#friends oc: sash ahaszaai
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
Saarai (Sith Empress): I'm sick of being the bigger person, from now on I'm just going to start biting people
Sash (Empress Consort/Her Wife), in the background: *heavy sigh* I'll let her do it. I will.
Saarai: :))
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
Saarai (Sith Empress): I bet I could fit the whole world in my hands!
Sash (Empress Consort): That is physically impossible.
Saarai: Oh really?
Saarai, cupping Sash’s cheeks: There. Did it.
Sash, blushing furiously: Stoop we have a reputation to uphold.
Source: incorrect-quote-templates
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
Saarai (Sith Empress): You know what keeps me up at night?
Saarai: Our fingers have fingertips, but our toes don't have toetips. BUT we can still TIPtoe.
Sash (Her wife), groggily: Rai it's 4 in the morning, go the fuck to sleep...
Source: [x]
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
Saarai (Sith Empress): Hey, sweetheart? Remember at our wedding, when you said you’d take me for better or worse from that day forward, until death shall part us? 
Sash (Her wife), staring: What did you do?
Source: Incorrect Quote Ideas
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
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“I met a stranger, a stranger, In the city today. And I gave her my umbrella, Cause she had no coat on in the rain. And she smiled, and she said... “I thought, chivalry was dead~” I just smirked, passed her by Failed to catch her eye Or her name ...But I thought about her.”
a.k.a local gays touch hands for the first time after a battle and immediately short-circuit on the spot LMAO
*slam dunks in here JUST in time to say this counts for femslash Feb* shugsdyudgd THIS TOOK ME SO LONG AAAAAAAAA, I spent way too much time on their armour, remember the WIP from this post? TA DAHH  ✨🎉 I had a lot of fun with the lighting <3 These girls live in my head rent-free p much 24/7 they’re so good and wholesome and they love eachother so much, and I just love them ok,,,🥺🥺🥺
Credits yadda yadda
W/ Lyrics and then w/o lyrics, the song is “Laura” by Jasmine Kennedy and is linked above. Go listen to it, it’s great ❤️❤️ The background is a blurred out version of one of the Zakuul (?) loading screens from in-game, I spent too much time on their armour & the shading/lighting oop and ran outta time to do a background but I didn’t want it to be “plain” so weee Sash/Darth Fatale, the Nautolan (who is just Very Short - even before factoring in that Saarai is A Fucking Giant - so that’s why there’s such a “big” height difference, don’t even go there, fuck off antis lmao) belongs to my friend on dA @ k-christine Saarai, the tol tomato lady and the art, belongs to me ofc I didn’t use any specific references for this one tho I did have to have a look around at some screencaps of the in-game Nautolan models etc, as a reference point for Sash’s tentacle..style? cause it’s the first time I’ve ever drawn them all pulled-up like that and it was tricky hahaha
DO NOT repost my art anywhere unless it was a commission done for you, in which case you are more than welcome to use it in a TH gallery or a bio page etc. as decoration with credit,  Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
OTP in a GIF meme!
Another super fun meme, thanks for the tags @actualanxiousswampwitch​ & @rainofaugustsith​! :D I shall tag @walk-ng-d-saster​ , @kyber-heart​ , @a-muirehen​ and @elaphaemourra​ , if you feel like it, no pressure! And anyone else who wants to, consider this a tag! Yes, I promise I mean you ;)
because I have no self control....most of my ships XD
for Subterfugeverse
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and the (reverse!)Zephyrverse AU(s):
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and a bonus for Saarai x Tsâhis because even tho I wasn’t specifically looking for one for them, this one came up whilst I was searching for the others and it’s perfect D:
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Got tagged by @palepinkycat for the art version of this, this time. So, time to dust off some WIPs! Uhhh, I don’t really know of any other friends/mutuals who draw who haven’t already been tagged for this one so: if you see this and want to do it, go for it! :D
They’re all Saarai (sorrynotsorry, she’s really easy (and fun) to draw and also my favourite so...sorry if you think she’s annoying but you should expect that from me by now lol 😬😬 ), Zephyrverse (tho I seriously considered doing an Odessen version of the background for “I See Fire”, I’ll see how I feel about it when I get that far XD) and song-based, so *opens my jacket and a couple of sketches fall out* take these XD
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This one is called “Chivalry Was Dead”, which is another song lyric reference (”I thought chivalry was dead” but I like to keep titles short so I can easily pick them out otherwise my brain bluescreens). It’s less obvious if you haven’t heard the song it’s from but you’ll see when it’s done.
Yes, the height difference really is that big, there’s like a whole ass foot of height between them. Rai loves her tiny wife very much even if at the precise moment in time this piece illustrates she is not yet her wife, or even her girlfriend, more like “girl-I-really-like-who-I-sort-of-flirted-with-a-couple-of-times-and-really-want-to-kiss-but-I’m-still-not-sure-if-she’s-into-me-like-that” (they are both disasters but we love them skjskshsk XD)
I really need to draw the girls more tbh. But anyway! this is a much newer sketch (as in I started it literally yesterday but hey, it was before Wednesday, it counts! XD) hence why there’s a lot less “to” it atm, but I’m hoping to have it done before the end of the month so I can use it for femslash February owo
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This one is labelled “I See Fire” so the song choice is pretty obvious, I’ve also been jokingly calling it “Psychometry Vision Hell, Please The Force Let This Woman SLEEP” as a reference to the plot that it’s from. XD Poor Saarai hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep lately and neither has Sash by association hahaha
I haven’t touched this one in a little while, I started it ages ago (like probably...late 2019 or early 2020) and then kept fudging the hands so I got frustrated and abandoned it for a while but I picked it up again last week and as you can see I finally managed to make some progress! I really like this one so far but do note this is literally just a base sketch, I haven’t even gotten to her outfit or added her scars yet (I’ll probably try and do that tomorrow if I’m up to it)
I am unfortunately that artist that has a million and one ideas but is slow af at ever finishing them so these are literally the only two that are substantial enough for me to show you guys rn 😅 I swear to God I do draw other characters that aren’t Saarai, just...not lately LMAO
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
☾, ☆, ♡ for Saarai and Aria 💕
Thank you for the asks, @elvhenyoung ! :D
From this headcanon ask meme, here: [x]
☾ - a sleep headcanon
because I feel like I talk a lot about the OT3 and not half as much about Rai and Sash, have a Zephyrverse answer for this one!
Rai’s a cuddler, even in her sleep, when they’re sharing a bed it usually takes some arm gymnastics because Sash is so much shorter, but it usually ends with her tucked against Rai’s chest somehow with Rai’s chin on her shoulder or her head. But that’s a-okay, Sash likes it and actually she will NOT go to sleep if Rai’s not there holding her so it’s a win-win situation for them <3
Aria has night terrors relating to her Sith training and her trials (*cough*murdering her mother *cough cough*) so she actually has pretty bad insomnia and struggles to sleep most of the time, though it’s easier if Vano’s in the room or right next to her, as Vano can kind of project some calming vibes through their Force bond and stop her unconscious brain from deliberately dredging up the bad memories.
☆ - a happy headcanon When Saarai’s happy, trust me, you’ll know it. Why? She purrs. It’s not quite the same as a cat purr, it’s a little more guttural, and how loud it gets depends on a) exactly how happy she is, b) what she’s happy about, and/or c) who she’s with. Sometimes it’s barely audible unless you have your head on her shoulder/chest and can feel the vibration, sometimes it’s loud enough to rival a freighter engine. It scared the crap out of Koth the first time he heard it and he jumped so bad he actually threw a datapad at her head by accident because he wasn’t expecting the sound to come out of her and he mistook it for a growl. XD
Aria may seem like a difficult person to keep happy, but that’s actually not the case. Just take her to a cantina and buy her a drink and boom: happy tiny Sith who’s less angry for a little bit hahaha
♡  - a romantic headcanon
Rai’s quite the hopeless romantic and she tends to fall in love fairly easily and quickly, which can be both fortunate or unfortunate depending on how you look at it and/or a prospective partner’s tendency to get jealous. She’s got a lot of love to give and she won’t pick “favourites” if that happens to include more than one person, like Lana and Koth in Subterfugeverse. (though Sash is easily jealous so in the Zephyrverse she tends more towards staying loyal to her so as to not make Sash uncomfortable :3)
Aria’s not a particularly “vocal” romantic, she’ll use pet names like “babe” on occasion, but otherwise she doesn’t tend to say “I love you” out loud very often (unless Vano says it first, she’ll say it back then), instead her love language tends to be a lot more subtle and usually focused around being there for her partner and/or doing little things for Vano like making sure she remembers to eat something at the right times, getting back in contact with her brother so they can finally reunite once the Alliance takes off,  or tuning her saber for her if Vano’s too busy, etc.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
Sash, entering a Dark Council meeting several minutes late and straightening the front of her robe: Sorry I’m late, I was (long pause) ...doing things.
Saarai, entering after her with dishevelled hair and her shirt on backwards: It’s me. I’m “things” :’3
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
[during an argument]
Sash, hands on hips: Fine, if you don’t want to admit I’m right then take what’s yours and leave for a bit! Saarai, blinking slowly: *picks up Sash*
Saarai: You said “take what’s mine”!
Sash, struggling to stay mad: You’re an idiot.
Saarai: I know. But I’m your idiot.
Sash, biting her lip to keep from smiling: I’m still mad at you.
Source: incorrectclonewars
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
That’s called “teamwork” and it’s their wheelhouse
Random Person, staring in disbelief: But you’re like, five and a half feet tall how do you intimidate people?
Sash, smiling: Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Random person, confused: But you don’t -
Saarai (over 6 feet tall), standing behind Sash and cracking her knuckles: She’s the speak softly, I’m the stick.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
[Finding out Nautolans have in-built emotion (and therefore by extension,,horny. I’m sorry Saarai but yes I AM calling you out lmao) detectors be like]
Saarai: Wait. Wait wait. So, all of those times I made a complete fool of myself trying to impress you, you knew what I was doing it for???
Sash, trying not to laugh: Yes.
Sash: Yes.
Saarai: ;-; Whyyy?!
Sash, smirking: It was funny.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
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@ k-christine and I finally had some time to do a couple of those ship memes that were floating around a couple months back, so we did the two main parents from the Zephyrverse AU! :D hoping to do Maite and Toqa (the kids, funnily enough haha) sometime too. These aren’t even half of the ships we have but we had to pic our favs/OTPs from all of them cause we’d be here years if we tried to do EVERY single ship LOL Sash and Rainer belong to my friend, Saarai and Alvaaus belong to me, I drew my side and she drew hers, obviously! :3 look how adorable they are, I love both these ladies so much and so do their spouses owo
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
Saarai (Sith Empress), fretting: Are you crazy?! You could have been killed!
Sash (her long-suffering wife), expressionless, knowing full well that Saarai almost died first:
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Saarai, ignoring this fact to continue on: DO NOT. Follow me. Into exploding detonators!
Sash, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world: (hands on her hips) Then stop running INTO exploding detonators!!
Source: Frozen 2
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
[carrying in groceries]
Saarai: *insists she can carry every single bag by herself without help, nearly drops a few bags anyways*
Sash: *reaches a hand out to take some and help*
Saarai: *shifts the groceries all into her other hand so she can hold Sash’s hand*
Sash, sighing through her nose but also trying not to smile: That’s not what I was - but okay.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
Darth Veles (Sash’s former mentor): I have created a new Darth.
Saarai: Fucked up a perfectly good Sith is what you did.
Darth Veles:
Saarai: *shielding Sash against her torso and glowering accusingly* Look at her. She’s got anxiety.
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