#funfact I'm actually planning two comics
vivilingriphyn · 4 months
Hi! Could you tell me what The Sham au is about? I tried going through the tags but tumblr (once again) wasn't functioning properly 😭 I love your art btw
Hai hai!(´。^ ᵕ ^。`)/ Thanks for asking @ishusi! The Sham is ofc my Ninjago AU that first takes place in Skybound, where Nadakhan places a curse on Jay which brings C!Nadakhan into existence and making Jay’s life a constant hell. Which is kind of the main concept, and as well as also keeping some headcanons of mine and characteristics into Jay’s character like one of my headcanons is that Lightning elemental masters are part avian and keeping his snake attributes when he was turned into a serpentine and making them more fused into his powers and his body. Which explains in Part 2 of my comic, Jay’s claws/talons, and as well as the name of the au if you guys can figure it out.
The main idea for the story is where Jay's time in misfortunes keep is prolonged and he continues to persist despite how long he's been beaten down and kept there, because of Jay persistence, Nadakhan decides to place a curse on Jay, not through magical means but through gouging out Jay's eye, and after a couple weeks Nadakhan replaces Jay's eye with a cursed one.
A curse where brings C!Nadakhan into existence (the C ofc means Curse because I didn't wanna change its name but still want a distinction between the two Nadakhans.) C!Nadakhan was made to ruin Jay and his perception of things, the longer Jay has the eye the more C!Nadakhan begins to materialize to the point Jay could feel C!Nadakhan, and since the curse was made because of Jay’s persistence, Nadakhan made sure to grant that wish by making sure C!Nadakhan never lets Jay die by any means necessary, from using provocations or even being nice to Jay.(it's unbelievable ik.) But it's not being nice based purely on how it was made, because the curse is actually sentient and has a level of self-awareness. And that it's self-aware enough that if Jay dies, it also dies. And the more the curse stays, the more C!Nadakhan begins to gain the fear of non-existence or Jay’s persistence, while also gaining the potential to become more than just a curse. Or even becoming an extension of Jay's existence, like an invisible limb that has a mind of its own. But if it finds an opportunity to become part of Jay's soul or become an actual individual being then it will take it.
The drawing I posted of C!Nadakhan and suit Jay would probably the be the present time in the AU, while the comic I've been working on is more of when Jay first got or experiences the curse and I might rename it as “The Sham | Origins”
Anywho this AU is ofc for my own self-indulgence for my headcanons to have their own place and gain a purpose and story rather than just staying as pretty illustrations in my mind and on my canvas. Also thanks :3 really glad you guys like my art and I've always try to improve and refine my art as an artist and will continue to improve ^^
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