#femslash feb 2021
luciesartblog · 1 year
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Femslash February- Week 4
Last one! These two also appeared in Femslash Feb 2021, the original is from 2015, and their designs have changed a lot since then. I remember I was super proud of this (I also remember it crashing my primitive art program multiple times), so it was nice to be able to update it 💙
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F/Feb 2021
Day 27 - Historic AU
Pairing - Mermaid!Rita/Pirate!Veridia
Words: 1303
Rating: T
This is the only day of Femslash Feb 2021 I never did at the time, but now almost 3 years later - it exists. It's technically Pirate!AU but since Pirates did exist a long time ago it's still Historic!AU
The wood of the ship groaned under the onslaught from the storm. Waves like mountains smashed into the hull and the wind grabbed everything it could and tossed it all into the sea including some of the crew. 
Veridia watched as two of the men got thrown overboard and immediately swallowed by the waves. 
Rain fells in sheets, drenching everyone on deck and coating the wood in a dangerous puddle. 
“Everyone who is not essential up here, get below deck!” She shouted over the wind. She had to stay and steer but maybe, just maybe she could save as many of her crew as possible. 
First mate Aquata was gripping the railing on the steps up as the ship pitched and rocked.
“The only way we all live through is to get to shelter!! Aquata yelled. “The storm’s too strong!”
“We just have to get past Mako! Once we’re out of the island’s reach we’ll be fine!”
 Mako loomed off their port side. Illuminated by lightning flashes every so often. The island was a sign of death. She never should have come so close. 
The next wave slammed so hard she heard wood crack. 
“Captain, we're taking on water!” Maya staggered up from below. Amaris, Naia and Cameron at her heels. 
“Get to the boats and pray to every God you’ve ever heard of they take mercy and let us pass!” Veridia ordered. 
“Who’s they captain?” Aquata asked.
Veridia had seen them out this way before. Mermaids. Half woman, half fish with long golden tails. Mako was a hotspot but somehow she thought she could get past them. The Mermaids had let her before. 
They were almost clear of the island when the entire ship moved beneath them. Veridia was thrown to the side, crashing into the very wheel she still gripped beneath gloved hands before smacking into the floor. 
“Wave!” Someone yelled. 
The ship was slammed again. Veridia’s grip slipped and she found herself skidding across the soaked deck as the ship tipped. She barely had time to scream before the wood beneath her ran out and she plummeted down into the sea. 
The water hit hard. It was like smashing into concrete, solid concrete that stung her skin and froze her right to her core. The salt stung her eyes and she couldn’t tell which way was up. It was darkness all around.
So this was how it ended. Burning lungs, freezing water, drowned to death in a magic storm. Even if she could somehow get to the surface the waves would immediately throw her under again. She didn’t even know if there was still a ship to get back too if she somehow survived the wave’s onslaught. 
She couldn't hold her breath anymore, nor could she stop the involuntary inhale of sea water. It flooded her lungs. On instinct she coughed only for more water to swarm her. She was drowning. Actually drowning. Notorious pirate captain Veridia Shore and she was drowning. So much for going out guns blazing with her ship like she’d wanted. She was going to die and tides knew what would become of the Ice Bitch, affectionately named for herself after some rotten mouthed pirate had spat in her face and called her just that - “an ice cold bitch” for refusing his advances. The man had been swiftly punched in the face and a bottle smashed on his head. 
The water took over, it was too hard to even try and fight now. She was sinking, the ocean taking her for it’s own. 
The surge of water coming out her lungs in acrid vomit forced her awake. She was awake. Actually awake. She was soaked through and numb, lying on some sand. Her chest and throat burned like hellfire. If this was the afterlife it sucked. 
“You lived,” a woman spoke from her side. 
Veridia barely managed to look over, the storm had taken all her strength, she saw golden scales.
Ah so this was it. She’d survived a storm only to be killed by one of the Mermaids. There was many legends of Mermaids eating those they drowned, grinding their bones for potions and using the very Moon itself to cast dangerous spells. 
“I thought you were gone, but there was this strong fire about you. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bit of Mermaid in you.”
“I’m not one of you,” Veridia barely managed to spit out. 
The Mermaid laughed. 
“I saved your life, I would think you’d have the sense not to insult me. Save I decide to drag you back out into the shallows and hold you down until you drown.”
Veridia just sagged into the cold, gritty sand. 
“I’ll give you a do over. Would you like me to get you dry?”
“Yes please.” The cold had reached her bones now. Being dry sounded nice. 
Warmth began to envelope her, it was so calming. She could almost close her eyes and just sleep away the rest of her aches…
Something hit her in the leg, hard, jolting her awake.
“You can’t sleep yet. You fall asleep here and someone else will come along and drown you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t feel like it. I like watching the boats pass by, you land people are interesting.”
“You saved me because we’re interesting?”
“And what’s wrong with that?”
Veridia slowly sat herself up and wiped dried sand off her face to get her first look at the Mermaid. The Mermaid was sitting on the sand, a long golden tail curled underneath her with a large, strong looking fin at the end. She had dark red hair clinging to her neck and shoulder. Her tail blended seamlessly into a tanned stomach. Her breasts were covered in a smattering of the same gold scales as her tail. 
“It’s rude to stare,” the Mermaid said and Veridia looked up and took in her face. She was pretty. Very pretty. No one had said Mermaids were pretty. For all the stories she almost expected fanged teeth, webbed ears and gills. 
“Sorry,” Veridia forced out.
The Mermaid smiled and Veridia felt her stomach flutter.
“My name is Rita.”
“Veridia,” the Mer - Rita, repeated. Why did she like how much the Mermaid said her name?
“It’s very nice to meet you Veridia.”
“You too.”
Rita tilted her head slightly and Veridia felt her cheeks flush. The Mermaid’s eyes were scanning her the way Veridia had most likely been doing to her. 
“Did any of my crew make it?”
“Most. Only those that fell overboard drowned. The storm stopped once you fell.”
Rita shrugged, “I stopped it.”
“I’m not part of this pod anymore. Sometimes I interfere with their practices, stop storms, rescue ships, and rescue people.”
“Can you take me back to my ship?”
“I probably can if you really want.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“It looks like such a dirty life. Do you even get to wash?”
“Is being a Mermaid much cleaner?”
“Yes actually, we’re a very clean species. Unlike you land people - we can smell you from your boats. If you really want to go back I’ll take you.”
Veridia staggered up to her feet. 
Rita uncurled her tail and and hauled herself to the incoming wave like a seal. The seemingly tiny wave was enough water for the Mermaid to stretch out and shoot out into the deeper water. Rita surfaced.
“You coming?”
Veridia waded into the water and dove forward far less gracefully than the Mermaid had. She treaded the water best she could while Rita swam around her. 
“What now?”
Rita swam right up to her and cupped her face, “just breathe.”
Veridia’s heart literally skipped a beat. Then the Mermaid’s lips were on her’s. Then she was plunged back into the water again. 
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broomsticks · 1 year
say something about the process of your writing, please! anything you like
*stares in horror at the microphone and slowly backs away*
hahaha i’ve been intentionally not playing all the writing ask games because i’m in a bit of a weird place re. my writing 🙈
long story short i was very called out by this excellent essay:
Despite the fact that I was mostly a femslash writer in my early times in fandom and the fact that I write f/f in my current fandoms today, it remains a curious truth that my growth as a writer from someone who wrote 1,000-word oneshots in one go to someone who wrote novel-length fanfic over several months coincided with going into a different fandom where my main focus was a m/m ship... I said I “shipped everyone” earlier – it would be just as correct to say I shipped no one, because I had no deep emotional investment in the ships I wrote about, and often wrote only one fic per ship… when I look at my story stats now, it’s clear that my f/f stories are shorter in word count and are less varied in their plot and execution than my m/m stories.
the best lesson i learned from writing fic in 2022 was to care less. to not care so much about what anyone thinks—including and most of all myself—and to just write.
but sometimes i wonder if i may have learned that lesson too well, because now/ at times/ increasingly (after the what, 20+ fics i put out in december? stupid number) i feel like — i don’t want to say i care too little, but.
i’ve gotten to a point where i can write a drabble/ficlet on just about anything: any character/pairing, any of the main genres (angst/ fluff/ smut, with apologies to crack), and that’s amazing—2021 me would never have imagined—but it’s also a little… sometimes i would like to care a little bit more about the things that i’m writing and posting!
i would like to write more things that i care about — except i don’t know what i Care About. especially because what i want to write and what i want to read have always been two completely separate things (i can’t read my own fics for pleasure. it’s literal torture 😂).
so yes anyway. that was a grotesquely rambling non-answer, but that’s the biggest thing on my mind re. the process of my writing right now! working on something short for remus lupin fest (the way i treat a fest’s min WC as a personal max WC 🙈), have some half-baked ideas for trans fest and maybe also frankenfest/femslash feb, toying with the idea of branching into a different fandom, but most of all i’d like to try to find something i could get invested in enough to maybe write for WLW BB. my someday-fandom goal! one-night-stands are cool and super fun but i want to figure out how to do deep emotional investment in a healthy manner. 😂
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Darkness and Light
by sstwins
Vi was a creature of the darkness, whereas Caitlyn lived in the light. They just weren't compatible.
Words: 222, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 25 of Femslash Feb 2023
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn (League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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buffydataviz · 2 years
BTVS Fandom on AO3 - Tillow and Fuffy
There are two blogs (ToastyStats and centrumlumina) that regularly post about AO3 fandom stats, and I wanted to summarize where BTVS ranks in their findings. The highlights?
While BTVS used to be a top fandom by popularity (as recently as Jan 2018) it is not anymore. Sadly no BTVS ships make the top overall ships list. But an Aug 2022 top 100 femslash ship ranking includes Tillow (Tara x Willow) at 61 and Fuffy (Faith x Buffy) at 73. (Back in 2014 they were both in the top 20!) And as of Feb 2021 Fuffy was top ranked for F/F ships with a higher percent of adult content, at 12. You can see them halfway down on the toastystat's chart below. Source links, more on Tillow, another chart, and other details after the cut!
Sources are at the end and noted in text in parentheses.
As recently as Jan 2018 (1 - ToastyStats) BTVS was one of the top 25 fandoms, considering only large fandoms. It was at 25 overall and 10 for TV show fandoms. "Large" meant over 25K fanworks. Fanworks include fan fic and also fan art!
Unfortunately BTVS is no longer one of the top fandoms. (2)
We know (from before) that 2 of the top 5 AO3 ships for BTVS are Tara x Willow (Tillow) and Faith x Buffy (Fuffy). While the other ships do not make the "top 100 ship lists" (3 - centrumlumina) Tillow and Fuffy do make the "femslash top 100" list (4). (Femslash is an older term for F/F ships.)
As of Aug 2022, rankings were Tillow at 61 and Fuffy at 73. Both fell from their ranking last year. The first year that centrumlumina did her femslash analysis, way back in July 2014, Tillow was at 9 and Fuffy was at 13! (5)
Additionally, if you're looking for F/F ships with a higher percent of adult content (rated Explicit or Mature), Fuffy is shown on this chart at 12. (6) That ToastyStats purple-y chart (also shown above) is sorted by % Explicit. Only F/F ships with more than 1,000 works were included. You can see the fuller set of data (that includes Tillow) at ToastyStats's helpful data link.
If you leave out the video games, leave out the Anna & Elsa (platonic) ship**, and sort by the total % Adult Content, you can create the chart below. In this chart Fuffy moves up to 8. The new chart shows the 1 - 25 ships, and by that method then Tillow is ranked at 24. (The main difference is sorting by % Explicit above vs % Adult Content below. Adult Content is combined Explicit and Mature rated fanworks.)
[ ** I suspect this is an error by the AO3 fanwork creators. Perhaps they meant to label their Anna - Elsa work as non-platonic, but they are using the "&" symbol instead of the "/" symbol for their ship.]
For the red - yellow - grey chart, if you mouse-over the fandom will pop-up, and you can also see the last year the original media aired. It will say current if the media is still going. Shout outs to Star Trek: Voyager (last aired 2001) and BTVS (2003) for being the oldest fandoms to make the top 25!
Also interesting to see that some media have two ships in this list: The 100 (2020), Glee (2015), and BTVS (2003).
While I made the red - yellow - grey chart on Flourish, all the data compilation was done by ToastyStats. All credit to her, and all errors in this chart are mine.
Note AO3 posts have more details. While you have to agree to their terms of service to view, they are rated G (for General) and you do not need an AO3 login.
2018 top fandoms: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
2022 top fandoms: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
2022 top ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
2022 top femslash ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
2014 top femslash ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
F/F stats: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
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Also, once I've finished my current three multichaps, Im gonna try to do a femslash feb I never finished in 2021
I'll post a list soon, so if anyone wants to request a ship for a prompt from the list they can
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dudebro231 · 4 months
new femslash feb! day 8!
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becca-becky · 3 years
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femslash feb: catradora + tropes
gif ids in alt text
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ami-v-dragnire · 3 years
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Day 3 // Book Wives
aka late to book omens week 
event hosted by @ineffable-wives-central​
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riahcafe-remade · 3 years
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Happy Femslash February and belated Valentine's Day from the sweetest girlfriends: Ann & Shiho 💕
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sylphoxide · 3 years
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moments of piltover's finest training for february's wlw spree~
*commissions are open!*
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luciesartblog · 3 years
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Femslash February - Green 
Ivy being protective of injured Harley is something I think about a lot 
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Femslash Feb 2021/2022 are finally finished! Just got the last 2 for this year to do now
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freyfall · 3 years
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Femslash February - day 14!
Happy Valentine’s Day! <3
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cherryronpa · 3 years
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9. candy
... okay so the only “candy” theme about this is the colour scheme is like a peppermint lolly, but i really enjoy conveying ideas through colour and i hope it’s still good either way lol
yes this was totally a design choice and not because i was feeling lazy and didn’t want to colour pick every colour individually
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hill-romanoff · 3 years
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remember when cobie smulders called blackhill dysfunctional gfs? because i think about this every day
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