#fanfic promo again bc damn read my fics bro
oddeyecadia · 10 months
another set of pricefield headcanons "i love you i want us both to eat well" edition aka how they eat/cook together !!
- whenever max and chloe would eat or share food together i just know chloe's acts of service ass ALWAYS cuts and put food on max's plate first before she does literally anything else like this is just second nature to her. she always gives max the bigger half of the food too even tho max gets full easily, chloe would just eat it if ever max has any left overs anyway.
- max always make sure she orders a different drink from what chloe orders whenever they're at a cafe or something just so they could exchange orders if ever chloe doesn't end up liking hers. doesn't matter if max likes her original order better, she'll give chloe the better drink/food every single time. (i've written a scene inspired by some of these on ch. 2 of my pricefield tatbilb au fic here so go check it out if y'all want !! <33)
- max doesn't like eating the little white strings on cuties/oranges for texture reasons so chloe always removes them for her whenever they share one
- the olive theory!!! chloe loves olives while max hates them so whenever they go for pizza max would just automatically remove the olives on her slice and put it on chloe's without a word and chloe would just let her
- max feeding fries in chloe's mouth whenever she's driving!!!! she'd sometimes tease her and put way too much in her mouth so chloe could shut up
- i feel like max isn't necessarily a picky eater but there are a lot food textures she doesn't enjoy and u bet chloe memorized each and every one of that shit
- (slight nsfw) "i love you i want us both to eat well" chloe would say this whenever she wants to 69 and max absolutely hate and adore it at the same time
- idc what anyone says chloe is the "who tf is burning my kitchen?" wife and max is the "making breakfast for the love of my life 😍😍😍" wife
- they're both messy cooks max knows how to follow some recipes but sometimes she couldn't help but add some unheard of spice in there out of curiosity and completely ruin the dish, chloe "measurements are for cowards" price just eyeballs every ingredient and would somehow manage to create a dish u could find at five star hotels
- their usual setup while cooking together is basically just chloe doing all the work while max just stands there being her favorite emotional support sous chef giving her kisses every 2 minutes. sometimes chloe would make max do some silly little tasks "treat it like a side quest" she said and max suddenly is all for it (she's mixing something that's already been mixed) but then would get distracted and 5 minuets later she's opening all the drawers to stare at different utensils like the natural wanderer she is
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