sappy-witch · 11 months
Positivi-Tea Spell 🌈🍵
Hello darlings 🥰
Here’s a recipe I love for brewing up your own Happiness Attraction Tea Spell ✨
🌼 St. John's Wort: Brings light, happiness, and wards off negativity. 
🌿 Lemon Balm: Promotes relaxation, positivity, and inner peace. 
💜 Lavender: Calms the mind, soothes emotions, and enhances happiness.
Brewing Your Tea Spell:
🍵 Boil water in a kettle and pour it into a teapot. 
🌞 Combine equal parts of St. John's Wort, lemon balm, and lavender. 
⏳ Allow the herbs to steep in the hot water for 5-7 minutes. 
💭 Set your intention for attracting happiness and joy into your life. 
🍵 Pour the tea into a cup, using a strainer to remove the herbal blend. 
✨ As you sip the tea, visualize a radiant light filling your body with happiness. 
💫 Feel the warmth and positivity infusing every cell of your being. 
🌈 Embrace the uplifting energy of the happiness attraction tea spell.
🍵 Sip slowly and mindfully, savoring each moment of joy.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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justzawe · 2 years
Not to be dramatic and cheesy, but…
In 2017, Zawe was just done with everything. She had been through a major breakup, was experiencing industry burnout, considered quitting acting, and moved from London to a seaside town just to get away from it all.
Fast forward to 2022, and she’s had a successful run on Broadway, found love again, joined the MCU, got engaged, is receiving praise for her performance in her latest movie, and is now having a child like she’s always wanted.
All this to say, don’t throw in the towel just yet! You never know when things are going to turn around for you. Look how differently things can change in just a few years. 💖
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letstalkbeautyuk · 8 days
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Cute food / drink themed slogan badges 🍅🍐☕🍑
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miaucha89 · 9 months
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dragynkeep · 2 months
You know the funny thing about your blog? I don't know shit about half of the things you like but i keep coming back over and over again just to read you fangirl about something you like.
I like it here
awh that's so sweet, we're glad you come back to us ✨ now that we're not constrained to rwby, we've found a lot more enjoyment in this blog cause we were getting pretty burnt out last year lol. hope you find some new stuff to check out through our reblogs!
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buggz4brainzzz · 7 months
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Dead and indisposed
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latteaki · 1 year
A reminder that you are all worthy of being yourself, you can achieve anything you want and you matter! ❤️
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duelingdestiny · 1 year
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Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Grey is so sweet and like kjdshfksjdfh. SO TALENTED DKSJG. It's like they can just do anything. I love their characters. Yugi is such a sassy bitch and that pleases me. I love Yugi and Atem's dynamic so far and can't wait to see what happens with them in the future. I'm so excited to keep writing with them.
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rp-tea · 1 year
Please like this post if you need forehead smooches and/or a cup of tea. You can even come into our ask and get one privately off anon!
Today is tough but you are tougher darlings!!!
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Journaling our 🍵 life tea 🍵
Today in a nutshell 🥜
Yesterday I wanted to journal but blacked out completely from exhaustion. I was so tired I fell asleep right away. Anyway, I went to therapy and it was intense but in a good way. I'm still working through the feelings of guilt and feeling like it's my job to take care of my family. On top of that I still have issues in my relationships with them so, it's a lot to think about. Today, on the other hand, was another kind of intense. My periods got me some nausea and light cramps, so this morning it was hard to do anything. I managed to cook some quinoa and that was it. After work I went home and watched some Queer Eye, and later I hung out with my partner. I miss them so much and periods make me extra needy and emotional so I'm really looking forward to the next time I see them. I wish I could just stay in bed tomorrow instead of having to work and doing lessons. But I need money to make my dreams come true so.
Things we feel grateful for 🐦
I feel grateful for the good food I made myself.
Positive affirmations and self-love 💖
It's okay to not feel happy. Other emotions are important as well. Being emotional is also okay.
Things we hope and look forward to ☘️
I hope that this PMS mood passes soon and that I manage to prep my lessons in time. I look forward to the weekend so I can relax.
Date: 26/01/2023
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curaetivearchive · 2 years
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rinaaha · 3 months
Kilas Kilab 2023.
Setiap pekerjaan yang dipilih pada akhirnya memiliki dampak baik dan kurang baiknya sendiri.
Kilas balik 2023, dari tempat kerja aku belajar banyak sekali hal bahkan lebih banyak yang diluar pekerjaan itu sendiri. Salah satunya adalah bersuara dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai tempatnya dengan tepat. Bagi kami yang tumbuh besar dan terbiasa diberikan komando satu arah atau yang ditanya pendapatnya sebagai basa-basi, mungkin akan terasa gagap ketika diberikan ruang berpendapat dan berekspresi, yang didengarkan dan dipertimbangkan.
Bagi sebagai besar orang mengatakan tidak pada suatu hal saja, bisa menciptakan bergolakan batin yang luar biasa. Buatku, lingkungan kerja kembali mengingatkan akan pentingnya bersuara dan berekspresi dengan jujur.
Yang menarik adalah meskipun sejak kecil aku memang punya kencenderungan untuk tetap bersuara di rumah, tapi tidak dengan memperlihatkan atau mengekspresikan perasaan secara terbuka. Akhirnya ketika Januari kemarin sakit, aku menangis di depan kedua orang tuaku. Mereka kaget tentu saja, terutama ayahku. Dari sana, ayahku lebih memperhatikan perihal kesehatanku, yang sebelumnya tidak sampai di level ini.
Kurang dari 6 bulan, terhitung sudah 2x aku bolak balik rumah sakit baik ke ugd maupun igd. Bukan hal yang membanggakan tentu saja, dan sudah barang tentu mengerucutkan keuanganku si kaum mendang-mending. Setelah bercerita dengan salah satu teman baikku mengenai kesibukan selama 2023, bukan hal yang mengagetkan juga kenapa aku bisa kelelahan bekerja dan terkena stres. Ternyata aku sebekerja itu di tahun lalu, ternyata aku sebegitunya tahun lalu. Banyak sekali kesempatan baik yang akhirnya datang, namun tentu saja perlu dibayar dengan energi yang tidak kalah banyak juga.
Sungguh aku mensyukuri setiap kesempatan yang datang, namun sepertinya aku harus lebih menyanyangi diri sendiri lagi dengan lebih baik juga menjaga kesehatanku dengan lebih bertanggung jawab lagi. Tak luput dengan mengelola stres kerja dengan lebih baik lagi.
Tulisan ini diperuntukan untuk aku dari aku;
kamu keren sekali! kamu keren banget bisa bertahan dengan segala A sampai Znya drama kantor dan segala ceritanya, dengan segala tekanan pekerjaannya.
kamu kuat, tapi jangan lupa istirahat lagi ya?
kamu keren, karena sudah bisa lebih jujur lagi dengan apa yang kamu rasakan baik kepada dirimu sendiri maupun kepada orang-orang disekitarmu. Tapi, mari kita kembali benahi lagi dari yang kurang ya? mungkin dalam bentuk komunikasinya dan juga pemilahan katanya ya!
kamu hebat sekali sudah bisa sampai di sini! mari kita belajar lebih baik lagi dalam mengelola dan meregulasi perasaan ya. Juga untuk senantiasa melibatkan Sang Pencipta selalu dalam setiap urusanmu.
2023 sangat menyenangkan, mari kita kembali mengosongkan gelas dan buku untuk belajar lebih banyak lagi di tahun 2024!
Aku sayang kamu, Na!
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rosiesocosy · 6 months
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Little ghostie loves Positivity and Tea and shows it with this cute Positivitea Tee. Teehee! 😂
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outragedtortilla · 8 months
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miaucha89 · 9 months
I'm sat here and I wonder,
What is happiness?
Happiness is the smell of morning tea.
Happiness is the purr that lulls me to sleep.
Happiness is the quiet within domesticity.
Then tell me this,
Why does the emptiness remain?
I'll just let go and trust what's about to come.
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dragynkeep · 2 months
I hope you both are doing okay during the turmoil in the world. Sending lots of well wishes from across the Atlantic 🩷
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tysm for your kind words 💖🥰
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