#forkle hate o’clock
Why do you hate forkle🎩
woop-dee-doo! it’s Forkle hate o’clock
he broke into her room who knows how many times when she was a little girl, which is incredibly creepy there are many other ways, he really could have done that any other way
he asked Sophie to meet him (a grown man) on a island alone and when she took Keefe with her he told her she had to come in the cave with him alone
both are really creepy behavior that would considered pedo behavior in a slightly different situation
he just about left Dex for dead in the Neverseen hideout and only brought him because Sophie refused to go without him. Dex was a innocent child and he wasn’t just anyones child he was a member of the collectives child someone who he worked with side by side for years
he didn’t even bring enough elixirs for him and Dex ended up with a scar because he wasn’t planning on saving him!
he doesn’t see other people as important as her because she’s his Moonlark, he puts her over everyone else, but he wants to see what she can do so he is constantly putting her in dangerous situations.
he is manipulative and gaslights her into doing what he wants by telling her about problems in the world and go on about how it needs to be changed, but then stop and say that it’s Sophie’s choice to help or not like he wasn’t just guilt tripping her into fixing the problems
he’s constantly dehumanizing her because she the Moonlark and it’s her job to change things and this is what she was created for, then says she has control over her life because a teen should definitely have
he has referred to her as his and i quote “greatest accomplishment” he doesn’t see her as a person he sees her as the moonlark his creation. he doesn’t see her as a child he sees her as his tool and he does care about her but in the wrong way
he constantly tells her that he can’t tell her things but then “brakes” and tells her just enough information that she will look into it and then “discover” the problem own her own because she can “choose her path”
he told a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD that if he and the rest of collective died Sophie and her friends would take their place! because that’s how you run a rebellion!
he is constantly reading her mind and never lets her have her thoughts to herself but expects her to not read other peoples minds
he put all this importance on Prentice and told a child that they where going to use her to brake into prison and almost got a child killed (they could have done that without her they have dwarfs)
he is really the worst KOTLC adult and you don’t even need to read between the lines to see it
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re: the forkle thing, could you imagine being nate or emma and checking in on your 8-12yo daughter during the night and seeing some dude in there going through her diary??? sophie's human parents don't deserve this
yeah, i’m pretty sure he started doing it when she was five. he said something along the lines of “there’s only so much you can teach while someone’s asleep” so he was doing it a lot longer than just 8-12.
here’s how i think it would happen
Emma wakes up and her mom instincts are telling her to go check on Sophie, because she wasn’t safe.
she walks down the hall to find her neighbor leaning over her daughters bed, and she goes full mama bear mode and attacks him. Frokle tries to stop her with Telepath mind tricks but they don’t work.
Sophie wakes up from the commotion and starts screaming for her dad, William runs in the room and yanks Sophie off of her bed and tell her to grab Amy and call the police. he goes in the hall and grabs the gun and tells Emma to get off of him.
they hold him at gun point until the black swan police come and take Frokle to “jail” and they are assured that it won’t happen again
then they are sedated and the entire family has their minds wiped, and Frokle uses a different disguise so he can keep living next to them
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I share your hate of Forkle, but was wondering your specific reasons or an analysiss?
What ending do you think Shannon will do for him??
Sorry this is very Forkle-based...
*bops you with wrapping paper tube* no apologizing! especially if it gives me a chance to rant about fork man
i have a few lists that i will compile here, i also think that in a darker version of kotlc he could easily have been a grommer that i go into more detail here
he broke into her room while she was sleeping who knows how many times when she was a little girl
he asked Sophie to meet him (a grown man) on a island alone and when she took Keefe with her he told her she had to come in the cave with him alone
he just about left Dex for dead in the Neverseen hideout and only brought him because Sophie refused to go without him. Dex was a innocent child and wasn’t just anyones child he was a member of the collective’s child, someone who he worked with side by side for years, and he was still willing to leave him behind
Dex ended up with scars because he didn’t bring enough elixirs for him.
he thinks of Sophie as an accomplishment and doesn’t expect her to want him to think of her as anything more (Everblaze, Page 447.)
he will act very cryptic and only give out bits of information, just enough that she will look into what he was talking about then act proud and flatter her, saying things like “i underestimated you kids”when she and her friends figure out the thing he wanted her to know.
he will tell her about problems in the world making it sound horrible and hopeless, then saying this is the thing we made you to fix, but that’s your choice
he’s constantly dehumanizing her because she is the Moonlark and it’s her job to change things and this is what she was created for. going from treater like his child to a weapon at the drop of a hat
he doesn’t see her as a person he sees her as the moonlark his creation. he doesn’t see her as a child he sees her as his tool and he does care about her but in the wrong way
excludes her parents from the conversations and tells her she has control over her life, not them, like she isn’t a young teen
he told a fourteen year old that if he and the rest of collective died Sophie and her friends would take their place, not caring about what kind of pressure that would put on her. then admits to grooming Sophie and her friends to lead the Black Swan one day
he is constantly reading her mind and never lets her have her thoughts to herself, giving her no sense of privacy to the point that’s she’s close to desensitized to it at this point.but he expects her to not read other peoples minds
he put all this importance on Prentice and told a child that they where going to use her to brake into prison and almost got a child killed (they could have done that without her they have dwarves)
finds it funny to exclude Sandor from conversations that could potentially put her in danger
he calls her his moonlark. which sounds sweet until you realize that’s her project code name he’s literally calling her “my creation” aka “my weapon”
now that that’s over with on to what i think Shannon will do with him.
his brothers wanderling was mentioned to be bending over as if it was waiting for someone, i do think he’s going to get killed off.
probably in the final battle Sophie hopefully doesn’t trust him as much by then (but that’s a bit unlikely) and he sacrifices himself for her. as he’s dying he makes her promise to not let her mind break and to keep being his moonlark. her anger at his death makes her win the battle then she breaks down. his plating would probably a line something like “and he where finally where he belonged, where he wanted to be, back together with his brother” (it had be better than that im writing this at one am)
what I want to happen is
for him to slowly lose his mind over his brothers death. now he’s depressed, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense. frokle and his brother where close as any two people could possibly be without being in the same body. it make’s very little sense for him to be as sane as he is when he literally lost a part of him.
i want him to make little commets here and there that make you go “uhh that didn’t sound like a sane person” but then brush it off. as time goes on his behavior becomes erratic and unpredictable and even Sophie starts to feel uncomfortable around him at times, but she brushes it off because he just misses his brother. then i want him to have a mental breakdown in front of Oralie Sophie and Keefe. where he reveals that Oralie is her bio mom, and ends up hurting Sophie by grabbing her. when they get out of the situation Sophie is shaken and when they go back to look for him he’s gone.
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Oh my goodness Frizzle I just had a realization?!? I was thinking about what you and some others were talking about a few days ago about Forkle, mainly how it’s really creepy the way he invades Sophie’s privacy. And I remembered that part in Legacy where Sophie and Keefe were trying to come up with how to find out her biological parents, and Keefe suggested she and Fitz break into Forkle’s mind, and Sophie didn’t want to do it because it felt “icky”. So… basically Forkle has invaded her privacy so much that she refuses to invade anyone else’s, even if he might have arguably deserved it. She knows how it feels to have her memories searched through and altered, and doesn’t want that to happen to anyone else, even the person who did that to her in the first place.
idk if this makes any sense but it was just a thought I had, it’s fascinating to think about how Forkle has affected her
oooooh i had forgotten about how it would have effected her! like i know that he constantly reads her mind and doesn’t respect her privacy, i forgot how she would be more uncomfortable with reading peoples mind without privacy
with that Au i mentioned there’s supposed to parallels between her and her twin i was thinking her twin would just read everyone’s mind because she can and it’s not like the only person no can read her mind respects her privacy. if Sophie is really uncomfortable with the idea of reading others people’s minds without their permission would work really well
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Forkle = Santa because he breaks into little girl’s houses and watches them sleep
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frokle is a really crappy person
other people are realize what a crappy person Frokle is right? like everyone is so busy hating on Alden but i never see anything on Frokle.
things he’s done
left two twelve year olds in the middle of france after they had been tortured
ask a twelve year old to go in a cave alone with him
manifest a 5 year old as a telepath and forcing her to go though horrible migraines for 7 years and hear thoughts that no child should hear. “because her mind would expect easier because of the concussion” and “she could be used to being a telepath” you could have waited until it happened naturally? it would have been better in ever way
sneak into a little girls room while she was sleeping and mess with her brain, and try to brush it off as normal/necessary you could have done that any other way dude
tell sophie she has a choice in what she does turns around and slips something into conversation intentionally to make her ask questions
then proceeded to tell her he can’t tell her because reasons, then “brake” and give her just enough information so she would because curious and look into it
and when she finds the info he wanted her to find he compliments her and tells her he underestimated her
if she starts to make a choice he doesn’t like he does his best to push her to make the discussion he what’s, while telling her it’s her choice
“she has a choice weather she wanted to be the moonlark or not”
like the neverseen would have let her have a choice they wouldn’t have cared they’d still kidnap her
take half a dozen teens to brake into prison and proceed to almost get one killed
tell sophie before hand that if anything happened to the collective that she and her friends would be in charge
then LITERALLY ADMITS to grooming her and her friends to lead the black swan one day
“but it’s their choice they get to choose” yeah sureee
now i haven’t even read the last three books so i bet there’s other good stuff that i don’t know about so feel free to add
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