#fluttershy might be my favorite character in my rewrite
clottedscream · 1 year
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[Image ID: A digitally illustrated redesign of Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Flutteryshy is a fluffy yellow pegasus horse with skewbald patches of pale fur. Her mane and tail are green, and so long that they flow across the ground, appearing to have picked up twigs, leaves, and flowers while dragging. Her hair mostly covers her eye, which is blue. Her mane is pinned up partially to support a robin’s nest with eggs. Her cutie mark shows several pink butterflies. Her wings are bandaged with grey compressional tape. End ID.]
Fluttershy is something of an outcast among the ponies of Ponyville, since she lives on the outskirts of the town, never wears shoes, and talks to all her animals as if they understood her. Some of the local ponies even think she’s creepy, and the fillies make up rumors about her being a witch who cursed anyone who tries to go into the Everfree forest. That suits Fluttershy just fine, though. She doesn’t need that much company; she’s content with her small group of friends, most of which are woodland critters. Fluttershy is a bleeding heart whose compassion extends to nearly every living thing, since her appellation “The Arbor Pony” allows her to speak to and understand both animals AND plants alike.
Fluttershy was born with chronic joint pain that makes it extremely difficult for her to fly or channel any magic with her wings, so she moved down from the clouds to live somewhere where mobility would be easier. It still hurts to get up and move around some days, so Fluttershy prefers to take things slow, and knows the value of rest and relaxation. Fluttershy is so gentle, in fact, that a family of robins built a nest in her hair one day while she was in her garden, and she decided to let them stay there and styles her hair around the bird’s nest to keep it stable. What Fluttershy enjoys more than anything is a cup of lemongrass tea and a quiet sunny day at home. In that way, it might seem a little odd that her girlfriend is the fastest flyer in Equestria, but she wouldn’t trade her for the world.
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gorgojijijijito · 2 years
im gonma make bride of discord relevant againt i sweer
anybody else remember bride of discord (and daughter of discord) by that disneyfanaticbunchofnumbers on youtube? yeah i freaking loved it as a kid. still do now honestly, it was honestly one of the cornerstones of my childhood and it's my favorite thing to listen to while i work. i call it my soap opera.
that being said 90% of the morals are AWFUL holy shit. i still appreciate it because it's heartwarming as a passion project and comparably more mature piece of fanwork considering the my little pony fandom at the time; but the toxicity between discord and fluttershy? the homophobic undertones in the sequel?? the treatment of rarity as a character??? THE APPLESPIKE??????
that shit has GOT to GO. so im writing a fix-it-fic for my own self indulgence lmao. i'll be posting my progress and some tidbits here, but i'm not even halfway done with transcripting the episodes and planning out my changes, so it'll be a long while before the final drafts are ready to post. when they are, they'll be posted on archive of our own, but until then, everyone and anyone is more than welcome to offer changes that they would like made, or factors of the story they'd like to be kept. theres no guarantees that they'll be included, but it's still so fun talking about this thing with other people, and it's always good to engage with others in this phase of the process. below is a list of major to minor notes i've already got in mind.
I want to keep the serious tone of the story. By far I think the thing that kept me attached to this series for so long is how the mood differs from so much of the fandom back then. the stakes in the beginning were legitimately high, the conflict took itself seriously, and the production quality was through the roof. this is the audiodrama's hallmark, it's iconic and must be kept in mind when contemplating changes.
Many smaller changes must be made to the Fluttercord plot in order to make it healthier and more natural: the infantilization of fluttershy, discord's overbearingness and harrassment, literally nearly all of episode 9. red flags. i think the biggest issue is that the character arcs are based more on shipping and tropes than the actual characters. there's nothing wrong with this in moderation, but in this case, the relationship is unbearably toxic. the arcs in the rewrite will be a lot more character-focused.
Instead of applejack and spike being the secondary romance, i'm going to make it applejack and rarity. yes i do ship rarijack, but this decision was primarily made in order to get two birds with one stone with applejack and rarity's depictions in the series and its sequel. free my girl rarity and leave my boy spike alone :(
Take pinkie pie more seriously as a character. this isn't just a problem with BOD but also the actual show FIM. she just gets annoying sometimes and her lack of depth really irked me in BOD.
i feel like fluttershy's "tragic" backstory explaining her hesitance as being adored is kinda underwhelming. so is her insecurity, her insecurity not expanding beyond the "doesn't know she's beautiful" trope just rubs me the wrong way, she deserves more depth than that.
discord. discord. the relationship is so one-sided to discord that i think i can only name 2 things he legitimately done for fluttershy's happiness (both of which he lowkey ruined not a day later. most of their "bonding" scenes are just him trying to distract her from her tragic reality and her desires by doing stuff he wants to do, which btw is a manipulation tactic so GET THAT OUT OF HERE)
theres quite a few weird undertones and stereotypes. the pedo and "nice girl" stuff with applespike is the most obvious one, but theres also some lowkey misogynistic quips thrown in there and, although this might not have been an issue at the time, zecora does fit the "wise black woman" trope that's been pointed out many times in recent media, so i do need to adjust how she's portrayed.
another problem that FIM also commits, but rainbow dash just feels so mischaracterized as an element of loyalty at some points. i want to make her loyalty more prominent, to the point of putting her career on the line because she couldn't abandon fluttershy or her friends when they were breaking down. that would be real sweet.
i dont know if im also going to rewrite daughter of discord, i might consider it after im finished with this one, though. also i promise i write way better than i do here when i try lol
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jaded-but-queer · 11 months
Ships in the rewrite that I’ll use ✨
Fluttershy - Discord (obviously lmao)
Twilight Sparkle - Sunset Shimmer
Rarity - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow Dash - Vapor Trail (I'm debating about this one but the more I think about it the more I like it)
Minor ships in the background will probably include
Chrysalis - Mantis (they'll be much more strained than in DOD/SILOD due to their complicated history with each other)
Flash Sentry - Sunburst (minor but I might have their child be an attendant to Lily Sterling, and I adore the headcanon of Sunburst being the younger brother of Sunset Shimmer)
Soarin - Braeburn (a classic ship that will be very minor and probably only be mentioned a few times by the twins who will probably still be biologically RD and Soarin's; in this rewrite, they'll have mutually broken up not long after the events of BOD)
Bonus! How I might structure Screwy's friends in this rewrite
Apple Blossom as I mentioned in my previous post will be redesigned into Bloomin' Apples and will be the daughter of Sugar Belle and Big Macintosh. She is now a unicorn and isn't on the best of terms with Screwball, and they consider each other to be nuisances (Screwy can't stand Bloomin''s unpleasant and stuck-up attitude while Bloomin' just finds Screwball to be annoying to be around and has a habit of giving them backhanded compliments whenever they see each other); ironically she gets along quite well with Mothball after they first meet and regularly hang out. She and Thunder had an on and off again relationship before she broke it off for good, and things are currently very awkward between them; it doesn't help that their parents are extremely close to each other.
Thunder Dash and Lightning Dash's names have been tweaked to now be Thunder Blast and Lightning Blitz, and as mentioned earlier they'll still be RD and Soarin's kids but their parents haven't been together since they were still infants. Yes, this means Prism won't exist but I honestly didn't care much for her lmao. Lightning is the no-nonsense straight man to Thunder's lovable himbo (Joey Tribbiani is my best comparison for him) and they care very deeply about each other despite their petty spats. Lightning is still very close to Screwball and loves them like a sibling while Thunder won't be as close to Screwy like in the OG but still considers them a close friend.
Cinnamon Stick and Cinnamon Roll will still exist since I adore them but I'll be tweaking Cinnamon Roll's name into Cinnamon Bun just for funsies. Now personally, don't ask why this is just what I thought of while rethinking their characters, I love to portray them as being Hispanic/Latino-based (if I had to be specific I'd say Central American, maybe Nicaraguan or Guatemalan); I've even named their late birth mother Dulce D'Leche. They both have much more noticeable mental scars from their childhood, in case you don't remember their bio mother passed away after the family bakery caught fire and their bio dad abruptly left without explanation (boy will I have a fun time explaining DF's hidden explanation for this in my next post), Cinnamon Bun tries her best to hide it but has times where she can't help but grieve for her mother that she never got to know since she was just a baby, and Cinnamon Stick will be very quiet and reserved with a knack for being sarcastic/rude for no apparent reason whenever he's uncomfortable around others; he's extremely sensitive when it comes to the topic of his birth parents, and Screwy's the only one who's witnessed his tears for his beloved mother and his rage towards his coward of a father for leaving them. Cinnamon Stick will be Screwball's closest friend right after Lily Sterling and I imagine Screwy has a soft spot for Cinnamon Bun and treats her like a baby sister whenever she visits.
Mothball now has a long pretentious name because that's my favorite thing to do: The Crown Prince of the Changeling Empire, Io "Mothball" Insecta von Roachanov III; Mothball is a nickname from childhood that just stuck, it's changeling slang for a "rambunctious/temperamental grub (infant)". He will have extremely low self-esteem as a side effect of his mother's treatment and the isolation he faced growing up, and he'll have the habit of questioning compliments like "... you really think that?/I don't know about that" and tends to doubt his own intelligence. I mentioned in my first post that the changelings are an extremely conservative matriarchy, and this has its effects on him when it comes to social interactions and how he believes he must hold himself as a male of his species. Luckily for him, Screwball is all for breaking rules and social norms and helps him come out of his shell not long after they first meet (they'll be young adults when they officially meet in this rewrite and have had past romantic relationships/immature crushes). His infatuation with Screwball develops fast and I like to use the phrase: He fell first but they (screwy) fell harder. They absolutely adore the hell out of each other once they get their issues sorted out and will drop almost anything if the other needed them.
BTW I might also try and portray Mothball as being on the autism spectrum, something that he himself won't find out until adulthood since I can imagine Chrysalis (with her ancient and overtly conservative ass) doesn't really believe in it being a real thing her own son could have.
Oh and Dinky has been Thanos snapped out of existence because I found her character to be very underwhelming lmao and her role will be replaced by my redesign for Princess Flutterby Lily, Princess Sterling Lily. Sterling will have a lot of history with both Screwball AND Mothball; her role in my rewrite will be based very loosely on the role of Rosaline from Romeo and Juliet, and if I had to describe her personality it would be Angelica Schuyler/Isabela Madrigal. She holds herself to an extremely high standard and is considered by many to be far too selfless, just like her mother, and doesn't quite know what she wants to do with her life outside of being the crown princess of the crystal empire.
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