#gareth is hot
pippyf · 2 years
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Alright I’m getting a little pissy here.
Where the fuck is the Gareth content? Because searching for 10 hours is not fun. So you know what, I’ll make my own. Starting off with HEADCANONS.
I know Gareth is a minor, 17. Knowing this fact that he is probably a horny teenager like everyone else, no strong nsfw like actual smut will be added, probs just loads of extra kissing, that’s it.
• Extremely cuddly when alone, like mega bear hugs.
• Loves to big spoon you, especially when trying to take a nap.
• When you guys first met you have a sleep over.
He slept on the floor while you slept on your bed.
You ended up just asking him to share the bed with you.
Score, it worked.
• Horror Movies are his gig, he also does that Chad thing where he puts the arm around the girl during a horror movie.
• Snuggly bear.
• Really enjoys oatmeal, not in the funny haha way, in the funny weird way.
• Sometimes you watch him practice with the band, but to be completely honest you only focus on him nothing else.
not as much sfw but not nsfw
• Extremely kissy, not like the soft kisses like the pecker up boy this is a THE kiss.
• Sometimes his hands roam to far down when cuddling.
Apologizes immediately afterwards.
You don’t mind, but it’s sweet.
• Sometimes when you just are talking with another person he would go off guard.
Snapping him back into reality he would immediately blush.
This made you extremely suspicious of him.
ok that’s it lmfao, I can finally satisfy my needs.
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that’s it. i’m adding a Gareth fic to my writing list.
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qprstobin · 1 year
Maybe it's just the jock in me, but I think about Steddie going to the gym soooo much. For a lot of different reasons lmao. Part of it is that I think it's a great place for Eddie to thirst and be confused at how homoerotic so many of the rituals around the gym are, but also because there's a lot of humor in Eddie going to the gym.
He has a lot of energy, and we know he has some muscle, likely just from day to day activity, mechanics, band equipment, etc. He seems like he would enjoy being outdoors, and hiking or exploring. Something that is a work out but doesn't feel like one if you do it right. Despite all that, he absolutely has the vibe of someone who hated gym class (which, same), and probably would claim to hate working out/doing physical activity.
I just know that when Steve finally convinces him to go to the gym with him, Eddie would be SO MAD at how much he loves it and how great it makes him feel. He is absolutely that post that is like "you mean regular exercise is good for you and makes you feel good???? is good for your mental health??"
He feels lied to, he feels cheated. Maybe he should've expected this, now that he's dating a jock, but he thought that his jock was an exception. He hates jocks. What is happening to him.
Of course part of it is just that it's not gym class, which is not good at catering to any demographic other than "generally athletic and doing a school sport". Another part is that Steve is very big on making sure he doesn't hurt himself, and making sure that why he lifts and shit are at the level he is actually at. Steve would not allow him to overwork himself. He likes that he looks after him and likes that they are able to do something together that aligns with Steve's interests and not the nerd herd's.
It becomes a great way for them to spend time together in public, and it's extra fun when Robin comes along, or when they manage convince one of the others to join them.
The funniest part would be how much his friends would heckle him for it though. It's all affectionate, but Gareth every practice makes a joke about how he knows how Luke Skywalker feels, now that his "father" has betrayed him. Lucas is smug every time he shows up for a session with Steve, and Eddie is there too. it takes a lot for Eddie to remind himself he can't fight a toddler.
(He refuses to admit that he knows Lucas would win.)
The worst though, as @starsvs brought up, is that Steve would look at Eddie, who loves the outdoors, is good at staying hydrated for dnd/the band, and is now working out regularly? And go "babe I think you're a jock now" and Eddie would lose. his. shit.
Eddie genuinely takes a moment to consider if this is what is going to cause him to dump his boyfriend, because he better take that slander back right the fuck now. Eddie? A jock? The very antithesis of everything he stands for? The sheer dramatics that statement causes is enough to keep Steve laughing for weeks. Eddie would grumble and bitch for days, laying on the floor complaining about him!! being called a jock!!! Wayne is just calmly sipping his coffee and watching his boy go on and on, because its certainly more entertaining than anything on day time tv.
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sunny-sainz · 5 months
he didn’t win but he looked absolutely angelic
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myblakeseventales · 9 months
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epiphqny · 1 year
gareth emerson dating a pretty pink church girl :)
gareth dating a pretty pink church girl
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pairing: gareth emerson x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, wounds, and one mention of fainting and make outs?
summary: hcs of gareth and the pretty pink church girl’s relationship but it’s all over the place
a/n: tysm for requesting!! i’m not very well versed on religion and church so i hope this is okay! feel free to re-request or let me know if i need to fix anything <3
ꕤ you first met him in the nurses office
ꕤ not to be cheesy but it was kind of love at first sight
ꕤ on your way to third period you tripped on the concrete causing a large gash to appear on your knee
ꕤ the nurse gave you alcohol pads, a couple of band-aid’s, an ice pack, and told you to sit down on the bed for a couple of minutes until the bleeding stopped
ꕤ meanwhile gareth had just walked in with bloodied knuckles
ꕤ with a sigh, the nurse gave him bandage wrap and alcohol pads. she told you both to stay there while she went to go get your slips
ꕤ he sat on one of the waiting chairs by the door, cleaning up his wounds.
ꕤ you couldn’t help but observe him from your side of the small room
ꕤ you two are complete opposites!! but maybe that’s what attracted both of you so much…
ꕤ every detail caught your attention
ꕤ the way the light from the window reflected in his blue eyes
ꕤ the pink flush dusted on his cheeks
ꕤ the skull necklace that hung nicely around his neck and the hellfire shirt laid underneath his red plaid vest
ꕤ you knew a bit about eddie munsons notorious hellfire club but never really paid much mind
ꕤ maybe you should have…
ꕤ gareth was perplexed…how had he never seen you before? surely he’d remember if he ever glanced upon an angel like yourself
ꕤ he thought your pretty pink skirt was so flattering on you, and don’t even get him started on your captivating face
ꕤ your wispy lashes and the glossy pink tint on your lips put him in a daze
ꕤ you’re so gorgeous!!!
ꕤ he was stunned. silenced.
ꕤ you decided to be the one to start the conversation
ꕤ “what happened to your hand?”
ꕤ mnnhhhnnnhhabgj
ꕤ ^ his brain broke. your voice!?! ugh everything about you is too perfect.
ꕤ “oh it- i uh…woodworking. a-and your knee?”
ꕤ “it’s nothing, i just fell. you play dnd, right?”
ꕤ don’t do this to him!!
ꕤ if you thought he was already a stuttering mess before…
ꕤ “yeah! it’s for this uhm club that i’m in, hellfire, but i’m guessing you already knew that- sorry! i didn’t mean to sound stuck-up or anything i just-“
ꕤ you had to let out a giggle “i did! you know i’ve always wondered what it was about..could you explain it?”
ꕤ he could have fainted.
ꕤ he explained the basics of the game up until the nurse came back with your late slips
ꕤ he walked you to your class room !!
ꕤ on the way there you talked about your favorite books and movies
ꕤ no, he had no care for the breakfast club but the way you talked so lovingly about it made him hold onto every word
ꕤ after that he would try to sneak glances over at you at lunch
ꕤ hellfire caught on pretty quickly
ꕤ he was quieter than usual
ꕤ and he only took two sips of his coke not that anyone was counting
ꕤ when they played the campaign someone would have to violently shake him to get him out of his trance
ꕤ after the campaign had ended jeff and eddie knew they had to figure out what was going on.
ꕤ after being cornered, he finally unveiled his evergrowing love crush for you
ꕤ you two would meet up and talk after school underneath the bleachers until the orange hue in the sky would appear (for hours)
ꕤ he decided to finally ask you out about a couple of days later (with some help from dustin)
ꕤ he waited at your usual spot after school holding your favorite flowers and an annotated copy of your favorite book
ꕤ he perked up as soon as he saw your figure walking his way
ꕤ “hey! i uhm- these are for you,”
ꕤ “oh gareth…you didn’t have to get me anything.”
ꕤ “i know, but a pretty girl deserves pretty flowers,”
ꕤ you made small talk but you could tell he was pretty tense the whole time
ꕤ “is everything okay? you seem anxious.”
ꕤ “well…i was wondering if you would maybe like to go out with me sometime? you can say no! i promise i won’t be mad-“
ꕤ “i would love to go out with you!”
ꕤ you just made his whole life with one sentence. “really?!”
ꕤ “of course! who could say no to gareth the great?”
ꕤ that was so corny- anyways
ꕤ your first date was at the record store!
ꕤ you shared your music taste and listened to a few records while getting to know each other better
ꕤ after he dropped you off at church he ended up making a mixtape of all your favorite songs <3
ꕤ he always likes to play it because it reminds him of your first date
ꕤ when he first found out about your religious background he was really a bit worried about what your parents would think of him
ꕤ i mean he plays dnd. a game notorious for “promoting satanic worship” and is in a band called corroded coffin…
ꕤ but they don’t have to know…for now
ꕤ put bows in his hair. please. he looks adorable in them.
ꕤ he will literally let you do anything to him.
ꕤ want to do his makeup? he’s already sitting down on your vanity seat
ꕤ braiding his hair? he loves it! he may or may not fall asleep though… it’s so relaxing!
ꕤ want to paint his nails? he’s already got the base and top coat out
ꕤ he loves your lipgloss kisses !! esp if you kiss him on the cheek and there’s a glossy imprint
ꕤ i think cherry and vanilla would be his favorite flavors
ꕤ when he comes across a new flavor like cupcake he makes sure to buy it so you can try it on
ꕤ but we all know he just uses it as an excuse to kiss you <333
ꕤ your first kiss was out in the rain at skull rock !
ꕤ after that you’d constantly make out kiss during passing hours in the janitor’s closet
ꕤ he loves keeping the polaroids you two take on dates
ꕤ he writes the date on them and sometimes sweet nothings on the back
ꕤ waits for you outside the church so you can grab a milkshake at the diner
ꕤ opens any and all doors for you always (what a gentleman)
ꕤ he lets you rest your legs on the dashboard of the car (so jealous rn)
ꕤ sharing the milkshake with two straws >>>>
ꕤ sometimes you guys try different flavors like banana or get swirls of weird combinations pineapple and peanut butter
ꕤ loves to ask you too many questions
ꕤ they range from how your day went, what happened in the new book your reading, or things about your religion
ꕤ he’s just very curious and wants to know you better
ꕤ AGHH i feel like he’d be like dave from gilmore girls just a bit
ꕤ like reading the bible in one night and going to the library to do more research so he can really understand your religion and hopefully give a good impression on your parents
ꕤ he is literally dave. okay i’ll stop
ꕤ wears your silk scrunchies on his wrists despite all the teasing he gets from hellfire
ꕤ even when he plays the drums. the scrunchies stay on.
ꕤ has you sit on his lap while he teaches you how to play!
ꕤ the first time you ever sat in on band practices he got really nervous because he wanted to impress you and messed everyone up more than a few times…
ꕤ he’s written a couple of songs for you but he feels like they aren’t good enough to show you :(
ꕤ sneaks into your room using your window <3
ꕤ cuddles are mandatory
ꕤ he also loves to read to you! but he has to whisper now because one time he almost got caught
ꕤ sadly, he can’t stay the whole night so before he leaves he always makes sure to leave you a little letter to read in the morning
ꕤ will always give you piggyback rides if your feet get tired/start hurting from wearing heeled shoes all day </3
ꕤ he loves you. so. very. much!!!
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fitfootballers · 10 months
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Throwback Thursday - Gareth Southgate 🔥
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cephiss0 · 2 years
You are in love |
Summary | Gareth tries to explain D&D to you, by the end of it you’ve learned nothing but you’re left with the knowledge that Gareth Emerson should be complimented more often.
A/N | Did I listen to Taylor swift on repeat whilst writing this? Yes. Did that help me actually write something decent? No.
Was this the most vague description of a character ever? Yeah. Am I going to change it? No. Sometimes we have to live with things, this is one of them.
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“Okay, I’m pretty sure I get it now."
You’d been sat in your room with Gareth for at least four hours now, listening to him attempt to explain dungeons and dragons to you. He really was trying, it’s not your fault that after hour one the difference between orcs and goblins wasn’t exactly the way you wanted to be spending your Friday night. Most people your age were probably out having actual social lives, but here you were with your best friend explaining a game you’d never actually play.
"You do?"
If Gareth had ever questioned your honesty in his entire time of being your friend, it was now. That unbelieving tone of voice paired with the arched eyebrow? The boy in front of you was the epitome of disbelief right now.
Hopefully answering in a cheery enough tone would belay him of any thoughts of his seeking to prove your statement incorrect, the smile on your face was so obviously fake, a clear overcompensation for your inability to retain the information Gareth was throwing at you.
"Are you sure?"
Damn it, he was onto you. The further questioning of his had simply twisted your arm, a confession forcing its way out of your mouth.
Your entire body flopped back down onto the bed, your arm thrown across your eyes as you let out a dramatic sigh, “It’s no use, honestly I’ve tried, I really have! But listen, there’s only so much a girl can take, can we just watch the movie already?”
That was the original plan for the night. You’d finally convinced Gareth that ‘The Breakfast Club’ was worth watching, but instead here you were, four hours after his arrival with the movie ready to go on the screen, yet not a single minute of it watched, all because you’d made a passing comment that you didn’t really understand d&d. I mean, did you get to stare at his face the entire time he was talking? Yes. Did you also get the perfect excuse to watch his animated movements as he paced through your room, ranting about the inner workings of his favourite game with nothing but pure admiration in your eyes? Well, if you did that was nobody’s business but your own.
You watched as Gareth let out a sigh and sat back on the edge of the bed, eventually giving in and just lying next to you. You turned your head to stare at the profile of the curly haired boy next to you. So what if your thoughts about him usually strayed very far from the ‘best friend’ ones, you’d long since accepted that you were in love with him, no point trying to hide the obvious and that excited glint had left his eye now that he’d stopped talking about dungeons and dragons. You figured you’d just have to fix that.
“Okay, well if you’re going to teach me about d&d then this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna have to ask you to stop.”
His head turned towards you as a confused haze took over his eyes, “What thing?”
He was beautiful.
Well, no going back now, you’ve thought it so you may as well say it, push come to shove there’s always a window on the other side of your bed you can jump out of, “Being stupidly cute, it’s distracting” your hand gave a non commit a leave through the air.
The effect your comment had on him was instantaneous, the tips of his ears flushed a pretty shade of crimson only to continue across his entire face, his head snapping back to face the ceiling in order to avoid your eyes. His fingers playing nervously with the hem of his fraying flannel vest.
Maybe you’d risk saying things like that more often, if only to recreate the exact reaction that Gareth had just given you. Perhaps all of your wishing for a bit of reciprocation of your feelings wasn’t too far fetched.
God, you’re in love.
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motionlessxgirl · 2 years
“Take it baby, take iiit.” Gareth sighs as he sinks your head further down onto his cock. His fingers tightly woven into your hair. “So fucking good.”
You let out an audible gag as you take him further down your throat. Tears pricking the corners of your eyes, a few slip down your cheeks. Gareth sighs again and pulls on your hair and begins to thrust into your mouth.
You place your hands on the backs of his thighs and gently squeeze. He pulls back and looks down at you. He draws back and places a hand on your cheek, softly rubbing with his thumb.
“Too much?” He questions to which you nod. The tears now leaving dried streaks on your face. Gareth smirks at you. “Too bad.” He grips your chin forcing your mouth open. “Now say ahh.”
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dontcxckitup · 2 months
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Ralph Fiennes
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coldtoes21 · 2 years
and they were roommates || e.m
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pairing: college!eddie munson x virgin!female!reader
summary: after a dorm pairing mix-up, y/n is stuck with eddie munson, her crush since highschool. eddie overhears y/n talk about how she’s a virgin on the phone with her best friend and offers to take her virginity.
warnings: smut, fingering, p in v, raw doggin’ ( 😭 please practice safe sex everyone‼️) , overstim, squirting, insecurity, and probably more that i forgot!
a/n: hello. okay so first lets pretend gareth graduated in the class of ‘86! yes! and i also have no clue what an RA is or does so yeah! dont come for me pls.
part 2
-i’ve tried to proofread this, but i’ve read it too many times to catch any lingering mistakes. i did change the tense after finishing this so it’s likely it might switch around here and there.
reblogging is totally fine but pls dont steal my work!! (if its even steal worthy😭)
it was the summer before your first year at college. you decided to stay closer to your parents and Hawkins, despite what had happened over the past couple years. today was the day your mother was helping you move into your dorm that you were sharing with your best friend taylor. you thought that you guys had done a pretty good job, and turned around to admire your work. unexpectedly, the door opened startling you, and causing you to jump a little.
“eddie?!” you exclaim. “what in the world are you doing here?” god. you didn’t even know he graduated.
“what,” he replies nonchalantly, “can I not come into my own dorm?” he looks around glancing at all the band posters you had hung up, secretly admiring them.
“um.. I think you’ve gotten it mistaken munson,” you say with a chuckle. “this is my dorm that im sharing with my friend taylor,” you say, wanting him to leave as soon as possible.
“oh, thats weird then,” eddie responds, “ the RA told me this was matter of a fact my dorm that i’m sharing with my friend gareth, y/n.”
you didn’t know what to do. you wouldn’t mind sharing a dorm with eddie, except you had a massive crush on him since freshman year and you were still planning on rooming with your best friend anyways. you needed to figure out what was going on.
“y/n?” you could hear from the other end of your phone. eddie glanced over at you with a quizzical look as he was still standing awkwardly in the middle of the room fidgeting with a loose thread in his jeans.
“hi tay! so um a bit of a problem on my end. i know you’re not coming to move in until tomorrow but munson just came in saying this is his dorm with his friend gareth. do you know what’s going on?” you said into the phone.
“oh shit,” you heard taylor say. “y/n, is eddie still with you?” she questioned, to which you responded with “yes.”
“put me on speaker please,” taylor said. exasperated, you sigh and click speaker, still confused about whag was happening. “ok munson, gareth was supposed to tell you this, and i’m sorry y/n i have no clue how i forgot….” taylor says with an anxious tone. “so um me and gareth are actually going to share a dorm because we’ve been dating for over two years now, and the RA already approved the switch. we didn’t know that it would mean you two would become roomates. i’m so sorry y/n,” taylor says nervously waiting for your response since she knew you had a massive crush on eddie. you look up at a shocked eddie with a gaping mouth. a couple seconds pass.
“WHAT?!” you exclaim into the phone, pacing back and forth. what would this mean? you’re stuck with the man you have had a crush on for more than four years? and sleep in the same room as him? what if he brings a girl over?
“ughh” you groan, “its okay tay. we can talk about this later, for now just let me help munson move in I guess…” eddie looked at you even more shocked. no way was y/n actually letting me move in, he thought to himself.
“ok munson. it’s official i guess. move in whenever you want, but you must keep your stuff on your side of the room,” you said while sighing. “god im going to regret this.
“okay princess , but trust me i’ll make sure you don’t.” he says with a wink and left to gather his stuff, leaving a flushed you in the room to think about what had just happened in the last 30 minutes. did you really just agree to let eddie be your roommate? you groaned. what did you just get yourself into?
it had been 3 months since eddie moved in, and well things had been going rather smoothly.
“y/n” eddie says one day after an especially long day of classes that had you both slumped in your respective beds.
“what?” you groan.
“how come you never bring any guys around?” eddie questions, his face still pressed into his pillow making his words come out muffled.
“what did you say?” you questioned, not sure if you had heard what he said right.
“how come you never bring any guys over? to you know, hookup or something?” eddie said, this time his head was lifted from the pillow and now facing you.
you suddenly felt like the room was getting a little hot and your face flushed a very bright red.
“um well you know, I’m just focused on my studies,” You said, turning away from him in embarrassment. “what about you? i thought i’d be kicked out more often so you could do your thing with girls,” you said with an strained laugh to cover up your grimace. eddie chuckled.
“nah don’t worry about that. i always go to the girl’s dorm. it’s easier either way,” he said shrugging. suddenly you felt insecure. why would eddie want to be with you? he was more experienced and you were still a virgin. no way he would want to be with someone so inexperienced. obviously you had masturbated before, and had used sex toys, but you had just never had sex with another person. at the same time, although it felt messed up, you felt yourself getting wet thinking about eddie having sex.
“something on your mind y/n?” eddie asked.
“no.” you responded and he thankfully dropped it. you quickly passed out from your fatigue, and it seemed eddie did too. it’s not long until you were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. You groaned and picked it up to see who was calling you at this ungodly hour. the caller id read “tay💓”. you turned your lamp on and picked up, but not before you turned your volume to the lowest to not wake up eddie. she immediately started gushing to you about how she and gareth hooked up in the car. you laughed to yourself about her enthusiasm.
“guess what y/n!” taylor whisper-screamed.
“me and gareth… we finally had sex for the first time!! i know it seems a bit late but gareth wanted to wait and i respect his wishes. it was so amazing and he was so gentle and sweet!” taylor said sounding happy. you couldn’t help but feel a bit insecure that all your friends had their fair shares of boyfriends and sexual encounters except for you.
“thats so great..” you replied more quiet now, not that taylor seemed to notice.
“but y/n, i need your help. what should I do? i want to tell gareth how much it meant to me that he decided to trust me and have sex with me, but i’m not sure how to express that.” she whispered, presumably not to awake gareth in her dorm.
you playfully rolled your eyes from your end of the phone. “taylor! you know i’ve never had sex before! god. i’ve never even had a boyfriend,” you said, realizing how pathetic that sounded.
“right...” taylor said and you grimaced. “i’m so sorry y/n, i honestly forgot!“
“no no no! its ok! anyways got to go tay. good luck!” you say while hanging up.
you sigh and fall back onto your mattress.
“you’ve never had sex before?” eddie questioned.
your eyes go wide. no. he couldn’t have. did he hear your entire conversation? you felt so embarrassed.
“no, I haven’t” you said sheepishly.
“jesus christ y/n, you’re missing out so much” eddie said, both of you staring at the ceiling from your beds.
“well maybe one day,” you responded to eddie with a sigh.
“i could show you.” eddie replied quietly, turning to look at you, as your eyes were as wide as saucers. you really did like eddie. you thought he was hot, funny, nice, and interesting to talk to. but you thought he wouldn’t want to do that with someone as inexperienced as you.
“are you sure? i mean i’m super inexperienced, i’ve only kissed guys before…” you said, instantly regretting how much you’d already shared. you didn’t want to finally ruin your chance with eddie.
“jesus y/n, that just makes you even hotter,” he said with a smirk as you walk over to his bed. “but are you sure you want to lose your virginity to me? i mean i know that it means a lot to other people, but I’m not sure about you, and we can do whate-“
“oh god Eddie just shut up and kiss me,” You said, breathily cutting him off whilst getting on his bed and straddling him. you suddenly felt really horny, and you felt a wet spot growing on your panties. you started to kiss him gently, which progressed into a more rough make out . when your lips finally disconnected, you got a good look at him. the light from your lamp shined onto him, and he looked incredibly hot under you in his plaid pajama pants and a thin white t-shirt that said Hellfire Club on it. his hair was ruffled up a little, and his lips were swollen from missing you. you could also feel his erection under you. you start to grind your hips onto his, both of you guys letting out moans and whimpers.
“are you sure you’ve never done this before?” eddie joked, moaning immediately after as his eyes rolled to the back of his head from the pleasure. eddie’s grip on your hip tightened as his hips bucked up. you chuckled but didn’t respond as the pleasure was starting to build up. you could feel your impending orgasm, so you got off of eddie to strip. eddie got the message and started to take off his clothes too, leaving you both naked. eddie brought his hand down to your thighs and starts trailing them up to your pussy.
“eddie. stop teasing-“ you whine out, but eddie caught you off guard and suddenly thrusted two of his fingers into your cunt. you moaned at the sudden contact as eddie’s fingers thrusted in and out of you.
“so wet, and all for me?” eddie said with a grin. you moan in response as you were too divulged in pleasure to form words. he slowly added another digit and soon had you shaking on top of him. the only sound in the room was your moans and the lewd sound of eddie’s fingers thrusting in and out of your wet pussy. and eddie’s occasional praises of course.
“you’re doing so good princess,” eddie groaned, admiring the mess of you that he had created. his other hand that was on your hip moved down to your clit and started rubbing it in circles. that was all you needed to push you off the edge. you started shaking and writhing while moaning profanities as your juices dripped from eddie’s fingers to his lower abdomen.
“fuck eddie,” you said trying to catch your breath, “that felt so good.”
“yeah princess? well we aren’t done,” he responded while smirking at you.
eddie quickly flipped you over so now he was on top and hovering over you. he peppered your face with kisses as you giggled. you felt the tip of his cock teasing your folds.
“c’mon eddie stop being such a tease,” You groaned.
“alright y/n,, but before we do this, I need to know that you’re totally okay with this.”
“please eddie, just do it,” you whined out, and that was all he needed before entering you.
he started off gentle, as his cock entered your pussy. even though he had already stretched you out, it still burned. you winced and eddie noticed, but you signaled that you were okay. he stayed inside you, not moving until you said you were okay with him moving. he started to thrust in and out gently, and the pain started to subside into pleasure.
“oh my god eddie this feels so good,” you moaned out.
“oh baby you feel so tight,” eddie moaned out. he thrusted in and out of you at a quicker pace letting out low groans and moans. the squelching sounds of your wet pussy as eddie penetrated you unmercifully turned you on even more. he quickly took your tit in his hand and started sucking on your nipple. he left hickeys around it, making sure to mark you as his, you let out a pornographic moan as you felt another orgasm forming. eddie took your moan as a sign of encouragement, and kept going. his moans vibrated against your sensitive nipple, leaving you in a hazy state of pleasure and ecstasy.
“oh eddie!” you moaned out when he moved his hand down to your clit.
“im gonna come sweetheart,” eddie whispered as he let out an erotic whimper.
“m-me too,” you stuttered out.
eddie started to quicken his pace, leaving you in a moaning and writhing mess under him. your reached your high fairly quickly and you came all over eddie’s cock as you squirted on his hips, legs and the bed. that was surely going to leave stains for him to clean up later. eddie came inside of you soon after as his hips stuttered and bucked up into your over sensitive cunt. you whimpered as you were shaking under eddie from all the stimulation.
“that was so amazing,” eddie said with a raspy voice as you were both coming down from your highs. before you could respond, eddie moved down and connected his lips with your pussy. he licked a stripe up to your clit as you tangled your shaky hands into his hair, as you were still sensitive from your last orgasm. eddie lapped up all your juices and his cum from your dripping and pulsing cunt.
“you taste so good darling,” eddie said while coming back up to kiss you. he smirked as he knew you could taste your own cum on his lips.
“t-thank you eds,” you said breathily.
“no problem y/n,” he responded with a cheeky smile. “so… do you still regret letting me move in?”
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notlaalita · 2 years
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gareth emerson, the hell fire club s4 ep1
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shrekgogurt · 10 months
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Well friends. I had to move back in with my parents and I'm job searching and it actively makes me feel so bad about myself but I seem to be getting interviews???? It's a lot of emotional ups and downs. I really wanted to get ch. 2 of GSB done in time for the anniversary of poopgate but it wasn't a reality for me so please take a little sample from it now!
“Thank god.” Simon Snow—now fully clothed again—jams a backwards baseball cap over his curls. “We never would have managed without your refined taste.” Baz recalls his non-conversation with Mordelia. (She’s taken to the Grimm family’s indirect communication style like a fish to water.) Interesting…is this negging? Only one way to find out. “Taste?” He raises an expert brow at Simon’s oversized black tee; it bears the emblem of a notable girl group. “Big fan of the Spice Girls, Snow?” (Calling him Simon seems too intimate, like he would see right through him. Not safe. Not safe.) “Well they did tell every boy and every girl to spice up their lives.” “Mmmm,” Baz mmms (thinking, options, experiments to run). “And I’m assuming to get with you one must also get with your friends?” (Risky.) “Bingo,” he cheekily shoots a finger gun, “Ain’t that right, Aggie?” Agatha flips him the bird. It only serves to confuse Baz more.
Alright I'm just gonna tag some folks. @alexalexinii @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @brilla-brilla-estrellita​  @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @ebbpettier @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @forabeatofadrum @hertragedyconnoisseur @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @supercutedinosaurs​ @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @umdiasujo @valeffelees @whogaveyoupermission @youarenevertooold​ @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​ @yellobb-old
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garethsloverr · 2 years
My Gareth Emerson headcanons
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He’s not that into pda but in private he’s the clingiest person ever like he’ll be kissing you all over oml
Loves watching movies with you on your/his bed whilst he lies on your boobs/chest and you play with his hair
On the topic of movies he hates slasher movies he will fr turn and squash his face into your boobs when a gory part comes on lmao
He has two little sisters and one older sister
He hates pickles he cannot stand them if you open a jar of pickles he will not hesitate to head you up
His favourite drink is Dr Pepper he has a mini fridge full that his older sister bought him
^^ it’s also covered in stickers of his favourite bands and tv shows
He used to have a pet rock Named Dave
He is an actual angry Chihuahua
He used to have really bad teeth so all through middle school he used to have braces and bc of the braces he used to have a lisp :3
Ik he’s a metal head but I think when it comes to his music taste he’s got a lot of range like he can go from queen to mcr
He also just listens to whatever you listen to but he draws the line at Justin timberlake
He feels the same way about Justin timberlake and he does with pickles
I’m getting switch vibes but most of the time he’s a top
He’s kinda kinky but not severely
Let’s talk about his kinks
Bondage it’s one of his favourite views is of you below him arms tied to the head board sobbing begging for more
Deffo loves to make you cry but then feels bad lol
He’s not a fan of the name daddy he finds it kinda weird bc that’s what his little sisters call his dad
If your on top of him oml the whimpers and begging i-
He loves and I mean loves to eat you
He will eat you out like he’s a been starved
Well that’s it for today <3
I can’t get him out of my head (not that I’m complaining ;)
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luckyspike · 4 months
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Gareth identifies as:
1) a gargoyle
2) a menace
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whalehouse1 · 8 months
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