#gêmeos do mistério
louissatturi · 6 months
[Bagi]:"today a gay will ruin my day" in this case the gay is my twin brother, in the end we will kinda end the stigma that was created in modern family that lesbians and gays hate each other because the gay is my twin brother innit? And the lesbian is me, in case it wasn't clear
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susie-dreemurr · 6 months
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Translating the “Property of Captain Cellbit” books, aka young Cellbit’s diaries, for English speakers. This was from, I think, 28/10/2023.
Translations of all the books are under the read more.
— Day 34 of exploring!!!
After a week carefully examining the dangerous territory denominated as the “Mystery Lands,” me, Captain Cellbit and my sister, Sargent Bagi, found the perfect place
For our base of operations!
A vegetal species of oak with a similar size to our inicial base (house). We believe that together we can make a headquarters for all the secrets that can be found on this “Land.”
Sargent Bagi says she wants to have a swing in one of the branches of the house. A fantastic idea! If we reach enough strength and high on the swing, we’ll get to see the whole terrain around us!
— Day 45 of exploring!!!
On future days, important achievements will be accomplished, where we will win against all our enemies, but before that, me and Bagi need to practice our defenses.
For this reason today we will start the “Special Training For Explorers!” With mama’s help I was able to build two wooden swords. Mommy didn’t let them be sharp, even through a lot of pleading, but I think this is enough for now!
We’ll practice a lot against each other until we’re ready!
— Day 46 of exploring!!!
Today I want to leave this entry here as a reminder on what to do in case something like this repeats.
On our training yesterday, an accident occurred, and Sargent Bagi was hit
With too much strength by my sword, so at the moment she’s mad at me. To be fair in this situation, she could have dodged better from my attacks, but I admit I may have been a tad too harsh on her. She refuses to look at me
And hasn’t been speaking with me since yesterday.
So today I’ll try to make her forgive me, because exploring The Mystery Lands isn’t the same without her. I tried, it wasn’t fun. I’ll do the biggest surprise for her.
I was able to get together all Bagi’s favorite flowers, all my candy, and I’ll give it all in a big present to apologize. I hope it works, I don’t wanna live with her ignoring me forever.
— Day 167 of exploring!!!
Today, great progress was made in the conquest of the Mystery Lands. Not only was our base completed, but it seems we’re finding out more and more of what surrounds us.
Strange creatures and secrets that seem to slip through our fingers, all around us. It’s like trying to look behind the curtain of a spectacle. I know there’s something bigger behind the show, I just need to look for it better.
I’ll make sure the investigation has a better place to be organized, now that we’re sure another big hole from our base’s floor won’t fall.
— Day 490 of exploring!!!
After observing the workers of the area a lot, I managed to figure out their patterns. They get out of a “tent” each morning, but there are way too many of them to live on a terrain so small.
Tomorrow I’ll investigate this to the best of my abilities.
Unfortunately Sargent Bagi won’t be able to come with me. Yesterday on our training she broke one of the vases mommy made, so she’s grounded until next week.
But this can’t wait. I’ll report everything I find there. She doesn’t know about my plan, I want it to be a surprise for when I come back and are able to show all that I could do without her knowing. It’ll be a great surprise that will cheer her up a lot.
— To Bagi
Bagi, I’m sorry. I can’t come back. I can’t bring you with me or try to warn you. I have to go.
If everything goes well, you’ll be able to find this and know everything. But don’t trust the workers. Don’t trust the cops, don’t trust anyone.
I saw everything inside, they were doing all this beneath our very feet… it’s horrible, Bagi. You don’t deserve this, I don’t want you to have to live with these guys. So meet me on the other side of this ocean Bagi. I’ll be going now, I don’t care if I have to swim until
luck, I’ll swim a few kilometers and stop at some other island and then swim again.
But I won’t come back. Never will I come back to this terrain.
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lgbtiba · 8 months
This is how yesterday went right
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Og image vv
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ctommy · 6 months
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(two for flinching!) remix of this a softer world comic again... but with mystery twins
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northern-loner · 3 months
Ok so I was looking back at the Federation employee handbook right? And at the part where it talks about employee benefits, it opens up saying that workers get free on-site residency on the island, so they can bring their families there. Remember how the mystery twins' parents were apparently Fed employees?
Immediate theory that they moved to Quesadilla for that job so they could have those benefits due to some personal struggle in their previous home. Maybe the Feds even advertised in their area specifically so they could pull in desperate people looking for a stable opportunity, actual Panacea style.
Yeahhh that'd be fucked up, wouldn't it?
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autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
every time cellbit & bagi insult each other while being hypocritical another cubito should appear out of thin air to look at the camera like are you seeing this shit
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rainy-day-wizard · 6 months
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A trip down memory lane,
This was soooo frustrating bc it wasn’t looking how I imagined but I think it turned out pretty good :p
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hey-i-am-trying · 6 months
Bagi: I think this is going to wreck people up, this is really going to be intense for their characters.
Cellbit: Can they add the capybaras to our team?
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amberizedcasey · 7 months
please somebody stop me from writing more angst about bagi and cellbit having so many dreams as kids and then losing contact for twenty years, and about them making a terrarium for his worms, and they taking their sleeping bags and settling on top of their treehouse so they can sleep below the stars, and what happened to their mom, and their little band and and
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cheese-water · 4 months
With q!Cellbit and q!Bagi, I always love it when people design them as opposites to each other. I mean they already got the inverse hair color streaks going on in canon, why not incorporate that everywhere else? Cellbit wears black nail polish? Well Bagi only wears white. Bagi runs cold and wears her long coat in the summer? Cellbit runs hot and is seen without his jacket in the winter. One of them has sharper upper canines? Well would you look at that, the other’s teeth are deadlier on the bottom row. Y’know, stuff that shows that they have a deep connection but also inherently opposed each other as well.
Anyway, thought I’d tell you for no particular reason that Bagi is a dog girl in my heart-
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louissatturi · 7 months
[Cellbit]: You don't know what i had to go thru, you don't know what i lived before this place, i don't even know
[Bagi]: i spended the last few days in that shitty house trying to remember YOUR FACE
[Cellbit]:I SPENDED THE LAST 15 YEARS ALONE, AT A WAR, AT A PRISON HAVING TO KILL AND EAT OTHER PEOPLE TO SURVIVE, TO BE RESPECTED where ware you? You ware being taken care of mommy and daddy? While i was alone BATHED IN BLOOD and in the middle of death, i never had a sister
[Bagi]: do you think mommy and daddy are still alive? What do you think i did in the last 15 20 years of my life?
[Cellbit]: I don't know and it-
[Bagi]: What do you think i did with the last 15 years of my life? Why do you think i'm in this fucking island you fucker?
[Cellbit]: I DONT KNOW, i just want to leave here
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journeysfable · 6 months
Theres a 5 page puzzle and Bagi's like "I love my brother sooo muuch. Don't you see he loves me?" Very sarcastically
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moiteneia · 1 month
Who I was before you:
Como eu era antes de você (AU-Guapoduo):
Esse é um dos meus filmes favoritos, mas eu não li o livro, então me perdoem se faltar algo ESSENCIAL para essa sinopse.
“g!Cellbit sofreu um grave acidente.
Ele era um detetive já se estabelecendo em sua carreira quando aconteceu. Tinha ganhado fama em alguns casos que conseguiu solucionar em tempo recorde e estava recebendo reconhecimento no ramo por não ser indelicado com as vítimas e tomar todo cuidado para não perder pistas ou destruir as cenas do crime.
Porém, em um determinado dia, enquanto estava ajudando na perseguição de alguns criminosos (f!Guaxi, f!Jvnq e f!Pac), ele recebeu um tiro nas costas que acabou acertando a sua medula. Isso o paralisou da cabeça para baixo.
Ele fez inúmeros tratamentos e cirurgias, mas era impossível, ele estava “condenado”, ou, pelo menos, se sentia assim. Nada o trazia alegria e nada o fazia ter vontade de sair de sua cama, ele não via mais sentido em viver.
Mesmo que aceitasse pegar alguns casos para investigar, ele não saía de casa, não falava com ninguém se não por mensagens de voz ou texto, ele não cortava o cabelo ou ligava para sua aparência.
Sua irmã, g!Bagi, havia se mudado para a casa dele junto sua esposa e filhos. Ela ela queria cuidar dele, tentar anima-lo junto as crianças. Mas parecia que nada realmente ajudava e ela também precisava voltar a trabalhar.
Cinco anos desde do acidente se passaram e ela finalmente encontrou alguém para ajuda-la e que ela acreditava ser uma pessoa realmente boa. E com isso conhecemos nosso outro protagonista: q!Roier. g!Roier vivia ainda com seus pais. Ele era psicologo e tinha se especializado em fisioterapia.
Era um homem doce e gentil, se vestia com moletons de super heróis e gostava de passear ao ar livre, sempre exibindo seu belo sorriso. Ao ler sobre o caso de g!Cellbit nos arquivos que a irmã do paciente havia trazido, ele sabia que seria um desafio, ainda mais parecendo que o paciente em si ser um homem com personalidade difícil.
Mas g!Roier também não era só alegrias, havia vivido seus maus bocados e entendia a dor de se sentir completamente perdido e vazio. Ele aceita o desafio e começa a frequentar a mansão do detetive.
Será que o fisioterapeuta seria capaz de amolecer o coração do detetive? Ou será que o fim dessa história já está destinada a acabar?*”
(*Recomendo a ver o filme para entender o que eu quis dizer nessas últimas linhas). Gostou ou meh? Eu fiquei pensando nessa au a noite toda kkkkk.
How I was before you (AU-Guapoduo):
This is one of my favorite films, but I haven't read the book, so forgive me if something ESSENTIAL is missing from this synopsis.
“q!Cellbit suffered a serious accident. He was a detective already establishing himself in his career. He had gained fame in some cases that he managed to solve in record time and was recognized in the industry for not being rude to victims and taking great care not to lose clues or destroy the crime scene.
However, on a certain day, while he was helping to chase a group of criminals (f!Guaxi f!Jnvq and f!Pac :) ), he received a shot in the back that ended up hitting his spinal cord. It paralyzed him from the head down. He had countless treatments and surgeries, but it was impossible, he was “doomed”, or at least he felt that way.
Nothing brought him joy and nothing made him want to get out of his bed, he no longer saw the point in living. Even if he agreed to take on some cases to investigate, he didn't leave the house, he didn't talk to anyone other than through voice messages or texts, he didn't cut his hair or care about his appearance.
His sister, q!Bagi, had moved into his house with her wife and children. She wanted to take care of him, try to cheer him up with the children. But it seemed like nothing really helped and she also needed to go back to work.
Five years have passed since the accident and she finally found someone to help her who she believed to be a really good person. And with that we meet our other protagonist: q!Roier.
q!Roier still lived with his parents. He was a psychologist and had specialized in physiotherapy. He was a sweet and kind man, he dressed in superhero sweatshirts and liked to walk outdoors, always showing off his beautiful smile.
When reading about q!Cellbit's case in the files that the patient's sister had brought, he knew it would be a challenge, especially since the patient himself seemed to be a man with a difficult personality. But q!Roier wasn't all joy either, he had experienced his bad times and understood the pain of feeling completely lost and empty.
He accepts the challenge and starts visiting the detective's mansion. Would the physical therapist be able to soften the detective's heart? Or is the end of this story already destined to end?*”
(*I recommend watching the film to understand what I meant in those last lines). Did you like it or meh? I was thinking about this au all night hahaha
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lgbtiba · 7 months
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hmmmmmm i wonder who this mysterious brother is there's really no way to be sure hmm
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susie-dreemurr · 6 months
Mike em Fuga Impossível 2 🤝 Bagi in QSMP
Becoming a cop for the sole purpose of saving their loved one (and breaking them out of jail if they must)
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autistic-britta-perry · 6 months
Bagi: Why do you think I'm arguing with you? Do you think I want to? It's because I'm worried you'll get yourself killed! Cellbit: I've died many times (...) Bagi: Even if you don't consider me family you are my family and I'll stay by your side Cellbit: I'll see you on the battle field then
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