#freckles fem adult
beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Danielle Galligan
December 1, 1992
Irish actress
Nina [Shadow and Bone: 2021-2022]
Naomi [Who We Love: 2021]
Daiga [Cold Courage: 2020]
Lili [Beautiful Youth: 2018]
Caitlyn [Tinderface: 2015]
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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kkami-writes · 9 months
that hufflepuff boy
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pairing. hufflepuff!felix x slytherin!fem!reader ft! hufflepuff!bangchan, slytherin!seungmin, ravenclaw!hyunjin synopsis. The moment you stepped into the halls of Hogwarts your classmates had deemed you as the princess of slytherin, a title you learned to hate. If only they knew that the cold, seemingly proper girl was absolutely head over heels for Hufflepuff's resident sunshine boy, Lee Felix. tags/cw. hogwarts!au, fluff, maybe some angst if you squint, lots and lots of mutual pining, acquaintances to lovers, side seungjin, smut, slight corruption, public sex (library), virgin!felix, oral (m + f receiving), vaginal fingering, pet names (princess, love), unprotected sex (don't do it), swallowing of cum
disclaimer!!! both felix and reader are 18+, consenting adults at the time of smut. word count. 5k (5,155)
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The first time you had met Felix is during third year, on a random spring morning as the two of you were paired up during potions. It had been a rough first three years for you as the nickname of Slytherin’s princess had been pushed upon you solely based on your parents' old-fashioned views. Even in this more progressive time, there were still a fair amount of pure-blood purists despite it being an unpopular stance after the second wizarding war.
Still, people had assumed you had thought the same as your parents and being sorted into slytherin hadn’t helped your case. Reluctantly, you instead fell into your role as the prim and proper princess they thought you were - no one had ever bothered to even ask if you could think for yourself or had your own opinions. Although you did have a few actual friends, the isolation you had felt from your peers had made you slightly bitter. 
So when you’re paired up with a random hufflepuff who gives you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen, one that could easily rival the sun - you’re a little starstruck. You don’t think anyone has ever looked at you like this and it easily makes your cheeks darken. He treats you like a normal person, as if you were already friends and it’s…refreshing to say the least. The last person you got partnered up with had sat as far away from you as they could and didn’t talk unless absolutely necessary. 
You’re surprised that you work well with the boy, him making small conversation and keeping you engaged in the potion work. Felix is nice, almost too nice, and you’re sure he’s like this with everyone but you still feel a surge of happiness when he laughs at one of your small jabs. You can’t help but think the sound is just as sweet as him. 
As class ends, you’re packing up your books and Felix waves goodbye to you with that pretty smile on display. 
“Bye! I hope we can talk again!” Then he’s gone and you’re left sitting there a little dazed as you stare at his retreating figure, something stirring in your chest that you’re not 100% sure of, but you do know one thing. 
And it’s that Felix is made up of sugar, everything nice and sun kissed freckles, and you’re pretty sure you’re fucked.
By fifth year you had fully recognized that the flowers blooming your chest was pure adoration for the hufflepuff. You had been sitting in the library with Seungmin, who was busy with his nose in a book and blatantly ignoring your obvious heart eyes towards a certain boy who sat not too far away at his own table; him and his quidditch captain Chan were probably going over some strategies for the upcoming game this weekend. Hyunjin was on your left, the ravenclaw busy with another one of his drawings he often did. 
You let out a small dreamy sigh, one that was barely audible but it was enough to have your fellow slytherin rolling his eyes and closing his book.  “Are you for real? You look so pathetic…how long have you been pining over that hufflepuff for?” He groans, throwing his head back. 
“Aw, I think it’s kinda cute,” Hyunjin chimes in, not looking up from his drawing.
“That’s because you’re a hopeless romantic,”
“Ok mister I read romance novels,” At this Seungmin’s ears tinge red and you think he might throw his book at the male. They thought you were annoying with your crush? They should look at themselves. With Seungmin thinking he was slick with his hidden gazes towards the ravenclaw or the many sketches Hyunjin had of the slytherin. 
“Can you two shut up? I’m busy pining over here,” They both roll their eyes at you now. 
“Honestly? I’m surprised he’s your type. I thought someone like Minho hyung was your type,”
“It’s because Felix is the only one willing to give yn any time of the day,” You swat at Hyunjin for that and he simply clutches his arm dramatically, whining your name. 
As you play fight with your friends (was it really playing though? The three of you were probably gonna get kicked out of the library soon), it goes unnoticed by you that someone else had been staring a little too long over at your table, his eyes sparkling as he watched you interact with the two who were usually never seen without you. He’s pulled from his thoughts as his own best friend and quidditch captain Chan nudged him from his tiny daydream. 
“You good mate? You've been staring at her for a while. We are supposed to be going over strategies,” He teases lightly as he watches Felix’s ears turn a little red. 
“Um, right. Sorry! I’ll focus, I promise,” Chan laughs, his signature dimples showing as he ruffles up the blonde’s hair.
“It’s fine, I should probably go study for my n.e.w.t.s anyway and we have practice tomorrow so we can go over more stuff,” Felix nods, agreeing with him before his gaze is once again glancing over towards you and it looks like you’re about to strangle Seungmin, while Hyunjin holds you back by your robes with a bored look on his face. He can’t help but laugh at your guy’s ministrations - he loved that you had slowly come out of your shell since third year and had found some good friends.
Well, at least he hoped they were just friends. He wouldn’t go as far to say the two of you were friends either, just acquaintances, mostly talking to each other in the halls when you passed by or occasionally partnering up during class. But Felix still did not have the guts to ask you out on a date, the fear of rejection controlling him. Chan is nudging him again and he’s pulled out of yet another daydream.
“Damn, you’ve got it bad huh? You’ve barely even talked to her for the last two years,” “Hey, that’s not true!! I say hi to her everytime I see her in the hall!”
“Uh huh. Why are you so interested in her anyway? Aren’t her parents blood-purists? I don’t think they’d approve of a muggleborn, no offense. And she is called the slytherin princess for a reason,” 
“Yeah but she’s not like that,” Felix is quick to defend you, not that he really thought Chan believed in those kinds of rumors - he was just curious about his crush.
“How do you know?” “Just- okay in third year, I remember everyone telling me to beware of the ‘slytherin princess’” he makes quotations with his fingers. “That she was cold and mean and definitely would not be nice to a muggleborn like me. But then we got partnered together during potions and she was really nice? And funny? I just thought you know, that she couldn’t be that bad. Plus! Seungmin and Hyunjin are both half-bloods, and they’re like her best friends. When we talk, just the two of us, she’s kinda shy to be honest. It’s cute and all but, when I see her like that,” Felix points to you, who is laughing hard at a joke Seungmin had said, both you and Hyunjin holding onto each other as you wheeze. The librarian shushes you loudly and gives the three of you yet another warning, only one away from getting kicked out. “When she’s alone with her friends she blossoms into this really bubbly and bright personality and I just - I want to be able to bring out that side of her when she’s with me. I wanna be able to get to know her more…you know…maybe ask her on a date,” He flushes at that and Chan lets out a low whistle that gets his own little hush from the librarian.
“Yeah, you are down atrocious my man. I think it’s time to put on your big boy pants. You should ask her out, after the hufflepuff vs slytherin game. After we win you can ask if she wants to go celebrate,” 
“Oh..that might be a good idea. She always comes to the games for Seungmin. But wait, what if we lose?” 
(Felix will later find out that you had only ever attended the Hufflepuff vs Slytherin games just so you could watch him, something Seungmin always complained and pouted about.  “I’M your best friend! You should be watching for me!! Not that stupid pretty Hufflepuff,” “So you admit he’s pretty?”
“I fucking hate you,” ) “Then you ask her if she’ll take you on a date so you can get over this horrific loss we have faced,”
“That…makes me sound like a loser,” Chan just shrugs. 
“Listen, if it gets you a date who cares,”
“Ok, yeah. You’re right. First, we’re gonna stomp Slytherin into the ground. And then- I’m gonna ask her out,”
Felix did not in fact put on his big boy pants on. While they had in fact won the game, he had frozen when you hopped over to him, a pretty smile on your face as you congratulated him on the win. His mind blanked, head empty as he just stared at how pretty you looked and how he wished he could give you his Hufflepuff scarf for you to wear. He wanted you to cheer for him during his quidditch games. He thinks you’d look breathtaking in yellow. 
But instead he said a quick ‘thanks!’ before running away, face completely red and leaving you behind with a small disappointed look on your face.
By seventh year, you were no closer to being over your infatuation with the pretty freckled Hufflepuff. Even though you had dated other people here and there, no one could compare to the way your heart reacted whenever you talked to Felix briefly in the halls. 
Still, you had slightly given up hope that the boy would reciprocate your feelings. Afterall, he had shown no signs of being into you - despite what Seungmin and Hyunjin had told you. You were still scared of rejection, that he wouldn’t be interested in a Slytherin like yourself, much less one still dubbed the princess of snakes. 
Yet Felix continued to treat you the same as always, greeting you in the hallways with that sweet smile of his and it never failed to put butterflies in your stomach. 
So when you’re paired up for a project in potions again, you can’t help the excitement that builds in your chest. It’s a more extensive project, requiring you to brew a particularly complex potion, needing to do research in the restricted section as well as write an essay. 
“Hey!” Felix greets you with that devastating smile and you pretend you’re not melting on the inside. His voice had gotten so deep and that blasted australian accent was constantly trying to make your knees buckle when you heard it. You can see Seungmin in your peripheral vision, pretending to gag over how pathetic you look face to face with your crush. Subtly you flip him off and you can hear his infectious laugh as he walks out of the classroom, probably off to find Hyunjin.
“Hi Felix,” 
“So, when are you free to work on the project?” “Honestly whenever you’re free, I know practice must keep you busy captain,” At the title his cheeks flush involuntarily, scratching his cheek shyly. Oh what you wouldn’t give to kiss his beautiful freckled cheeks.
“Yeah well, Seungmin has been keeping us on our toes. He’s always been good at strategy and as captain he’s really proved himself. But besides practice I'm pretty free too. We have practice on Wednesdays and Fridays. So we could do the project this weekend? If you want of course, we could pick another day if you want,” 
“Nope, this weekend sounds perfect,”
“Great, wanna meet at the library at one?” 
You nod and he gives you a small smile before bidding you goodbye. And that’s how you end up with a study date with one Lee Felix. (Neither of you had said the word date but you could dream and live in your delusions for a while. At least before Seungmin pulls you back down from the clouds.) 
Saturday comes much faster than you expect and you take almost half the morning preparing yourself - perhaps taking a little extra time on your makeup and hair. Of course you make sure not to go too overboard, just accentuating your features a little more, wanting to impress the way too pretty Hufflepuff. 
Even though you show up to the library ten minutes early, you’re surprised to find Felix already there with a book open and taking notes. When he looks up to see you his expression brightens up significantly, waving you over quickly. He’s rendered you speechless with a simple look and you can feel those annoying butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
“Sorry did I keep you waiting? I thought I was early,” You say as you take a seat next to him, pulling out your own notes and potion textbook.
“Oh no, don’t worry. I uh- got here early to get us a spot next to the restricted section,” Your head nods in understanding as you bite back a laugh, the library practically empty due to it being a Saturday. 
After some brief small talk, the two of you get into researching the potion, taking extensive notes on how to properly brew the concoction without causing your cauldron to explode. It was a tricky potion, requiring absolute perfection in order to work. 
Somehow during your silent period of individual research, Felix had managed to scoot as close to you as possible, thighs pressed together and you thought your heart might leap out of your chest. You can smell the hint of his floral cologne and the urge to bury your face into the crook of his neck is overwhelming. 
The two of you stay like that for a while before you close your textbook, stretching out your arms and flexing your hands from writing too much. 
“Shall we check out the restricted section? I think i’ve read all that I can in our textbook,” 
“Yeah, same! This potion is gonna be a pain in the ass,”
“Tell me about it. I’m not exactly looking forward to actually brewing it,”
“Can’t be that bad, I’ll get to do it with you,” And there it is, those damn butterflies making another appearance. You flush before clearing your throat, moving towards the restricted section, having already gotten permission from your teacher and the librarian. Felix can’t help but find the blush on your cheeks beautiful.
The two of you moved to start to browse the new section, looking for specifics on the ingredients needed for the more intense potion that you would have to brew. Your eyes skim through the shelves, noting some of the more interesting books that you might have to take a closer look at later, specifically a fun book on jinxes that you could probably use against Seungmin who was always trying to create new spells to tease you with. And on the rare occasion the two of you would team up to bully Hyunjin instead, especially when he was bragging about acing a test he didn’t even bother studying for. It would have to wait for now as you spotted an old potioneering book that looked promising on the top shelf. Reaching for it, you cursed at how short you were - even standing on your tiptoes didn’t help as you extended your fingers as much as you could. 
Suddenly you can feel a firm chest pressed to your back and a hand resting on your hip, another hand coming to grab the book you were trying to get. Your heart thumps against your ribcage at the close proximity of Felix, trying not to think about how his body feels as its pressed flush against your back or the grip on your hips as he steadies you. Slowly you turn around in his grasp, blinking up at him as he practically has you up against the bookcase, caging you in. Felix is also looking at you, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face and the potion book in his hand.   It feels like you’ve been standing there forever, both of you just getting lost in each other's eyes and you wonder how many constellations you could draw against his freckles. The way you want to count just how many he has or if he had more in other places as well. Your eyes widen when the hand that was resting on your hip is suddenly moving up to cup your cheek and you wonder if he can see the way you flush under the dim lighting of the library. 
“Can I kiss you?” The deep timbre of his voice never fails to send shivers down your spine or heat into your stomach. You nod even though you really wanna say ‘hell yes’, you manage to hold back and not embarrass yourself, especially now when he’s asked something you’ve wanted to do since third year. 
His lips feel plush against your own, and you vaguely wonder if this was real. If Lee Felix was really here, kissing you sweet and softly like you were the most precious and delicate object in his hands. It’s a short simple kiss and you almost go to chase his lips when he pulls back, but you don’t have to worry as he doesn’t keep you waiting too long. He drops the book to be forgotten, as he brings his other hand to fully frame your face and kisses you square on the mouth. Your head tilts as he deepens the kiss, lips molding perfectly together. 
His tongue is swiping along the seam of your lips, asking for permission which you happily grant, tiers parting for him so he can lick at your own wet muscle. You can’t help the blissful sigh that falls from your lips and Felix all but eagerly swallows the noise, his pink tongue exploring every inch of you that he can. He has you fully pressed against the bookshelf now, your bodies slotted together, as if two puzzle pieces had been connected and you can start to feel something hard being pressed against your hips.
You can barely even focus on that with how dizzy the kiss is making you feel (though it’s possible it’s the lack of air as you’ve basically forgotten how to breathe). Teasingly you nip at his lower lip, sucking it into your mouth and he all but lets out a deep groan that makes you wetter than you’d like to admit. Eventually you both part for air, the two of you practically panting, lips slick with each other. You’re licking at your swollen lips, still able to taste him on your tongue as a thought pops into your head. You move to place your hands on Felix’s hips, maneuvering him so you’re the one who has him pressed against the bookshelf. He tilts his head and looks at you inquisitively, and you can’t help but coo at how cute he looks, especially with slightly reddened cheeks and completely kiss bitten lips. 
It’s only when you move down to your knees does he understand what you’re doing, him scrambling to try to pull you back up but you don’t budge. 
“A-ah! W-wait. What are you do-” He falters as he watches you glance up at him through your lashes, sweet innocent eyes looking up at him. Just the sight of you like this, looking so pretty on your knees for him makes his dick twitch in his pants, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. 
You place your hands on his thighs, running them up until your fingers are playing with the zipper of his trousers and he watches as your tongue darts out to dampen your already slick lips. “Is this ok?” You question simply, watching as Felix’s resolve crumbles, nodding his head. 
With permission you’re quick to undo his pants, only pulling them down to expose his already hard cock. His dick is somehow pretty, yet it doesn’t surprise you - everything about the boy was just so pretty. You lean in to press small teasing kisses to his length, keeping eye contact with the Hufflepuff. Felix doesn’t dare take his eyes off of you, so entranced by you. As much as you’d love to tease him, to build him up until he was begging for you - the two of you weren’t exactly in a private space, so you’d have to do it another time (god you hoped there would be another time). You part your lips to take the head into your mouth and it has Felix gasping already, his head falling back against the bookcase and his hands finding purchase in your hair. You hollow your cheeks as you suck softly, his natural musky scent was mixing with the floral cologne he had put on and it was all so heady, making you slightly lightheaded. 
He’s completely lost in the way your mouth feels against his hard length, warm and wet, and he’s scared to finish too fast like some virgin (even though that’s exactly what he was). Yet he can’t stop you, blunt nails grasping at your silky locks as you blow him, eliciting a moan from you that vibrates against his cock. His bottom lip is between his teeth in an attempt to stop any embarrassing noises from escaping. 
Except when you’ve got his whole cock down your throat, choking on it slightly has a deep moan slipping from his lips. He’s looking down at you through half-lidded eyes, pupils blown and hazy with lust, the sight of you with your mouth absolutely stuffed with his cock has him twitching in your mouth. You can taste his salty precum in the back of your throat, desperate to see what his release will taste like. 
“Ah…fuck. Princess you look so pretty like this…’m gonna cum,” He grunts softly and he can’t help the small buck of his hips into your mouth.
You definitely weren’t expecting the nickname, but you found yourself liking it MUCH more when it was coming from Felix. You open your mouth with your tongue lolling out when he tells you he’s close, blinking up at him and he gets the message. He releases your hair to bring his hand to his cock, stroking it once, twice - before he’s coming thick ropes into your mouth. You patiently wait for him to finish before you’re swallowing his load and you definitely don’t miss the way he groans just from watching you do that. A giggle falls from your lips as you come to stand up and he’s quick to kiss you again, moaning from tasting himself against your swollen tiers. 
He’s tucking himself back into his pants but not bothering to redo his pants before he’s once again moving you so he can press you against the bookshelf. It’s your turn to tilt your head in questioning as he moves to kneel down, hands running up your upper thighs until they’re disappearing under your skirt. He loops his fingers into your panties as he looks up at you.
“Can I?” He asks and his eyes are still dark with arousal, completely gone at this point. You nod far too eagerly and he chuckles deeply at how excited you look, slowly dragging your (damp) underwear down, having you step out of them. He slips them into his back pocket with a smirk. 
“You’re not getting these back,” 
Your mouth is wide with his bold words, wondering where the shy Felix has gone. You don’t really have much time to think more about it before he’s diving under your skirt and attaching his mouth to your wet cunt, a hand coming up to your mouth to muffle the sound that leaves your lips involuntarily. He laps at your core, moaning against you at your taste and the vibrations only aid in your pleasure. You can’t even see him with your skirt completely covering him but you can’t find it in you to even care, the way his tongue is flicking at your clit has you whimpering. His hands are gripping at your hips tightly and you hope that he leaves a mark, a memory of this moment you shared with him.
He has you all but clenching around nothing as his lips suck on your sensitive bud and your back is arching off the bookshelf and your head is thrown back. Soft moans spill from your lips and the sounds go straight to his dick, feeling himself hardening again in his pants. It doesn’t matter though as his focus is on you and he so badly wants you to cum against his tongue. Felix easily slips two fingers into your heat with how slick you are and you let out a soft sigh at the sensation. He’s a little clumsy with them but you’re too far gone to really care, feeling your thighs start to shake and that familiar pressure building in your lower stomach. 
“Lix- Lixie. I’m close,” You manage to mumble out, not knowing how much longer you are gonna last, especially with how his skillful tongue continues to work you to your high. With your words he’s once again latching onto your clit with his lips, sucking eagerly and his fingers pushing into you faster. He hums against your core and you’re gone, your rather loud moan muffled by your hand as you’re coming against his face. Felix doesn’t stop lapping at your pussy until you have to push him away, feeling sensitivity starting to build. 
When he comes back up he has to hold you up, your legs shaking slightly in the aftermath of your orgasm. He’s quick to have his lips on yours again and you can taste yourself against his tongue. He can tell he’s going to quickly become absolutely addicted to kissing you, your lips so soft against his own. Felix is pressing against you and you can feel that he’s hard again, so you reluctantly pull away to call out to him. 
“Felix,” You start, suddenly feeling shy even though you literally just had his dick in your mouth. 
“Yes love?” It really feels like he’s trying to kill you with these nicknames but you push through, letting your hips rock against his and he’s biting at his lip hard to stop himself from moaning. 
“I want you. So bad. . .need you inside me,” 
He seems a little hesitant but he can’t deny the way his dick twitches just at the thought of being buried inside you. How warm and tight you’d feel against his length.
“Are- Are you sure?” You nod. You’ve never been so sure about anything in your life.
“Yes. I-If it’s okay with you,” Still you stress this point, not wanting to pressure him but you’d be lying if you weren’t still absolutely soaked for the boy in front of you. 
“How can I say no to you?” He hums, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before slowly turning you around to have you bent forward slightly. You grab onto the bookshelf to ground yourself, biting at your bottom lip as you feel him grinding his clothed cock against your core. You’re about to open your mouth to beg him to stop teasing you but then you feel his tip pressing against your entrance and all thoughts are flying out of your head. Felix is gripping you tightly by the waist and slowly, almost agonizingly slowly he pushes in. You can feel every single inch until he’s completely sheathed in your warmth and the groan he lets out fills your belly with straight heat.
“F-fuck. So good, you feel so good princess,” He groans, his breath heavy as he shakily pulls out just enough so he can easily slide back in, setting a slightly uneven pace but it feels so good that you don’t even care. All you can think about is Felix, the way his hands feel against your skin, how sweet he sounds as he murmurs praises against your ear, the way his cock fills you so nicely - your head is so blissfully empty besides the Hufflepuff and you love it. He angles himself upwards, finding your sweet spot so easily and you clench around him the moment he hits it.
His hips rock languidly into you as he flips your skirt up so he can see the way his cock disappears into your soaked cunt. Felix is so entranced at the way your arousal clings to his length, you’re so wet you’re practically dripping down your thighs and it makes it so much easier to thrust into you. He knows he’s not gonna last very long so he grabs you to pull you flush against his chest, holding you to him as a hand wraps to your front, two fingers rubbing at your clit.
“Lix! Oh- Oh…’m close,” You mumble out, gasping as he holds you against his body, your hips trying to meet his thrusts. 
“Yeah? Gonna cum princess? Need you to cum all over my cock. Can you do that love?” He hums into your ear and his voice has you absolutely gone, Felix purposely making it just a little bit deeper. The way his cock is pressing against your gummy g-spot has you seeing stars. 
It doesn’t take long until you’re shuddering and coming, your walls spasming around Felix which has him reaching his own orgasm - spilling into you with his warm seed. Both of you are panting hard with you holding onto the bookshelf as if it was your last lifeline, practically the only thing keeping you up with how shaky your knees are. 
When he pulls out you whine a little, feeling his cum leaking down your thighs. He watches for a second, seeing his own release dripping from your pussy has a surge of pride filling his chest. After a second he pulls out his wand, muttering a quick spell that cleans you up, thankful that charms had been his best class. You need a bit longer to collect yourself, your head slightly fuzzy from two orgasms. 
Felix is busy looking you over, making sure your uniform is neat and smoothing your hair down. It’s all sweet and lowkey domestic, making your heart swell at the Hufflepuff in front of you. He smiles that smile you love and it baffles you how this boy could go from fucking you in the restricted section of the library to this innocent looking sunshine. 
He’s coming to cup your face again, leaving a few kisses against your cheeks before kissing your lips.
“So like…I know this is backwards but uh- do you like? Maybe wanna go on a date sometime? And be my girlfriend?”
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fleurmiss · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ one love, two mouths
- ,, ao’nung x fem reader
- ,, being bestfriends with aonung ever since you gained consciousness was pleasant, but comes with a side of flirting and realizations you want to be more than just friends, or bestfriends.
- ,, warnings - SUGGESTIVE! adults watch out this is a teenager ur reading abt. minors pls be careful if u dont like making out!! ao’nung is a btch but not to u, tanhì is na’vi for “star, bioluminescent freckle”, simp ao’nung yasss thats like all my characters lol gunna ignore that!!
ps : tanhì is not readers name lol, just a nickname that ao’nung gave her!!!
-‘๑’- sweater weather - the neighborhood
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Ao’nung was mean, you’ve seen how quick he is to bite back and claw at any opportunity that gives him a moment of glory against his rivals, plenty of times.
Ao’nung is mean to everyone, everyone but you, and his family, and maybe Roxto.
Excluding those people, ao’nung has never tried to purposefully hurt your feelings, maybe in a moment of childish banter, he has said mean things that are fleeting, they go away as quickly as they come because he sees the look on your face, and says sorry with a heavy heart.
Some days he is not as apologetic, and delays his apologies until a day or two, you walk away with hurt, anger, and hesitation but he always comes to u, can’t bare being away from you, his girl.
You are sitting on the sand, knees up to your chest as you gaze upon the sea, muscles sore from swimming all day. You almost fall asleep as the peaceful sound of the waves lulls you but alas, your one and only makes his presence known with his loud greeting.
“My tanhì, you look a little lonely!” ao’nung chuckles and sits down beside you, right beside you. No literally, he’s so close that your arm and leg are touching his. Why’s he so close? There’s literally so much space? You’ve stopped questioning it, he’s been touchy with you since forever.
He ruffles the top of your head affectionately, the little smile on his face tells you he’s in a good mood. “hi ao’nung” you say softly and give him a sweet smile, god he almost just melted at the spot, “you seem happy today”
“i am” he replies shortly and you lay your head on his shoulder, letting out a satisfied sigh at finally seeing your favorite person.
his hand finds it’s way to your leg and he gives you a prompt squeeze on your thigh, affection came as naturally as breathing to him when it was with you.
Your eyes roam around the sea as you look at the people smiling with their ilu’s and splashing around in the water, you catch a glimpse of a group of 4 girls as you shudder with the piercing look they give you. You recognize those girls as Tsireya’s friends, remembering her telling you about her dislike for a lot of their decisions. She told you to avoid them, they’re no good.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion when you see the said girls make their way to you and ao’nung, probably only having matters that deal with ao’nung, you’re pretty sure they’ll ignore your whole existence if anything.
You being this close to The Olo’Eyktan’s only son ignites some sort of resentment in them, automatically making you their competition and viewing you as a threat.
“bruh not these chicks again” ao’nung mutters quietly in irritation and lets out a groan into your hair, hoping they’ll go away if he can’t see them. You giggle but your smile is gone as soon as the girls stop right in-front of your bestfriend. “Ao’nung!! We we’re gonna go take a swim with our ilu’s, I think you should join us! Im sure sitting here watching the ocean isn’t that interesting” the girl’s giggle thinking Ao’nung will get up and follow them without a word.
For a second you believed so too, what you were doing wasn’t that fun, but you didn’t want fun, you wanted calm.
“fuck no” you hear pure distaste in ao’nung’s voice, it makes you cringe, the second hand embarrassment of straight rejection in the face. You smile, he’s really showing no interest in these girls, you almost feel bad, but whats it to you?
“oh- well- you can- you can always come join us later or whatever, whenever y/n lets you go” you’re a bit offended, you aren’t holding ao’nung back from anything, especially these girls, any choice he makes is solely his decision.
“nah im good i prefer y/n anyways”
“whatever” the girls huff and puff and stomp off the space you guys we’re currently sitting at
“bit mean, don’t u think”
“i don’t care” you smile at his quick response
“i think a lot of people dislike our friendship ao’nung, you’re the next Olo’Eyktan and they think i’m competition. They can’t let me ruin their chances of becoming Tsahik.”
“tanhì, what are you even saying?”
“i just.. what i mean is.. you’re almost ready to find a mate, and you must choose wisely, as your choice will be the next Tsahik for our clan, she must work with you as one, and i feel like i’m holding you back from finding a good mate”
Ao’nung pays attention to you, listening to your worries with furrowed brows, he’s so good to you, always. It makes your heart squeeze when you think of him being this affectionate with any other girl, you’re selfish, you want him to yourself.
As much as this hurts, you will be open with him, but you will not open your heart to him as of now. You sigh, he grabs your hand and his thumb rubs soothing circles, telling you to continue.
“i think.. i think re’yal is a beautiful girl, her parents are talented and she takes after them-“ you are cut off.
“i couldn’t care less for re’yal” you tilt your head in confusion
“na’yi is a good healer”
“she is a good healer.”
Ah. It’s Na’yi that he’s chosen then. You look up at him, unable to stop your head from moving. He smiles. Ouch.
“i have the stupidest girl sitting in front of me right now” you hit him gently in the chest, he catches your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours.
Woah. You’ve held hands multiple times but not this way. It feels different. You’re almost about to throw up.
Your eyes quickly drop down to his lips, god, you pray to Ewya that he doesn’t notice.
He does notice, and he thinks you’re so cute he could make-out with you right now.
“she’s so stupid but she’s also the prettiest, she’s really cute too, i think she’d make a great tsahik” you’re embarrassed now, what does this mean? why’s he such a jerk?
“i don’t think Na’yi wo-“
“tanhì, i don’t care about Na’yi, i do not want her.”
“Ao’nung.. allow me to help you, you cannot delay this anymore”
“y/n you just don’t get the hint do you?”
Ao’nung groans frustrated, he looks around to see if anyone is watching, what he’s about to do right now might cause issues, he can’t find himself to care any longer though.
Ao’nung cranes his head enough so his lips are an inch away from yours, he looks at you with lidded eyes and you’re already looking at him
“let me kiss you” he asks and you don’t wait, you nod and he smashes his soft lips against yours, desperately. You’ve been wanting to do this, been wanting to kiss your bestfriend.
He grabs the back of your neck to deepen the kiss, damn, he’s a good kisser. Not that you’ve kissed anyone else before, but he’s making you feel really good.
It’s fast, and you both are desperate, impatient, and incredibly in love. He grabs your waist to pull you closer and you whine into the kiss. Sweet. He’s never loved a sound more. His confession comes between kisses.
“y/n, i want you,” kiss. “and only you.” kiss.
you pull away and you’re breathing heavily, you look at ao’nung, pretty sure your eyes have hearts in them. “i-“ you don’t know what to say.
“I see you” you whisper, only meant for him to hear, with sincere eyes.
Ao’nung looks at you and his lips twitch into a small smile.
He goes into kiss you again and your hands find their way behind his neck, he pulls back and trails a few kisses from your jaw to your neck, you gasp softly when he finds your sensitive spot and sucks on it, sinking his teeth into your soft skin, you’re so sure this is gonna leave a bruise.
He kisses you again but this time openmouthed, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip to ask for permission, you open your mouth more to let him in. “i love you so much” he whimpers into your mouth and you realize you wanna get out of here. Your feel yourself getting embarrassed as you realize the 4 girls probably saw your full on makeout session.
“what’s wrong baby?”
“lets get out of here ao’nung” you plead, doe eyes looking up at your lover. God, you make him crazy.
He takes your hand and leads you to his marui pod, you guys pass the 4 girls on your way there and by the look they’re giving you, you know they saw it, maybe even enjoyed it a bit. (jk) The girl’s eyes travel down to your neck where your fresh hickey lies and they immediately turn their backs around, unable to watch your love bloom any longer.
You laugh loudly and that causes ao’nung to turn around, your hands still intertwined as you giggle, ao’nung gets the hint on what you’re laughing at and smirks as he watches you, amused.
“bit mean, don’t you think?” he mocks you and you slap his arm, he throws that arm over your shoulder as you guys walk , the sound of your laugh rings in ao’nungs ears and he swears he’ll never love someone like he loves you.
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
i see you.
summary: being the product of a secret relationship between a human scientist and a na’vi comes with its perks. one of them being neteyam sully.
pairing: neteyam x fem!na’vi/human reader
warnings: heavvyyyyyyy smooching, angry jake, mention of parent dying/leaving, also things get a lil spicy, one use of y/n.
note: tell a friend to tell a friend she’s baaaaaack !!!!! i haven’t written something in so long so my grammar is kinda shit, so if you see something that doesn’t make sense ignore it! anyway- reader & neteyam are aged up to twenty years old. also reader is 6ft since she’s na’vi/human, but she’s still small compared to him since he’s like 8’2. 
part two | part three | part four | part five
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no one knew how it happened- how you happened. how a human scientist and na’vi mated; it should have been impossible, but somehow they made it possible. 
your mother travelled from earth to pandora to study the native species of the omaticaya clan. during her studies, one particular na’vi caught her eye, and sooner than later they developed a secret relationship and fell deeply in love. 
they were inseparable- he taught her the ways of the forest and showed her how the na’vi live day to day. while your mother brought him along to collect samples of the environment around her, and he kept her safe as they explored.
the battle between the sky people and the na’vi, unfortunately ended with your father dying at the hands of your mothers colleagues. the omaticaya finally won, but when the rest of the human soldiers were sent back to earth, your mother was stuck. 
she was unable to travel in cryosleep while carrying you, so she was forced to stay on pandora and live out the rest of her pregnancy on the foreign planet. 
the only person who knew the identity of your father, was your mother and grace. everyone else assumed some soldier knocked up your mom, but boy, were they wrong. 
when you were born, your eye shape and color of your skin resembled your mothers, but the color of your irises were a deep amber, almost glowing yellow. darkened skin-colored stripes decorate your body head to toe, and white freckles adorn your facial features. 
the secret was out- you’re half na’vi, and half human. 
once the clan found out the scientists child is part na’vi, they took you under their wing to teach you their ways. your mother became extremely jealous, knowing that she could never be accepted by them like you have.
at the mere age of four, your mother left the base to travel back to earth without you. leaving you under the care of norm, max, jake and the rest of the clan.
thankfully being part na’vi and human, you’re able to breathe both types of air. mo’at became your motherly figure once your mom disappeared, quickly helping you adapt to their lifestyle in the forest.
over the years, you started to realize that you were different from the other na’vi children. you’re shorter in height, aren’t as fast, and you didn’t have their azure-colored skin. but somehow, you still felt as if you were a part of them. 
you became close to neytiri and jake’s kids, mostly kiri. you grew up with her and neteyam, but as you blossomed into a woman you wouldn’t dare to look him in the eyes. 
fearing that he’d realize your true feelings for him if he stared into them too long. 
throughout your teen years, you casually dated a few na’vi boys, but none of them were neteyam sully. nobody could compare, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. 
even now as a young adult, those old feelings can’t be choked down anymore. the same feelings you had about the eldest sully boy when you were younger. 
“stop drooling.” kiri teases you under her breath as her hands work to weave a basket. 
you’re knocked out of your trance, head whipping to face her. “no! i am not drooling.” you scoff and shake your head as you continue tucking leaves into the correct shape. you can feel your cheeks burning hot from her catching you staring at her older brother. 
you glance up from your working hands, admiring how neteyam effortlessly spears a fish in the water that he’s standing ankle-deep in. he lets out a triumphant laugh as lo’ak hollers proudly at him from the grass. 
“yeah, bro! get that fiiiiiish!” the younger boy whoops happily with his hands cupped around his mouth to amplify the sound.
the older brother turns his head to see who else could have noticed the catch, barely making eye contact with you before your eyes drop back down to your hands. 
swiftly, you busy yourself with tucking the leaves into each other. your pointed ears twitch slightly when you notice the sound of rustling water growing closer. 
kiri nudges your arm with her shoulder which confirms your suspicions.
he’s walking up to you. why is he walking up to you? you didn’t say anything to him. you didn’t even get a good look at him. there’s no reason for him to come over here.
from your peripheral vision, you can see his feet stop right in front of you in the glittering water. “hey guys.” he speaks softly, almost out of breath.
“hey, neteyam!” kiri quips at him, eyeing you from the corner of her eye with an evil grin.
the sound of his panting voice makes your heart  skip a beat and your abdomen constrict your breathing. you push the basket away from your nervous hands to rest them on your knees. your eyes carefully drag up the lanky expanse of his body, meeting his eyes with your own.
“oh hey, neteyam. how’s… um- the fishing going?” you hum nervously, chewing on your bottom lip out of a nervous habit. 
you can’t help but notice his hands are resting on his slender hips with his infamous bright smile on his face. 
“it was good. caught a few big ones…” he huffs out another strained breath. the sound makes you want to fall over, “what are you guys doing?” his eyes dart over to the trees for a split second before squatting down in front of you and kiri. 
his big round eyes look over your unfinished baskets, reaching out to touch yours gently. 
“hey! don’t touch. you’ll ruin it.” kiri swats at his grabby hands, making him raise his arms in surrender. “okay, okay!” he laughs. 
the sound of rustling leaves distracts you from the boy in front of you, making you and kiri turn to look behind your backs. before you could even make it halfway, his hands wrap around your wrists to yank you forward. 
“shit!!” you yelp before you face-plant into the chilly water, gurgling under the surface before lifting your head up, taking a sharp breath.
muffled laughter fills your ears as you sit up in the pond, pushing your soaked hair out of your face and off of your ears so you could hear. 
neteyam is sitting in the pond directly in front of you, hand laying across his abdomen as he belly laughs along with lo’ak. 
kiri is already climbing out of the water, grumbling under her breath and wringing out her hair. “screw you guys.” she calls back, flipping her middle finger before disappearing into the thick forest towards home. 
you look back at neteyam and lo’ak who are slightly calming down between their fits of laughter. “you… should… see… your… face… right… now!” neteyam cackles, throwing his head back in the air. 
“best idea, bro.” lo’ak reaches over to high five his brothers shoulder and to use him to pull himself out of the water. he grabs neteyam’s hand to help him up next, both of them still giggling.
“this was your idea?” you stare up at neteyam with squinted eyes and a scowl on your face. 
the boy audibly gulps when he notices your changed demeanor, his hand going to scratch the back of his neck. “uuhh, yeah… maybe?” he clears his throat, darting his eyes away from you. 
for a moment, you keep the angry facade before your arm winds back and you send your hand through the water to splash the older boy. 
“woah!” neteyam blocks the water with one of his hands, a surprised smile instantly forming on his perfect lips.
he swoops down towards the water, sending a wave directly into your face. “hey!” your eyebrows furrow, quickly getting onto your knees to send another burst of water towards him. 
lo’ak watches the scene unfolding in front of him, noticing that the rest of the fish swam away from the commotion. “guess we’re done fishing today.” he sighs in defeat and climbs out of the pond without either of you noticing. he follows kiri’s footsteps into the forest with the basket of fish over his shoulder.
you and neteyam continue battling it out, which ends in both of you completely soaked head to toe. “truce! truce!” you yell out in exasperation, falling back into the water. 
“my stomach hurts from laughing. i can’t anymore.” you continue to giggle as neteyam helps you up from your position in the water. he slowly trails behind you as you trudge back towards land, his tall stature towers over you from behind. he reaches out to grip your hips to lift you onto the plush grass. 
the feeling of his hands resting on your body makes your blood run hot, cheeks flaring with heat. 
“we’re drenched. what are we going to tell everyone?” he breathes out heavily with a soft chuckle. 
“we slipped and fell into the water?” you suggest and look up at him.
“we just happened to both slip and fall into the water together?” his eyebrows raise, and his cheeks puff out air in attempt to not laugh.
unfortunately, neteyam decides to look down at you which makes both of you burst into laughter again, “that idea is so stupid.” he choked out, pressing his fist to his mouth to stifle his little laughs. 
“let’s go back. we can figure it out on the way.” you sputter out, hunching over slightly as you walk forward in attempt to stop your giggles.
“hey, wait!” neteyam’s voice is suddenly serious, and you can’t feel his height looming behind you anymore.
you turn around at the sound of his voice, seeing he’s still in the same spot he was standing in. “i don’t want to go back yet.” he admits, his big round eyes darting down to his feet. 
you can feel your heartbeat grow faster, pattering against your chest like a jackhammer. “why not? you okay?” you take a hesitant step forward to stand underneath him, looking up in attempt to read his facial features.
by now, the sun is starting to set. the foliage around you both is slowly changing over, the white freckles in each others skin sparkling under the moonlight. 
his yellow eyes shyly look into yours, a timid smile twitching up onto the corner of his lips. 
“m’fine, i promise. i just want to stay here for a little longer. i don’t want to go back just yet.” he mumbles softly, a puff of his breath fans over your face from your close proximity. 
you can’t help but feel giddy from his words, unable to stop yourself from reaching your hand out to rest on his waist. your thumb absentmindedly rubs circles against his soft skin, “do you mind if i stay with you?” 
“do i mind?” he scoffs with a roll of his eyes, throwing his head back with an over-exaggerated sigh. 
embarrassment floods your body, making your ears ring from the blood rushing through your head. out of fear he’s angry with you, your hand pulls away from him, “oh i’m sorry. i’ll go then.” you start to turn the opposite way but he grabs your hips to keep you in place. 
“are you serious? you really don’t get it do you?” he almost laughs out of amusement, but you can’t help but feel even more confused. 
“i want you to stay here with me. i want you.” one of his hands come up from his side, bending down slightly to carefully tuck your hair behind one of your ears. 
your face stays emotionless as your eyes dart from his eyes to lips and back. “say something. anything?” he begs and shakes his head at you with an amused smile. 
“‘teyam…” you breathe out, a big smile beaming across your face, hands reaching up to cup his cheeks; something you could’ve only dreamed of doing. “i can’t tell if you’re being serious.” you whisper softly in the small amount of space between your faces.
“i’m gonna kiss you now to show you how serious i am.” he looks directly into your eyes before they flutter shut and he leans forward. 
the feeling of his lips on yours makes your knees go weak. neteyam sully is really kissing you right now. your arms wrap around his waist tightly to hold yourself up, which he quickly notices. 
his large hands drag down your sides and over your butt to grip the back of your thighs to hoist you up to his height. your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, ankles locking against his lower back. 
the new position allows him to deepen the kiss even more by gently wiggling his tongue against yours. he stumbles forward to a nearby tree, pressing your back against the trunk of it. 
it’s not like he’s having trouble carrying you, you’re equivalent to a feather for him. he just wants you closer. 
one of his braids falls in your face, swinging and tapping your cheek whenever your lips would connect.
“your hair…” you giggle against his lips, bringing your hand up to his face to tuck it back behind his ear. 
“sorry, they have a mind of their own, ya know.” his husky voice mumbles deeply into your ear, making goosebumps rise on your skin. 
your eyes flutter open to be met with the glowing forest, neon colors lighting up the vegetation around you both. you’ve been on this planet for twenty years and it still surprises you every day. 
neteyam pulls back to look you in the eyes, letting you admire his face for a moment. his blue skin seems brighter under the bioluminescent foliage. especially with the gleaming freckles that paint his skin. 
“ma neteyam, you’re so pretty.” your hand cups his soft cheek which he nuzzles into your palm almost instantaneously.
“no, you’re the pretty one, my girl.” he leans forward to peck your lips once more. the little nickname makes your stomach do somersaults in your belly. his tail flicks up happily against your ankle, tickling your lower leg.
neteyam takes the time to gently kiss down your neck and over your collarbone, “i want you to be mine.” he almost whimpers. his nose nuzzles against your pulse point as his lips continue litter your neck with kisses. 
“will your parents approve?” your voice slightly quivers, “you’re next in line to become eytukan. i’m not a full-blood. i don’t think-.” your rambling is paused by his lips pressing against the tip of your nose. 
“i don’t care what they think. plus, you know my dad likes you.” he gives you a reassuring smile, bringing one of his hands up to cup your cheek. you can’t help but take note that his palm and fingers cover the entire side of your head. 
“yeah, but your mom…” you trail off, not wanting to seem rude by talking about his mother, but you know that she has a problem with humans. you’ve seen the way she looks at spider. 
“look, i’m half-blood too. i don’t think my mom is going to care, plus you’ve been around our family for years. she likes you, i promise.” 
“i’m not one of you. i’m different, neteyam.” you let out shakily, “i’m small and not as fast, i can’t keep up with you.” your eyes dart to the side as you chew on the skin of your lip. 
“look, i know she can be tough, but i promise you, i don’t care what she thinks. since i was a teenager, i realized that i wanted you. i wasn’t brave enough to tell you that until now, but i don’t give a shit about our differences.” his hand grips your jaw with his hand, turning your face towards him so he can look into your watery eyes. 
“i see you, y/n.” his doe-like eyes flicker over your face, trying to read your expression. his eyes are full of adoration and love for the girl in his arms. 
your breath gets caught in your throat, “and i see you.” both of your hands slide up from his chest to rest on either side of his face, pulling him in for another kiss. 
on the way up, you accidentally brush against the voice comm device on his necklace. not knowing it would activate and relay sound through his father’s, mothers, and lo’ak’s ear piece. 
you both gasp into each others mouth when he ruts his hips against your center, the pressure pins your hips to the tree behind you. 
“what is that sound? who has their comm on?”you hear a low muffled voice coming from somewhere. 
neteyam instantly pulls away from the heated kiss, eyes wide with terror and embarrassment. your lips parting lets off a loud suction noise when he pulls away, now making it obvious what the sounds were coming from.
neteyam holds you up with one arm while he uses the other to click on a button on his necklace to turn it off, “it’s my dad.” 
“it’s just neteyam sucking face.” you hear lo’aks voice come through clearly in his ear piece. 
the boys head falls forward to rest on your chest, letting out the loudest over-exaggerated groan of annoyance. the puff of his hot breath against your damp skin makes a shiver shoot down your spine.
you can’t help but giggle and gently pet the top of his head in attempt to console him, “i’m never going to live this down.” he speaks against your skin, grumbling obscenities under his breath. 
“neteyam! where are you, boy?” jake shouts into his ear. 
he taps your thigh to signal you to release your grip from around his waist. he gently lowers you back down to the ground before answering him, “i’m here, dad. i’m here.” 
you can’t help but lean your head on his elbow since that’s the only place you can reach. you grab one of his hands, bringing it to your face to examine it. 
you thread your fingers through his much larger ones, squeezing his hand with your own. you almost laugh at how his hand engulfs yours. 
“yeah, mmmhmm. yeah, okay. i hear you. lo’ak shut up. i got it. we’ll be there soon.” neteyam responds to whoever is talking in his ear. 
“is everything okay?” you mumble quietly, peering up at him through your eyelashes. 
“they want us to come back, but i think everything is okay.” he smiles down at you, pulling you into his side while still holding your hand. 
neteyam leads you through the thick brush of the forest to his ikran. the banshee chirps at the sight of it’s owner, fluttering it’s wings in excitement. “hey, buddy.” neteyam hums and rubs it’s head. 
he reaches around his back for his braid, bringing it forward to make bond with the animal. neteyam effortlessly mounts onto the bird, reaching a hand out for you to take.
you step forward to slide your hand into his so he could help you on and get situated. “hold on tight.” he peers down at you from behind his shoulder with a smirk before the ikran nosedives off of the tree branch. 
“oooohhhhh my god!” you screech as your arms desperately flail around his waist, holding onto him as tightly as you can. 
he can’t help but laugh at your scream once he levels out, now coasting through the sky through the floating mountains. one of his hands reaches back to grip your thigh to pull you even closer to him. 
you hesitantly open your eyes, looking down into the glowing scenery beneath you. “beautiful, right?” his voice raises over the loud whooshing of the wind. 
“i love it.” you squeeze his torso tight, snuggling your temple into the crook of his back as you coast through the air. 
the ikran dips down slightly, making you gasp and tighten around his body. neteyam chuckles, his hand rests on your leg to slowly rub gentle circles into your skin to calm you. 
“hold on, we’re gonna descend.” he leans forward with the ikran, plunging downwards toward the ground once again. you squeal loudly, wriggling behind him in attempt to get closer to him. 
neteyam chuckles, shaking his head as he weaves and bobs between trees to make it back home. the ikran vertically swoops up into the large crevasse in the cave floor, landing on the rocky floor. 
neteyam hops easily off the ikran, disconnecting tsaheylu before his hands grip your waist to lift your body up to place you on the ground next to him.
“what were you guys thinking staying out past curfew?” jake storms up to you both, obviously angry. 
“i know, but i can handle myself. i know how to fight.” neteyam grumbles back, making jake even angrier with his son. if steam could shoot out of his ears at this moment, it would. 
“i know that you know how to fight, son. but the rda, they could be roaming anywhere. it’s dangerous, especially putting her in that situation.” he looks down at you, then turns his attention back to his son.
before jake could lecture him even more, you decide to intervene, “i’m sorry, sir. it’s all my fault we stayed out. i persuaded him to stay… to uh- fly around,” you glance up at neteyam through the corner of your eye, “i take full responsibility.” you nod at jake, gulping down your nervousness. 
jake sighs as he rubs his temples with one of his hands, “so then what’s the reason why both of you are soaked?” he points out, making you instantly freeze from not knowing what to say. 
neteyam’s hand comes up to rest on your shoulder, “to be honest, we were wrestling in the water.” 
your eyes blow wide from his words, turning to him to stare daggers into the side of his face. 
“wrestling… in the water?” jake almost laughs, “look i didn’t need to know that much. you couldn’t come up with a better excuse than that?” 
“oh shit.” neteyam whispers under his breath, “no, dad, it’s not like that at all. i meant… we were just splashing each other after fishing. it wasn’t anything like that.” 
“look, you two just be safe and keep it on the down-low. and next time, please take off your comm, ‘kay?” jake lowers his voice before shaking his head in disbelief and turning on his heel to head back. 
“so he thinks we had sex then, huh?” you breathe out defeat, looking up at neteyam. the boy lets out a huff of air as he watches his father walk away, “yeah i guess so.” his voice has a slight tinge of humor to it. 
the hand resting on your shoulder pulls you into his side with a little chuckle. he starts walking with you toward the pod where the scientists sleep. 
he follows you up the steps to the door, pausing a few steps down before you could open it. his face now parallel to yours since you’re higher on the stairs. 
you smile down at him, reaching out to gently pinch his chin to pull his face forward. you press your lips against his softly, as if he was a delicate flower petal. “i had fun tonight.” you mumble with a smile against his lips before pulling back. 
neteyam presses forward to chase your lips with his, trying to breathe in as much of you as he could. “don’t wanna let you go yet… wanna kiss you more.” he desperately pulls you forward to kiss you again, sucking in a sharp breath. 
your arms lazily drape over his shoulders to kiss him slowly, and tantalizingly. he sucks your bottom lip between his teeth, gently nibbling the skin before making his way down to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. 
“gotta go to bed before my mother has me by my throat.” his words make you laugh as you twirl one of his braids between your fingers. 
“tomorrow i wanna take you somewhere. will you let me?” he pulls back with a smile, thumb rubbing the skin of your outer thigh. 
“of course, i would love to. but where though?” you question with your fingers still busy messing with his hair. 
“it’s a surprise.” he hums playfully making your eyebrows furrow from curiosity of where it could be. 
“i love surprises.” you grin, leaning forward to peck his lips once more before attempting to completely pull away. neteyam groans from the warmth of your body leaving him, his arms wrap around your legs to keep you in place. 
“don’t leaaaaave.” he whines, resting his chin on your chest to look up at you. 
“i need to shower and clean up before bed. plus your mother is going to have your throat, ya know.” you poke his little pink nose, making his face scrunch up cutely.
“you’re right, you’re right.” he grumbles sadly, patting your outer thigh before he completely pulls back and stands up straight. he leans forward to swiftly peck your lips, “just needed one more, m’sorry. i’ll see you tomorrow.” he turns around to climb down the rest of the steps. 
“goodnight, neteyam!” you shout at him as you unlatch the metal door. 
he turns around at the sound of your voice, “goodnight.” he whisper-yells back at you as he slowly walks backwards to watch you slip inside. 
neteyam’s smile on his face doesn’t falter, not even for one second. the only thing on his mind is you. he never would have imagined that his day would have ended like this. confessing his feelings to you, and kissing you goodnight. it’s almost as if he’s living through a fantasy his younger self dreamed of. 
the excitement of you makes him toss and turn throughout the night; it makes him nervous, knowing that he is already head over heels for you and in too deep- but all he can worry about now, is seeing you tomorrow. 
tags: @k----a27s @aspenreadsfanfic @aliseaaah
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kamotecue · 4 months
cute instagram live ∞ j. fleming
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pairing: jessie fleming x fem!reader
summary: in which the two lovers (private, but not really a secret) actually confirm their relationship on an instagram live. american!reader, basketball!reader
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jessie alexandra fleming, everyone knows her as baby canada or one of chelsea's best midfielders. but you? you best know her as your childhood friend, naturally your mother and her father had been friends since their college years - having to have met at a common organization. she was the shy one, the quiet one while you were the complete opposite - the unfazed, cheerful and out-going one. you remembered the first time you had met the canadian, it was a get together between your family and hers, it's been a while since they've seen each other so they had opted for a reunion.
you were standing there in blue overalls, clinging to your mother who had simply guided you throughout the crowd. as much of an extrovert you were, you disliked being in rooms filled with adults - rather wanted to be near people your age. and so, you did, your eyes had locked onto a certain fleming - her noticeable freckles are what caught your attention, thinking it was cute and that it suited her. yes - that's when you first started liking her, you thought you just wanted to be friends, but little did the canadian know, she had your heart the moment you set your eyes on her.
"n/n, this is jessie fleming." your mother's voice was heard as you stepped aside, greeting the canadian with a handout. she flushed as you looked at her a bit confused, usually this is when someone would reciprocate the handshake. it had only taken her a few seconds to grab your hand, softly shaking it as you introduced yourself, earning a shy grin from her.
"i'm y/n l/n." "as you heard, jessie fleming"
that was the introduction of a century, everyone knew it was a start of a great friendship - and it was. but as you grew older, the feelings you unknowingly held started to grow stronger. it was noticeable for you, and surely it was noticeable to her chelsea teammates. her teammates would tease the canadian midfielder, who was completely unaware of your feelings, thinking that it was a joke, but it wasn't. and she secretly wished that it wasn't a joke, that maybe a part of you did reciprocate it. unlike the midfielder, your interest was in another sport - basketball, you had joined the senior national team in 2016, making the roster for that year's olympics and onwards.
snapping out of your thoughts, you waved at the camera, the instagram live had already started. fans from both worlds (football & basketball) had started flooding in, knowing it was always a live duo, you were never one without the other and vice versa. you watched her facial expressions, as she shyly started conversating with the ones flooding the comments - a few people from her club had joined, commenting a few things.
"n/n, there's a question for you." jessie said, as she locked eyes with you. in that moment, you felt your breath get taken away. quickly flushing, you looked at the comments, ignoring how a few fans had noticed that, your face was undoubtably red.
"are you and jessie a thing?" you read the comment out loud, as jessie hummed. you grinned at them, the two of you had been talking if you'd want to go out in public as a couple. and you agreed, knowing if she was or wasn't okay with it - but thankfully she was.
"yes, we are." you softly said, as jessie kissed the crown of your head, which your eyes widened. she's not really one for public affection, but she knew it was something you loved.
"you know what i find crazy, love?" you asked, you didn't look at the comments instead of the eyes you had fell for. her eyebrows perked, obviously waiting for your response.
"you used to rub dirt on me, and now you're proclaiming your love towards me." you teased, chuckling as jessie flushed red - quickly denying it, even though it's true.
"in my case, i was rubbing dirt on you because i love you." you furrowed your eyebrows, not understanding her words as she chuckled at your confusion, looking back at the comments who gushed over your words.
just wanted to do a short blurb, or fic since i've been swamped up with college works. hope you enjoyed it!
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iloveavatar · 1 year
A mothers instinct (pt. 2!)
neteyam x fem!reader
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if you were to ask neytiri how she felt about the na’vi named y/n. she would gladly go on and on about her.
she saw y/n as one of her own.
she also saw how neteyam looked at y/n. even how y/n looked at neteyam.
watching the two of them grow up into beautifully grown adults was bittersweet for neytiri.
bitter, due to the fact they’re no longer little na’vi that like to look for animals in the forest. however sweet, because she got to witness the two fall for each other obliviously.
the two were around the age where they would be finding mates. they both completed their rituals to become adults…all except finding their other half.
noticing this, neytiri decided to play…oh what was it called… a…a matchmaker! she decided she would send the two to go find something at the Tree of Voices.
when she asked the pair to find this special “root” of a plant that only so happens to grow near the tree, they gladly accepted.
“of course we can help! i’ve been wanting to see the Tree of Voices for a while now!” y/n happily said with a giant grin on her face.
neteyam studied y/n’s smile for a second, almost as if it caused him to go into a daze. “sure yeah yeah we can go to the tree” he mumbled, still staring at y/n.
neytiri smirked. “alright then go! take your time trying to find it. it’s rare” she stated with a smile as she strutted away.
“come on neteyam! first one there gets bragging rights!” shouted y/n as she started to sprint.
“wha-hey! that’s not fair you cheated!” screamed neteyam while snapping out of his daze and trying to catch up to her.
the entire way to the Tree of Voices you could hear the laughter coming from the duo.
y/n eventually won.
only because neteyam wanted to see her smile longer… and because he happened to think she looked cute whenever she was proud of something she did.
“i won! who’s the mighty warrior now!” y/n laughed.
neteyam watched her strut around the tree as if she was accepting a prize with a fond smile on his face.
“alright you won! now come on, we need to find this root for my mother” stated neteyam as he was admiring the tree.
“oh come onnn, why can’t we admire the beauty eywa presents to us neteyam? i mean, just look how beautiful it is here!” she said while spinning around.
neteyam however wasn’t focused on the beuaty of the tree. “yeah…beautiful” he mumbled in a daze as he watched the glow from the tree reflect onto y/n’s skin, giving her this ethereal glow.
the two walked around the tree “looking” for the root of the tree that neytiri needed.
“hey neteyam? do you ever think we’ll find our mates?” y/n questioned with a slight frown.
“hm? what makes you ask that?” neteyam wonders.
“well…it’s just that i know your mom and dad mated here… before eywa. do you think she could tell us who we’re destined to be with?” y/n asked while reaching for her queue behind her.
“i think you’re right. we should check…but i have a pretty good idea of who i want to end up with” he mumbled with his freckles glowing slightly.
they both took their queues and let the pink tendrils connect with the glowing stem of the tree. the two then closed their eyes to accept the vision.
y/n noticed she was still in the forest. the first thing she heard was laughter, but not any laughter. a child laughing. y/n walked toward the sound and saw the back of a male na’vi.
she noticed the na’vi was tickling the child that was sitting in his arms. she slowly stepped around and got a proper look at his face.
it was neteyam.
neteyam noticed her standing there and looked up, away from the child.
“hello my love. you’re back early? did something go wrong with your hunt?” he questioned nervously.
“uh- no! no everything is ok!” y/n stuttered out while looking at him in shock.
she couldn’t believe that eywa was showing her the future. her future with neteyam.
she slowly squatted down next to neteyam and the small little girl that was previously laughing in his arms.
the little girl seemed to notice her there when her ears perked up and a small glint appeared in her eyes. “mommy! you back!!” she lightly screamed as she stumbled into y/n’s arms.
she was no older than 3 years old. she had the looks of y/n, but one could easily tell she was just like neteyam.
you could also easily see that she was a daddy’s girl.
“hi baby.” whispered y/n, still in shock that she and neteyam have a future together. plus a whole child.
neteyam looked at them with a find smile on his face.
the vision slowly faded away as y/n was brought back into the present where she was still at the Tree if Voices with neteyam next to her.
she turned her head to see if neteyam was still in his vision.
however once she turned around she saw that he disconnecting his queue with a giant smile on his face.
he turned his head to make eye-contact with her.
the two of them made eye contact for a while. then they both rushed towards each other to embrace the other in a passionate hug.
the hug spoke the words they were scared to speak.
“…did you see it too?” neteyam hesitantly asked her whike tightening his grip on her.
“yes. i saw us. with a beautiful baby girl.” y/n spoke breathlessly. she had slight tears in her eyes knowing she had a future with her long time friend, soon to be husband.
“wait you only saw one daughter? i saw our two daughters and a son!” neteyam spoke with wide eyes.
the two of them pulled away from the hug with their jaws dropped.
“we need to speak to your mother.”
“we need to speak to my mother.”
the two spoke at the same time.
neteyam then grabbed y/n’s hand and started the trip back to their home.
the two spent the rest of the walk smiling and laughing, knowing that they would end up to together.
they then started to try and guess what they would name their children.
neytiri saw the two walk into her tent with giant smiles on their faces, their hands linked together, and their tails swishing in glee.
“i take it you didn’t find the root?” she smugly asked.
the two made eyecontact with her and saw her smirk. they dropped their jaws in disbelief.
“there was no root to find was there!” y/n stated in awe.
neytiri just laughed.
the two teens then started to laugh along with her.
neteyam was speechless. his mother knew they would end up together.
curse those damn mother instincts.
there’s part two!! hopefully everyone likes this🤞
please send in more requests or comments abt what i should write next!
love you guys
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rivatar · 2 months
“Love Bites”
Pairing: Adult!Neteyam x fem!human!reader
W/c: 1.2k
Warnings/content: MDNI smut!, biting/marking, blood thirsty neteyam, a lil somnophilia but not much, established relationship, fingering, demon Teyam
A/n: this is prompt 6 for Pandora’s Bloody Moon, I’m sorry it’s 2 days late, I was so busy this weekend😩 also I’m sorry if it’s not good, it’s def not my best work but still hope you guys can enjoy :)
“I’ll see you tomorrow, paskalin,” Neteyam sweetly bid you goodbye with a peck on the cheek.
“Okay, Teyam,” you softly smiled in return.
He had walked you back to the lab and as much as you both stalled already, it was time to part ways. The upcoming Blood Moon tonight meant an early goodbye for the day. You two have been dating for months now, and the future Olo’eyktan has made it clear he wants to be mates with you, only when you were ready. However, it is not always easy handling your differences between your two species. Like tonight, for example; all the other Na’vi could participate in the night of the Blood Moon but you couldn’t, you’d be ripped apart and possibly killed. So, Neteyam made sure you were safe and sound back in your room in the lab complex well before nighttime settled in. He couldn’t have his little paskalin get eaten by the wolves.
Neteyam missed you at dinner but he knew it was for the best. He wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. Safe from the others and even himself. He didn’t know what he would be capable of doing to you. He didn’t even wanna be anywhere near his family, so he set off deep into the forest.
It was now eclipse and the Moon made its appearance. The moonlight made his skin tingle and he watched in bewilderment as his skin faded from azure to a milky gray. Though this happens every year, it never fails to bring an unsettling feeling of not having control over the effects. His breaths quickened and he felt strength and power spread through his limbs, creating the urge to break something. His little bioluminescent freckles turned to red speckles, much like the red irises he now possessed. His brain was processing the physical changes to his body as well as the feelings and urges that flooded his mind. His tongue felt his sharper canines and he thirsted for blood. Not just any blood though, your blood. He imagined your human blood would be much sweeter than anything else here. He knew his right mind was slipping away when his body naturally started carrying him in the direction of you.
He forcefully entered the lab and went straight to your room. Opening the door carefully, as to not wake you.
You were peacefully sleeping away, probably having sweet dreams. In the very back of his mind he knew he shouldn’t disturb you— knew he shouldn’t wake you and then watch you be terrified of the way he looked right now. But his instincts consumed him and controlled his thoughts now. He had to have you.
Walking over carefully, he noticed you were wearing a loose tank top, exposing much of your skin. He slowly lifted the cover off of your body and was met with the precious sight of you only wearing panties for bottoms. You were so sweet and small to him, your dainty little night clothes driving him absolutely insane. You were too good to be true in his opinion.
He gently slid his hand over your legs and arms, loving how soft and plush your smooth skin was. You moved some in your sleep, still not noticing him yet. He tried to keep his breathing in control by breathing in his nose and out his mouth quietly.
“So beautiful, yawne,” he whispered admiringly.
He started kneading your flesh, getting extremely aroused by you. He wanted nothing more than to dig his sharp canines into your skin and bite you—hopefully drawing some blood. But he needed you to wake up first so you wouldn’t be scared and flee from him.
He softly shook your form, beckoning you to wake up. You slowly stirred out of your slumber and your eyes blinked open—only to see those red eyes staring back at you. You jumped back at the sight of him and gasped.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay baby, it’s me!” He tried to calm you.
“T-Teyam?” You choked out weakly, “You’re n-not supposed to be here” your mind quickly registered.
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stop myself from coming to see you… you’ll have to forgive me for what I’m going to do”
Your body was stiff and your eyes were full of concern for what he meant and what he might do to you in this state. But you slowly nodded as you relaxed some because it was still your Teyam and you trusted him.
“You look so pretty, baby,” he cooed while stroking your cheek tenderly. You smiled in return, still feeling a bit hesitant.
Then suddenly he leaned back down to your thighs and latched his teeth onto one of them.
“Teyam!!!!” You flew up to sit upright on the bed and looked at him. The pain of his canines impaling your skin combined with the pleasurable feeling of his warm mouth overwhelmed the nerves on your skin.
He only hummed and moaned on your flesh in response. You slightly winced, still staring at him in bewilderment. Then he smoothed his tongue over the wound, licking away the blood from the little pricks he made. He pulled back to admire his work, loving how his bite now marked you as his.
“Don’t think I can’t smell you, sevin. You liked it, didn’t you?” He smirked.
You blushed, still feeling confused at the mix of pain and pleasure and how it really did turn you on. You nodded and got out a weak “yeah..”
This only aroused him more. He wanted to see how you’d look writhing under him as he pleasured your pussy while marking other parts of your body. So he lifted your legs up to your chest and slid your panties to the side to see your glistening little cunt.
“Fuck baby. I might have to bite you more from now on,” he gloated.
He slowly pushed a finger into you and you moaned at the sensation, your head already swirling from the intense pleasure he gave you. He started pumping the digit, stating in awe at the mess you made and the loud squelching sounds.
He hovered over you and positioned himself closer to your face, connecting your lips in a needy kiss. You greedily took the kiss, tongues swirling and your lips getting all puffy. He moved down to your neck and latched onto it, pulling out a guttural moan from you. He hummed in the satisfaction of tasting your sweet blood again and it turned him on more, so he mindlessly dry humped your side and the bed, dying to get some kind of friction for his cock.
His efforts made you cum on his fingers, spewing out whimpers and moans in the process. He was still cleaning your neck wound while you were coming down from the high.
It seemed that having a taste of you only made him want more.
It was going to be a long night.
Taglist: @neteyamssyulang @bambithewriter @professional-yapper @property-of-neteyam @hidden-snow @live-laugh-neteyam @nonamevenus @loakstahni @ikeyniofthetayrangi @sugarsong78 @inolaphoenix @strongheartneteyam
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
you've been caught, babygirl ✧ jake sully
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❗️MDNI ❗️
this one is longer than my others but idk what to say HE JUST MAKES ME FERAL MAAAAAAN 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ - part two!!!
°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader (best friends with agedup!kiri), implied infidelity, very sub!reader, dilf!jake, dom!jake, obvi age gap, masturbation, sorta cocky!jake, daddy kink duh, nipple play, oral m receiving, rough sex, DIRTY TALK - sevin: pretty
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kiri sully was your best friend. you spent almost every minute of the day together. you first became friends as children but ultimately bonded over your shared interests and tsahik practice. now both in your mid twenties, you two are inseparable. since you’ve become an adult, there has been something looming everytime you are in the sully’s tent and in the presence of toruk makto himself. despite knowing how wrong it is, you cannot stop your eyes from drifting to and staying on jake, millions of thoughts running through your mind about him as a partner but more significantly, how he is in bed. it engulfs your mind constantly, the thought of him dragging you away to pound you or his hands pushing your mouth further down his massive cock. he was undeniably sexy and hard to remove from your mind.
one night when you're unable to sleep, you decide to take a walk through the forest, hoping to clear your head of the dirty thoughts encroaching. you get deep enough in the forest and hit a small pond, deciding to rest on the nearby rock. you hoist yourself on top of the rock, sighing as you look up to night sky. your hands fall to your thighs, fingers tracing your glowing freckles. you sigh as your finger inches closer to your loincloth which is guarding your dripping and pulsating pussy. you run your finger over the wet spot, instantly rolling your hips upon contact. "fuck it.." you mumble, slipping off your loincloth and laying it down beside you on the rock. you spread your legs, fingers trailing to your clit. you gasp, slowly rubbing circles on it. you shut your eyes at the feeling, moving your fingers faster along what is your now throbbing clit. you bring your fingers lower, entering two immediately into your hole. "oh- jake.." you subconsciously moaned his name into the air, something you did often when masturbating. all you could think of was him. him. him. him.
speaking of him, jake was also unable to fall into a slumber tonight. he quietly escaped his family's tent, initially planning to take a ride on his ikran, but decided a walk would maybe be better. little did he know a walk would be a wonderful decision. he figured he would walk to the nearby pond, stick his feet in the water and try to relax. as he got in closer proximity with the pond, he could hear some faint moans... and then his name. he sauntered over as quietly as possible, peering through the trees to spot you. legs spread, two fingers deep and moaning his name. he smirks to himself, concocting a plan in just seconds.
just as you throw your head back and your moans become more intense, you are startled by a single sentence: "you've been caught, babygirl". your eyes shoot open at the familiar voice, knowing exactly who would be standing in front of you. you scramble to collect your breaths and loincloth, a purple blush flooding your cheeks as this was quite possibly your worst nightmare. "i-, i-" you begin to stutter, avoiding eye contact out of pure shock. "no need to be shy, sevin" you feel his fingers grab your chin, tilting it up and forcing you to look into his eyes, a darker shade of amber compared to normal. "do you normally moan my name when you do this? when you have your fingers deep in your pussy?" he taunts, grabbing said fingers and bringing them to his mouth to taste you. he hums at the taste, pulling them out and smirking at your expression, desperate yet so silent. "gonna use your words and talk to me?" he tilts his head in curiosity, awaiting your response. "jake, this is wrong-" his cocky chuckle cuts you off, "is it? i mean, you were the one fingering yourself while thinking of me... so that is a pretty hypocritical thing to say" he leans closer, breath grazing your lips.
"i know you want to babygirl, do it" he whispers before you collide your lips against his, a heated and passionate kiss forming. his hands reach to remove your top, tits becoming exposed to the evening air. you gasp as the cool breeze hardens your nipples, and gasp louder when his large hands grope them and flick at your nipples. he pulls away from the kiss, causing a whimper to fall from your now swollen lips. "what is it, princess? you like when daddy plays with your nipples?" he pinches them, watching your eyes shut out of pleasure. "ah ah- don't look away from daddy now, keep your eyes on me" you re-open your eyes, hands trailing up to his biceps. "do you see what you do to me, baby?" his eyes glance down to his erection under his loincloth before observing how you lick your lips.
"come suck daddy's cock" he steps back for you to jump off the rock, switching so he is leaning against it now. you kneel, grabbing the waistband of his loincloth and pulling it down to reveal his large cock. your eyes widen slightly, your imagination not even coming close to the real thing. it was so hard, calling your name. you couldn't fathom the fact that you were actually in this scenario outside of your mind. you lick the tip, already leaking precum. you purr at the salty taste, gazing up at jake's face. his stare is direct and lustful, mouth agape slightly. his one hand presses into the rock while the other becomes situated at the back of your head. "that's it, show daddy what you think of while you fuck yourself" you whine and nod, mouth enveloping his tip. you begin to suck, slowly moving further down his shaft. you bob your head up and down consistently on him, his moans gaining volume. his eyes meet yours again, his head then getting thrown back. "those eyes- i see the way you look at me all the time, dying to get fucked" he chuckles softly, using his hand on your head to push you all the way down and hold you there. you choke lightly, moaning around him. he groans and bites his lip, watching your eyes water. "such a slut for me, huh?" he pulls you off, watching you gasp for air. "again.." you whimper, spit dripping from your chin. "yeah? you want more?" he pushes you down again, eyes boring into yours once again. "you're such a good slut for daddy" he moans and pulls you off again then pulls you to stand up.
he pulls your front flush against his, his frame towering over yours. you grip his shoulders, his hands roaming to your ass and placing a hard spank on your ass cheek. you whine, hips jerking against his hard cock. "gonna mark this ass with my handprint" he growls, spanking you again, again and again. you whine continuously, basking in the pleasurable tingle coming off of your ass. "should i fuck you now, sevin? hm?" he keeps a solid grip on your already sore ass cheeks, head tilted down to address you. "y-yes, please..." he tsks, "that's not how you ask for cock babygirl". you whimper under his gaze before speaking, "please daddy, i've never wanted something more, please fuck me and use me, please daddy i'm your good slut.. take me.." the sentence leaves your mouth as a whine, chest heaving from adrenaline and anticipation. "that's better, darling. on your back, lie on the ground and lift those legs for me" he gestures to the grass, watching you attentively. your brain is already foggy, taking a moment to process his instructions. "don't make me punish you, on the ground now" he says sternly, and you rush to settle yourself on the grass, holding your legs up by the back of your thighs.
jake hovers above you, stroking his stiff cock in his large hand. "daddy~" you mewl, barely being able to wait at this point. "patience.." he drops to his knees, hands spreading your legs open. "how many times have you imagined this?" he whispers, kissing along your neck. "so many times...", he hums and sucks on your sweet spot, leaving a deep purple mark. "well it's gonna be better than you ever fucking thought it would be" he whispers, throwing your legs on his shoulders and lining his cock up with your hole. his cockiness made him even hotter. he pushes in all the way, stuffing you full with his cock. you moan loudly, already arching at the sensation. "fuck yes..." he breathes, pulling out and starting to thrust. it was hard and fast from the get-go, no mercy being given. "oh my- daddy" you moan, hands digging into the grass. he groans and thrusts deeper, "you're such a dirty girl, letting your best friend's dad use your pussy". you nod as your brain fog increases, mind completely boggled at the events. he chuckles watching your eyes roll back, face fucked out. "you like this cock, huh? you love daddy's cock, don't you?" he moans as your pussy clenches around him, "yes, i fucking-" you breathe heavily, "i love my daddy's cock". your pussy clenches again, urging him to fuck you even further into oblivion as he groans. "yeah, i'm your daddy, girl.. you're mine". a fluttering begins inside you, eyes rolling again. "o-oh fuck, can i- can i cum?" you ask in a low whimper, totally submissive to the man above you. "yes yes, soak my cock" he moans as he watches your back fully arch off the forest floor, cum flowing out of you along with a string of profanities. "good girl- fuck.. you want daddy to fill you with his cum? hm? want his cum leaking out of your hole all day tomorrow?" he questions, grasp on your legs tightening as he feels his orgasm approaching. "i need it! yes!" you squeal, pussy clenching at the mere thought. "i'm cumming- oh y/n.." your name spilled from his mouth as his cum filled your pussy straight to the brim. he groans loudly, catching his breath before placing your legs back to the ground gently and leaning over you. "you okay, darling?" he strokes your cheek before you giggle softly, "more than okay, shit" you giggle more, kissing him deeply. "i always knew you weren't that innocent" he whispers, helping you sit up.
the next day you entered the sully's tent to collect kiri for your daily tsahik trainings, smiling at her brothers. "y/n- HEY what is that?" she lowers her voice to a whisper, pointing at the prominent mark at the side of your neck. your eyes flicker over to jake who is smirking to himself as he cleans his gun. "o-oh, you know me, bumped into a branch again while walking at night" you fake chuckle, replaying the feeling of jake's lips in your head. she laughs "you have to be more careful! anyways, let's go" she begins to leads you both out of the tent. you look over your shoulder and watch jake's eyes travel from your ass to meet your own. he winks, causing a heat to course through your body. he might just be the death of you.
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Emma Pasarow
January 23, 1996
American actress
Auden [Along for the Ride: 2022]
Courtney [Am I OK?: 2022]
Ms. Bell [Lena: 2019]
brown eyes
playable: young adult
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rayassecretlife · 1 year
Im LITERALLY so down bad for dilf Jake Sully like omfg. Could you write a fic where maybe he is like your dads best friend yk like a forbidden romance with an age gap? (Ofc the reader is still over 18 duh)
Forbidden secrets
Pairing: Dilf!Jake sully x 23 year old!Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Summary: You have a little to much fun celebrating your birthday, and the man you often caught yourself fantasizing about was the one to take you home.
Warning(s): Mature language, use of alcohol, Corruption kink, DOM!Jake, Praise kink, 15 year!age gap, unprotected p in v, degradation, dilf jake being a warning himself 🫠, cr*ampie, consensual!non!consent, f!ngering, marking, mentions of blood, semi public??? This smut is LONG
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Saturday nights were usually days where Jake would relax at home and take a break from anything outside, but for today, he had to make an exception just for you.
Jake sully was your father’s best friend and right hand man when it came to anything business related. You grew up knowing Jake as one of the people you looked up to, but sometimes you couldn’t help but think about why that was.
As you got older, you’d catch yourself staring at the older man way more then usual. You’d notice when his braids were fresh and new, or when he cut his hair and lost the smallest amount of weight. Your mind had memorized every scar from previous battles that scattered his blue skin, and you knew how many freckles he had on his face. You never realized how good looking he had been till you grew up.
As for Jake, ever since you’d turned 21, he had his eyes glued to you and the way you were. Just like you, he’d find himself staring at your hips when you’d sit down and how they outlined your perfect hourglass body, or the way your hair touched the small of your back. He’d often take you hunting with him and that only made it worse, seeing the way your body moved when you pulled back a bow or even just stretched.
It was safe to say the two of you had the most forbidden feeling toward one another, and it made both of you feel so terrible.
Tonight was your 23rd birthday and of course you decided to share it with friends and family in an open area within the forest. Most of the clan had went but there were also people you knew who couldn’t go, having to tend to duties or watch their children since your party was definitely an adult only type of event. Your father was one of them, out running scout trips with a few other men while you celebrated without him.
It bothered you at first but you couldn’t think of anything else other then the drinks you had downed over the course of the night. You’d danced with many guys, sung with your friends, and even made a toast to which your very drunk words barely let you finish. It was safe to say you were the most drunk you’d ever been.
And Jake saw that.
“Having fun, Kid?” He asks, approaching you. Your conversation was cut short by the deep voice behind you, your laughing coming to an end as you turn to the familiar face with a smile.
“Jake! Your here!” You threw your arms around his large torso making him let out a small grunt, holding up your drunken body that so easily gave into his touch. “Thought you’d never show” Your friends are watching you with a smirk on their faces, eyes on the man above you that they so obviously thought was attractive as well. After all, he was Toruk Makto.
Jake frowns, excusing the two of you from your friend group before bringing you away from the crowd, gently pulling you off of him. “Your trashed, aren’t ya, peach?” You giggle and shake your head, taking another sip of the cup that was in your hand.
“N-no! This—this is water!” You argue, holding it up to show him. He only sighs at you, reaching to take it but you quickly pulled it back, shaking your head. “I promise, Jake! What’s the difference? It’s my birthday, you know?”
“I do know, and your shitfaced, Y/N. It’s time to get you home” He reaches for your drink again, this time being able to grab hold on it but not without your retaliation. “Peach, I’m really not trying to-“ Just then, the alcohol spilled all over you. Both of your hands drop the glass once you let out a gasp and look down to watch it run down your body. Your clothing was now drenched, dripping with liquid all the way down your legs.
“Are you happy! Now my clothes are wet and I don’t even have a drink” Jake doesn’t miss how you sniffle, kneeling down to see if the glass was broken which is so clearly was. He sighs and walks over to your helpless body, lifting you up gently so you wouldn’t stumble into it. “I was just having fun!”
“I know, Peach. I know” He thumbs away the preexisting tears that slipped down your cheeks before kneeling down, lifting you into his arms. “I’m gonna take you home, alright? Get you cleaned up, your gonna feel so much better” His voice is soothing against your ear and you can’t help but nod, closing your eyes to rid you of the spinning feeling inside your head.
Your relaxed as the man carries you through the forest, staring up at his features that you noticed never drastically changed since he was younger. His skin was glowing in the moonlight above you, and his yellow eyes were big trying to find your cave in the dark. You giggle at his frustrated expression, reaching up to touch his face.
“You look pretty, Sorry for screaming at you” Your apology makes him chuckle and his eyes are suddenly back on you, watching as a smile crept up to your lips. “I want a bath… a bath sounds amazing right now”
“Good thing that’s exactly where I’m taking you, huh?” You hum in agreement as he enters your cave, turning on the lantern that lit up your entire bedroom. He sat you on your hammock before excusing himself to grab some water and maybe some fruit for you to eat, trying to at least sober you up a tiny bit before you fell asleep.
You on the other hand, worked to remove your wet clothing that stuck to your skin. You had on celebration clothes so they were much more uncomfortable and skin showing, but the top wouldn’t come off and you were getting frustrated. Your mind begins to roam with anxiety as you fiddle with the strings, afraid of what Jake might say when he comes back to your half naked body.
But another part of your brain is telling you to keep it there. To keep the wet top on your body so it continued to show the curve of your breasts and nipples, and to allow your bottom half to show on full display for the older man to see. The ideas intrigued you; having Jake sully look at you like that… to look at you with hungry eyes like you’d always imagine when you were alone.
Oh Eywa, how badly you wanted him to touch you.
It was so forbidden but it felt so right, like you needed him to see you the way you saw him.
“Okay, here’s some…” Just as you had planned, you watched as his voice trails off and his eyes glue to your body, taking in every freckle and every line that scattered your skin. You were practically naked for fucks sake, how could he not look? He hated himself. He hated that he saw you the way he did but the truth was that he couldn’t see you any other way. He saw the way you’d look at him every so often and you saw the way he’d look at you, there was no reason to hide it anymore.
“I need some help with my top, Jake” Your voice is soft and slightly demanding as you stand to your feet, watching as Jake clears his throat, setting down the fruit and water he had grabbed for you. “It’s stuck… and sticky”
“Your uh… you don’t have anything on, Y/N-“
“Yes I do. I have this on” you tug at the top on your chest, watching him take a deep breath. Were you getting to him? You definitely were. His eyes are anywhere but near you now which made a smirk tug at your lips, approaching the man. “What is it, Jake? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a woman without clothes before?”
He fought with himself as he tried to hold back, biting his bottom lip as his eyes scanned your hips, taking a liking to the curve of your body. You were a tease, who knew? It was wrong of him to look at you like this… but why couldn’t he stop? Why couldn’t he turn away.
A single hum vibrates through your throat as you let your hand reach for his arm, fingertips ghosting over his skin. Yes, you were intoxicated but you knew exactly what you were doing. If anything, you were glad you had the liquid courage to do this because if you were sober, you would’ve never tried.
But believe it or not, you deeply wanted to do this.
“Y/N” Your name comes hoarse out of his mouth, almost in a warning tone. You were playing with fire, didn’t you know this? Jake was so much bigger then you, and his gaze burned holes through your skin whenever he looked at you. “Your drunk, peach” He breathes but you only giggle, eyes taking in his every ab and detail on his chest; his very strong, large chest. You look up to the man with that same smirk still on your face, letting your fingers move from his arm to his chest.
“And so, so horny” His cock twitches at your words, your eyes were burning against his own, and your face was almost undeniable in that moment. Your sweet doe eyes were big and pleading but your body was confident, touching his like it was going to take what it wanted. “Come on, Jake. You want to help me, don’t you?” Stop looking at her, Jake! Just put her to bed and leave! Jake’s thoughts were roaming so wildly through his head, the only thing that was holding him back was the fact you were so clearly drunk, and he feared taking advantage of you.
“I can’t help you, not if your drunk” He finally refuses but your not taking that answer, only touching more sensitive areas on his body to gain his upmost attention.
“I appreciate you for saying that, but you and I both know I’ve been wanting this. You, have been wanting this too” Your voice is soft but full of intent as you press your hand to his chest, feeling the chisels of his abs between your fingers. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when we hunt, and how you watch my hips sway when I walk” He looks down at you as you watch your hands against him, letting them guide themselves up his perfectly toned body. “Tell me, Jake. Have you ever touched yourself to the thought of me?”
His breath is hitched as you let your hands travel up his back, moving closer to the man with ease. You had him right where you wanted him. “I… I don’t think-“
“Don’t lie to me, Jake” Your eyes meet at your words and he can no longer act like it’s not true, taking a deep breath before nodding his head gently to you. “I touched myself to you this morning, you know why? Eywa, you just looked so good with your hair wet, and the way the water fell down your body… makes me so hot”
Your hand eventually make it to the back of his neck, shaking under his dreads with ease. You were as close as you could be, eyes looking up at him with that pleading look. “Always think about how good you’d treat me, how good you’d fuck me” You could feel his heart beating faster and faster against you, and you watched as his eyes slowly forgot their loving state that he was so obviously trying to fight. “Why are you still holding back? You want me to get on my knees and beg you to fuck me?” Now you were just being a brat. Your voice was clearly in a teased tone and your body language was trying to get the best of his, you could see his jaw clenching at every word you uttered.
You lean up to the older man’s ear, brushing your lips against its lobe. Your breath was hot against his ear and you could feel his hands start to move from his sides, hesitant to touch your waist. “You better make me beg, Mr. Sully” That was it. That was his breaking point.
From the moment you whispered in his ear, to when his hands roughly grabbed at your waist, you couldn’t remember much until he was pushing you against the wall of your cave, keeping a slight amount of distance between the two of you as he took in your messy-hair state. You were laughing, biting your nail like this was funny to you. Jake didn’t see the appeal, if he was going to fuck you, he was going to ruin you.
“Your playing a dangerous game, Kid” He tells you with a sharp tone, moving to place his hands against the cave’s walls, closing you between him and the stone. You smirk, looking him up and down once before looking back to his face.
“At least one of us is playing dangerous” The two of you stood there, staring at the other for what felt like forever until Jake finally gave in, cursing himself under his breath before he grabbed your neck to pull you into a rough kiss. Your body is flush against his as he lifts you into the air, wrapping your legs around his waist as soon as you moaned against him. You could feel his growing erection, you could feel his hunger for your body like he felt yours.
Once again, your back is crashed against the wall as he completely devours your lips into his, fingers digging into your skin as did yours to his dreads, slight pulling them back when you needed to breath. His lips remove from yours and move to your jaw, hungrily peppering wet kisses down it, all the way to your neck.
Your moans are what encourage him the most. Hearing your sweet whimpers in his ear as he sucked on your neck felt like a dream. Believe Eywa, he’d had that dream many, many times before.
“I’ve waited so long for this” Your breathless above him, gripping his dreads between your small fingers. You could feel his cock pressing against you, begging for your tongue. It was big, he was so fucking big. It should’ve scared you but you were more intrigued, grinding your hips against his to gain some friction with the little time you had before he stopped your bratty movements.
“Older girls wait” He teases and you only roll your eyes, grabbing his hand that held you steady against him. You could feel his fangs were brushing your skin, hungry for it like some starved vampire. He wanted to mark you, and you wanted him to.
“Nothing’s stopping you from getting an older girl” You hum, holding his head and slightly pushing it down so his lips reattached to your neck. “And nothings stopping you from marking me, Mr sully” A grunt escapes his mouth as if he had been fighting with the feeling, shaking his head between your neck before meeting your eyes again; your bratty, untamed green eyes.
“Can’t have an older girl when I have a brat I need to take care of, now can I?” He’s so obviously joking and you love every second of it. Every word of degradation is like music to your ears, like a forbidden kink you didn’t know you had. You were a brat, but you were his brat. “That’s how you like it, huh? Like being bad?” Your ears are perking at his every word and your eyes light up with a laugh to your lips, smile so big you couldn’t relax it. “Jesus, your so dirty, aren’t you?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to his body then before with a smirk, shrugging your shoulders. “I guess you’ll have to find that out” His eyes. Oh Eywa, his eyes were so hungry as he set you down on your feet, giving you a devilish look before kneeling in front of you. At first you didn’t know what to think but it only took you a few seconds to realize once his large arms were wrapped around your thighs, pulling your body close to him.
His chin sat against your stomach, staring up at you like he had been waiting for you to say something. But you didn’t know what he was planning until his thumb was ghosting around your clit, that same smirk pulling at his lips as he watched you.
“Fuck” You breath heavily, leaning your head back against the stone, not even realizing the man under you was now fully under you. “S-shit!” Your hand fell clasp over your mouth to silence your moan, eyes falling back on the man under you. Except now, his face was pressed into your dripping wet cunt, and his fingers teased what his mouth didn’t. “S-sneaky little shit” You mumble under your unsteady breath, trying your hardest not to moan because he had just started and you didn’t want to seem weak.
But holy shit, this man knew how to use his tongue.
Your hand fell atop his head in hopes to gain some sort of stability but that quickly failed, given how badly he was attacking your clit. His mouth was warm against you and you already knew you’d come soon. It was like he knew your body inside and out.
“I know your not holding back on me, are you?” His words vibrate against your cunt making you jolt, thankful his arms held you down so you wouldn’t fall. Jake was in pure bliss under you, relishing in your sweet taste that so effortlessly painted his tongue. You were wet, your cunt was begging for more even if you were a crying mess above him, like it finally found what it had been longing for.
“That’s all? Maybe your the one holding back” He chuckles at your attempt at retaliation but still manages to one up you, slipping two of his large, slender fingers inside you. “J-Jake, let me sit down fir-“
“No” He only uttered one word but it was enough to make you listen like a trained dog, allowing your legs to tremble against his face. You could’ve taken it had you been sitting, but your legs couldn’t function correctly when he was destroying them under you.
His fingers curl against your spongy walls, pushing his tongue against your clit quickly as your moan’s increased. It was so clear you were already on edge, about to let go without it being over five minutes. You find your pride slipping from you in a matter of seconds, begging the man to let you come as your fingers tug his hair. You couldn’t hold on, your legs were far too weak.
“Please, please—Jake, please” His ears are perking as you moan his name, begging for him, moaning for him. Normally, he’d take his time with you but now? You were being such a brat, he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He needed to be inside of you, and for that exact reason is why he only sped up under you. “G-gonna come..!”
Your mind tried to come up with some sort of reason as to how you got yourself here, How you got your fathers best friend between your legs, and definitely how you were about to fully submit yourself to this older man. He was thinking the same thing; how did he get so lucky to have you above him?
In only seconds, your coming undone above him, legs almost falling weak under you as they shook from your release, sending shivers throughout your entire body. Jake’s still torturing your body, pumping his fingers into you at a faster pace. It was clear, he was trying to kill you.
“Jake!” You cry, gripping his hair with a begging tone. You couldn’t stand much longer. You had to lay down. Finally, after what felt like forever, he removed his tongue from you, letting his fingers slip from inside you. His strong arms are the only thing that held your legs straight, and you could see your release painted on his chin once he looked up at you. “Holy shit” You curse under your breath, chest heaving as he stood to his feet. You look at the large man above you, noticing once again how he towers over you.
“Down” Was all he said to get you to do just that, falling to your knees in front of him. You shouldn’t have teased him, huh? You really, shouldn’t have. “This your first time, peach?” He asks, obviously teasingly as he strokes your hair, making your eyes roll.
Your small hands work to untie his loincloth, letting it fall to the floor under you. Great mother, your suspicions were more then right. He was big, so fucking big you were unsure if it’d even fit inside you. Your body was small compared to his, and something like this was almost double the size of the first guy you’d been with.
“Nervous?” That’s it. You don’t even listen to Jake as you take his large length in your hand, leaning over it to let a line of spin drip onto the skin. Jake watches closely as your tiny hand spreads the spit around his cock, stroking the base of it. His hand falls to the side of your head as you let your tongue push against his tip, swirling around its mushroom head. You weren’t even doing much but Jake couldn’t help but go completely feral for you, praising your every move with heavy breaths.
You open your mouth to him, closing it around his cock once you went as far as your could. You look up at him with those sweet doe eyes, driving him absolutely insane. He was already harder then he had to be, now it was you teasing him for it. Your mouth is warm around him and he can only imagine what it feels like to be inside you, that thought alone made him feral. Your already stroking him faster and sucking him harder, tired of waiting for him to be inside of you. You could taste the sweet pre that leaked from his tip, humming around his painfully hard cock that sent vibrations through his body.
“Want to fuck your face… Gonna let daddy do that?” You bat your eyelashes at the man above you, removing your hand from his shaft along with your mouth, sitting back on your knees. He chuckles, pushing his thumb against your lip to open your small mouth, grabbing hold of his cock to press onto your soft tongue. “Such a dirty girl. A shame your dad doesn’t know your not at that party right now”
Your mouth is already filled before you could respond, and you could feel every ounce of him push into your throat as he strokes into it, holding your head to guide it along his shaft. Your nails dig into his thighs and make him groan, throwing his head back at the unbelievable sensation you gave him. You were so good for him, it made him wish you had been older so it wasn’t so wrong of him to mate you… but you both knew it was.
“Fuck, just like that. Taking me so well—wish you would’ve came to me sooner, Kid” you moan against his cock, the lines of spit from your mouth were now dripping between the two of you, making a mess of the ground. “All that shit that comes out your mouth about how your so innocent, about how your such a good little princess? Where’s your mouth now? Huh, girl?” He wanted to stay there forever but he knew he couldn’t. He was close enough, he needed to fuck you now.
He pulls you off of him, allowing you to gasp with your chest heavy, following his instructions to move to the fur mat you had in your room. You didn’t even have a minute to adjust yourself before he’s already towering over you, pushing you onto your back and pulling you by your ankles closer to his body.
“Jake” You call to him breathlessly, propping yourself up on your elbows. He looks to you with his ears perked, watching as a smirk pulls at the corner of your lips. “Use me” Your words are like a command almost, and his face is already meeting yours, kissing your lips roughly as he hovered over you. If it was rough you wanted, it was rough you’d get.
His cock is pressed against your entrance almost instantly, your slick coating it’s head with ease as he runs it along your slit. You were ready, you wanted him for far too long and you couldn’t wait any longer. Your eyes give him a reassuring look before you press your forehead against his, feeling him slowly push his tip into you.
His fingertips are caressing your cheek, soothing you as your eyes squeeze shut. You wanted this and you weren’t a virgin, but this was nothing like before. “You okay, Sweet thing?” He asks softly and you nod, fingers intertwined in his dreads. Jake stares longingly at you, watching your every move as your face contorts at the slight pain, pushing more into you slowly.
“Jake” You let out a soft moan once his tip is past your entrance, the hard part was now over. You look at him with your lips parted, brushing your thumb over his. He pushes your hair out of your face before kissing you, and you weren’t prepared for when he pushed into you fully with one snap of his hips.
Your toes curled and your nails dug into his skin desperately, the feeling was almost indescribable. You just felt… full.
“Oh my god” You moan against his lips, throwing your head back as he strokes you slowly, massaging your thigh. You looked so perfect like this, so pretty in this light. Your body was bare for him, and your body was welcoming him with open arms—he couldn’t get enough of you. “S’big… so fucking big” one of your hands release his shoulder to grip the fur underneath you, teeth catching your bottom lip between them.
“Now your just stroking my ego, pretty girl” He jokes, moving his head down to your neck, placing sloppy kisses against it. His hips find a steady pace at first and gradually work their way up, starting deep, then fast to your skin. “Jesus, your so perfect. Wish I could breed this pussy… this pretty little cunt of yours”
His strong arms capture your thighs, pulling one of your legs to rest against his shoulder. “Jake! I can’t… oh my gosh” Your little voice is projecting off the walls of your cave but you don’t care, only worried about the man above you. Your head was still slightly spinning from the drinks your endured earlier that night and it only mixed with your horny mess of a body, begging Jake for more. “It’s so good… fuck! Your so fucking good!”
“Look at you. Such a fucking mess under me. What would your dad say if he saw you? If he knew how badly you wanted me to fuck you? Such a dirty girl, Y/N” He grabs the back of your head, pulling you up slightly so you were at an angle you couldn’t look away from him. His big yellows were burning holes into your own, hips rutting into you like he had something to prove.
Which he did.
“Gonna come…! Jake, I’m gonna come!” Your a whining mess under him and he loves every second of it, pushing his hips into you faster then before. Your small body was like a toy in his hand and you were at his every command, doing everything he said.
“Come for me. Want you to scream my name so the whole forest knows who’s fucking you this good” You knew it was a bad idea but who were you to decline that request? You were already screaming as it was. “My dirty girl, Your so fucking hot like this”
“I’m coming! I’m—oh my god I-“ Your voice is cut off by your loud moan, leg shuttering against his shoulder as you felt your release threatening to push over. His tip was kissing your cervix repeatedly, and you knew you couldn’t last much longer. “Jake…!” You cry out, pressing your hand to his chest as if that was going to do anything. Your orgasm finally tipped, and you felt it hit you like a truck.
“That’s it! Good fuckin’ girl!” His thumb rubs circles against your clit as he ruts into your harder, watching your liquid spurt from between the two of you. “Squirting all over me, can’t believe anyone actually believes your innocent”
“Jake it’s—it’s too much!” You push on him but he obviously doesn’t budge, only rolling his eyes at your attempt.
“You begged me to fuck you like this and now your giving up? A shame, thought you were stronger then that” You grip his large arms until your knuckles turn bright blue, scratching along his striped skin. You curse at him, not wanting to hear his teasing any longer. “Fuck me? Is that what you said?” You look at him with an angry look for a second before completely switching, a smirk pulling at your lips. Jesus, you were nasty, huh?
He pulls out of you all at once making you whine, not able to protest before he’s already flipping you over onto your stomach and pushing your ass in the air. You giggle, stretching your arms in front of you as you arch your back against him, begging him to forgive you. “I was only joking, Pretty boy” You hum, looking back at his face.
He doesn’t say anything and grabs your hips roughly, pulling you back onto his length that so easily slipped inside of you. Your eyes roll back almost instantly as he bottoms you out, pushing his cock as deep as he could reach inside you. “This what you wanted? Then fucking take it” He growls against your ear, slamming himself into your harder than he had been before. You couldn’t even think straight, you were already so fucked out you didn’t even remember what it felt like to not be fucked.
“fuck! Right there! Please, Jake—fuck me right there!” Your begging voice is music to his ears, your hands gripping the ground under you as he pushed himself against you. “You’re so deep… so fucking good to me, Jake” He hums, leaning against your body so you were entirely pressing against him, his tongue running along your light blue skin. Once again, you could feel his fangs threaten to break through you but he held himself back, placing sloppy kisses against your shoulder and your neck.
“Nobody can fuck you like I can, Kid. Your mine. You’re all fucking mine, you hear me?” You cry out a yes, the sound of your skin slapping against each others being the only thing that could be heard. “That’s it, fuck me back!” He praises against your ear, holding your hips to press into his.
“Mark me, Jake. Please… please mark me!” You beg making his ears perk, his chuckle against your ear making your skin shiver with goosebumps.
“You know I can’t do that, Kid. M’sorry” He snaps his hips against you and you mewl loudly, crying out his name. “Just let me fuck you nice and good, yeah? Give you a birthday to remember” You huff, reaching back against him to grab his face.
You look over at him, your loving eyes practically begging him. “The back of my neck, Jake. N-nobody will see it! Nobody will know—fuck! Nobody will know it was you” you try to bargain and you can tell he was debating it, glancing down at the area on your neck. “Please, do it for me?” Fuck. That got him good. He cursed himself before pushing your hair away from behind your neck, leaning down to run his tongue along it.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble one day” He sighs and you can feel his fangs press against your skin making your eyes roll back, feeling your third orgasm of the night slowly approaching. You let out a shaky breath against your hand as the slight sting took over your body, like you had been getting a tattoo for the first time. His fangs pierced your neck, coating themselves in your sweet blood.
“Yes! Jake I’m… I’m gonna come again!” You whine, not daring to move your head as he soon released your skin, cleaning the blood with his soft tongue. He was close, so fucking close and he knew this was as far as he could go. He needed you to come now.
He grabbed your hands and pinned them against your back, pushing your head to the mat as he sat up against you, slamming into you harder than before now. You’re a moaning mess under him and you know your done for, begging him for more and yelling to him how close you were getting. He couldn’t handle it.
“Come for me, baby. Need to paint that pretty face of yours” Jake moans above you and it makes you frown, pushing your hips harder against him as you clench around his cock, making it almost impossible to move. “Don’t be a brat, kid. You know I can’t!” He already knows what you’ll ask but the answer was no. He couldn’t, he definitely couldn’t.
“I’m not in my heat, Jake. Please!” You beg, knowing it was practically impossible for you to get pregnant if you weren’t in heat. Jake kept repeating his answer with every stroke but as he continued, it didn’t seem to matter. You wouldn’t let him go. “Please, Jake. Want it inside! I want all of you!”
“You’re so fucking drunk, Y/N. You don’t want that” He curses, holding himself back from releasing just off how tight you were clenching around him. You roll your eyes, you knew exactly what you were saying.
“Stop being an asshole and just fucking do it!” He groans loudly, pushing your head against the mat harshly as he picked up his pace, tightening his grip around your wrists. You had officially pissed him off. You were screaming under him, he wasn’t just kissing your cervix anymore but he was full on ramming into you, like a wild animal during its rut.
“Fucking brat, you never know when to shut up, huh? Come for me now, Y/N” You cry, unable to hold it any longer. His grunts are louder now and you could feel his cock pulsing inside you, just waiting for you to release. You let out the loudest moan you could as you tip over your edge, fingers balling into a fist as you cry loudly from your orgasm. “That’s it! Milk my cock, kid. Just like that!”
“Please give it to me, Jake! I’ve been so good for you, haven’t I? Just give it to me!” You beg the man and with only a few more strokes, he pushes himself as deep as he could go inside you, releasing himself deep inside your dripping wet cunt. “Yes! Oh my god—yes!” Your eyes roll back as you move your hips against him, helping him ride out his high inside you.
The hot spurts of his come paint your gummy walls, and he almost collapses onto you, holding himself up just inches from your body with his heavy, hot breath against your skin. The two of you are sweaty messes against each other and you don’t even know what to say, only laying there lifeless as he slowly slipped out of you. You could hear him moving around your room but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even move, you felt so weak.
He clicks his tongue as he kneels down to you, scooping your body in his arms gently to not hurt you so much. He can see the bruises along your body now and instantly feels bad. He hurt you, his innocent little girl that he was sworn to protect. “You alright, Y/N?” He asks worried, laying you down on your hammock and retrieving a blanket to cover you.
You open your eyes to the man standing above you, his loincloth and gear back on his body making you frown. “You’re leaving?” You question sadly and he sighs, looking over at the entrance to your cave.
“Your father will be home soon, Kid. I can’t stay” Jake admits, sad as well that he can’t be with you. You wanted to argue but you knew he was right, giving him a small smile with your arms out for him. He kneels down so his face is level with your own, pressing a passionate kiss against your lips. He hated the fact he had to leave you after doing that with you, he felt like an asshole.
But he couldn’t stay and get caught by your father. He didn’t want you to get in trouble, especially on your birthday.
You both pull away with a smile and Jake looks down beside him, holding up the bin he put there and the medicine he laid out on your small table that acted as a nightstand. “Put some medicine here for when you wake up and the trash is here if you need to throw up, okay? Your father should be home soon so you won’t be alone for long” His finger strokes your cheek and you nod softly, eyes threatening to flutter shut.
“Could you stay until i fall asleep?” Jake looks at you with a softening face, sighing before nodding his head. You were already well on your way, there was no point in saying no. “I’m gonna have the worst hangover, huh?” He chuckles, nodding his head as he lays behind you, pressing his stomach against your back.
“I’ll be here in the morning, don’t worry” Your forehead creases at his words but he quickly shushes you, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Gotta help your father with something here, but don’t worry about that now, just close your eyes” He reaches to stroke your hair softly, listening to your purring noises next to him.
You smile, closing your eyes at the sudden touch. You felt safe, so at home with him. You prayed this wasn’t just a dream. “I love you, Jake” The words slip from your mouth and you’re not even worried about them, feeling yourself slipping away already. He chuckles, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your shoulder.
“I love you so much more, kid”
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PURRRRR DOUBLE UPLOAD!!! Sorry if there are mistakes, my keyboard is glitching cause of how long this was 🫠. I’m sweating this was one of my best works 🥲
Tag list: @neytirishottie @luz15sstuff @rinizitos @erenswife5 @myh3artt @jakescumdump @viajaeger @lu-the-ghost-reader @angelsamor @mashiromochi @luvagirlsworld @doggyteam2028
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
pairing: alys rivers x fem!targaryen!reader, minor aemond targaryen x fem!targaryen!reader
summary: she is many things— this witch, and observant is one of them. alys rivers can see the way your older brother stares at you, that mix of heavy lust and longing darkening the violet in his eye.
it is quite cute, she thinks. such a shame she's decided to claim you for herself.
warnings: explicit language. aemond acting like book!aemond in the beginning (violence and death). seduction. mention of canon-typical targcest between siblings. oral (f receiving) and fingering. tiddy sucking. slight breeding kink. alys straight up stealing aemond's bitch.
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Without any further thought, you had followed your older brother on his sixteen days’ march to Harrenhal, riding alongside him at the head of his army, some four thousand strong. Your mother had protested it a great deal, demanding you stay back and remain with her and your broken older sister.
But you were Aemond’s in the way Helaena’s was Aegon’s, and where he went, you followed.
And it was you, his sweet little sister, who did her best to calm him down when, twenty days later, word of the fall of King’s Landing finally reached him. At dinner, Aemond felt thrice the fool, you knew, and cried out curses at his uncle and the “river scrum” and Rhaenyra, over and over again. His fury was fearsome but never directed at you. He loved you too much. That night, you held him close, cradling his head against your breasts as the two of you slept.
The following morning, he began his onslaught.
Under the dawning sun, Aemond soon killed Ser Simon Strong in a duel, cutting the old man to pieces before feeding the corpse to Vhagar. Ser Simon was the great uncle to Larys Clubfoot, you then remember, grimacing at the blood puddling across the castle’s courtyard. Larys Strong. Harwin Strong. Lyonel Strong. Bits of his limbs were scattered about too, a horrible mess of muscle and skin and greyed hair. The sight made you sick to your tummy.
Bring me his grandsons! Aemond demanded soon after, freckles of dried blood staining his cheekbones and brow. And every man or boy with Strong blood in his veins. The Stranger does not discriminate in his wielding, and neither will I!
You watched in tears as one by one, your brother’s men dragged out both man and boy, some no older than your niece and nephew. Their screams broke out across the courtyard as their bodies stacked in a pile almost three feet high. Clutching Aemond’s sleeve, you begged and pleaded mercy for the children, and for the womenfolk huddled within the wards.
“See reason!” you cried. “They are innocent in all this, the babes especially! Do not let your anger deceive you, my dear brother!” But Aemond was unmoved by your words, to your utter dismay.
No trueborn Strong was spared nor any bastard, both adult and child. All except Alys Rivers.
You pled mercy for her as well, and Aemond surprised you by granting it. He gestured for two soldiers to shove her back inside Harrenhal, safe and alive, before asking if you were finally happy. Your lips curled at the bite in his tone, and the madden glare in his eye.
“This is unlike you,” you told him. “I do not like it.”
Aemond rolled his eye. “And I do not give a shit, sweet sister. If you wish to cast blame onto someone, let it be our eldest whore sister and her damn husband. Ser Simon was a traitor to the crown, and died a fitting traitor’s death.”
“But this was unnecessary, Aemond! You’re many things, yes, but cruel is not one of them.”
“Do you honestly believe that?”
“I know it!” you insisted.
Aemond sighed. His sword was back belted to his hip, hidden by the cloak he wore. “We’ve entered a war, sister. Fairness and humanity do not survive long on the battlefield. Do not expect much compassion during these times.”
You frown. Was Aemond always like this?
Suddenly you wish to be at home, tucked within the Keep’s stone walls, in your mother’s arms. Perhaps if you closed your eyes, you’d be back in the gardens, smelling the warm earthy smell of early springtime and feeling the cool wind play with your hair.
I want to go home now, you wanted to say when you reopened your eyes to find yourself still at Harrenhal. I don’t wanna be here anymore. Anywhere but here.
You did not know this man in front of you. Not anymore. He was no longer your older brother and protector, the man you would soon wed when the moon turned again, and the one you loved with your whole heart. Your eyes drifted back to the corpses stacked atop each other, bloodied legs and arms and messy heads strewn all over the redden dirt.
With nothing else left to say, you turned and left.
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She is many— this witch, and observant is one of them. Alys Rivers could see the way your older brother stares at you, that mix of heavy lust and longing darkening the violet in his eye.
It is quite cute, she thought. Such a shame she’s decided to claim you for herself.
Alys felt no guilt at that. You had saved her life, although she hadn’t the slightest inkling as to why. Or, maybe she did, actually. She herself was older by many decades, raven-haired, and as tall as the Prince Aemond himself. Her breasts were still heavy with milk from all the highborn children she fed throughout the years. She was a wet nurse, a bastard woman.
There were so many pretty maids, all of your own years, at Harrenhal, and yet you never once entertained them as companions.
No, instead your pretty eyes remained on her.
As the evening sunlight streamed through the castle’s windows, Alys arrived at your bedchamber, guised as a servant. In her hands, she carried a tray of plated roasted deer, goat cheese, and nutty bread, still steaming from the furn. You’ve barred yourself shut in your room for the better part of the day, too upset with your brother’s carnage to venture beyond the walls. The hour had grown late, and you must be starving.
“My princess,” she greeted softly, bowing when you let her in. You stand by the window, gazing outside at the east gate, near the Tower of Ghosts- one of the five immense towers bent and lumped and cracked from the Balerion’s fire during the conquest. As dark and ruinous as it now stands, it was still hauntingly beautiful. “Might you be hungry?”
You sniffled. “My appetite has fled me, I’m afraid.”
“At least try, child.” Alys set the tray on the desk, before taking a step back to study her new prize.
Up close, you’re very much a Valyrian beauty, with hair as silvery as moonglow and deep purple eyes. There is a certain softness and sweetness to you that strikes her fancy, from the elegant way you hold your posture to how you trailed after your brother, the prince. Her eyes fall to your breasts, and she licks her lips.
“Thank you…um…” you paused shortly, unsure of her name.
“Alys Rivers.”
You nod, smiling. “Ah, yes, Alys. I remember now. Thank you for the food,” but then you shake your head, chuckling, “But I don’t think I can stomach any food after today….brutality. I feel sick just remembering such…”
Alys felt the same way as well, though she didn’t fault the little princess for such. It was all your damned brother anyways.
An awkward silence soon followed, and it left her wondering if both you and her had swallowed your tongues in that moment. She didn’t know what to say or do, so she cleared her throat and offered you the chalice of wine she brought too. “Here, sweet princess. A bit of wine to wash away these ill thoughts.”
“Thank you, Alys.” You took a sip, quickly relaxing your shoulders. Mmm, very nice. “I wish mercy on Ser Simon Strong, and his grandsons too, may the gods give them all rest.”
Ser Simon was her great uncle too, Alys thought with some sadness. “He was an old done man, my princess,” she said, lacing her thin fingers together. She wore two silver rings on each hand that sometimes she twisted when anxious. “I like to think he lived a good life before now. He died with bravery and a sword in his hand, the way many in House Strong dream of passing.” Or dreamt, I should say. I’m the only one left, next to Larys.
The two of you spoke for the rest of the hour, moving to sit comfortably on the settee at the foot of the bed. Alys Rivers was a complete joy to be around, and very beautiful. As she talked, you took some time to admire her. Her green eyes shone like bright emeralds, and her hair was long and dark as the midnight sky, falling thickly around her ample breasts. Maybe it was the wine tonight, or perhaps her voice, but you were struck with the sudden urge to kiss her plump, pink lips.
So you did.
You leaned forward, kissing her— softly at first, until she wrapped her arm around your waist to tug you closer. Nobody had ever kissed you before, not even Aemond, although during boyhood he made several attempts to steal a kiss. Her tongue found yours in a short dance before you broke away from her, a tad breathless now.
“Princess,” Alys whispered, hands falling down to your shoulders.
“Apologies!” You buried your face in your hands, embarrassed. “I cannot believe I just did that—my sincerest apologies, Alys. I don’t know what overcame me, I—” your voice was muffed as you hid away from her gaze.
She just laughed. “Was that your first kiss?... Have you been deflowered, sweet princess?”
You shook your head.
“Really?” Her dark eyebrow lifted in surprise. “With the way your brother looks at you, in truth I would’ve thought his babes were already in your belly.” Prince Aemond hasn’t bedded you yet? Alys was astonished at that. A silver flower still blossoming prettily in the rosebush, ripe for plucking? A slow smile spread across her lips.
“Aemond—he hasn’t…we’re to be married when we return to King’s Landing, I believe.”
“Do you like him?”
“I do. He is a good brother, and he will be a fine husband, and father too!” You said in a quivering voice, trying to calm your breathing. “He loves me, I think, and I love him too.”
But Prince Aemond had made you afraid of him today, she could smell it on you, even if you would never admit it aloud. This was very good. She could use it to her advantage. “Ah, I see. Well, in that case, I wish you two a fruitful and blessed marriage. You’ll make a fine wife when the day finally arrives, little princess.”
That made you pause. “I don’t know…” you mumble, picking at the skin around your nailbed.
“Why do you say that?”
“Well…our elder brother, King Aegon, he took Aemond to a brothel on his thirteenth nameday. He likes to joke that our brother is well-educated in pleasing a woman. I worry that I’m not…I’m not up to his standard. Or that he may not desire me afterward.”
Alys drew back, shocked. Up to his standard? Non-desirable? Does she take him for an utter fool? For what man wouldn’t wish to bed a Targaryen princess like yourself?
She scoffed, leaning her face so close to yours that you could feel her warm breath against your lips. It sent goosebumps prickling up each arm. “Men always love a blushing maiden in their sheets. They may return to the whores in due time, but they’ll always welcome a maid in their bed, however inexperienced she might be.”
Your breath hitched at her words. Could she…maybe….? Your eyes fell back down to her heavy breasts. She was a wet nurse, after all, and confessed to being pregnant with several children of her own. Would that mean she is well experienced in pleasure…? You debated the thought in your head, weighing the consequences of asking such.
Is it really whoring if it is with another woman? It is not like I’m laying with another man….she would be a teacher, not a mistress. You closed your eyes, thinking of Aemond. And Aemond would never know. I’d never tell him.
“Will you show me?” you blurted. “Teach me, so that I might be somewhat educated in pleasure?” Maybe it would take your mind off of this morning too.
Mischief twinkled in Alys’s pretty green eyes. “If it pleases you, my princess.”
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Alys is quick to lay you down on the bed before climbing over you, straddling your waist. “I can hear your heartbeat. Do not be scared, little love. Passion is a love song, and lovemaking is merely the dance that follows.” She then takes both your hands in hers, placing them on her breasts. "I am yours to do whatever you wish, my princess." Encouraged by the look she gives you, you rub her nipples with your thumbs, before leaning to take one in your hot mouth to suckle.
She moans, cradling your head closer to her chest. “Good girl,” she whispers, eyes shutting as you flick it back and forth with your tongue.
Your other hand squeezes her other breast, enjoying the way it feels between your fingers and the moans flooding from her lips. You want to ask her if you’re the first woman she’s ever been with and if this moment is as special to her as it is to you. But her tit is still in your mouth and steals all the words away.
After a few more minutes, she pulls your mouth away to kiss you, letting you taste a bit of her tongue. “Very good,” she murmurs against your lips, kissing you again and again. “Did you like my breasts, sweetling?”
“Mmmm,” and you tug at her bottom lip between your teeth. “I did a lot, Alys. They're so soft.”
She giggles before pushing you back down, your head sinking against the pillows. Her soft hand drifts across your belly, fingers skimming below the curve of your breasts down to your hipbones and waist. “You’re so beautiful,” she says aloud, her voice thick with awe. “I dreamt of Targaryens before, but you’re far lovelier than them all, little princess.”
Your brother has been blessed with your hand, she thinks, with a mix of both sincerity and bitterness. Men never deserve such tantalizing fruits. They are all the same in their words and actions. They never truly appreciate the gods’ given gifts.
Her green eyes remain on your naked belly, imagining a soft swell to it. You’d be such a lovely mother, she’s sure. She could never give you a baby, though, but maybe….her eyes look up to yours, noticing the faint glimmers of lust clouding the pretty violet hue. It is a mirror to your older brother, Prince Aemond.
Alys thinks and thinks, taking the time to fondle your smaller breasts.
Prince Aemond could plant the seed…and she could then tend to it.
Alys’s hand continues downward, finding the mound of fine silvery hair between your thighs, grinning when she feels how wet you are. “I wonder if your cunt is as sweet as your lips,” she wonders aloud, more to herself. You bite your lip, watching with large, doe-eyes. Alys moves herself between your thighs, her pretty face hovering over your soppy pussy.
“You are just so lovely, sweet princess.” She flashes you a quick smile while running a finger through your folds, gently easing you open. Above her, you tremble.
She then presses a soft kiss to your clit before sucking it into her mouth, tongue drawing small circles around it. “Ohhhhh,” you moan, face scrunching in blissful pleasure. Alys switches between sucking and lapping at your cunt, her eyes flickering up to watch the way you react to everything. There are tiny beads of sweat lining your browbone and temple, and your fingers are slowly turning white from the tight grip on the cream sheets.   
Scream. Allow me to hear those cries. Let the entirety of Harrenhal learn who’s claimed you tonight.
Your hips buckle up against her mouth as your head lolls to the side, breathless whimpers leaving your lips when she works two fingers inside your cunt, scissoring and pumping and stroking your sweet spot until all you can see are flashes of blinding white. “ALYS,” you shriek, bringing the sheet to your mouth to bite down as hard as you can to muffle the rest of your screams. “Oh, gods be good, Alys!”
You don’t wish for your beloved Aemond to hear you, nor anyone else.
Oh, but you taste so fucking good, Alys thinks, savoring your arousal on your tongue. She continues to eat you out, as well as fucking you with her fingers, partly dreaming of a wonderful new life where she wakes up every morning between your shaky thighs, breaking fast with every sweet orgasm she pulls from you.
My princess, mine own dragon.
Several seconds later, your legs twist around the older woman’s body, breasts heaving as your whole body shakes and shudders. Your pussy clenches tightly around Alys’s fingers, a sign that you’re close to cumming. “Cum for me, sweetling,” she coos, kissing the inside of your thigh- once, twice, thrice. She feels victorious in a way, a great pride simmering within her as she eyes the way your peak comes only closer and closer.
Prince Aemond One-Eye may have sacked her Harrenhal, but she sacked his baby sister, and made the little princess her own sweet whore.  
“Would you like for me to bring your dear brother next?” she asks.
You shake your head, panting through the moans and whimpers and gasps. “He—he won’t…take me—ah, until our wedding night—”
“I have a way of fixing that,” Alys says, leaning to lick a long strip up your pussy. She has many love potions and philtres to entice the prince, a collection that would surely inflame his deep passion and lust for his sister. Although, she thinks in amusement, it shouldn’t be that hard. He wants you as badly as she did, mayhap even more. “You’ll be heavy with his child soon, sweetling, his bastard’s fire blazing in your womb.”
“He won’t father a bastard. Aemond hates bastards.”
“He’d father anything if it comes from your loins, sweet one.”
You cry, flinging your head back as you come undone at her fingers and tongue. Alys drinks everything you give her, mouthing tiny spells against your cunt. One for fertility, the second for a blessed marriage, and the third for protection. Except it won’t be between you and the prince.
Alys Rivers always did prefer women to men.
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taglist for "bewitched": @chainsawsangel @sweethoneyblossom1 @dahlias-and-marigolds @ilikeitbetterangsty @inlovewithhisblueeyes @the-cult-classic-bitch @666-aiko
taglist for everything aemond: @randomdragonfires @aemvnd @moonteas @chompchompluke
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wiliowisp · 9 months
Heatwave ❦
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Word Count ➻ 2.5k
Pairings ➻ Sebastian Sallow x fem!MC
Warnings ➻ NSFW 18+ ONLY
Tags ➻ third person POV, smut, face-sitting, giving head, penetration, sub!sebastian, aged up characters, married characters
A/N ➻ every day i fight for my place in heaven. this is the first smut ive ever written in my many adult years of life and also possibly the easiest thing ive written. funny that. hopefully u wonderful, sinful lot will enjoy <3
୧ send me prompts! i may write them! ୨
A heatwave has descended upon Sebastian and MC's happily married life. The warmth unties the strings of restraint and allows, often hidden, layers to be peeled away...
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The heat of the August sun bore through the windows of their home like thick honey, making everything stick. She sat at the table, hands melting into the wood, a cup of water sweating in front of her. England had not known heat like this in years; the Daily Prophet had warned of winds carrying hot air from Africa but she didn’t think that it would swell the atmosphere the way it had.
Over the last few days, she had steadily reduced the layers of clothing that she normally donned. The corset went first; stuffy, abysmal thing. Then the petticoat, three layers under a skirt was simply too much. The chemise got traded out for the more contemporary brassiere, a thin lacy thing that was all but transparent under the sheen of sweat that she’d been drenched in these past few days. Her skirts got shorter and her patience thinner. She wanted to wring herself out like a towel.
Luckily, the only person who had seen her in such a state of impropriety was her husband and school sweetheart, Sebastian Sallow. They had been confined to their remote cottage in the highlands, sweating their souls away as the sun reaped across the country. Sebastian wasn’t bothered by her state of undress, they’d been married for almost five years and together for much longer—he had seen her in much more vulnerable states.
However, she had noticed his growing restlessness of late. They scarcely touched due to the heat; where they would usually be wrapped around each other in bed, they erected a boundary in the centre of it, loathe to touch each other’s skin and boil in the scorching nighttime fever. Now, she had developed a bronze tint to her skin, all the way down to her legs, her face flush with a sunny glow. Sebastian’s eyes had noticed this. He had noticed the layers slowly peel away, and the way the fabric stuck to her flesh, lathed along it like a tongue. 
The tension was thick in the air like rope. Sebastian did nothing to pursue her though, either by the heat sapping him of his virility or simply some form of chivalry. The rope tightened.
She had noticed him too of course—that was her husband after all. He was shirtless most days, a tan settling into his chest like varnish on a prized painting. His freckles darkened, set alight like sparks on his skin, the tone he had built from his career as a curse-breaker brought out in the daylight. A god cut in the stone.
When he entered the room, then, clad in a white cotton shirt, she was almost disappointed. He strode over to the sink, pouring himself his own water, and chugging it. His throat bobbed, adam’s apple prominent as the liquid ran down his chin and neck.
“I don’t think I can take another day of this,” he gasped.
“It’s not supposed to last much longer—we can go for another swim in the lake today?” she offered.
Sebastian took his wife in, his eyes dragging across her sweat-slick collarbones and jaw. “Maybe.”
The rope tightened. 
He put down his glass and the sound seemed to shake the foundations. His eyes did not leave her. After what seemed like a fraught but quick internal battle, he stepped over to her, hand sliding along her shoulders. His fingers slipped the shoulder off her loose blouse, revealing more of her glowing skin. His breath stuttered. Then, Sebastian leant over, ghosting his lips over her clavicle, tasting salt on the tongue, as he kissed a trail up to her throat.
“You don’t know…how difficult it has been,” he whispered, “to keep my hands off you.”
She tilted her head, offering her neck to him, as his kisses got sloppier, more desperate. He used his hand to force her eyes upon him and she knew that look instantly.
It’s not often Sebastian gets like this. Sex usually had him taking the lead, it was hot, heady and banal—as she liked it. Sometimes, though, Sebastian would get this glazed look in his eyes, when his desperation had mounted to a point he no longer knew what to do with himself. Most times, he was a half-full cup, the empty half allowed him some sense and reason, and he was able to control his desires. When left too long, his cup became full, there was no room for anything else except wild, desperate want. 
Right now, that need was etched into his expression. Sebastian’s eyebrows were pinched in a silent plea and his eyes were glassy; once he had started he no longer knew how to contain the water in his cup. The heedless want that pulsed through his senses until all they could perceive was her.
She maintained her composure. There was a delicacy to moments like these.
“Why is that?”
A frantic half-whine escaped his throat. “Because—because you’ve been practically naked in front of me all week and I—Merlin it’s so hot,” he was exasperated and whiny, and words failed him at times like these. Which made it all the more fun.
“What do you want, love?”
Sebastian’s eyes flickered between hers, he swallowed dryly. “So many things.”
His wife rose from her chair, levelling herself against him, bringing their faces closer. It’s not often Sebastian gets like this. But it’s so fun when he does.
She slipped her fingers under his shirt, running them up his flushed skin and around his waist. She pulled him closer, pressing his front to hers. He bit back a moan as the pressure met his hardening cock.
“Use your words, Seb,” she goaded, breath dancing across his cheeks.
He swallowed around nothing again. “I want your mouth on me.”
She surged forward, capturing his lips between hers. He responded immediately, an airy groan leaving his teeth as he gripped her hips and parted his mouth. She slid her tongue along the inseam of his lips, teasing him. Sebastian backed her into the table, arching her back slightly as he devoured her lips. Hunger stalked his every movement, his hips rutting into hers mindlessly as his hand cupped her jaw, tilting her head so he could kiss her more deeply, lose himself more entirely.
She pushed him away. “You wanted my mouth there?” she asked innocently.
He tried to kiss her again, but she dodged. He tried again. She dodged. Sebastian’s head slumped into her shoulder.
“Please,” he whined.
“Please, what?”
“Please put your mouth on my cock,” he begged her, pressing more wet kisses into her collarbone.
His wife grinned, trying to bite back the smile and regain composure. “Maybe,” she mused, “come with me.”
Sebastian was led easily, trailing behind her like a puppy in a way that warmed her abdomen. The heat persisted, whilst the sweat had her baby hairs sticking to her hairline, as well as Sebastian’s chestnut curls going slick around his ears. But a new fever had started to pool low in her gut, one that begged for satiation.
Now in the bedroom, she wasted no time ridding Sebastian of his shirt, peeling it off him as it clung to the perspiration. He kept trying to kiss her as she did so, which she swatted away while he petulantly whined. To shut him up, she ducked and licked a stripe up one of his nipples.
Then she licked the moan right out of his mouth. They kissed sloppily once more, Sebastian’s hunger disarming him of any prowess as his hands roved desperately over her clothed figure. When he was like this, Sebastian became putty in her hands. Despite her smaller stature, she manoeuvred them to the bed, separating their lips with a wet sound and pushing him onto his back. 
He fixed his gaze on her. Leveraging his raptured attention, she reached under her skirt and slipped out of her underwear, watching as his eyes followed the lacy material when she dropped it to the floor. He was panting. 
She climbed atop him, kissing him once more, before levelling her gaze with his. “First, you’re going to use your mouth on me, then maybe we’ll see about you.”
Sebastian readily nodded, swallowing thickly. “Yes, yes please,” he panted.
His wife smiled, something softer, fonder, before her expression settled back into her role. She shuffled up his body, Sebastian’s hands already greedily grabbing the meat of her thighs from under her skirt, dragging her towards his eager mouth.
Before even settling, he began, dragging a long stroke of his tongue across her cunt, a throaty moan leaving him as he tastes the sweetness coming out of her core. Like sugar. Sebastian forcefully urged her to settle more of her weight on him, wanting to feel her pressing against his nose. The last vestiges of sense in him commented how dying like this would probably be the best way to go ever. His wife sat, with a strangled moan, as his mouth sucked around the bundle of nerves that set her alight.
Obscene, wet sounds filled the room as Sebastian ate her like a man starved, coupled with the mingled moans of himself and his wife, her hips rocking back and forth against his tongue. The pool in her abdomen had now grown into a tidal wave that surged, pulsed. It’s crest rearing.
“Oh, fuck Sebastian,” she purred.
Spurred by his wife’s pleasure, Sebastian reached a hand towards his throbbing cock, palming it through his trousers, unable to help himself.
“You’re doing so good,” she rasped, “love, keep going.”
Sebastian rubbed the tip of his tongue against that sweet spot in tandem with the movements of his hand, shameful whines leaving his throat. His wife keened, her lithe body arching, head thrown back, a guttural moan leaving her throat as she came. Sebastian moaned in tandem, running the flat of his tongue across the seam of her cunt, feeling her pulse around him.
She panted—breath leaving her lungs like sap—and rolled off of her husband.
“C’mere,” she breathed.
Sebastian obeyed. She took his mouth into hers, eagerly licking the remains of her pleasure from him, savouring the wet slide of their lips. He was all but inconsolable at this point, wet patch at the front of his trousers, dick still painfully hard in its confines.
“Please,” he mewled, devouring the air of his lover.
She obliged him, taking charge once more, crawling over his supine body to suck bruises into his neck. Sebastian clutched her, a whimpering mess at the victim of his wife’s whims. Slowly, her mouth carved a path down his body, leaving wet kisses over his chest and nipples, before following the trail of hair at his sternum.
She undid the buttons on his trousers, shucking them over his waist and taking his cock in hand. Sebastian breathed heavily, watching her with undivided focus. She opened her mouth, sliding her tongue up the length of him, to his wet tip. Sebastian’s head thumped back onto the bed, a wanton moan escaping his throat. She licked him a few times more, savouring the salty taste of his skin, before swallowing him.
Sebastian’s hands flew to her scalp, gripping her hair, urging her mouth deeper. She began slow, tantalisingly dragging her mouth up and down his length, before bobbing in earnest. Sebastian’s resolve fissured as his hips met her movements, thrusting into the heat of her mouth. Stuttered whimpers left him, punctuating the movement of his hips. His throat was dry from the heat and how his pleasure worked his voice raw but in the wet cavern of his wife’s mouth he found it difficult to care.
His climax reared, any stamina drained from him after the restraint he displayed the past days, now completely abandoned.
“Ah, love—so good—m’ gonna—”
Before he could even utter the words, his wife pulled off his cock with a wet pop. Sebastian’s brows furrowed.
Quickly, she began pulling her sweat-soaked blouse from her body. Sebastian got the idea. He sat up, helping her out of her clothes. They kissed desperately in-between, his wife’s inhibitions being held together by a thread, as she hastily undressed.
Now naked, Sebastian couldn’t help but admire her, his own lust shelved momentarily while he worshipped the divine figure he was somehow married to.
“You’ll have time for that later, love,” she teased, “now sit back against the pillows.”
He situated himself at the head of the bed, cock wet and red against his stomach. His wife climbed atop him, hovering over his length. She took him in hand, lining them up, before sinking down.
They moaned in tandem, his hands gripping her waist like a lifeline while he fought off his climax right there and then.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” she breathed.
Sebastian replied with a broken moan, the tight heat of his lover distracting him from all sensations other than that rapture. Then she started moving.
Slow tentative rolls of her hips that undid Sebastian like a bow. He groaned, latching his mouth to her throat and leaving searing bruises. His wife clutched his head to her, her pace on his cock increasing with each roll. He wanted his hands everywhere. He wanted his mouth everywhere. Having to settle for the bud of her nipple, causing his lover to cry out in pleasure.
He started rutting his hips back into her, chasing the crest of pleasure he’d denied himself for so long. Losing all sense, losing all reason. 
“Please—ah—please, I’m so close,” he keened.
His wife only increased her pace, all but bouncing on his length, torturing him divinely. More staccato whimpers left his abused throat, not caring how undignified he sounded. He was so close.
Sebastian sealed their lips, stiffened, and came. His release pulsed out of him, come seeping into his wife’s core as he groaned into her mouth. His dick throbbed, climax milking all his frustration dry, letting it drain him. When their mouths separated, he pulled her onto his chest and panted.
They remained like that for some time, his softening member seated inside her while they regained their breath. She placed a kiss on his chest and carefully pulled him out, before rolling next to him.
Finally able to think, Sebastian took in the sight of his wife, haloed in post-coital bliss. Sweat coated every inch of her skin, making her shine under the daylight. He reached a hand out to stroke across her cheek, his fingers coming away sticky.
“Better?” she asked.
A thunderclap broke their reverie. They turned to the window, finding the scene beyond submerged in a grey cloak. His wife crawled off the bed and stalked to the window, he got up to follow. Sure enough, as they peered through the threshold, a thick cover of rain descended over the highlands, coating everything in a petrichor hush.
“Well, would you look at that,” Sebastian remarked, “I think we broke the heatwave.”
She giggled, a sound like birdsong, and overcome with affection he bent down and kissed her by the open window, the cool air caressing their hot skin. 
“I think we did.”
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Let’s Fall in Love, IRL | Chapter 1
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pairing: Jisung x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, Pen pals to lovers, friend of a friend to lovers
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, mention of food, humor as a coping mechanism
summary: When she was a child, L/n Y/n was in a horrible accident that left her face disfigured.  After getting bullied relentlessly by her classmates for her appearance, Y/n escaped to the digital world where she meets Felix. Now an adult, Y/n has be come a complete social recluse, only talking to her 4 childhood best friends and roommates and her only friends. When Felix goes AFK one day in the middle of a game, Felix’s roommates decides to step in. Is this the start a new relationship or will Y/n’s crippling social anxiety get in the way?
taglist: CLOSED
word count: 1,254
screenshot count: 14
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©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"Hey, Lix, when you're doing fucking around, do you think you could haul ass The Meridian and heal me? If it's not too much of a bother to do your job." You groan as you take more damage. You turn and try to take out the other team's tanks as fast as you can, but you're being flanked by two of their damages. You'd take out their damages too, only you have no idea where they are.
"How did you get all the way on the other side of the map?" He panics.
"I thought you were following me since you're supposed to be pocketing me."
"You fucking ran off without telling me. Do you want me to read your mind?"
"That'd be great." You laugh, "Just get over here. And be careful. The other team's tanks and damages are still around." You keep an eye on your health bar as you keep your back against the wall, not allowing yourself to get ambushed again.
"Did anyone ever tell you that you suck at damage? I just healed you not that long ago."
"Did you not hear me screaming that I was getting ambushed?"
"You're always screaming. I've learned to tune you out."
"Chat, did you hear me screaming for help?" You quickly look over to the monitor where you're stream is. "See? Chat heard me. You're just a shit support."
"Maybe you should be support next game." He mutters.
"Why? Because I'm a girl?" You tease.
"No! Are you trying to get me canceled?"
"Aw, Lixie, you don't need my help with that. Just keep talking and you'll get yourself canceled in no time."
"I hate you,"
"That's not what you were saying earlier. Chat, Felix proposed to me earlier because I sent him food."
"Y/n, shut up!"
Your eyes shift over to the monitor on your left that's displaying Felix's stream. His face is noticeably redder than it was before. His dyed blond hair is in a messy ponytail. His freckles perfectly scattered across his cheekbone and nose. You remember how he used to cover his freckles with makeup when he first started streaming. You don't remember when he stopped, but you're glad he did. It may be hypocritical coming from you, you don't even stream with your camera on. Even if you did, you can't use makeup to fix what's wrong with your face like he can. People aren't going to find you cute or hot because of the scars on your face. For that, you're kind of envious of Felix. What he considers to be flaws are actually blessings while for you, your flaws are just that. Felix gets praised for showing his bare face while you'd be crucified for showing yours in general.
Your eyes shift back to the game, just in time to see the bright red "Defeat" pop up on the screen.
"They walked right to you. Are you fucking blind?" You watch as Felix puts his head in his hands.
"Yeah, in one eye, actually. Chat, Felix is an ableist."
"Don't you start. Chat, Y/n is being manipulative."
You laugh, reading all the comments from your chat shipping you and Felix. It used to give you anxiety, all the comments. You'd stay up late at night, stressing about them. You used to think that it was impossible for Felix to have any sort of feelings for you. He's never even seen you. Any time you've ever chatted on call, your camera stayed off. And even if he did, you knew that one look at you and any romantic feeling he had would just, dissipate.
"Pharmercy again?" Felix asks after taking a sip of the coffee you ordered him earlier.
It's more chocolate milk than it is coffee. You know how much he hates the bitter taste so you ordered one loaded with chocolate so he would drink it. It's still healthier than the energy drinks he's been drinking since yesterday.
"Yeah, but only one more match. I'm starting to get tired."
"Imagine being tired."
"You only have an hour left of the marathon."
"Stay up with me? Please? It's only an hour." You turn to Felix's stream just in time to catch him sticking his lower lip out.
"Hm, yeah okay. But you're going to owe me." You sigh, leaning back into your chair.
"I can live with that." You don't have to look at his screen to know that he's smirking right now. You can already tell that the two of you are going to be trending later.
The two of you successfully play through 2 rounds with your team. Felix working well as your support while you two sit on the front line. It's the calmest you've been all day. Inuyasha, your service dog, has been hovering around you all day. A few times, he's had to paw at you to warn you of an oncoming attack. But now, despite your yelling, he's calmly resting by your bed.
"Shit," you hear Felix mutter under his breath.
"What?" You ask, looking at his screen. Nothing is going on that should warrant that reaction from him.
"I have to go to the bathroom," Felix says sheepishly.
"Then go,"
"We're in the middle of a match!"
"Love your priorities, Lix."
"I'm trying to think whose home. Oh!" You quickly take out an enemy as you you watch Felix fiddle with his phone.
"What?" You hear an unfamiliar voice whine.
"I need a favor. A really big favor. And quick."
"Aren't you in your room? I thought I heard you screaming."
"I am, just come here quick. I need you to take over for me for 10--20 minutes tops."
"Your stream? No way!"
"Han, I am begging you. I will give you anything you want. Just, please. I'm in the middle of a match and I can't forfeit."
"How much?"
"Name your price later. Just get your ass to my room,"
"Okay, okay,"
A few minutes later you hear Felix's door open. Too focused on the game, you don't look at his screen to see who. You try not to take too much damage while Felix is distracted.
"Hey, you didn't tell me you were playing a game. I'm out,"
"Han, it'll be easy. Y/n will talk you through it. Just--please? I really have to go to the bathroom." Felix pleads.
"Oh thank god! Chat, Y/n, this is my roommate, Han. He's going to take over for me while I...drop the kids off at the pool." Felix says quickly before he runs off the screen.
"That's disgusting." His roommate mutters.
"Literally could have just said he had to use the bathroom." You whine.
You glance over to Felix's stream to find a brown-haired man you've never seen before in Felix's spot. His features are soft and warm. His eyes are wide, almost as big as his cheeks, as he stares at the screen.
"Hello everyone, I'm Felix's roommate, Han. I'm a musician, not a gamer so bear with me." He says calmly.
"Lix is barely a gamer so your skill level should be about equal." You joke, trying to calm yourself down. If Inuyasha was awake, you know he'd be pawing at your leg to tell you to calm down.
"Fuck that scared me," Han says quietly as his eyes scan the screen.
"Sorry. I'm Y/n, I'm one of Lix's friends." You explain.
"Ah, okay. Nice to meet you Y/n. Please take good care of me."
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @phtogravi @lilcutieana @veedoesntknaur @yongbbokkie @brain-empty-only-draken @thisisnotjacinta @thefangirloncrack @chlodavids @heartz4chuu @sunshinessky @reverse-soe @its-hannjisung @angelsandtimelords @zeejones @liknws @marked-unknown @sansona @aaasia111 @jhstayy @aslou @hyunbae-35 @kangaracharacha @skz-streamer @btskzfav @weird-bookworm @jihanniee @everglowdaisies @puppysmileseungmin
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sulieykte · 1 year
𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ✧˚ · . 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒗
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‣ Pairing: Adult!Neteyam (20) x Fem!Omatikaya Reader (19) ‣ Warnings: smut, p in v, oral sex (f receiving), slight edging kinda, fingering, softdom!Neteyam, creampie, angst, a hint of a praise kink and as always mean Neteyam. ‣ Word Count: 2.3k ‣ A/N: And we're back with another one. This hasn't been proofread because I'm determined to get it out before I have to leave for work for 24 hours, so if you see any mistakes then no you didn't. I'll be back to fix it later. The ending is a little rushed because I actually have an hour before I have to leave I'm sorry bbs. Also I think I tagged everyone that asked, but I apologise if I missed anyone, I'm gonna close the taglist now because it's getting a lot. English is in bold italics all other dialogue is in Na'vi. ‣ Na'vi word bank: tìyawn - love, mons veritasis - largest mountain in the hallelujah mountains, tanhì - bioluminescent freckle, tewng - loincloth
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By the time you had reached your Marui, your body was crippled with exhaustion. The reason for your physical exhaustion was easy to pinpoint, as much as you were trying not to think about it. But you hadn’t been able not to, not even as you lay in your hammock, trying to reconcile what had happened with what you knew to be true until your brain felt numb.
Neteyam hates you. He has always hated you, for as long as you can remember. But what he had done was not something people did out of hate, was it? For certain you had seen it in his eyes and felt it in his touch. What clouded your mind was the four words he had said as you’d separated. We’ll finish this later.
Because surely, he was not mad enough to think that you would do that again.
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It had been nothing short of a miracle that Jake hadn’t figured you out once you’d been freed, with Neteyam only thinking to warn you of the mark he’d sucked into your skin a moment before you’d stepped out of the cave, giving you little time to hide it with your hair until you could find a more suitable covering. Jake’s insistence that he checked you over for injuries had presented another challenge but with your assurance that you were fine he left you alone to examine his son instead.
Once he had been happy that you were unharmed, you suspected more by each other than the rocks crumbled around you, he had sent you off with an order to get food and rest. You didn’t argue or wait for your companion before you left for camp.
Sleep had not eluded you for too long as your mind collapsed into your body’s desire.
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Larger hands intwine with yours, arms taut above your head against the ground below you. Body taking root in the grass as frantic breaths brush against your ear, the form pressed tightly against yours as you writhe beneath it.
Legs wrapped around his waist, back arching in desperation, needing him deeper. Needing him to put out the fire in your belly as it got devastatingly close to setting you alight. “Please.” You beg, hips meeting at too slow a pace for relief.
“Y/N.” His voice is barely a whisper in your ear.
“Y/N?” His hands have moved to your shoulders.
The world shakes and you’re tugged from your slumber. Confusion settles in as you open your eyes, finding yourself in a position not entirely dissimilar from the one your subconscious had cooked up. Neteyam released your shoulders, a hand wrapping around your wrist.
“Come.” Was all he had to offer you, tugging at your wrist. Your body follows, sleep fighting your movement as you exit your hammock. Sparing a glance across the Marui as you’re leaving, you thankfully find your mothers hammock occupied and unmoving. You would have no idea how to explain why Neteyam of all people was guiding you from your home at such a late hour.
“Where are we going?” You ask once you’re far enough from your mothers ears, still feeling the need to whisper as you passed your neighbours homes. He didn’t bother to give you an answer, his pace quickening as he pulled you past the Ikran pen, towards the lab.
“Neteyam.” You hiss, your annoyance bubbling in your chest at his ignorance. He was the one who dragged you out of bed, out of your dream. A harmless imagination that couldn’t cause any damage the way that its inspiration could. You wanted nothing more than to be curled up back in your hammock and you certainly didn’t want to be yanked to a forgotten corner of camp, lit only by the external lighting of the lab.
“You know what, if you’re not going to answer me, I’m going back to bed.” You move to pull your wrist from his grasp, his hand tightening at your attempts. At least you were back in familiar territory. “Look, I’m not in the mood for- “
“Shut up.” He pulls you around the corner, out of sight of the rest of camp. His hands were surprisingly gentle as he pressed you against the cold metal exterior of the lab, almost distracting you from the irritation you felt for him. Your body shivered at the sensation; the coolness contrasted by the heat radiating from his body. The body once again penetrating your personal space.
“You can’t pull me out of bed with no explanation and then tell me to shut up ‘Teyam.” You meet his eyes, the usual tension missing in his face at the nickname. “Tell me what you want or I’m going back to bed.”
“You know what I want.”
“I really don’t.”
He laughs, his face closing in on yours. The way his breath tickles your ear reminiscent of your disrupted dream and your face flushes at the awareness of the dampness between your legs leftover from your fantasies.
“I told you we were going to finish this later.”
Laughing in his face hadn’t been intentional, but you couldn’t hold it in. He could not be serious. After nineteen years, one mistaken romp in a moment of madness could not have led you to this. As much as your body felt excitement at the thought, the throbbing between your legs ensuring you were very much aware of that, you knew that nothing good could come of allowing this to go any further.
“Don’t act like I didn’t hear you moaning my name in your sleep tìyawn. We both know you want this as much as I do.” Oh Eywa. Was there any coming back from that? No. There wasn’t. A dive from the top of Mons Veritasis more enticing by the second as his eyes bored into you, fangs poking at his bottom lip as he smiled.
“Y-you’re delusional.”
“Mmmm.” His brows raised, faux contemplation on his face as a hand hooked under your thigh, lifting it for better access as he ground into you, his arousal as evident to you as your own. “Maybe I am, but we both know you wouldn’t be here unless you wanted to be.”
You knew he was right, you had proven yourself capable of escaping his grasp before. It would be easy to do so again, the distance between yourself and salvation much smaller and his grip on you much lighter. But you don’t move. Not an inch as he grinds himself into you, your resolve crumbling at the friction.
“Tell me you want this.”
But that was too much. You could not admit to that. Shaking your head, you closed your eyes finding it much better to avoid his burning gaze. Hooking your leg around his hip, you pulled him closer, head falling into his chest with a gasp as his length pressed into you through your soaking loincloth.
“Tìyawn.” He growled, finding a firm grasp on your chin, and pulling your face out from its hiding spot, your eyes reluctantly opening to meet his. You take his appearance in. His nostrils flared, chest rising as rapidly as your own. “You have one more chance. Tell me you want this, or I will go.”
As simple as that, you had an escape. You could just tell him you didn’t want this, go back to bed, and pretend that none of this ever happened. No need to admit that you wanted him, Eywa you wanted him.
“I want this.”
Your body is spun around, chest pressed against metal faster than you can register the confession had left your mouth. His hands digging into your hips as he presses into you from behind, “You better stay quiet, wouldn’t want to wake the whole clan.”
Fingers tug at the strings of your loincloth, discarding it with ease and sinking to his knees behind you. You turn to question him, confused about what he’s doing but strong hands pull at your hips and his tongue prodding at your entrance halts any thoughts from transitioning into words.
“Neteyam!” Hands reaching behind you, you try to push the foreign sensation, but one much stronger hand soon has them in its grasp.
“You have to be quiet if you want to come.” He warns before returning to the task at hand, keeping your arms pinned behind your back.
His tongue runs flat along your slit, your cheeks on fire as he spreads your lips with two fingers to take in your glistening folds. “You have to tell me about that dream later.” He teases and dives back in. How he expected you to keep quiet was a mystery, but you did your best, lips tightly pressed together because you knew he would follow through with his threat.
But you manage, even as he devours you like a starved animal the only sounds that permeate the air are the obscene sounds of his tongue lapping at your juices and your stifled cries. When his lips wrap around your aching nub, it’s all you can do to keep your knees from buckling, and you barely notice as he buries two fingers in you until he curls them just right and your vision blurs. And Fuck.
Your outburst barely disturbed the night air, and it’s not fucking fair how he pulls his mouth off of you with a light and his fingers slide out of you, leaving you clenching around nothing. “It’s not like I didn’t warn you.” He raises to his feet, turning you to face him. Your chest heaves with the as you come down from your impending release and you fix him with a glare.
Once you gain confidence in your ability to walk, you’re resolute in your decision to leave. That is until you notice his face glittering with his tanhì and your juices and your willpower crumbles.
“You think you can be quiet this time?” You nod, swallowing thickly. “Good girl.”
A breath catches in your throat before his lips crash against yours, bruising and urgent. You open your mouth, allowing entrance to his tongue that gives a taste of your own sweetness as it flicks against your own. His hands tapped at the back of your thighs in a silent instruction, and you jump and wrap your legs around him, your lips separating as he hooks a hand under your ass, the other flat against the metal he has you pressed against.
Wasting no time, he frees his erection from his tewng, pushing the fabric to the side for efficiency. He lets out a sharp breath through gritted teeth as he lowers you onto his length, hips meeting as you take all of him in. Your head drops back against the metal, an echoed thunk earning you a warning glower as he begins to move.
The coil in your stomach tightens as he builds his pace, hips snapping against yours mercilessly and you can do nothing more than cling to him. Sanity slipping from your body, your mind goes blank of anything that isn’t Neteyam. And the way his tip slams into your cervix. The sweat dripping from his forehead. His jaw clenching in concentration.
You’re close, body dissolving into his as fucks into you, but you recalled his earlier threat that you couldn’t come unless you were quiet. You’d failed miserably at that, but he’d given you a second chance, right? You were a good girl, and you hadn’t made a sound since.
Daring a whisper, you call out. “’Teyam.” His cock twitches inside of you, and he doesn’t tell you to shut up, so you brave your question. “Can I- Can I come?”
A low growl rumbles from his chest and your heart misses a beat, fearing you had screwed yourself over again. “Come for me Tìyawn.” And you oblige. Legs tightening around him as the tremors of your release rock through your body. You have to bite down on the closest thing you can reach to silence the sounds, teeth clamping onto his shoulder. Not hard enough to break skin, but enough it seemed to send him over the edge with you.
His hips jerk as he attempts to maintain his rhythm as he floods you with his seed, your walls convulsing around his length as you milk him dry. You let your head fall back once more, his hand already there to soften the blow before you hit the wall.
As he stills inside you, the silence is filled with your trembling breaths and he pulls his chest away from yours, skin still sticking to skin from the sweat that coated it. He pulls out of you, placing you back on the ground, leaving you empty and dripping. The mix of his essence and yours rolling down your thighs.
“Dad says our punishment is over.”
“What?” He breaks you out of your stupor and you realise he’s already fixed his tewng back into place, not even sparing you a glance as he spoke.
“We’re in the clear, no more clean up duty. He said to let you sleep, he’ll tell you in the morning.” You should be happy at his words, ecstatic at the news that you’d no longer be the entire clan’s maid. But the happiness dies out as you watch him turn and leave.
You nearly cave and call out his name, but you knew what this was before getting into it, had you not? It shouldn’t sting to watch him go, leaving you exposed, his cum soiling your thighs. Finding some comfort in the normalcy of his harshness, you collect your loincloth from the ground, fixing it back on with a grimace as it stuck to your skin, pressing the mix of warm fluids into your sensitive core.
It would not happen again.
You would tell yourself that as many times as it took for you to believe it.
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taglist: @innercreationflower,@lili-of-the-dream,@arminsgfloll,@strawberryclouds22,@aliceantalus,@afro-hispwriter,@mandaaaaaaaaaaa,@nxptury,@amortencjja,@l3laze,@strongestangel,@inluvwithneteyam,@tsuteysyawntu,@whyyouhatemeeetmblr,@jdbxws,@yumimak,@weirdpersonhelp,@kaylaperiodqueenslay,@neyetams,@jjkclub,@grxcisxhy-wp,@vampire_majesty,@dani-d0rk,@ashleexisxcool,@syulangg,@moony-artemis,@deadgirl02,@cl0esblogg,@thehalalboy,@cxlynv,@melllinaa,@saturnheartz,@julesandro,@zeysartzone,@chucklefuvk,@midnightstar-90,@laylasbunbunny,@cypherpt5fttaehyung,@aalyara,@taleiak,@itzgabz22,@itssomeonereading,@avatarmasterlistblog
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sugarlywhispers · 11 months
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (fem) x Midoriya Izuku. 
WARNINGS: TRIO RELATIONSHIP, adult sexual content, angst and fluff, penetrative sex, oral sex, unprotected sex (USE GLOBOS, GUYS, preferably, pink ones lol😉), yandere themes –toxic/possessive behavior, mention of blood and violence, swearing lots of it thanks to bakugou lol
Summary: After several disasters that happened around the country, the government had no other choice but to enact a new law that would mostly shock every single person, including heroes. 
"Please, please…Order in the room! I know," he says to someone that it's asking something but it's mostly impossible to actually understand for viewers like you who are not–were not present at the conference. "But, please, believe me when I say we have exhausted every possibility there is for this. This law was our very last resource." 
By the tired tone in this man's voice and expression, you believe him. And you hate that you do, because that means you have no other choice. No one does.
A/N: lol this is a monster chapter, 5+k, you have been warned ✌🏼🙈 enjoy🤍
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Chapter Two: Donde comen dos, comen tres.
This is it, you thought, taking a deep breath before your hand grabs the doorknob. This was the door of a new beginning, a new life that even though it was not of your choosing, you'll have to live and make it work. Behind those doors were the person you would have to share a life with, or at least try to, considering you were about to create a new little being together.
That thought made you smile. You really haven't considered being a mom, but you haven't disregarded the thought either.
You finally open the door, but what greets you behind is a scenery you were not expecting nor prepared for.
Mr. Takashi, the governor representative the letter said was in charge of your contracts, was standing behind a desk, where in front of it three chairs were positioned one next to the other and two of them were already occupied. The two men sitting turn around when you open the door, and you never hated being the center of attention more in your life.
You take a step back to look again at the number in the door; 705. The same number the letter said you were expected on that day.
"Did-... Sorry, did I get the right room?" You ask, still perplexed by how many people are in this little room.
"Yes. Yes, you did, Miss Y/L/N." 
The cogs start to whirl in your head and it doesn't take a minute for you to understand what this means.
The two of them. These two men are going to marry you.
You gulp as you walk towards the unused chair and sit there stiffly and dropping your bag next to you on the floor, hands holding each other strongly over your lap almost to the point where your fingers turn white thanks to the strength. The silence is piercing and so tense it can definitely be cut with a knife.
You take another deep breath and look up, Mr. Takashi is smiling at you with a smile that only makes a cold chill run down your back, so you look elsewhere. That elsewhere turns out to be the other two people present and sitting at your right.
The man sitting next to you has greenish hair; actually it looks more like black with green highlights. Because of the distance, you can also see the many freckles over his nose and high cheekbones. His face suddenly looks kind of familiar. A Hero maybe? You weren't that into them to know, but Tora would probably know for sure. He slightly smiles at you and nods in greeting. You nod too, realizing how disgustingly cute this man is.
The man sitting next to this disgustingly cute human being is blond, his arms are crossed over his chest and he looks at you like you're an annoying gum stuck under his feet. That surprises you a bit, but when your eyes find his vermillion ones you can clearly see how unease he is with all of this, so you decide not to take it personal.
The both of them are big; buffy, strong men that clearly hit the gym at least five days a week, if not more. You hope they are not the superficial type.
You hear as Mr. Takashi moves papers and more papers, like looking for something as silence reigns in that room. Now it's not completely uncomfortable, but it makes you a bit nervous, so you distract yourself looking back at the green haired guy next to you.
He looks skittish and ready to jump out of his seat at any moment as he smiles timidly at you. But it doesn't look like he wanted to get away from you or even approach you, he simply looked ready. For what? You don't know. But he was ready to even fly if he could. Could he though?
That would be awesome!, you thought excited. Not that you particularly care about what types of Quirks these men have, but having one that is mostly useless makes you admire every single one, no matter how simple or boring they could be considered.
"Miss Y/L/N, may I introduce you to your future spouses," Mr. Takashi says as he signals with his hands at each man as he says their names, "Mr. Bakugou Katsuki," the blond only slightly bows and hufs in your direction, his angry expression still on his face, which amuses you a bit, "and Mr. Midoriya Izuku," the greenette guy also bows, before closing his eyes and smiling big at you, perfect and white teeth only making him even cuter.
Mr. Takashi then looks at them and says, "Gentlemen, may I introduce your future spouse, Miss Y/L/N Y/N."
You bow two times in each of their directions.
"Each of your test results show a high compatibility between you three, so we are glad to announce the exception of the Rule in this Paring."
Yep, I had to be the lucky one, you think sardonically looking down at your hands.
"Now, I will proceed to read again the law and what it entails and then I'll leave you three to get to know each other," the cheerful tone in Mr. Takashi's voice makes you want to vomit.
"We are signing the contract today?" The green haired guy asks, his right leg beginning to move rapidly up and down.
"No, Mr. Midoriya. Today is only the introduction, so you get to know each other and-..."
"How thoughtful of you."
You don't take into consideration that in a room as small as that one, your murmur wouldn't get as indiscret as you thought. So when you look up, Mr. Takashi is looking at you over his small glasses, and the way he feels annoyed by you is palpable through his eyes. Yet he smiles, fakingly fondly. You should have felt intimidated by him, right now he has the power to make your life as miserable as probably his own is. However, the amused snort that comes from the blond at your right gives you a bit of reassurance that you're not the only one thinking it.
Mr. Takashi lets it slide as he begins with the clearly bad acted courtesy while reading the law again. You don't pay attention, it's clearly a protocol action of repeating the law like a trained parrot. When he finishes, he explains the next step, "Now, I'll prepare your contracts for each of you to sign. Any more idems you want to add?"
That immediately makes you sit straight as you look at the old man in front of you, "Idems? Nobody said we could add anything."
He sighs and looks at you like you're an annoying child. You frown, already the anger rising. This man was really toying with your patience. "This is a special case, Ms. Y/L/N."
"Special? Why? If they get to add idems into this stupid thing then I get to do it too." You cross your arms like a petulant child.
If he was going to treat you like a child, then you might as well act like one.
"Ms. Y/L/N…"
"No. It's already not fair that your misogynistic asses get to pair women to men as they are just reproductive systems just because you failed as a government, and now men get special treatment again-..."
He interrupts you mid sentence, "Miss Y/L/N! I don't think you understand the situation we are in right now." The stress he puts over his last two words makes you frown, to which he sighs. "These men are heroes. You do not recognize them?"
You look at them, still frowning, "No?" 
The two men look at you actually perplexed, and they look at each other to see if they are feeling the same.
"Y/N, these are the heroes Deku and Dynamight." The old man introduces them again, saying their names as they are sitting next to you.
Of course you recognize these names. Thanks to the kids at school but more specifically thanks to your friends, underline stressfully the names Tora and Kira, you–oh. OH. You open your eyes wide. These are the actual heroes, the men that fight against villains and everybody loves and they appear on the TV that you turn off whenever a Hero is on and the ones your friends thirst over whenever they can.
Fucking ooohh.
You avoid looking at them. All you can think about is your friends and their suggestive commentary about how big Dynamight's biceps are and how Tora would love to lick every drop of sweat from them, or how Kira would let Deku smash her ass to Detroit.
You feel your cheeks hot as you look everywhere but them. Because now, in your head, the imagery isn't your friends anymore, but you.
You clear your throat in a failed attempt to gather yourself together. "S-sorry, I don't watch much TV." That's all the apology you offer them. "My point still stands that it's not fair-..."
Mr. Takashi doesn't even pretend to hear you out, he bluntly ignores you as he says, "Well, I'm going to go now. Have a good day you three. I expect you on the first of November to sign your contracts." With that he stands and walks out of the room, leaving you alone with the two most famous Pro Heroes of your generation.
You feel outraged by everything. By this stupid governor in charge of your contracts; by his stupid machism that he clearly didn't intend to hide; by having not one, but two Pro Heroes as future husbands.
The greenette guy, famously known as Pro Hero Deku, civilian name Midoriya Izuku, hmms as he turns a bit in your direction. He looks a bit nervous as he scratches the back of his neck and looks apologetically in your eyes.
"If it helps, the only thing that they let us add is a Confidentiality point." He smiles timidly, and you can see he's trying to cheer you up.
You frown though.
"It doesn't help, Deku." The blond says, crossing his arms again over his chest.
"Confidentiality? What do you think I am going to do? Post pictures on Twiber of either of you in your underwear?" You're angry, and you know it's not fair that you take it on them, but the whole situation it's frustrating.
"It could surprise you how many would even sell our used underwear." 
You look at Pro Hero Dynamight directly in the eyes as he speaks. The thought of it is preposterous, yet the seriousness in his face tells you he's not joking. 
And then Tora and Kira invade your mind. Yep, they would probably buy those.
You make a face as you relax on your chair looking forward, "That's disgusting."
Midoriya Izuku exhales a timid laugh through his nose. "It is." You look back at him and he's smiling at you again. "I'm sorry about it, but we needed to add the idem."
In a certain way, you get it. You understand the need to keep their lives private, considering how famous they actually are. They didn't know who they were going to end up paired with, just like you didn't either. They don't know you, and you really can't blame them for taking care of their own selves. You could have been one of those crazy ass fans that followed them everywhere and purposely put themselves in danger just to get their attention. 
You suddenly feel thankful that your friends, even though they were a bit obsessed over Heroes, to them it was just the fanaticism and dream desires. You knew they weren't that obsessed or crazy to the point of putting themselves purposely in danger just to get a 'hello' from them.
You sigh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-... I'm not angry with you."
"Oh, no, it's okay–" the green haired guy says, but the blond suddenly interrupts.
"You're not the only one angry with this law." Bakugou says matter of factly; you don't know him, but you would bet he was trying to make you feel better, in his own way.
Midoriya nods in agreement.
You look at them. Really look at them. Damn, they are truly handsome. Now that you pay attention, they both have scars on their faces, some more visible than others. Bakugou has one in particular that starts from somewhere under his chin and goes up from the right side of his cheek to almost under his eye. Shit, that must have hurt. Midoriya has small ones around his face. However, none of their scars make them look bad or ugly, on the contrary. It adds to their strong, powerful semblance. Both of them radiate a strong confidence, a secure aura that makes you feel so safe. It's strange, new. A feeling you weren't used to. 
A feeling it died the day they died.
You look elsewhere; both their stares make you feel overwhelmed. They are evaluating you probably the same way you are.
You suddenly gather the entire situation in you. Two men are your Pairings. Two men who are real Pro Heroes. Pro Heroes Deku and Dynamight, to be more specific. The two Pro Heroes that hold the entire country, if not the world, on their backs. The two Pro Heroes every woman in this society could only dream for. The two Pro Heroes you were one hundred percent safer with, making you mostly untouchable to any civilian or villain alive. And they are, from this day onwards, the future fathers of your children. Two Pro Heroes are going to be your husbands.
In another circumstance, you would have refrained yourself from reacting in any way, but you can not contain the laugh that possesses your being. It's loud, and so funny. This whole situation is.
You, probably the only woman in this world who does not want anything to do with Heroes, are going to marry not one but two Pro Heroes. The most famous ones of all of them.
It's absurdly funny. So you laugh, under their perplexed expression.
"What's so fuckin' funny?" Bakugou asks, scowl on his face that only makes you laugh harder.
Midoriya looks everywhere but you, trying to avoid laughing alongside you. Probably not because of the same reasons, but you're glad he finds your laugh funny and contagious. That only infuriates Bakugou even more.
"S-sorry…" You say once you're calmed enough. "Umm, I never, in a million years, thought I would end up with two Pro Heroes as husbands," you offer as an explanation.
Bakugou tenses, holding his crossed arms over his chest tighter. "Got a problem with it?" Asks defensively, but also curious. Midoriya definitely looks curious at you, waiting for your answer.
You snort, "About you both being Heroes? No, not at all. It's just… I'm simply not interested in the whole Hero thing."
Bakugou raises a brow, "You do know the society you live in today has a bunch of them, right?" He feigns the worried tone he uses, you know he's just mocking you. Midoriya elbows him in reprimand. 
"I know," you simply answer before sticking out your tongue at him. Bakugou smiles to the side, a bit surprised by your action.
You stand up, ready to leave this odious room as soon as possible. A light sound that only you are able to hear from your stomach reminds you haven't eaten anything since the quick and small lunch you had early that day during the school break. Maybe it would be a good idea to invite them to have dinner with you; but before you get the chance to say anything, Midoriya stands next to you and faces you a bit abruptly. He reminds you of an eager puppy, ready to be as close to its master as physically possible and ready to do whatever its master asks of it. It's kind of cute, but it still takes you by surprise.
"Would you like to have dinner with us? Our favorite restaurant it's just a few blocks away and they serve the most delicious ramen and katsudon–oh, Kacchan can cook too, his katsudon it's even better, but we could have that another day and‐…"
You watch amused Midoriya's word-vomit as you lean back a bit from him. It doesn't bother you, his proximity, but you are realizing how big he actually is now that he's standing. He didn't look like it while sitting next to you a few seconds ago, and especially next to Bakugou. But damn, he is big. Wide shoulders that probably hide the entirety of your body, strong arms that suddenly remind you hold the entire force that protects this country in one smooth punch.
Number one Pro Hero Deku looks exactly like what a number one Pro Hero would look like in anyone's mind.
Bakugou stands up then and sighs, putting one hand on Midoriya's shoulder and pulling him back, away from you.
Holy. Shit.
Bakugou is even bigger than Midoriya. Freaking big arms and body that is enlightening a size kink you didn't know you had until now, with these two gods standing right in front of you as prove to your eyes that men like this freaking exist.
"Who fucking said I'm gonna cook for you two, nerd?"
The scowl on his face and his vermilion eyes looking from Midoriya to you suddenly feels like a slap of realization. You gasp loudly, which makes them look in surprise at you. 
"You are the asshole from the hospital!" Your finger pointing at Bakugou only makes him frown in confusion, but then he pulls his eyebrows up in recognition, a side smirk appearing in his face. His forearm then rests on Midoriya's shoulder.
"Hey, little grub," you can swear the tone in his voice decreases lower as he speaks with cockiness.
"Oh, you're lucky there were people around, or I would have kicked your ass to Sunday," your threat only makes him laugh.
Midoriya only looks confused and surprised at the same time, eyes traveling from you to the man leaning on his shoulder next to him. "You two know each other?"
"I wish we didn't," you spit and Bakugou laughs again before walking to the door of that office.
"Let's go, nerds," he simply calls you and Midoriya, and you definitely want to kick his ass.
Regardless, you both follow, Midoriya not being able to take his big and expressive eyes from you as you walk.
The walk towards the restaurant was… interesting. While Bakugou kept quiet, walking next to you with his hands inside his pockets, Midoriya couldn't stop talking while walking on the other side –you did notice how they strategically guided you to the middle though. That was kind of thoughtful of them. But you did wonder if they did that on purpose or by mere unconscious protectiveness.
Midoriya spoke about the weather, how cold the wind was getting but the sun made it all better  even though it was already starting to hide in the horizon. How nice it would be to go trekking to the mountains with a weather like this one. Or how cool it would be to go to an amusement park. He kept talking and talking, and you understood he was only like that because of how nervous he actually felt. So you simply smile, and nod, and agree with whatever he is saying, trying to ease him a bit.
When the three of you arrive at the restaurant, Midoriya is the one who approaches the receptionist to ask for a table, Bakugou and you stay a bit behind.
"You don't have to agree to everything he says, you know." He says, not looking at you, but definitely talking to you. It takes you a second to understand what he is saying.
You smile then, and you do look at him. "If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be. I don't care if you're even more famous than the president himself, I know how to say no."
Bakugou then looks at you, and you can see the little smirk that wants to appear on his face. He opens his mouth to say something, but he's cut off by your phone ringing.
You pull it out from your bag, and the name Tora shines on the screen.
"Sorry, I have to take this."
Bakugou nods, looking back at where Midoriya is standing in waiting, looking in your direction. 
When you answer, you don't get to say anything or properly place it by your ear that you hear the screaming.
Tora is screaming something like "put that down, now!", and Kira's response is "fuck you, fuck everything!"
Bakugou then looks at you frowning, which means he can even hear the screaming too. 
"Tora?" You ask. You don't know how to feel. The amount of time those two call you screaming is uncountable, you're used to their dramatics.
"Y/N, please, come to the apartment, please." Tora begs, and she usually never begs like that unless it's something that surpasses even her patience.
With 'the apartment', you know she means the one that used to be you three's. During the last two years of college, the three of you lived together because none could afford to live alone or on campus anymore. This apartment had been inherited from your father, and it was too big just for yourself, so you invited them to live there with you. After all of you moved out, this place had become somewhat like headquarters when something shocking happened or simply when one looked for a space to be alone for a while. Which means, if they were there at the moment, something stressful might have happened.
"What happened?" You ask worried.
"Kira has been Paired."
"Right… I forgot it was today too." A crashing sound is heard from Tora's side of the line. "I guess it didn't go well?"
Tora snorts. "Just come, please. I don't know how to handle her like this…"
"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Thanks." Another crashing sound and a yelp was heard, and you know you have to hurry up.
You look up at the same time Midoriya appears next to you, looking a bit worried. "Everything okay?"
You look at them for a second, they both look worried, even though Bakugou has a frown on his face as he watches you.
You sigh. "I don't know. One of my friends was Paired today too, and from what I could hear, it wasn't good."
Midoriya nods in understanding while Bakugou just looks elsewhere.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
The greenette simply smiles sadly, he's definitely too good of a person. So understandable and kind, it kind of makes you want to hug him and protect him at all costs, which is very amusing considering he is freaking Pro Hero Deku, the Symbol of Hope for everyone in this country, if not the world. The blond simply nods, avoiding any eye contact with you and looking –or pretending?– like he's bored by this whole conversation. By the way he moves his hands inside the pockets of his jacket he is more nervous than he lets it show. Like as if he wanted to say something, but was holding himself back.
These two men… They were completely different from one another. Yet so much alike.
You gulp. Damn, it's too soon to do what you're about to do. But considering how fast everything is already going, may as well just do it.
"Umm, if you want… you can come with me?" You clear your throat looking down at your hands. "You're gonna meet my friends one day either way." You smile. "We can eat something there."
"Are you sure? We don't want to impose or‐" Midoriya looks at Bakugou, who looks ready to start the walk out of the restaurant.
"Oh no. You're not imposing anything… Just," you breath out a laugh, "Get ready to meet two weirdos."
Bakugou snorts and Midoriya smiles.
Exactly twelve minutes later, you open the door of the apartment. Everything it's upside down and you instantly regret having invited them now.
"Where the hell were you?!" Tora suddenly appears in front of you, getting out from her hidding inside the closet right at entrance. Of course you scream a curse. This woman was a freaking ghost when she wanted to be.
"Are you fucking trying to give me a heart attack?!"
Tora chuckles. "You deserve that. You left me with the devil's tantrum."
"I'm just two minutes late, you asshole." You try to normalize your breath, hand over your heart.
"Oh, I am the ass-..." Tora suddenly quiets, and you look at her wide opened eyes looking at the two mountains behind you.
"Umm, Tora, these are… my Pairings, Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki." You look back at them then, "Guys, this is Tora, one of my bests friends."
Bakugou nods in greeting and Midoriya nods and smiles. Tora nods stiffly, her eyes still wide and weird over them. You roll your eyes smiling, she's so weird. You love her.
"Where's Kira?"
A crashing sound again, this time louder than the ones you heard over the phone. At that moment, Bakugou and Midoriya react, both of them putting themselves in front of each of you and Tora protectively. You want to laugh at Tora's eyes getting cartoonish wider than before, realizing how big these two men are.
"Don't worry," you say immediately to them. "That's Kira."
You walk inside the apartment, Tora following you, but her eyes kept on them, which makes her bump into you when you suddenly stop.
Kira is sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room riping apart one of the sofa's pillows, angrily. The frustration is clear in every faction of her face. Pieces of glass around the floor, broken windows and mirrors, that clearly cut her here and there thanks to her own self actions.
You sigh. You have only once seen her this mad, and it was when she discovered his dad had been cheating on her mom for years. This same apartment had suffered the outcome of her anger. Mostly the same as this one happening right now.
More than feeling annoyed that she again broke everything here, you felt sad for her. Kira hadn't had the best life before. When she told you her history, you understood perfectly the way she walked through this life. She had to be strong, she had to fight, or life would chew you like a bubblegum and spit you out–at least, that's what Kira always said. Somehow, you understood way more than you wish you did.
You want to approach her, but knowing your best friend, it was like getting yourself into the mouth of a lion. So you take a deep breath to concentrate and then project an image of you walking closer to Kira and kneeling in front of her. You hear Midoriya's gasp as he takes a step closer so he can look better. That made you smile, so your own copy smiles too.
"Don't fucking smile at me, sunshine." Kira barks at you, and you chuckle. That makes her punch the pillow harder.
"Thank you for the nickname, demon," while the image you project moves its mouth as if it's talking, you actually have to speak louder so she can heat you from where you're actually standing. "Want to explain what happened to make you this mad?"
Kira growls in frustration. "Todoroki fucking Shouto." 
You rise one of your eyebrows in confusion. You had heard that name before, in two ways. In a dreamy, horny way from Tora and in an annoyed and angry way from Kira.
"Oohh, no..." Tora cries as she runs back inside the closet, for protection.
"Todoroki-kun? They know each other?" Midoriya whispers to Bakugou, who shrugs in confusion.
You see it, the small things that levitate in the air and suddenly fly around the room in speed and collide against the walls. You, Midoriya and Bakugou have to actually kneel down when some pencils and small decoration items fly your way.
"Sorry," Kira says, but she's still taking her anger on the pillow. You know it hadn't been intentional. When Kira has very strong feelings or emotions taking over, her Quirk just gets out of control.
"What did he do now?" You sigh, preparing yourself for the next hour listening to this frustration Kira and said man have been having since they met.
Kira suddenly stops and looks up at you. Not at your projection of yourself who is in front of her, but you. You gulp in understanding and sigh, pulling your hair back with the fingers of one of your hands.
"Well, fuck…" You simply say, and a glass breaking again is heard at the distance in another room.
"What? What happened?" Midoriya asks, and it's Bakugou's turn to sigh annoyed.
"She has been Paired with half and half bastard." Bakugou explains, and the way he calls the Ice and Fire Pro Hero makes Kira snort a laugh.
"A fucking bastard indeed." Kira punches the pillow again angrily, wich makes you three grimace at watching her abuse the poor pillow. "Do you want to know what the fucker said, after they told us we were a Pair?" She looks up at you again, and you wince at the anger in her eyes.
"Something tells me you're gonna tell me even if I told you no," you whisper, afraid of what could happen next. And you literally take one step back, colliding slightly with Bakugou behind you. He instinctively interlace two of your fingers with one of his, promising protection in that simple hold. Midoriya gets closer to you on your side, ready to put himself in between you and whatever may come towards you.
"He said, and I fucking quote, 'I expected more'."
Midoriya gasps and Bakugou sighs loudly. "He's such a jerk." The latter says, but Midoriya shakes his head.
"I don't think that's exactly what he meant. Todoroki-kun isn't-..."
"What?!" Kira's shriek as she stood up made you instantly stand in front of Midoriya, releasing Bakugou's hold in your fingers.
Your projection immediately stands in between the real you and her, its hands holding Kira's shoulders. "Love, please calm down…"
"Do you know him? Who are you?" She barks at Midoriya, completely ignoring you and your projection, and you sigh.
"Yes, they know him," you clear your throat as she frowns suspiciously at you three. "The were classmates. They are friends."
Kira crosses her arms, still looking suspicious. You're not going to tell her who they really are. You decided that you wanted to respect their privacy as much as you could, even from your bests friends. These two men were going to make a family with you, so you were going to defend that privacy with teeth and nails.
"You don't look like models," Kira analyze them from up and down, trying to decide if she could trust them.
"Hate those..." Bakugou simply says, and Midoriya sushs him with a whispered, "Kacchan!"
Then Kira open her eyes wide, "Two?"
You sigh nodding. "Yeah… These are Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki, my Pairs."
You can feel them moving a bit behind you, probably greeting Kira from that distance.
Kira observes them for a while, maybe a couple of minutes, before she lets out an oh, my God and laughs her heart out. She laughs and laughs and you feel worried about her, you literally consider the possibility on getting her a bed on a psychic ward at the hospital.
"Does she know?" She suddenly says, a playful smirk igniting her face.
You immediately know Kira knows. Of course she would, she freaking works with Heroes most of the time! So you ran towards her, your projection doing what you were about to do in copying mechanism. It puts its right hand over her mouth to shut her up, but because it's an image, Kira doesn't feel anything more than a light breeze, so she smiles wider. Then comes your real hand, stopping her chuckles.
"Shut up!" You whisper loud, looking back at where Tora is hidding in the closet. She still hasn't come out of there, good.
When your eyes look at the two men standing there perplexed, you roll your eyes. "Kira knows. Tora doesn't."
Bakugou frowns, "How?"
Kira then bites your hand making you yelp and scowl at her, she simply smirks. "I'm Tomotsu Kira."
They both nodded knowingly. Just like you said before, everyone on the fashion industry knew her. And Heroes did too, because she sometimes had to dress them for photo shooting publicities or shows, yada yada.
"You looked familiar." Bakugou says shrugging.
"I have to admit, it took me a while to recognize you both without your costumes or masks." Kira chuckles, looking back at you. "You lucky bitch…"
The two men look ready to defend you, but you beat them punching Kira on one of her shoulders, making her yelp just like you did when she bit you.
"I hate you." 
"You love me."
You shake your head before hugging her, and she returns it instantly and strongly. You stand there for a while, one of your hands caressing her back up and down and telling her everything's going to be fine in reassurance. You know what she's thinking, it was easy for you to say that, you have just been Paired with the two most wanted men on Earth. And at that, knowing well how this hatred between Kira and her Paired Pro Hero had developed and grew throughout the past three years, you simply don't know what to say.
It's surprises you when Midoriya is the one who breaks the silence.
"I don't know much about you, but I know Todoroki-kun. And I know he is very difficult, but once you get to actually know him, he's not a bad guy..."
Kira stiffens a bit, but nods and sighs, completely relaxing and calming down.
"Sorry… about this mess," she says to you once she lets you go, her hands squeezing your shoulders a bit. You smile and shake your head.
"It's okay… What is this place if not for letting us have our tantrums and existential crisis for a while before going back to reality?"
You feel the two men eyes on you, but you don't look back at them.
"Has the demon been put to sleep?" All of you hear Tora's voice inside the closet.
Kira laughs alongside you.
Oh. A totally normal day for you. Not a big deal.
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dreameater00 · 1 year
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pairing: Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan x fem!Omaticaya reader
After their arrival in Awa'atlu, Y/N and the Sullys have to give up everything they've ever known to learn entirely new traditions. What happens when a particular party gives her relationship with Neteyam the push it needed ?
Disclaimer: Na'vi will mostly be written in italic, except for meaningful words.
Warning(s): NSFW, minors DNI
check out my series: on unknown land
Mawey: Calm
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"No, Lo'ak ! Stop that ! Where are you going ?" You could only watch as Neteyam ran after his brother to stop his antics, again. A sigh escaped despite you. Lo'ak was getting increasingly infuriating lately, not because his behavior was any worse than it was in the forest, but because of the consequences it now had on your life.
Of course you knew Neteyam was protective over his family and cherished each of his siblings with his whole heart, even if the reason for that was probably his father's unexpectedly high expectations. Neteyam could never resolve himself to abandon Lo'ak in tough situations, or leave Kiri to overthink her father's identity for too long. He was like that, a dutiful son, a kind older brother, and a pure spirited warrior.
This didn't stop frustration from slowly bubbling up inside you throughout the years. Your relationship with him had always been complicated, for anyone around, you were nothing more than close friends but the exchanged glances and the time you spent lying underneath the stars at night said otherwise.
You had been convinced there was something more, that he saw you differently from the rest especially when you were given the privilege to follow him here. Neteyam always had a special place in your heart and you could only hope for the same in his.
The years passed and the tension between the two of you only increased, becoming so thick it could be cut with a knife. You were adults now with different wants and needs. If at first your thoughts were rather innocent and started off with dreams of hugs and the occasional kiss, they were infinitely bolder now.
Neteyam had filled out over the years. Now, every time you were alone at night in the privacy of your marui pod, your thoughts were filled with fantasies of his deep voice whispering filthy, filthy things to you. How his eyes and freckles would shine in the dark and be the only thing to outline his figure, you imagined him slowly taking off your coverings or ripping them off if he had looked angry that day.
He would lick and kiss you, raise your legs on his shoulders to access you, having you writhe and pant under him. It was usually the moment where you couldn't take the images anymore and would take care of the dampness between your thighs yourself.
For once, you wanted him to be selfish. To keep you for himself and never let go, to use you for his pleasure only and find delight in doing it. Maybe that's why you doubted it would ever happen, as much as this version of him was arousing it was very unlikely for it to ever make an appearance.
"Your head's in the clouds again" Tsireya took a seat next to you and smiled. Getting used to Awa'atlu had proved to be a challenge with how different life on the reef was compared to the forest, her help had been precious to you and the Sully's.
"What makes you say that ?" The atmosphere suddenly changed and her smile had turned into a knowing grin full of malice. "Oh I don't know," Positioning herself on the weaving machine she continued "It's just, your pattern looks particularly messy today also your cheeks are red and you've been looking at him for hours Y/N."
You cringed at the last statement before detaching your gaze from Neteyam's sweaty figure to look at the chest cover you had been working on all morning. A lot of patience was put into it as well as the matching loincloth and jewelry for tonight. Pearls were scattered in the intricate shape of the cover and crushed bioluminescent sea shells had been used to make the top glow
"I wasn't looking at Neteyam" your friend laughed behind you "I never said you were, could've been Lo'ak I was talking about for all you know ?" Tsireya was way too smart and observant for her own good, you blamed it on Ao'nung being her brother. One was never too prudent with a man like him so close all the time.
"Speaking of Lo'ak, any idea of when he's finally planning to mate you ? It's been years." Lo'ak and her had been in love ever since you arrived at the village. You still remember Lo'ak's awkward glances her way and the clumsy pick-up lines he tried. Everyone thought the two would commit much faster to the relationship but after years it still didn't happen.
"Very smooth change of subject I'll give you that, but you'll be surprised to hear there won't be any complains coming out of my mouth today," She had this dreamy look on whenever she talked about him you found disgutingly cute "It's gonna be very soon, Eywa has given me a sign."
You almost choked on your saliva and turned sharply towards her. Lo'ak, the man who just had his older brother run after him to clean up his mistakes was finally going to take something seriously ? "That's incredible Tsireya ! We were all starting to worry he was more dense than expected."
When she started talking about the signs she received, and how even if he hadn't decided to make her his officially she would've still stayed with him until the end of time the green eyed monster started creeping up. Tsireya had her whole life in front of her now, a loving mate, an important place among the people, a family to support her.
While you were fixated on Neteyam, everyone around had walked forward and changed for the better. Even Ao'nung who you liked to make fun of for his bully tendencies was preparing himself to become Olo'eyktan. At the realization you got up abruptly, excusing yourself to go in the deeper parts of the forest right behind all the marui pods.
The smell of leaves and soil tickled your nostrils while you ran away from the populated areas with tears in your eyes. Love had never been your forte but you didn't get why the situation was so messy.
"Y/N ?" The cause of your outburst was now right in front of you, great. You tried to wipe away any tears and kept your head lowered to the ground. "Y/N what happened ?"
Panic was evident in his voice and yet you just turned away. You weren't in the mood for any type of confrontation right now and even less if the opponent was Neteyam. "Nothing Neteyam, go back to scolding Lo'ak or whatever it is you were doing." The rude words you spouted his way didn't seem to discourage him because he was now running towards you, taking your shoulders in his arms.
A comforting scent of sea salt and leather hit you and with it escaped a few more tears. " Look at me Y/N. Tell me what happened." You didn't feel confident keeping your voice stable enough to answer him so the shakes of your head were enough a sign.
Neteyam's grip on your shoulders tightened slightly as if trying to keep his calm. Something thumped on the ground and you felt his hands slide down your shoulders to your waist and then your hips leaving a trail of goosebumps down his wake. You finally opened your eyes and froze when you saw him on his knees in front of you.
"Princess, I know you're upset right now but you have to tell me what happened," The nickname along with the gentle strokes on your hips right by the bow of your loincloth provoked a new sensation in your lower belly. If his goal was to distract you, it was definitely working. "Who did this to you ?"
When you heard how much worry and kindness there was in his tone you broke out in sobs. Obviously he didn't know, even if his feelings weren't romantic, Neteyam had always behaved like a gentleman around you. With no more energy to hold yourself up, you felt your knees buckle. Toned arms went around your waist, stopping you from falling to the ground completely.
You heard him try to comfort you, hushing you and bringing you slowly to your knees. Whispering in your ears "Shh, mawey princess, everything will be alright." The solace his words brought you was like none other in the whole of Pandora. Here in his strong arms with no one around, you felt like nothing could stop you. You'd cry out a whole sea if it meant having his attention like this for all your life.
But eventually all good things come to an end and you remembered he was the reason you were crying in the first place. Neteyam with his sweet gestures and warm heart. You shook your head and pushed him off. "You won't be able to do anything about it. Leave me alone."
His eyebrows furrowed and a look of confusion took over his face. "What do you mean princess ?" He tried getting closer to you slowly, as if approaching a frightened animal. Frustration and anger rose inside you, getting up you took several step backs away from him. "Stop calling me that !"
You wiped your tears and pursued "You don't have the right to ignore me all the time and then act like you care about what happens to me !" Taken aback Neteyam stood up, still confused, only this time frustration was thrown in the mix as well.
"What are you saying ? Of course I care about you Y/N ! I always have," He took a deep breath, his chest rising up and down quickly. Your heart was beating in your chest. This was it, the moment you'd been waiting for. Neteyam had the right to not like you, but if it was the case, then you had to write a new chapter for yourself. Add a new event to your songchord.
"Look, I don't know what made you say that but we should go talk about it inside. The ceremony is going to start soon, you've been working on it for a while. I don't want us to be late." You started gritting your teeth to avoid hissing at him, your tail was smacking the ground so hard it was almost painful.
"Can't you see I don't care about the ceremony right now !" This man was going to make you crazy. "You wanted to know who made me cry ? Well, you'll be happy to know it was you ! You made me cry !" His mouth opened but no words escaped. You had rendered him speechless.
"For all these years Neteyam, we've been there for each other but lately it's like I don't even exist to you anymore ! I thought we had something different, that even if you could never return my feelings you still cared for me. But nothing ! The grand gestures, the nicknames, the love in your eyes they were all lies !"
Tears were running down your cheeks now but sky people could bomb the place that you would still finish what you had to say. "Did you know I love you Neteyam ? Did you know every time you pass me by, my heart can't help but beat for you ? The Great Mother knows I've tried telling you this a million times but you'd always been too busy with your duties to even glance at me anymore."
Now that anger had vanished, desperation took its place. All the adrenaline you felt earlier disappeared and your blood ran cold at what you just told him. Did you really just confess your love for him in the middle of the woods while crying like a madwoman ? Ashamed at your behavior you decided to run away for the second time today.
You had been lying on your bed for hours now, hidden away from anyone and anything that could remind you of how badly you messed up. The scene was replaying itself endlessly in front of you every time you closed your eyes. Your heart felt heavier by the minute. Neteyam hated you now, the only man you ever showed interest in probably thought you were crazy.
Tears came up again at the idea. You had skipped the warrior's ceremony. It was supposed to be a beautiful night with everyone in the clan to celebrate the coming of hot weather again and the bountiful hunt the warriors had brought back. There was simply no way you'd go just to see him get praised from every woman hoping to mate him one day, sitting back in your pod and being miserable while licking away at your wounds was more appropriate.
"Y/N, it's me, Tsireya. Can I come in ?" You groaned and turned around in your hammock. Apparently Tsireya didn't exactly care about whether or not you wanted her here because she simply opened the curtain and slipped inside. A pitiful look crossed her face at your state.
"Oh, Y/N" She hugged you and stroke your hair slowly. "Lo'ak told me to go check on you but I didn't think I'd find you like this, what happened ? Why weren't you at the ceremony ? You've been preparing for it for weeks." You wiped your cheeks and simply looked at her.
Your heart was still much too raw for you to tell the whole story so you skipped any details and said the chest covering you were planning on wearing wasn't done and you didn't want to go without it.
"You're a terrible liar you know that ? I have a feeling this concerns a certain Omaticaya man whose name starts with an N and ends with an M, but I won't probe deeper than that since you don't want me to." From behind her, Tsireya took out a bag you didn't notice she had and extended it to you "Open it."
Carefully feeling around the bag for anything fragile, you took out what felt like fabric beneath your fingertips. The set you had been working on all week was right in front of you, completely finished and glowing like small stars had been sprinkled on it.
"Tsireya," The sight had left you speechless and guilt clogged up your throat "This is incredible thank you, I'm sorry I wasn't here to wear it tonight." Though, the girl in front of her didn't seem very sad all her hard work went to waste, a small grin even made its way on her full lips.
"Oh but you are going to wear it tonight." What ? This didn't make any sense whatsoever. The ceremony had ended, everyone was back in their pods and probably sleeping already. "Every year, after the elders go to sleep a party is secretly organized with the younger adults to celebrate, and you are coming with me."
She didn't even let you say anything before pulling you up and throwing the clothes your way. This wasn't how you expected finishing up the day but knowing Neteyam there was little to no chance he'd be there partying with everyone without Jake and Neytiri knowing. Lo'ak and Kiri would undoubtedly show up but avoiding them would be rather easy.
By the end you had to admit you looked stunning even if the coverings ended up being much more revealing than intended. You could feel the breeze through them and hoped your pebbled nipples wouldn't peak through the strands of weed.
When you arrived in front of the group of party-goers, the temperature made it feel like you had a fever. It was reddening your cheeks and making you dizzy, filling you with excitement and fright all at once to produce a delicious mix of adrenaline.
"Here you are !" Lo'ak had been waiting for them on the side close to the drinks. Music was deafening you and the campfire gave a strange orange glow to everyone around. You didn't even listen to what he said to Tsireya before walking deeper in the party near the people dancing.
You had slowly started swaying to the tune when hands came on your hips. The man pulled you closer to him, your back against his hard chest. The scent of sea salt and leather broke your trance and you immediately looked up to see the only person you had tried to avoid all afternoon.
"Hello princess," There was Neteyam standing behind you in all his glory. He had took off his hunting gear and replaced it with necklaces and some of the traditional jewelry he used to wear back in the forest. He leaned in close to your ear "I was afraid you wouldn't come tonight, but thankfully you did. Saved me from going directly to your pod, though I definitely wouldn't have minded that either." You could feel his smirk against your ear.
"What are you doing here Neteyam ?" You tried getting out from his hold but he quickly pulled back stronger leaving you with no choice but to stay. He chuckled silently before blowing air on your neck. Shivers ran down your spine and you almost let out a whine at the closeness. "Mawey." his hand started to slowly go up your body leaving a trail of what looked like golden dust.
To say you were surprised at the substance covering his hands was an understatement. "What's this ?" The only answer was him coming closer to your neck and grazing the skin with his lips. You swallowed thickly, slowly exhaling while leaning your head back to his shoulders. With your eyes closed, the teasing sensation of his lips was almost too much.
"Open your eyes and look at the men around you, ma Y/N." The plane of soft pleasure he had you on felt way too good to ruin by the sight of others so you kept them closed. Only, Neteyam wasn't of the same opinion. Taking your chin between his fingers, he gently raised your head to set it upright. You let out an unsatisfied grunt and to that he slid his hand down to loosely grab your neck. "Look at their hands princess."
Only then after obeying him did you realize every man's hands were painted a different color, he had answered your question. "They said the paint was here to help men know which women were spoken for," Now that he mentioned it, Tsireya's waist and hands were covered in a vibrant shade of glittering red dust, just like Lo'ak's hands. You rolled your eyes, you didn't belong to Neteyam in any way and he knew that. "I know, it's absurd. To treat women like they're property waiting to be marked."
"Are you playing with me again Neteyam ?" You were on the verge of combustion and tried escaping his hold one last time before surrendering everything you were to him. Neteyam pulled you back by the string of your chest cover. "I'm not, ma Y/N. I've never played with your feelings only hid myself in delusions of indifference."
The hand close to your cover's string was playing dangerously with the knot holding it together "The idea is ridiculous but just imagining you with another's mark was enough to make me come here." There was no doubt if you sat anywhere now, the ground would be left soaking wet and if you didn't get out fast enough it would start trickling down your thighs.
"I'm not playing with your feelings ma Y/N. I've never played with your feelings only hid myself in delusions of indifference." Neteyam grabbed you by the arm and led you deeper towards the forest "Let me give you the reward you deserve princess."
As soon as you reached a quiet area with no one around to disturb the both of you anymore, he pressed his lips into you. Nothing could have prepared you for the sparks the kiss had ignited inside you. Neteyam's hands went from stroking your hair to gliding down your back and grab your ass.
You moaned in the kiss, feeling his chest and the scars you had wanted to lick for so long against your skin. When you tried deepening the kiss he suddenly pulled away, frowning at his rejection you wrapped your arms around his neck in hopes of closing the distance but Neteyam went for your neck "I'm sorry."
All the way down your body he kept muttering apologies on your skin, lighting up your soul with the briefest of touch and smearing the dust around until his gilded hands hid in the expanse of your body.
When he reached your loincloth he raised one of your legs on his shoulder and untied it. "I'm sorry for not giving you the love you deserve, for not realizing the gift of a woman that was in front me this whole time." But it was what he said next that would stay engraved in your memory forever "Oel n'gati kameie Y/N"
You almost cried at his words but the feeling of his mouth on your pussy was enough to make you scream instead. His tongue was hot, licking at your slit with long, slow strokes, lapping up the wetness between your legs. "All this for me princess ?" His smile could be felt on your skin.
"You really shouldn't have." With that he sucked at your clit and it was enough for the world around you to disappear. "Neteyam I-" Stars and gold dust clouding your vision. Your legs felt like jelly and the only thing holding you upright was Neteyam's grip on your hips.
"Shh, princess. You're such a good girl for me." While he kissed you, you felt him tug on the knot of your cover to expose your chest to him. He latched on a nipple immediately sucking and lightly biting it before turning you around. "Lean on the tree princess, bend over for me.
Still shaky from your previous orgasm you did as he said. Neteyam's beads were clanking against each other and his bulge pressed against your behind. " I'm going to go slow at first tell me if it hurts." You nodded and braced yourself by holding the tree.
When the tip went in, it instantaneously felt like your whole world had changed. The groans in your ear felt like bliss and his thrusts began like he said, slow and gentle to get you used to him. As time passed his hands started holding you tighter, going deeper and faster into you. "Fuck, Neteyam I'm gonna- again." You both were panting like you had run around the whole village and golden dust was now everywhere.
"I know you want to, so come Y/N. Come with me." His hand went to your clit, toying with it and pinching it between his fingers. Your second orgasm hit you, moaning so loud the whole village was probably aware of what you were both doing by now. You felt Neteyam stop behind you and warm liquid going down you legs.
"You did so well for me princess." He kissed your spine before turning you around to carry you across the forest and back to one of the small hammocks you had set up before in an attempt to mimick your home. "Neteyam," He hummed and stroked your hair to let you know he was listening "Oel n'gati kameie".
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