#femboy pred
futurebellyache · 1 year
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Everything for Addison
This is a continuation of this story
Though all votes were made here
Though if you prefer, there is a short summary below.
You watch the chat scroll by. People took sides. Cathy fans made their case to those who entered late. They'd all be getting off thinking about your shameful death in that bitch’s gut. Stephanie fans said it was morally the best choice. Doing a favor for your sweet sister. The few Jennifer fans made their vote but wouldn't explain. They weren't numerous though. But besides her, it seemed pretty even.
But the voices crying for Addison were loudest. Most numerous and often with the longest explanations. There was something about that pink-haired boy that had them intrigued. And honestly, you understood why. He'd been stuck in your mind ever since then. Seeing him appear from seemingly nowhere was almost a blessing.
If he had given you a wonderful night before, maybe your final night would be even better. You can't help but imagine the cute sway of his rump. You doubt you'd ever be able to untangle whatever his mystery was normally, perhaps becoming part of it was the only way to get a clue. The thought itself has your heart racing, you tell the group your choice and close it for the last time. Nothing they said mattered now. You knew what you wanted to do..
Hey Addison.
I'd love for you to have me.
Where should we meet?
I never really got an address from you or anything…
A smiley face. That was all he left you with. It was a confirmation… you think. You're left rather confused. Perhaps this was all part of his game? You… Don't know. But as an hour drifts by with you idly passing the time as you wait for the boy to deliver your end… You get terribly antsy. No regrets, but your heart just can't handle another day at work. Another day with that absolute mistake of human named Cathy…
The sun sets and there's no word from Addison. And the account tied to it had no clues. Your heart drops as you wonder if you'll have to pick another pred. Picking a second person to end you really didn't have the same allure. You weren't sure if settling for your end was how you wanted to go.
But you're tired. You drop your weary body into bed, your idle mind pondering the mystery of Addison. Maybe tomorrow. He did disappear, maybe this time he would just appear before you. Who knows, maybe you'll just wake up in him. That would be exhilarating.
Your eyes drift shut, and all is still…
You can feel it. A warmth laid across your torso. It's hot, almost as if boiling. Though you do not burn. It's heavy, your body struggles to breathe under it. And the sounds… it's groaning and simmering. Something sloshes within it as its mass struggles atop you..
These are the first things your mind senses as you wake up. The second is the sudden cry from the weight pinning you down.
"You pink-haired bitch. Let me out and I'll fuck you up! You can't do this!"
You never thought hearing somebody cry like that would be so cathartic, because you recognize the voice. It's Cathy.
You finally open your eyes to see that face that almost felt perfect as it looked down at you. His pink hair draped his head slightly, creating a window that drew your eyes toward his sly smile. He was sitting right on top of you, your waist to his. And between you was his gut, an immense and lumpy orb of flesh. Inside, the bitch from work, Cathy, was fighting for her life. And from what you could tell, the inside of that tummy was horrendously painful.
Addison pushes a hand in on his stomach, right on the bulge you recognize as her skull. He forcefully grips it, there's a deep gasp as his intent to crush her skull is made.
"You may think this is the worst I can do to you in there… If you don't quiet down, I'll show you a new kind of hell. Now shush, Puppy just woke up."
Puppy… he had called you that during your night together, hadn’t he? It had seemed like such a minor detail looking back, though hearing it now made your heart sway. His eyes affectionately watch you as his hand releases the far less talkative Cathy. A true rarity for her. That spiteful woman now obeying the whims of a clearly far more dominant predator. His eyes lock on you, they’re confident, lustful, but compassionate. The sensation you get from him is different than that night. Almost… motherly? This sensation deeply confuses you.
"I hope you don't mind, Puppy. But I had to… dispose of this woman. As a gift. For the weary soul who gave themselves to me…"
He sways his hips from side to side. You gasp, and he gasps with you, as your cocks are pressed together against the bottom of his belly. The warmth and intimacy of your erections has you two almost hypnotized in each other's eyes. You want to touch him, you need to-
You try to reach forward, but your arms won't reach and you hear the rattle of chains. Your hands are bound with what you think are handcuffs, likely wrapped around your bedframe.
"I'm sorry, Puppy. I had to make sure you wouldn't get cold feet. You did offer yourself to me… And I intend to claim you. But, not before you watch me remove one of God's mistakes from this planet. Though perhaps my worry was for naught, judging by how warm and excited your cock feels… Perhaps you are quite eager to find yourself inside of me. But this is fun in its own way~"
He leans forward, rolling atop his gut and crushing Cathy in between you two. She desperately screams and pushes for space that can't be found as Addison pushes down around you. One arm on each side of your head as he looks at you with an impassioned gaze. You really can’t see anything besides him at this angle. He encompasses your world. And you can’t look away. He has you enraptured.
"Let's fuck her until her body cracks and breaks. Twist our hips atop her meat slushy. It won't even take long, I took a pill to speed up digestion. A special pill. One that'll turn her all to shit. I didn't want her gross body ruining my perfect form. But it only affects the digestive acids. My tummy still needs help breaking things apart… so let's get to work, Puppy~"
You can't refuse him. For a number of reasons at this point, but mostly because you don't want to. As his hips start to raise and crush down on the crying Cathy, you can't help but reciprocate. Your own hips twist beneath the bulge as you thrust into the digesting mass to get yourself off. Your dicks may no longer be touching, but you feel his desire purely through the way he gazes at you. You see his complicated emotions for you. The compassion to devour somebody you'd hated so much. The love for you to end them. But it's all mixed into the tragic end you'll face inside him. His beautiful face, the ass you wish he had sat on top of you, and this gut that was so viciously tearing apart the woman you despised. Feeding yourself to her felt so ridiculous now. You felt vindicated in your choice. Nobody else would have done this for you. Your dicks press into her already soft body. It gives way more than you expect. She long gave up on words once you two started to grind around her. Every thrust from you two elicits a new round of cries. A new flavor of misery. You break her mind as her body threatens to unravel. The stomach is so hot, that pill must have made it an acidic hellscape. You delight in her suffering, every pleading cry has you pushing your hips that much deeper into her. The thought that you were going to crush her between your cocks was wondrous. The perfect end to your work rivalry. Every rotten moment she had thrust work onto you. Every horrible day she took credit for the work you did. How she had gotten a promotion while you had been passed up. It had all been meaningless. This was her comeuppance. Her final reward.
Addison watches you gasp in pleasure. His smile is wide, he seems genuinely endeared to you being so joyed to fuck somebody out of existence. You two physically feel her body weakening. The fatty bitch losing body mass and solidity. You both seal your eyes and put your whole body into fucking her into paste. You're ready to cum. You can feel that hot load ready to ruin his perfect pale skin. You just need that moment. That crunch.
It all happens so suddenly. A cry cut short. You two gasp as her body loses all consistency. Several loud cracks and snaps. Bones shatter and flesh squelches. Addison falls closer as the mass between you breaks apart. His face is right in front of your, and in one swift motion his lips find yours and you two kiss. And just like your lips, your dicks find each other beneath the stomach folds. Two warm rods leaking precum and threatening to splurge all across your bellies. There is no further noise from the woman inside. She is absolutely just meat. And soon, just shit. Each thrust breaks just a bit more of her. You thought you'd cum the moment she died, but she hardly mattered anymore. Addison was so close, his eyes only inches from yours. And you were drawn into his eyes. The way he looked at you. The way he handled his pleasure. You could feel them all swirl into a mix you couldn't look away from. His tongue swirled with yours. His lips pressed against yours. In a way, you already felt like one unit. You could feel every undulation of his stomach atop you. Every quiver of his dick next to yours. You are in unison. Not a word needs to be said as your pleasure reaches its peak. Thick ropes of cum splatter your guts as you cry out in sync. Straight into the other's lips as you don't break your kiss for a moment. You shiver together, in one brief euphoric moment. You're swept away by him. Just like that first night, so long ago.
His lips separate from yours, a thin string of saliva still connecting you to him. You lay, gasping and gazing into each other's eyes.
"You really are so wonderful, Puppy…" He runs a hand through your hair, a small compassion as he savors that sweet moment with you.
"How about we go again… This time I'll let you cum in my rump. I know how much you wanted to last time… Oh… looks like somebody is raring to go. She's going to take a while longer in my guts. Let's have our fun before you join her, okay Puppy?"
Your own cock is already regaining its strength. He smiles, pleased at how aroused you are. What remains of Cathy will be fucked into a pulp through the midnight hours. Your cock eager to help obliterate her.
You share a wonderful and lust filled final night with Addison.
Sun streams into your room through the blinds. You're covered in cum. His and yours. Your belly is splattered with white splatters, spread across you from your constant grinding.
But now, a chamber pot lies between your legs. An odd-looking thing that looks almost like it belongs to a different era. Addison himself brought it, and he was now hunched over it, staring down at you as he gently toyed with his dick. It was struggling to keep it’s firmness considering just how many times both of you had cum.
"This has been such a lovely night, Puppy. But bitch is now ready to leave. And I think I've done enough to her. Watch me dump her, and think about how by the end of today, this'll be you~"
He hardly waits a moment, he pumps his cock as the first remnants of Cathy crinkle from his asshole into a log. You watch as it travels down, dangling until it disconnects from the rest. Disgusting farts that fit the person they're made from taint the air around you. The scent of waste is thick, but you can't be disgusted by it. It's all Cathy, and it's wonderful seeing her like this. But it also comes from Addison. And you've become addicted. He's just so overwhelming. He toys with your heart and leaves you craving him. You doubt you could survive another goodbye from him. No. Leaving with him is the only way.
You eagerly watch turds tumble from him. Watching them past his legs and erect cock. He takes his own pleasure and how much you enjoy seeing him shit out a whole woman. The small potbelly of shit still in him rapidly deflates as more ex-woman emerges from his rump. True to his word, you can't tell if an ounce of fat was added to his frame. And you had gotten quite familiar with the curves of his body. Your inability to touch had left you with quite the lecherous gaze.
"You almost look jealous, Puppy. It really turns me on… You know I'm gonna crush you like we did to her, right? I don't have a partner, but I’m sure your bed will help me turn you to mulch."
His smile is wide, he can't hide how much he's looking forward to churning you. And frankly, you can't hide your erection at how much you crave it. While his ass spews shit, his cock splits another bout of seed across you. It adds to the rest of his semen that he's marked you with. His legs almost buckle with the motion. But he holds strong. And as the last coiling mass of waste leaves his rump, he wipes himself clean of Cathy forever. He tosses the prepared toilet paper into the pot and seals it up.
"I'll throw her away later. Toss her out, she isn't worth holding on to. She deserves to be forgotten… But you, little Puppy… You are mine. And I can hardly wait another moment. Come here… let's get you home."
He puts the chamberpot away. Where hardly matters, because he leans down so close. Your bodies slide across each other, lubricated by both your cum and his. You're excited. Even after a long night with him, cuming constantly, you're still so excited. He's peppering you with kisses, hands exploring your body. Taking note of you. You before the end. Your end inside of him. Addison. You want it so bad. Teasing you with his gut all night. Showing you what you'll be. You can't go on living without it. How did you even make it this far? He kisses you. A passionate and deep kiss. It's everything. He shuffles above you, his hands freeing yours from the handcuffs he'd trapped you with. An unnecessary step considering you never had any intention to run from him. His lips guide you, your heart swoons. They stretch and take in your face. Your whole body moves with the deep kiss. The enveloping kiss. He moans at your taste, you feel so unique. So loved. His insides become your world. Your everything. You don't dare fight as he brings you inside. His hands guide you, take a few final moments to touch you. But you aren't going far. Even when you're gone, you'll always be right beside him. That extra layer of fat atop his rump that makes his seats that much cozier.
It's not long before you're curling up in his gut. Immersed in his most intimate warmth. The gut groans around you as he devours more of you. Your flesh delights him. He audibly slurps you up. You feel a hot presence being pushed down by your weight. Once more, his gut will smother his cock. This euphoric day isn't over yet. You aren't yet a slurry. You have until then to drive this boy into a new world of pleasure. You grind your body as best you can atop his dick. Soft enough to smother but not hard enough to crush. You hear him gasp in delight around the last of you. He's eagerly swallowing you, delighted to see what you can do to please him now.
As you slide in, your cock finds a hole. The entrance to his intestines. You won't fit yet… but your cock does. It's warm and holds your dick so tight. Even his insides do their best to pleasure you. You cup his dick perfectly. Working it and pumping it in between his own pumps from the other side. Your world spins around as you settle in a new way. You think he's sitting back on your bed. One last swallow brings your toes into his esophagus,. You're now gathered entirely inside him. A new presence pushes his dick into his belly right back. You work with him to jack him off. Using his own tummy fat as a glove to help him reach another climax. You hear him gasp in pleasure, his mind over flowing with the sensation of cuming. You imagine him squirting more seed atop his pale belly. Your home. Even as you feel his ropes splurt out, you don't step. You keep going. You keep fucking his insides, you keep one hand on his dick through the stomach walls and the other exploring his stomach folds. An internal massage. His confidence from earlier is gone. Now he is behest to his prey. You make him cum beyond what he thought he could. Squirting every ounce of seed onto himself or your bed. He grinds his dick against you, against the bed. Whatever his mind can focus on. He fucks you against the mattress. Your body softens as the hours tick by. You don't melt as she did. It's gradual, and gentle. Though still physically demanding. You hardly notice as you lose your sharp edges. Your flesh is soft. You're one bad hump away from being meat. And one fatal climax does it. One more white splurt shoots from his cock as he grinds you against the bed with enough force to destroy you. Shattering bones and flesh squelching. You are gone. A nutrient paste left to be absorbed by the cute boy you fed yourself to. You died with no regrets. You left an incredibly satisfied femboy behind. He passes out from exhaustion. The night was very physically demanding. And he had no chance at battling the food coma you would give him.
He mindlessly massages his belly in his sleep. A pure smile on his face. He had made another meal happy. What a wonderful night. His eyes gradually closed. A full night of fucking has him extraordinarily exhausted. His eyes shut, as his belly simmers your remains into a nutrient slurry. You still had a long journey ahead of you.
The running water soothes Addison's weary body, especially where he ached from the positions he held last night. It was a delightful way to wake up after sleeping for… well nobody was keeping track. It seemed to be long enough to turn you into a dense mass held in his colon. He uses your soap to wash all the cum off him. Making sure to give his rear an especially good wash. He can feel how his rear jiggle and sway with his hip movements. It makes him smile.
He gets all fresh and clean and dries himself off with your towel. Though, calling it yours is a tad funny to him. He pokes the lump that's left of you in his digestive system. You were hardly capable of owning anything in this state.
He wanders around your apartment naked. He knew his own clothes wouldn't fit anymore. And he hadn't planned a new outfit. Perhaps he would stick around and order a new wardrobe on your dime. It only seemed fair to him after you'd thickened his rump out of all his pants and skirts. Even his shirts would ride up across his tummy. Though… it may make him look pregnant. And that filled him with a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. He really wants people to give up their seats for him on the train, thinking he was carrying around a baby. He wonders if there were any fun tricks he could play on people doing that… Fun ideas for the future.
He grabs your phone from your desk, and avoids laying on your bed. It's a bit too cum stained to be cozy anymore. A small toot escapes his rump. A little hello from his puppy. He steps back into your bathroom, and plants his rear end onto the toilet bowl. As your new brown form emerges, he immediately inputs your phone password and begins scrolling through your life and your secrets. He takes his time letting you out. Constantly watching your body splash into the toilet waters and reappear as he looks at your hidden porn stash and your selfies. Looking at the man he'd turned into his current bowel movement. He was feeling horny again. He almost wanted to get off, but he thinks his balls might be empty… It would be a bit of a pain to reach completion. No, he will just let the waves of pleasure tease him.
Your body is smaller than the massive chamerpot of Cathy.. She really did end up almost entirely as shit. But his body tried to keep you. Your nutrients plumping his body. And your remains now plunked from his asshole into the cold toilet waters beneath his thighs.
He opens the camera app. And starts photographing the experience. One with the view between his thighs. Your shitty remnants gathered at the bottom of the porcelain bowl. His semi erect cock pressed against his thigh so he could see between them. Another with his cock pressed into his tummy. The new belly you'd given him. He adored the way his dick pressed into the fat. He could feel its warmth as the pleasure grew. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to finish after all…
He held the camera up and pointed it directly into his maw. The final image he'd share. A welcome into his temple, for any weary travelers who need a final rest like you had.
He opens your Facebook, and immediately posts them with a message attached.
We had a lovely time last night. Truly unforgettable. Though he didn't come out looking too pretty… Though he looks pretty on me. Anybody else willing to take the dive? I have one happy customer who adored their trip.<3
As the last of you settles into the toilet waters, Addison watches the comments come in.
Big bro :( I'd been dreaming of having you for years… Well, you do look cute on him. Don't suppose I can have you instead?
"Pft, as if. You aren't cute enough to have somebody like me. And you aren't the type I consider for a puppy. Too needy."
I knew he would make a dreamy meal. Can you tell me about it? I really wanna hear about his final moments. If they were exactly as wonderful as I thought they'd be.
“Ooohh… That sounds fun.” He throws her a quick opener and decides to follow up later once she's responded. He knew a bit of her, from his investigative efforts on you. She seemed a tad dangerous. But perhaps that danger would be fun. Somebody as kinky as her could be a delightful time.
But alas, every ounce of you has plopped into a pile beneath his rump. He wipes himself clean and waves goodbye as he pulls the flusher. The worthless parts of you swirl away, to join the rest of the dung in the city. Addison is a bit sad to see another Puppy go. But alas, they always say goodbye just like this. He steps outside the bathroom and starts to plan his next move. He could probably stay here for about a week. Enough time to eat what's left of your food and for a delivery of cute maternity clothes to come in. Maybe even a bit of fun with Jennifer. Though he still wants to feel that out. See if she intends to dump him like he dumped you.
He gathers a bag he'd left on your desk when he'd snuck in and grabs a laptop out of it and opens it up atop your kitchen table.
In a few clicks, several different phone screens appeared before him. Some idle, some active. Everyone has a different nickname, all of which involve Puppy in some way. He clicks a few times and removes one from his feed, yours. He wouldn’t be needing it anymore.
"Which of you will be my next Puppy… I think I don't need a food puppy for a while… Maybe a toy puppy. Somebody who can help me work the last puppy in. Or work off the tummy… I'll probably get tired of the maternity thing by the time they're mine. Then we can have plenty of fun till I gotta do it again…"
He idly watches them, before opening your phone and doing some online shopping on your dime.
You joined the mysterious Addison as another one of his puppies. Hopefully, you found peace as he fucked you into mush. Though, more likely, you died a horny mess. Perhaps that is its own peace.
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depravity-disposed · 2 years
Putting LLex in a short and slim dress, poofy hair clipped up with his makeup done perfectly, with glittering jewelry gleaming in the light...
All for the sake of ruining that gorgeous image later~
Belly stuffed taught, trapped beneath a stretched and strained layer of unbreathable fabric... lipstick smeared, Mascara streaming down his cheeks and knees wobbling in his high heels as it litterally takes every spark in his wiring not to let out the most guttural, ecstatic moan, collapse on the floor and furiously fuck his pretty little self silly until he ends up short circuiting his own damn self from the sheer overload of indecency~
His pretty little slutty self indulged again. And the more he degraded himself for it, the honier he got.
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digestavore · 4 months
I honestly am so into cnc and free use along with vore tbh. Like I just wanna be yanked up, force-fucked and swallowed in a given scenario. I want to be turned from a femboy brat into nothing but a meal for an alpha master. Even if I don't want it now, it's what I was meant for and my new (albeit temporary) owner knows best. If only alpha preds weren't scared to put me in my place 😭😭
Turning bratty femboys into a brutally digested sludge and pumping them through my guts is a speciality 😏 I'll put you in your place for sure, then leave a steaming pile of your remains after 😈 I'll get the next bratty femboy to fuck themselves with your bones....
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let-me-fill-you · 4 months
Brain is currently occupied by the concept of a short femboy who puts on a saccharine face - cutesy uwu, so innocent, so vulnerable - but is in fact a ruthless apex predator with a bottomless appetite. Whenever he enters the room, he's able to quickly identify those who'd fall for his charms, and lure them away to private spots for a "fun time" - for him, anyway. Gym bros, long haul drivers, cute twinks, they're all fair game to him, all just meat. If he's pressed for time, he's able to digest them in a couple of minutes, however big or strong or spirited they are, and saunter back out with an innocuously slim belly. Otherwise, he prefers a more leisurely digestion, relishing how big his prey makes him, if only until they digest. It's a power trip for him whenever he eats someone twice his weight, someone who better looks the part of a predator… and sometimes, he does snag a fellow pred, looking for a light snack only to become a filling meal themselves~
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jontheketeld · 10 months
"felines are hard vore prey, not preds. not unless they're broken in some way or a mutant or a hybrid. and cats are femanine, femboys at best, not masculine. hav you never actually owned a cat? they're cute lil fluffballs, not murder machines. you're breaking every rule in the furry handbook. don't you know anything? that's not how it's done. you disgust me, normie. stay away from my fandom, you freak." wow. you know, i always know i'm doing something right, when i get braindead comments like this in my inbox. i have only one thing to say to that.
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mystique-mansion · 6 days
now i remember why i stopped roleplaying for 4 years
im sick of being asked to play girls and femboys when i clearly state that i play masc guys
really is not helping my dysphoria 😭 i fucking hate this
why do ppl hate masc preds so much? just wanna pretend to be a hairy guy with a big tummy....
i only show off my bearded refs and get my inbox full of ppl asking if ill play a gal or hairless twink, even getting ppl sending me pics of girls and femboys they want me to play as 😭
"i love your kinks and scenarios, but can you play--"
no. the answer is no. fuck off.
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naszircrock4 · 8 months
Gym Bully By Evilean58
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 years
Femboy Weiss putting cute girls in pamps...his pamps that is
⚠️ warning, contains: Diapers, Vore, Soiling, gross shit.⚠️
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"Oh? I'm sorry? Who was that you called a shrimp dick sissy? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my ass shitting you and your bitchy friends out into my diaper!" Weiss said smugly as he squated down and began to push. Melanie and Miltia the two bratty bouncers of Beacon's most popular nightclub had decided to pick on the white haired snow prince and were currently paying the prince. The two bratty siblings weren't expecting the unassuming femboy they decided to tease to be so strong and a pred at that! Weiss pressed down on his bulging stomach, he could feel the twins inside him slowly digest but he wanted to expedite the process. He had a crows watching after all and these two sisters were about to make their debut! "GrRR FFFPPPPRRROOOOPPP FLRRRRPTTBLLPORRRRRRT SPLLATT~ BBLLLORRRT~" Weiss grunted as the sounds of his farts drowned out the music brining all eyes on him. Squatting down and sticking his ass out her gritted his teeth and began to push with crinkling and wet sloppy farts echoing across the room. His tongue flopped out of his mouth as he felt the explosion of filth leave his rear he could feel his member twitch inside his padding a bit while he dumped the dumb bimbos into their new permanent residence. Two green skull shaped fart clouds permeated around Weiss' brown sagging diaper. It was like a bean bag chair strapped to his ass the way it dragged along the ground behind him. "Teehee~ Oops! Silly me, guess I didn't make it to the toilet... anyone wanna dance? After dropping that load I'm itching for some fun!" Weiss chuckled as the club began to pick back up.
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devouringfate · 1 year
What are your thoughts on femboi pred
I try not to think about them. Astolfo has corrupted the trope.
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dragongirluvula · 2 years
I'm just gonna drop a truth bomb right the fuck now:
Femboys make for incredible preds and should be eating me right now!
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naszir2006 · 4 years
Astolfo (fate stay night) vore
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crownedemon · 3 years
Hey, call me Chime. I’m a 27 year old gay man, it or he pronouns. Pretty vanilla all things considered, mostly into softer/lighter stuff. Real vampire, otherkin (incubus among other things). Polyam. This is a sideblog, so I like and follow from my main, ask if you want. I’m chronically ill and might talk about that sometimes. If you don’t have your age in your bio and/or you’re a minor I’ll block you. If you think you know me irl don’t scroll past this line, go home. Self-indulgent personal fantasies are tagged as #chimes bullshit, all of my own posts regardless of content are tagged #the incubus speaks. Asks are open, feel free to say words at me, horny or otherwise. I mostly just reblog shit I like, occasionally write shit, might post pics once in a blue moon. Generally into softer stuff, with some exceptions. If you want to know if I like a specific thing feel free to ask. Kinks+Turn Ons: -cnc -vampires; probably some slight pred/prey thing going on there -biting/marking, bonus points if it happens without a lot of pain -praise -gender+identity affirmation -breeding -soft bdsm -light denial -bondage, restraints, etc. -overstim -cockwarming -fuck if i know man Terms I Like: -twink -femboy -pussy -prince -demon, imp, incubus, vampire, etc. -”good boy” etc. -masc compliments Terms I Don’t Like: -cunt, cboy, etc. -fem compliments -girl, sis, etc. even jokingly -puppy (Instant turn-off) Turn-Offs+Limits: -pr*gnancy -w*tersports, sc*t, etc. -v*re -p*tplay -painplay -choking -humiliation -public sex -the word d*ddy, sorry i just like. Can’t. -dd/lg shit, ageplay -food-related kinks -gags, collars (things around my throat or in my mouth in general = Panic) DNI: -t*rfs/tr*nsmeds -chasers -p*dos/M*PS, whatever you people call yourselves rn -z**philes -inc*st -detr*ns/forced fem blogs -D*LG shit -alt-r*ght fucks -under 18/no age in bio -"men dni”/wlw-exclusive blogs
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mystique-mansion · 2 months
Hello, darling~ You look up my alley 💕
oh? you into little femboy preds? ;)
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 years
People will attack a dude tryna just live his life n call him a sex pred, but them same mfs will b out here lettin “G” orc harass female or femboy characters left and right, yellin sexual shit in Org. Y’all wild. Attack the mfs who deserve it.
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naszircrock4 · 8 months
Sleeping off Cal-ories By SweetCheese
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yukitherabbit-blog · 5 years
Femboy Vore RP
 I decided to do a femboy vore rp. You'll be playing the femboy predator and I'll be the prey. A cute girl.
|READ|This will contain 18+ (take to notes) multiple vore (oral, anal, cock, full tour; av and ft MUST be clean) and othee kinks. Be descriptive! Must be soft and safe (NO DEATH) 
Must be half size or a little over same size. 
Digesting side characters are okay, but no digesting main characters.
This is a build your own rp so here's how it will work.
Your character is a dominant pred. That is all that's set in stone for them the rest will be decided by your choices.
1) Gothic femboy (Sort of cold and stoic.) 
A. You are a demon who's been asleep for a hundred years, locked inside a coffin  within a house that had recently been purchased. By a beautiful girl and her obnoxious roommate who seems to torment her every chance he gets.
2) Super elegant rich and girly femboy (Somewhat of a spoiled snob)
B. You are a rich 18 year old who's still in highschool and you're very childish. However you have never been able to get a girlfriend. So one day you demand your parents  buy to one.  All the while you were born with a special ability.
3)slutty femboy  (pretty sure you can guess.)
You had recently been out on a date, but just when you and your date were getting steamy they bite down hard on you. The bite mark burns like hell and you decide to make an excuse to get away from your date on your way home the bite iched and stung, you felt as if something inside you was changing.  You arrived at your apartment and notice your beautiful roomate sitting on the couch looking more....delectable than normal.
4) ~Furry Femboy~
Anthromorphic animals have taken over and humans are now treated like animals. You begin your day feeling lonely and decide you need companionship. You decide to go to the local pet shop to adopt a human.
5) Pokemon femboy.
18 year old pokemon trainer Jay was late to receive her very first pokemon and unfortunately was unable grt one from the professor. 
However on her way home she noticed something odd and pokemon with a oddly feminine body structure was following her.
(Can be anthropomorphic, must be bigger than her.)
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