So many good idling animations for Graham when he’s at 1 health.
The devs really said, “WAIT – we’re the literal people making the game. This angst fic full of stress, and facing your fears, and maturing in the face of terror could be… canon!! We can do ALL the emotions!!”
Mr. Fancycakes’ reputation precedes him. The goblins clearly knew that of all the captives, he was the one who had to be most brutally chained up.
Christopher Lloyd at the end of a sixteen hour recording session: “I didn’t understand much Goblinese, but I think they wanted me to clean up all the webs.”
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Hand Bag Cake|Customized Cakes Online Hyderabad - CakeSmash.in
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Hand bag cake. Cake modelled on actual cake.
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lilsweetiecake · 3 years
~Blood Moon Cake~
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a fluffy tahini chai cake with labneh icing and blood orange, rosewater & wild blueberry droplets. the perfect cake for ur blood moon sacrifices, or for when ur just feeling a lil bit evil and cunty!
<3 lil sweetie
3 eggs
1 cup greek yogurt
½ cup sugar
3 tbsp tahini
1 tbsp vanilla
1 ½ cups almond flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
2-3 tsp cardamom 
2-3 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp nutmeg
½ tsp ground ginger
a few pinches of salt
a few grinds of black pepper
1 chai tea bag
directions: preheat oven to 325 degrees. grease a 9in cake pan.  in a bowl, combine eggs, yogurt, sugar, tahini, and vanilla. whip it good!! add almond flour slowly to prevent clumps. add baking soda and powder, and allllllll the spices. open the chai tea bag and sift the tea leaves through a fine strainer into the batter. pour into cake pan  bake for 25-30min, or until a toothpick comes out clean. when done, cool in fridge or on countertop
5 oz plain goat cheese (laura chenel makes a really great one!)
2 tbsp labneh (a soft, tangy middle-eastern kefir cheese - you can can sub greek yogurt)
½ - 1 cup powdered sugar (to taste)
directions: whip labneh and goat cheese, then add powdered sugar slowly and whip until smooth.
6 blood oranges
⅓ cup wild blueberry jam (bonne maman makes a delicious one and they also are anti-Nazi…..yes, we’re obsessed! you can also sub any fruity jam you like)
half lemon
1 cap-full of rosewater extract (or a lil more if ur feeling it)
1 tsp cornstarch
juice the blood oranges and pour the juice into a saucepan.
add the blueberry jam, squeeze the half-lemon in there, and add the rosewater extract. 
in a separate bowl, make a cornstarch slurry by mixing the cornstarch into some water (a few spoonfuls is fine!), then pour the slurry into the saucepan.
bring to a boil, then simmer until syrupy.
remove from heat and pour into bowl to cool.
it’s ready when it’s the texture of thick jam or gooey blood :)
assemble the cake:
remove cake from tin and set on plate or cake stand.pour icing over, enough to cover just the top of the cake (or if ur feelin messy, all over everything)put in fridge for 15 minremove from fridgewith a spoon, decorate cake with jam droplets of different sizes all over the top top with blood orange slices, edible flowers, glitter, and anything else you want to offer to the blood moon, babe!
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ceule · 4 years
This amazing lemon cake (you know how much I love anything lemon!) was moist and delicious and... it’s vegan! Even the icing is not colored with food coloring dyes. It’s created by @littlestbakeshop in KCMO. I just thought you should about this option. I’m glad @debjschneider turned on to it. . . #vegan #vegandessert #vegancake #fancycake #floweryicing #kcmo #littlestbakeshop https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJGWu2JuCC/?igshid=17env1psym9il
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specialtycakes · 4 years
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BMW cake.
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cheesewizards · 4 years
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Exquisite Corpse by Cheese Wizards Using Drawception’s Dimmed Palette developed by ThisIsFrog Credits in second image & tags
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foodleasure · 4 years
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🌻 Sira \*/ Mousse au Chocolat \*/ Carrot Cake ✌ _____ #cakes #cakery #fancycake #carrotcake #moussecake #chocolatebar #mousseauchocolat #frenchcake #fancydessert #chocolatecake #🍰 #dessertforbreakfast #tastingtable #cheesecakeforbreakfast #cakeforbreakfast #tastesbetterhere #poftabuna #bestdessertintown #bestcakeintown #whitedessert #whitecake #dessert_time #eatwithstyle #sharingiscaring #shareyourdessert #shareyourcake #sweetitup #🎂 #mondaymood #morningmoment (à Un dulce de la Vlad Muresan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ieYsXFUM4/?igshid=wmu2qqmmh9s3
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kursed-curtain · 1 year
King's Quest Fight Bracket 🐐
Match 5 | Round 1
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getcakrecipes · 1 year
Homemade Black Velvet Cake Recipe
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jewish-privilege · 5 years
I’m so glad that today of all days we get to see a bunch of goyim telling us that we’re unfairly and selfishly centring ourselves when we talk about the Holocaust wowee wow wow
The weird thing is that on International Holocaust Day Jews generally do talk about non-Jewish victims. We just remember them accurately within an institutional and industrial genocide instead of lumping everyone as being sent directly to “concentration camps,” which everyone thinks are the same as death camps, and being gassed to death and then burned. But even when we do that and remember all victims for the horror they went through and why we’re still castigated. I’ve still been accused of talking about Jews too much, not caring about other victims of the Holocaust, and (my favorite) only knowing and having read into the Holocaust, Nazi pseudo-racial science, the Third Reich, Nazi occultism as the basis for Nazi pseudo-racial science etc only to somehow “lessen” non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In other words, apparently the only reason a Jewish woman would know more about the Holocaust than a non-Jewish woman is to make sure to win oppression points, not because, you know, they’re Jewish. 
We can’t win, so I’ve just decided that my obligation to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust isn’t to make sure non-Jewish people and non-Romani people are comfortable. My obligation to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust is to remember their suffering truthfully.
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bakemyliscious · 5 years
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#bakemyliscious #bolo #barbiecake #dollcake #fancycake #cakedress #patisserie https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xBmRShnhq/?igshid=kmr3zkxmmebw
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thewatercolours · 2 months
PART THREE - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Two (2015)
Hearing all these goblin mutterings brings me back to the time I skimmed through a walkthrough to just the moments when the goblin spoke, and wrote down every mouth sound they make in the course of the game. Then I went through the alphabet crossing out all the sounds that never get used, just so that I could accurately tell which words Graham might have trouble pronouncing in goblin form. (There are only three phonetically spelled sentences in the whole thing, because that’s enough to get the idea across to the reader before it becomes annoying, but I had to commit to the bit.)
It looks like the caves go on extensively beyond the bottom of the stairwell, into bluish glowing realms. I wonder about that area. What down there? Further goblin developments? Caves even they don’t visit? Bism? Mysterious…
Second floor soundtrack! The most melancholy of them all! (And it has that little Manny motif for good measure.)
Graham sounds so hopeful to see Wente! Even just seeing a friend in these nether realms is something encouraging for a moment – even if it’s shortly going to become the source of Graham’s greatest worries.
They really should have had Josh Keaton record two or three more takes of “How are you feeling,” to better match the health of the villagers. He does have more than one, but they still don't have enough range. It feels a bit incongruous to have him ask almost cheerily, “How are you feeling?” when they’re stretched out at death’s door. It does make Amaya’s “Like I have an oblivious king” line the better, though. (We’re not there yet. I just heard him say the conversational one and it brought this thought back.) On that note, Graham sounds so bright and happy as he says good bye to Amaya, and uses the exact same animation as he does for “See you a-round!” with Acorn last chapter.
Graham and Amaya’s blue eyes both look amazing in the lighting by her cell.
The rat ate Forward Curl! I don’t think I cared about this last time.
OK – let’s see how good my memory is. Let’s see if I can hit the correct order so I can save everyone except Mr. Fancycakes. (Sorry. You are the goat, but.. you are a goat.)
I love scenes with the merchant. He’s such a fast-talking little skunk. He’s over-the-top, he’s tremendously fun with all the liberties and personal space invading, and he will never think of Graham as anything but a sucker.
The merchant wants to make Graham’s cape into illustrious red shorts? Don’t even think about it for one moment!
“Sometimes there is no right answer, but that doesn’t mean there’s a wrong one either?” Graham, are you serious? Are you? Yes, there was a right answer in this case. Save the life of a pregnant mom vs one eyed goat? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I mean, I’d love to see Graham do his clever page at the end with the goblin king, but I never have, because I refuse when it gets to this part. I unequivocally refuse. Yes, I’m trying to make different decisions than usual, but I just can’t.
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