#g-witch episode 20
lordsmaf · 1 year
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch Ep 20 thoughts
WHOOO YEAH that was great. The show is always great but I greatly enjoyed the entangling of plot threads as the sidecast get to stretch their legs. It's not the reunion we were hoping for yet, but good things come to those who wait
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First up we have a few establishing scenes to convey where our cast are in the aftermath of Quinharbor. A bit surprised we don't get another timeskip, but this ups the chance for Mio Earth shenanigans so I'm not complaining. Guel is hellbent on making Shaddiq answer for his sins. Coincidentally, Shaddiq is just as furious with Guel.
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I was assuming from the preview that this demonic Haro would be an alarm, but no. Just some weird interrogation of Martin. That poor kid is so bullied. He does it to himself, but still. Super funny that he went to the lounge just to give Secilia an update on his relationship with Earth House. Does someone have a crush? Join the club, buddy. You have like half of gwitch twitter to contend with. I respect a man who wants a woman to dom him
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OOF. We knew it would happen, but it still stings to see all of GUND-ARM and Miorine being held responsible for Earth. Miorine canonically a problematic fav 😔 It's ok girl, I'm a Fire Emblem and Gundam fan. War crimes are a plus!
It was nice to see the kids, while confused, not angry or throwing accusations around. And the verbal support from Lilique was very appreciated. While they don't have the context, they believe in Miorine. She would probably break down crying if she knew. Or allow herself to feel anything more than pitch black despair
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New hazing technique just dropped. Text someone about their accused warcriminal ex murdering people and see how they react. We don't see who it might be, but Suletta is justifiably unnerved. Whoever they are, probably dead now *spoilers*
Interesting bit of lore in this segment though. They emphasize the push into space by the corps led to mass casualties and it's a bit eerie when we consider real world parallels. Gwitch's corporate space overlords could be a dark glimpse into our future.
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Petra speaking to Suletta wasn't on my bingo card but I liked it. Suletta's line here conveys she's just continuing to go through the motions of a happy school life because it's all she has. Prospera told her it would fill her heart after all.
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Lol right for the jugular. But her guileless question here is interesting because of the connection Suletta made. She recognizes the girl's feelings because Petra admits she'd be lost without Lauda. You can see Suletta linking her love for Miorine to Petra and Lauda, which is paralleled again later.
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This episode went from 0 to 60 in like two seconds flat. Shaddiq finally takes Michaelis out for a stroll and is embroiled in a heated clash with Guel who wants answers for his father. And ofc Shaddiq is still on his princely BS trying to defend Mio's honor lol. You're looking at the wrong person buddy. And I don't mean Prospera 😉
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Meanwhile, the school is put on red alert as Kenanji tries to evacuate the students. I may not trust him but at least he has good priorities. But this is futile since the most toxic room is the galaxy finally opens. Norea runs off, looking for blood and her gundam as 5lan follows. This will turn out amazingly. So funny how Nika just leaves without comment, poor girl gonna have nightmares from the 5nore gauntlet.
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This scene was great. Norea is feeling so much and overflowing with grief for Sophie mingled with rage at Spacian oppression. She can't waste time listening to 5lan, only vent at this injustice and take as many spacians as possible.
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The Sophie bracelet kills me so much. They were together for years under Naji, pledged their lives to this cause, and now Sophie is gone. More on this later, but I had goosebumps from Norea's scenes throughout the episode. So good
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Warcrimes! Warcrimes everywhere!! Norea has officially gone apeshit and now the school will pay for it. Shouldn't have locked her in with the gremlin tbh. He did not help her state of mind. This shot with Earth House is striking though. God this show is a looker.
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Again, we have Suletta relating to Petra with these words. You can see as they wash over Suletta. She too wants nothing more than to be with her precious person. Props to Petra for taking the initiatve to aid her fellow students btw. Suletta isn't a surprise since we know her history on Mercury, but an average spacian girl drives home these are normal kids. They might benefit from their parents wealth, yet they aren't combatants or the callous suit husks of Benerit.
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Guel finally gained his answers during this power struggle, and I have to say I appreciate Shaddiq's candor. He isn't lying or twisting words, straight up I manipulated your father and did all these terrorist hijinks. Points for honesty. Guel isn't happy with that ofc but then Shaddiq throws his own actions at him. Due to his prior rash behavior, his father is dead. Not because of Shaddiq.
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AND GUESS WHO'S LISTENING? 'Oops sry Lauda, didn't have the chance to tell you while I was off being Miorine's secretary. Oh and don't mind the gundam in the closet. Later bro.'
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Welp, goodbye metephorical haven for Miorine and Suletta and the place when their bond was cemented. We'll miss you. I want to see Suletta return afterward and find Cool-san. She can't leave little buddy in the rubble and not return it to Mio! (But really? The left orb, like her left eye that she's totally gonna lose? Okouchi, plz)
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I'm happy the animals were well looked after. That was honestly my major concern throughout this episode. Tycho especially is an icon and she's stolen my heart. Suletta's goat mom must live🥺 And Demi-barding reveal! I had a feeling it was a Chuchu suit from the name so that's very neat. She's an understated pilot compared to the witches/Guel etc but no less cool/competant.
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Nika and Chuchu's moment was cute. Their trust and affection for each other is a nice reprieve from all this dire mess. It also shows Chuchu's emotional growth from a fist-first talk later girl to someone who is willing to listen.
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Shaddiq's rant here is rather illuminating, because while his methods MAY have led to a Cold War ceasefire, terrorist violence upon civilians can't be excused. The next statement about Miorine and the repeated insistence HE would be the one to play hero without staining his prize makes his actions seem like a narcisictic bid rather than genuine. As Delling said, a throne is vested with power and an egotistic boy isn't a fitting king.
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However, this bit here gives Shaddiq a sad bit of poignance. He's right. Benerit and the SAL didn't care when it was Earthian lives. Norea says as much earlier, too. But they finally act when Spacians are the one's dying. If it wasn't for his idealized view of himself/others, he just might have succeeded. We'll see if the cuffs stick but with multiple eps left there's a good chance he wriggles free. The Space Assembly League are backing him/Ochs Earth after all.
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I'll be honest, this got to me. She's reaching for a ghost, who was paradoxically the most alive person she knew. Sophie was nothing like the dead things in Norea's book, her private altar where she feared and worshipped death. It became an obsession for her as 5lan alludes, but he tried to reach for her and offered a living hand instead. He says they can leave and live instead of dying pointlessly. And just when we think she's reaching for him too, Norea dies and Sophie's bracelet burns. Stunning artistry here. It just might be the blow that sends 5lan on a quest to destroy Peil and Elan prime. I sure hope so!
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Similarly, we have Suletta witness Petra's body. She's reaching out a hand, and it's not hard to draw the lines between the last scene and this. They were both reaching for a loved one, dying in pursuit of it.
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Now there's Suletta who sees the potential cost of hesitation. What if she, like Petra, never sees Miorine? What if Miorine dies before she can reach her? Delicious pain
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In the aftermath of death, we have Suletta resolved. She tends to the rubble in search of wounded and spurs Earth House to help. Considering her time as a rescue worker on Mercury, she isn't a stranger to this sight but the context is different. This was a school, a supposedly safe and normal place. Her mother was wrong again.
Without the school, greenhouse, and the illusion of normality, Suletta must now confront where to go from here. I think we all know what that means. EARTH PLEASE, but grab the Schwarzette before you leave. Hope next episode is a Mio centric episode! Unless reunion~
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ferhog · 1 year
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Honestly conflicted because they did make me feel for poor Norea BUT she did still murder a bunch of innocent students, which probably includes dear Petra.
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leminoh · 1 year
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Episode 20, everyone.... Wooo!
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multitrackdrifting · 1 year
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the-eeveekins · 11 months
Why The Witch From Mercury is Important to Me
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This will be a long, somewhat rambling and mostly personal thread. It's not about the show's quality or any issues I had about it (and YES, the show is flawed and has issues), but about why G-Witch's characters and themes were important to me and I think many others. Most of this I've already shared to a degree, but I wanted to expand my original thoughts, and put them all into one post.
I've been a Gundam fan for over 20 years, I got into the series with Wing on Toonami and have watched the vast majority of the animated series. As a woman, I longed for the day Gundam would have a female main character in the spotlight of a major show, but honestly at some point I'd given up on it. I just thought that if they hadn't done it by now, they never would.
Then, last March, they released this short 30 second trailer revealing The Witch From Mercury, and showing off Suletta and Aerial, and I was ecstatic! Finally, a female MC in a Gundam series, I was so excited for a new Gundam series for the first time since 00! I watched that short clip countless times over the months in anticipation of the series airing, I even grew addicted to the little song that plays during it.
Over time, the characters and key art were revealed and I saw some people float the idea that maybe Suletta and Miorine would be love interests. I didn't pay it any mind at the time. I was sure they'd milk their relationship for bait along the way, but there was no way they'd commit to Gundam's first female MC being gay. Even after the first episode aired I was still skeptical: There was the bait I was expecting, they're not seriously going to go through with it though.
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And here we are, almost 10 months after G-Witch started airing, and Suletta & Miorine are married. It not only wasn't bait, but they committed to it in a way I never would have imagined coming from a franchise I loved like Gundam. It was done with care and respect for the characters, it didn't feel like it was exploitative or added just for fanservice, but was a very real relationship.
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I'll admit, I was initially among those disappointed we didn't see a kiss or the wedding at the end, but my greatest fear was the ending would be as ambiguous as possible, or even worse, walk back what we'd seen, so as not to offend people. Instead we got the sister-in-law line, the matching wedding rings, how close they were and they way they looked at each other with love and talking about going home together. We didn't see them kiss or see the wedding, but we got to see them married, and I think that's incredible.
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As a gay woman, and a Gundam fan of over 20 years, Suletta is an immensely important character to me. Suletta and Miorine's relationship, and it being a central focus of the story, is immensely important to me. They're things I dreamed of having in Gundam, but never really thought would ever happen. I've been so happy about them for a long time now, but these last two days I've been so unbelievably happy that I was given their story. I love them so much and I'm never going to forget these two.
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And this ties into why I think G-Witch has been important to so many people, regardless of how they feel about it's quality, because of it's representation and themes. Suletta, the main character of the show, is a queer, neurodivergent, disabled woman of color. She was well written, and she got to have a happy ending married to the woman she loves, where she's thriving and happy despite her mobility. She's not treated with pity or remorse, and she's still pursuing her dreams of making a school.
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And not just Suletta, there were so many characters belonging to different minority groups that got strong representation and happy, satisfying endings. If you're a woman, if you're queer, if you're a POC, if you're any sort of ND, if you're disabled, The Witch From Mercury not only gave you good representation, but also said you're deserving of love, empathy and happiness.
With regard to it's themes, I absolutely love how G-Witch stressed love, empathy, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness over hate, vengeance, punishment and karma. Suletta and Miorine made many mistakes during their journey that they could never take back, but they accepted each other, including their mistakes, and resolved to move on together and makes amends for them if possible. Suletta never got mad at Miorine, Prospera or Eri for the things they did to her and she never blamed them, all she did was understand and accept why they did the things they did, and move forward with her love for them. She accepts the people she loves, mistakes and all, because of her unrelenting love and compassion for them.
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Even Prospera, the main antagonist, ultimately rejected revenge for the sake of saving her daughter. She was a less than stellar parent to Suletta, and her actions lead to a heavy death toll, but ultimately Suletta accepted her and her actions to save Eri. And rather than go for an easy karmic death, she was allowed to have a happy ending: Eri was saved, and she's living a peaceful life with her family. A life that was robbed from her 24 years prior.
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And ultimately, those themes are why we had an ending where literally no one died, and nearly every character got to have a happy ending. Gundam has always said that violence is bad, but The Witch From Mercury was the first to say "Alright, then we'll solve the problem without violence." We got a big magic spell that was a Gundam Pride Parade in space, and combined with Miorine's actions, events were resolved peacefully.
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That's why G-Witch is important to me. It gave me and many others representation in ways you almost never get from a major franchise like Gundam, and without feeling like it was doing it to just check boxes off on some executive's diversity list. It stressed themes of love, empathy and acceptance and rejected hate, revenge, karma and even death. And I think that's incredibly important in this day and age. Representation Matters. Love Matters.
I've been very emotional over this show the last two days because I've been loving it for a while now, and while I'm sad to see it end, I'm so grateful that it happened, flaws and all. I've been crying on and off since the last episode ended and I've had trouble sleeping, but I've been so unbelievably happy over what this one show did and how much it's meant to me. The characters may not be real, but the happiness Suletta & Miorine have brought me is very much real.
For me; Suletta, Miorine, and The Witch From Mercury were truly a blessing.
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pencil-peach · 4 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 23
Welcome back to Part 24 of my Episode by Episode analysis of G Witch and its onscreen text! We're on Episode 23: Unrelenting Tenderness.
<< If it's too much tenderness, you can return to The Woven Path. Or you can go to the Masterpost.
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It's the Penultimate.
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Before the opening sequence, we see this scene where Chuchu has to pilot the Demi Barding without the assistance of Permet Links. It's really difficult, and it makes sense if you think about it. Permet excels at evenly distributing and communicating information, such as, in this case, all of the functions of a mobile suit. Without that link, you basically have to pilot it taking all of the systems that the link previously handled for you into account. (Stabilization/Equilibrium are the most important ones that come to mind)
Of course, Chuchu quickly adapts, because she's just that good at it.
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For these final 2 episodes, the OP changes once more, in that the mobile suit montage now depicts the attack on Quiet Zero, featuring Demi Barding, Calibarn, Aerial, the Gundnodes, and the Schwarzette. The final scene zooming in on Suletta's face has also slightly changed to show Permet Scars running along it, as she's now piloting Calibarn and not Aerial. (I've always liked how Demi Barding is shown engaging in combat in the montage considering that that. Doesn't happen.)
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After we come back from the intro, we open on the Jeturk brothers' conflict.
Lauda demands to know why Guel never told him about what happened to their father, and he believes it's because Guel thinks he's unreliable. Lauda has always supported him and believed in him through all of their strife these past few months, but it seems to him now that Guel doesn't feel the same. He didn't tell him about their father, he abandoned him at the school, by all intents and purposes, he's shutting him out of his life.
But Guel insists that wasn't his intention. He truly cares about Lauda. He didn't tell him about their father because he wanted to protect him from the harsh reality that he had to face. It's like what Miorine did to Suletta. Leaving them behind and bearing the burdens themselves in the hopes that they can lead a normal life.
But in the end, all Guel was doing was hurting him, leaving him alone with his grief. Lauda needed his brother to be there for him and he simply wasn't.
You'll notice that in this scene, Guel is piloting his Dilanza instead of the Darilbalde. If you remember, during the duel with Shaddiq it exploded, presumably beyond repair. I brought it up before in Episode 17's analysis, but the Darilbalde can be seen as a representation of the brother's relationship throughout the series.
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In Episode 4, after the duel, the brothers have a talk in front of the heavily damaged Darilbalde, a sign of their relationship becoming strained due to the influence of their father. (Top)
In Episode 17, the brothers talk in front of the Darilbalde again, newly repaired: A sign of their renewed bond. Guel has let go of his pride, and Lauda's support of his brother is still unwavering. (Middle)
But in Episode 20, when Lauda learns the truth of Guel having killed their father, the Darilbalde explodes, utterly destroyed, showing that the truth has left their relationship (as it once stood) irrevocably fractured. (Bottom)
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Delling Rembran making use of the power of frustrating bureaucracy to buy time for the others. Thanks bozo. You ever think about how Delling never spoke to Suletta even once in the entire series.
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When Suletta and Eri are arguing, I think a lot about how the examples she uses for why she can't forget about Eri and their mother are specifically about being able to comfort her when she's sad.
If you look back throughout the series, we never really see Prospera be sad or afraid around Suletta. She always maintains a calm, confident, cheery exterior around her. I think after Eri showed her the memory of Prospera crying over her body, and everything that happened at Vanadis, she came to the conclusion that her mother is doing all of this because she's deeply, deeply sad, and she wants to support her.
I think this sequence gives us a good look into Eri as well. The things Suletta describes are all physical. When she hears them, Eri looks down, deeply upset, because these are all things she wants to do too, but she can't, not as she is now. Quiet Zero seems to be the only way for Eri to be able to physically be with her mother again after decades of being trapped in an unfeeling machine. It makes sense why she wants the plan to succeed so badly.
Not to mention Prospera's face when she hears that. Just utter disdain. I wonder what her eyes look like under the mask in this scene.
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When Eri prepares to destroy the capsule containing the team infiltrating Quiet Zero (Left), the framing is similar to when Eri first took someone's life in the Prologue (Right). But whereas before, she was a child who simply didn't know any better, this time there is murderous intent.
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But before Eri can execute her intention, something interferes, causing the Data Storm and the Gundnodes inside it to destabilize for long enough to give the team time to escape. When this happens, Eri interrogates the suspect, asking to know why they're interfering, explaining that the Data Storm can give them everything they want. We learn later that this interloper, and the person Eri was talking to, is 4lan, who's Artificial Nervous System data was incorporated into Quiet Zero at some point.
I think a lot about these two, and the framing of both of these scenes. How Eri knows it's 4lan doing it, and how she tries to convince him otherwise, saying that the data storm can make both of their dreams into reality. I think about how 4lan died before knowing anything about Eri, but understands her situation when Suletta meets him again.
Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I like to imagine that Eri and 4lan talked within Quiet Zero, and, both having had their lives cut short, Eri promised him that he could have a new life with her and Prospera in Quiet Zero's data storm once the plan succeeded. I think, if things were different, they could've been good friends.
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After this, the Assembly League speaks to the head of the of the League Fleet stationed outside Quiet Zero, asking her to make use of the Laser Power Interplanetary Transmission stationed in Lagrange one to take out Quiet Zero (and, consequently, the Benerit Front). To this, the commander responds that making use of that laser would take out the entirety of where both are stationed, that being Lagrange 4.
They never really explain what a "Lagrange Point" is in the show, but the novelization actually explains it. Here's its definition:
The term refers to the gravitational equilibrium points between two celestial bodies — such as the Earth and the Moon. There are five points from L1 to L5, and because the energy required to maintain a fixed position in these areas is reduced, many fronts are concentrated there. Asticassia School of Technology is located at L4.
In simpler terms, a Lagrange Point is a point in space between/around two large celestial bodies where the gravitational pull of both forces causes smaller objects within them to stay put/(in the case of an orbiting body) follow along its orbital path.
In the case of G Witch, the Lagrange Points in question are the ones created between the Earth and the Moon. Here's a diagram of them.
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(Correction: Thank you to @gomez-alonzo-addams for the correction! I mistakenly thought the Lagrange Points were those of the Sun-Earth System, but they're actually those of the Earth-Moon System, which are a recurring element of many Gundam Series starting from the original.)
The Fronts are artificial living spaces built in space, constructed into Asteroids. Since it takes less energy to maintain a fixed position around Lagrange Points, Fronts and other large living spaces are commonly built within them.
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For convenience sake, I went ahead and organized many of the shows locations into their Lagrange Points. This isn't an exhaustive list, and I might have missed some, in which case please let me know and I'll correct them! It kind of stinks that we don't know which Lagrange Point Folkvangr was stationed at :(
(Edit: Added Quiet Zero's Construction Point to Lagrange 2. Thanks again to @gomez-alonzo-addams for the info!)
Funny how the story is actually relatively contained in a small area, that being Lagrange 4.
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Anyway, I really like how even O.Elan is kind of disquieted about Peil and the League Council's utter depravity here. He may love money and have a loose moral code but these guys are on a whole other level.
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It's not necessary to document all this text, but according to the display, the infiltration team is headed for "Core Block C" to shut down QZ.
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Cutting back to the Jeturk Brothers, their final clash is much the same as Guel's final clash with Vim. A full frontal assault with sword weapons. Both clashes' climactic moment even end with one stabbing the cockpit of the other.
Before, Guel won out against his father because he was afraid to die, but against his brother, he deactivates his sword and takes the full brunt of Lauda's attack, unafraid to die if it means his brother will stop piloting the Schwarzette.
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It seems like history will repeat itself once again, but luckily Felsi was there to save the day! Everybody say Thank you, Felsi.
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When Miorine and Bel access the Quiet Zero's main console and attempt to input the shutdown code, they input 4 codes:
Miorine inputs "quod erat demonstrandum" (top left) first, a latin phrase meaning "what was to be shown," or "which was to be demonstrated." It's usually shortened to the acronym Q.E.D, and placed at the end of mathematical proofs or philosophical arguments to indicate that the paper is complete.
After that is rejected, Bel inputs "Quod Erat Demonstrandum," (top right) which is. Exactly what Miorine just typed but capitalized. It is obviously also rejected.
After that, Prospera appears, and when Bel begs her to stop, Prospera explains why she can't:
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"Eri is the child blessed by Vanadis' ideals, yet there isn't a place for her in this world. So I'll have to make one. A place where Eri can be happy."
At this, the next code Miorine inputs that gets rejected is "quod erat faciendum," (bottom left) a latin phrase traditionally placed at the end of geometric constructions, meaning "which had to be done."
Frustrated, Miorine demands to know if Prospera cares about Suletta at all, to which she responds:
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"I do love her, but now she has friends like you."
Seemingly in response, the terminal rejects the final code we see Miorine input, that being "quod est absurdum" (bottom right), meaning "which is absurd."
Isn't that nuts? These codes only appear onscreen for mere frames and they still put in the effort to make them responses to Prospera's arguments. Or maybe, seeing as how they're meant to be placed at the end of arguments, perhaps they're meant to represent Prospera's final thoughts on the things she's saying. Either way, isn't it amazing that they put in the effort anyway?
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When Miorine gets through to the Administrator Environment, the available tabs are:
Metasystem Administration
Startup Control
Permissions Management
Energy Management
Internal Environment Control
Crew Management
Physical Defense Management
Outer Wall Defenses
Quarantine Related
Intrusion Defenses
Digital Defense Management
Defensive Quantum Computing Status
Hardware Availability Management
Navigation Control
Enemy Search Management
Course Prediction
Drive System Management
Course Prediction Avoidance
If this post wasn't already thirty miles long perhaps we could spend more time here, but alas! I think it's cute that Notrette's icon is a tomato. The fact that her code is in Quiet Zero makes you wonder how far along they were on the project when she died. I guess we'll never know. Thank you anyway, Notrette.
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The things a mother will do for her child. I think it's really powerful how in this moment, Prospera is willing to kill the love of Suletta's life for Eri's happiness, while at the same time, even from beyond the grave, Notrette was willing to give up on her lifelong ambition for Miorine's.
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After QZ is shut down, the error on the main display (left) says:
Warning Security malfunction - Complete system shutdown imminent
Data storm space dissipated - Data storm space is contracting - Data storm destabilized across all domains
On the right, the Quiet Zero Monitoring Console simply says "All functions disabled" when its systems are fully infiltrated and shut down.
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I love Prospera's expression here. The sheer vitriol in her eyes. The daughter of the man who stole her family from her, and the same girl who's stealing the last chance at happiness from her daughter is lecturing to her about family. I'd make that face too, to be honest with you.
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I love the final look Eri gives Suletta as she blocks the laser's blast. She's proud of her.
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May All Blessings Find Their Way to You, I'm Wishing It >> Masterpost
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sunnydaleherald · 25 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday May 18th
GILES: Would someone please rip that bloody bell off its hinges? XANDER: Would that involve moving? WILLOW: My feet are numb. XANDER: I'll see your numbness and I'll raise you a lower back pain.
~~No Place Like Home~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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violence and denial by teenageapocalypsetrilogy (Buffy/Spike, E)
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[Chaptered Fiction]
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Early One Morning, Chapter 44 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Meow, Chapter 8 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Chapter 10 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 33 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Secret Obsession, Chapter 25 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Exquisite Chaos: Part 1, Chapter 4 by yellowb, JayeMaru, bewildered, DeamonQueen, ClowniestLivEver, VoronaFiernan (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lightning in a Bottle, Chapters 13-14 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Dawn Before the Sun: The Doomsman’s Daughter, Chapter 1 by Luna (Dawn, Tolkien crossover, FR15)
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 64 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Kitten That Killed Slayers, Chapter 12 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
When the World Went Cold, You Were Brighter than Gold, Chapter 4 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Fanvid: Buffy + Spike -Stripped by all_choseny
Manips: Buffy the Last Slayer by all_choseny (worksafe)
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Manip: Hustler by honeygirl51885 (Buffy and Spike, worksafe)
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Manips: Buffy and Spike in bath by All Choseny (worksafe)
Cartoon: “Did you run into any trouble on the Enterprise yesterday?” by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (worksafe)
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Puzzle: A Very Buffy (Connections) Puzzle by nicodemusfleur
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Fanvid: Buffyverse | Difussion by Jess Wilson
Fanvid: buffy summers | who's afraid of little old me? by Moon Edits
Fanvid: willow rosenberg | who's afraid of little old me? [preview] by ImagineDragonlords
Fanvid: BTVS | Thrift Shop by xxLowkeyTrashxx
Music: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Rescore: Season 1 Episode 12 "Prophecy Girl" by David Müller
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 6/3, Part Three by QualifiedApathetic
Rewatcher's diary: Season 2, episodes 15 to 18 by jonaskoelker
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video: Angel vs Spike: Who's the love story Buffy deserved? by Ryan B Talks TV
Video: The Body: An Outstanding Episode of Television by Darth Nerdus
Video: Buffy Season 6 Review! Spoilers! by SundayScariesReview
Video: No "apology" needed for Buffy Season 1! And Buffy's place in the era of "Prestige TV" by Ronald Off the Record
Video: Buffy Review - 5x14 Crush by Reverse Angle
Video: Hells Bells-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 REVIEW | Ft. @Sisnerdly by George Alexander
Podcast: Slaying the Charts: The Musical Legacy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast
[Fandom Discussions]
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There's actually so many missed opportunities with Fred and Gunn by AmmoniteFlesh
Spike said Dracula owes him 11 quid by Aphony Cree
One of Buffy’s nightmares in season one was being buried alive by reality-schmality
One of the things I disliked most about canonical Spuffy was how much they wound up hurting each other BECAUSE OF HOW STATIC THE CHARACTERS FELT by deadthingu
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Buffy and Spike in Smashed by Joan the Vampire Slayer
Buffy and Willow by Joan the Vampire Slayer
What If: Buffy had joined the Cordettes instead? by nightshade
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Was Angel a good father? continued by Stoney
Who did Buffy hate? by The Whirlwind
Do you think Spike deserves to be seen as heroic for not giving up Dawn? continued by multiple posters
Who did Spike hate? by The Whirlwind
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Would you watch this show [the "Cordy" sitcom] if it were on? by AndrewHeard
How would Buffy had reacted to Wesley's decision in [AtS] season 3? by jdpm1991
What if Jonathan was the one who was redeemed in season 7 instead of Andrew? by george123890yang
Behind the Scenes BANGEL ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 by figinmyteeth
Was Riley looking to get turned? by Tuxedo_Mark
My top 30 Buffy episodes by fabe1haft
Question for Buffy Hard Cover books by nodakskip
[13/22] What's your favorite episode 13 across all seasons? by jonaskoelker
If you could erase one character from the show, who would it be? by VegasGirlAlex
What Faith lines or scenes did you find a bit cringy? by foreseethefuture
The Real S6 Big Bad by Glum-Substance-3507
Does anyone else thing that Nathan Fillion as Caleb in the Buffy was his best role? by BigDongForever
The opening credits power pose by Reviewingremy
do you prefer the earlier vengeance demon version from s3 or the one from s6-7? by melaniemoth13
Is it just me or does Angel appear kinda... different "Angel" than on Btvs? by BoredYogiOnHere
"You're a creature of the darkness, just like me" by sushibananawater
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Bonus Episode - We Interviewed a Buffy Background Actor! by The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy Podcast
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animefeminist · 1 year
Chatty AF 179: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Part 1 Retrospective
Vrai calls in Gundam experts Maddie and Megan to discuss the very ambitious and very queer first cour of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury!
Episode Information
Date Recorded: February 1, 2022 Hosts: Vrai Guests: Maddie, Megan
Episode Breakdown
0:00:00 Intros 0:01:35 Background 0:04:19 The Gundam franchise and Universal Century 0:10:15 Gundam: The Origin 0:10:58 Suletta as Gundam’s first female pilot protagonist 0:13:37 The novelty of a two cour anime 0:15:19 Wow cool robot 0:18:22 Military appropriation of medical tech and portrayal of disability 0:23:41 It’s gay too 0:27:11 Reading Suletta as autistic 0:35:24 Guel 0:38:59 These KIDS (GUND-ARM Inc) 0:41:21 Miorine 0:42:51 Prospera 0:47:25 Aerial’s short story 0:48:20 The Manchurian Candidate 0:52:13 Part 2 theories 0:55:41 Gundam recs for G Witch fans 0:58:39 Outro
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gwenyundreiko · 1 year
I started watching the og MS Gundam anime as a cope between G Witch episodes and because I wanted to see more of the Gundam universe. Going in, I thought this would just be 20 minutes commercials for children toys, G.I.Joe style.
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I've been thinking about something since the first episode of G-Witch season 2.
The Witch from Mercury - as in the triumphant piece of orchestral music that used to play every time Suletta was about to end someone's whole career, probably the most iconic part of the entire soundtrack - hasn't been used since episode 9. It plays when Aerial hits Permet 6 for the first time in the duel against Shaddiq, and then seemingly dies with her. The Aerial Rebuild has its own much darker theme.
But here's the thing.
The Witch from Mercury is just too good to be gone for good. I firmly believe that they're sitting on it until the right moment arises. The only question in my mind is what that moment will be.
Episode 20 ends, at least in my interpretation, with Suletta on the verge of some kind of self-actualization. I think when she finds her own path, the music will come back.
(and then I'll cry)
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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I dunno, what are you doing off the couch?
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mayhem-ensues · 1 year
Since I'm a deeply unserious person, and there's been a lot of discourse about how much time and attention different characters have been getting in the 2nd half of G Witch, so while rewatching the show in preparation for the final episode I decided to time how long Miorine appears for in each episode of the show.
Now to be clear, it's not measuring the exact seconds that Miorine appears on screen for, I've measured the lengths of scenes that she is in. So, for instance, if Miorine is off-screen but another character is talking to her, I've still counted that in the timer. Also, since this is just me pressing the start and stop button on my phone's timer these numbers are pretty rough but should still give a fair approximation of how big of a factor Miorine is in a given episode.
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Just to be clear this data of course is incomplete, not just because we still have one last episode to come, but also because this kind of stuff is better understood in comparison to other characters on the show. Like, it's entirely possible that most of the major characters in Cour 1 experienced a similar contraction of time from Cour 1 to Cour 2 when the show had more plotlines to juggle.
But that being said, yeah as a Miorine fan these numbers annoy me. With one episode left to go, Miorine has 25 less minutes' worth of scenes in Cour 1 compared to Cour 2, and even if with a big role in the final episode in the best-case scenario it probably ends up closer to 15 minutes less, which is a huge chunk of screentime in a show with 22-minute episodes.
Like the fact that she didn't appear at all in Episode 20 after the previous Episode ended on a very significant cliffhanger for her character is probably the most annoying part. And like, I'm very much aware of the fact that there was a lot going on in Episode 20 and cuts needed to be made somewhere, but Miorine is the deuteragonist of this show and is one of the characters that shouldn't be making way for screentime for secondary characters the way she has. Like, seriously they never even show her leaving Earth or processing what just happened. That all happens off-screen and she's just back with the Benerit Group for her like, one scene in Episode 21.
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niratheraven · 1 year
I thought I'd share my overall thoughts on G Witch here. This is going to have lots of spoilers for it and other Gundam shows so BEWARE SPOILERS
I haven't been this exited watching a Gundam show since I watched Turn A a few years ago. Waiting with anticipation every week for Sunday to watch a new episode and loving it when it aired felt amazing. Few pieces of media do that for me. I liked the finale. I don't feel that strong about it. I'm happy that the girls had a gayly married ending. Sure I wish we had more, but I would say the same for Turn A, and many other media I've enjoyed. Now, do I think it was a good Gundam show? When I was thinking about this 20 minutes ago in the shower, I asked my self "What is a Gundam show?". Therefore I came up with 3 arguments about what defines Gundam.
Gundam is a show that depicts the disparity between the rich and the poor + giant robots in space. Every Gundam show has a major conflict that drives the characters into action, whether it is Zeon against the Earth federation, or Celestial Being against the world, and in G witch Earth against the space corporations. In the end it's always the big players play with their expensive space toys and the rest suffers because of it. The difference between those and G witch is that the characters are not fighting for one side or the other. We see attempts by Miorine to partially resolve it but in the end the show depicts only the resolution of their personal conflict. UC Gundam never resolved its conflict fully either, but the characters managed to get to the end of their current war while fighting for either side. A new war would always start in the next series. Now, is G witch a lesser Gundam for not depicting fully this major conflict? Maybe, if Gundam was just that. Some could argue that that is just a small part of Gundam, instead they could say:
Gundam is a Shakespearean drama with homoerotic tones written by a jaded director + giant robots in space. The grand conflicts, the revenge plots, the mysterious characters, you can see the Shakespeare influence in Tomino's work who also is a big fan of stage plays and the like. G witch fits somewhat well in that context, but we do get a proper gay relationship between the main characters + Utena references. While this categorization works for Tomino's Gundam, it doesn't feel the same for other Gundam shows, where many of the original drama of Gundam became just a point of reference. The revenge plots and the conflicts became Gundam tropes. The original Gundam became the inspiration for most of what followed it. The context of Gundam's creation was doomed to be lost by the following series in the franchise. And that context being:
Gundam is a toy commercial. The reason why Gundam exists in the first place was to sell toys. That is how a lot of art is created. Someone with more money than they could imagine wants to spend it by hiring artist to create for them. It has been like that since the birth of civilization and it still continues to be. Of course the political drama that Tomino created is appreciated beyond the original scope of the production companies, but Gundam still managed to sell those toys... well not at first, but later it certainly did. G witch has excelled in that department. It managed to create a compelling story that got a lot of people into the franchise and into gunpla. Model sales records asside, G Witch isn't going to be remembered by the fans as the Gundam with the most toys sold. What we will remember is this being the first gundam with a fem protagonist who is also in a gay relationship throughout it. One of the main criticisms of the show echoed throughout the web is that it's not enough. It's not enough episodes, it's not enough conflict, or world building, it's not enough GAY!!! I think one of the shows biggest weaknesses it's also one of its strengths. Its subtlety. The show is very subtle in many of its aspects, like the conflict Earth-space, but the most important one, the relationship between Miorine and Suletta. Their relationship develops in subtle ways. We see a hug, a hand holding, or a conversation between the two in the garden or their rooms. We never see the romantic development fully, but it's implied that it is happening off screen. That would definitely leave an audience starved for more lgbtq+ representation to want more. But, considering the context of THIS particular Gundam's creation, it's a miracle we even got what we did. A while ago I heard about the film Suzume by Makoto Shinkai, who has made quite a name for himself with films like Your Name etc etc. In an interview he mentioned how he wanted to have a fem love interest for the main girl protagonist, but that was not to be because of objections by the producers. And if that happened to a big name director, what about G witch? I don't know what this series went through to even get made, but I can't imagine it had it easy. That thought makes me appreciate its subtlety while also wanting for more. Overall, I loved the show, even if it is not perfect, even if I wanted more out of it.
Also also, I wanted to add in regard to what is a Gundam show, Mobile Fighter G Gundam broke all the rules of previous Gundam, it was so outlandish that it had a poor reception by Gundam fans of the era, but went to be appreciated as one of the best in the franchise. So who's to say what makes a good Gundam? Certainly not its "fans".
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scarlthesnarl · 1 year
if you feel you have reached this message in error
This is just a short little nothing WIP for the immediate aftermath of episode 20 of G-Witch. I had some feels I had to get out, spoilers below. Based on how "late" it was by the time Earth House found Suletta digging through the rubble, I'm willing to bet that she wasn't answering her comms/couldn't and so there were likely a lot of folks thinking she may be one of those trapped or killed.
Thanks to @red-the-royal for entertaining my brain worms on this one!
Anyway, Miorine's POV for discovering the school's been attacked again but WORSE.
Of all the sights of carnage and horror that have seared themselves into her mind over the past 12 hours, the endlessly scrolling list of the dead from the second attack on Asticassia was the thing that threatened to send Miorine into a full blown breakdown.
Some of the names she recognized from her own classes; most she did not.
The news feed that was playing on the left of the screen was showing images of collapsed buildings and mobile suits accompanied by rescue personnel sifting through the rubble for survivors and the dead in the heart of campus.
Her hands shook as her fingers clumsily tapped through her contacts, trying desperately to reach out to Suletta. Miorine hadn't seen her name on the constantly updating list, but that meant nothing with so many still unaccounted for.
She found Suletta's entry where she'd hidden it at the bottom of her contacts and hit Call.
Distantly, she was surprised it didn't fail to dial as it should have if she was a blocked contact. Even so, the call rang several times before it cut.
Connection failure.
She tried a few more times. Nothing. Perhaps someone from Earth House could be reached.
So she called Lilique.
Then Martin.
Suletta, Suletta, Suletta.
Sixteen instances of call connection failure ping red on her screen. Desperate, she sends a message through the Gund-Arm Inc company employee emailing list for the first time since Suletta's last duel, praying one of them would respond, confirm everyone is okay even if they didn't all receive it.
All possible direct options exhausted, she finally turns to contacting Guel.
M: What in the world is happening up there Guel? Who attacked the school? I cannot get in touch with anyone in Earth House. Are they okay?
Is Suletta? Please tell me she's okay.
Miorine's typing stopped dead the moment she spotted a clip of Earth House came on the screen, showing nothing but a blown out ruin. She felt her heart rate pick up, panic setting in. Was EVERYONE dead?
G: I don't know where to start. "It's bad" doesn't begin to cover it. We've got Shaddiq, but the other one of those witches from the Rumble had been holed up somewhere and she just started shooting everything and everyone.
G: Panlunch is helping with clearing rubble according to Felsi. Earth House was okay last she saw the rest of them and were evacuated safely.
Guel Jeturk is typing…
None of them have seen Suletta since before she went to class today. They're looking for her too.
G: I've tried contacting her a few times myself and got nothing, but you'll be the first to know once I find her, I promise. I have to go, some members of my house are in rough shape, and I need to get back with Lauda to bring them home.
Miorine choked back the urge to vomit as everything sank in at once. It was hard to not know her ex-groom's class schedule by heart. Or shove down the knowledge that the lion's share of the devastation cut huge swaths through the academic buildings. No, no, no. Suletta would have been in the center of it all and was likely buried beneath tons upon tons of debris.
Every last gamble she had taken had failed to keep the girl she loved safe, and now she wasn't even certain that Suletta was still alive. Miorine dropped her head into her hands and despaired.
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
Crawl Call 01: Autumn Fanworks
New to the Crawl? Check out our event guide! Our commenting window will last October 21st - October 30th. This is our community coming together at the same time to enjoy amazing fanworks, but you're welcome to comment whenever you have the time.
Here is your list for the first Witcher Comment Crawl! These are all fanworks that have few comments or are more than a year old and have not received many new comments in that time.
Spreadsheet View of Fanworks - (optional) save a copy to your Google drive. Contains ratings, notes, canon & color coded for fanwork type.
Use this form if you don’t have an account on Twitter or YouTube or if you want to comment anonymously, and we'll pass on your comment to the creators!
Have fun commenting! 🍁💬❤️
Ard Skellig Village - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  by Isac Saleh (3:53). Guitar arrangement of the Witcher 3 soundtrack.
Apples - by coffee_mage (5:49). Podfic. Rated G. Geralt/Jaskier. Geralt is jealous of Roach. 
Autumn Hunting by mina_bloody. Ciri hunting in the woods. 
The Lodge of Sorceresses edited by Blue Crystal Works. (4:53). Cosplay Music Video featuring The Lodge of Sorceresses.
The White Wolf and the Swallow by Princess_jordan_hh. Carved pumpkin of The Witcher Netflix logo.
Jaskier and Geralt dolls by JBcrochetwizard. Jaskier and Geralt sitting in front of an autumn tree. 
Lambert's Halloween Mishap: Pumpkin by Saintly_Bovine. Lambert and wolf witchers at Kaer Morhen. 
Gaunter O'Dimm dancing with a skeleton by @eredins-a-king-aint-he.
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Stomping Grapes in Toussaint by @handwrittenhello.
Please, Tissaia?! art by  @sentientpinkfrosting and fic by: @little-merigold Yennefer/Tissaia necking (vampire AU).
Hansa Halloween Costume Idea by @abi-kamikakushi. The Hansa dress as Regis for Halloween!
Halloween Rita by @uselessfanboy. Margarita Laux-Antille dressed as a Halloween witch on a pumpkin.
Dettlaff in higher vampire bat form  by @northernolddragon. Fanart edit.
Geralt/Yen with pumpkins and sunflowers by @witcheringways Mod edit. 
Knocking on Forbidden Doors by Astrarian. 1309 words. Teen. Gen. Fringilla and Yen at Aretuza, hints of necromancy.
across and over the fire by galactic_roses. 1347 words. Teen. Eskel/Tomira meet at Saovine.
Festival by Flawney. 1710 words. Teen. Geralt/Dandelion celebrating harvest in Oxenfurt.
I shut my eyes and the whole world drops dead by WitcherSexual. 1803 words. Mature. Jaskier, Geralt & creepy child...
There Are Poppies Growing Over Where My Lover's Lying by Holliday_inn. 3953 words. Explicit. Margarita and ghost!Tissaia at Belletyn/Saovine.
Silence Lay Steadily by DolBlathanna. 17679 words. Gen. Geralt takes a contract for a wraith at Lady Breta’s estate. 
The Smell of Autumn - Jaskier's Ballad by RDH Development (1:29). Hexer fanvid to Jaskier's ballad 'The Smell of Autumn.' Features Geralt on the Path. [Lyrics translation - scroll to 'Episode 11 - Jaskier']
Tiny Witcher | Tilt Shift by Flurdeh (3:18). Mod edit. Witcher 3 game environments miniaturized.
Disturbia by @krystal280791 (2:40). Mature, physical trigger warning: flashing effects. Detlaff and Regis from Blood & Wine DLC.
Wordcount: 28,849
Audio: 9:42
Video: 12:20
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