#flight rising unaligned
cast-in-copper · 10 months
Thoughts, guesses and Ideas on the ancient breeds yet to come:
Nature Ancient: on the world map, it mentions that Nature clans are shamanic and weve the nature around them. Wildclaws are very much not that, but perhaps the ancient breed was. The Gladekeeper created one breed to care for the forest, and another to defend it/be wild creatures hunting around in it. As for appearance, I’m guessing either a bulky dinosaur-like dragon with plants on its back instead of wings similar to the gladekeeper herself, or a small Dino-bird like creature with feathered wing arms and a beak for weaving plants. (Or both it’s arms and legs could be wings like an archaeopteryx!) Another route they could go with is crazy wild primate or leopard like creature hidden in the shrieking wilds, or something like a bird of paradise with heavy sexual dimorphism and bright garish colors. This last idea could also be combined with the Dino-Bird one.
Light Ancient: it’s stated in the encyclopedia that the Imperials were the Lightweaver’s first children. This seems unlikely to be retconned, so I’ll try to work with it. I could see a species like the knowledge seekers from Avatar, one that exists to gather information and bring it back to the Lightweaver. I could also see a breed that was created at the same time as, or shortly after the imperials, they might be a healer class, to help deal with dead imperials, perhaps a breed who became jealous/afraid of the imperials and hid underground, a breed that has been asleep for a long time that the emperor trampling around inadvertently digs up, ex. As for appearance, it’s gotta be either very beautiful and elegant or small and kinda weak, with big’ol’ eyes. It also definitely has the brightshine gene.
Wind Ancient: perhaps a breed that never stops flying, and has been up in the clouds for forever, or going on a long journey to circumvent the globe. it’s ether got disproportionately large wings, numerous wings, or no real wings, instead having a mane and/or wings made of vapors like the windsinger does.
Earth Ancient: This is the breed I think is most likely to not have wings at all, instead having some other structure to serve as the main expression of the secondary gene. A heavy beard or mane, a large dorsal fin, piles of colorful stones on their backs, ex. Although it’s pretty likely they will still get wings anyway. I can see this breed being something that was buried long ago, perhaps in the Carinstone Rest to care for the dead. Or their breed was all dead but they are revived through some magic and when they rise they have bones heavily incorporated into the design, and they are where the secondary genes are expressed. Or perhaps they all live on that weird island between earth and nature.
Unaligned Ancient: I’d like to see another unaligned breed, but i have very few ideas for it as there’s basically nothing to go off. Something aligned with the beast clans is a possibility, as is something that came from the surrounding ocean, or a tiny spec of unclaimed land. For appearance, I’m imagining something gator-like, or even cooler would be something horse like, a Kirin with wings. I guarantee all the horse girls will love it.
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frideas · 3 years
What if there was an eye type that was just. The Sun. Like really bright. Like their eyes were glowing. That’d be neat
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[ID: The “it’s more likely than you think” meme, edited to say “LED eyes? On my petsim? It’s more likely than you think. End ID.]
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heckingrising · 7 years
flight rising give me lair tabs come on it’s been 4 years
Main clan - needs new name
Pumpkin, Octavia, Zewl, Cocoa, Kanaya, Yogurt, Smaug, Alarm, Krum, Chalce, Helliex, Emerald, Django, Rhyolite, Snakesnake, Dogdog, Satiran, Relient, Abrastil, Gothique, Queenie, Young, Uriel, Kyou, Mythos, Paper, Clemont, Shivan, Prince, Baharak, Levi, Omega, Urian, Sheen, Zim, Sugilite, Sima, NERGAL, Ralolas, Dew, Dabi, Alwyn,
Grimdark Hollow
Aoba, Hayate, Evren, Marco, Nox, Lavender, Polo, Beau, Bee, Silo, Deh,  Domhildr, Bakura, Baudin, Yerwyth, Osani, Hati,  Riot, Saraid, Adalyn
Shade, Chromium, Based, Awol, Laa, Sae, Evalie, Skoll, Marik, Based, Ro,Abaderee,
Antipixel, Ren, Virdan, Zander, Njuta, Spirit, Godspeed, Grim
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