#forkle neg
i was reading through Nightfall trying to find one specific line. as i was looking for it i read over the Forkle twin reveal. because of how Forkle was acting in that scene and how much he seemed to care about Sophie’s feelings in that situation. Sophie also trusted him completely and i started to wonder if i had just misjudged him after years of not reading the books.
then two chapters later he does this
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sophie would have let him in if she just asked but he decided to brake into her mind without permission, knowing it makes her uncomfortable. when she calls him out on it he then justifies it saying he was seeing if her “point of trust had been altered”
it’s not like she was being quiet and possibly planning something dangerous he just did it to do it. he’s just flipping back and fourth with the dehumanization and actually acting like he respects her and her boundaries/feelings.
i was kinda hoping i had just exaggerated that tbh, guess not
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 days
I made a shitpost about the Forkles and transgenderism yesterday, but it inspired an actual thought/thought experiment. Let's see if I can articulate it, @gay-otlc
Imagine with me--what if one of the Forkles was trans? For max angst, I'm thinking the second, surviving one, the one who took on their brother's life and identity without a choice.
And specifically only one, as I'm going in a forced to live in a body/life they don't feel or want kind of direction. If it'd been both of them, they could've simply adapted together. Instead they're uncomfortable, but don't have a life or identity outside of their brother's, and have to wear his skin, his voice, his life and keep the consistency--for safety.
Pretend it's theirs and that it doesn't grate and make them question their very existence or if anyone even knows them. Pretend they're okay after they started drifting away from the shape changing elixirs and the fun trickery of their youth, that it was just for the pranks and that changing their body for it wasn't a lifeline.
They're supposed to be one person shared between two minds, two bodies, but that only works if they feel seamless. And they don't. It makes them constantly aware of what they've been forced into, and what they've lost
Then Forkle 1 died, the original, the one they pretended to be. And they're still carrying around his body, a body that no one feels comfortable in anymore. And it still grates, and they hate it, and they can't stand mirrors, but can they let it go? Can they kill this body and finally be themself when it's all they have left of their brother? Or will they continue wearing his dead skin in tribute.
I don't have any conclusion or anywhere to take this, I just had the thought of "man wouldn't that be compelling" and went from there. There's of course other iterations that can be made, this is just the first one I thought of
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 1 month
what's something about kotlc that the book/readers gloss over?
what's something that should have happened in the books that didn't?
if you could bring back a character BUT you had to kill another character to replace the one you saved, which ones would you choose? (geez hope that one makes sense)
if you could make one of the main cast go evil, which one would it be?
which backround character would be most likely to be the main character of a tragedy?
yay more questions!!
what’s something about Kotlc that the books/readers gloss over?
(oh this is gonna be long) to preface, i understand why most people gloss over this, and the only reason i notice is because of the adoption in my family, but its just something in kotlc thats so deeply important to me, and its the reason i love the series as much as i do.
kotlc is the only series ive ever read that has realistic, non stereotypical, adoption, where the main focus isn’t on adoption. most stories with a premise that focuses on something other than adoption, would pretend like the main characters biological parents/who raised them, where non existent after the first book. the main character would call their new parents mom and dad quickly and there would be no issues. because obviously adoption is all sunshine and rainbows.
in keeper it takes time for Sophie to even feel comfortable calling Havenfeild home, Eda and Grady struggle with adopting a new child who looks so much like their dead daughter. Sophie struggles with missing her family and feeling like she’s replacing them. it takes multiple books for Sophie to call them mom and dad consistently and for them to properly act like a family. thats how i should be, it takes time to feel like someone is a part of your family
adopting someone into your family is like falling in love, it happens slowly, then all at once, before they become apart of your heart for the rest of your life.
and thats what keeper did, she captured the feeling of adoption perfectly, without making it the main plot, it just happens in the background and i will forever love that
what's something that should have happened in the books that didn't?
few things actually
Tam being the one to release Gislea
Teirgan officially adopting the twins
Kesler actually having a more negative reaction to the Squall reveal
it doesn’t focus on Talantless and badmatches enough and i wish that was touched on more
Kesler and Grady being best friends
Dex’s parents being a bit more relevant (totally not baias
if you could bring back a character BUT you had to kill another character to replace the one you saved, which ones would you choose? (geez hope that one makes sense)
it did make sense, but honestly i think more characters should die and every character that has died heavily impacted the plot, and undoing their death would change a lot about the story but i will give a list of characters that i think should/will die
if you could make one of the main cast go evil, which one would it be?
people have said Dex in the past because of the neglect from the team and his mom being in the black swan without telling him. but because of his kidnapping i don’t think he would
but…Tam, not even go evil, but what if he had been so badly manipulated by the neverseen that he switched sides, what if he actually was a traitor, how would Linh feel, how would Teirgan feel, just imagine the effects that would have on everyone. how hard it would be to fight their friend, their brother in battle.
which backround character would be most likely to be the main character of a tragedy?
i mean we already have, Oralie, the Twins, Wylie, the Ruewens,
and Brant and Jolie’s story is literally a tragedy (@crymeariveronceagain i am right about that right?)
Kotlc is a series sprinkled with tragedies throughout you just have to look, they’re there, most of them are just hidden in the background. 
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fandom-mind-dump · 2 months
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
💔: I’d probably remove Mr. Forkle, I just don’t like him
💖: I don’t think Fitz character was destroyed in favor of the Sokeefe storyline but instead he just had negative character development which I like in stories
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cogaytes · 1 year
hey keepblr i'm exhausted so let's chat.
all of you who like to call forkle/leto creepy or imply that anything he does towards sophie could be read/intended as potentially sexual please kindly shut the fuck up!! it is actually incredibly fucking insensitive to those of us who have experienced sexual trauma to talk about him like he's a pedophile instead of, like, someone who sees her as family and would never ever want to hurt her. that is a wiiiiiide jump you are making and it is a little bit invalidating to me as a csa survivor that you are equating him to an actual predator.
also!! tag your motherfucking neg! some of us have hyperfixations or personal reasons for being attached to characters and it is exhausting to see them constantly shit on! this also applies to discord servers; put your bashing in a discourse channel or keep it to dms so that those of us who like that character don't have to deal with it please and thank you 🥰
i am probably coming off as super aggressive and rude and i don't intend to shit on folks or direct this at anyone in particular. but as someone who's in this fandom to find joy, it is really fucking exhausting to log on and come across constant bashing of characters that bring me joy to headcanon/write about, especially when it starts diving into low key triggering implications
anyway. back to tiergan angst hours
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
opinion: ro’s character might be a lot more useful narrative-wise if her being a microbiologist wasn’t just acknowledged, but explored. 
in the books, we see her show the characters (and consequently, the reader) that she knows what she’s doing, and that ogres pride themselves on having a lot of knowledge when it comes to microbiology. particularly using that knowledge to make effective weapons, both almost harmless and lethal. 
but there’s so much more potential w/ ogre microbiology than just them having good weapons because of it. ogres (authorities, at least, like ro) being interested enough in expanding their microbiology knowledge that they’d be willing to collaborate more with other species? like how they cooperated with lady cadence on figuring out how soporidine works? it could open so many doors! 
we could have ro branching out to make ‘trial run’ alliances with other species (like elves, goblins, and most importantly, gnomes) to do joint studies of how certain things work on a microscopic and ‘normal’ scale. we could see that her being a princess doesn’t just mean she’s a good fighter and that she’s got connections, but she can also be a diplomat. it’d make her being in the lost cities a lot more important, plus, it’d be a great chance for shannon to flex some worldbuilding. ro could also flesh out connections she’s made in the lost cities (like with sophie’s bodyguards [i’m thinking of flori and sandor in particular] and elvin authorities she’s had to deal w/ like mr. forkle and the council) through sharing or gaining knowledge as a microbiologist. 
using ro as a character-driven plot device, ogres could add ‘willing to cooperate even with creatures we have negative history with for science’ to their reputation among other enlightened species. it’d make ogres more nuanced, and maybe, if shannon decided to go this route, cause problems for elves who claim their interspecies role is being peacekeepers. 
#i am having brainworms about the untapped potential of ro as a character ok#i wanna see her be more than the stand-in for wattpad sokeefe girlies!!#believe it or not this is the shorter version of what i originally wrote#like. she doesn't have to give up being an excellent warrior!! she doesn't have to give up being snarky!!#but she can be less 'oh look what i know and you don't hahaha LOSER'#and more 'listen if i give you this info will you tell me how this works?'#and it'd be so much more interesting!#also her maybe bonding with elwin over biology would be SUCH a win#strangers to 'you seem cool and we're also the closest keefe has to parental figures of sorts so we're bros now'#like. c'mon. it'd be so great man#also i keep picturing ro picking up flori and putting her on her shoulder#and walking around wildwood and going 'tell me how this works from your pov'#after pointing at some gnomish phenomenon#and then listening to flori ramble#and then when she's done going 'alright. that sounds funky in a good way. wanna see what science has to add?'#and then ro whips out a microscope she just has bundled up in one of her ten million pockets and runs a mini experiment with flori#manipulating the plant to do something and ro looking in the microscope and adding commentary on how that works on a cellular level#and them becoming friends!! perhaps. maybe even. because i have accidentally dug myself into a new rarepair hell. lovers#ogre queen ro being independent on the throne is something i love and is realistic#but it'd also be fun from a fanon point to have her just have a gnomish gf. or permanent fiancee. or wife#like. oh yeah i killed the guy my dad forced me to marry so i could get the throne after my dad died.#yeah i'm committed to this cute little gnome that i met because our charges were dating back when i was a bodyguard#pleeeeease. ro's snark + flori's genuine attitude towards everything?? them bringing out their main traits in each other??#plus the fucking HEIGHT DIFFERENCE?? it'd be so cute oh my god#as a lesbian of short stature i think flori deserves a tall buff lady to sweep her off her feet#also flori sweeping ro off her feet using a tree or something would be funny as FUCK#might ramble on ro and sandor tolerating each other better because of studying how transforming a corpse to gold works and then expanding#that concept to apply to other things would be cool to see#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities
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when-wax-wings-melt · 10 months
hi you said i could ask questions about your fics so here i am
for a lesson in running away, keefe writes a LOT of letters. was there a process in choosing which characters to include and the order they appeared, or was it just “hey i feel like this character should get a letter”? the letters are almost like mini character studies, except it’s how the characters appear to keefe and not necessarily the reader — are there any real differences, or is keefe completely correct in his observations? does anyone ever read the letters keefe writes — other than the love letter at the end — or do they remain unsent? do his opinions and thoughts on the people he writes to change by the end of the story?
basically letters intrigue me and i am asking questions because i love answers. you don’t have to answer any of these, but i would like any background information you can provide regardless
anyway sorry for the long ask i just really love your fic
WONDERFUL questions!!
was there a process to choose which characters and the order?
Yes there was! The characters depended on their relationships to Keefe, with the idea that these would be the people he'd think to write to. People like Della or Linh who didn't get much pagetime with Keefe are there because of the relationships we have to assume they have offpage. There's also a Forkle letter that didn't make it into the story because I didn't have a chapter for it.
The order was decided based on how easy they'd be for him to write. Biana was first because he knows exactly what he wants to say to her, and it isn't hard for him to say that she's like a sister to him and he loves her and he's a liar. But Fitz is last because the pain of admitting he wants something that (he thinks) will never happen and he hates Fitz for it... that's very hard for him to work through. Also, it was more dramatic in terms of plot and such. The letters were written before the chapters and before Fitz's chapters, so I did shift around the order based on that.
are the letters true character studies, or from Keefe's perspective entirely?
It's a mixture of both! personally I like the "letters you never plan to send" trope because it allows characters to express things without having to worry about judgement, allowing for insight into other characters as well as the writer.
In terms of Keefe: I like to think he's incredibly perceptive in terms of empathy and just intense observational skills, coming from his childhood in attempts to fit in at school and reading his parents' moods before he manifested. So yes, the letters are how he sees everyone else, and they're correct in the sense that this is how I see the characters, but also warped by him believing everyone is just as angry and broken as he is, while also being a better person than he believes he can be.
are the letters ever read?
Honestly that's up for you to decide! I could see him never wanting to return to viewing his friends in that way, only the negative (especially since he framed them in the "this is why I'm a terrible person, because I could not overcome or heal like you have") and also he doesn't want to remind himself of his hopelessness.
I could also see him eventually giving them to the recipients and letting them read their personal letters, overcoming the barrier that prevented him from expressing how he felt before he worked through his shit. I don't think that would apply to Cassius's letter, or Alden, since he's distanced from Cassius and Alden's is negative in a way that he doesn't need to know.
do his opinions on the letters change by the end?
I think they do. Keefe doesn't really talk to people besides Fitz, Sophie, Biana, and Tam (and Cassius) before the fic ends but the four of them express so much regret and anger and forgiveness over what happened that he realizes that other people might not be all motivated by pain and self sacrifice the way he is. Especially since his empathy is gone or weakened for a while, so he has to know them in a new way. The core of the letters, however, remain true, and he definitely realizes that as his empathy returns.
Thanks for sending this ask! feel free to ask more I love talking about this fic and any other!!
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So kotlc abilities are called that but those without them are called talentless. Why the discrepancy? Because it would be too on the nose to call them disabled. I’m sure y’all have already had this thought, and I know we as a fandom have talked about ableism in keepers before, but having had this thought I’m now officially wired at how few shits anyone in the books gives about the talentless.
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stellar-lune · 3 years
*KOTLC incorrect quotes*
Anyways, a long list of incorrect KOTLC quotes, feel free to use these for anything if ya want!
Glimmer: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Fitz: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Fitz: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Keefe, holding up his class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.
Marella, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
Sophie: I wasn't hurt that badly. Elwin said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent.
Marella: I choose to waive that right!
Marella: *screaming*
Brant (whoops sorry bout this one): Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don’t answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.
Sophie: I would never say that my best friend is a bitch and I don’t like her. That’s not true… Biana is a bitch and I like her very much!
Lex, Bex, Rex: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Keefe on Tuesday: *glues a dime to the sidewalk* Heh heh heh.
Keefe on Wednesday: *walking down the street* Ooh hey! A dime!
Forkman, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Keefe, tearing up the room: Where are they?
Keefe, looking under a pillow: Who moved them? Who moved my children?
Keefe: Somebody moved my E.L. Fudges, and now I am going to run away again.
Tam: Your existence is confusing.
Keefe: How so?
Tam: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Sophie: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Linh: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by an spontaneous musical number.
Dex: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Sophie: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Sophie, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Dex, to Stina: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Sophie: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.
Dex: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one, Wonderboy.
Marella: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Fitz: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
*out grocery shopping*
Linh: *takes a free sample twice*
Linh: Robbery and fraud. I am a Rebel (TM) .
Sophie: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices.
Sophie: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Sophie: Does anyone know how to relax? Asking for a friend.
Demon: Hey, I took your soul last month and-
Tam: No returns.
Demon: *sobbing* But it's making me sad...
Dex: So, according to my university, it is, quote, “my responsibility if there is an internet outage to contact the faculty and the department.”
Dex: Now, if you’re a critical thinker like me, you might be wondering one thing.
Tam: Hey, what’s the name of the other guy who lives with Tiergan?
Linh: His cats' names are Walter and Rose.
Tam: That's not what I asked.
Linh: That is all the information I have.
Keefe: Ro, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life?
Ro: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.
(alternatively, Alden)
Linh: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!?
Tam, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Marella: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Marella: *slow-mo walks out of the room*
Biana: I'm gonna get my piolet's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Fitz: The big five licenses?
Biana: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Dex: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Fitz: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Biana, do you think I have anger issues?
Biana: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Keefe: So how’s the food Sophie made?
Fitz: It's great! Compliments to her.
Keefe: *goes to the kitchen*
Keefe: You're adorable.
Sophie: *blushes*
Biana: And now for a gay update with Linh and Marella.
Marella: Getting gayer.
Biana: Thank you, Marella.
Sophie: Hey, do you know the password to Keefe’s computer?
Biana: I love you, Sophie.
Sophie: Aww, that’s so swe—
Biana: No, you misunderstood, the password is "iloveyouSophie".
Sophie: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Fitz: Hey, Biana, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Biana: Yeah.
Fitz: And you, Tam?
Tam: Umm... yes?
Fitz: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Biana: Did he just-
Sophie: Do you cook?
Biana: I made a cake once.
Fitz: Yeah, it was good.
Biana: Really?
Fitz: Don’t make me lie twice, Biana.
Dex: Nice rock.
Keefe: Thanks, Tam gave it to me.
Tam: I threw it at you!
Keefe: Isn’t he the sweetest?
Juline: I just had a long talk with the triplets about hitting and now they are yelling “it’s my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence” before hitting each other.
Sophie: I made you all playlists!
Sophie: Tam, yours has only heavy metal and punk, and is dark like your soul.
Sophie: Keefe, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Sophie: And Biana has the ABBA Gold album.
Fitz: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Biana: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Dex: A realist sees a freight train.
Tam: The train driver sees three idiots standing on train tracks.
Mr. Forkle: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Biana, Keefe, & Sophie: Okay.
Mr. Forkle: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Biana: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Keefe: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Sophie: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Sophie: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Keefe: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Dex: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Marella: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Biana: What’s it like being tall?
Marella: Is it nice?
Sophie: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Fitz: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Stina: You have friends and I envy that.
Marella: You're welcome to share my friends.
Stina: *looks at Dex and Sophie*
Stina: I don't want those.
Della: Tommorrow's garbage day.
Fitz: I can't believe you made a whole day dedicated to Alvar.
Linh: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Tam: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Linh: Th-that's not how that works-
Marella: Do you want to know your gay name?
Linh: My... my gay name?
Marella: Yeah, it's your first name-
Linh: Haha. Very funny Marella-
Marella: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Linh: Oh- oh my god.
Glimmer: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
The Black Swan: Those are wanted posters!
Biana: Are you mad?
Tam: No.
Biana: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Keefe: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Biana: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Biana: *on the phone* Hey Fitz, do you know my blood type?
Fitz: Of course, it's A+.
Biana: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Fitz, to Sophie: Are you ready to commit?
Sophie: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Literally Anyone: Hey, aren’t you Sophie Foster?
Sophie: You a Councillor?
Literally Anyone: No.
Sophie: Then yes, I am.
Sophie: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.
Sophie: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Stina: I’m gay—
Sophie: Not what I meant, but cool.
Keefe: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset?
Sophie: No, I said "Keefe, don't lick that swingset" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swingset.
Mr. Forkle: I’m not so sure you’re stakeout material.
Sophie: I’m a chronic insomniac, I was born for this.
Juline: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Marella: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Marella: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Biana: Maybe the true treasure was friendship all along. But I hope not, because I can’t spend friendship on new clothes
Dex: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Fitz: Sure!
Fitz: Whats your favorite color?
Dex, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
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fintan-pyren · 3 years
Forkle supposedly was the source of some of the myths about Loki, but there are very few myths about Loki.
Nearly all of the myths we have portray Loki in a negative light. He cheats in deals, murders people, and is generally not a nice person.
The main myth that portrays him positively is the story in which Thor is disguised as a bride and Loki dresses as his maid.
So which myths did Forkle inspire?
Either Forkle was a horrible person, or Forkle dressed as a maid.
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Forkle: Is it still visible? Where Juline slapped me?
Granite: Your face looks like a don't walk signal.
Wraith: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.
Blur: A palm reader could tell Juline’s future by looking at your face.
Physic: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
Forkle: . . . A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
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Why do you hate forkle🎩
woop-dee-doo! it’s Forkle hate o’clock
he broke into her room who knows how many times when she was a little girl, which is incredibly creepy there are many other ways, he really could have done that any other way
he asked Sophie to meet him (a grown man) on a island alone and when she took Keefe with her he told her she had to come in the cave with him alone
both are really creepy behavior that would considered pedo behavior in a slightly different situation
he just about left Dex for dead in the Neverseen hideout and only brought him because Sophie refused to go without him. Dex was a innocent child and he wasn’t just anyones child he was a member of the collectives child someone who he worked with side by side for years
he didn’t even bring enough elixirs for him and Dex ended up with a scar because he wasn’t planning on saving him!
he doesn’t see other people as important as her because she’s his Moonlark, he puts her over everyone else, but he wants to see what she can do so he is constantly putting her in dangerous situations.
he is manipulative and gaslights her into doing what he wants by telling her about problems in the world and go on about how it needs to be changed, but then stop and say that it’s Sophie’s choice to help or not like he wasn’t just guilt tripping her into fixing the problems
he’s constantly dehumanizing her because she the Moonlark and it’s her job to change things and this is what she was created for, then says she has control over her life because a teen should definitely have
he has referred to her as his and i quote “greatest accomplishment” he doesn’t see her as a person he sees her as the moonlark his creation. he doesn’t see her as a child he sees her as his tool and he does care about her but in the wrong way
he constantly tells her that he can’t tell her things but then “brakes” and tells her just enough information that she will look into it and then “discover” the problem own her own because she can “choose her path”
he told a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD that if he and the rest of collective died Sophie and her friends would take their place! because that’s how you run a rebellion!
he is constantly reading her mind and never lets her have her thoughts to herself but expects her to not read other peoples minds
he put all this importance on Prentice and told a child that they where going to use her to brake into prison and almost got a child killed (they could have done that without her they have dwarfs)
he is really the worst KOTLC adult and you don’t even need to read between the lines to see it
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I don’t think I’ll ever get over Sophie’s first experience as a Telepath (who can feel emotions as well) being her time in a HOSPITAL.
Like, the death? The grief? The anger, hurt, the heavy emotions of loss? Of relief and seeing your loved one saved? Nah I’d be traumatized for life if I had to feel all that.
You make an excellent point, Nonsie. Hospitals are such overwhelming places with so much going on and especially so many negative things. People go to hospitals when things are wrong!! When they're hurting and anxious and in pain and suffering. And nurses are constantly working and keeping track of things and trying to save their lives and dealing with these people and it's!! exhausting!!
Waking up from a head injury at five years old and just suddenly being overcome with all this pain and fury and grief and exhaustion all at once when she has no clue what's going on or what's happening to her except that it's not supposed to be there? terrifying. she talked about her experience and how scary it was, but I think scary doesn't even begin to cover it! she went from a normal person--she may have been of a higher than average intelligence but she was still normal--to having all that ripped away from her in a moment.
and then Mr. Forkle planting the knowledge in her brain of what was happening and that she couldn't tell anyone? that's devastating. I think she said she'd "never felt more alone" when she talked about it, which is entirely understandable!! this is a huge secret that permanently changed how she interacted with her family and peers, and she was only five!!
I think you're right and that Sophie would be traumatized!! I think she is! Remember how she thought of her telepathy in the first book? She thought of it as a burden, something negative. It made her life miserable and all it told her was information she didn't want to know. Information she could never act on because she wasn't supposed to know. She says later on that she never thought she'd miss hearing thoughts, which can be interpreted to mean that she wanted them gone.
her first experience in the hospital combined with all the awful things she had to hear her whole life were traumatizing! and she responded to it by isolating herself and hating her ability and thinking less of herself. it made her hesitant in relationships. and I think it's entirely possible that her hatred of doctors and human medicine in general can be partially attributed to that first experience. yes, she didn't like the needles and being strapped to machines, but I think the thoughts and pain and fear and sorrows of the hospitals would've made her dread them and anything related to them on top of all that.
in summary you are 100% right Nonsie I think we brush over Sophie's first experience with her telepathy being in a hospital, because that would absolutely suck! it would suck so bad! it's treated like a backstory and as such we don't focus on it a lot but as soon as you look closer it's like??? excuse me??? ms. foster how are you functioning. is it the denial? I bet it's the denial
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Mr. Forkle: what are you bringing to the Black Swan christmas dinner?
Keefe: My negative attitude and sparkling personality!
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
The Awesome Saucers Pt 6
A/n: I finally did it! Let me know if you like the idea of me making a poor attempt to write a song for the Awesome Saucers. I think it would be cool, we’ll see how it goes! Anyways, enjoy!
Word count: 1,305
Warnings: Chaos. That’s it.
“Stina, where do you think you’re going?” Vika confronted. Upon realizing what Stina was holding, her eyes widened in disgust and fear. “And what is THAT?”
Stina froze, eyes shut, cursing herself under her breath. She should’ve known her mother would be in this part of the house. Where else would she get supplies for the unicorns?
“I can explain,” she started, trying to hide her guitar behind her thin, tall frame. Vika loomed over her menacingly as much as she could without falling, awaiting a response.
“Forkle got it for Sophie, and Team Valiant voted that I should be the one to hold onto it. I was just about to return it to Forkle, he asked to have it today,” Stina fibbed.
“A human guitar? For the Black Swan? With you leaving the house through the back?”
“I don’t know why they want it either. And I was leaving through the back gateway because I didn’t want to alert you. I didn’t want you to be worried about me since I’m expecting to be back within an hour or so.”
“And where are you to meet Forkle,” Vika demanded, crossing her arms. She was suspicious, but not overwhelmingly so. 
Stina had already gone this far, there was no turning back. “Our first meetup is at Foxfire, I don’t know where he’s taking us from there. I really need to go now, I might be late.”
Stina ran without a word, rushing to her Leapmaster and travelling to Foxfire. She sprinted into the building, and when she bursted into the pastel classroom of Sir Astin with her hair giving off the impression that she got electrocuted, heaving for breath and slamming her acoustic guitar onto the table near Jensi’s keyboard, everyone was full of questions. A death glare from her shut them all up. 
Biana was quite used to occurrences such as these. A secret band that only the leader of the Black Swan, a genetically-modified super elf, and a family of flying sparkly horses know about causes close calls and desperate measures. As the elected leader of the group, she’d grown indifferent to this type of behaviour, though she had to admit, seeing Stina look miserable was great payback. Glancing at Dex, she could tell he agreed.
This was their 30th group practice. Everyone had practiced on their own, of course, usually in secluded areas. Dex and Jensi had taken to practicing with each other via Imparter calls, as their instruments often complemented each other in songs Sophie played. Biana, quite proud of the progress the group had made, decided to enter into the next two phases of her master plan. 
Brushing her hair off of her shoulders, she cleared her throat and called for the band’s attention. “Awesome Saucers! You’ve all come a long way since the beginning of this band. You have each grown in your own ways, not only in musical talent, but as a person. You bonded with music in a way no elves ever had. And we did this all without piquing negative interest from any authority figures. Heck, Leto even supports it!”
“Why do I feel like this inspirational speech is leading to you pitching a horrible idea,” Tam asked, sighing exhaustedly.
“It’s not a horrible idea,” Biana assured, not losing any momentum from the interruption. “It’s the next step of our musical careers.”
“Careers,” Jensi scoffed in disbelief, reclining in Sir Astin’s vacant chair. “At most, this is a side gig, and that’s stretching it really far.”
“That’s all it is right now,” Biana corrected, “And the next step for us will take it farther.”
Marella stopped braiding Linh’s hair for a moment to pay attention. “And what would that next step look like?”
“Producing songs.”
Maruca laughed bitterly. “Are you kidding me right now? Actual songs? We can barely play at the same time without Leto rushing in to see what exploded.”
“Hey, we’ve gotten better at instrumentals,” Dex defended, frowning slightly at Maruca’s underestimation of the band.
“Sure,” she rolled her eyes. “We should probably get an audience to judge that. And besides, who would even write the songs?”
“I’ll take the lead with that,” Biana reasoned. “Dex and Linh can help, and you guys will have to approve of it before we finalize.”
“While I’m open to writing the songs, I think I’d get nervous in front of an audience,” Linh added quietly. “And Maruca’s right. We can’t dive in headfirst without any coordination.”
“Looks like you’ve been overruled, Princess,” Stina smirked.
“Stina, let’s hear her out. Besides, an audience doesn’t mean the entire elven race, it could be just one person.”
“Oh, good, we’ll only have to ruin one person’s ear drums,” Tam remarked grimly. Arguments filled the room, each snarky comment making Biana exceedingly more hopeless. Dex pulled out his Imparter and walked out into the hall, leaning against the wall in a relaxed position. He talked quietly into the device, and no one noticed him walk out.
“Hello?” Keefe called from the other end of the line. “Is something wrong, Dex?”
“I guess you could say that,” Dex mumbled, his frown tilted. “Do you know of anyone who wouldn’t mind a group of very loud teenagers practicing music by them so they can get feedback?”
“My dad could do it?”
Dex was dumbfounded. “Why would you want Cassius with us? Why would WE want Cassius with us?”
Keefe wrinkled his nose. “Not HIM. Elwin. He gets pretty lonely in the Healing Center, and I’m not always around.”
Dex sighed in relief, his dimples finally resurfacing. “That’s perfect. I’ll tell the others. Thanks, Keefe.”
“No problem, Dexinator.”
Dex returned to the room and instantly had an urge to run away as fast as he could. You know, survival’s instinct. Maruca was on top of Sir Astin’s table, yelling at Biana, with Stina backing her up. Jensi had taken Biana’s side, and Tam was trying to get the two sides to calm down. Marella made occasional retorts towards Stina, but mostly kept to making tiny braids in Linh’s hair. And the music sheets. They were all over the floor, and had seemingly been used as weapons. Dex knew he was treading on dangerous grounds, and handled the situation accordingly.
Ah, yes, the classical route when trying to diffuse an argument. But everyone did stop, though more out of shock that Dex could reach those volumes than out of obedience and civility. 
“We’re relocating to the empty room by the Healing Center. Elwin will be there, for constructive criticism and so that he can get some entertainment and company. Keefe might drop by from time to time.”
Biana blew out a breath of relief. She knew she could always count on Dex. Maruca and Stina looked at each other, really wanting to say something, but even they couldn’t deny Elwin. 
Jensi, however, wasn’t in the loop. “Why would Keefe suggest Elwin? Wouldn’t he tell us to go to Sophie’s parents or something?”
Dex and Biana shared a look. “Should we-”
“Nah, that’s Keefe’s story to tell,” Dex said nonchalantly. 
The comment just made Jensi even more confused, but Biana saved Dex the effort to explain by clapping her hands together loudly. “Alright, everyone, you heard Dex. Relocation time.”
“And what about the instrumental issues and the song writing,” Maruca inquired, still on the fence with this whole issue. “We don’t even have the inspiration for a song.”
“Sure we do, and if not, we’ll make a cover for a song,” Biana encouraged. “But we’ll handle that once we’re in our new location. Plus, it should be safe to leave our instruments in that room. No classes take place there.”
Everyone, no matter how reluctant, shuffled out of the room with their instruments and began the trek to Elwin’s Healing Center.
Taglist: @imaramennoodle @bookwyrminspiration @holesinmyfalseconfidence @an-absolute-travesty @a-lonely-tatertot @linhammon-roll-bromance101 @linhamon-roll @loverofallthingssmart
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theunmappedstar · 4 years
Do you think that after the first few books elfin discrimination was kind of ignored? Like at first she was showing it and having characters condemn it but now the characters aren’t really invested in changing anything. Like there’s been so little societal change since Sophie arrived to the Lost Cities and I think Shannon might have forgotten about it?
i think it’s the big point that we’re working up towards! of course, sophie’s fighting for the humans behalf, which takes up a lot of the book (because the neverseen’s primary goal is to entirely destroy any all link to humans... they believe that the humans are the problem, whereas the black swan believes the humans could be the key). however, while that might be a primary part of the plot, you can also see she’s continually fighting for the elves - even in small ways. 
i remember this one point in nightfall that i’ve always loved... quan and mai were trying to interact with tam and linh, but sophie came over and grabbed both of the twin’s hands. she intercepted whatever negative encounter was beginning. sophie told them (tam and linh’s parents) that they had to accept the twins for who they were and reject the prejudice they’d been fed because multiple births weren’t inherently bad. sophie told them they had wonderful, talented kids and that they had to fight to earn their children’s respect and trust again if they wanted to speak to them and form a healthy, safe environment.
of course, in legacy we see sophie’s opinion grow stronger in the matchmaking area because she’s now very empathetic to those couples labeled as a bad match. this was seen as less prominent to most readers because sophie didn’t stand up to fitz about it - however, just because she didn’t stand up to fitz directly doesn’t mean she never had inner turmoil about it or never challenged it with others. despite sophie feeling like she had to register for the match for her relationship with fitz, she constantly challenged herself internally because she felt uncertain about it. she knew that the match had destroyed the lives of people she loved (she repeatedly mentioned dex) and divided the elves. sophie brought this up briefly to keefe, too (i’m pretty sure it wasn’t expanded on a ton because the plot was moving at a steady, uninterrupted pace. aka fitz entered the scene again, haha). sophie also brings this up to mr. forkle in the beginning chapters - she explains that she was labeled unmatchable and that she feels like a ‘poster girl’ for everything wrong in elven culture (so, yes, she admits that the system is wrong).
i know this is going way back but keeper through everblaze focused heavily on the talentless/forbidden talent discriminations, as well. we got a lot of fintan and brant action as well as sophie being introduced to the world and the elves within it. we get more of the talent debate in later books, too! marella is a crucial part of the talent plot because of how she can now empathize with pyrokinetics who were treated unfairly, which lead them to resort to violence.
anyway: societal change won’t happen very quickly in the books, i don’t think because it definitely doesn’t happen in reality at the snap of a finger. i think shannon’s very good at that aspect - she knows how to flesh out a concept for however long so that it seems real.
bored? i’m answering any and all asks!
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