falseapostle · 5 months
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✥ @fangedstories asked: ✥
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✥ "I often wonder what you would do to me If I embraced what my old HP thought of me...and became a true black-winged demon." ✥
"I don't really see why you would want to do that."
Haruto sat on a park bench, gazing out at the people going back and forth and enjoying their day. He always found some way to watch them, to observe the lives and the mental states of the RG. If the RG wasn't healthy, there was a clear problem with the UG, and as its steward he was responsible for maintenance. Especially since the Composer was often so absent.
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"But if you were to do that, and it was your choice, I suppose I wouldn't do anything at all. Just as long as you stayed in your own universe, of course. I'm not going to stick my nose in business that it does not belong in. What your current branch does to you is also not my business. Since it would be your decision, there would be no reason for me to take action either way. Why do ask?"
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @fangedstories asked: —⚅
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⚅— The roar of despair rocked the entire district, the rolling waves of utter sadness, the unadulterated pain rumbling across the streets were devastating. The being responsible continued to howl, wings out, fists clenched at his side while he belkted his sorrow.
After releasing all that pent-up emotion, the figure dashed to the only place that had ever given him refuge no matter what mirror he visited. He burst through the door, literally flew up the stairs, and curled up in the room that was usually outfitted for him but opbviously this time it wasn't, but he was past caring. He was here to seek comfort.
He then wrapped a wing around himself and sobbed hard, shaking and clutching the wing like a security blanket.
"no...don't...please don't take him from me...please don't...please..." —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma let that feeling roll over his shoulders as he sent another message to his Composer.
I'll handle it.
After all, it had just busted into his shop and zipped up the stairs into his apartment. He was becoming so used to visitors these days he was getting ready to prepare a traffic form to make sure they didn't bring in trouble. Given the emotion that swaddled him now, he doubted this was going to be anything even neutral much less good. He didn't know if he could attempt to hide another Composer from the Higher Plane. He'd done enough meddling for his district's own good. For his own.
He moved slowly up the stairs and followed the figure, all the way down his hall to his bedroom at the end of the building. It was a little hard to tell through the pain this kid was suffering, but Hanekoma could almost sense that he knew this one already. Like he was familiar with the kid. When he came up to the door, he didn't try to approach right away. He leaned in the threshold and slid his hands down into his pockets.
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"Hey, boss," He called, voice soft. "Wanna talk about it? I could make ya a drink, if you'd like."
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pureposer · 6 months
⛓ Joker Captures Haz XD
"-And you know, red isn't particularly my colour. I do like some red, yes, but only in small amounts."
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"Speaking of which, these ropes are rather tight, friend. I feel rather uncomfortable, would you mind it if I tried loosening these binds? I'd hate to ruin your job on these binds without permission after you did rather well! It's just....Oh it's just that it's rather restricting. I'm sure you understand."
And finally, after what feels like an hour, Hazuki finally stops talking. Which, in retrospect, is a good thing if not for the fact that this was normal. Simply a minor inconvenience, not realizing how bad this whole situation could be. Simply, Haz just sat there smiling rather politely up at Joker.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🎵 @fangedstories || Continued 💙🤍
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There's a questioning eyebrow raise shot Hope's way at how the child spoke. Monsters? Angels? Angels didn't exist, right? That was something to dwell on later; for now he turns his attention back to the boy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yoshiya. My name's Teal and this is Hope."
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"We're not angels, just some very special people." This was going to be something they needed to handle gently. Teal couldn't find out about the UG, he'd have too many questions. But at the same time... she knew this was an alternate of Joshua, in some capacity. Their little detour to gather their strength back up having to seemingly landed them in the past... of the child in the future.
There's something whispered to Teal about finding a way they could get the child back down to the ground. Of course, the star nods getting up to take a look around. Meanwhile Hope sat down next to the little Kiryu, speaking up once Teal was out of earshot. "Don't worry, the monsters can't get you up here. But Teal doesn't know about them and can't see them like we can, so we gotta keep that a secret, okay? Same with Mr. H being what he is. You think you can do that for me, dear? That way we can figure out how you got up here and how we can get you somewhere safer."
She wasn't too good with kids, so Hope could only live up to her namesake. Having faith that the little one was more cooperative than his older counterparts could be at times.
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🍓 Continued from here. 🍓 🍓 @fangedstories 🍓
Oh. Oh no. She wasn't sure she liked this guy's attitude. He was certainly being friendly, but she felt pressed. She didn't like being called out like that. When he looked at her, she flinched a bit and averted her eyes down to her hands. The anxiety was consuming her, but overall she was holding herself together. She knew she couldn't freak out right now. She barely had what it took to be broken under the weight of it. And she didn't want to embarrass herself if she was going to be coming back to this place.
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"Um... Actually, That first thing? The, uh, Maple blend? That sounds good. And um... Maybe make it a little sweeter if you can."
Because coffee was always a little too bitter for her from coffee shops, even when she asked for extra cream and sugar. She wasn't sure what to say to make it suit her sweet tooth anymore, so this was the best she could do. Quickly she reached into the bag on her hip and pulled out her wallet, getting her card ready to pay without really reacting to anything else he'd said. She was already eyeing a table by the window, one that had been baking in the sun all day. A perfectly place to unwind after all this.
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justiceburst · 1 year
@fangedstories asked: "Akechi, we have something in common. We both shot our protagonists in the face. Wanna gloat about it?"
--Joshua, TWEWY, inviting Akechi to hang out.
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"Haha, how about I shoot you in the face instead?"
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the-composer · 11 months
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“As your elder, I suggest you--” Bite your lip, Joshua. He clears his throat and continues. “Tell me if you’re here for business or pleasure. Not that I mind you taking a leisure trip around my city, but I just want to be sure you’re properly accommodated and seen to.”        /        @fangedstories​
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limitlesspossibilities · 11 months
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"You who mirror me...do you feel my pain?"
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"I'd assume so, if you're me... Did you want to talk about it?"
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phoenixcoin · 8 months
❂⭃ @fangedstories asked: ⥷❂
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❂⭃ "Uncle! Uncle Byron! I did it! I ignited my wings for the first time, I did!"
Joshua ran into his Uncle's chambers and unveiled the feathers of his birthright. His young eyes looked so proud, and his face was wholy innocent. ⥷❂
Byron was hard at work on a missive to some of his associates when the outburst occurred, but there wasn't even an ounce of frustration or annoyance on his face. No, rather, Byron was a man who was all too happy to have his work interrupted by either of his favorite nephews, and he immediately turned away from his desk to face Joshua, resting his hands on his knees so he could lean forward and listen intently to what he had to say. And when the full of the matter was presented to him, a bright smile came over his features, and he slapped heartily at his knees.
"Why, Joshua, my boy, congratulations!" he called out with his usual booming mirth, and he reached out to pat Joshua's shoulder in a merry sort of fashion. "You really are shaping up to be a fine dominant of fire, just like your grandfather used to be! Why, before you know it you'll be putting even me to shame with your abilities and prowess. Your first priming is sure to be a momentous occasion indeed."
Not that he didn't sort of know better. Behind his smile and mirth there was the acknowledgement of the state of affairs concerning the Iron Kingdom. He knew that the temperatures were swelling, and if he was even half of the businessman that he claimed to be, he knew that before long that kingdom and his brother's own beloved duchy would be exchanging blows in a tumultuous and taxing war. And no doubt that his beloved nephew, too, would be dragged into the midst of it. How he seethed at knowing that Anabella refused to allow him to interact more with the Shields, or with his brother who was training to be one. As sickly as Joshua was, and as much as Byron could understand the hesitance for such an action, the fact of the matter was that Joshua would soon be introduced into an environment he would not be prepared for. In which case, it was all the more important that he come into his own as the dominant of fire... And all the more likely that his priming ceremony would be... tense, at best.
But he had to believe in the strength of his brother and his countrymen. He had to believe in the glory of Rosaria. And more than anything, he had to believe in his adorable little nephew, who was always trying so hard to live up to the impossible standards set before him. And to that effect, it would not do to display his worry to the young boy. No. He had to keep his own jovial disposition, so he might instill a sense of pride and joy in his work as the dominant of fire. To give him a will to carry it on when he would inevitably be struggling to be seen as anything other than his eikon.
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catncore · 1 year
"I'm not hiding." Kiryu said firmly, finally looking him in the face with repentant eyes. "I'm here. I'm not hiding from the fact I messed up, I'm owning up to it. I know it was pigheaded and reckless, and I can't take it back. But I can move forward, make it right, and never do anything like it again." He leaned in and said firmly "A real composer knows when he's in the presence of someone more powerful, and knows how to show the proper respect. That's not being a rabbit, nor is it cowardice. It's protocol." / @fangedstories / bounced.
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❝ kiddo, theres more to this than jus' power.  ❞ though part of it was power. there were lines that were crossed with the way the other composer went about things and things he ought to have thought out better, but he wasn't going to tear the other to shreads. that was for his producer to keep him in conduct for.
❝  you wouldn't even apologize to me by lookin' at me. it doesn' come across as authentic when you look scared. though you are right, it was pigheaded an' reckless. it's good you acknowledge that and will make a point t' not do it again. what you don't do is pick a fight in someone elses relationship. fight me all you want, but it's tasteless when you try an' show off in front of someone elses established partner, regardless of if the relationship is open. it's disrespectful to both people and does yerself a disservice because people will become dismissive of yer outbursts and take you for bein' temperamental. ❞ he brought his hand up to lift the other composers chin and met him in the eye.
❝  so, with that bein' said. try again, composer. this time, show me the respect you'd show him because i represent him in jus' as many ways as if he were here in person. ❞
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networkscrambled · 10 months
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❒⟿ @fangedstories asked: ⬳❒
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❒⟿ "Megumi Kitaniji. By order of the High Council, you have been selected for termination. Make your peace."
(Unenlightened Joshael to Kitaniji) ⬳❒
Kitaniji stood in shocked silence for a moment, at first having nothing at all to say. He couldn't quite believe it, really. He'd been working so hard, and he had such great respect for the Composer and the city. He had curated only the best souls to return to the RG and carry out the will of the Composer. Why, then, was he being terminated? What had he done to make the Composer (High Council? What was that?) decide that he was no longer worthy of his position? Where had he failed?
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Finally he found some space to breathe, and his brows furrowed lightly as he swallowed hard to keep his composure, "But Composer, I don't understand. Did I breach some law? Was I failing in some way? Do I not receive some explanation for why I am being terminated? No way to redeem myself?"
His frame was shaking, ever so subtly. He was more upset than he had been in quite some time, but be didn't want to believe this was beyond saving. If he had upset his Composer somehow, he wanted to believe that he could find some way to change his mind, to prove he was worthy of his seat.
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falseapostle · 1 year
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✥ @fangedstories asked: ✥
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✥ "Haruto Abe, you have been harboring a dead soul, and you have interacted with wanted criminals. Your Higher Plane has reached out to a neighboring HP to deal your judgement, since they cannot do it themselves. I am that judgement."
He drew his sword, swung at Abe's throat, and stopped it right on the jugular. It stayed there until it was re-shiethed
"My name is Joshael, and from now on, I am your shadow. I report not to my own Higher Plane, but to yours. I will find and end the dead soul you harbor, and I will prevent you from interacting with the two fugitives. Harm to me will be seen as defiance of the Higher Plane and I have every right to defend myself as I see fit. Choose your actions carefully." ✥
Haruto didn't flinch when the blade was swung at him, and he simply glared down at Joshua with a deadpan expression. He should have died already. He would never be an angel no matter how hard he tried, and he couldn't even connect with the congregation he had built. He couldn't be close to humans, or really exist in the city he was building. His life was meaningless, in some ways, and he had had to struggle to find any reason to keep going at all. He was not afraid of death. He didn't care about threats or punishment. Pain was desired, holy fire his deepest wish. Though it would be a shame to die by the hand of a filthy human ascended, it would still not be any worse than existing.
And anyway... If he was eradicated, Sanae's own Joshua could finally be happy again...
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"Harboring is a little harsh, don't you think?" He responded, choosing to straighten his tie once the blade was removed. "The soul is not dead. It is dying. So by definition, you have no reason to be here. And furthermore, I severely doubt you got clearance from my Higher Plane, from this one. My Composer alone outranks you, and the reason he is gone so often is, as he claims, because he serves at the right hand of God. So if anyone were to come into my house and tell me how they were going to monitor me, I would expect it to be him, not you. Furthermore, you have no evidence of the fact for or against my speaking to criminals. So unless you have official paperwork to argue the point, get the hell out of my house."
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @fangedstories asked: —⚅ ⚅— "Sanae." The smarmy voice of Shibuya's Composer drawled as he materialized with legs crossed on a stool "Would you do me a favor and re-upgrade my phone? I seem to be getting spam calls from Shinjuku's UG. Do so, and I might actually pay for that House Blend I ordered two weeks ago. With interest." —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the voice behind him. It had been such a long time since he'd gotten to be anywhere near Joshua, and they had both been working so hard to stay away from each other where possible. He had thought, for a moment, that Joshua just hadn't been able to handle it anymore, and he had come running back to his father again.
But when Hanekoma turned around, he found himself looking at a different soul. This wasn't his Composer, but one from another universe altogether. And it was so rare to see Joshua's counterparts out and about like that. Composer's usually stayed in their own homes to keep up with their cities, but this one... Didn't even seem aware that he was talking to the wrong person. Maybe he'd come in here by mistake and hadn't even notice that he'd wandered. It seemed unlikely, but then... Well, he'd met all sorts when it came to his Composer's mirrors.
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But he grinned and propped his hand on his hip and gazed down his nose at the visiting Composer, "Oh yeah? You sound like quite the headache, not that I'm too surprised. I might be willing to do some work on your horn, boss, but you're not exactly in Kansas anymore. Or didn't ya notice?"
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pureposer · 6 months
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"It's almost that time of year again. Humans get so greedy this time of year."
"Humans...Greedy...Makes sense."
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"But why that specific time of year? Oh this barely makes sense..."
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🏙 @fangedstories​ || Continued 🤍
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[ Text ➡ Obsidian ] ...Where? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that.
It sounded like somewhere she really shouldn’t be in the first place if she was completely honest. If the two were bound from outside she could easly find a perch out here to watch anyhow.
[ Text ➡ Obsidian ] Probably for good reason given I’m a vastly foreign entity. I’ll camp out here and find a place to watch the fireworks from a distance. Starshine seeing me would probably distract him from his fight anyhow and he needs to focus on that.
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🍓 Starter for @fangedstories 🍓 🍓 To Riku🍓
Aku stood on the shore thinking about taking off. There was some sense of normalcy in Destiny Islands now, save... Someone. Either way, she wasn't connected to the world anymore. Or perhaps it was better to say she had never belonged at all...
Aku had grown on the Islands with everyone else, but she never interacted with them. Afraid of everyone and disenchanted with the life she knew, Aku tended to keep to herself, hiding in the dark corners of the island away from the other kids. It hadn't been as if she hated them. On the contrary, it would have been nice to make friends. But she just didn't see where she fit in with any of them, and so she had stayed as out of their lives as she could manage.
When the world had fallen apart, she had disappeared into the darkness, and she had learned to fight. She had gotten separated for so long from the islands, completely lost in darkness until she'd found an open field, what she now knew to be the world between worlds. After that, nothing was the same. When the worlds were restored she'd felt like a stranger in her own home, and she'd longed for freedom. She'd left at the first available opportunity and her heart had been eaten away, turning her into a nobody. The shell left behind had played servant to the Organization, no better than her lesser counterparts, until she'd lost all of it and was cast away again. She'd narrowly missed being drug into the new Organization, but now that she'd seen everything come to pass, she wasn't sure what to do with herself.
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She'd come home, but it was no use. She truly didn't belong here. And so she was going to set out. Using the doors to darkness like she always had, and letting that darkness feed into the scar on her forehead. Wherever she ended up, maybe it would be better than this.
Taking a deep breath, she held up her hand and prepared to let the darkness flow through her, unaware that there was anyone else on the play island.
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