#friends oc: rainer nahi
chaoticspacefam · 4 years
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@ k-christine and I finally had some time to do a couple of those ship memes that were floating around a couple months back, so we did the two main parents from the Zephyrverse AU! :D hoping to do Maite and Toqa (the kids, funnily enough haha) sometime too. These aren’t even half of the ships we have but we had to pic our favs/OTPs from all of them cause we’d be here years if we tried to do EVERY single ship LOL Sash and Rainer belong to my friend, Saarai and Alvaaus belong to me, I drew my side and she drew hers, obviously! :3 look how adorable they are, I love both these ladies so much and so do their spouses owo
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