#fanimesensei answers
fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
For Lucifer and Mammon and Beel how about: 1 moment that they assist MC when it comes to adjusting to Devildom or understanding something about it and 1 moment where MC does the same for them when they are in the human realm
Oh my god, this is such a great ask! Thank you for gracing my inbox with this! Unfortunately I could only think of stuff for in the Devildom so that's what I'm going to post, otherwise this will just sit in my drafts forever lol. If I ever come up with ideas for the human realm I'll write and post those too.
The brothers help MC out in the Devildom:
"So... Diavolo's the only actual royalty, right?" MC asked, curiously.
"It's Lord Diavolo" Lucifer corrected them. "But yes. He is the only heir to the throne."
"Right, right, my bad. So where's the king?"
"He's asleep."
Lucifer sighed. "Why do you need to know?" He was already tired of all the questions, and he had a sneaking suspicion that MC had plenty more lined up.
"I'm just curious. Everything is new and strange to me."
"Well must you ask me all these questions?"
"I mean, I guess I don't have to ask you... I just thought you were the smartest out of all your brothers."
Lucifer allowed himself a small smirk at that stroke of his ego. "... what else do you want to know?"
MC grinned at him. "So I've heard you and your brothers be referred to as "rulers of hell" and sometimes "princes of hell" but if you aren't royalty...?"
Lucifer hummed as he thought about the best way to explain it. "Think of us as... nobility. Just as the British Monarchy up in the mortal realm gives noble titles to their heirs who would not take the throne, we have been awarded such titles by the king based on our strength."
MC nodded. "I see... I think I get it now. Thanks for answering my questions."
"You're welcome. Just be sure that your curiosity doesn't get you into trouble. You know what they say, "curiosity killed the cat," Lucifer's voice was just a little more threatening than it had previously been.
"But satisfaction brought it back," MC finished the quote, either not hearing the change in his tone or not caring.
Lucifer watched MC as they left his presence, and he just knew they were going to be a thorn in his side for the remainder of their stay.
MC was walking back to the House of Lamentation after extra study hours. They hadn't done so well on their last history test and they really needed to study so they could do better on the next one.
As MC walked home, they noticed a crow watching them and following them, but cautiously keeping their distance too.
MC smiled at the crow, then stopped and rummaged around in their backpack for something.
The crow watched them curiously.
MC pulled out a pack of crackers from their bag and broke a couple of them up and laid them on the ground before looking back at the crow.
"Those are for you."
The crow watched them cautiously as it slowly made its way to the crackers.
MC crouched down and watched the crow with a grin.
The crow ate some of the cracker and chittered happily.
"You're so cute," MC told the crow.
"Look at the loser human talking to a crow!" A passerby demon told his friend.
The crow squawked and flew away when the two new demons appeared.
MC sighed and stood up. "You didn't have to scare it."
"I wasn't trying to scare the crow."
The emphasis the demon put on crow scared MC, but they tried not to show it.
"Right... well, you two have a good night." MC started walking toward the house again.
The two demons jogged to catch up with MC and walked along either side of them.
"So where are you going all by yourself?" The demon who had scared the crow asked.
"I'm going to meet a friend, they're waiting for me a couple blocks up," MC lied, hoping their words would deter the pair of demons from doing anything to them.
The demon clucked their tongue. "You know, demons can tell when you're lying. I just heard your heart rate increase when you lied just now."
"And you absolutely reek of fear," the second demon spoke.
MC glanced between the two demons, now truly afraid for their life.
MC tried to run but the demons were far too quick for them.
They each grabbed one of MC's arms and the first one covered MC's mouth with his hand before they could scream. They dragged MC away from the road and into a secluded alley, before pinning them against a wall.
"Ya know, human flesh is a fun treat but the soul is where its at," the first demon spoke to the second.
"I agree, I guess we'll just have to share it," the second replied while grinning deviously at MC.
MC was so scared that they were shaking and tears were streaming from their eyes.
Suddenly, MC's attackers were pulled away from them and slammed into the wall opposite of them.
MC felt immediate relief at seeing that their rescuer had white hair.
Mammon growled harshly at the two demons, making sure they were well intimidated before asking, "What'dya think you're doing? Did ya really think the human exchange student was just walking around with no protection?"
"W-what are you going to do to us?" One of the demons asked.
Mammon hummed before tossing them to the ground. "Not shit."
"Really?" One of them asked as they got back to their feet.
"Yeah, I'ma just report ya to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. They'll get more of a kick out of punishing ya than I will," Mammon told them as he rest his hands on his hips.
The pair of demons stared at him in horror.
Mammon fake lunged at them just to scare them. "Get outta here!"
The demons quickly ran away.
Mammon rolled his eyes and looked at MC. "Hey, are ya o-"
MC practically threw themself at Mammon, wrapping their arms around him in the process. "Thank you so much! I was so scared!" They sobbed.
"'Kay..." Mammon rubbed their back. "Calm down, everything's fine."
MC looked up at him. "How did you know I was in trouble?"
Mammon grinned before putting two fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly.
A crow flew down and landed on Mammon's shoulder.
"The crow!" MC cried happily.
Mammon reached up to pet its neck. "Yeah, they're my familiars. So that means I've always got an eye on ya!"
MC chuckled. "Well I guess that's a good thing."
"Yeah, but that don't mean you can be out walkin' around by yourself! Don't ever do that again! You call me to come get you next time, got it?!"
MC nodded.
"Good." Mammon grabbed their bookbag and threw it over his shoulder, the crow flew off when he did that. "C'mon, let's go home."
MC smiled slightly. "Okay."
They headed back to the House of Lamentation together, walking as close together as was comfortable.
MC sat in the cafeteria at RAD, and despite feeling hungry, they couldn't find the appetite they needed to eat the food in front of them.
Beel walked over and sat down next to them with his own tray of food.
MC looked up at him. "Hey Beel, do you want my lunch?"
Beel instantly perked up at the prospect of more food but frowned when they looked at MC's tray. "But you didn't even touch your food."
"Yeah, I'm not really hungry."
"... are you sick?" Beel tried to fathom the possibility of not being hungry.
"No... I just... I don't feel like I can eat this food. It's all so weird."
"Is it weird or just different?" Beel challenged.
"No, it's weird," MC told him flatly. "I mean half of the food has poison in the name and cheeses are aged for longer than I'll be alive and the scorpions are as big as lobsters! Also, who would eat a scorpion?!"
Beel frowned and almost pouted.
MC looked at him. "Oh shit, that was rude. I'm sorry..."
"... have you even tried a scorpion yet?" Beel asked tentatively.
"... no," MC admitted sheepishly.
"Well why don't you try it?"
"Can I eat it? Or will it kill me?"
Beel shook his head with a small grin. "Lord Diavolo adjusted the menu so nothing served here will kill humans."
MC nodded. "Well that's one less thing to worry about... but how do you eat the scorpion?"
"Some people like to eat exoskeleton, like me, but for those who don't they eat it like this." He snapped the tail off and sucked the meat out of it.
"Oh... that reminds me of eating a crawfish."
Beel nodded then cracked open the abdomen and pulled out the meat inside using a fork.
"Ya know, that actually makes a lot of sense."
"Now you try," Beel coaxed.
MC nodded and looked down at the scorpion on their plate, still feeling a little intimidated.
"You don't have to like it, just try it," Beel told them.
MC nodded and took a deep breath before snapping the tail off and sucking out the meat. "Hm... this is actually good."
Beel grinned. "I'm glad you think so."
With some encouragement and explanation from Beel, MC finished eating their lunch for the first time since they had arrived in the Devildom.
"Hey Beel?" MC asked as they walked to class after lunch was over.
"Hm?" Beel looked down at them.
"Could we go out after school today? I want to try more Devildom food with you."
Beel smiled at them. "I'd like that."
MC smiled back at him. "It's a date!"
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Heyo! :D How are you! I really love your writing!! I saw that youre taking requests, so can I ask for you to do a "MC Grooms the Boys" but with Simeon in his angel form after a bloody fight/battle 馃ズ Maybe Solomon too (I guess not grooming anymore but sorcerer boy deserves some love too) Thank you so much for doing this!!馃挄馃挄
I'm good! Thank you for asking! I hope you're well too. It makes me really happy to hear that you enjoy my writing. I'm glad that you asked for this because as soon as I read it I got ideas.
So I ended up splitting them up because Simeon's got so long and angsty, it just felt like his deserved to be on its own.
MC Grooms Simeon
You're baking with Luke at Purgatory Hall when Simeon walks in. Even though you can't immediately see him, you can already tell something is off.
"Simeon? Is that you?!" Luke calls.
There's no answer besides a soft thud, so you both go to into the foyer to check.
You both stop in your tracks, shocked by the sight before you.
Simeon is sitting right in front of the door, his head in his hands and his wings and halo on full display. The splattered blood is apparent against all the white he wears.
There's a glow about Simeon but it feels dull and tarnished, and though this is the first time you've seen him with his wings out, you know he should be shining more radiantly than this.
Luke is shocked still, just holding himself and staring at Simeon.
You squeeze Luke's shoulder before slowly walking over to Simeon.
"Simeon? It's MC," you tell him gently.
Simeon gasps quietly and folds his wings around him, blocking the both of you from each other's view.
You sigh then look to Luke. "Get a bowl of warm water and a washcloth for me please."
Luke nods and runs back into the kitchen to get those things for you.
You sit in front of Simeon and inspect his wings; there doesn't appear to be any damage to them, something you're grateful for.
Luke returns with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth just as you asked.
"Thank you," you tell him as you take it from him and set it down next to you. "Will you go finish the cake we were making? I'm sure Simeon would love a piece later."
Luke nods. "Yeah, I think you're right." He goes back into the kitchen.
You start to gently clean Simeon's wings once Luke is gone.
After a few minutes of cleaning his wings, Simeon starts to shake and you can hear sobs coming from the other side of his wings.
You frown and place the washcloth in the bowl. "Simeon, love? Can I see you? ... please?"
Simeon's wings fall to rest on the floor in a show of defeat. There are tears streaming down his face as he looks at you.
You crawl closer to him and gently wipe his tears from his face.
Simeon places his hands on either side of your face as he smiles a sad smile. "You are so gentle and merciful, MC... something I was not able to be..." he suddenly breaks down and sobs into your chest.
"Shh... shh..." you try to calm him as you run your fingers through his hair. "You're alright... everything will be alright," you try to hide the uncertainty that threatens to ride out of your body on your voice.
"I... I killed a demon, MC... I didn't want to... I tried to tell them. I told them multiple times..." he desperately clings to you as he tells you his story. "This isn't what I wanted... but I just..."
"You were defending yourself," you fill in the blank.
Simeon sniffs. "Did I do the right thing?"
"Were you antagonizing the demon?" You ask only for verification, you know the answer already.
Simeon looks up at you. "Of course not."
"Then you did the right thing by defending yourself."
"What if Diavolo doesn't see it that way? What if I've accidentally started a war? MC, I can't fight my brothers again..." his eyes start to dart around the room frantically.
You suddenly feel sick, but you manage to stay calm, one of you has to.
You grab Simeon's face and make him look at you. "Hey, look at me and listen to me. This is what we're going to do. We're gonna go and get you properly cleaned up, then I'm gonna text Diavolo and ask him to come here so you can tell him what happened. I'm sure he'll believe you and everything will be okay."
Simeon nods and takes a deep breath. "Alright."
You nod and stand up before holding your hands out to Simeon.
Simeon takes your hands and uses them to pull himself up with. "Thank you."
"Of course, love. Let's get upstairs."
Simeon nods and holds his wings close to his body as you both walk upstairs.
You run a bath while Simeon undresses.
He'd normally be a little more shy, but the day's events have left him feeling more shameful than he could ever feel about his own body.
Simeon slips into the water and sits facing away from you at first.
You take your time cleaning and preening his wings, and only talk when you need him to move so that you can reach better to bathe him.
Simeon grabs your hand once he's clean. "MC, thank you... so much..."
You blush a little. "I just cleaned you up."
"You've done more than that," he assures you. It's at this point that you notice that he's glowing just a little more radiantly than before.
You smile slightly and squeeze his hand.
"I'll take your clothes down to spot and clean them, come down when you're dressed. I'll call Diavolo to come so you can speak to him, okay?"
Simeon nods. "Okay, thank you."
You head downstairs, texting Diavolo as you go. You take Simeon's clothes to the laundry room and set them in a cleaning solution to soak before going to the foyer to wait for Diavolo.
You start pacing back and forth in the foyer while you wait.
Luke looks in there at you. "MC?"
You only grunt in response.
Luke walks over to you and grabs your hand and starts pacing with you. "... I'm worried too."
"... I love both of you, but I also love all the brothers. And I know how badly Diavolo wants there to be peace between the three realms, I don't want this to cause an incident."
"Yeah..." is Luke's only response.
Just a few moments later, Diavolo walks in with Barbatos and Lucifer in tow.
You expected Barbatos to be with him but, for some reason, seeing Lucifer sets you on edge.
Instinctually, you put yourself between Luke and the demons. You squeeze Luke's hand before looking at him. "Will you go tell Simeon that Lord Diavolo is here, please?"
"Yeah," Luke tells you before heading upstairs.
You look at Diavolo and try to appear steadfast but non-aggressive. "Simeon will tell you everything, but I'd like to say beforehand that he was really tore up about it when he came in earlier. He feels really awful about..."
"It's okay, MC. I'll take it from here," Simeon speaks as he enters the foyer. His wings and halo were once again concealed.
You look at him and he walks over and squeezes your shoulder as he walks past you to face Diavolo.
He manages to tell Diavolo exactly what transpired while remaining calm and collected.
"... I hope you can believe me. I truly am sorry for what I've done." Simeon finishes.
"I do believe you, Simeon... but I also already had Barbatos look into it. And now I'd like to apologize to you that one of my subjects attacked you. You're our guest and that shouldn't have happened," Diavolo offers as an apology.
Simeon smiles slightly. "Thank you and I accept your apology. Now, would you like to stay for some tea? Luke has made a cake that I'm sure is delicious."
Diavolo smiles back. "Thank you for the offer, but I have work to do unfortunately. I do appreciate you being forthcoming with me though."
Simeon nods. "Of course. I wouldn't want to jeopardise the peace between our realms." He glances at Lucifer.
Lucifer meets his eyes briefly, before looking away.
"Take some time to relax, Simeon. Let us know if you need anything," Diavolo tells him before walking out.
Barbatos follows him immediately.
Lucifer looks at both Simeon and you before following them both out.
Once the three of them are gone, Simeon looks at you and smiles. "Thank you, MC. For being here for me."
You walk over and grasp his hand. "Of course, love."
Simeon smiles at you and strokes your cheek with his free hand.
"Do you want some cake?"
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
You asked for ideas so what about MC helping Satan calm down after a fight with one of his brothers?
Honestly? I love this. I think about this often but I guess I hadn't written it because I feel like everyone already has their own HCs about this...
Something is wrong.
You can't tell what, but you can feel the shift in the air even from your room.
You walk out into the hallway and you can hear yelling. You follow it into the common room.
There you find Satan in his demonic form yelling at Mammon and Levi and posturing threateningly.
While you're not surprised that Mammon and Levi are the focus of Satan's rage, you do feel like Satan seems even angrier than you've ever seen him before.
You see Satan rear his arm back, as though he's getting ready to strike his brothers, and know you have to intervene.
"Satan!" You call out as you dash forward to grab his arm.
He whips around to see the person who would dare to touch him as well as knock them loose. He's mortified when he sees its you he's knocked to the ground.
"MC!" He kneels down next to you. "I'm so sorry..."
You're not really hurt, so you sit up and shrug it off. "I think you need a break."
He only nods as he helps you back to your feet. You can tell by the look on his face that he feels bad for knocking you over.
You grab one of his hands and take him to your room.
You close and lock the door behind you before looking at Satan.
He won't look at you as he fidgets with his boa nervously.
You walk over to him and stroke his cheek with one of your hands. "How about I tell you a story?"
He glances at you, then nods.
You let go of his face so that you can go and sit on your bed.
Satan follows after you, absolutely pitiful in the time between you letting go of his face and him sitting next to you on your bed.
You smile slightly as you reach up to stroke his horns. "... if you get rid of these you can lay on me."
You've barely finished your sentence by the time Satan has changed back to his human form.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him close before starting your story.
You've told it to him a hundred times but it's his favorite; daring sword fights, far off places, a prince in disguise, how could Satan not love this story? Besides, it never fails to calm him down.
Though Satan would argue that it's actually you that calms him down.
Regardless, Satan isn't trying to kill his brothers anymore and isn't that what really matters?
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Oh also just imagined this: Satan is nonplussed when seeing humans hacked away in horror movies but if someone so much as DARES even plan to hurt a kitty in film, THEN HE REALLY IS TENSE (Diavolo help the TV if said kitty is offed)
Did you ever watch "Don't F*** With Cats" on Netflix? That shit was crazy and is absolutely something Satan would've gotten up in arms about.
Satan pissed off about real and fake animal abuse, coming right up.
TW: mentions of animal abuse
MC loves all things horror and creepy and criminal.
Horror films, mystery novels, true crime documentaries, they love it all.
Satan loves snuggling up to MC whenever they're watching a creepy video on their phone, but he enjoys it even more when MC plans out movie nights for them.
Horror films aren't Satan's favorite, but when they watch them Mammon and Asmo tend to steer clear so that makes the movies okay in his book.
Satan is watching a horror film with MC one night when a cat appears on screen.
Satan is pleased, but MC who remembers what happens tenses up.
"Hey Satan, can you go get us some more popcorn?"
"Can it wait until the cat is off-screen? I really- Oi! He just kicked the cat!"
"Yeah, I know. You might wanna look away for this next part."
"Why? What is he about to do?" Satan keeps his eyes glued to the screen.
Satan's rage flares up when he sees the killer slaughter the cat.
He jumps to his feet "How could he do that to a defenseless animal!"
MC takes his hand and squeezes it. "It's okay, it's just a movie. No one actually killed a cat."
"How do you know?!"
MC sighs and grabs the remote and skips to the credits to show Satan the card that says "No animals were harmed in the making of this film."
He sighs and sits back down and relaxes back into the couch. "Okay, you were right. I'm sorry."
Satan and MC watch some cute cat videos to unwind before going to bed that night.
One night, MC is watching Don't F*** With Cats on their phone when Satan walks in. MC tries to hide their phone quickly.
"Hey, what're you watching? Why'd you hide your phone?" Satan asks.
"You can't watch it with me!" MC insists, a little too harshly.
Satan frowns, taken aback and a little disappointed. "Why?"
"Cuz you'll get mad. It's a true crime documentary."
"I love watching those with you." He sits next to MC.
"You won't like this one," MC warns.
"Why not?" Satan asks, prying.
"It's about this dude who killed some cats on a live stream then graduated to killing people."
"He what?" Satan's voice is eerily calm.
MC is actually scared of him for a moment. "He gets caught and prosecuted though!"
"I need to watch this with you now. I have to see what happens."
MC will let Satan finish the documentary with them on the promise that he won't lose his cool.
Satan doesn't lose it, but he comes close a couple times.
"I just want to go up to the human world and talk with him."
"A, that's a lie. B, he's in jail, Satan. Good thing I'm here to keep you in check."
"There's no one else I'd rather do it than you," Satan tells MC sweetly.
"You're so cheesy... I love you too."
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Hi!, how are you?, hope you're well, anyway, can you please do the '' 1 moment that they assist MC when it comes to adjusting to Devildom'' but for the rest of the brothers? (Levi, Stan, Asmo, Belphie) its ok if you dont want too, have a nice day/night <3
I'm well, thank you for asking! I liked this ask so I'm glad someone asked for the other brothers. Excuse the changing format, I was trying to think of the best way to do each story.
Link to the other 3 brothers.
The brothers help out MC in the Devildom:
MC has always had a healthy fear of the ocean. As one should, it could easily kill you if you're not cautious. Sharks, certain jellyfish, and riptides and whatnot.
So when Levi asked MC to go to the beach with him, they were a little hesitant. But Levi so rarely wants to leave his room so they felt like they had to say yes.
But as soon as they get to the beach, MC feels their fear go past the lengths of healthy
The sand is black???? Which just makes the water look darker and now MC can't see any potential wild life which they're sure is far scarier and/or more threatening than anything the human realm has to offer and-
"MC? Are you okay?" Levi asks gently.
MC briefly wonders if they should tell him the truth or not.
"I... I just... I'm afraid of the ocean," MC confesses.
Levi is little disappointed. This is the only part of "outside" that he likes, he was really looking forward to this. He wants to stay but he doesn't want his best friend to be uncomfortable
"Why are you afraid of it?" Levi asks, wondering if there's something he can do to help.
When MC tells Levi all their reservations, he perks up a little; he can work with that.
Levi takes MC over to the tide pools first, thinking that starting with something small will help
He's right. MC is absolutely delighted by all the little flora and fauna in the tide pools.
Once MC is comfortable with that, he encourages them to get into the big ocean, promising that no sea creatures will harm them while he's there
"But what about riptides? You can't control the ocean."
That's true, he can't control the water... but he can teach them how to swim out of a riptide.
MC feels a lot better just seeing how much effort Levi has put into making them feel comfortable and safe
"Thank you, Levi. You really are a true friend."
Oh boy is he a blushing mess. He just wants MC to have fun tho and he's glad he could help.
Satan is in the library one day, just browsing, when he hears a familiar voice mumbling, grumbling, and... crying?
He walks around to the next aisle to find MC sitting on the ground, surrounded by books, and holding their head in their hands.
He frowns. "MC?"
Their head snaps up to meet his gaze. "Oh fuck..." They sniff and wipe their tears away. "Hey Satan."
"What's wrong?" Satan asks as he kneels down next to MC.
MC sighs. "I just... feel really dumb right now..."
"Can I help you somehow?"
"Not unless you can make all these books suddenly read in (MC's native language)."
"Ah, is the demonic script giving you issues?"
"Yes! And I have to write a paper for literature and history and I'm already sucking ass in history, I have to do good on this paper or I'm pretty sure Lucifer will hang me from the ceiling next! But how can I write a good paper if I can't even read the research well?! Like why am I even here? I'm so stupid and useless down here!"
Satan frowns. "You're not stupid or useless. How about I help you with your papers?"
MC looks at him. "... you would do that?"
"Yes. I'll help you find some good books for your research and I'll help you with the demonic script too."
MC sniffles. "I'd really appreciate that."
Satan smiles slightly and helps them. "Of course, we can't have Lucifer punishing you."
MC chuckles. "Yeah..."
"Satan!" MC calls out to the demon just before attacking him with a hug.
"Oi! MC! What're you doing?" Satan is a little annoyed but mostly embarrassed by MC's actions.
MC shoves some papers in his face. "Look, look, look!!! I got an 87 on my literature paper and a 92 on my history one!"
Satan smiles at hearing the grades. "Good job, you did very well."
"Well, it's all thanks to you," MC thanks him.
Satan blushes a little. "You put in the work, I just helped."
"Still, I really appreciate it."
"I'm glad I could help."
MC is not "high maintenance" by any means
Especially not when you stand them up next to Asmo
But they still care about how they look a little bit
They want to be clean and look clean and well put together
So when they're thrust into the Devildom without a single personal item, it may not be the first thing they're upset about, but they're upset about it
Lucifer orders Mammon to take MC shopping for such personal items but when MC starts asking him about brands and prices, combination to oily skin...
"Fuck this." He pawns them off on Asmo.
Of course Asmo tries to seduce MC first, but as soon as MC says the words "skin care" it's like a switch is flipped
Asmo pulls them into his room and gives them a skin and hair quiz?? Like on paper???? He just has them ready???????
Based on MC's answers, Asmo has all sorts of products to recommend them
He even lets them try some of the products he owns and uses before he takes them shopping for their own products
Asmo goes only a little bit overboard. He loves helping people with body care, but he's not super invested in MC (yet)
This interaction goes a long way in helping MC become comfortable in the Devildom, and though MC won't tell Asmo that, they do thank him for all his help
When they get home, they definitely find Mammon strung up. Lucifer was not happy that he pawned MC off on Asmo
By the time Belphegor is released from the attic and is even able to help MC, they've already pretty much adapted to life in the Devildom
Belphie pretends not to care, but when he keeps hearing stories from his brothers about all the stuff they've done with MC he can't help but get a little jealous
Belphie keeps trying to find stuff for him and MC to do that they haven't done yet, but he doesn't have much luck...
Then, one night, he catches MC sneaking into bed with him
"MC...?" He asks, sleepily.
MC gasps. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
Belphie just pulls them close and snuggles them. "S'okay..."
"... I had a nightmare... but I always sleep better with you so I thought I'd come in here..."
Belphie hums. "I'll make sure you dream sweetly, don't worry."
MC pressed their face into Belphie's neck. "Thank you."
Belphie is incredibly smug about that the next day, but he won't tell anyone who asks about it.
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Goshh, I've been craving for some Asmo angst forever. Baby needs more love, I don't have any specific angst ideas, maybe write about MC with a unrequited love for Asmo? Or maybe a scenario where MC is mad at Asmo for using them?
For the scenario where MC is mad at Asmo, I would like to direct you to a story I have already written here.
That story does feature my genderfluid MC, so I apologize about that.
But I got you for that unrequited love, though
I wrote this like MC was writing on a blog or in their diary or something, I hope that's cool.
Fuck. He's just so pretty...
And really, "pretty" doesn't even begin to cover it. He's beautiful, stunning, radiant. It's no wonder he was once the crown jewel of the heavens... whatever. That's their loss. He's the crown jewel of the Devildom now.
And really, I think he fits down here a little better. Down here he can indulge and be loved and praised like deserves to be. And he does get praised... he's got so many fans, it's kinda crazy. He's probably got a different lover every night.
What I wouldn't give to be one of those lovers...
I would sing my songs of praise against his skin so that every fiber of his being would understand how beautiful he is, so that maybe even the atoms that make up his body understand how lucky they are to be a part of him.
Oh god, to be the person who could make him come to climax? It's the stuff dreams are made of. I can only imagine the beautiful sounds that spill from his throat as he's pleasured. I'd fuck him over and over again... just to know that I was the one bringing him pleasure... and to hear my name pass from between his lips while in the throes of pleasure? Not even heaven could compare.
And maybe when we're done and basking in the afterglow, I can tell him all the wonderful things about him.
Tell him that while he is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, his soul is beautiful too.
He's so kind, he's always made me feel welcome. And I see how gracious he is with his fans. I know that many people would have me upset one way or another, but he handles it with such grace.
And he's smart, like really. He may not be the literal book smart like Satan is, which I find kinda boring tbh, but he's so good at things like spacial reasoning and tactics. That's an actual skillful, useful kind of smart. I've seen him beat Lucifer in chess, multiple times actually. Whoever would've guessed that chess would get me all hot and bothered?
... But I wonder if Asmo would give up the fans and the lovers every night if one person could love him enough? I wonder if I could be that one person.
Because I love him so much, I really do. I love him so much it hurts. He thinks he can't charm me but he has. He's charmed my heart and now I can't get him out of my mind.
I want him in every sense of the word and I just can't stand it sometimes...
But he's Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust. The most beautiful, most popular demon in all the Devildom. Former crown jewel of heaven
Crown jewel of the Devildom.
... What the fuck would he want with a plain old human like me?
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Let's be real, if you hear that a seemingly weak human managed to get pacts from ALL 6 DEMON BROTHERS INCLUDING L U C I F E R within one whole year then that definitely would have MC being labeled with BDE. Cue curious Succubi imagining what submitting to them would be like
I hadn't even thought about it like that, but you're right!
But now imagine their disappointment when MC is like really nice and it turns out they got all their pacts through the power of friendship or whatever lol
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Hey hey! I just read your brothers reaction to a dominant mc, and I was wondering if you could please not tag it as dom!reader or dom!mc since in most of it you write about how uncomfortable they would be with the mc being dominant etc, and since dom readers already struggle with this it just made me a bit uncomfortable. Not hate at all! It鈥檚 just not really content directed for dom readers if most of it talks about how much they would hate the dom reader. Thank you!!馃檹馃徎
Oh hey I removed the "dom!mc" tag and adjusted the story's title on my masterpost like a couple days ago but I forgot to reply to you immediately 馃槵馃槄
I'm not going to change the content of that story but I can be more conscientious of how I write in the future. Do you have any tips for me?
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Just finished reading all of Kidnapped to Hell and oh my Diavolo that was amazing. I've always thought your writing was awesome but THAT was great. And Hoshiko???? *chef's kiss* I love them. Please lemme kiss their hand and bake for them.
That's so sweet of you to say, and is such a wonderful thing to wake up to!
You can absolutely bake for Hoshiko and kiss their hand, just make sure Mammon isn't around 馃槈
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
Hi darling, just wanted to say that I hope your hydrated and well fed 馃グ
Stay happy and safe~ 鉂わ笍
Aw, thanks bud~
*goes to drink water*
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've gotta lot of stuff in my drafts to finish, I've just been busy... and a lil depressed if I'm honest.
Luv you~
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
You are a wonderful writer 馃挄
馃槶馃槶馃槶 Aw, thank you!!!
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fanimesenseiwrites 3 years
I've gotten a lot of asks and inspiration so I'm gonna start working on those! Give me a little bit of time to work on them, I'm a little slow 馃槚
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