nfcpr · 6 months
Ryo Nishikido Untitled Tour
2nd Day
IG LIVE! (more than 1 minute clip)
Signboard outside of the hall
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Clavicle fracture jiken
When did it happen? He didn't say, but he did say that complete recovery will take ~3 months and even tho he still has his arm in a sling (not healed) yet, he was genkily doing a back-to-back live concert without showing any obvious painful expressions... so maybe it's near recovery?
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He bought the sling from Amazon coz the one the hospital gave him made him feel uncomfortable. Fans said it's probably this one...
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Ryo did a poll on who'd buy his sling and how much they would pay if he put it up in an auction lol
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Somebody'd actually bid 1mil yen for it?? Woahhh...
Even Ryo was like... errr, please don't.
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So, what actually happened?
It was a bad fall at night (he insisted he wasn't drunk tho lol)
He thought it was just dislocation so he tried to sleep it off. Okay, Ryo... people don't try to sleep off a clavicle dislocation. People go to the hospital to get it checked out fgs 🤦‍♀️
When he woke up, it was still pretty painful, so he tried to put back the bone he thought was dislocated by watching YouTube. Okay, Ryo... there are SO MANY things I wanna rant here about this omgoodness. People don't try to set a dislocated bone by themselves... people go to the hospital to get it checked out fgs 🤦‍♀️
The pain was getting unbearable, so he went to the hospital. They x-rayed him and said it's broken. In the process of trying to put back the collarbone/clavicle where it belonged... Ryo'd likely made it worse 😅 even so, when he was told it was broken, he was like NO WAYYY!
He had to undergo surgery.
I dunno whether to 🤣 or 😭 or 😱 while reading this story from various posts on X.
I bet we wouldn't have heard about this jiken if it weren't for the Untitled Tour coz Ryo has to come out of his batcave with his wing on a sling to perform at his own live concerts.
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Hair situation
Fans said they saw his shiny round scalp and it's cute 🤭
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Maybe Ryo shaved his hair coz he can't take care of it during his injury and recovery from surgery? Who knows... but I think this could be a valid reason for the sudden baldness.
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Encore! Encore!
How to do encore when you can't change clothes lol
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I'm an Osakan has a strong Kansai flavour 😆
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Seitaro (cameramen) was on stage during the I'm an Osakan song
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Ryo about his JA-era songs: "I wanna continue singing them... because I made them 🥹"
So cute... and yeah, I agree. I've always wanted him to take ALL his songs out of the jimusho and rerecord them.
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During Highball
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Hall Tour in February 2023
Ryo's feelings about live music are as deep as the ocean...
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He really loves being with fans and performing for them 🥰 he hasn't missed a tour per year at all, even during the pandemic. I really REALLY love an artist who loves being with fans... as a fan, I feel loved in return.
Ryo, please give me tickets to your show 🙏💕
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He called NFCs: people who love him (and tell them to care for each other lol ...yes, Ryojichan).
Being with NFCs must have made him feel loved and pampered... as he should be 😆 coz he's brilliant and nice and adorable and EVERYTHING 🥰
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Goods line
The line is moving pretty fast in this tour
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banqanas · 4 months
Usually fanrepo will naturally pop up on my twitter TL but for some reason i havent seen any from today ?
But it doesnt look like anyone is cheering with happiness, instead it just got darker than yesterday so i dont think its worth it to find fanrepo 😇
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hopkei · 13 days
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kosuukeh · 7 years
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2017/09/02 [x][x][x][x] -  Kousuke's [PTA FC opening commemoration event~ A gathering to talk about the memories of the first half year~] has successfully held. They kinda did a throwback thing with Kousuke telling a lot of behind the scene stories from all the previous stage productions he's in for this year (based from some fanrepo). Next is the birthday event, scheduled on 22 Oct next month (2 days after his 22nd birthday). 
Earlier Kousuke tweeted saying he was actually lost when heading to the event venue and telling people to follow a different route than the one he took at first LOL.
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arachibiko · 7 years
Love/Hate Wada Masanari
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Ohayou ! XD
Judulnya asyik yaa ahaha /perasaanmu aja Ra/ Nanti Ara akan cerita kenapa perasaan Ara ke pemuda ganteng satu ini tidak jelas wkwk
Wada Masanari ! Sejujurnya bisa dibilang, Ara kenal Masa lebih dulu jika dibanding dengan para ikemen butai lainnya. Owh ! Tunggu, biasanya orang manggil Masa itu Masshi, Wada, atau Rinrin, ya beberapa ada yang manggil Massa gitu sih. Tapi Ara cukup manggil Masa ~ gitu ajalah, simpel lol
Lihat Profil Masa dulu yukk ~
Family name :  和田
Given name : 雅成
Date of Birth : September, 05 1991
Home town : Osaka
Twitter : masanari6
Ameblo : masanariwada
Oke ! Ara mau melanjutkan kenapa tadi Ara bilang bahwa kenal Masa lebih dulu dibanding dengan para ikemen butai yang lain. Jadi butai pertama yang bener - bener bikin Ara kepo sama castnya adalah Haikyuu, dan di situ ada Masa ! Waktu kepo castnya, Ara nemu akun twitternya Masa. Sempet Ara lihat - lihat sebentar, Ara perhatiin. Hmmm... ini mamas ganteng ya, tapi kok biasa aja sih. Nah ! Kira - kira begitu kesan awal pertemuan Ara dengan Masa.
Sampai pada akhirnya Ara tahu kalau Masa itu deket sama Uechan. Jadilah Ara mulai kepo soalnya Masa, jadi akhirnya ngikutin Masa. Kalau soal yang love/hate itu, karena Ara jeles dengan Masa yang deket sama Uechan ahaha Tapi ya nggak gitu banget sih ! Ara seneng kok lihat Uechan sama Masa, trus jadi gemes gitu tapi rada jeles  hahaha Perasaaan ini sungguh sulit dijelaskan.
Hasil dari kepo - kepo Ara, Masa ini orangnya baik. Dia perhatian gitu sama temen, sampai dipanggil Masa Mama. Perhatiannya mungkin udah kayak emak-emak kali ya. Baca di fanrepo dari event dia, Masa baik banget sama fansnya. Dan Masa ini adalah paman tampan yang sangat sayang sama ponakannya ! Dia suka pamer foto dengan ponakannya. Ponakannya cewek ! Usianya sekarang mungkin sekitar lima tahun, kalau Ara lihat dari fotonya.
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darumador · 9 years
301214 KAT-TUN CDL
When the light was dimmed, Kame went towards Nakamaru (super close distance), pulled the hem of his clothes and whispered to him. When the light came back on, they were both smiling while holding each other's shoulders. The Japanese fan who tweeted this witnessed the entire scene right in front of her eyes. Not only that, when Nakame were about to leave the stage to change their clothes, she heard Kame asking Nakamaru, "Ojiichan, daijiobu?" (Grandpa, are you okay?). Kame's hand was on Nakamaru's waist then.
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jin-akanishi · 9 years
Jindependence Tour 11/23 in Osaka Dojima Riverforum Fanrepos
Middayy Concert
MC today was short. Last song was Hey What's Up instead of Summer Loving
Jin messed up lyrics for Slow and went "rero rero~~~" to cover up
Jin: "A baby!!There's a baby!!"
Jin: "Oi~!Baby~!!Wa, it waved back〜!u saw?wait, dont film me!Film the baby!!whats ur name?"
Jin asked a bald man『U one of my fans?Really?Or did your daughter force you to come along?』Jin was suprised he was a fan
Jin chugged beer during DJ time cuz he didn't take vodka bfore the concert and was staggering after. He went "(・>ρ<)Uek" and stuck out his tongue.
After changing costume, fans pointed out that he had the buttons all wrong.
Jin: "That was close~ Good thing we're not filming today"
After looking all embarassed, Jin then faced the back of the stage to fix his button-down shirt
Jin changed in 1 min and 20 sec.
Jin: "I could've done it faster but the belt〜" *discontent face* it seems da belt was set backwards(((*≧艸≦)fu fu
*people in their 10's waving hand energetically*
Jin: "Such a surprise nee okaasan. In year 2014, there r ppl in their 10's who are my fans"
Jin: "Can everyone sing GOOD TIME?lets test?
Fan: "Canー!!"
Jin: "How about HEARTBEAT?can sing that one?
Fan: "…canー"
Jin: "……lets not"
Night Concert
Jin: "How many fanboys are there~?"
Fanboys: "Ha~i"
Jin: "That many? How nice~ being surrounded by girls~ Don't harass anyone kay?!"
DJ Setlist: Ain't Enough, Get Up, Magnitude
Jin: "Need to go to toilet
Fans: \do it here/
Jin: "NO!If I do then tabloids will write 「Akanishi Jin: sexual harassment at concerts. peeing on stage」!"
during instrumental of LUCKY Jin hummed "funfunfuーn♪" second instrumental part he puffed his cheeks (・゚н゚)ー! and leaned on mic stand
Jin: "What's独立?"
Fans: "Independenceー!"
Jin: "yea、independence."
Jin: " My name?"
Fans: "Jinー!!"
Jin: "yea、Jin。 The Tour?"
Fans: "Jindependenceー!"
Jin: "yea"
fast costume change corner for Osaka
11/21- 1min 42sec
11/22 - 1min 27sec
11/23(midday) - 1min 20sec
11/23(night) - 59sec
Jin: "Who bought GOOD TIMEー?
Jin: "Who hasn'tー?"
Few: "Haーi♡"
Jin: "、、、。these kind of ppl do exist huh、、、。"
credits to @OXY_love for the translations~!
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rlia · 11 years
my own KKT Fanmeeting little repo
so maybe i will just write down about it now...
just like i said before about this FM.. being free and all.. i know i won't get the ticket if i didn't get there asap.. so i decided to go there at 3 am.. (i read somewhere that around 100 fans were already there at 9 pm yesterday)
i arrived at around 3 am.. they hadn't opened the outside gate yet.. but some fans were already gathered there.. and they said around 150 fans already inside (because they came since the night before)
we waited outside until around 4.30 am.. they opened the gate.. and we ran like crazy to reach the inner gate.. well.. i'm not a good runner so i ran slowly.. when i got there, there were already around 200-300 fans.. i got a bit panicked..
some people from our fanbase directed us to make a new rows.. and so we made it.. and we must really aware to not let anyone cut our lines.. because yeah.. it happenned here in my country..a lot.. cutting lines...zzzz
fans started gathering around 5-6 am.. already around 750 fans.. really crazy.. but its free... and its bigbang.. how would you expect? and the fans ofcourse not all are VIPs.. maaannyyy kpop fans as general..
we waited til 10 am until they open the inner gate.. this time we successfully went through without causing commotions lol.. and we went to another lines tho... in front of Hall C where the FM was going to be held. we waited around 2 hours until they started to give us a yellow band that signed we could enter.. 
they opened the gate around 3 pm.. (it was very hot that day 33 degree celcius... i'm not even sure i really want to go such long lines under the hot sun again in the future). we entered the venue.. again.. without commotions lol.. 
there were one stage in the centre... and then VIP seats right in front of it.. and for the floor.. they divided it to 4 sections.. 2 sections in front (A on right side and B on the left), and 2 sections behind (C and D). i was in A section (we can't choose our section). and i was quite in front.. about the 5th row.. i still could see the stage a little bit.
they started the show around 4 pm.. with MC.. and BigBang appeared on stage afterwards.. actually i don't really remember about the talks.. because in my opinion.. it was not that important zzzz..so i will just write the highlight of it...
yes.. they first talked about how they love kakaotalk.. oh yeah at first Taeyang said that he likes nasi goreng (fried rice) and he said that indonesian women are beautiful (lololol youuuu). Ri said i love you in indonesian...Dae said Free Talk Kakao Talk lol.. and i forgot what TOP said lol...
MC asked TOP to say: hello Jakarta, what are you doing (instead of the usual hello sherina, what are you doing there)
some cute whispering moments between TODae (which ofcourse made me happy lolol)
they played MVs like blue, bad boy, and fantastic baby and asked question for bigbang according to the mv
for fantastic baby, the MC asked: who is the most fantastic between members.... Members pointed to Daesung lol..
for Blue MC asked about their favorite colors.. i forgot what are Ri's and Yongbae's lol.. but Dae said he likes yellow and black and said.. ahhh free talk kakao talk... lol.. and TOP said he likes yellow..then he and Dae stared at each other with understanding expression lol.. and together they said: Free Talk Kakao Talk. this also made me scream like mad and jumping...zzzz... TODaeee is too cute seriously..
and then they started giving signed CDs.. they asked several fans to go onstage and danced fantastic baby.. one girl danced and gave a flower to TOP.. TOP then gave her a warm hug and danced (bingu) with her omg... everyone's envy ofcourse lol.. and this might be the precursor of everything inside those fangirls mind...
well actually before those crazy fangirls.. there is this fangirl who danced and Taeyang praised her.. and he hugged her warmly and tightly uhuks...
after that.. a GD fangirl who cried.. and gave her Doraemon doll to Dae.. Seungri then imitated her cried and said she's cute lol..
aaand.. come these fangirls who just.. hugged TOP.. unlike the first one who was actually being hugged by TOP.. this is she's the one who hugged TOP.. TOP was still have okay expression.. and then another girl.. danced.. and hugged Seungri..(as you can see on the pic i reblogged before) then she hugged TOP..
then another girl danced and..hug TOP.. i didn't understand if she really tried to kiss him or that they faced didn't synchronized lol but people said that she tried to kiss him..zz and hugged him too.. i guess this was the one in which TOP asked for the crew's help.. hiks..(i didn't realize it actually but many VIPs told me later). 
and actually (i don't remember how many) after that or before that girl.. several other girls also did the same.. hugging TOP... none of the girls hugged Dae tho.. kkk.. but that's totally okay (for me :D)
and so for the next signed CDs giveaway.. the MC said: ahh this time BigBang want fanboys... and no need to dance..  at first i didn't realize anything.. but then at home.. i then realized that this maybe because BigBang didn't want to get hug again by fangirls so thats why they wanted fanboys instead.. zzz... 
after that.. they sang fantastic baby, not full.. but using the MV and singing live slightly..
and then Dae's birthday project that was held by Dae's fanbase.. we held the banner up.. and sang happy birthday in 3 languages.. bahasa, english, and korean.. we failed at synchronization lol so at first Dae looked confused before finally he realized and said.. ahhhhh... he danced a bit while we sang lol.. and he said he was happy because we remembered his birthday (ofcourse we remember leh you cutie boyyy zzzz)
after that photo session... actually we could have our group pictures with BigBang.. all of us.. all the 1100 fans.. that was their plan.. but then.. most possibly because of their bad moods from the hugging incident.. the only group to get their picture taken with bigbang was only the VIP seat.. VIP guess & press.. hiks... MC said that BigBang needed to go asap to the airport.. but we didn't eat that reason.. we knew that originally the fanmeeting was planned for 2hours.. instead.. it was only lasted for 1 hour...
and so the fanmeeting ended... i was happy..because i could see the guys..the bad boys that i love the most.. in front of my eyes again.. and that i was able to see Daesung again in a very short periode of time after the Budokan concert.. but the touchy huggy incidents.. that made the boys uncomfortable..really disappointing... and embarassing... i hope they didn't feel bad about indonesian vips.. 
because i myself doubted about those fangirls who misbehaved.. were they really VIPs? or were they just a mere kpop fan who only love TOP and just wanted to boast about hugging him.. because real VIPs would have known that TOP doesn't like to be hugged (except by Daesung ofcourse lololol).
TOP was soooo handsome.. sooooooooooooooo maximally handsome.. cool and quite as usual.. Daesung.. was a bit odd imo.. not as smiley as his usual self... and the far stage made a very little fanservice.. T__T. SeungRi was as cute as ever.. making kiss faces, imitated the fangirl's cry.. cute... Taeyang was just as usual.. i couldn't really read his expression lol.. 
so that's all my short repo... not that informative... because for most of the time.. my eyes just focused on my otp.. who seated side by side.. and sometimes whispering to each other lol.. TODae stole my attention... :p
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nfcpr · 1 month
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 10
No touchy the merchy 😆
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Nishikido Panel
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Ryo wants to appear on stage like a pop-up lol
Popping-up like this...
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This is another pop-up example 😆
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He got the pop-up idea after watching youtube videos of other artists' performances 😆
About fan name (NFC)
So, this is what NFC means (Near Field Communication) lol
He doesn't wanna fix a fan name for the fc coz he doesn't wanna alienate newcomers in the audience... wow, I never thought of it that way coz I'm too used to being around the kpop fandoms where even the newest groups have fan names 😮
He spotted somebody yawning in the audience during MC 🤣
Not during Ryo's MC tho lol
Ryo doesn't like LINE coz the line is bad lol
The fan who wrote the question...
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Ryo's most difficult word in the script is 手術
(shujutsu), meaning: surgery.
He memorized the lines for his scenes... and promptly forgot about them the next day 😂
Q: Can you see up to the 3rd floor?
Ryo: *tried to look*
Fans on the 3rd floor: NUUUU WHAT IF HE SAW ME?
Ryo having a long-distance conversation with the lighting crew 😂
Going to Nishikido Sensei's lecture...
Fans who're mesmerized seeing him in real life and now have forgotten everything else, including their names: NO
Nishikido Sensei doing mental maths as a hobby lol
Please follow Nishikido Sensei's detailed instructions on how to do encore 🤭
Ryo asking about fan names of some groups...
Fan: Team NEWS!
Ryo, who was a member of said group for ~8 years: that's not the fan name that I remember tho...
Fan: 😅
(what was it then? he didn't say... lol)
A fan named Kimiko wrote how she fell asleep while driving, and Ryo was like BWAHAHAHAHA PLEASE REST 🤣 jokes aside, Kimiko-san... please take care, k 😅
He was so happy with the applause, he almost ascended to heaven lol
He showed fans his collarbone scar that's nicely healing... I need this to be recorded on video 😍
Why does he also have a scar on his right arm? 😅 is it an old scar or a new one?
Ryo talked about how he watched Penthouse when he was at the hospital with a broken collarbone... and then smoothly segued into Cottontail promo 😆
More story about Penthouse lol
He's also a fan of the Futeki TBS drama...
Utotane~ (cute 👶 lol)
The party glasses Ryo threw to the audience! These fans borrowed it (from the person who got it) for photoshoot 🤭
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He threw the glasses during encore's Omoide Dorobou performance
Ahhh mask at the back of his head... this brings back happy memories 🥰
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Without being restrained by a guitar, Ryo runs around everywhere and does whatever he wants on stage lol hyper toddler
He's planning something for Osaka-jo Hall? 😍
Some summary
Last Note
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More Last Note
Band members introduction by their role during bbq dinner 😂
The one who grilled meat 🤭 お疲れ様でした 💕
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Kuroda also has a connection with Kansai 🥰
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My fave sappomen 💕
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Minna 🥰
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Jun didn't post a photo... why? 🥺
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nfcpr · 1 month
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 9
Today is Osaka! 🥰
Osaka panel!
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Osaka flowers!
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Ohhhh he finally talked a bit about the I'm An Osakan MV!
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Osaka merch! Why is the merch display creepier than the one they put up for Nocturnal tho? 🤣 anyway, I already ordered the hat, so I want the ice cream t-shirt & mask lol
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The mystery merch! So cute!!!
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Nishikido Building spotted while lining up for goods 😆
Ohhhh I remember that performance when all of them wore masks at the back of their heads!
Omgoodness his MC is getting cuter and cuter... I can't 🤣
Nishikido Ryo is in Osaka!
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He's so cute, I LOVE HIM!
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Ryo doesn't think he's a celebrity despite being a celebrity since chibi years lol
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What kind of poll is this? 😂
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Nomad intro... I bet he noticed the regular tour-goers in the audience. His memory with faces and names is really good.
Scarecrow's lighting changes colour with the seasons in the lyrics 😍
He managed to make it a sexy performance all the way to the end this time 😂
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QnA about a mom out eating with 20yo son
Awww this cute 39yo baby... 💕
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The conclusion at the end of this post is so funny 😂
You're still cute even tho you're already 39yo, Ryo 😆
Funeral? Whose? 🤔
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Whenever Ryo talks as if he'd be leaving us any time in the future, it makes my whole world feel gloomier. I can't imagine if he really disappeared one day... I don't wanna imagine it.
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Stay with us, Ryo... don't leave 🥺
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Ryo reminding everybody again that he's an ojisan lol
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The performance ended with ii tomo lol
QnA about renting a house
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When you thought sasaeng fans don't really exist in Jpn like they do in SK, then you listened to this kind of story and be like NO WAY! #poorRyo they must have made a fuss and disturbed the neighbours too for the management to deal with it in that manner. If it was the first time Ryo had stayed alone, wasn't this the time when he asked Hina what he should eat? Awww, poor baby. I didn't know he had to move again after just ~6 months...
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Ryo's non-negotiable conditions when choosing a place to stay
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Yeah, shouldn't Ryo be the one to get angry at management for their lack of security since he's paying rent? I also don't understand why he was the one to be scolded and even got kicked out of the apartment. Old people in management are unfathomable... smh
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Ryo's shopping place in Wakaba was... MUJI? 🤭
I've always liked his viewpoint about work 💕
Ryo's worried about fan behaviour when they're wearing his merch lol I understand his concerns tho...
Tbh, I like it better when he's going everywhere in the hall instead of just staying on stage playing guitar 💕
Ryo's such a reliable boss that he can direct the whole production WHILE being the main performer on stage too... I'm always impressed with this amazing multitasking leadership ability he has.
ハヤシライス vs カレー
ホワイトシチュー 🙅‍♂️
Maybe Ryo meant that now he's no longer a JA idol, so he's not hunted down as much by tabloids... he's living a more peaceful life now. It's not really the question of the house being expensive and he needs us to help him pay rent 🤭 I truly believe Ryo can easily find a way to make a living even tho he's no longer an entertainer. He can be a guy working behind the scenes or something. Nobody (like obsessive fans, for example) can threaten to leave him if they don't like his lifestyle or if he gets married. They can do whatever they like, and so can he.
I also think that Ryo had (still has) a lot of hard times that he still can't tell people about easily. And he was in two popular groups for ~8 years back then, making it doubly stressful. Ryo, thank you for being alive and healthy and still in front of us until now... I LOVE YOU!
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Ice Cream... I think this is the first time they gave us #IGLIVE for the whole song. It's amazing when you can listen to what used to be group songs (Tokyoholic & Traffic) and unit songs (Banana Juice & Ice Cream) being performed by only Ryo and not feel like the solo songs lose in entertainment value at all. In fact, for me as a Ryo-biased fan back in JA-era, they're even more precious coz now the whole songs are in Ryo’s voice 💕
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Banana Juice... I want the studio version of this song, Ryo. Please put this song in your album whenever you can... onegai 🙏💕
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IGLIVE I'm An Osakan full
Ryo still can't remember the lyrics to I'm An Osakan 🤣
This was captured in the #IGLIVE btw 🤭
I don’t recognize these names tho but they sound like important people...
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Ohhhh, Kawabata-san posted! (I still dunno who he is tho, gomen)
Ryo's really good at copying comedians' routines lol
The more you tease him, the cuter he gets lol
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Last Note talk
The encore chant seemed to be a success in Osaka 😆
Ryo x Jun 😂
Sappomen posts
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Megu's post
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Did they go out together for yakiniku after the show? 🤭
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nfcpr · 2 months
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 8
Today's venue is in Fuchu. The neighbouring Fuchunomori Park was also the filming location for the ichiritoru drama 💕 (X post)
Fuchu City turns out to be a place that's connected to Ryo in more than one drama 💕 (X post)
Yokoso minna!
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Merch poll about jackets 😆 (X post)
Ending time is now broadcasted at the venue 😆
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First greeting 🥰
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This ossan already doesn't remember his tour venues lol (X post)
He looks cool and ikemen and all that... but he's really a dork lol Lord of Chaos 😆
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What the mask looked like 🤭
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ROFL why is he such an adorable dork? (X post)
Ryo getting flustered after spilling water reminded me of that Chronicle episode when he spilt milk, and the whole set suddenly became chaotic lol (X post)
Penlight survey study lol
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Penlight Furifuri Group lol
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Because Ryo is cute, his audience also becomes cute 😆 (X post)
Ryo is still conducting his independent research into fan behaviour lol this time it's the psyllium/penlight (X post)
Day of the week survey study lol was he trying to check whether everybody was still alert during his show or what? 😂
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Nishikido Syndrome lol I probably already have it by now... can't let a day pass by without looking up stuff related to him, there's no rest on weekends from him either😆
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What is Sazae Syndrome? 🤭 (X post)
Nishikido Consultation about issue of shyness 😆
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Ryo, not updating your SNS is a habit we all know pretty well now... there's no need to mention it anymore 😂
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Dude started philosophising with fan's name... I bet she was happy to hear him mention her name tho 🤭💕 (X post)
He's philosophised about this before a long time ago... complete with paper sakura rain 😆 I even made several threads about it (X post)
Ryo messing around with his sappomen 😆
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I bet he remembers the names of all his staff...
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Yamakawa-san was pretty sporting 😆 (X post)
lol I like this staff... and also, Ryo is loved 💕 (X post)
Omodoro end pose was a bit shaky lol poor sappomen-san 🤭
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Ryo and hospitals... smh (X post)
I know I shouldn't laugh about his broken bones... but this is too funny 🤣 (X post)
A more detailed Ryo-sappomen interaction about their hometown... and how Ryo suggested Jun shaved his head (like himself last year? 😂) they were pretty funny and everybody indulged him with this cultural center nonsense lol (X post)
Hometown survey study continued... (X post)
Ryo talking about fans swinging around the penlight and psyllium 😆
Me: Whuttt 🤣
Time sure flies so fast, huh (X post) a fan said he looked off into the distance when he talked about his own "expedition." Maybe he no longer has the luxury of time and energy to chase after his idols like back then in his youth.
Ryo messing around with the party sunglasses during Omodoro lol
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This guy is just being sexy and breaking hearts everywhere for no reason 🤭
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ROFL his moe gap is too much (X post 1, X post 2)
Ryo wanted our usually-ordinary day to become exciting (coz he was there with us)... I LOVE HIM
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He's cute like dis 😂 (X post)
Ryo loves performing... he's been entertaining us since he was a Chibi Nishikido 🥰
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Ending greeting
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Me collapsing in a fit of laughter reading this repo 🤣
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Before encore (X post)
Fanrepo in a blog:
- Halhalman's post
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It was uploaded in Nomareko-san's IG story tho... maybe the connection wasn't good at the venue 🤔 look at him having fun being dorky lol
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Sappomen posts
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It's Drummer Nishikido Jun 🤣
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nfcpr · 2 months
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 7
Yokoso minna!
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2 hours before the goods line was opened and already there were 2,300 people queueing? 😱
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There's a signature on the panel today 🥰
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Greeting (X post)
He did it! He really did it this time!!! 😍 I WANNA WATCH IT TOO 🙏💕
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Ryo x Jun (I wanna give this awesome keyboardist flowers lol)
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3月9日 when he was 21 (X post)
He's now 39 and he's gonna appear in a drama on April 🥰 (X post) ...this guy is really somebody I wanna support ALL MY LIFE... or something like that, tbh...
Let's be honest... this song is popular until now not just coz it's viewed as a graduation song but also coz Ryo's fandom keeps it alive by celebrating it every year on this date 🤭💕 (trivia about the song)
I also think Ryo understands our affection for Asou-kun and he wants to respond to us as much as possible... singing the 3月9日 together with the audience is really the best thing he could've ever done, like... what can ever top this for the ichiritoru/Asou-kun fans now? Please do this every time you have a concert date on March 9th from now on, Ryo! 😆 (X post)
Ryo tried to tease his fans but ended up sounding like he's sulking 🤣 (X post)
Jun to the rescue! 🤭 wow, they did the whole song? 😱 that's so luxurious 💕 (X post)
So, today was Shitsumon BOX and not Letter BOX? There were 5 of them...
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I don’t use Amazon... but this is pretty funny 😂 (X post)
Dude really answers all kinds of questions 🤣
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Why was he complaining about his pain from swiping?? (is this a double entendre thing , or was he obliviously innocent 🤣?)
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Fans in the venue be like... what is this I'm hearing?? (also, Ryo putting tabloids out of business with all the TMIs lol)
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Wasn't this a public secret back then? He put his real photos or something on the app, and some fans found out about it iirc, right? (it was a long time ago, and my memory is fuzzy). He really does live as he likes even when he really couldn’t lol
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OHHHH this is new info hehe
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He's such a smooth operator lol I like him a lot too (X post)
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This advice about #workstruggle cracked me up lol (X post)
Ryo x Jun and the mysterious "firefly's light" performance...
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Ryo keeping his sappomen on their toes lol (X post)
The "light of the fireflies" song is related to Omodoro? How so? 🤔 (X post)
Jun said the song was his improv 😆 (X post)
Ryo, who's cute since birth, can't understand why people keep giggling or crying when he says random stuff lol
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Yep, his cuteness is incurable lol
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Halp 😆💕
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I think everybody was overwhelmed by his cuteness today lol (X post)
The way he always prepares tour dates during the release of his dramas/movies just so he can directly ask his audience this kind of hard-hitting question is extremely brave... and also the cutest thing I've ever encountered in any fandom I've been in. Honestly, #actorRyo is fearless to be doing this not just once but EVERY SINGLE TIME...
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He also asked the audience about the futeki_tbs drama 😆 (X post)
How could anybody dare to disappoint him by not raising their hands when he asked if they'd watched it? 🤭 (X post)
The 💩 commentary didn't come up today tho 😂 (X post)
3 oyasumi songs? What are those? I need to look up the setlist again... (X post)
Cute ending greeting 😆💕 (X post)
For somebody who doesn't eat much/isn't a foodie, Ryo somehow always talks about/is associated with food... and I find that pretty funny but also adorable 🤭
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It's impossible to not have regrets about our fam & friends tho... but I love how Ryo's always gently pushing us about this through his works and his awkward MCs as if he were our kind neighbourhood ojisan who worries about us a lot 😆 (X post)
Sappomen post
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I love how Kuroda-san keeps giving fans pick souvenir... I haven't seen any post from the fan who got it today tho (X post)
This is a funny observation about the pick-throwing event tho lol (X post) but tbh, I don't think Ryo's jealous... he's probably worried some fans would go overboard and get hurt/trampled while trying to get that smol souvenir. Please be careful, everyone... if you get hurt, Ryo would be blamed by media & the public coz it's his tour... 💁‍♀️
Ice Cream, Banana Juice
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nfcpr · 2 months
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 6
Yokoso minna!
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Ryo got a letter from a 7-year-old fan... and it's like the cutest thing ever 😍
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It reminds me of that girl who cried when Ryo interviewed her to ask who her fave member was, and she said Nishikido Ryo 💕
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Ohhhh, the 7-year-old fan is a boy! 💕
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Just how much has been completed for this album anyway? Are we even gonna see it this year? 😆
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Ryo's battle with pollens continues... #poorRyo
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He was having too much fun teasing the audience about it tho lol (X post)
He even did a poll about tissues 😆 (X post)
Why are we suddenly listening to a lecture about phlegm? 😂
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He's relentless about this phlegm topic... yikes 😂
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More mic mishap lol
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Omunpus comic about Ryo's hay fever & phlegm stories 😆
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Ryo's strip tease BGM was this one...
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Ice Cream choreography 💕
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That uh-ah game? I remember it... who doesn't? 😆💕
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Ryo's pretty happy today... I guess it's also coz Cottontail screening was well-received in Jpn 💕 it's his first full-length movie after he left the jimusho and it was well-received internationally too...
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What is going on with the 💩 call lol
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Ryo worries about his obafans coz he's also an ossan with knee problems 💁‍♀️
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Morbid topic revisited lol I LOVE HIM
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Ryo's pretty good at MC now 🤭 his talking style is like an ojisan talking to his villagers lol (cute)
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He's pretty excited to be in his 40s this year lol I bet he looks forward to be in his 50s and so on too 😆
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...and curious about dying, but not in a mentally depressed way, I guess (Ryo, I understand... I'm curious about it too)
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Sappomen posts
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0 notes
nfcpr · 2 months
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 5
This merch talk is pretty long 😆 I wonder if this is how Ryo was back when he was in NEWS & Eito... always worrying about what kind of merch fans would love to have. Now that he's not under any jimusho, he can freely and directly ask them himself and promotes the merch he & his team created. I bet he's having the time of his life doing it 🤭
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Why are fans always asking idols, whom they themselves have forbidden from dating or marrying, for suggestions on date spots? I can never understand this kind of common cruelty among humans... smh
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Ryo doesn't mind it tho... he's used to being asked questions like this, I guess 😆 (X post)
More details on his answer to the letter/question about date spots (X spot1, X post2)
Ryo's perpetual battle with pollens...
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...suddenly became a scene from a war movie lol
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How the tour got its name... cue to Ryo being cutely frustrated coz his reasonings don't seem to reach the audience
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He even made pudding (during Chonmage Purin filming) & onigiri (during Cottontail filming) and brought them to the set to share with others... this guy, he's amazingly social 💕
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Him disclosing his fave time for viewing movies as an intro to his promo about Cottontail 😆
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The way he smoothly segued from the question about date spots to Cottontail promo tho 🤭
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Definitely スカジャン for me 😍
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Ryo is a tsundere being lol
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The backstory of the party sunglasses during encore lol (X post)
This guy is just asking to be memed lol 600yen per eye whuttt
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I think Ryo, shy as he is, really loves to play with the crowd. It's probably the main reason why one of the first things he did when he went indie was to hold a tour even tho he was probably so nervous about being hated for leaving the jimusho... and why he holds a minimum of 1 tour every year ever since. He misses his audience as much as, or more than, they miss him 💕
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Ryo's morbid topics of MC and conversations, even his choices of acting roles & song lyrics... as a morbid person myself, I really like it lol
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The way he prepares his audience for the show's ending lol
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Recommended merch item of today: the black shirt with long-sleeves mesh 😆
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Awww #poorRyo
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Omodoro didn't turn out to be quite what Ryo expected 😆
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Sappomen posts
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Summary blog post
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nfcpr · 2 months
Cont'd from...
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 4 - Part 2
Continuation of the conversation with Yasu about the group name change...
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Continuation about Subaru not coming to his tour coz he doesn't know anybody's phone number and can't contact him to invite... (Me: DUDEEEE WHY YOU STILL LIKE DIS 😂 I CAN'T WITH THIS GUY)
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Every time Ryo's being tsundere and teasing people to oblivion and back... that means he's really happy, but he's awkward about it (Me: why you still like dis, Ryo... I love you, but I wanna kick your butt too sometimes lol)
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Poor Manager-san probably called him to wake him up 😂 this reminds me of that unholy alliance of "people who wake up at noon" (Janiben episode)
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I dunno how to feel about this... but, isn't Ryo brilliant? The thoughts that he shared with us always make me think about my own life too... #NishikidoSensei is 💖
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After the TMI about his routines before a show, Ryo was like WHY DID YOU MAKE ME SAY ALL THAT?! 🥺 lol cute
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前髪界隈 lol
Omodoro and rewriting of memories... is perhaps the biggest lesson Ryo tries to impart and wants us to digest, but it's not like he himself understands it fully either. Coz even tho humans change, they also stay the same... these two can coexist, paradoxical as it may sound.
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This self-holding hands during Omoide Dorobou is never not gonna be cute 😆 (X-post)
Ryo and his ever-present need to test fans regarding their obsession with his hairstyles 😂
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Isoyama P, thank you for giving Ryo the opportunities! 🥰
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I was in tears every time I watched that part in Episode 5 of the drama... it's like some sort of sad mystery theatre or something
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Ryo x Jun 😆
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Jack Nicholson story continuation...
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Encore continuation
People are not changing their behaviour overnight, and Nishikido-sensei is frustrated with the slow progress 😂
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He wants the audience to change the encore noise but people are not budging from their century-old habit in the space of a few shows lol #poorRyo
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The rhythm of the don don don thing... (まだわかりませんけど😅)
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He redid the encore 😂 (X post)
Fans said the rhythm sounds like Futari no Hana! (X post)
Encore tutorial... thank you! (X post)
Agricultural whuttt? 😂 what kind of youtube videos has he been watching lately lol
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Skipping lol
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This skipping backstory is really cute lol (X post)
Ice cream has suddenly become a symbol of friendship? 😆
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行きなりさかなクン 😂
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I found this but I dunno if that's what he meant tho lol
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He said it back in Note-era too!
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Ending greeting
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Ryo trying to do multiple things at one go... as usual 😆 (promote his Osakan t-shirt, promote his tour, promote his movie, being cute) とにかく... prioritizing is IMPORTANT lol
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This skipping thing is too cute... tbh, I do it too when I go home from work late sometimes coz it's already dark outside of our office building and nobody is around to see me happily skipping to my car 😆
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IG live today 🥰
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nfcpr · 2 months
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 4 - Part 1
Yokoso minna!
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I have a theory that Ryo deliberately times his tours with other projects to make it easier for EVERYBODY to "meet" him. It's how he deals with the world... with generosity and warmth, but as little words of explanation as possible 🤭
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Sources: X post 1, X post 2, X post 3, X post 4, X post 5
Goods line...
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I think the Letter Box and the photobooth panel are here to stay (please do it in ALL tours from now on lol)
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The ice cream penlight was put on a stand at the merch counter now! 😆
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And the pair of sunglasses was put on the hat, which was in turn also put on a hat stand... whuttt lol
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Lucky fan! The Osakan pouch was a nice pull there... 💕
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Today's charm & rubberband
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Opening greeting (X post)
Ryo's promoting I'm An Osakan t-shirt so hard lolol it was captured during the IG live and laughed so hard coz I understood it immediately even tho my nihongo is almost nonexistent... he was THAT expressive, okayyy 🤣
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About xmembers
Ryo elaborated on the story of how he talked to Yasu about Ice Cream 😍
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Ryo dashing hopes as soon as he raised them... as usual lol
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He was analysing fan behaviour lol nerd... 😆
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Yasu contacted Ryo about the group's name change 🥰
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Ryo's still waiting for people to offer him their contact numbers 🤣 dude doesn't understand that WE ALL beg for our friends' and fam members' contact numbers, nobody offers us anything (and then we promptly forget they exist except if we're in the same chat group lol)
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About acting, particularly on TBS dramas...
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Jack Nicholson got an honorary mention... whutttt 😆💕
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Letter Box
Ryo being TMI without getting provoked is pretty rare... but it does happen once in a while 😆 I'm seriously liking this letter/question format for tour... I hope Staff-san will always keeps doing it FOREVAR
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He even did a poll on bath water lol (X post)
Encore session
The story behind the cute skipping after the ending greeting lol
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Sappomen posts
Jun is being as awesomely generous as always 💕
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Selfie ftw! 😍 yep, Letter BOX is awesome!!!
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The phone used to take photo was an iPhone lol (X post)
Hiro-san, the bassist celebrated his birthday yesterday! (X post)
Fans reminiscing about Ice Cream by going to visit the filming site of the music video 😍 (X post)
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