#friend asked a singular question about hannibal and i started panting like a dog experiencing a category five autism event in her dms
degloved · 5 months
hannibal. god. hannibal. every last one of his actions throughout the show thrums with the undercurrent of desperation. every manipulation, every lie told, it's steeped in this ugly desperation he tries to cover up so badly, but he can't. it bleeds into everything he touches. he needs to get will to like him, to trust him. he needs will's trust more than he needs air to breathe. he talks to god but the sky is empty for the first time in years, because will walks the earth. he wants to drop to his knees and beg for love and understanding, but his legs won't bend and his mouth will only spout vaguities and half-truths. none of his approaches work, he's lost his footing for the first time in decades, it's making him lash out. the lashing out is, too, layered in desperation. he's unraveling
and more than anything he wants to grab will's face and Show Him. and it's a delicate dance, because will is so easily spooked. not spooked, maybe, but pushed away. he doesn't tick like a normal person, and maybe that's what hannibal needs, but it's tricky. and it all culminates on that goddamn cliff and as they're going over, will is drenched in blood and red is his color and there's gore in his mouth laced between his teeth where he'd bitten out a chunk from a man's neck and he's telling hannibal It's Beautiful and he's holding on for dear life and he Sees, the way hannibal's wanted him to See ever since that day he'd shot garrett jacob hobbs in his own kitchen, and maybe it's over and maybe it's just begun but it doesn't even matter because he's finally got what he's been after for the past three fucking seasons and no one can take it away from him DO YOU HEAR WHAT IM TELLING YOU
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