#for my money this is the funniest thing I've ever posted
melanie-ohara · 2 months
Oh my god, which Tumblr user???!!!
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I shouldn't have to make this post but Nintendo fans are trying extremely desperately to position the company whose cock they love the taste of in a good light and are generally doing this by spreading misinformation about the legalities of emulation so let's go over a number of the fabrications shall we?
Emulation is illegal to monetize This has so far been one of the really big ones that's taken traction, usually partnered with the sister lie that yuzu was paywalling access to early access builds. These are both lies, and are untrue. yuzu is far from the only modern emulator to be monetizing itself, plenty of mobile emulators do it, but developing an emulator for money is entirely legal. We have pretty much all of our emulation precedent set thanks to a series of lawsuits in the very early 2000s thanks to Sony suing an emulator called Bleem. There's a lot to say about Bleem, but Bleem was a commercial emulator. You could buy Bleem, in stores. At no point was there ever a court decision that Bleem was wrong to do so (despite Sony's best efforts).
Emulating current generation software or hardware is illegal. This is also wrong, and kind of fundamentally misunderstands a lot when it comes to emulation. Once again, Bleem was at the time emulating current generation software. It was a generation in its twilight, but Bleem first released in March of 1999: the Playstation 2 was not out yet. The reason why current generation software does not tend to be emulated is because we do not really have the tech or processing power to do it yet. The Switch's lower specs are entirely the reason it has had an emulator developed well ahead of the PS4 or the Xbone.
Yuzu's early access build allowed people to play Tears of the Kingdom ahead of release date This one is a couple of different statements packed together, and while I'm given to believe there's a chance other games may have been playable ahead of release, this specific statement is a lie, and maybe the funniest one on the list because it's a lie that's not even backed up by the lawsuit.
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The lawsuit is extremely clear in its language that it was modded instances of Yuzu that could play Tears of the Kingdom ahead of release date, not publicly accessible builds of Yuzu. Nintendo's argument here lies in Yuzu being open source: part of the lawsuit alleges that Yuzu is responsible for any and all acts of piracy done by its users, whether or not they used official or modded builds of Yuzu. This is, of course, a fundamentally fucking insane position to argue from. It is not a particularly uncharitable reading of this as an attack on open source software to begin with, as this precedent would make any developer liable for ANY illegal action taken by someone who modified their code. Supporting this, in my opinion, makes you an asshole and liable to be clocked in the fucking mouth.
4. Literally anything involving this screenshot.
I've seen this screenshot maybe three or four times with different takes on what exactly Illegal is happening here and I'm pretty content to just call it vibes at this point. Whether this is an intelligent screenshot is a different matter, but no one has been able to point to anything actually illegal being done here. There is already precedent in allowing one to make their own back-ups of software they own, even if decryption or bypassing copy protection to do so, which is a large majority of software. Switch games are not the only games that are either encrypted or have copy protection, and this is both not the earliest generation to do it AND its not the only industry that does it.
The only point of interest here is the date, which I've seen literally no one bring up, but this correlates into another point: personal piracy is still not something Yuzu is liable for. It's a dumb thing to broadcast, but it doesn't change anything material about the software.
5. Yuzu folded because Nintendo had a smoking gun
I, I just, I'm sorry this one isn't just a lie its a really naive and incompetent view of the faults of our legal system. If anything, the settlement seems to indicate the opposite. If Nintendo was sure they had Yuzu dead the rights, they wouldn't have fucking settled. Both parties need to agree to settle! Nintendo is actively interested in trying to set legal precedent that emulation is illegal, because Nintendo is great at saying obviously wrong things with a straight face.
This could be a reason, but remember, this was a civil lawsuit, not a criminal one. Civil lawsuits have a difference in how evidence is handled, and it's pretty likely that Nintendo just has more evidence than user does on account of being able to afford a larger legal team and having planned for this lawsuit in advance, regardless of how strong that evidence actually is. It's why most of the arguments in the lawsuit read kind of insane. Civil lawsuits are not handled "beyond a reasonable doubt".
There's also the fact that legal cases can be extremely expensive, even when you know you are absolutely in the fucking right. I want to link this video by James Stephanie Sterling as evidence of this. They were completely in the fucking right, and the lawsuit still took an incredible amount of time and monetary expense to argue, and that's against an opponent who you could reasonably confuse with a scarecrow. This is ultimately how Sony eventually "won" against Bleem. Bleem never lost any of its lawsuits against Sony, in fact Sony ballsed it up twice against Bleem, but Sony continued to file lawsuits against Bleem and its company over and over, until Bleem literally could not afford it and went bankrupt.
There's also the matter of precedent. If Yuzu had taken this court, and lost, it would be really bad. There's a lot in this court case that you don't want precedent leaning towards, and due to, uh, America's current political climate and judicial regime, there's a fair chance the judge would have just sided with Nintendo anyways. Settling the lawsuit, while to be entirely clear, sucks complete ass for Yuzu as they were basically eliminated, protects the sphere of emulation as a whole.
So what was the salient parts of Nintendo's case?
The parts of Nintendo's case that hold the most weight have to do specifically with the encryption keys used to de-encrypt Switch games, and how those keys interact with the DMCA. There's no legal precedence to back this up, this is thoroughly untested grounds. This is actually where the buck stops with the Bleem cases: this one never went to a judgment for Bleem and hence never established precedent.
There's a pretty reasonable chance that Nintendo had a chance to win the lawsuit off of the back of this point. This doesn't make it a guarantee, but it's the part of the lawsuit that's actually important.
What happened with the settlement?
Well Nintendo got to legally extort the Yuzu devs and their parent company for $2.4 million. This is, strictly speaking, chump change to Nintendo but I in particular hate this part of lawsuits with a passion. In addition, as per the conditions of the agreement, all copies of Yuzu that were released and in development under the purvey of the company must be destroyed, the company and its devs can no longer work on Yuzu in any way possible, and they cannot work on any other emulation software. This is why Citra also closed down by the way: it was an unfortunate emulator in the cross fire. This in and of itself, is a tragedy, since this is basically court mandated brain drain. Undoubtedly Yuzu will be forked and someone will continue development on "Zuyu", but the loss is still felt.
Why should I care? Piracy is illegal.
This is where I'm going to wax philosophical for a moment, but Frankie my dear, I do not give a damn. Nintendo could have had full legal rights to do this, and I would still be of the opinion that Nintendo's legal team are ghouls and shouldn't feel safe showing their faces. This is how I felt when Nintendo shut down Emuparadise. Whether something is illegal does not impact whether it is right. Laws exist in a state of being able to be both just, unjust, or both.
Emulation is extremely important in the preservation of gaming as an artform, something that the game industry is extremely against in all forms. There's money to be made after all, and attempts at making sure that games are available to play are often attacked and criticized. This is part of the reason I'm so against the existence of copyright law. It doesn't matter what the intent of a system is, but it does matter what the system does, and it's transferred an overwhelming amount of power into the hands of large corporations while largely screwing small creators over.
I do not believe art has a price tag to it. I do not believe that art can and should only be enjoyed by the people a company has decided to sell it too. I do not believe that companies like Nintendo should be able to throw their legal weight around and ruin people's lives. You should be able to play Mother 3 and Shin Megami Tensei without having to wait for their parent companies to decide they actually want to sell it to you.
Piracy does not inflict meaningful damages to Nintendo. Despite Nintendo's whinging, Tears of the Kingdom sold over 20 million copies in half a years time, something that we can estimate to have made Nintendo about $1.4 billion in revenue. We live in a game industry which does not care about its game devs: it's perfectly willing to underpay them, to overwork them, and to eventually let them go. Nintendo is not innocent here. They have a history of mistreating their contract workers, and I personally know that these are not the only allegations that hold water.
In short, fuck Nintendo. Pirate all Switch games until the end of time.
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kiiriminna · 6 months
I've been reading Carl Barks' christmas comics, and came to conclusion that A Letter to Santa must be one of the funniest thing that I've ever come across.
I just adore the dynamics between Donald and Scrooge in this comic. First they fight, then solve their differences, then fight again, them team up, then fight some more... it's a never-ending cycle. This is one of those comics where these two character feel equals, and I'm all for it.
I didn't want to post the whole comic here, but these are my favourite parts:
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Donald's misunderstanding and the man carrying presents.
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The great money bag fight.
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Famous steam shovel fight, where neither of them can claim to hold the moral higher ground...
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Scrooge giving the judge extra, just in case. Also, the peaceful way he and Donald are acting towards each other, like this was just a common occurence.
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The whole Santa -scheme.
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A true comedic masterpiece.
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Too many Santa's.
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They are both so stupid and I adore them.
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mays-corner · 2 months
(This post is a bit random so if you get it you get it if you don't get it it's fine)
It's 2024. I should be going to the disco, which I dislike.
Instead, I decided to hyperfixate on a Welshman.
One thing that baffles me to this day, and trust me it has happened more than once, is has anyone ever tried to protest at least a bit to still have Matt as John? Did no one try hard enough? Or have the attempts failed?
I mean-
I'm a newer fan (even with content crumbs I am a fan) still, so I can't be sure, but I'm amazed that in all these years that have passed, no one ever did anything, and now he can't even play Constantine (I think).
And now, the only role I've seen is him dubbing John 💀
Ignoring this discourse about John, I've decided to search for other roles, movies, and series, and what I've found was interesting, to say the least.
I am becoming passionate about him for various reasons. Other than wanting to revive pre-pandemic activities, I have noticed a pattern: I enjoy searching for things that I only watch. These are some thoughts I had about some things I could not find in Italy:
Hard to find (for example, I'm still searching for "The Halcyon," and the funniest thing about this is that in Italy, it was shown on TV (on an RAI channel, RAI is an Italian broadcaster) during 2017 and it's not available on their platform.
Region-locked content (the DCAU being region-locked is such a crime; we only have House of Mystery, and that's it) or even trying to watch a simple cameo when the entire series is region-locked (the Harley Quinn one). However (and this is good news), while searching for Away (one of his movies to watch), I found Tubi and used a free VPN. It was slow, but it worked, and I watched it.
Expensive (I paid Assassin's Creed Black Flag in installments, so that wasn't expensive, but still...)
It was a play, so they haven't recorded it, but to see and better understand the role he played (in this case, read), I read Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola, and it was still effective.
Not even available on Chili (an Italian streaming platform on which you can rent or buy movies), the title only appears but is not available for streaming (lol).
Using Vinted or secondhand shops in general (it’s not the best time for me to go fully secondhand, but I suppose I could find some things there).
At the moment, I've watched just what I could easily find without resorting to piracy (which is ironic, since in Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Matt voices Edward Kenway, a pirate.).
In this list of things I could easily find, we have:
Constantine (thanks to another fan)
Criminal Minds/Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior (I had Disney Plus for a month, so I've watched it from there)
Flypaper, Adverse (Prime Video)
Arrow (Prime video)
Legends of Tomorrow (Netflix and Mediaset infinity)
House Of Mystery (Amazon prime, you have to rent it but still)
While writing this I found that "Layer cake" is on Sky, which I have and Now TV too.
Pocket Money (While watching it I just understood two words out of an entire short and I'm a c2 in English 💀)
Away, Wild Decembers, Armistice, Blood Monkey
So, you might have been asking yourself... Have I gone mad? To search and find for stuff not even available in my own country? In my own continent, too?
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But I thought this is what comes with being a fan of someone, even if the career is what it is.
Considering me being unlucky, I was never able to see Matt when he acted and then had premieres at the same time.
Asssassin’s Creed Black Flag? I was 10, a child, lol.
Legends Of Tomorrow? I liked anime, manga and everything japanese.
And the list goes on...
It's nice to see what was like and what I couldn't live, gosh, I'm praying hard that we get to see him act again, I want and I wish to be present, live or not.
I wanted to make a really nice speech but nothing comes to mind, when I get it maybe I'll post it 💀
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e3 recap: i just called to say are you a cunt? 1/2
ding dong the bitch is dead!
today we celebrate! extra long recap! (you'll find part two here and at the bottom)
it's finally time to fire gerri:(((
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this has been in the cards since the hazmat suit remark, but still shakes me to the bones.
and sticking her with cruises? horrifying.
almost as horrifying as logan asking roman to kill her...
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"you two, you know, you were close"
dickpickgate, the laughs were too high a price to pay.
on a more positive note, greg is also not having a good day.
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is he out of the inner circle? was he ever in? did kerry really look up if a focus group existed and pull him apart like string cheese?
my guess is it's because he is annoying. on this, logan and i agree. visually aggravating, indeed.
(on a more serious note, yes, i've seen the posts about nick and all i can say is believe women)
big boss man's last words:
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i wasn't paying attention. karolina was in the scene.
tom uses one line to summarize the episode we never got.
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wanting to kill cyd and gerri on the same day can kill you, you know. it's called karma.
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felt a strong impulse to skip the intro having seen the trailer, but i'm a good lil nick britell fangirl of course.
also, you know it's going to be a good episode when it's a mylod.
roman is very nervous about breaking up with his girlfriend firing gerri. "let's enjoy this sham marraige and the death of romance", he said...
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i know i asked for more gerri. THIS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
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roman is me, i am roman etc.
i'm also sad to report that i am, in fact, team hat.
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they are sad and angry but not in a perverted way:(
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so, so pretty<333 j. for supporting! sarah for lead, please!
it's the least they could do. seriously.
looks like having to kill gerri was the last drop for our romey.
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calling your dad a cunt right before he dies? it's shakespearean.
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connor associates victoria spunge with the loony bin. some of you might think the cake is not an essential part of this episode, but you are wrong.
shiv doesn't pick up the phone. first the cake, now this!!
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this is what my mom tells me all the time: gotta pick up the phone, i could be dying.
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and just like that... logan roy died. on the toilet. where all horrible fathers deserve to die. special shout out to tywin lannister!
the writers are absolute sickos for making me actually morn this guy by watching how his children absolutely fall to pieces:
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roman repeating how everything will be okay. ken saying he can't forgive logan, but that he loves him. shiv immediately reverting back to her younger self and calling logan daddy...
anyone else have some trauma responses to share?
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these asshole kids crying over their asshole father </3
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they frantically go back and forth between accepting that he is dead and making action plans on how to save him. it's a beautiful and heartbreaking throwback to the first season, when they still believed their money and status could save them from experiencing death.
even billionaires are mortal. really makes u think 👀
frank calls kendall son and i think it finally sinks in. i'm a pool of tears ready to be wiped up off the floor.
shiv and ken go to let connor know.
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they look so smol and lost and sad, i CAN'T. they really are kids.
connor is on some GOAT shit with this line:
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well, his father may not ever have liked him, but at least he got the world's strangest hug from his homey romey.
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being in denial too hard can cause hug disfunction.
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it's not a nice thing to call someone dead.
truly a heartbreaking rant we get from kieran here. one emmy for our favorite slime puppy!
karl continues to be the voice of reason:
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i feel connected to this man, spiritually and emotionally.
he should pour one for kerry as well.
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our girl is simply not dealing. fingers crossed for a delicious breakdown to come.
tom agrees.
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funniest shit i've ever seen.
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this is why we like to keep karl around, for the drinking and the nicknames.
part 2
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 5 months
I picked up that infamous "save the cat" scriptwriting book that so many writers keep recommending.
It's the biggest pile of horseshite I've ever read. The author keeps contradicting his own rules, has a strange hatred of the Christopher Nolan film "Memento", keeps trying to redefine specific writing terms to mean something else, admits he only wrote the book to make money and be the one to set "the rules" for script writing, spends most of the book bragging about how many scripts he sold and how many famous friends he has, and classified Schindler's List as a genre he calls "dude who has a problem".
But most importantly, he said that every script needs to have an establishing moment that's supposed to make us like the protagonist and want them to succeed. A moment where the character does something good, like saving a cat, to get us invested in their journey.
So imagine my surprise when we were given an episode called "Save the Cat" in season 5, where all built up themes and story are thrown out the window.
Holy. Shit.
So, I had to go read this for myself after receiving this ask, so I thank you so much for giving this to me. My experience with it was, ah, interesting to say the least. I’ve heard of and used Save the Cat (beat sheet) as a story structure concept in the past (I think most writers are going to be forced to come into contact with STC, right?) But the book it self was for screenwriting and not novel writing, so it never struck me as something particularly noteworthy... Until now.
BOY HOWDY is this a book. It didn’t, um, impact me in a direct way but rather it brought me into this wormhole of other concepts typically used in screenwriting that I’ve heard of but apparently only scratched the surface of. As I’m in this wormhole, they’re voices in the screenwriting community that criticize STC as well—not that I was interested at the time of finding those discussions, having already received this ask and having these points already in my mind. Some other voice were giving completely different advice, and I started to absorb everything with this newfound…. Curiosity…
The only thing that I think is appropriate to leave this post with now is this cool, summarized quote I found somewhere in the middle of the week I spent reading STC + devouring screenwriting research, and you can take it as you will:
“There is a difference between an artist and a creator”.
. . .
. . .
But back to SPOP…
So? Yes? “Save the Cat” (our SPOP episode)? Is a joke? It’s a funny little prod at the audience that expects you to know the real world context of the title, what the title is popular for, and what particular niche it’s popular in. Very clever, very cute.
But honestly. Anon. Dude. This is actually the funniest, highest quality shit I’ve ever had the pleasure of having in my inbox. It got me to read a book I never had the slightest intention of picking up, and learn so many little facts about screenwriting. Kudos to you, please come back whenever you want. You will always have my respect and gratitude.
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cyberphuck · 7 months
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Welcome to the pinned post. Artist/Writer/Local Mean Queer Jack Daniels Mizutani I don't know if divulging the different ways my body doesn't work will make you care more about my art, but in case it does: my legs are made of abandoned kittens and within my brain is the last bit of palm oil that Nestle hasn't sopped up yet. If you don't reblog my drawings the entire fragile ecosystem will collapse. Do you want that on your conscience? I draw a little bit of everything, but I love eyestrain art and dead bodies. Common content warnings/triggers are tagged. Arts are under the #art tag. Sometimes I will respond to posts or asks with a drawing. I pretty much only do this if I think it's going to be funny. The best way to get me to draw something is to 1. suggest the funniest thing I've ever heard, 2. pay me to do it, or 3. get really really mad at me for something and throw a huge fit.
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Buy a sticker Get a sticker for free Commission me Read some fanfiction? (writing used to be the only thing I did. I'm pretty good at it.) Buy me a Ko-Fi Sub to my Patreon (all of the art there is public, it's for "give me money" purposes only) FAQ: "what are your pronouns?" They/Them or Ae/Em, it's okay if you fuck it up accidentally "which way are you queer/trans?" all of them
"why do you keep saying you have five dicks?" because three of them fell off "I'M REALLY MAD" that sounds like a you problem "hey can you not shitpost in my reblogs please/what you said was hurtful/can I pull you aside for a second" Message me and we'll figure it out "what is the blob with the antlers?" That's Q. Anyway don't forget to uh
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schoolbusgraveyard · 7 months
I was interested in Tay's Headcanon, now I'm interested in one of Jasmine's xd
any headcanon list about her?
I don't have the widest range of headcanons for her (especially not if I'm going off of the top of my head)! But let's go! :D
Grew up without financial stability. I don't really have any basis for this headcanon, it's just kind of a vibe that I've gotten from her. If it gets revealed that she grew up rich or something, I'm going to think it's the funniest thing.
One of the first things she did when she turned 18 and got a decent amount of money was get her first tattoo. I think she would have gotten the one in the middle of her chest over with first, honestly. I hope lilredbeany posts the full concept for her tattoo at some point. I wanna know what the full thing looks like...
One of her favorite songs is Venom (Icon For Hire). This is on the SBG playlist that lilredbeany has, and I almost always attribute to Jasmine for some reason.
Thanks to her eye color, I associate her with a lot of forest-y colors; dark greens, browns, etc.; I think that she tends to stick to a lot of darker and more muted colors, sometimes in those shades.
Her first hair cut was when she was 14, and it was done in the middle of the night in her bathroom. It looked rough, but it was a lot better/more comfortable/she felt more like herself. She's been keeping it short ever since. Doesn't do anything special with it, just wakes up, ruffles it out/combs through it with her fingers, and is done. If she's gotta lead some kids to a rift, though, she'll clean up a little bit better.
Had to look at makeup tutorials on YouTube to cover up and hide her tattoos/piercing holes. Not that her tattoos needed a lot of effort to hide, but. She wasn't used to using concealer or anything.
Can sleep almost anywhere, so long as she has something to cover up with--it doesn't have to be a blanket, it can be just a jacket.
She acts a lot more friendly with the boss than she does with Ryan. It's not that she's more comfortable with the boss--it's actually that she's more comfortable letting herself relax/letting her guard down around Ryan. She can argue with him, talk back, joke around, elbow and nudge him, etc.
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Okay, quick Taskmaster liveblogging this week. I’m fucking exhausted after a long and shitty week at work, I got home from work just after 7 PM, made myself some food, and I am now very pleased to get to sit down with a meal and the new Taskmaster episode. I do not have the energy to do what I sometimes do with these, which is take notes constantly through the whole episode. But I know I’ll want to say some things about it. So I will use this document as a thing to write down quick little things when they occur to me occasionally, rather than trying to cover the whole episode. It’s nice to have this back in my life for nine more weeks (well, eight more now, I guess).
Thoughts on Taskmaster s16e02, written as I watch it:
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the funniest introductions are the ones where Greg pretends that Alex is right-wing for no reason.
- “Best sign” – I’m amazed that wasn’t taken already. You’d think Taskmaster would be out of the one-word ones, which is why they have to use “most < adjective > < noun >”, instead of just “most < adjective >” thing or “best < noun >”. But there’s still more stuff to do. I like that one, open-ended enough to leave room for interpretation, but still some solid boundaries they’ll have to stay within.
- It feels a bit like cheating for Sue Perkins to use her celebrity stories to garner points against people who just can’t compete with a story of the time Claudia Winkleman helped her steal a sign from the BBC. But I did enjoy that one.
- God, do I ever want to go to the British Library with Sam Campbell and steal shit. I think he wins in terms of aspirational stories, I’d rather rob the British Library with Sam Campbell than rob the BBC studios with Claudia Winkleman.
- I have seen the first three seasons of Meet the Richardsons (did not watch season 4 this year and I think I’ll probably leave it there, but I’m not sorry I watched it), and it’s definitely not the best show in the world, but one of my favourite parts was how cool that pub looked. That’s aspirational, it’s exactly the sort of thing I’d do if I had the money that they have. Make a full pub in your backyard where you can get the nice feeling of a pub but without the drawbacks, such as people you don’t know being in it and having to commute there and back (particularly bad, after drinking). Fucking lovely. The Jon Richardson I got attached to from radio 8 Out of 10 Cats/early Catsdown hasn’t existed for a long time, and that’s probably for the best and I’m glad he’s gone off to be happy even if I don’t find him as entertaining anymore, but I did enjoy seeing that pub in Meet the Richardsons like an example of success. Good for him. Nice prize, Lucy. You’re right, there is a warm feeling to it.
- Sammy C bringing his own equipment to the tasks. Following on from a couple of things he did last week, establishing a pattern of him doing things as a bit, because they are comedic, but also they happen to possibly give him an advantage in points. As someone who is backing him like he’s a sports team to win this season, I approve of this pattern.
- Listen, strange women standing around in Chiswick pulling on facsimile swords is no basis for a system of government. But I don’t know, maybe we should let Lucy Beaumont try running the UK for a year and see where they end up.
- I thought I wasn't going to do screenshots in this episodes, because these posts take so much longer when I stop to copy screenshots. But I have to say, the first proper laugh came from Sue throwing away the comment "I mean I want to go Widdicombe", then stopping, realizing what she'd just said, and you can watch the answer hit her:
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Aw, I've just remembered the existence of that panel show hosted by Sue Perkins with Josh Widdicombe and Richard Osman as team captains, Insert Name Here. Slightly flimsy premise, uneven guests and execution, but three people who are so good at being on panel shows that it entertained me all the way through anyway.
I watched that show about 2 years ago when I was mainly into panel shows and thought Josh Widdicombe was a brilliant TV comedian who just happened to make not-great stand-up - now that I'm more into stand-up than panel shows, that flaw seems more significant than it used to. Also, I've given up on The Last Leg because they've gone all pro-monarchy but also if I'm honest they've been leaning toward the bland centre for a while (though I maintain that it had some years of being much better than that). But there was a time when Josh Widdicombe was one of my favourites of all these comedians, I still think he's very good on panel shows, so I'm enjoying his little cameo here (I did guess that Widdicombe was the answer as soon as Sue said "Devon", because what the hell else is from Devon?). Nice to honour both the first Taskmaster champion, and the first two-time champion.
On the subject of Sue Perkins and Josh Widdicombe existing in the same universe, aside from their endearing panel show Insert Name Here, remember that time when Sue Perkins went on The Last Leg wearing a Patti Smith shirt and one time she messed up her hair for no reason and I had to save that as a gif because I think it might be the cure for female heterosexuality?
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- Watching this task for the second time, now that I know the answer. Obviously the foot that says “Greg” is a reference to Josh getting Greg’s name tattooed on his foot during season 1. “Devon” is where he’s from, as he talks about every time he’s on TV. But how does he make his hair smart? Is it just a reference to the fact that for a long time he was known for a particular haircut? Am I forgetting about something in the Josh Widdicombe canon (I say “forgetting” rather than “not knowing” because I have seen a hell of a lot of the things he’s done, including hundreds of hours of The Last Leg, arguably too many hours of The Last Leg…)? You’d think it would just be a reference to something he did on Taskmaster, like the tattoo. The main things Josh Widdicombe did on Taskmaster besides get a tattoo, I think, was count beans and fail to guess the rules of Alex Squash.
With Diamonds Come Bears was such an opaque club that they had to put it on the screen for us to understand it even once we did know the answer, but apparently the letters kind of line up. Then there’s that family tree showing how he’s descended from royalty, which he worked out from Who Do You Think You Are, and now talks about it every time he’s on TV.
- Interrupting my list of Widdicombe clues to say, why did Sam Campbell say Katherine Ryan has nothing to do with hair but “Bob Mortimer, that’s hair!” One of those people has objectively more hair than the other, and it’s not the one he described as “that’s hair!”.
- Did no one think before setting this task to check that Julian Clary has heard of Josh Widdicombe? That was pretty funny, watching Julian Clary walk around being unable to finish a task because he doesn't know Josh Widdicombe's name. Come on, Taskmaster, the small and nasally man with the short hair got a tattoo for this show. He does not deserve to have an entire task set up to emphasize the fact that Julian Clary doesn't know his name (he does, it was quite funny).
- Alex Horne, before this season started (paraphrased because I cannot be bothered to look up the actual quote): One contestant in particular put me in my place.
Julian Clary: "What sorts of people enjoy this show? Is it students?" "You're interesting, aren't you? Would you call yourself a charismatic man?"
- Susan Wokoma declaring that sexy dog subverts stereotypes made me laugh, Julian Clary referencing his dead art teacher very much added to that. I've watched most of the second task by now without stopping to write much because it's getting late and I'm tired, but that was fun.
- Lovely titled drop from Susan Wokoma. Very well delivered "Hell is here." She was kind of the quiet one last episode, is definitely making more of a mark this time.
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- Look, if I wanted to be pedantic, I could make the argument that Sam Campbell's picture was much better than everyone else's and showed off artistic skill that clearly the others do not have, even though Sue Perkins' drawing was quite amusing, and therefore Sam deserved the five points alone. I mean, technically it was the best cheeky picture, not the cheekiest picture, and no matter how cheeky Sue's picture was, it wasn't as good a picture as Sam's. And if Sam Campbell loses this whole season to Sue Perkins by one point, I will absolutely be repeatedly making that argument that he was robbed in this task. But okay, fine, the idea of Sue Perkins making a dick joke is amusing. And yes, I'm aware that I'm watching Taskmaster wrong.
- Secret task gets mentioned again. I think the funniest option would be if it does exist, but it's useless. Like if there's a secret task somewhere telling them to do something huge and difficult and time-consuming and they have several months to do it and they have to bring it to the studio to complete it, and someone does do that, and then it's worth like half a point. Yeah it's a joke they've done before, but not for a while. They've used the idea sparingly enough in recent seasons so I think they could bring it back.
- Lucy Beaumont doing mischief by being an unethical fake psychic pretending to communicate with the dead to swindle people is a bit of a weird light given that I now know she does genuinely, literally believe in ghosts.
- Hang on. Hang on. Are they allowed to do that? They can set tasks for each other? A genuine first in a Taskmaster history, I'm almost sure. Susan Wokoma is out here re-inventing the game. I kind of want to know if anyone else in Taskmaster history has tried to affect one of their competitors' games and been told they're not allowed to, because if so, that's not fair to them that Susan could. But if she was the first person to think of it, then fair play to her.
To stop watching Taskmaster wrong (like a sports fan) for a moment and start watching it right (like a comedy fan), God that was funny. Watching Sam Campbell stand up and sit down and be so earnest about it and genuinely engaged and find a workaround to draw extra mice for extra points, while knowing it was all for nothing, was very funny. It's Widdicombe counting beans again. It's the thing I think they should do with the secret task. It's really funny to watch someone try hard when we know something they don't.
- After pretending to smash up Alex Horne's phone, I waited for what Sam Campbell would say, as he's had great lines throughout this show so far. But actually, I think leaving the room after saying nothing was the funniest thing he could have done. Solid instincts there.
- Sam Campbell threatens to make a prank phone call. Julian Clary writes prank longhand letters. The generational divide, everyone.
- Well, normally in my posts, I start out writing relatively little about things, and write more and more as the post goes along, so the things I write about later in the post get expanded on way more than the earlier things. This one is the opposite, because as I said, it's late and I've gotten more tired as it's gone along.
So I've finished the episode. I enjoyed the live task. I do always like the "do something while keeping eye contact with Greg" tasks. The main thing I have to say about that live task is... I don't know if this is quite the hardest I've laughed at season 16 so far. But it's definitely the longest. As in, I'm exhausted right now, I worked long hours today and long hours yesterday and it a few really stressful days and a long week and it's fairly late and I feel like my brain is fried, and for reasons I definitely cannot fully explain (if pressed, I could explain maybe about 20% of why this happened, at the most), this exact frame made me laugh uncontrollably for several minutes:
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I just paused the video, stared at the screen, and could not stop laughing. There's a cat my lap the looked annoyed about it. Every time I tried to play the video again and move on with my life, I'd look at some new part of it and keep laughing. I took a screenshot so I can have it forever. The 20% that I can explain about why that happened does, again, involve using the word "earnest" to describe Sam Campbell's expression.
I also enjoyed Sue and Julian drawing the same thing (people who are older than the other contestants and also more famous than the other contestants and also gay are on the same wavelength as each other, apparently). And I liked Lucy Beaumont's peas.
I also enjoyed them bringing in another NZ task as the tiebreaker. Well done to Sue. I always like watching the rote memorization tasks, mainly because that's a skill I enjoy practising myself and I like to see if I can beat the contestants at it. I used to know pi to lots of places, back in high school, but I couldn't do that now. Could I memorize more digits than Sue did in the same number of seconds? Don't know, and am not awake enough to try it right now. Some other time.
I'm now going to sleep for a number of hours with two digits in it. Maybe three.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
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Today on things I IMMEDIATELY turned off, lol...
But first, props to tumblr for at least making sure we all knew about the change, not just silently adding it and making some random tumblr user release a psa. And for making it customizable/easy to disable.
I get how this could be fun. I hate blaze, but if you've got cash to burn and you really think so-and-so's video of a hamster in a party hat is the funniest thing ever, sure, it's your money, waste it how you want. Better to throw some coins to tumblr for hamsters in party hats than treat us to more mainstream ad content.
Of course, out of all the blazed posts that have ended up on my dash, very few have been hamsters-in-party-hats worthy. Most have just been stuff I didn't care about or something mildly insulting. But maybe the hamsters-in-party-hats crowd just don't have money.
Biggest concern is whether you get to consent first to someone else choosing to blaze your post. Tumblr says if someone blazes our post we'll be informed, and have the option to cancel it. It's an opt out instead of opt in. That's what bugs me. I hate opt out. I'd rather that if someone wanted to blaze my post, I had to definitively say "Yes." What if someone blazes my post and I'm in the hospital and don't see it before it's live? You CAN pull it after, which is great, but why not skip that whole song and dance by requiring people to opt in before the post can go live?
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Lol. I don't agree. But we'll see.
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Also disagree. Blazing is not the same as reblogging. I can't control what other people reblog which ends up on my dash, but I CAN choose who I follow, and if their content becomes something I'm not interested in, I can unfollow them. Only way out of Blaze is to cough up money for ad-free browsing. A while ago I tried blocking blogs that put blazed posts on my dash, but the blazed posts continued to appear. Maybe that has been fixed, I don't know.
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The sticking point really is a matter of consent. I've been on tumblr for ten years. I don't freaking remember most of what I posted back then. There's probably something embarrassing someone who really disliked me could dig up if they wanted to. If this option MUST be opt-out, then I wish at least all posts made before the change were opt-in only. If the approval process before someone is allowed to blaze your post is more robust than I anticipate, I won't mind as much though. Basically just let people have the MAIN say in whether or not their post gets blazed, instead of treating the informing of the OP like it's a courtesy.
Tumblr should keep in mind that a lot of original content here is diary-like, personal, meant for a small group of followers who feel comfortable with each other. It's not a site many people use to make their BRAND. That's ALSO one of the good things about tumblr - I don't sit around worrying about how fake everyone is like I do almost anywhere else. That's why I'm not interested in this feature. I can see it being used for good - blazing a gofundme for someone in need, for example - but I just don't want to wade through even more cringe I didn't ask for on my dash. Sigh.
Anyway, hopefully everyone who doesn't want this opts out without a hitch (for side blogs too).
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sho-minamimoto · 7 months
6 20 23 Sho
1 7 8 23 Shiba!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Hmm.... hard to say since Sho is just. completely batshit. I guess the easiest and most obvious answer would be that we're both artists and like to find beauty in aesthetically strange things. But I dont think i have a single thing in common with him personality wise LOL
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think susukichi and sho have extremely similar temperaments + quirks and if they weren't on opposite sides of The Conflict they'd get along great. I said once before that Susukichi would be the Sho Minamimoto of NEO if sho literally wasn't also already in the game. Their vibes are super similar and they both want to have a fun time.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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This one marketing image from when the anime was airing is the funniest thing in the world to me. like. why the fuck is sho even here. he is in no way buddies with anyone in the hachiko gang (during this specific timeframe anyways) there is literally NO logical reason for him to be posed alongside this specific group of characters here. This image from sho's pov is just him + guy hes actively trying to kill + guy he's stalking only bc he's joined at the hip with the guy he's trying to kill + guy he met twice and beat the shit out of one of those times + 2 people he's never met or interacted with before ever. On a marketing level its clear they just wanted to include him with the main characters simply bc hes a super popular character among fans but it's makes for the most unintentionally hilarious image ever.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
First. he's extremely funny and dresses like a harlot. Second THE LAYERSSSS Shiba's primary motivation is like a puzzle that the narrative gives you all the pieces to and then invites you to solve. Not in that the game doesn't tell you what it is At All, it says as much that he's on a powertrip towards ascension, but it's difficult to wrap your head around Why until you deliberately examine and unravel each of his relationships with the other shinjuku reapers: how they affected him, what their side of the story is, why they're emotionally estranged but still sticking together, etc. I enjoy that you have to take the time to put it together yourself, but also the full picture you get once that puzzle is complete is one that i enjoy immensely. The fact that the core of shiba's plight is rooted in his relationships (or lack thereof) is very true to the spirit of twewy and I greatly appreciate that they applied all this to the game's main villain AND gave him a chance for redemption on top of it. His final scene is one of my favourites in the game and really sticks with me.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The memes. Shiba's so easy to meme on its great. I have a folder of shiba memes on my desktop whenever i see a new shitpost or edit i Have to save it. im glad he gets clowned on so hard. Shi Basuks Cok lives in my head rent free. I wish shiba's va did small comms like I've seen other voice actors do sometimes bc i would pay him money to hear him voice act that post as Shiba for real. But i can dream
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I know i like Just finished talking abt how much i love the shiba memes but i also dislike how Majority of what i see of shiba is Just the memes and jokes. I wouldn't go as far as say i despise them at all (or i wouldn't have a folder of shiba memes) but I think its disappointing that i hardly see anyone actually take him seriously as a character or give him any consideration for analysis. Or not as much as I'd like to see, anyways (when i do see it it fucks hard though.) I also get the impression sometimes that some people take delight in the memes + clowning on shiba specifically bc they think he's just Not well written or interesting which bums me out a little.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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this clown shiba edit i made a yearish ago. i hold it close to my heart.
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
I'm done with a calendar year of Adult Swim originals, so I'll rank all the shows (and specials) based solely on their output up through 2008. Also, I literally forgot three shows to include in this list until I sat down to actually write each blurb, so it's somewhat likely I somehow forgot more. Please let me know if I fucked up big time. Here we go:
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45. The Groovenians (2002)
Not only is it unfunny, it's also simplistic, has shitty CGI animation, and is preoccupied with the abrasive trope that all creativity, no matter how tepid or unimpressive, is noble and worth celebrating. The fact that there's legendary talent involved doesn't even come close to saving it.
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44. The Finkel Files (2002)
Pathetically childish, terrible-looking, and in 2023 it puts me in the precarious position of making a very topical joke about Israel that will get my entire blog deleted and my residence drone-striked... by you-know-who :)
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43. That Crook'd 'Sipp (2007)
So bad that it's borderline incomprehensible.
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42. The Lewis Lectures (2002)
Merrill Markoe, Jack Black, and Laura Kightlinger come together to bring us what might be all of their worst work. And I'm including the time Laura Kightlinger kicked me and my friends out of a diner booth at a comedy show. This was worse than that! it might not be as bad as Jack Black's work with the Clinton Foundation, though.
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41. Minoriteam (2005)
Amateurishly written, ugly-looking, and for a show that's so outwardly "politically incorrect" (even for it's time), there are a surprisingly few transgressive laughs to be had. At 20 episodes, it spreads itself THIN. If racist/racial humor is your thing, you have better options.
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40. Penguins Behind Bars (2003)
Inoffensive, cute, and pleasingly cartoony. But it's more than a little boring, and doesn't feel like it belongs on Adult Swim.
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39. Saul of the Mole Men (2007)
The most charitable thing one could say is that it looked fun to make. But it only gets less fun after the first episode and struggles to come up with anything truly funny or worth paying attention to, even. Uh, that one girl is pretty hot.
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38. Robot Chicken (2005)
Patently not my sense of humor. But sometimes there's an interesting idea and once in a blue moon I laugh out loud. But these guys just get on my nerves.
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37. Captain Sturdy: The Originals (2003)
Pretty lame, but sometimes the animation is fun. Also, this ranking is based on me half-remembering both Captain Sturdy shorts (the first of these aired on Cartoon Network), so this ranking could be faulty.
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36. Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil (2005)
Trying to be edgy and Hot Topic cute at the same time. The animation was horrible, and it rarely made me smile even thought they stacked the cast with some of the funniest improvisors ever.
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35. Stroker & Hoop (2004)
Manages to coast on a modicum of charm because it resembled crappy animated shows from the 90s that young me would have enjoyed. But 4 out of 5 episodes were complete wastes of time.
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34. The Young Person's Guide to History (2008)
Sporadically charming in it's loosey-goosey crappiness; I'd argue the Saul of the Mole Men formula is a little more successful here. But it's still a pain to sit through most of it.
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33. Fat Guy Stuck in Internet (2007)
Has one GREAT episode. Most of it extremely mid. These kids were almost onto something. ALMOST.
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32. Stiff (2007)
Matt Maiellaro's comedic Evil Dead homage seemed like a good idea on paper. But it could've used more money and another pass on the script. An honorable flop, but a flop nonetheless.
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31. Saddle Rash (2002)
This one got lowered a rung or two for having an ugly youtuber icon in the corner of the one graphic that seemed suitable for use on this post. Unfair, but I've never been fair!
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30. Special Presentation/Anime Talk Show/Adult Swim Brain Trust (2004)
Maybe the worst thing involving Space Ghost to ever be on Adult Swim, which is a real feat.
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29. Sealab 2021 (2000)
The first season is good, with a few GREAT episodes. But after that, it takes a serious nosedive in quality and becomes one of the worst shows to ever air on Adult Swim. A remarkable fall from grace.
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28. Lowe Country (2007)
I could watch Lowe fart around for roughly 11 minutes. Maybe not every week, but this should at least have been an annual special. Harmless fun, unless you're a female receptionist at an Atlanta radio station.
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27. The Brak Show (2000)
Hyped at the outset of Adult Swim, this turned out to be a bit of a dud. But was always sorta harmless and occasionally managed to not feel like a waste of time. A few memorable episodes and jokes.
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26. Squidbillies (2005)
Has it's charms. Most episodes are duds, but it's very specific and I always root for it to be decent. Sometimes it is! Most of the time it's repugnant, which at least is interesting.
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25. Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law (2000)
I went from loving this show to hating this show, but by the time it was over I found myself somewhere in between. The old me would be shocked to see me rank this above Brak or even Sealab.
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24. Assy McGee (2006)
Uneven, but I consider this show a diamond in the rough, with a some really inspired jokes and a few great episodes. Bad, low-effort episodes drag it down, though.
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23. Frisky Dingo (2006)
Started a little lame, but it had little stretches where it picked up steam. The serialized nature of it will make the lesser episodes a sticking point.
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22. Let's Fish (2007)
Creative and fun. Am I sad it didn't get picked up as a series? Not really! Even though it's more deserving than some other shows, it still feels a little superfluous.
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21. Perfect Hair Forever (2004)
Not a lot of substance, but this one always felt like a fun treat despite being total nonsense. Also I am truly hoping that my ranking it this high will catapult the show's standing in the public consciousness that women will start cosplaying as Brenda.
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20. 12 oz. Mouse (2005)
More interesting than funny, but it is funny sometimes. It's also incredibly unique and has good vibes. Not worth overthinking it, though.
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19. The Drinky Crow Show (2007)
I began an early draft of this list before I rewatched the series; I'd only recently watched the pilot, and Drinky Crow was close to the bottom. But the series improves on the pilot considerably, and it's really grown on me. Deserved at least a second season.
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18. The Xtacles (2008)
There's only two episodes of this, but they are both laugh-out-loud funny, unfairly giving this show the highest batting average of any show involving members of 70/30 productions. Shoulda been more of them, man.
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17. The Boondocks (2005)
Brilliant at times, but sometimes it feels like it's going through the motions of being just another animated sitcom. But when it's good, it feels special. We need more shows like this.
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16. The New Big Ball With Neil Hamburger (2008)
Neil Hamburger should be allowed to do whatever he wants for at least ten episodes per year. Solidly very funny, better than some Awesome Show episodes.
Dang, only 30 images per post are allowed on tumblr. I wasn't planning to make this be a two-parter, but my hand has been forced. Join me tomorrow for the top 15. Or, go do anything else.
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jenroses · 2 years
So since it's that day, and I just finished posting my longest thing in years, I'm going to post links to several of my fics.
First, the most recent: Pocketful of Soul
Time travel, T-rated, for The Untamed/MDZS fandom. 182k, 60 chapters, complete, with art. I'm so pleased with how this came out, and it is by far my most commented piece, even though I only finished posting yesterday.
Next, the most popular thing I've written: Complementarity, Entanglement and the Uncertainty of Destiny —or— A Feminist Mage in King Arthur's Court
Also time travel, M-rated, Merlin, 117k, 42 chapters, complete, with art.
I would say both of these fics are pretty accessible even to people who aren't finished with the source material (though they will absolutely spoil the source material.) Several readers have agreed.
Third, the most underrated, or at least, under-read fic I've written: Mitzvah has relatively few hits compared to other fics in other fandoms, but those who've read it, love it. It was posted in the Good Omens fandom when that fandom was at peak volume, and was affected by the posting bug, so most of the people who read it were people who were following me, not people following the fandom.
It's a post-canon story about the kids in Good Omens, and the start of a series. It's G-rated, 24k, 6 chapters, and complete. And it still makes me sad that so few people have seen it. If you've seen the show or read the books, it should still make sense just fine--it draws from both canons, but explains well enough for those who have only interacted with one or the other. There's a later story in the series that is E rated and probably the funniest sex thing I've ever written.
Last, the series that I'm working on next is Actually, I Do Make the Rules for the Check, Please fandom. If you haven't read Check, Please, the whole thing is online, on tumblr, in bookstores, and in libraries. The whole webcomic takes maybe 4 hours to read from start to finish. I am not exaggerating when I say Check Please completely transformed my approach to storytelling, for everything I do.
This began with a wisp of an idea (Mama Bittle's Rule Number One) and evolved into an epic. Total word count for the series is currently 156k, and it is mostly T-rated, with nine stories.
The only part that isn't complete is Healing Rules, but it will be this year, as TWO people put money into the Trangender Legal Defense and Education Fund asking only that I add another chapter or finish it. So that's my next project. This story was written for queer youth, about queer youth, and is about family acceptance and best-case scenarios for the most part.
It was an easy story to tell in 2016. It's a harder story to work on now, because my optimism has taken a hit. But if you want to be ready for this, I'll be posting new stuff for it by December.
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mothellie · 12 days
1, 4, 8, 11, 12, 22, 24 for the fandom ask? ♥️♥️♥️
I answered #1 here!
4. Pairing that makes no sense to you? Tommy and Teresa from The Maze Runner. I know they're technically sort of canon but like... they have NO chemistry. I always write them as best friends or even siblings in my fanfics. Also Chidi and Tahani from The Good Place. I can understand why someone would like them but their dynamic is a big ol' nothing burger to me.
8. Fandom you're a part of that's the most obscure? TURBO KID. LITERALLY NO ONE KNOWS TURBO KID AND IT UPSETS ME. The whole movie is up for free on YouTube last I checked and yet no one knows about it when I bring it up. I am very very alone here, someone please join me.
11. Most unique merch you have for a fandom? I have a whole deck of the trading cards you collect from TLOU2 as Ellie and I'm SO proud of it. It also has trading cards in the same style but for several characters in the game. I also have a hand-made replica of Eddie Munson's jean vest which I'm also extremely proud of. Might post photos of myself in it if anyone asks.
12. Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom? Okay this might not be that crazy but it's hilarious and I feel like it fits here. So I used to be a big part of the @octopunkmedia fandom (I still am passively but I've kind of fallen off in recent years due to life stuff unfortunately) who made the DBH Reed900 fan films Detroit Evolution and Detroit Reawakening, and also a bunch of other original projects that are so worth checking out. They all have amazing rep. But they did a fun thing where they ran the script of DE through Google Translate several times and did a stream where they did a reading of the final result with the cast (which was about as chaotic as you'd expect lmao). Anyway, a bunch of the fandom members started doing that in a private server but with our fanfics for a while and it was pure gold.
22. Least favorite fic trope? Honestly I don't see this a lot in fanfic and this is more of a thing in media as opposed to fan content but LOVE TRIANGLES. It's such a tired trope. Just make them a polycule. I beg. Make them all kiss. Subvert my expectations.
24. Funniest fandom-related story? Back on the Octopunk Media topic, they were doing a crowdfunding stream thing related to Detroit Evolution and people who donated got fun prizes like Blu-Ray copies of the movie and movie props and signed scripts. I had a lot of disposable money and I was doing fine so I decided I was going to donate to get the highest tier prizes, which was like $500. I didn't realize I was going to be the FIRST FUCKING DONATION though and like 5 minutes into stream you can just see everyone in the call go "RIGHT OUT THE GATE WITH 500 OKAY." I still go back and watch that stream VOD sometimes to giggle. But THERE'S A PART 2 TO THIS STORY. So I was on a video call with the director because at the time that was a perk of one of her Patreon tiers, a monthly video chat. And it was after I had gotten my package from the crowdfunding stream so we were talking about it. And one of the things I had gotten was a jacket that was worn by the actor who played Gavin, Chris Trindade. But I was just trying it on and I had felt something in the pocket. It was a fucking hair comb. So I somehow ended up with the bonus gift of Chris Trindade's personal hair comb he'd forgotten to take out and we both had a good laugh about it. I still have it and that jacket somewhere but I think it's at my mom's right now. Honestly could've put that under 'most obscure fandom merch' but it's so much more fitting here.
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-> In response to Fandom/Fanfic Asks !
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e6 recap: bite me
happy international workers day, girlies!!
let's celebrate by watching billionaires be responsible for multiple SEC violations!
the bitch is back.
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shitting on his children even from beyond the grave.
the video in question: logan speaking of their new product, living+, which will play a surprisingly large role in this episode, given we've never heard of it before.
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shiv has a private jet rendezvous with mattson. they both excel at flirting:
mattson: we're buddies, can we talk? shiv: no, maybe i fucking hate you.
true romance<3
mattson tells her about the CE-bros and their little freakout on the mountain, which is the opposite of what her brothers eventually tell her during the meeting with the inner circle.
ken and rome, still adamant about tanking the deal, tell them that elon musk mattson is unstable and druggy etc etc etc --
somehow, i don't think any of them are buying it.
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shiv sure as shit doesn't buy their bs.
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this is the comeback i've been waiting for.
roman immediately makes his sadboy face and asks for a hug, because all he wants is love, but my heart is starting to harden. he is truly in his flop era this episode.
shiv pencils in 20 minutes in her calendar to cry.
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i love you, shiv roy. ilysm, but you will never be holly hunter from broadcast news.
cry-time is briefly interrupted by making out with the future ex-husband she absolutely hates.
we've all been there.
roman has to deal with hollywood.
he is not pleased.
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i can sense the utter distain jesse armstrong has for hollywood through my screen.
the hollywood exec pushes one of roman's buttons (lots of them lately) and he fires her in a way that reminds me of logan, but also doesn't. i have a feeling logan would send "the help" to do the dirty work for him?
roman's firing spree begins. we all know where this is headed.
kendall is being annoying.
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asking too much and telling your staff they can never say no?
just a regular day for me, working with politicians.
also, a fucking minefield in terms of sexual harassment, don't we think?
anyway, he wants to play house on stage and fudge the numbers and be the cringiest of cringe. let kendall be kendall, i guess.
tom and shiv hook up twice in this episode????
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also they bite each other.
i shouldn't have to elaborate on that.
ken and rome are still working on their "tank the deal" plan and so far the road ahead seems very realistic and not at all like the potential symptom of bipolar disorder.
for once, greg is of use and summarizes their strategy pretty well:
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bla bla bla business talk bla bla bla i don't care.
roman contemplates his own mortality, as one does, and thinks there should be some other option.
death is, after all, very much one-size-fits-all.
and where does he want to end up post death, you ask?
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inside a tortoise 👀
conveniently, gerri calls him in for a talk to chat to him about some very serious issues, such as:
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roman is shocked to know he can't just do whatever the fuck he pleases. but that's what my dad would do, he says, to which gerri responds, but you are not your dad.
i think we've hit another button..........
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and gerri, having zero fucks left to give, does not hold back.
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uh oh.
and thus, roman's firing spree continues.
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i'm broken.
and also mad.
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i know there are probably some readers of this recap not entirely obsessed with romangerri (but really, do you exist?!), but i just have to say, please endulge me.
we're just over halfway through the season and gerri's been fired twice. let me wallow.
kendall, however, is thrilled about this unhinged energy:
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"fucking eat greg" is perhaps the funniest thing he's ever said.
meanwhile, after sleeping together, shiv and tom share a heartfelt moment.
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just kidding.
tom says he loves money.
how gauche of him.
the set is not up to par for our mate kendall over here, so he morphs into joni mitchell for a short sec:
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where are the clouds from berlin?? really makes u think:(
luckily, he can fudge the numbers some more to elevate the stock price to distract himself.
the sibs, however, notice his erratic behavior, and shiv convinces rome that this whole presentation is not a good idea.
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and despite the eventual outcome, i think they are right, given ken's track record.
karl has a spine conspiracy?????
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it feels good having the old guard telling the kiddos how they truly feel.
in the back of his mind, all karl is thinking about is that greek island. that's queen shit.
kendall goes on stage alone, because roman really doesn't want to wear his stupid pilot jacket.
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he interacts with a video version of his late dad, which of course shows a man that is so very stable.
best roman quote of the episode: if i cringe any harder i might become a fossil.
gerri agrees, but in a more resigned way:
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couples who hate on kendall's speeches together, stay together<3 (this is what denial looks like).
my summary of kendall's presentation: starts out shit, then he pivots into karolina's script and it's fine, and then he plays the dead dad card and we can't really argue with that.
living+ is still a fucking shitshow imo. not sure if i would go as far as mattson, tho:
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leave it to the swedes to underestimate nazi discourse (please don't come for me swedes, you know).
greg unfortunately has the best line of the episode:
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and turns out, it is very much true.
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tom channeling his inner oprah was not on my 2023 bingo card.
and they all agreed ken did a great job.
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and karl devolves into his usual, spineless self:(
i have a feeling this all means an end to whatever sibling solidarity we've been seeing, given shiv and roman's reactions.
roman comforts himself by listening to what is basically an AI generated clip of his dad saying he has a small penis.
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shiv and tom seem to decide to keep it all business, but also not??
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it feels more or less like a high school relationship to me at this point. i love it.
and we get a clip of kendall in the water, but he didn't die, so i couldn't use one of my precious screengrabs on that.
you all should probably thank the tumblr gods that they have a 30 image limit on these posts.
see you next week for the afterparty, featuring more scandis for me to make strange references about!
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marikyuu · 3 months
I watched the livestream RT did the other day last night and I'm still feeling that sadness, I thought about posting something but didn't, but I guess I am?
I started watched RT in like 2010/2011, really got into them in 2012. But long before any of that, I watched RvB not knowing it was something RT did. It was on some other website that I can't even remember now, along with myriad of other content I found.
I stopped watching them after a certain On the Spot episode (I can't remember the number), with Gavin, Geoff, Jack, and Ryan. I remember this like it was yesterday, but was actually like 6-7 years now? Ryan made a rape joke and everyone went along with it and that's when I had enough of RT so I took a break.
2 or so years had passed and then STF formed and they started putting out videos. I loved their whole thing. They basically said, "this is my family and I'll bury anyone who hurts them". They did wholesome and chaotic stuff, the complete opposite of AH, which I still loved but I could no longer take the toxic content and bullying (the way friends will some times say terrible stuff to each other, but its supposed be in a "I love you" kind of way which is still horrible). Their whole group just meshed so well and it was what I needed at the time. My favorite video of theirs will always be a Minecraft vid, where someone starts a fire and absolute pure chaos happens and it is the funniest shit I've seen. They did a tiktok version of it and I've lost count of how many times I've watched it. And then they said STF was disbanding, it kind of hurt. They were the main reason I got back into watching RT, and then this little group of dorks I've come to call "home" was no longer a thing.
And then we get to now; the sadness I feel now... boy howdy, I didn't think typing this out would make me cry but here I am. Ahem... RT shutting down hurts a whole more than when The Creatures disbanded and I was more of a Creature fan than RT sadly. But it's as they said on the stream, RT was this whole other thing that existed. So much good came from them, so many good people, and unfortunately bad shit happened but that's bound to happen with anything. And now I'm just focusing on all the good things.
I'm a cry baby, so I 1000% cried tons during the stream, some broke me more then others. And thinking now, I will forever have "poopy diapers" stuck in my head. It was just some random thing that was said during one of the earlier Extralife stream where they were playing CAH, I can't remember the context of it being said but it was a team 2 Spoopy thing.
I went through the RT tag and there's just a whole lot of "they brought on themselves", "they should have made better money choices", and so on and so forth. But like, just chill the fuck out. We get it, you hate RT, cool, but like keep that to yourselves. Didn't you're parents ever tell you if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all? Hate and negativity is not needed right now, there's already enough of that in the world.
Anyway, I don't really know how to end this. I'll miss RT. <3
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