eternasci · 1 month
🌵 my worst roleplay memory
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so here's the thing. i have a lot. i have a lot. i have told people numerous stories and everyone thinks i'm bullshitting until they become my friend and witness it happening in real time. i just have an overall bizarre existence i opt not to talk about. i genuinely don't even know what would count as the worst anymore.
there's some that are objectively 'what the fuck,' like when i was nine and a grown ass man started to do noncon rp with my wolf oc at the time, or just some where i simply made some of the worst abusive friends known to man and had to crawl my way out of that hole. maybe it's the time someone came into my dms and sent me porn of a char i know going "i love chocolate girls hehehehe" because my char was also dark skinned. the one where someone cloned that same girls design in the middle of their blog and tried to pass it off as theirs was pretty bonkers too.
i truthfully have lost sight of what is the "worst" because i've been unfortunately desensitized to all of this. my life honestly makes all of these occurrences so hard to remember because i just live like this.
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i guess the one i'm most personally offended by, or rather has surfaced recently, is the fact that i had 40 pages of eloquent, detailed character development with someone on an old blog of mine, and they 180'd out of nowhere just as we were going to ship to have their char basically go "if you do not sleep with me, we cannot date". my char was sex repulsed as a result of back story. it threw me for a loop bc all of that development... Gone.
it is what it is and i've decided to reserve romantic relations for people i know well ( that and tbh i seek so many other types of relations its bottom of the barrel for me ) as well as just curating my experience better. i'm too old for this shit
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electricea · 19 days
Closed starter for @fatedprincess!
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"What d'you say we go and purchase some new seeds and equipment? You know, for your garden!"
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navihack · 1 month
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futaba sits outside on the curb by leblanc, browsing on her phone while waiting for haru to arrive. once she catches sight of her, she stands up, though she's still glued to her phone. " i know mona-chan says he doesn't like cat toys, but i kinda wanna get him one of those scratching post cat tree things. " hacker briefly shows haru her phone screen with a webpage open to get her opinion on the one she's particularly eyeing. " the pet store near shibuya says they have a few in stock. wanna come with me to get it for him while we're out ? " multi-tasking is an important aspect of her productivity, after all. that, and her attention span is awful.
starter for @fatedprincess.
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"Hey Haru, would you like to go shopping with me? There's some cool stuff at 705 that I want to check out."
Ren wanted to spent more time the newest Phantom Thief outside of either the Metaverse or the school rooftop. And she seemed like the kind of person who would like the Shibuya shopping center's kind of vibe.
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rp-tea · 2 months
Have you even felt fluffy just being around a person? This Rper is a bit newer in terms of blog recently- but they love their character so much. Seeing them talk about them, pour so much love into each response. This rper is @fatedprincess! They just get haru, both in and out of character they are a pleasant, kind, sweet duo that makes my heart swell up with so much sweet air.
I hope they stick around for a long, long time; this is a very special bean.
… I’m made of metal darlin but yay FLUFFY!!!!
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oraclememehacker · 2 months
puts a flower in her hair. 💜
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Well this was certainly unexpected. Now she had a nice looking flower in her hair. Well, her last name, Sakura certainly made it fit anyways, even if it wasn't her name growing up. She took a moment to look at Haru, cheeks a slight shade of pink. "T-Thanks Haru..." She then looked at herself with her phone's selfie cam. It looked nice. "It looks really nice..."
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fantomevoleur · 10 days
" isn't this charming ? "
Haru summed it up well, but Akira knew of a better, more appropriate expression to summarize today's summertime celebrations. Everything turned up in their favor, including the balmy beach weather and salty sea air. A picture perfect beach getaway complete with eager, enthusiastic friends ready to indulge in every kind of oceanside activities. It was almost too perfect for Akira's liking. He genuinely expected something to go either horribly wrong or for a rude interruption to cancel their plans. Yet nothing of the sort came up. Even Zenkichi happily joined them for a homemade evening dinner by the sea. Compliments of the group's one and only leader~.
As the sun set on what could be considered the textbook definition of 'summer vacation', the teen stepped aside for a brief moment to collect himself. Of course, he never minded company joining him especially when his companion wasn't bothered sitting together in the wet sand. The tide creeped up, lapping against his feet as they dug deeper into the earth.
This day wasn't just charming. It wasn't just relaxing, either.
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"...it's rather freeing, too." Not once did Akira, or perhaps any of his friends, fret over their current predicament involving their potential arrest or kickstarting the change of heart phenomenon. No infiltration planning, no mention of any unknown Jails, none of those concerns or problems hung over their heads. Not today, at least. For once, in over a year's time, Akira truly felt like a normal teenager hanging out with his friends and enjoying a taste of real freedom. "I wish we could do this again tomorrow, you know? Or start the whole day over again, and maybe try something else. Something new...together."
They had a job to finish, though. That took high importance.
He inhaled sharply, taking in the salty air and letting it flow throughout his body. Akira missed this scent. It reminded him of home, and of something nostalgic from his childhood. "I have to say, this is a better beach trip than the other time we tried going out as a group." Grey eyes drifted over to look at Haru. "You weren't there, but it was packed with waaaay too many people for our liking."
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faithbless · 29 days
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dancing around the fleur beauty, kasumi twirls a purple and red ribbon around the girl in a poised dance. " i could teach you ! and and even design a ribbon with flowers !" whilst in this upbeat mood, she works extra hard to get haru to smile even if it's only for a moment. @fatedprincess sc.
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pearlcure · 1 month
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@fatedprincess sc ; " it's no trouble at all, i rather enjoy sharing tea with dear friends. gods know we probably need a moment to rant. " a small hand shields a hushed giggle before reaching forth the teacup adorned of ocean life. " i have sugar, if you need. it's a must for me. "
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epitomees · 2 months
" look over there ! " the moment she sees an opening , she is booking it out of the room. / zenkichi
No way. There was no way Zenkichi would fall for one of the oldest pranks in the book. A good attempt, but lacking in originality.
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"Okumura-san, this is no time for you to be playing games on me, let alone ones I pulled myself back in the day." A moment passed, where the older guardian relived himself of a contained sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. Somehow, it provided the girl a limited opportunity. A small, sliver chance of escape, and before Zenkichi explained himself further she took it. An empty, slightly angled chair was all that remained in place.
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"Hey, hey, HEY!! Okumura get back here!!" He couldn't allow that driver seat to be taken by the heiress. Not again!
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rubbarband · 2 months
The heroes and the Empress
Crossover starter with @fatedprincess
It was a desperate struggle, Desmond was shadowing a hero to better himself his aunt in Hawaii, training alongside his cousin, though she was so powerful did she really even need it? They were fighting a villain from the mainlands- some form of Jester, Desmond and Maka being young mostly watched the experienced villain and hero fight!
The back and forth lasted what felt like a lifetime, till the man used his quirk the power to make puppets of people he's scanned and opened a portal before him.
"Desmond, Makana!" The woman with the spear laid injured, but with nearby heroes behind.
"Don't let him get away."
"Yeah, come on cousin!" Des would spring into action towards the portal, using his powers to stretch to grab the man, who fled through the portal. But the suction pulled Desmond towards it, and Maka grabbed onto him.
"Hang on Des I got you!" The two quickly got sucked in after the man with marionettes. An explosion of colors met before them as they spiraled through the portal of light- Desmond let go of the masked villain and grabbed onto his cousin to protect her.
They spun and spun till the portal opened and they ended up somewhere else, landing on a ride Desmond caught the name. 'Destinyland!' Seemed like it was in Japanese. He caught his cousin before she fell, and spied the villain.
"There's the bastard, Kal-li track him!" He called out to his AI partner. Jumping down he'd chase after the villain who would summon two marionettes to block him, lucky for him it seemed no one was here, Maka would keep up by summoning her spectral stingray to ride on to join the hero.
the Marrionette was of the hero they left behind Maka's mother. And the doll was able to use her quirk, she was powerful, and it was just enough to cause damage to the nearby park, and lead him to get away.
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"...Damnit." The tailed hero hissed.
Little did Des and his cousin know they'd make the encounters of a lifetime here.
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eternasci · 1 month
📒 three blogs i couldn't live without
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in a heartbeat, i'd easily say @bloodxhound, @kataskopeia, and @kamipyre!!
they were all SO welcoming when i dipped my toes back into tumblr roleplay... i've been on and off for some time, and spotting a few people in one of my favorite games' fandoms made me hella excited, only to find that they all are avid plotters and all around fun people to chat with... the readiness to build something together has me in bits at ALL times... and knowing that if i don't post for a while, i'll always have them and their replies to come back to... ughughguhguhg i love ny'all...
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doctor-yamagishi · 2 months
make your muse a dessert
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borrowed from @fatedprincess (won't let me mention)
tagging: @tvstarkuma, @tacitusauxilium, and anyone interested.
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vishe · 11 hours
❝ life is full of choices. ❞
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❛ &. that's what is so beautiful about life itself , is it not ? to have the freedom of THINKING , to go through life with the consequences of one's own choice . ❜ being the herrscher of humans had been a beautiful honor ; to witness such creations of the cosmos decide their own fates . &. she so desperately wanted to stand next to them , be it in digital or physical form . so long as she had the pleasure in journeying alongside those who piqued her interest filled her chest with such joy . so much joy , elysia could cry . / @fatedprincess.
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@fatedprincess asked// " are you asleep ? " / jokerrr 💜
a collection of various questions that can be asked. feel free to change around anything that needs to be !!
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"...Mhph! No I'm awake! I was just closing my eyes to... visualize what you were saying better..."
Yeah no, Ren had been dozing off. Despite Morgana's best efforts, him going to bed at a reasonable hour didn't necessarily translate to him falling asleep at a reasonable hour. And so the boy was quite exhausted.
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oudachi · 1 day
makes a flower crown to put in her companion's hair <3
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    ❛   Hm  ?   ❜    The gesture is nothing but kind  ,  though had Emanator jarred  .  None have done such a thing - although  ,  it makes her feel warm  .  Acceptance in this act  ,  a small smile forms    &.    Acheron nods  .
     ❛   Thank you  ,  Haru  .   ❜
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