#fiora cousland
persephoneggsy · 9 months
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animal crossing but it's my dragon age babies and their boyfriends
personality types/animals for the curious:
Fiora Cousland: Sisterly cat
Alistair: Lazy dog
Marian Hawke: Snooty squirrel
Sebastian: Smug deer
Hildegarde Trevelyan: Normal rabbit
Cullen: Cranky lion
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devil-kindred · 4 years
Self-Indulgent Sunday!
I was tagged by @chyrstis to give this a go! I tag: @ma-sulevin @risenlucifer @tommymillers @theknifegame @lustyargonianmaid @softmillers @tomexraider @smithandrogers @finefeatheredgamer @unclefungusthegoat @faithchel @foofygoldfish @pheedraws and anyone else who’d like to participate!
Post a passage, a piece of art, an edit, a gif, anything you’ve made within the last week that you’re proud of and feel like sharing!
First up, a bit from A War Not Yet Won — the first fic in my AU where all the origins from the first game survive. I’m enjoying getting a feel for Fiora’s viewpoints outside the circle and the opportunity to flesh out Kieran, my Cousland queen’s brother.
“No, but you aren’t being guarded by the Templars and they aren’t exactly ones to let mages run amuck without a guard.”
“If at all.”
“Exactly.” He flashes a bright smile, his gaze slight with almost playful curiosity. “Forgive me if I overstep,” he begins, leaning against the column next to Fiora and peering at her intently. “You speak rather eloquently for someone who’s been locked in a tower for most of their life. Are you of noble birth?”
“Mages have no rank.” The words slip from her mouth before she can stop them, the rhetoric so ingrained that saying the words are as easy as breathing. Her mouth twists in resentment and a flash of anger rolls through her— her hands clenching into fists as she works to quell the urge to reach for her magic. “But that is not what you asked.”
She takes a breath to steady herself and unclenches her hands, smoothing the fabric of her robe before she continues.
“Fiora Amell, formerly of Kirkwall. Then Denerim and, as of late, Kinloch Hold.”
Kieran regards her with a smile that is nothing short of delighted and quickly takes her hands in his own. “Little lady Amell!” He laughs and pulls her from the column, twirling her quickly in a circle around the fire pit. “Oh, I’ve heard so much about you! There are four of you aren’t there?”
It’s no secret that I’m permanently in Death Stranding hell and have far too many WIPs for Sam/Jade but I’m very much enjoying this purely for fun smut fic where I try writing a kink (specifically a bit of hunter/prey)
He’s faster than she expected and she shrieks, delighted, when he nearly grabs her by the waist. She ducks away at the last minute and darts into the guest room, running around the far side of the bed. Her cheeks are flushed red in exertion and she waits patiently as he stands in the doorway— lingering and thus blocking her means of escape. He looms with either hand resting on the doorframe, gaze dark with barely hidden arousal— the straining erection pressing against the fly of his jeans an indication that he’s also enjoying himself.
She blinks as he stalks forwards, wide-eyed and frozen much like the term he had used. The look in his eyes makes her tremble in anticipation, but she reminds herself that the longer she drags it out... the more fun the end result will be for both of them. Jade waits a few moments longer, backing away slowly as he rounds the edge of the bed— then makes her move. She clambers onto the mattress, hurriedly crawling across it before he can grab her and sprints from the room.
And I’m also a little proud of the teeny thing I wrote for an ask prompt that was sent in for... you guessed it, Sam/Jade. I promise I love my other OC’s and ships too! Which you can read here if you’re so inclined :)
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“How to work around the repeat romances if I do a corss over with my Wardens?” I ponder to myself.
“MANY POLYSHIPS” I yell in answer to myself
I was thinking about it and Lelaros/Gideon/Zevran as well as Valynaya/Zazda/Leliana. Ghaharen/Cyriel would be cute, and Fiora might be with a Tabris I haven’t finished making yet
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persephoneggsy · 10 months
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the warden, the champion, and the inquisitor.
all absolute gremlins.
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persephoneggsy · 11 months
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drew my Dragon Age protags as kiddos bc i was thinking about their childhoods
they're all about 9-10 years old here (the twins are around 5?)
anyway, y'all know the drill, i ramble about them under the cut
from left to right:
Marian Hawke - pretty much the only one who grew up poor among my three protags. most of her time was spent looking after her siblings (ie, screaming at bullies who even so much as look at them wrong). with so little free time to herself, her hair was always a mess; the only times she did anything with it is when bethany wanted to play hairdresser. her clothes had spots of patchwork, as she was just learning how to sew. the bandage on her arm was probably from some time she had to pull carver out of some dangerous situation. and she hadn’t quite learned her signature healing magic yet.
Hildegarde Trevelyan - grew up wealthy, but very sheltered. she had precious few friends as a child, and spent most of her time either with her father or in the Trevelyan estate's library. on the few occasions her father tried to get her half-siblings to spend time with her, she was normally relegated to reading a book in the training yards while they played at being soldiers. this was a couple of years before her magic manifested and she was sent to the Ostwick Circle. and, of course, because she hadn’t been physically through the fade yet, her hair was still its natural brown, not silvery white.
Fiora Cousland - also grew up wealthy, and extremely spoiled. she spent most of her childhood rough-housing with her brother Fergus and playing pranks on visiting nobles. she's still at the age where she hates dolling up all fancy for guests, and would much rather run wild through Castle Cousland, to her mother's chagrin. despite this, she was eager to follow in her mother's footsteps as a great archer, and practiced shooting whenever she had a free moment between her lessons and games.
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persephoneggsy · 11 months
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pov you're the hero of ferelden
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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do we still do moodboards? here’s some moodboards
top to bottom: Fiora Cousland, Marian Hawke, Hildegarde Trevelyan
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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Warden | Hawke | Inquisitor
and finally, my Warden! Fiora Cousland! the Hero and later Queen of Ferelden!
as per usual, details are under the cut:
Underwear: Fiora starts out as a very spoiled young woman. Having grown up noble, she is accustomed to the finer things, including silk underthings. She knows how to be practical, of course, but she still has expensive taste.
Pre-Origins: Most of her time before the start of Origins was spent either flirting around, playing with her beloved nephew, or practicing with her longbow in the training yard. As such, she was usually seen wearing her training gear. If you couldn’t tell, her favorite color is purple.
Ostagar: After becoming a Warden, Fiora couldn’t think too much about her clothes. She had a family to avenge, a usurper to kill, and a Blight to stop (in that order). She just took the armor Duncan provided her at her Calling and went with it, caring little about appearance or alterations.
Landsmeet: By the time the Landsmeet comes around, Fiora is much more levelheaded. She’s upgraded her gear quite a bit. She’s put more of her noble roots into her armor, and made it easier for her to maneuver around in. 
Queen: After the events of Awakening, she’s more than happy to trade darkspawn and dungeons for nobles and politics, at least for a little while. She gets to wear her beloved purple instead of the Grey Warden blues, so that’s a bonus. And of course, she proudly displays the rose from Alistair at every opportunity (and i like to headcanon that she asked Morrigan to enchant the rose so it wouldn’t wilt. Morrigan wanted to say no bc ew, that’s sentimental and also it’s from Alistair, but Fiora did kill her mom for her. so.)
Inquisition: Now determined to save her husband and herself from the Calling, Fiora sets off and travels the far corners of Thedas looking for a cure. She keeps the rose with her as a reminder of what she’s fighting for. She doesn’t fully don her old Grey Warden regalia, however; she’s grateful for the chance the Wardens gave her, but after knowing the cost of the Joining, her view of the order has dimmed considerably. And just an extra unrelated headcanon: Oghren went with her. He has a family to live for, and his child is named after Fiora herself -- of course he’s gonna help her find the cure.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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Heroes of the Dragon Age
From left to right: 
Fiora Cousland, Hero of Ferelden
Marian Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall
Hildegarde Trevelyan, Herald of Andraste
aka I wanted to practice profile drawing and also noses, so I experimented with my DA protags. i like how they turned out.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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i found a neat template and wanted to fill it 
(elaborations are below)
FIORA COUSLAND, Warden-Commander and Queen of Ferelden
Archer Rogue (bard+duelist); romanced Alistair
Saved the Circle of Magi
Convinced Zathrian to end the werewolf curse
Crowned Bhelen King and destroyed the Anvil
Made Alistair king (with herself as Queen)
Used the Dark Ritual
Main party members: Alistair (lover), Morrigan (best friend), Wynne (surrogate mom)
Will sometimes swap Morrigan for Shale or Oghren
MARIAN HAWKE, Champion and Viscountess of Kirkwall; Princess of Starkhaven
Mage (spirit healer); aggressive personality; romanced Sebastian
Killed the Arishok
Sided with the Templars
Killed Anders
Carver became a Grey Warden
Main party members: Sebastian (lover), Fenris (best friend), Merrill (lover’s best friend (it’s my headcanon leave me alone))
If Carver is available, he takes up the Warrior spot
HILDEGARDE TREVELYAN, Herald of Andraste and Inquisitor
Mage (rift mage); romanced Cullen
Brought the Templars into the Inquisition as full allies
Stroud was left in the Fade
Recruited the Grey Wardens
Celene remained Empress, reconciled with Briala
Drank from the Well of Sorrows instead of Morrigan
Main party members: Dorian (best friend), Iron Bull (best friend’s lover), Cole (sweet baby boy)
Vivienne swaps with Dorian fairly regularly
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
OCs as Planets
quiz here
Fiora Cousland - Jupiter
optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
Marian Hawke - Venus
passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
Hildegarde Trevelyan - Earth
nurturing, generous and caring. introverted, tolerant, honest and trustworthy. you are "my phone is always on, call me any time." you are "i feel like i'm everyone's therapist." you are impressive with your stability and peacefulness. you are wallpapers of cows and fields of ever-growing seeds. you are the best friend. mother nature. ice cold water and the smell of rain.
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persephoneggsy · 10 months
For Fiora: 🥔 , 🧅 , and 🍎 !
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Honor. She will not forgive someone going back on their word, or betraying their values for any reason, even for "good intentions".
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
She’s not-so-secretly a sucker for a good tragic story. I think there’s a handful of tales that always make her tear up, if not outright sob. Fergus was the only one privy to this information, until he told Alistair. A gesture of goodwill towards his soon-to-be brother-in-law. Unfortunately, the stories that make Fiora cry also make Alistair cry, so…
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Her self-confidence borders on arrogance, but she doesn’t consider that a bad thing. If you’re good at what you do, why not be proud of it? It’s not like she falls apart when something doesn’t go her way. Things just usually do.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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fiora cousland, hero of ferelden
(aka i found an old sketch i really liked so i turned it into my warden)
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
My dragon age ships and their taste in movies for no reason at all:
Fiora Cousland x Alistair Theirin
Fiora likes comedies - the more absurd, the better. She’s very into Monty Python/Mel Brooks movies. Alistair, on the other hand, has a huge soft spot for romcoms, even if Fiora finds all the relationship drama a little convoluted. 
He’s just a big ol’ softie at heart and he always cries at the happy endings. Do NOT bring up The Notebook to him. He will rant. Fiora’s heard it about twenty times (because Morrigan loves to troll Alistair by constantly bringing it up).
Marian Hawke x Sebastian Vael
Maybe this is bc at this point I just like to project on him, but in my heart I know Sebastian would love science fiction. His favorite video game series is Mass Effect, so his favorite movies are any of the Star Treks, particularly First Contact. 
This puts him comically at odds with Marian, who is a Star Wars girl through and through (she unironically loves the prequels and probably had a crush on Anakin Skywalker as a kid). Other than that, I can see them liking the whimsicality of Disney animated films. 
Hildegarde Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford
Hildegarde loves historical dramas, period pieces, etc, though she’s a stickler for historical accuracy so she’s a bit hard to please. Cullen just likes watching the battle scenes. 
For his part, I see Cullen as a mystery/whodunnit enthusiast who likes to try and guess the murderer before the end (he’s got a 75% accuracy score... Hilde has a 90%). I also like thinking Cullen likes old Hollywood-style musicals, and introduces Hilde to them on one of their earliest dates.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
🤔 For Fiora, 💝 For Marian, and 🤡 for Hildegarde
Fiora Cousland: 🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
I think there's a lot Fiora doesn't understand. She grew up a very privileged, if not outright sheltered, noble, so being forced out into the world had a lot of wakeup calls for her.
That being said, even as she grows and learns to appreciate other people's hardships and motivations... she'll never understand why people still defend Loghain. The man committed awful (and frankly, in her mind, stupid) acts, no matter how he tried to justify them. That there are people who still think of him as a hero absolutely baffles her.
Of course, Fiora had it easy. Her path to heroism didn't have nearly as many "hard" choices. At least, that people know about.
Marian Hawke: 💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
At her core, Marian just wants to be taken care of. She's spent her whole life worrying about others, so it stands to reason that she'd want to lay that burden down for just, like, an hour or two and let someone else attend to her for once.
So she loves gifts - any kind, big or small, expensive or not... Though clothes and jewelry are her favorite. She also likes having meals cooked for her. And massages.
Basically, just spoil her.
Hildegarde Trevelyan: 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Other than every waking moment of her life? Uhhh
Probably the most insignificant thing would be her hair? Before the Conclave, it was a chestnut brown, which she thought was plain but it helped her to not stand out.
After the explosion and she was sent through the Fade, the shock turned her hair a silvery-white, and now people can just look across a room and see her (as if the bright green glowing mark on her hand wasn't bad enough). Hildegarde is not a woman who is used to being seen.
People don't say anything about it - why would they, most of the Inquisition has only ever known her with the white hair - but that just makes it worse. She can almost hear her old fellows at the Ostwick Circle whispering behind her back; "she looks like an old maid!" or "good, we can say we lost her in the snow!".
(It gets better, later. It helps that Vivienne and Dorian call it unique, say it suits her. Bull says it's badass. Cole says it matches her "purity of soul", or something. Cullen calls her snowdrop because of it, and that helps the most.)
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