#ft emo miku
nandorthefangless · 2 years
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my contribution to emo kid teen guillermo ft. infamous miku binder
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jay-twink-merrick · 4 years
Random Mh headcanons ( 99.9% are Jay HCs ) that give absolutely nothing to the canon plot but I like to think about them, ft. Jam
Alex knows the Miku Miku dance by heart
Brian is a Kyle
If Jay had the time and effort to actually pick an aesthetic, it would be either dark academia or cottagecore, but most likely dark academia, or just something victorianish 
Tim listens to like, emo music, like MCR and shit
Jay listens to Jack Stauber, Shawn Mendes, Melanie Martinez, Billie Eilish, Mother Mother, a lil’ bit of Cavetown, and some Bo Burnham
Jay has 🥺
That last one was a typo because my iPad is all kinds of fucked up but you know what, I’m leaving it there
Jay has ADHD, PTSD ( from multiple things ), bipolar disorder, and asthma. I don’t know why I put asthma right next to all the mental shit but I did
Jay either overthinks or doesn’t really think at all
Jay has had an on and off hyperfixation with frogs since he was in 4th grade. The man just likes frogs, okay??? Let him have his 🐸’s
Jay uses way too many emoji’s, example: *texting Tim* oki babyyy, love youuu ❤️❤️💕💕😘😘🥰🥰😍😍🤤🤤😽😽😽💋💋💋❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Jay watches vines a lot. He quotes them all the time and shows them to Tim but Tim doesn’t really get it. Jay is easily amused
Jay always feels the need to make everybody happy and to help everybody, even though it might severely hurt him/his own mental health. This man needs a break
Whenever Tim shows Jay MCR or TOP or just something like, heavily emo, Jay is just like “what is this? This is sad and loud- are you okay?? Are you sad???” And whenever Jay shows Tim Melanie Martinez or whatever, Tim just kinda,,, awkwardly smiles and nods
Milk makes Jay angry. He really doesn’t like it, he’s not lactose intolerant or anything, he just fucking despises it
Whenever Jay gets really mad, his southern accent just slowly gets stronger and stronger until he’s talking like “yu fuckin rAt, aa swar tagaaad”
 Jay really likes to be cuddled and held by Tim, but he really likes to cuddle and hold Tim. How will he compromise with himself? He won’t, he h o l d Timb, bc he love Timb
Jay has about 1 million nicknames for Tim, some of them don’t even fucking make sense
Tim: don’t be fucking *hits Alex in the head with Jays camcorder* rUde
Alex: are yoU kIdding mEE??
Tim: don’t be FFFucking-
Alex: stAOp
Tim: rUDe
Jay is such a fucking doormat.
Jay has literally had more than 50 boyfriends, and that’s only counting college ( more on that in another post, maybe )
Tim is Jay’s one and only true love because Tim is probably the only one who treats Jay RIGHT 😤 ( Tim Wright, get it? Wright? Right? )
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lyricposting · 3 years
ty’s fanmix yourself: 2021 edition!
tracklist and “very necessary commentary” under the cut
a song you grew up on - real good thing by the newsboys (this tells you all you need to know about my life before i had the internet lmao)
a song you’ve forgotten how much you love - rolling girl by wowaka ft. hatsune miku (yes i had a vocaloid phase, except i can’t really say it was a phase, because i’ve eagerly awaited tanjiro taidana’s every upload for almost 2 years now. so.)
a song that reminds you of your best friend - blood sweat and tears by bts (*dad voice* “i have 3 best friends actually” ...but i’m never going to forget the day ren showered me with everything about bts for pretty much 8 straight hours that was a wild, but 10/10, experience)
a song that you’re constantly caught singing/humming - danse macabre by saint saëns (i interpreted this as “the most recent song you’ve had stuck in your head for more than a day” bc i always just sing what i’ve been listening to, and what i’m listening to is always different)
a song that reminds you of your greatest achievement or strength - absolute lithops effect by the mountain goats (just. copy/paste the entire lyrics right here. this song Sees me.)
a song that reminds you of your first love - behind blue eyes by the who (the only song that reminds me of my first real romantic love that’s a super strong association but won’t make me get emotional in a way i don’t want when i hear it)
a song that makes you feel like a badass - destroya by my chemical romance (my emo only gets more obvious from here but this song goes so hard!!!! also, i didn’t want to put a live recording on the playlist, but the rock en seine 2011 performance and the 2019 reunion show performance absolutely scramble my brain... i have SO many thoughts... )
a song that reminds you of somewhere - ode to sleep by twenty one pilots (reminds me of the communal showers my first year of college lmao)
a song that inspires you - this is america by childish gambino (clarification: “inspires” as in “makes me very aware of my personal and our collective need to be better, makes me righteously angry and a little bit uncomfortable,” not “inspires” like quotes on a picture of a landscape.)
your favorite cover of a song - smalltown boy by orville peck (the original already had a place deep in my heart and to hear one of my current favorite musicians, who is also gay, cover it and make it so personal to himself... i need to lie down)
a song that wakes you up - thiskidsnotalright by awolnation (starts out by yelling FUCK! and the chorus goes hard, what more do you need?)
a song by someone of your nationality or ethnicity - taco bell lot lizards by billy cobb (the lyrics read like a shitpost and the actual sound is amazing i can’t help it i unironically love this song)
a good song for bad days - please, please, please let me get what i want by the smiths (i wasn’t sure if “good” meant “makes you feel better” or “allows you to wallow” but as you can see, i picked the second option as always. good for any kind of bad situation imo)
your favorite song - all i want is nothing by frnkiero andthe cellabration (current favorite bc all time favorite is an impossible ask. stomachaches is the cd in my car rn and i’ve been on a “desperately wanting” kick lately for some reason, which this fits perfectly)
a song that really hits home - smoke breaks by daddy and the long legs (listen i’ve never smoked and i never will but i heard this song for the first time on a playlist a friend sent me that they titled “inexplicable transmasc moods” and with that context???? so many mixed emotions)
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kuukigajan · 4 years
Got tagged by the wonderful @hellishgoat !! I love doing these thank you >:3c
Make a playlist with the first 15 songs you get on shuffle!!
1. Bestitos - Pierce the veil (back from my emo days ✊😔)
2. In cold blood - Alt-J (bro I used to fixate on this song its so so good)
3. Dune - Hachi ft Hatsune Miku (I think thats the title? It was saved in japanese on my phone skfjsk but this slaps)
4. In the mood for love - Shigeru Umebayashi (very soft and sweet)
5. The man who sold the world - Midge Ure, MGSV OST (back when I hyperfixated hard on MGS)
6. Town theme - Wild Arms OST (Its so charming!! I genuinely love it)
7. Blindness - Metric (Also from my emo days)
8. Ants - edIT (I used to do theater stuff in high school and I did a play with this song in it)
9. Last continue - PinocchioP ft. Hatsune Miku (really exposing my vocaloid loving ass here huh)
10. Song of the Ancients - NieR Gestalt OST (thats my favorite game so ofc i got the whole OST downloaded)
11. Calling to the night - MGS Portable Ops OST (I also got most of the MGS OST downloaded but this specific song... the vibes bro....)
12. Sons - Concorde (great song to have an existential crisis to, also the music video is very good!)
13. Shadowlord - NieR Gestalt OST (Its been a hot minute since ive played it. I miss it now)
14. Endors toi - Tame Impala (also a great song to have an existential crisis to)
15. The Wolf - SIAMÉS (this is REALLY good and the video SLAPS)
I tag @kremstoin @sapphic-shiba @neowolff @pop-peroni @filledwithzydrate @dragonstorytelling @shysideho and everyone else who wants to do it! But no pressure ofc 💕
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akumeis · 5 years
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NAME:  reiga / rei. MUN FC:  i don’t... rly have one bc i can’t be bothered making icons / adding them to every ooc post i make but if i had to pick anyone to represent me, it’d be either roxas kh or noctis ffxv. GENDER:  male. HEIGHT:  5′6″. am tiny. pls no bulli. HAIR COLOR:  dirty blonde. EYE COLOR:  central && sectoral heterochromia ; green w/ blue sections && a gold ring. RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  engaged to the lovely @silverwished even though her never getting on her haurchefant blog makes me wanna reconsider marrying her sometimes. SEXUALITY: biromantic autochori ━ bisexual. BIRTHDAY:  may 16th. ZODIAC SIGN:  taurus. NATIONALITY:  english. TIMEZONE:  utc + 0. HOBBIES / LIKES:  crying over aymeric 24 / 7. # OF SIBLINGS:  one older brother. # OF PETS:  three mice ; morrison, mercy, && mei. CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB:  i work retail. it’s rotting my soul. trying to find an education consultancy or teaching assistant job but sobs in lack of schools in my area. FAVORITE COLOR:  blue. FAVORITE SINGER/BAND: don’t make me choose, bruh. idk, i really like snow patrol, the fray, old coldplay, linkin park, missio, mr. kitty, sleeping at last, etc. i never stopped being a non screamo emo, sorry. LAST SONG LISTENED TO:  erasus ━ subkulture. CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:  puzzle heart ━ mr. kitty ft. hatsune miku. LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  eddie the eagle. it was amazing. pls watch it. FAVORITE BOOK:  wolf brother by michelle paver. it’s one of those kids books that just isn’t a kids book. been my favourite since childhood. LAST BOOK READ: do i look like i can read...... CURRENTLY READING: no, i don’t. next question. BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT:  english && ict. MAC OR PC?  pc. DAY OR NIGHT?:  night. SUMMER OR WINTER?: i live in the uk. we don’t have seasons, only rain. always rain. MOST-VISITED WEBSITE?  nowadays, reddit, with tumblr being a close second.
tagged by: stolen from @lcvcillcur. tagging: whoever wants to do it. <3
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iyliss · 6 years
RULES: Set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up. Then tag 10 people. 
Tagged by @lily-liegh thanks a lot >w< ♥
 Tengaku – Yuuyu (ft Kagamine Rin) (funfact : i recently played project diva again and remembered this was my young emo years fav song)
 Soleil – Tiara (ft Hatsune Miku)
 ALONE to ALONE – Sasakure.uk (ft lasah) (and im saying this once again, this is a perfect keyshipping song)
 Dollhouse – Melanie Martinez (yeah i have some stuff im less proud about in there)
Precious Time, Glory days – Psychic lover
Hitchcock – n-buna
Monster – starset
Human Error – utsu-p (ft. Sekihan)
Unleash – Gekidan niagara
The Wanderlast – sasakure.uk (ft. Megurine Luka)
and... I'll tag @sleepy-space-nerd and @scattered-irises if you want to of course ♥
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
song acrostics 4 every1 in LL bc i h8 myself i guess (no song repeats. also the songs dont fit them theyre just the 1st songs i can think of w tht letter, as always)
S- Superstar || CG5 C- Cupcakes.mp3 || Siouxxie A- American Trash || Innerpartysystem R- Reaganomics || L3mon Dem0n
G- God-ish || P!nnochio-P ft miku R- Run Rabbit Run || Hoosiers I- I Will Possess Your Heart || Death Cab For Cutie A- Absolute Territory || K3n Ashcorp N- Nicotine || Pan!c! @ the Disco
J- Jump Up Superstar || Super Mar!o Odyssey ost O- Oleander || M0ther M0ther E- Everybody’s Got Somebody But Me || Hunter H4yes L- Laughing With A Mouth Of Blood || St. V!ncent
M- Monster || L4dy Gaga U- Under The Sea || Little Merma!d ost M- Mz. Hyde || Halestorm B- Butterfly Knife || Food House O- Other Friends || SU Movie OST
M- Mama || MCR A- All I Want For Christmas Is You || Mariah Carey R- Ready To Go || Pan!c! @ the Disco T- The Trick To Life || Hoosiers Y- You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch || Grinch ost N- No Eyed Girl || L3mon Dem0n
J- Just Dance || L4dy Gaga I- I’ve Got Some Falling To Do || L3mon Dem0n M- Material Girl || Madonna M- Miss Murder || AFI Y- Young Volcanoes || FOB
I- It’s Over Isn’t It? || SU ost M- Masquerade || Siouxxie P- Party With Pinkie || Alex S U- Under Our Spell || Equestr!a Girls ost L- Love Love Love || The Mountain Goats S- Sugar Pool || Mom E- Everybody Wants To Rule The World || Tears For Fears
S- Sarah Smiles || Pan!c! @ the Disco C- Cowboys Boot Camp CMC || H3talia ost O- Oh No! || Marina T- Two Player Game || BMC ost T- The Pants Song || BMC ost
C- Christmas Will Be Soon || L3mon Demon L- Luxurious || Gwen Stefani  E- Excuses || Hopeful Romantics O- Over This! || Slayyyter
P- Professional Griefer || Deadmau5 E- E.T. || K4ty Perry A- Atomic Copper Claw || L3m0n Dem0n R- Ready To Die || Andrew WK L- Love Love Nightmare || Kiichi ft miku
B- Best Friend || Saweetie ft Doja I- I’m Your Problem Now || MSI G- G*psy Bard || Sherclop Pones B- Bad Blood || Taylor Sw!ft
R- Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance || Machigerita ft miku E- Everything Is Something To Somebody || Robert J Lake N- New Way Out || L3mon Demon D- Death Valley || FOB O- Oppa Toby Style- T0by Fox G- Government Hooker || L4dy Gaga
T- Toy Food || L3mon Dem0n A- Amnesia Was Her Name || L3mon Dem0n N- No Scrubs || TLC G- Grow A Pear || K3$ha O- Only Girl In The World || Rihanna
B- Bubblegum Bitch || Marina D- Dick || Starboi3 ft Doja O- OK || Madeon U- Umbral Ultimatum || T0by Fox B- Bad Blood || Creature Feature L- Let’s Kill Tonight || Pan!c @ the Disco E- Eighth Wonder || L3mon Demon O- Oeoeoe || Nashimoto-P fy miku
E- Ekoroshia || SDR/2 T- Throatzilla || Slayyyter H- Hi, I’m A Slut || Lil Mariko O- Only Everyone Else Can Judge Me || Crywank
S- SIMP || Lil Mariko K- Kill Everybody || Skrillex I- Ivanushka || L3mon Dem0n Z- [Z songs are too hard to find] Z- [Z songs are too hard to find] L- Let’s Groove || Earth Wind And Fire E- Emo Boy || Ayesha M- Matryoshka || Hachi A- Aurora Borealis || L3mon Dem0n N- Nintendhoe || Doja
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kpppppppppppppppp · 6 years
song list
I was tagged by @pinkrosesandblackthorns and @ausgris
Rules: list 10 songs you’re obsessed with and tag 10 people
i only listen to vocaloid dont judge me
1.) MKDR by deco*27 ft. miku.(i love the beat and harmony)
2.) Disillusioned by maretu ft. miku (i hate maretu but his songs are major jams)
3.) Rinse Repeat by crusher-p and the living tombstone ft. cyber songman (i love his voice!)
4.) Streaming Heart by deco*27 ft miku ( im an emo kid)
5.) Doctor=Funk Beat by nyanyannya ft. kaito (as much as i love deep voices, i love when people use kaito super high and squeaky especially with his v1)
6.) Tide Goes Out by Toru Minegishi and Shiho Fujii( im not sure who wrote it but the wiki says all the splatoon music was written by these 2)
7.) SPiCA by toku-P ft. miku ( ive been playing it 24/7 in future tone)
8.) Yozurina by pinocchiop ft. miku (pinocchiop is my actual dad)
9.) DEADHAND by ferry ft. yukari (i love yukari and ferry is p’ cool)
10.) The Cats Dining Table by kikuo ft. miku (this has some pretty cool vibes and kikuo is lit)
i was tagged by the only people i kno so if you see this feel free to do it!
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andagii-writes · 6 years
4, 5, 7, and 18. Get to know the writer ask.
From this ask meme. Send me mooooooooore.
4. Why do you like writing? What inspired you to put pen to paper?
Oof. I did a serious amount of thinking on this. Gonna get long and personal hhhhh…
So I wrote my first story in like…kindergarten or first grade–5, 6 years old? It was some dumb underwater adventure story about unicorns and dolphins, and while my mother cheered me on, I have memories of my father telling me to write and read more “realistic” stories. 
Long story short, I have severe daddy issues that haunt me so badly, my ability to understand and express emotion has done nothing but stint harder and harder as I grew up. I’d bottle things up, I’d explode, rinse, repeat. So I’m violently emotional inside, but it’s hard for me to get it out of my system without devolving back into infancy. Ironic, because I didn’t cry as a baby either.
Anyway, I quit writing through elementary and part of middle school, during which I had to act as a mediating force in my parents’ divorce. My parents were so involved with hating each other, they hardly had the space in their hearts to give me the attention I desperately needed. But I had to deal with it on my own.
I started playing video games. A lot. Like, it was almost a worrisome addiction. And I was deeply invested in Sonic Adventure 2. Shadow was a goddamn hero to me, and, I realized, a character I wanted to help.
I started writing terrible SA2 fanfiction. I created a character that was supposed to be a friend-to-lover, and I lived vicariously through her. She was my escape.
Then my friends started reading my crap writing. They’d go so far as to fight over who got my notebook during lunchtime, which to closet-emo-sixth-grade-Andagii (honestly I still am), was a bit of a miracle, because these friends of mine were incredibly advanced readers. But they kept asking for more. They kept giving me feedback on how I could make certain scenes better, certain pieces of character development more convincing (as much as our limited middle school literary understanding could afford, anyway).
That feedback gave me life.
At the risk of sounding melodramatic, writing is my reason to live. All of your feedback keeps me going, it really does. And then knowing my writing can take you guys away from your hardships for just a little bit? That gives me even more life, you know.
5. What’s your favorite place to write? Do you need a certain atmosphere?
I usually write at my dining table. Ideally, no one’s in the house and it’s just me, some chillhop music, and a drink or two to get me in the zone. I kinda do need the atmosphere to be most productive, but I’m realizing I don’t have time to be greedy either.
7. When writing, how do you begin? How do you end?
It usually starts with me reading through what I had before, and taking notes to make sure I’m still aware of certain plot points or details I need to keep consistent. Then I write, write, write (or at least try to ‘cause I hit blocks sometimes) until I get distracted by Youtube videos…
18. Make a playlist for people to listen to if they want to understand you.
FYI there’s Japanese songs in here too. Can’t deny half my heritage after all. 
1. Ningyo Hime (Rie Tanaka)2. Fallen Angel (Aimee B.)3. Touch the Sky (Kanye West)4. No Diggity (Blackstreet)5. Long Way 2 Go (Cassie)6. Breaking the Habit (Linkin Park) 7. Key Plus Words (Shiroko Hirata ft. Yumi Kawamura)8. No Role Modelz (J. Cole)9. Devil Inside (Utada)10. 1 Thing (Amerie)11. Rolling Girl (wowaka, Hatsune Miku) 12. under the moon (Do as Infinity)13. Magia (Kalafina)14. Demons (Imagine Dragons)15. Burn My Dread (Yumi Kawamura)16. Kowase Kowase (E.L.V.N., Meiko) siiiiiiiigh…17. Sumthin Wicked This Way Comes (TLC)18. Why Do I Feel So Sad (Alicia Keys)19. it’s a great big world (biosphere)20. Shiawase ni Narou (Utada Hikaru)
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bakugou-ou · 7 years
I was wondering if you could recommend some songs?? I'm in the mood for listening to something new so I would like to see what you'd recommend!!
I tend to really only listen to emo kid music from the early to mid 2000s and Japanese music, so I don’t know if you’ll find anything I like to be of any interest, but taking a quick look through my itunes library, here are some of the songs I listen to most
+ heartbreaker by supercell ft. Hatsune Miku (japanese)
+ dead by My Chemical Romance
+ first day of my life by Anna Scouten (it’s a cover of a song by some band I don’t really like, but I like her version)
+ hold me down by Halsey
+ ame tara tara by Spinna B-ill and the Cavemans (Japanese)
+ me!me!me! by Teddyloid ft. Daoko (Japanese; went viral like a year ago I think? Anyway, it’s a good song)
+ homesick at space camp by Fall Out Boy
+ there’s this one mashup of Alphabet Boy by Melanie Martinez, For Him by Troye Sivan, Stressed Out by 21 Pilots, and Haunting by Halsey that is lit, I love it so much even though I don’t like 21 Pilots
+ Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu (Japanese; bnha season 2 opening 1, I am addicted)
+ she’s 22 by Troye Sivan (it’s a cover but it’s good)
+ piece of my heart by Janis Joplin
+ reprieve by Vallis Alps
+ there for you by Martin Garrix ft. Troye Sivan (it’s relatively new?)
+ kago no sanagi by The GazettE (Japanese; tbh anything by them is jams to me, and for some reason I think about Kirishima when I listen to this song)
+ kakete ageru by Daoko (Japanese)
+ anything off the album “Adult” by Masa-P (all Japanese, but they’re really good vocaloid songs!)
I also listen to a lot of pansuri Korean music, since that’s the kind of stuff my grandma was into, but I feel like no one on here would care about that so :’)
Sorry if none of this is appealing to you and if you’ve heard it already, but I really only keep up with Japanese music, and English music I tend to be like a decade behind on oops.
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Leave a “HEY” in my ask box
and i’ll put my ipod on shuffle and tell you your life soundtrack.
LIFE STORY:Opening Credits: Sankyuu by JubyPhonic (English Cover)Waking Up: Delusion Spy by Meiko and KaitoFirst Day At School: Yobanashi Deceive by Jin? (Piano cover)Falling In Love: Hello by EvanescenceFight Song: I Need A Doctor by Dr. Dre ftEminem and Skylar GreyBreaking Up: Senbonzakura by Hatsune MikuLife’s OK: I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry by Kathy-chan (English cover)Getting Back Together: Emo Kid by Adam and AndrewWedding:  Good-Bye by AVANNABirth of Child: La La Land by Demi LovatoFinal Battle: Lie by Ashe (Cover)Death Scene: Happy Violentines Day! by Blood On The Dance FloorFuneral Song: The Might Fall by Fall Out BoyEnd Credits: Gone Forever by Three Days Grace
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Songs I'd Like To Go Back In Time And Force Tchaikovsky To Listen To To Introduce Him To The Music Of The Future And Also To See His Reaction, for a playlist?
omg okay:
Monster by Kanye West and others (Nicki’s verse alone qualifies this song but I’ll show the whole one lmao)
This pop punk mashup so he can experience the entire emo era in 6 minutes
Carry On Wayward Son, an excellent example of classic rock (that I am biased and adore, and also a good way to teach him to fear the Supernatural fandom)
Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz
Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
And also the Postmodern Jukebox version of the above so he can get both extremes of modern music
Take on Me by a-ha
Rock Lobster by B-52s (seriously what the FUCK is this song, I’m from The Future and I’m weirded out)
Can’t Stop by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
I’ve Decided to Marry You from the soundtrack of A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (the extreme awesome of modern musical theatre as far as I’m concerned)
All Star by Smash Mouth
Bicycle Race by Queen
World is Mine by Supercell ft. Hatsune Miku (come on, we weren’t going to get through this without a vocaloid song!)
Hello by Adele (we can end it on a nice one to apologize to Tchaikovsky for probably traumatizing him
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