#forever member
ksturf · 9 months
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a tribute to the one and only david keith mccallum [19.09.1933-25.09.2023 ∞]
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fisheito · 2 months
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He's a magician
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zeravmeta · 2 months
honestly dantes speech to guda about how they could be humanitys last and greatest avenger class servant is kind of cute. dantes was the first ever avenger servant in fgo and this far down the line he basically gathered all his other avenger friends to go "guda join us!!! we'll make you our grand servant bet those other loser ass classes wouldnt do that for you!! we all took a vote and decided we love you forever!!!"
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by-saiyuri · 6 months
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my current friendship team!
monsieur neuvillette takes care of everything just so the others could have a nice outing
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7-wonders · 7 months
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alfaire · 1 year
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  ㅤ   「 🍷 ˖ ࣪  🩰  ㅤ⌑  ㅤ LONELY HEARTS CLUB
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drakkonyan · 2 months
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Shu takumi himself appeared in a dream and revealed this to me
Text: (over Apollo) "has kissed but doesn't want to overwhelm him"
(over Klavier) "has never kissed but reads shit tons of fanfiction (he learnt all the wrong things from it)
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jiminxoxo · 1 year
seventeen and their love languages <3
(!!! put as a warning for swearing unless stated otherwise)
choi seungcheol - acts of service + physical touch
so so SO protective oh my god 😭 but his love for you is so pure. no matter how busy his schedule is, he always finds a way to incorporate you. he’ll either make it a point to let you know whenever he’s busy so you’re not waiting up for him or literally tells his manager to pull over when he’s near your house and sprint over to see you for two mere seconds. you say he’s a bit obsessed (of course in a playful way, but also, he really is obsessed) and he always tries to defend himself but eventually let’s himself take the fall. for one, he can never stay mad at you no matter how hard he tries and two, well, you’re you. how can he not be obsessed with you?
“what if i told you i was outside?” he sighs into the phone, kicking a nearby rock and trying his best to bundle himself in this cold cold weather.
“seungcheol?!” you half whisper yet practically exclaim. he’s so unbelievable, but why does it bring the warmest feeling to your cheeks? “what are you doing outside at this time? don’t you have practice right about now?” you place your phone down briefly to wish the leaving customer a good day, only to see your marshmallow of a boyfriend walk in. you make a mental note to thank your lucky stars that there’s no one else on the building.
he’s in his padded jacket with multiple layers underneath. you can barely see his face that’s hidden behind the mask, but the overdramatized outfit is enough for you to tell who it is. it wasn’t that cold out.
“can i get an iced americano?” he pulls the mask down and you chuckle. “and also maybe a date once you’re off work?”
you should be used to this by now. he’s the type of guy to surprise you any chance he gets. “a date?” you repeat, watching as his hand searches for yours from over the counter. he nods, tilting his head the side slightly as if asking you again.
“what do you have planned?” you ask, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. he grins, taking that as a yes.
“i just want to stay in with you today. we don’t have to do anything” he suggests.
you take a second to think, “then nothing it is”
“why is seungkwan cursing at you in the group chat?”
“oh my god, you distracted me” he panics, “i forgot to give him his iced americano”
“oh so this is my fault?”
“of course not honey, i love you”
yoon jeonghan - words of affirmation + quality time
jeonghan is such a delight. your love is so young and playful, never losing its fun. he also knows you alarmingly so well. you’re insecure? he’s right by your side and listing his favourite things about you (with an occasional embarrassing fact about himself here and there because he can’t seem to help himself when it comes to making you feel better). you’re annoyed because he pranked you again? he’s playfully looking at you and telling you that you shouldn’t be surprised anymore. you’re roasting him? he probably roasted you first LMAOOO. words of affirmation via soft roasts 👍 but i think no matter how often he may tease you or joke around, he’s never one to take it too far. he’s so respectful of your boundaries and makes it very clear that your feelings are what matter first to him. communication is so important to him (please don’t make me continue cus I’ll start to violently sob)
“they were totally flirting with you,” you mumble, tossing your keys on the counter. scratch that, more like slamming them. you couldn’t seem to help it though. not when your boyfriend couldn’t figure out why exactly you were upset.
“darling they weren’t flirting, they were just being friendly” he reasons after shrugging his jacket off, now fiddling with his watch. normally you’d help him take it off, but you’d rather watch him struggle to unclip it from across the room.
“friendly.” you scoff, finally caving in and helping him take off his stupid watch, actively trying to avoid eye contact with your stupid boyfriend who’s looking at you with a stupid smile—
“are you…. jealous?” he’s grinning.
you roll your eyes, giving him a light shove. “no,”
“you totally are!” he’s practically beaming now. you were never one to get jealous. he figured it was because you trusted him, and you do. but in all honesty, he’s never given you a reason to be jealous. not until today. “you know i never would have even noticed right? i may have been talking to someone else, but you were on my mind the whole time. you have absolutely nothing to worry about, honey. i honestly didn’t even know you could even get jealous considering how loyal i am-“
“shut up,” you mutter, attempting to walk away but ultimately being pulled back to face him once again.
“make me.” he teases, holding up his pinky, “i promise i won’t tell anyone that you were jealous”
“you’re an idiot,” you say, stepping forward into his embrace, to which he happily sways the both of you side to side.
“you’re lucky i didn’t even realize they were flirting with me,” he starts waddling the both of you to the couch, “otherwise i would’ve accidentally exposed our relationship.”
“you totally wouldn’t have,”
“you’re right, i wouldn’t.” he laughs, “i’m saving that announcement for our marriage”
!!! joshua hong - gift giving + quality time
sigh. he doesn’t call himself a gentleman for no reason. dating him is straight up like it’s from a movie. he’s attentive and just overall so respectful to not only you but to your relationship as well. he doesn’t even try to make your relationship seem so picture-perfect, it all just comes naturally. ofc there are gonna be bumps in the road but he’s always going to remind you that he’d rather fight and try to work it out with you than move onto somebody else. he thinks you’re worth every hardship. he allows himself to break down every barrier whenever you're around, just letting him be himself. is he perfect? no. will there be bumps in the road? probably lmao. but will he fight like hell to make sure you know that his heart belongs to you? damn straight.
“it’s rude to stare, you know,” you start, eyes not even leaving the magazine you were flipping through. you could feel his piercing gaze from a mile away.
his chuckle is heard from the other end of the bed as he ventures closer to you, your once comfy position is now maneuvered for the both of you to view the catalogue in your hands.
“staring? more like admiring.”
you roll your eyes, putting the magazine down briefly. his eyes are playful as they stare down at you, while you return his gaze with a really? that’s all you got?
“what? i can’t admire my fiancé?” he sighs while leaning closer to you, never letting himself get tired of that word. fiancé. it just has the best ring to it, especially knowing that you’re his and he’s yours.
“not when they’re trying to decide on something that will make or break the marriage,” you retort, pushing his face that was inching closer to yours away to view the catalogue once again.
“since when did the floral arrangements decide the course of our marriage?” he’s dumbstruck. leave it up to you to keep him on his toes.
“they don’t. i was just testing you to see if you actually cared about what i was looking at.” you’re laughing at the playful look of hurt on his face. “i’m kidding, you’re probably stressing over the flowers more than i am.”
“maybe,” he shrugs, slipping out of your warm embrace. he’s shuffling around the room for a bit, finally deciding to stand beside you with his hands hidden behind him, “or maybe what matters more to me right now is that you like these flowers?” he whips out a bouquet from behind him. how he even managed to sneak them into the room is beyond you.
“oh my god,” you breathe, “fuck the flowers at the reception, this is definitely more important right now.”
“you know, i think you’re the prettiest-“
“if you say i’m the prettiest flower josh, i swear to god the wedding is off.”
wen junhui - quality time + words of affirmation
i think it’s safe to say that I probably had the hardest time figuring out what sort of love language he is. not only is he the literal definition of the word love, but he also just has the purest of souls. this is your world and he is just living in it. the type of guy to raise a boombox over his head outside your window to confess his dying love to you... :( also probably kicks his legs back and forth while texting you or something LMAOOOOOO his favourite moment with you, you may ask? probably when he’s teaching you to dance one of their choreographies. you’re shy and definitely a bit clumsy but he can’t help but he absolutely enchanted by you (and in his words, ‘put hoshi to shame’) just loves the fact that you’re interested in something he loves. it doesn’t take much to make him happy to be honest, so you don’t even have to try. you being there makes him over the moon.
“its late,” you remind him, glancing at the clock on your microwave. “you should sleep now,” you’re on the phone with your boyfriend who’s just flown out of the country and back within the last 9 hours, never mind all the schedules inbetween. anyone would be exhausted.
he’s not complaining though, he never does. if anything, he’d rather stay on the phone with you than rest. “says the person who’s still up, trying to finish the thesis for class.”
you roll your eyes as you finish making your sandwich. he’s got a point, but you’d never admit that. “shut up,” you retort before taking a bite. once you finish putting the ingredients away, you head back to your room.
he’s smiling on the other side of the line, knowing fully well that you don’t have an argument against him. “are you almost done?” he asks, silently signalling a thank you to his manager who was willing to drive him over at this time. he exits the car and makes his way to the entrance of the building. the faster he gets to you, the faster he can convince you to shut your laptop off and head to bed.
he knows you’d never listen to him if he wasn’t physically there beside you. it was exasperating at first but overtime he came to realize that your thick skull actually made your relationship just that much stronger. after all, he drove over just to surprise you, didn’t he?
“almost,” you sigh, adjusting your glasses. “this thesis is a pain in the ass. it’s taken every living cell in my body to not curse my prof out. who assigns a gazillion word thesis and expects it to be done in a day and a half?”
he chuckles, exiting the elevator and heads straight to you apartment. “someone who clearly isn’t scared of your wrath. by the way, can you open the door?”
you halt your typing and stare at your phone placed beside your laptop. surely you didn’t hear him correctly… right?
“yes, i’m really here,” he doesn’t hear you as you hurriedly jump out of your chair, stumbling your way across your apartment. “and.. maybe im a bit tired. so i would really appreciate it if you open the d—“
you’re swinging the door open before he could finish his sentence, “you’re here,” you exhale, accepting him into your embrace.
“always. and i’m also taking you straight to bed. why are you looking at me like that? we’re going to sleep!”
!!! + brief mentioning of alcohol
kwon soonyoung - words of affirmation + gift giving
your very very personal hypeman!! always uplifting you whenever you’re feeling even just a teeny bit insecure. i see him as being a spontaneous gift giver. i mean, have you seen his wardrobe?? will spoil you rotten with the most lavish gifts. that being said, he didn’t get you these gifts for the materialistic aspect, but he just wants you to know that he (pardon me) fucking adores you and wants you to know he will go extreme measures to show you. i think he would have a hard time expressing the right words on how he actually feels about you. (you both can tell he feels a lot, it’s just the matter of how he would form it into words is what he can’t seem to do) but there's one thing for sure, this boy is a SIMP. he is a simp and will admit it to anyone proudly.
if someone were to ask you what the most memorable dates with him were, you’d simply answer with:
sneaking out to your backyard late at night and watching as his eyes glimmer with happiness while lighting the fireworks (and almost getting caught when your neighbour barges out his door, searching for the culprit)
surprising him at one of his tour stops
winding down for the night after a particularly hard day and basking in each others company (technically not a date but hey, it counts)
if he had to answer that same question, his answers would be:
dragging you to the zoo and — ding ding ding! — taking you to the tiger sanctuary
drunkenly singing love songs to each other at karaoke… in front of the rest of the boys
introducing you to said boys
unanimously, it’s decided that your first date is hard to beat in terms of favourites.
he isn’t sure why he had even thought of suggesting to go hiking for your first date but is equally as surprised when you had reluctantly agreed.
the first 40 minute hike up was filled with lots of curses in his direction, to which he blissfully ignores due to the fact that you were holding his hand. how can he pay attention when all of it is zeroed in on the fact that he's telling him brain to not get his hand clammy?
the hike down was unfortunately the problem though. after foolishly suggesting to race down the hill, (he can’t even defend himself at this point) you had agreed, only because you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. after a moment where you swore you were beating him, you didn’t see a tree branch on the ground and stepped down a bit funny resulting in even more cursing but for a completely different reason.
it was all a blur. him panicking, you clutching your ankle for dear life and him panicking even more after seeing how quickly it was starting to swell. after a quick visit to the ER and a pinky promise to never mention this date to anyone ever, he spent the remainder of the day piggybacking you around all the spots he had still planned for the date.
despite all that though, you had still decided to go on another date with him. hell, you had decided to be exclusive with him.
it was all oddly charming in a way, and you could have never asked for a better date.
hiking is still banned though.
jeon wonwoo - quality time + acts of service
type of lover who is simply there for you with no words needed. a comforting love that's filled with quiet hand holding and blushing as you gaze into each others eyes. he's patient, letting you let out your spur of the moment thoughts while he sits back and admires, constantly thinking to himself that he could never love and adore anyone as much as he does you. his inner extrovertedness definitely comes out when you're around - he allows himself to feel giddy like a teenage schoolgirl falling for her first crush. also, this is my personal opinion - he is very protective over you. if not, the most protective compared to the rest of the boys. 1. you’re his. 2. he doesn’t really like to share. 3. there is no three. sunshine (you) and sunshine protector (him) type beat (get it? because you're his sunshine)
the hype around the first snowfall of the year had always been a bit frivolous to you. as you walk down the rather busy road to head back to your warm apartment, you pass by dozens of couples who are buzzing at the unexpected flakes falling from the sky.
you sigh, thinking of your own lover who would’ve totally agreed with your comment. if someone’s love will last, it has nothing to do with a first snowfall… right?
wonwoo was set to come home in a couple of weeks. that you could tolerate, but the thought of him having to bundle up more than the average person in this specific weather once he’s gets home leaves a pang in your heart. before you know it, your fingers are navigating through your phone to a familiar contact.
you - it’s snowing back home… i hope it’s not too cold where you are
he’s not the best texter, but to your surprise, he replies to your message right away.
him - It’s snowing where I am too.
you let out a snort at his short yet blunt text. again, he’s not the best texter but he definitely tries his best.
pocketing your phone, you turn the last corner you need to, your apartment building now in sight. you figured calling him would be better, but you’d rather do that once you’re settled and comfortable at home.
until it dawned on you.
you - it’s snowing in jakarta right now?
he reads your message but doesn’t respond causing your heart to speed up in pace. there’s absolutely no way.
after practically sprinting to your door, you stop to catch your breath quickly in front of it. it’s okay. you’ll call him and confirm where he is. if he’s home - which you’re trying not to think about too much so you’re not too disappointed if he wasn’t - you’ll bus to where he was. or maybe you could uber?
“hey.” you hadn’t even noticed your door swinging open, revealing your boyfriend dressed in his padded jacket.
you gawk at him, pushing his shoulder with a shout, “i cannot believe you fooled me!”
“i told you we were busy this morning,” he laughs, grabbing your arm to pull you into his embrace.
“busy as in at the airport and on a plane?” he lets out another breathless laugh as you look at him in disbelief, “wait, where are you taking me?”
as you finish your last sentence, he’s already ushering you out a little further and closes the door behind him, leading you to the elevator. “its the first snow,” he says once you’ve finally made it outside. “i know what you’re thinking. the first snow isn’t an accurate representation of how long we’ll be in love, and i know we’ll be in love for a long time, snow or not. but i don’t care, i want to spend it with you.”
you’re not sure if it’s the sincerity of his voice that causes you to blush or the fact that he’s so confident in his feelings. there’s one thing you’re sure of though.
jeon wonwoo is the embodiment of the feeling people get when the first snow happens. an airy sort of feeling, excitement and.. love.
so yeah, it’s kind of hard not to love the first snowfall when wonwoo was with you.
lee jihoon - quality time + gift giving
😭😭😭!! jihoon is just so…… !!!!! definitely has a hard time expressing how he feels about you, but it’s so consuming that he has to let it out somehow. in my eyes, he’s a gift giver (and just lover in general) in the form of music. he’ll do small things like hum certain songs that remind him of you when you’re around to making playlists for your five hour road trip to literally writing a whole album about you (will he ever show it to you? maybe. will he literally spend many hours making it and creating the cover art because he’s just that passionate about your relationship? absolutely.) he gets a bit carried away but he can never seem to help it, he’s absolutely whipped for you, and when he’s in love he’s in LOVE
“one second, wait here” you say, jumping up from your comfy position in front of him and leaving him with a questioning look on his face. you seem a bit eager compared to your previous complaints about being exhausted.
to be fair, he never was one to like celebrating birthdays. he likes to keep the gathering as small as possible (but definitely doesn’t mind the presents). it’s more genuine that way he thinks, him surrounded by all the people he truly loves is something he much rather prefers.
it’s late into the night and probably past his birthday at this point, the two of you just returning from his birthday dinner that was held with some of his dear friends and family. he’s quiet- with a lingering smile playing on his lips- but happy.
after a couple minutes without you retuning, he lets out a small scoff. you’re definitely up to no good. “one second my ass” he chuckles to himself.
he’s about to get up from the bed, but is stopped when a soft light illuminates the room and he’s face to face with your bashful smile.
you’re there. standing in front of him with a cake that was probably made from scratch and softly singing him happy birthday. he can’t seem to bring out any words after you’re done. you’re peering at him and quietly telling him to make a wish, but what more does he need to wish for? he has everything he needs right in front of him. he hesitates for a second but complies, wishing for absolutely nothing to ever change.
he finally understands. he’s sang to you millions of times and you’ve never failed to remind him how much you love his voice. he thought you were just saying that to say it, but after listening to you sing with the softness and comfortability with just the two of you there, he could listen to you sing for hours.
“happy birth- I just realized what time it is. I didn’t really think this through did i? whatever. happy birthday jihoon, I love you” you’re both laughing, love just radiating off one another. this is the best birthday he could’ve ever asked for.
lee seokmin - literally all 5
first off i want to apologize to all the seokmin stans out there because i just know you want to beat me up through the internet right now. he’s just!!! so!!!! lovely!!!! just a ☀️💗💖 type of person. he himself confirmed words of affirmation (surprise surprise) but who is he kidding??? that man is the literal embodiment of all the love languages. he’s always reminding you how loveable you are, especially in the moments where your insecurities are getting the best of you. he will show you love in its purest form, and will never ever let you forget that you mean the world to him.
you can feel his eyes on you as you comfortably sit beside him, placing your legs over his. “so i was thinking,” he starts, tapping his finger on his chin.
oh no. nothing good ever happens when he starts with that. “yes?” you hum, tearing your gaze away from the tv to focus all your attention on him.
“i know you’ve met the members before, but do you think, maybe, i can meet your friends and family and you can meet mine?” he stumbles over a few words and starts playing with your hands to busy himself. “i love you. and honestly, i just want all the important people in my life to meet you and adore you as much as i do.” he pauses before letting out a chuckle, “well, maybe a bit less, because i adore you the most.”
you’re quiet. it’s not that you don’t want him to meet your loved ones because god, of course you do, but how are you supposed to explain that you want to keep him in this little bubble?
this bubble of love and joy. you know it’s selfish, wanting to hide him away from the world and just let the two of you be the two of you. without the judgement of anyone else. dokyeom is a very understanding person and has never once judged you. so why is this so hard to admit to him?
his eyes are patient as they gaze at you. he’s trying to read the expression on your face but it doesn’t seem to work, “of course, if this is something you’re not comfortable with, we can always reintroduce it down the road,”
you shake your head, removing your hand from his to hold his cheek. his eyes close as he leans into your touch. “i’d love to meet your friends and family, seok,” you whisper, connecting your foreheads together, “i was scared at first because i don’t like the thought of people having their assumptions about our relationship but i can see this is really important to you,” you pull back to look at him. he who is looking at you like you could rearrange the stars in the sky. “and i just realized that the only opinion i should care about is ours.”
“you know what? let’s just stay like this for a bit,” his eyes are understanding as he inches a bit closer to you, almost as if he can’t seem to help it, “i want to keep you to myself for a little longer. just you and me.”
“are you sure?” you ask only because his conclusion is so vastly different from his initial proposal. “we’ve been dating for the last couple months and my friends have definitely been nagging at me to meet my boyfriend that I keep talking about”
“i’m sure.” he seals it with a peck to your lips, “besides, your comfortability is what matters most to me. if your friends love you, they’ll understand,” he says, “but they better not love you more than I do…”
kim mingyu - physical touch + words of affirmation (confirmed) + acts of service (confirmed)
two words. puppy. love. he’s just….. so down bad for you, need i say more? if you give him a piece of your heart, he will give you the world type of relationship. with mingyu, there is never a dull moment. constantly laughing with each other and allowing your inner child to heal with him in your presence. is a simp and is PROUD about it... but also tries to deny it? its funny, because everyone knows damn well what kind of lover he is. super sweet, super affectionate, maybe a little immature... you know it, he knows it, his members sure as hell knows it. but the second they try to tease him, he's denying all their allegations. he doesn't really want them knowing that you're his soft spot in human form - after all, they'd just use it to their advantage - but from the way he glances so dotingly at you, is he really fooling anyone?
“is that my hoodie?” he’s grinning as he widens the door just a smidge to lean against the doorframe.
you know he’s getting a kick out of this and you let him have his moment before adding, “gyu, you asked me to wear it,”
he shushes you while taking your arm to guide you in and shutting the door behind you. “thanks for coming,” he softly says and watches as you cross the room to sit on the couch.
again, you let him have his moment before turning to face him with an exasperated look, “well, i figured it was the least i could do after you texted ‘SOS’ to me about a hundred times,”
he lets out a hearty laugh as he sits beside you, completely unashamed of his tactics to get you here. “in all seriousness though,” he rises, presenting his hand in front of your face for you to grab, “i made a new dish to try and i want to know what you think.”
once you join your hands together, he drags the both of you to the kitchen, letting you take a seat while he places the finishing touches to your dish.
he’s watching you as you eat, eyes shining while you continuously compliment him on his culinary skills across the table. getting up, he ditches his food — not that he had even touched his plate in the first place — and ventured around the table, dragging a chair a bit closer in your direction just to plop beside you. he places his arm on the table and rests his chin on his hand, “tell me more,” he quietly murmurs, lifting his free hand to softly brush some hair away from your face.
you gently place your fork down on your plate and grab a tissue to dab your mouth. finding your actions oddly adorable, he moves to wrap his hand around the arm of your chair just to draw you closer. “well,” you start, “you know i love your cooking. you’re so talented, gyu. i don't know how you managed to get these ingredients that are amazing on their own and made them into something special together.”
he beams at your comment. “i think you just described us perfectly,”
you tilt your head, just a little confused on what he meant.
grabbing your hand, he presses a chaste kiss to your palm before lifting it to his cheek just for him to lean on. he closes his eyes, savouring this moment before adding, “great on their own. something special when together.”
"can i be the truffle or something?"
"eh, you're more of a raw onion if i had to choose- ow!"
xu minghao - quality time + gift giving (confirmed) + acts of service (confirmed)
don’t even let me get started on this man. he is 100% written by a woman, i cannot stress this enough. the amount of love he would hold for you is ridiculous - there are tears streaming down my cheeks as i write this btw. so in tune with his emotions and probably so attentive to yours as well. i know the words of affirmation and acts of service are confirmed (💔) but i personally feel so strongly about the quality time part. many of your nights consist of just basking in each others presence and just straight serenity. i can’t express into words on how magical your relationship would feel. xu minghao has the most beautiful heart and yours is definitely safe with him.
“do you ever feel like,” you pause as he tilts his head down ever so slightly to gaze softly at you, “i don’t know, that you’re so burnt out and there’s nothing that can help you?”
you’re both laying down in bed with your limbs tangled under the sheets. between both your schedules, it’s near impossible to have moments like these. domestic moments that you’ve come to miss even while he’s beside you right now. it’s the crack of dawn and you’ve only been together like this for mere minutes, it’s never long enough though.
he nods before squeezing you lightly against him. “all the time.” he sighs, “especially when i know that i’m unable to see you for a while,”
“me too,” you agree. your relationship is anything but needy. you both appreciate your independence, but it’d also be a big fat lie if you said being apart from him was a nice feeling. over the years, the two of you had found your ways to make it work, but the longing is always there whenever you’re apart. “when do you have to go?” you ask, leaning over to take a look at the clock behind you.
“did you really have to remind me that our time together right now is super limited?” he teases, softly pulling you back into his embrace.
“when is it not?” you say with a chuckle. you’re only joking and he knows that, but he can’t help but feel guilty as he analyzes you. your mood had definitely gone down just a bit after a moment of silence.
“do you think they’d believe me if i called in sick?” he’s poking at your side to hopefully lighten up the mood. when his attempt is successful and he sees your smile, he mentally gives himself a pat on the back.
“cheol would have your head if you��re late to practice,”
“if i were late to practice, it’s not seungcheol who i would be scared of to be honest..”
you hum while tilting your head up to meet his eyes. “hoshi,” you both say in unison before letting out hushed laughter.
as you settle down, he brushes some hair away from your face, his expression morphing into something more sincere. “thank you for always begging patient with me and my schedule. i feel like i would’ve given up a long time ago if you weren’t around.”
“good thing i’m staying then,” you hum before adding, “watching you do what you love makes me insanely proud. i don’t care about your schedule, even if it allows us only twenty minutes every four days.”
“speak for yourself-“ he’s interrupted when his phone obnoxiously blasts his alarm tone, indicating that your time together is now up. to your surprise, he gets up only to snooze it and goes to lay back down beside you, closing his eyes for a bit.
feeling your questioning gaze on him, he peeks an eye open to look at you and decides to hide himself in the crook of your neck, “hoshi wouldn’t believe me if i said i was sick,” his voice is muffled, but you can hear the mischief in it, “but he’d believe me if i said i slept in.”
boo seungkwan - words of affirmation + gift giving
omfg. this man. not only is he your best friend, but he’s your personal hype man who is somehow still so shy at telling you how much you mean to him. definitely an old couple type of love with your fair share of old couple bantering. i think it’s quite adorable. man,,,,, HES adorable 😭😭😭 the type of gift giver where he can think of the most obscene reason on why you have to have it. a random bottle opener? pretty sure yours broke seven months ago. a backpack? this one has a tangerine charm on it!!! definitely gets defensive when you tell him to save his money and yet throws the biggest fit when you get him something nice in return. prepare to lose every playful argument the two of you have, that unless, he lets you win (never admitting the fact that he is so down bad that he’d do anything to see you with that winning smile)
seungkwan definitely likes to catch you by surprise, especially after his visits to his hometown.
he’s unloading his suitcase in your shared bedroom having just returned from his trip back home for the weekend. the glow on his cheeks is something truly special, and you have the pleasure of seeing it while he raves of his time back in jeju.
“so my mom made me haul this large bag of tangerines over to you.” he says, a little disapprovingly at that. the more you think about it, the more that you think the act of gift giving may run in his family. “wanna share?”
you scoff, snatching the bag he was holding to hide behind your back. “you’ve had enough tangerines in your lifetime. this bag is mine.”
eyes wide, he points an accusing finger in your direction. “you wouldn’t have that if it weren’t for me!”
sticking out a finger of your own, you start running before he could catch you, knowing how riled up he could get. your attempt to run is sadly not fast enough since he’s already latched onto you and poking jabs at your most ticklish spots. he can’t help but laugh along, drinking up the noises bubbling out of your chest.
“thank you for the bag of tangerines. seungkwan said you made him haul a huge bag just for me.” you say to his mom over the video call, watching as her warm smile morphs into a knowing one.
“honey, i may have gotten him to bring them to you, but it was all him.”
you blink, turning your face to look at his sleeping figure. tomorrow would be back to reality for him. you had suggested that him sleeping early tonight would be best since it wasn’t necessarily something he had the luxury of doing everyday. he put up a fight at first; insisting that he wanted to spend more time with you, but it’s not even ten minutes later when you see him snoozing away after you had slipped out of the room to fetch him some tea.
“all him?” you repeat.
“the day he was set to leave, he woke up extra early to beat everyone to the market. he’ll deny it if you ask, but i know he went to pick the best ones for you. i may have suggested for him to bring a couple, but he insisted on filling a large bag since they’re your favourite.”
you blink again, not expecting the sudden confession.
“he loves you, you know.” she softly adds, watching you through the screen as you tenderly gaze at her son. “there wasn’t one day where he didn’t talk about you.”
what she doesn’t know, is that you watch as a light blush dust his cheeks. stroking his hair, you glance back to the screen, knowing seungkwan would’ve been too shy to say anything if he were awake so you let him believe the thought of you thinking he was still asleep.
you’re proven wrong when his hand gently grabs yours, giving it a tight squeeze. an action that is worth a thousand words.
!!! vernon chwe - quality time + words of affirmation
being in a relationship with this man is probably the most secure relationship you will ever be in, no if ands or buts. not only is he literally just the chillest mf to ever live, he also enjoys life to the fullest. activities with him could literally vary by the hour depending on his mood. vernon is always reminding you to be grateful for what you have, (cue him constantly telling you how thankful he is for you and how you mean so much to him). the two of you would absolutely have a best friend sort of relationship, and he just adores it.
there’s a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives you home from the small gathering you both attended. he’s softly humming, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel every so often and you— well, you’re watching him. not in a hey-i’m-a-creeper way but more of a hey-i’m-actually-so-whipped-for-you sort of way.
his eyes are glued to the road but he knows. he has to know. you’re just sitting there blatantly staring at him but he makes no sign of uneasiness. in fact, he reaches blindly for your hand after a bit, using your intertwined hands to drum the middle console.
he’s cranking up the volume with a lopsided smile the second he hears your laughter, just in love with the fact that it’s so easy to make you happy. having nothing but the smallest clue that what really is making you happy are these little moments with him.
“really?” you’re snickering as soon as the next song plays. “baby by justin bieber?”
“yeah, really.” he glances at you for a second before returning them back on the road, his hand giving yours a light squeeze. “what, it’s not in your love songs playlist?”
“isn’t this song about his partner not loving him back?” you’re now on your phone, analyzing the lyrics that are indeed about his broken heart.
vernon on the other side is left speechless. how is he supposed to move on from the fact that his number one love song is actually not a love song? he’s probably sang it hundreds of times and half the time, you were there right beside him singing with him. his best memories lie with this song.
what the hell is he supposed to do now?
“don’t worry baby,” of course you call him that at a time like this. “we can still sing this at karaoke to each other while your voice cracks every so often”
“hey!” he lets go of your hand to point a playful finger at you, “i’ll have you know, i was singing an adlib that was out of my vocal range and my voice has only cracked once.”
you roll your eyes, not even attempting to fight back with him. in the years the two of you have been dating, by now you know better than to get him heated over (arguably) the greatest hit of the early 21st century.
“it’s okay,” he says after another short minute of silence, listening as the song rolls to an end and grabbing your hand once again, “we’re nothing like this song, right?”
you grin, “not even in the slightest.”
thank god.
lee chan - physical touch + acts of service (confirmed)
literal definition of young love. this man no doubt will always keep you smiling and laughing (like literally his first instinct when he sees that you’re upset is to make you smile, he can’t bear it when you’re sad). it’s also the way he says his love language is writing???? yup you’ll never hear from me again lmao. its refreshing to think that he would most definitely try to win you over using old-school tactics. walking to your door on your first date and meeting your parents briefly (who by the way, probably love him more than you do). chan is definitely a person with soooo much love to give and never EVER let’s you forget that it’s all yours to have. </3
it’s official, you hate your home. okay, maaaaybe that’s a small stretch..
you hate that your home is thousands of miles from your boyfriend.
after returning home from the tear filled car ride from the airport, you trudge your way across your apartment, not even bothering to clean up the mess that was left behind a couple hours prior. it’s where you and chan had made your last breakfast for a while together, and the thought of it made a new wave of tears fill your eyes.
as you head to your room, you find yourself catching small glimpses of your boyfriend and the mere memories he left here. how is it fair that he managed to squeeze his way into your heart and is able to take a little bits and pieces every time you’re apart? cheesy, you think, but true.
after reaching your room, you notice an envelope on top of your neatly made bed. it’s weird, because you definitely recall not having the time to make your bed this morning… oh chan. you let out a shaky sigh and pick it up, mentally preparing yourself for what’s about to come.
Hi my bunny, I hope you’re doing okay.
By the time you see this, I’m probably boarding my flight. This never gets easier, does it? I miss you already.
In the two years that we’ve been together, I’ve felt nothing but happiness but also have never experienced such heartbreak. I hate seeing you cry and I hate missing you. But most of all, I hate the distance. No matter how hard it gets, loving you is the easiest thing about all of this and loving you is worth it.
We’ll be together again sometime soon and I hope the thought of that is enough for you to keep going because it definitely is for me. I can’t wait for the day where we don’t have to worry about the stupid distance anymore, where we can just love each other and not think about anything else.
You’re my favourite person and the absolute light of my life. I can’t wait to have you in my arms again.
I love you I love you I love you.
Yours, Chan
damn it, you wipe your tears messily and hug the letter close to your heart, allowing yourself to let out a small sob. maybe you don’t hate your home after all. in fact, you love your home. he’s your home.
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noecoded · 9 months
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i like it better when u cant keep warm
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 3 months
Can i request like la squadra and their s/o but they are the complete opposite of them?
Like Risotto is stoic and his s/o is emotional or Ghiaccio who is short tempered and his s/o is calm and very nice
ooh this is actually a very cool prompt to write - personality descriptions in prompts make writing feel way less daunting but I understand if readers may not like a less applicable reader. Oh well, gonna write anyways.
You're finicky, on-edge, and I suppose a bit of a perfectionist(?)...maybe "control freak" is a better way to word it? Either way, you need things to go right, perfectly as you plan.
Not to say Formaggio is careless, but he does things on-the-go (you telling me he planned to jump into the sewers?) and doesn't mind if things get messy.
You two are each other's reasonable thoughts. If you think one of his ideas is too risky and need him to weigh the consequences he'll listen to you completely, and in return he opens you up to just...letting some things happen.
He eases your anxieties when they're excessive, but is beyond attracted to your work ethic and smarts. He'll hold your hands and listen to your every idea if you'll listen to his.
Soft-spoken and definitely not a confident one, it's difficult for most people to look at you two and understand how you could've ever gotten together in the first place. Maybe you even have these doubts yourself.
But he never lets you feel those doubts for long. At first he honestly probably wasn't the nicest! But when you managed to capture his heart and hints of a connection began to show, he allowed himself to slow down a bit and really understand you. Care about you.
And when you feel anxious about the relationship, he always reminds you how much he loves you (take it sexually if you want, but I don't mean it like that). Just...only in the mirror world. Trust me, he's not embarrassed about loving you, it's just more comfortable for both of you. His image and your nerves.
In the privacy of his own safe world, he doesn't need to worry about how vulnerable he is, and he can praise and encourage you as much as you need. A moment for him to feel softer and you to feel stronger.
You must be Pesci's twin or something - difference is he isn't as harsh with you. Sensitive and a follower, not a leader, maybe you feel security in Prosciutto's straightforward, no-nonsense demeanor.
Prosciutto is good at seeing the strengths in someone and raising their confidence as we see in canon, and he surely does it with you. He can see how gentle and well-meaning you are in everything you do and he reminds you of your greatness whenever you fear being "too soft"
In turn you offer the quiet he needs sometimes. He is relatively fine with spending a life alone, but a balance of peace and your company is better than he could've imagined. And don't worry about not being good at comforting others with words, he was never one to enjoy that kind of comfort anyways.
I don't know how else to end this section so....imagine him holding your hand :) DO IT NOW
If someone were to describe you, they sure would call you brave, headstrong, and....maybe not the brightest? You aren't stupid! You just...aren't the smartest, and it's very clear. However, your open nature makes it easy for Pesci to talk to you.
You see the sides of Pesci that a lot of people take way too long to notice, like how observant and clever he can be. You don't see him as too soft, you know that he takes his job as seriously as he can.
While his meeker nature doesn't do much to dilute your chaos, he never feels bad about it! You're the light of his life, and honestly he really looks up to you!
If you want to stand up for him when his teammates pick on him, go ahead! I mean, the only thing you'll achieve is becoming their second target, but uh....maybe it's a bonding opportunity?? Even if nothing comes from it, he will love you forever.
What a fucking prude you are. A prude based on NOTHING. My goodness. Were you a sheltered child perhaps? Jokes aside it's a miracle you two can stand each other. Melone isn't picky with partners but someone like you? You're so incompatible at first that the gang assumed he had other plans for chasing you.
Emphasis on at first. Maybe you were a challenge to him, a "passion project" to see how much he could open you up one way or another. I can't say which ways it worked or not, that's for your own interpretation, but in time you became the most annoying couple the team had ever seen.
If you weren't teasing each other, you were bickering in a tease-y way. And if you weren't bickering, Melone was teaching you some sciencey shit in a voice so syrupy sweet that Ghiaccio's practically retching.
Maybe you try to flip the script, try to pick his brain and open him up like he tries to do to you; oh you're lucky he loves you so much, you're the one person he will do anything for.
Growing up the way he did, he learned that everything about him is wrong, and everyone is a threat at worst, liability at best. Even you, with your patient smile and kind words and....how you actually...listened to him rant.
He's scared of you, then pissed at you, then so confused by you he doesn't know what to do. If you didn't make the first move then a relationship just isn't happening. While he's the more assertive of you two, you'll have to do the heavy lifting just that once.
Falling for a person so different is easier, but maintaining the relationship is harder on his end, I'm not even going to lie. Sometimes he's frustrated by your unconditional love, sometimes there's a savior-like feeling he has about you, sometimes he fears these ever-changing feelings, and tried to distance himself from you. But you...always help him through it.
And don't think it's only you changing him, he also encourages you to stand up for yourself, to speak your mind, to put your own mask on first sometimes. (insert italian screaming)
He's not emotionless, at least...he doesn't like to think so. But in this line of work he needs to keep a tight lip and blank stare. Something he's perfected. So when he watches you openly sob at a movie, curled against his body as you sniffle and choke, he doesn't get moved to the same extent.
Do you get to see Risotto's true emotions? Yes...in time. You've both got targets tattooed to your back, so if he ever thinks it's safe enough to get close to you to the point of being openly emotional, it's because you've spent several YEARS together.
But he understands you, he feels the same as you as you shout or grin or cry. Not only does he understand your emotions, but you may be secretly amplifying his own. There's no tears, but a tearing, clawing feeling in his heart. No smile, but a fuzz in his face that he can't clear out.
You are the ocean and he is a rock, standing strong through every storm and watching both the rage and the calm with equal admiration.
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chubbychiquita · 1 year
bitter that life is not a wg fic and i have to participate in society and fulfill obligations
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
dude i fucking love how this server has communication as its premise and built into its fucking core. i fucking love that. bc it's one thing to be like 'this server is about multilingual communication and cultural exchange!!' bc that could present in any NUMBER of ways but like. with the federation and the eggs and a common shared goal they all decided WE ARE A TEAM. and like, ok,
when baghera was sus of jaiden because of the thing when pomme died and jaiden had been the reason baghera left her side for the only time that day, i wasn't even worried. i wasn't worried bc i was like "we just wait. because i know they will TALK TO EACH OTHER." and I WAS RIGHT. TWO DAYS LATER IT WAS ALL CLEARED UP AND BAGHERA WAS HELPING HER OUT WITH CUCURUCHO
and the ordo theoritas is functionally a secret organization. it would be SO EASY to gatekeep the lore, on grounds of "the federation is always watching and anyone could be a spy" and yet the ordo theoritas says that, like bad SAYS THAT, says OUT LOUD, "anyone could be a traitor" and then turns around and goes "hey person i've had a few days' worth of conversations with, here's a detailed rundown of everything we've learned about the island's mysteries, and the secret location of the ordo base". SOFIA was supposed to be secret from everyone, and for a little bit she was. but now like, the ordo theoritas is showing her to everyone. it would be SO EASY to hide things and to gatekeep things but they just. don't do it. here's the supercomputer!!!! don't forget to grab her waystone so you can come back anytime!!!
bad learns something. "i need to tell forever/cellbit/baghera". forever figures out a new way to protect the eggs, and he gets it to everyone within days. cucurucho tries to have a secret conversation and the entire server knows about it almost instantly and there are three people buried in the walls reading the subtitles and giving each other meaningful glances
i love it. i love it. miscommunication plotlines drive me up the fucking wall and the fact that i wasn't even SCARED when jaiden and baghera could easily have angled into an angsty tangled web of that and instead just MET WITH EACH OTHER AND EXPLAINED EVERYTHING AND CLEARED THE AIR ALMOST IMMEDIATELY was so fucking breathtaking. and this is a multilingual server. this is a MULTILINGUAL SERVER. i love it. i love it so much i want to cry. it's a server for communication and people Communicate, it would have been SO EASY to slip into monolingual factions and stick to the familiar but they DIDN'T. they DIDN'T. WE GET TO HAVE A THEORY TABLE WITH SO MANY LANGUAGES SITTING AROUND IT. we get to have conspiracy walls in every language!!!! idk sometimes i forget how fucking CRAZY all this is, like the scale of what they've accomplished
so yea thank you to quackity and the qsmp admins for this, and thank you to the streamers for hearing 'this is about connections' and taking it ENTIRELY to heart, and also thank you to whoever the fuck decided to give quackity's school class the job to look after a fucking egg to learn about parenting. bc holy shit. holy shit.
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roppiepop · 5 months
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K-pop AU (fic pending)
| super late redraw challenge | Veil by K0TTERl |
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elcucurucho · 11 months
bad is leaving to play gartic phone but keeping minecraft open in the background just in case. quackity do you realize what you’ve done to him. do you know
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
How do the girls get along
Pretty great actually!
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Jenny and Kim are very good/close friends, since they met relatively early compared to others (they actually met each other first out of everyone, then others at one point and another) and had a shared adventure sometime after the ends of their respective shows (wink wonk).
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But, their first meeting was not actually very um, positive. There was some conflict, but after it was resolved both of them gained a very solid friend for life!
Jenny, was glad to meet someone else (beside Brad) who treated her like a person/normal teenager (instead of an 8th wonder of the world or a freaky robot) and not to mention she got a fellow superheroine girl friend! After Misty, she kind of missed having someone like that to kick butt with (considering that like, 70% of her friends are dudes) or just hang out.
Kim was fascinated by Jenny, not because she is a robot (tho she does think its pretty cool) but because it kind of gave her a contrast to her own life in a weird way? Like, Kim was a normal teenager who got into superheroing on accident and just went with it, while Jenny was created with a goal of being Earth's defender but rebeled to have some sort of normal life. And now they both live those weird semi-normal lives, that led them to meeting each other.
Jun is around 5-6 years their junior and while they met each other much later on, when Jun was a little older (like not 11-12 age of the show), she still kind of looked up to them and both Jenny and Kim felt an instant kinship with the girl.
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Before she met Jenny and Kim, Jun only knew a couple other guys as fellow heroes/magical protectors (guess who ;D lol), and while she had plenty of female role models (Ama/Jasmine being the most prominent) and friends, she kind of enjoyed meeting some cool older superheroines to bond with! It also helped that despite the age difference, both Jenny and Kim never looked down at her when it came to superheroing/fighting, but respected her abilities and expertise (considering that Jun was practically an apprentice to her Ama since at least 8-9ish of age, when her powers first awakened, she has a lot of experience).
They both are kind of like cool older cousins to her, who travel a lot for their work and come visit to hang out often and tell/share stories about their adventures. Their and her lines of work while similar, also run in completely different circles (human/interplanetary vs magical/supernatural), so its always a treat to hear about the things they do.
(And yes sometimes she feels jealous about the fact that both of them get to travel all over the world, and despite the developments, more often than not she has to stay town locked and limit her excursions to magical realms.)
Silly thing, but Jun absolutely adores Jenny, for one simple fact that she can travel to space just like that (she and Danny, fellow astronaut/space fans, share that, despite the fact that Danny kinda can travel to space just like that too.)
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wenellyb · 2 years
Excuse me but how is Namor a villain? Someone explain it to me like I'm stupid because I don't get how he's a villain.
An opponent maybe but certainly not a villain. He didn't do anything Wakandans wouldn't have done when they were still in hiding.
Not saying him or the people of Talocan are perfect, but saying he's a villain is a little too much imo. He's just a ruler protecting his people. Just like the Wakandans.
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