#fingal's cave
lionofchaeronea · 4 months
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Fingal's Cave, Island of Staffa, Scotland, Thomas Moran, 1884-5
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lionfloss · 1 year
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Fingal's Cave
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 month
big cave post
you like caves? no? im showing you anyway. you hear cave and probably think of like, a video game cave. maybe a minecraft cave with axolotls? while i have my gripes with axolotls in caves, this is about the caves themselves. so here, lets get started:
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number 1, lod cave in thailand. now, i could do a whole posts about JUST caves in thailand, but here's your first taste of caves from this area. this is a karst cave, formed by water trickling through soluble rock like limestone. it's what most of the caves on this list are going to be. it's one of the most common types of caves. if you've been inside a cave, it was probably a karst. very cool! i particularly enjoy the man shaped stalagmite in the middle (joke, thats just a real guy)
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number 2, ellison's cave in georgia, usa. featuring a drop over a thousand feet deep, this one is pretty high on my bucket list. this is what's called a chute, formed by waterfalls cascading downwards. not recommended for people with a fear of heights! if you watch jacon geller, youve probably heard of this type of formation when he talked about krubera (not on this list, sadly)
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number 3, mammoth cave in kentucky, usa. one i've been to! mammoth is the longest cave system in the ENTIRE world, that we know of. another one the jacob geller fans are familiar with. i would love to go back someday, pictures dont convey the magnitude of this place. they also used to host church services in here. well worth the visit
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number 4, han son doong in vietnam. the LARGEST cave in the world! wait, didnt i already list that? nope, while mammoth is the longest and is massive in its own right, son doong trumps it by having a ceiling 660 feet (200 meters) high. it has stalagmites the size of skyscrapers. its one of the many caves in southeast asia to have its own rainforest system. a bit of a hike to get there, but another i desperately want to visit someday.
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number 5, fingal's cave in scotland. though not record setting, its one youve probably seen before. or, maybe my perspective has been skewed as someone who looks at a LOT of caves. ive seen this exact picture more times than i can count. its a sea cave formed from our good friend columnar basalt. upon further research, apparently its also known for its natural acoustics. the more you know!
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number 6, grotta azurra in capri. that photo isnt edited! only accessible by boat (and laying flat on your back to get through the entrance) this place looks ridiculously magical. i dont really have much to say about this one, i just think its really cool.
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number 7, domica cave in slovakia. this one was brought to my attention by an anonymous asker (if youre still here hi) and i am in love with it. just an absolutely gorgeous cave with some of the most beautiful formations ive ever seen. just look at it! augh! the tiered pools arent something ive seen in any of the caves ive been to and theyre captivating. i love caves.
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number 8, ending it off with a bang. here's the gloup.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 6 months
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Fingal’s Cave in Scotland
Photographer: Andy Schmid
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ilikeit-art · 1 year
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disarmluna · 5 months
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floofyhobbit · 5 months
Who want's to go to Fingal's Cave with me
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mostlyuk · 9 months
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Fingal's Cave, Scotland by Simaron
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azvolrien · 11 months
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OK, more on that boat trip I mentioned. Get ready for Columnar Basalt Sunday! (with photos actually taken on a Friday)
The Isle of Staffa's a spectacular place. I'm not sure if it's accurate to consider it the other end of the Giant's Causeway from a scientific standpoint - they're not too far apart in age, geologically speaking, but I don't think they're actually part of the same formation separated by rising sea levels, geological uplift etc - but folklorically I think it's a fair enough assessment.
We got really lucky with the weather conditions. There's a little concrete jetty that boats can pull up to, but I think it might be submerged at high tide and it's not safe to try and land on the island if the sea is too choppy. As for Fingal's Cave, if you wanted to actually go into it by water you might be able to do it with something like a sea kayak, but anything much bigger would likely get wrecked; the long, tunnel-like shape of the cave means it gets quite a high swell even if the sea outside is fairly calm.
Appropriate musical accompaniment here.
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Staffa, Fingal's Cave - JMW Turner // Electron - Adam Barnes
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Breaking my own heart once again...
Mendelssohn owns my soul ffr...
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culturevulturette · 1 year
This was always such a fun piece to play.  
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celticculture · 1 day
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sitting-on-me-bum · 6 months
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Fingal’s Cave in Scotland
Photographer: Dave Newbould Photography
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aishatonu · 11 months
The Isles of Mull, Iona, and Staffa
A long day lay ahead of me on the weekend I decided to go see the Islands of Mull and Iona.  For one thing, the tour left from Glasgow, so I had to take an impossibly early train, which meant I’d have to leave even earlier to walk the mile to the train station.  And when I got there, the ticket machine couldn’t locate my e-ticket, and the ticket counter was dark and closed.  So I wound up having…
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