#friend: sammo!
linawritesocs · 1 year
In chapter 2 of twst yumeko sang despacito on repeat outside of leona's room. She knows the lyrics bc she was staying with her grandma in puerto rico one summer and the only station her cousin had on his car radio played despacito 24/7 on repeat.
very gatekeep gaslight girlboss of her and I AM SO SORRY YUMEKO I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE
i tell this story to basically everyone i know and meet, there was a time when i had to go to a dentist and there also was a radio and it was on. at first i was like "oh okay, some music to distract me from my pain, sounds good to me :)" but.. i forgot that it was that time when despacito just came out and was insanely popular. yeah.
dentist: oh man, i'm afraid you have some very serious teeth problems :(
me: this is so sad alexa play despacito
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linalilia · 1 year
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SHFGVDGDHDHDH YEAH i guess them saying "anything disney makes" can count as twst but. seriously, imagine them finding out about twst. a game about characters who are based on disney villains and also most of those characters often do bad or at least morally questionable things (and don't really try to change for the better). and there is also the masquerade event and like. ROLLO'S WHOLE EXISTENCE HJDJDJKDJK
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megahorous · 2 years
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Poison and Hugo go out for Chinese food [prepared by Sammo from Martial Law] !
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kalu-luwa · 1 year
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neph doesn’t have much of a fashion sense unfortunately
but I’d imagine they’d rather have yumeko well-dressed and popping off than them
besides, yume-chan deserves the world
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astral--horrorshow · 2 years
You're actually my first mutual by the way so not too strong at all I was very excited when I saw you ask! I thought I followed you already too but apparently not!
I'm happy to be your first mutual!! Your writing is really great! Also if I got back to this late im sorry i was heading to bed when i asked you 😭
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linawritestwst · 2 years
your writing i associate with vanilla scented candles and and a bright summer day!
so cute!! i have a vanilla candle and i like it a lot, so i'm glad that my writing gives off a vibe like that! 🥺🥺
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vintagegeekculture · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Angela Mao!
Of all the people who ever called themselves “the female Bruce Lee,” Angela Mao was the only one who ever seemed worthy of that stupendously grandiose title. After all, even though she played Bruce Lee’s sister in Enter the Dragon, people forget, she was a leading lady in martial arts films before and after that role; that role didn’t make her, it was just a coronation. In fact, her stardom predates Bruce Lee’s. In fact, calling her the female Bruce Lee might be underselling her, as her films actually outperformed Bruce Lee’s in 1972 and 1973.
Even though it was the studio that would later discover Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee (as well as the place where Sammo Hung first directed and produced a film), Golden Harvest’s first movie (made with money laundered from the Chinese Mafia by noted gangster associate Raymond Chow) was The Angry River in 1970 a full two years before Bruce. It was built as a star vehicle around Angela Mao, who they correctly figured would be the next Cheng Pei Pei. In fact, Angry River seems to be the odd movie out in Angela Mao’s filmography, in that she gets a love story, is asked to cry on camera (Angela Mao is notoriously made of stone). It’s seldom seen today, maybe because it’s a Cheng Pei Pei movie that just happens to star Angela Mao. It took her next two films to discover her real identity and screen persona. 
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Her two biggest movies were two similar ones released and made closely together in time, a one-two punch: Hapkido, and When Taekwondo Strikes, both 1930s period pieces set in Occupied Korea, Hong Kong/South Korea co-productions (back when very little entertainment was made in South Korea), both of which essentially have the exact same plot: the main character who is a Chinese girl and martial artist caught up in the resistance to the hated Japanese occupiers of Korea, and their gi-wearing karate school enforcers, who are actually spies running operations for the occupation. 
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These movies set the basic formula for Angela’s Mao’s films: she was a lady tiger who was fed up and wasn’t going to take it anymore, an all-Chinese girl who represented the presumed Chinese audience, and who got in exotic and beautiful Asian locations. In The Tournament, Angela Mao went to Thailand to challenge the Thai Kickboxers at their own game (the first Thai Boxing themed movie of course, is Cheng Cheh’s Duel of the Fists, which predates it by mere months). In The Himalayan, she was caught among the intrigues of the Himalayan tribes, which is easily her most beautiful movie with the most stunning locations, actually filmed in Tibet and Nepal. Blood Oath, another from her Golden Period, was essentially a remake of Lady Snowblood, and she kills people with scorpions. Finally, Lady Whirlwind gave her her nickname, much like how Madonna is known as the Material Girl. I can’t recommend that one, as it’s one of a few movies she splits top billing.
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Angela Mao was who she was because her friends loved her. Yes, of course, she was good friends with Bruce Lee (stories disagree on how “close” and “friendly” they were, if you get my meaning), but it is just amazing to see, in the backgrounds of her movies, stuntmen turned action movie stars like Sammo Hung, Lam Ching-Ying (Mr. Vampire himself) and yes, even Jackie Chan. Blink and you miss him, arguably the most famous human being in Asia, and there he is, a nobody knockaround stuntman right behind Angela Mao, the star. 
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Angela Mao very seldom got a love story or boy-friend in her movies. really. She seemed so ferocious, all glares, that it was like the tiger spirit inside of her scared off any love. Either way, nearly all martial arts actresses can be ranked on a continuum of “vulnerability” to “ferociousness,” with some, like Kara Hui, leaning toward vulnerability, Queen Boxer Judy Lee somewhere in the middle, and Angela Mao at the far, ferocious end.  No surprise, there: Angela Mao had a glare that could stop a charging rhino, one that her children said meant “they were in trouble.”
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I’m delighted to say that Angela Mao is alive and well. But that was not clear until very recently. You see, at the height of her fame, Angela Mao vanished mysteriously. No one knows what happened to her...until 2016, when the New York Times, researching the fate of the lost Queen of the Kung Fu Movie, reported she was alive and well and running a Chinese restaurant in Queens, hiding in plain sight. 
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Hello! Could you please write some ploy Yandere Ruggie x reader x Leona?
Haven't written anything for Twisted Wonderland so this was a nice change of pace. <3 Sorry it's so short though, I'm a little tired!
❝ - pay no attention to the lies they try to feed you, it's a wicked, twisted fable, he's not stable. ❞
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Sharing with these two is a ride. There are days when they work seamlessly with each other, perfectly filling a role the other cannot while also making up for their own dumb mistakes and fuck ups. Leona is often the more dominating one in the relationship ie. his word is always the final one. If he's in a good mood he might take Ruggie's feelings into the equation but there are no promises, not if he's not blackmailed that is.
These two chuckleheads falling for the same person really isn't all that impossible to achieve actually so there's a solid chance that they'll be onto each other and they end up deciding to work together because it's just less trouble that way. They've caused mischief and mayhem in the past, what's to say they won't push that bar even higher?
As good of a team they are it really is impossible to deny that both of them have a mean and possessive streak and it's hard to tell who's the worst one, your opinion changes on the daily.
Leona has very specific demands and rules he expects you to follow and doesn't really care about your personal space, prompting to leave little love bites and scratches all over your body. His scent also lingers on your body 24/7, a dangerous sign to anyone if they get any funny ideas.
Ruggie actually does care a little about your feelings, kinda... He does have that give and take mentality though. If he takes care of you, he expects the same treatment back. If Leona is mean to you and he sticks his neck out for you he kinda expects you to be a bit more appreciative of him and his advances. He's also aware that Leona scents you like crazy but that doesn't stop him from trying to do the same either. He's uncomfortable in admitting that he feels jealous of him and fears you prefer Leona due to his money and status.
ALSO, say goodbye to your personal life, like, for good. Friends? What friends, there will be none of that. Stick close to them, follow the rules and behave.
That's all you have to do.
... that doesn't mean they won't go out of their way to make this more difficult than it should be though.
🍒 TAGS: @yanroma, @sammo-writes-whatever, @misszealeastersblog, @cc-6789
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
the hand of death (1976) shows john woo, jackie chan, and sammo hung before the development of the styles of directing and acting respectively that would become so iconic to them. jackie chan and sammo hung act in this film in the straightforward roles of vengeance-obsessed secondary hero and self-important secondary villain with none of the physical comedy or setting-dependent action choreography that they would later become known for. similarly, the story both written and directed by (and starring, in the minor role of a macguffin scholar-spy) john woo follows fairly closely in the footsteps of chang cheh, both in terms of narrative structure, of stock character usage, and of stakes and narrative priorities. these stakes and priorities center around the here-unified forces of vengeance and justice, bringing a manchu-allied traitor to shaolin to justice for his crimes against his brothers and against all han people; the ending is triumphant and facilitated by great violence. however, the film does bear some markers of john woo’s fondness for tragedy, ironic triumph, and pyrrhic victories. as the at times very artful cinematography shows, despite the apparently wide-open world, the hero yun fei is boxed into his terrible destiny. surrounded by treachery and senseless bloodshed, he sees the brothers and friends he loves die one by one—willingly sacrificing themselves, but doing so in such great numbers that their deaths seem unjustifiable nonetheless. and, in the end, their deaths are for nothing: they sacrificed themselves to end the tyranny of the manchus, and we the audience know that the 300-year qing dynasty had only just begun. the film ends, not on the climactic moment of triumph as the villain dies like the mystery of chess boxing (1979) does, but on yun fei surveying the field of graves of people who died to kill this one man. although far from john woo’s best work or even his best work from this period of his career, the hand of death (1976) does present an underhanded and ironic tragedy that i deeply enjoyed
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norfkid · 4 months
was tagged by @patronsaintofdesire to answer these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better! thank you, malina :]
last song: as of writing this, marie doucer, marie colère by manon hollander from the john wick 4 soundtrack. it's essentially a french version of paint it black by the rolling stones & it's a banger
favourite colour: i always say yellow (like a gold yellow, #ffc000), but by that i usually mean the combination of black & yellow. i'm also pretty fond of the greyish-blue i use on my blog (#7b9e9a)
last film/tv show: the last thing i watched in full was point break (ty andrew @busaikuknee for initially convincing me to watch it, "keanu reeves has to learn how to surf to solve robberies" is a truly baffling concept & no one will ever do it again). i say "in full" bc also been revisiting a lot of clips from ip man 1-4 so in my head it feels like i've rewatched those too
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury. i don't have sweet things very often, and while i can tolerate fairly spicy food i just don't enjoy it that much (i'm a massive disappointment to my family)
relationship status: philosophically speaking, aren’t we all single?
last thing i googled: cozmo and vector robots! i saw a video somewhere of these guys and got so excited. they're these rly cute little WALL-E -esque robot friends made by an american robotics/ai startup called Anki, who specialised in robotics technology for children. i looked online to see if they were still around, but they've been discontinued since the company went bankrupt in April 2019 <\3
also related, there's this article from 2019 i read called Discovery of the Uncanny Valley that briefly mentions the Vector robots, but also discusses other examples of technology made in the past that have these human-like attributes given to them. it's a light read & there are some links to other similar articles at the end if you're into that stuff :]
current obsession: well, wrestling is always a given. i've fallen out with njpw for months now, but i've been watching more pro wrestling noah instead & i'm loving it tbh
apart from that, i've been watching a lot of Donnie Yen films bc i'm a little bit a lot in love with the old man (60 y/o btw & looks like that, fucking wild man). and by proxy i've been learning a bit about chinese martial arts (wing chun, in particular (a southern chinese style that influenced guys like ip man, bruce lee, jackie chan, sammo hung, donnie yen, etc etc)) through his interviews and stuff.
it's funny that i'm always so interested in "sports" i can't ever physically do & they always have some element of storytelling/performance and coordination... the martial arts to stunt performance to choreography to dance pipeline is all just so fucking fascinating.
i think chinese martials arts has gripped me bc all these 70s/80s/90s films made in china rely so much on pulling off wild stunts and fights without the budget for cgi and equipment. not to discredit the guys that do their own stunts in hollywood, but it's rare and always cause for celebration... in chinese filmmaking it's so normal. and as a result their performances are just so real and visceral. like, i watch wrestling ffs, ofc i'm drawn to films where storytelling and physicality intertwine. you construct intricate rituals etc etc
on that note, i'm really excited by the new wave of stunt performers turned film directors we've been getting. guys like Yuen Woo-Ping (Matrix Reloaded, Drunken Master) are already established in coordinating incredible scenes and stunts, but more recently: Chad Stalenski (the John Wick films), David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde), Sam Hargrave (Extraction), etc. there's a sort of magic lost in all these mainstream big budget marvel superhero and hollywood action films where fight scenes are so easily ruined by a thousand jumpcuts and wiring and fantasy, but these guys are bringing back that special smth, that authenticity and grittiness (not only in their choreography, but in the filmmaking and cinematography of those fight scenes too). it's so refreshing & i’m fucking nerd sorry
not so much an obsession, but i've also developed a new, old appreciation for woodwork (carving, whittling, joinery, etc) & in another life i think i would have loved to be a carpenter...
last book: admittedly, i don't read. tho i got a joblot of old hellblazer comics from ebay recently and have been meaning to revisit them
looking forward to: not much really... i find it hard to think about the distant future & i don't get that sense of anticipation and motivation from long-term plans. maybe getting this third and last year of uni over and bloody done with? which is incidentally something i'm absolutely dreading (“you need to get a job, you need to get a job, you need to get—”)
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linawritesocs · 2 years
Omggg ok so yume would show up in dresses like these and rollo would have a heart attack
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HSGHSHAHSSDGSH this guy went "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" when he saw seth's shoulders IF YUME SHOWS UP IN THIS.. he's dead. she killed him. the event ends right there, good job everyone
okay but the dresses are REALLY pretty, yumeko would look beautiful in something like this!
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linalilia · 1 year
Pov what yume sees after she gets kidnapped by idia in ch 6
can't believe that they finally revealed the official idia english dub
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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After he reconciled with writer/producer/director Tsui Hark, Jet Li returned to the Once Upon A Time In China franchise, playing legendary martial artist Wong Fei-hung one final time.
Directed by Hong Kong action legends Sammo Hung and Lau Kar-Wing, Once Upon A Time In China And America has Wong Fei Hung and several of his supporting characters visit the American West. Fei-hung gets knocked on the head during a fight and develops amnesia. He is then adapted by a Native American tribe, and lives among them until the big fight at the end when he recovers his memory. Fei-hung says farewell to his new tribe, and returns to China with his friends.
This is not the best entry in the series. Several parts are cringeworthy and NOT politically correct, as it seems the filmmakers only know about Native Americans and the Old West from what they've seen in old cowboy movies. Some of the humor is forced and groan-inducing as well.
Still, there are some wonderful fight scenes in the film; it's fun seeing Fei-hung and the gang battle cowboys. And despite all its flaws, I still have a soft spot for the OUTICAA as a family friend worked with Sammo Hung as an assistant director on the film.
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kalu-luwa · 2 years
how atll are you, kalu? i'm 5'2.
omg 5'2"???? i'm not even pushing 5' yet rip
I'm a very small person ;;
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astral--horrorshow · 2 years
You kind of remind me of Kalim !! Maybe Floyd too? Just because of your levels of energy ! It's a very nice vibe 🥰💕
Oooo!! I recall thinking that Kalim is the only twst character i would get along with besides maybe deuce. I just can't handle people being mean to me, i will LITERALLY CRY.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
hey, lina, have you seen little shop of horrors (1986)?
oh, i did hear about it, but i haven't watched it!
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