#fernando hate is kat hate
scrollonso · 1 month
"Fernando's too old he needs to retire" you just dont get him like i do.
Fernando Alonso who was the youngest ever race winner in 2003. after that win he said "im 22 years old and i have my first victory in (my) pocket so i hope (for) a long career here in formula 1 with more victories"
Fernando Alonso who won his FIRST world championship in 2005 he broke MICHAEL SCHUMACHERS 5 year long winning streak after being in formula one for 4 years. His whole F1 career at that point had been solely dominated by Schumi.
Fernando Alonso who's a 2 time world champion and has been racing longer than Oscar has been alive and has been in more scandals than races
Fernando Alonso who said he knew Michael Schumacher would step on the brakes because he had a wife and kids at home and FERNANDO DIDN'T.
Fernando Alonso who is one of 15 Spanish F1 drivers ever.
Fernando Alonso who is the only Spanish F1 driver to win a WDC (and not just one, TWO.)
Fernando Alonso who's been in 385 gp's (3x as many as Pedo De La Rosa)
Fernando Alonso who's scored 2,298 points in his career (67% of the total F1 points scored by all Spanish drivers)
Fernando Alonso who's not only raced in F1, but also Indy, 24 hours of Le Mans, and the World Endurance Championship.
Fernando Alonso who drove his first go-kart at 3 YEARS OLD.
Fernando Alonso who's family didn't have enough money to buy wet tyres so he had to TEACH HIMSELF to drive on a wet track on slick tyres.
Fernando Alonso who's mother made his racing clothes herself because they didn't have enough money.
Fernando Alonso who won his first karting race at SEVEN. (Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc, Lewis Hamilton, Yuki Tsunoda, and more drivers on the grid weren't even in karts at seven.)
Fernando Alonso who's managed to stay as passionate (if not more) about F1 in his 23 year career no matter his performance.
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The Pereira-Crabtree family: notes; name inspirations
I mostly use the randomizer option and when I get a new family member though marriage or adoption, I usually don’t change it. But sometimes I pick names and sometimes I do make some changes.
Here we go:
Original Pereira-Crabtree family
Melany: random name
Vanessa: random name
Adrianna: random name, nickname Adri
Riley: random name
Mae: random name
Adri’s branch
Crabtree-Benali family:
Salim: NPC
Derek: not chosen by me, although it was originally Derrick and I changed the spelling
Amari: random name
Crabtree-Savalani family:
Saanvi: NPC
Tanisha: not chosen by me, nickname Tani
Kahili: named after Alola Elite Four member Kahili who specialises in Flying type pokemon
Savalani family:
Seema: NPC
Medhi: not chosen by me
Azure: not chosen by me
Jamie: chosen by @vreniii, deadname was Meghan which was not chosen by me, but I did change the spelling from Meaghane (or something white) to Meghan
Alessandro: not chosen by me
Brower-Balderas family:
Katherine*: random name
Phillp*: random name
Jessie*: random name
Matty*: random name
Crabtree-Arroyo family:
Andrea: NPC
Regina**: NPC
Arroyo-Gandhi family:
Aanya: NPC
Benali-Pierre family:
Eduardo: not chosen by me, nickname Ed
Rosemary: named after the song Rosemary from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
Benali-Pierre family:
Natalya: named after Natasha from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Jessie: NPC
Celia: I don’t remember. Deadname was Rhys, which I hated.
Benali-Foster family:
Katherine: NPC
Tracy: not chosen by me
I’ll put Julia in Mae’s branch
Riley’s branch
Pereira-McAfee family:
Heaven: NPC
Myra: not chosen by me
Nikita “Kitty”: don’t fucking ask. I don’t remember the name given to her by the game
Yassine-McAfee family:
Anas: not chosen by me
Dwayne: named after the character Dwayne from Death In Paradise, which I was watching while Myra was giving birth to him
Yassine-Lloyd family:
Alvetta: NPC
Convivium: named after a word in my sociology book, nickname Connie
Masami: NPC
Anas Jr. “AJ”: named after Anas, since he died accidentally. I originally planned on calling him Conubium or something to match his sister, but then I remembered Anas’s death
Yassine-Banks family:
Nicole*: named after Nicole Row, nickname Nicky
Crystal: random name, but chosen when I saw it because a) she’s an alien and I think it’s an “alien” name and b) her dad went into labour while collecting crystals at work.
Jonathan: named after Jonathan Larson, cause I was listening RENT.
Pereira-Datta family:
Shanaya: NPC
Jacob: not chosen by me, but I changed the spelling from Jakob to Jacob. I think.
Fitzpatrick-Banks family:
Isabella: NPC
Mercury: chosen by my friend Alex, middle name Quick.
Yassine-House family:
Tori: Sim made by my sister.
Donnie: not chosen by me
Kaylee: definitely not chosen by me
I’ll put Rohan etc. in Mae’s branch
Mae’s branch
Pereira-Morse family:
Micah: NPC
Brittany: random name, but chosen when I saw it cause it reminded me of Brittany from glee
Savalani-Morse family:
Dhruv: not chosen by me
Sadie: random name
Rohan: not chosen by me
Jia Li: I just wanted a Chinese name. I don’t remember the name given to her by the game
Julia: not chosen by me
Kelvin: I don’t know how I got to the combination of “Kelvin and Sjonnie”...
Sjonnie: ... but I did, because I really wanted Sjonnie because it is a terrible name. My dad came up with Sjonnie.
Larissa: random name, but chosen when I saw it cause it reminded me of Lardo from Check, Please!
Davin: not chosen by me
Estaban-Morse family:
Camila: Sim made by @vreniii
Sofya: named after Sonya from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 
Pereira-Morse family:
Jack: named after Jack Zimmermann
Pereira-Lincoln family:
Stephanie*: can’t remember
Simon: random name, but chosen when I saw it cause it reminded me of Simon Snow and Simon Spier.
Pereira-Buckley family:
Devan*: can’t remember
Dunham family:
Quinn: NPC
Joyson family:
Eva: NPC
Aadhya: NPC
Alyssa: not chosen by me
Maria: named after a random woman I met on the train and well, I was kinda smitten by the actual Maria
Joyson-Suzuki-Skelter family:
Kengo: NPC
Oscar: random name
Mei: named after Mei Hummel-Anderson
Dallas: NPC
Maddy: named after Maddy Hummel-Anderson
Joyson-Suzuki-Acevado family:
Celeste: named after Celestial, since she’s an alien. Middle name is Satu.
Juan Diego: NPC
Fernando**: NPC
Joyson-Suzuk-Carver-Brothers idk family
Clive: NPC
Catania: named after princess Catania from Barbie
Stella: named after Stella from Winx Club
Sol: named after the son
Sierra: NPC
Joyson-al Halib family:
Yasmin: NPC
Okada family:
Izumi: NPC
Deborah**: NPC
Ava: NPC
Okada family:
Aanya: NPC
Srivansan-Morse family:
Sara: NPC
Antoinette: I expected her to be a boy named Tony, named after the Tony Awards. Luckily, Tony Awards is short for Antoinette Perry Awards, so I named her Antoinette.
Olivier: named after the Olivier Awards
Obie: named after the Obie Awards.
Srivasan-Buckley family:
Alycia*: can’t remember
Dickerson-Morse family:
Nina: random name, but chosen when it reminded me of Nina Rosario.
Quintana-Morse family:
Charlotte: NPC
Lorelei: not chosen by me
Dickerson family:
Esmeralda*: can’t remember
Armando*: can’t remember
Troy*: random name
Penelope*: named after Penelope Bunce
Pet names
Freddie (cowplant): I don’t fucking know
Barry (cowplant): named after Barry Allen/The Flash, because Barry was “the fastes growing cowplant alive”
Chestnut (dog): not chosen by me
Pepper (cat): not chosen by me
Doki (cat): not chosen by me
Murphy (dog): not chosen by me
Phalanx (dog): named after Phalanx from All The Other Ghosts
Gacy (dog): not chosen by me
Coco (dog): I don’t even know
Pepperoni (cat): named after Pepper
Speckles (cat): it sounded fun
Kat (cat): literally means cat in Dutch
Poes (cat): literally means female cat in Dutch
Beebo (dog): named after Brendon Urie, since Larissa is emo
Shelby (dog): not chosen by me
Shiloh (dog): not chosen by me
Lenore (dog): named after Lenore from Poe Party
Spatula (cat): named after a spatula
Frankie (cat): not chosen by me
Ash (dog): kinda named after Ash Ketchum
Lydia (dog): named after Lydia Bennet from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries/Pride & Prejudice
Gucci (cat): not chosen by me
Chrissy (cowplant): I came up with it on the spot
Tofu (dog): not chosen by me
Bubbles (cat): random name
Bea: random name
Mr. Wiggles: random name
Doodle: random name
Pippa: not chosen by me
random name: This is pretty obvious
not chosen by me: Adopted children, clones, Sims from the well and children that were born while I was away got a name generated by the game. This is different from ‘random name’, because there I just spam the random button till I find one, so in a way, I still choose the name. Here I don’t.
NPC: This is an NPC that got married into the family, so
*: Except for the original three Sims in the family, all the other Sims are created by genetics and adoption, so I didn’t create any of them myself in CAS. These are the exceptions, since they’re Sims from my other households that I have merged with the Pereira-Crabtree family.
**: NPCs that are stepchildren.
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scrollonso · 10 days
seeing a lot of nando fans on tiktok go insane over his "past few races" (literally 1 race and quali today.) and getting mad at how aston "treats him"
i think this is so funny because fernando has made it clear that he loves aston and has so much faith in them
aston martin first joined f2 in 1959 then left a year later.
during the '59-60 seasons aston scored ZERO POINTS
they came back to f1 61 years later. (thanks lawrence, ily king)
aston has had 9 podiums, scored 456 points, and had 2 fastest laps.
fernando has given them 8 podiums, more than half of their points, and both fastest laps.
fernando has said his contract with aston is the longest one he's ever signed.
if he didnt like how he was being treated, the results of the races, or anything major about the team HE WOULDN'T HAVE SIGNED THE CONTRACT!
fernando scored points for 9 gps in a row, he finished 19th in imola because his car was literally damaged before the race... LMAO
nando loves being in tiffany green!! tiffany green loves him! and so does his canadian twink!
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scrollonso · 28 days
had a dream about how it would be like to kiss lance. think i need to experience it irl bc i feel like screaming, crying, throwing up, splitting the earth in two if i don’t.
im half asleep right now so this is funnier than it should be.
fernando get out of my asks smh
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