#garvey grey
Hiii can u write part 2 about Maegor when the stepson is older and again like Aemond he became a amazing warrior. His father family can to petition Maegor about something and reader ia there with her new kids ans her son. Her ex husband family is panicking when the son calm Maegor father and because he doesn’t use an eye patch. There’s a ruby in the place of the eye he lost. He’s basically a mini Maegor without write hair. His mother and stepfather’s are proud.
A/N: I hope you like this!
pairing: Fanon!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Maegor when the stepson is older and again like Aemond he became an amazing warrior. His father's family came to petition in front of Maegor about something and reader is there with her new kids and her son. Her ex husband's family is panicking when the son calls Maegor father and because he doesn’t use an eye patch. There’s a ruby in the place of the eye he lost. He’s basically a mini Maegor without white hair. His mother and stepfather are proud.
Word count: 1,5K
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Garvey hissed moving out of the way before the sword could hurt him and deflected it easily with his dagger. His right hand adorned with a sword and his left with a dagger. As usual a crowd had formed around him and his personal guard to watch them spar, a friendly daily occurrence, sometimes you came to watch him along with his siblings and sometimes you his stepfather decided to join. This day however you both were busy preparing for a petition, his old family the Grey family was coming soon. Garvey was twenty and six now, at the hight of his strength.
His older brothers who were twins were fighting over lands and the title of Lord, again. Garvey raised his foot and kicked his guard in the chest sending him on his back powerless and moved to place his sword at the guard's neck and his dagger over his stomach.
"I yield" The guard called, two words Garvey had heard from the same man every single day for the passed three or so years. Garvey smirked and moved to stand up straight and helped the guard up.
The crowd around them exploded into applause for him. The Grey that was raised among dragons. His hair was long enough to reach his shoulder but he tied the front of it back to show his face, to show his scar like his stepfather told him to do, show it proudly. Maegor had gifted him a ruby to place in place of his eye and now he had one grey eye and one red eye.
His remaining eye paused when the gates opened and two wagon houses rolled in with the flags of house Grey waving in the wind. Garvey turned to his sister Maena who was ten and six, the only one of his siblings to have showed up that day to watch him, not surprising considering the fact that they were in love and in the process of convincing his mother and her father to let them marry instead of marrying her to her younger brother Aegon. She gave him a small smile and moved to wrap her arm around his.
"Come brother, you must wash before the petition" She scolded. he obeyed and let her pull him away from the crowd and into the Red Keep again.
Garvey bathed quickly and changed to wear the clothes you probably sent for him, black trousers with a red tunic to top it, the colours of house Targaryen. When he stepped into the throne he was announced by one of the guards.
"Lord Garvey of house Targaryen and Mormont" The entire Grey family whipped around to look at him, he was announced by the last name of his stepfather and his mother, your last name, Mormont, it was unheard of to be announced by the house name of the mother.
Maegor smirked watching their reactions atop his throne of swords and turned to look at you. You were glaring at your old stepdaughter whose son was the one to maim your son but when Garvey stepped in your face morphed into a proud smile watching him strut closer to the throne. The Grey family moved to the sides forming a walkway for him leading to the throne, some of the women gasped in horror at the sight of the scar and missis eye uncovered and instead a ruby in its place. Garvey bowed to Maegor before moving to stand by your side.
Maena snicked by Maegor's other side at their reactions. Maegor face softened when he looked at her admiring Garvey and him smiling back at her from the other side. Aegon who was only ten and two, the age where he despised his older sister and thought all girls disgusting. Beside Aegon stood your third child from Maegor and the last, a little son of five namedays who was called Viserys.
"You're late, Garvey" Maegor scolded, however his tone was light and made Garvey raise a teasing eyebrow.
"Apologies, father" Garvey's heart fluttered with joy at the horrified gasps.
"What is the meaning of this?" Dannis, the oldest of the twins hissed glaring up at the king.
"Why is our brother calling your grace father? Disrespectful shit needs to be punished, your grace, we apologise for our uneducated brother" Laina, his sister scrambled to say, trying to get on the good graces of Maegor. The sister who taught her son that what he did ti Garvey was okey because he was weak. Maegor burst out laughing much to their shock. You giggled behind your hand.
"No one will touch my son, Lady Laina, Garvey is the son I did not father but raised and soon he will be the husband of my eldest and heir, Maena" Maegor gestured to Maena. She gasped turning to look at her father as if awaiting him to say that it was a joke but he did not. You winced a little finding this queer but did not spoke up, your children loved each other and the King himself betrothed them, you had no say in the matter so you chose to ignore the fact that they were siblings and was happy for them.
"An honour, your grace" Laina stumbled a little. Her son's eyes were wide looking around before settling on Maena, that fucker. Garvey's fists clenched when he noticed who that little shit was looking.
"But wouldn't my son, Randar, be a better match? he is whole after all" Laina pushed her son closer to the throne. Your hand snapped to Maegor's shoulder squeezing it tightly, furry build into your form when she dared to look at you and smirk.
"Lady Laina, it would do you well to learn your place. Slandering my wife's first born will end with your head on a spike!" Maegor yelled, slamming his hand down on the metal handle of the throne, one of the rings on his fingers hitting the metal harder than the rest letting the sound of metal echo around the room. "His lost eye does not make him any less of a man"
"Garvey" Your calm voice followed Maegor's loud and booming voice. You took a step forward letting your hand slide down Maegor's arm and let him hold your hand instead. Garvey turned to look at you instead of glaring at his sister.
"Do tell me son, when was the last time you lost a fight either in the training yard or at a tourney?" You asked, calm on the outside but fuming on the inside and Maegor knew from the deathly grip you had on his hand but he did not mention it, he never complained and instead always said he was too strong to fell pain from it.
"Three years ago mother" Garvey answered, a smirk returned to his face. You smiled proudly and turned to look at Randar.
"When was the last time you won a tourney?" You asked. Maegor smirked noticing the change in the question.
"Never" Randar mumbled ashamed. Laina wanted to jump at you and kill you in your spot but you were queen now, she could not do that.
"In that case who is the better match husband? One who never looses a fight and can protect our daughter or one that never one a fight and probably would push our daughter in face of danger to save himself?" You asked turning to Maegor. He raised your intertwined hands and placed a kiss on one of the rings he had gifted you, it was a ruby in the middle of a gold band, a ruby of the same colour of Garvey's eye.
"I think there is no comparison, sweet wife" Maegor answered. Garvey looked down at Randar who huffed annoyed, rolling his eyes. That broke Garvey's control and made him pull out his dagger stalking over to his nephew and pulled him closer by the collar with the dagger to his throat.
"You dare roll your eyes at your king?" Randar's eyes widened in shock. Laina tried prying Garvey off her son but her strength was nowhere near his.
"Garvey, let the fool go, he is not worth your energy" Maena called from beside her father. Garvey sighed feeling weakened by her voice alone. He closed his remaining eyes to compose himself before pushing his nephew off making hims tumble and fall on his behind. Randar was horrified to find that Garvey's maimed eye did not close and remained open.
"Now back to your petition, Lords Dannis, Laroy" Maegor ended the argument turning to the order brothers who were silent the entire time. Probably the smartest decision they have ever made in their lives.
"Your grace" Laroy shakily stepped to the middle so he could petition for himself. Garvey put away his dagger before moving to stand by Maena instead of his mother this time. Maena reached between them to grab his hand in her own, he maybe older than her by ten namedays but she was the one with the more patience and the one to anchor him.
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"Fuck that. Those raiders aren't worth it. Thought it'd only be a couple, not a whole factory crawling with them. Much easier spending one bullet and no stimpaks than possibly my own life."
Ben chose the easy, yet selfish, way to end the first mission given to him by Preston Garvey.
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
( 🌻 ) - :: Eileen being the last person to be a good role model for a child, somehow ends up being the voice of reason for half of them.
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
MOGAI BHM- Belated Day 15!
happy BHM! yesterday, i gave a more general overview of the Black Power movement- and today, i’m going to be talking more about key groups and individuals from that movement and that general time period, especially Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party!
Malcolm X-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Malcolm X, a thin, Black man. He has short, almost buzzed hair, and in the photo, he is smiling very widely, wearing black glasses and a black necktie with a white collared undershirt and a boxy grey suit jacket, and he has a mic extending from his face. End ID.]
The sentiments and progression of the Black Power movement were hugely influenced and inspired by Malcolm X. Although he was murdered before he got the chance to see the Black Power movement begin to grow and flourish, he is an integral part of its history.
Born in 1925, Malcolm X grew accustomed to horrid racist violence from early on. His father, Earl Little, was an active member of the Universal N*gro Improvement Association (UNIA), which meant that the KKK frequently targeted his family, causing them to have to move twice to flee violence- but it got worse everytime they moved. His father was later murdered, though his death was never investigated and just reported by the all white police as a streetcar-related accident.
Tragically, Malcolm’s mother was so impacted by all of this that her mental health suffered and she was institutionalized, forcing Malcolm and his siblings to be separated by the foster system. Malcolm had a somewhat troubled early life, and he ended up incarcerated for nearly a decade- and during that time, he converted to the Nation of Islam, a small group of Black Muslims who were dedicated to spreading Islam within the Black community.
It is with the Nation of Islam that Malcolm X rose to great fame. He changed his name to Malcolm X after prison, and became an active part of the Nation of Islam, which aligned itself with the Black nationalism from the likes of Marcus Garvey, who had inspired Malcolm since he was young. He worked with the leader of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad, and he, along with becoming the minister of several Temples, founded several of his own Temples.
In 1960, Malcolm established the magazine ‘Muhammad Speaks’ to further spread Islam. Through the likes of this magazine, Malcolm X established the sentiments for which he is famous. He is known for saying that “there is no such thing as a nonviolent revolution” and that Black people should “cast off the shackles of racism by any means necessary”. During the Civil Rights Movement, Malcolm X’s fame built the foundations for the Black Power movement.
Malcolm X believed that nonviolence was not the answer and in fact was part of the problem. His was part of a more radical mindset that acknowledged that Black people shouldn’t have to respond to the violence they experience with nonviolence in order to be respected. He believed that nonviolence just enforced respectability politics- if Black people experience senseless violence and persecution, why should they have to be the ones to show restraint? Malcolm’s beliefs were radical for the time, and were a huge part in growing the membership of the Nation of Islam to huge numbers. Malcolm’s call for the liberation, not the assimilation, of Black people, echoed throughout the Black Power movement.
Malcolm’s beliefs and influence made him have many, many devout followers- and many, many devout critics, including Martin Luther King Jr. himself. The two didn’t see eye to eye at all, and fought about the best methods of Black liberation. Malcolm’s fame took him all over the country, giving speeches and sermons at HBCUs and other venues.
In 1964, Malcolm X split with the Nation of Islam after experiencing a fallout with Elijah Muhammad. He embarked on a journey across North Africa and returned with a different belief system, believing more in nonviolence than before. This was brief though, as he was violently assassinated by three members of the Nation of Islam on February 21, 1965. Malcolm’s fame and influence during his lifetime ushered in the Black Power movement that followed his tragic death. His influence helped largely to shift from usage of ‘n*gro’ and ‘colored’, to ‘Black’ and ‘Afro-American’ to refer to Black Americans.
Kwame Ture-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Kwame Ture, a thin Black man, standing at a podium with several microphones. He is wearing a black suit jacket over a white collared undershirt with a fancy, patterned black necktie, and is pumping both fists in the air in a celebratory gesture and looking upwards. End ID.]
Formerly named Stokely Carmichael, Kwame Ture was the man who today is pretty unanimously credited with being the “father” of the Black power movement. A graduate of Howard University, a famous HBCU, Kwame, who in 1968 named himself after two of his close friends and political allies, Sekou Toure and Kwame Nkrumah, was a firm believer in Black nationalism, and especially Pan-Africanism- a movement to create a singular Black American identity of pride, to acknowledge pride of being of African descent.
Kwame was heavily involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s. During this time, he participated in the pivotal Freedom Rides, and he joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and participated in their sit in movement. This marked the beginning of his time with the SNCC, of which he was eventually elected chairman in 1965, which symbolized an official SNCC shift in ideology from nonviolence to more radical Black nationalism.
While with the SNCC, Kwame Ture campaigned as part of their voting rights campaign, which resulted in the creation of the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, which pushed for voter registration and Black candidates in Lowndes County, Alabama, a county with 80% Black citizenship but 0% Black voter registration. Though initially unsuccessful, this organization was very influential and led to the growth of similar organizations throughout the country- and it also was the precursor to the Black Panther party. The black panther symbol has long been a symbol of Black power, and it was first adopted as a symbol by the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, and was later, with permission, adopted by the Black Panther Party itself. 
In March of 1966, after years of growing tension between the SNCC and the SCLC, between the principles of nonviolence and the principles of Black nationalism, Kwame Ture led a march known as the March Against Fear where he officially cried and claimed “Black power”. After this point in time, he began professing Black power publicly and defining and shaping the phrase. In 1968, Kwame was named the honorary prime minister of the Black Panther Party.
After his work with the SNCC, Kwame Ture spent the rest of his life campaigning for racial justice abroad, notably travelling and campaigning to form the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party. 
The Black Panther Party-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, two Black men. They are both wearing button-up leather jackets over white collared shirts, black pants, and black berets, and are standing with their rifles in front of a banner that says “BLACK PANTHER PARTY...”. The rest of what it says is not discernible in the image. End ID.]
Perhaps the most famous group to come out of the Black Power movement was the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, or the BPP. It was founded on the premise that, if the state wasn’t going to protect and serve its Black citizens, then Black people would have to do it themselves- the concept of self defense and self determination in the most literal sense.
Outraged by the assassination of Malcolm X, two men, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, met in Oakland in 1966 to form what became the Black Panther Party. Its original purpose was to provide armed self defense to Black neighborhoods against potential acts of white supremacist violence and police brutality. One of its principal ideas was the belief in the arming of all Black Americans so they could be prepared to defend themselves against attacks- so armed self defense became common tactics employed by the many chapters of the BPP that popped up in large cities across America.
The Black Panther Party also operated free breakfast programs for Black children who couldn’t afford expensive school meals, and they offered protection to Black children attending integrated schools. They provided free clothing, food, and transportation to Black people living in poverty, and they called for the freeing of all Black people from all jails, and helped to popularize demands for reparations to be made to Black individuals and communities. Under leadership of local chapters, the BPP opened and ran health clinics for Black Americans. 
One radical founding belief of the Black Panther Party was the idea that all oppression, globally, stems from the economic exploitation that exists under capitalism, and that therefore, the abolition of capitalism was the solution to all oppressions. This belief was evident in all of their survival programs and their focus on organizing impoverished Black people to advocate for themselves. Most of their organizing and activism centered around poor Black communities- providing them healthcare, food, clothing, and transportation. They also contributed to the ongoing cause of Freedom Schools and voting registration for Black Americans.
One very notable thing about the Black Panther Party is its Ten-Point Program, which it issued as an outline for the goals of Black liberation, both in general and specifically their goals. This program was, and is, revolutionary because it shows how the foundations of class solidarity lay within the foundations of Black liberation. The ten-point program outlined that education and shelter should be available to all, that reparations should be made, that Black men should be exempt from the draft, that Black people should be given fair trials and treatment within the justice system, that police brutality must be ended, and that Black people deserve equal employment opportunities and the chance to learn about their own history in their schools.
The BPP was the subject of much harassment and suppression by the US government. Huey Newton himself was shot and imprisoned, and the FBI jailed many members and considered them the “number one enemy to national security”. They felt so threatened by Black Power and the BPP that they suppressed them viciously. This resulted in campaigns like the ‘Free Huey’ Campaign.
To this day, the Black Panther Party remains a paradigm for Black pride, Black power, Black nationalism, and Black self determination.
Black Women in the Black Power Movement-
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[Image ID: A black-and-white photograph of Angela Davis, a thin Black woman with an afro. In the photo, she is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a pin on it, and she is standing in front of a microphone into which she is passionately speaking, her mouth open wide. End ID.]
Black women are often ignored and erased from history at large, and that is sadly also true for the history of the Black Power movement. During the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, many forms of mainstream feminism became very popular and gained fame and successes- but many of them excluded and worked against the interests of Black women. Growing Black Power, Black pride, and Black nationalist sentiments combined with rage against anti-Black white feminism, leading many, many Black women to get involved with and help sustain Black Power as a movement.
Despite issues of misogynoir within the Black Panther Party, large amounts of Black women joined their ranks. Many, like Ericka Huggins and Kathleen Cleaver, took on leadership roles, founded and led their own chapters of the BPP. During the Black Power movement, Black women formed both formal and informal networks of other Black women to connect with each other, across the country and across the world. They opened their own beauty shops, barbershops, businesses, and organizations.
During the Black Power movement, masses of Black women joined organizations like the BPP and the National Welfare Rights Organization, and they also created their own organizations. One such organization was the Black Women’s United Front, which was formed by more than 500 women, most of them Black, when they gathered in Detroit on January 25, 1975 to discuss the needs of Black women within a framework of global Black nationalism and liberation. They were dedicated to “abolition of every possibility of oppression & exploitation.” The BWUF developed out of the activism of Black women from the CAP, a national coalition of Black Power and civil rights organizations. Women from these organizations created their own writing columns in newspapers and magazines, handbooks, and guides for Black female liberation.
In 1968, the SNCC held a caucus called the Black Women’s Liberation Committee, where they discussed the misogyny that Black women faced from within the civil rights movement, including from Black men. This caucus developed into the Black Women’s Alliance, and then eventually the Third World Women’s Alliance, which worked to challenge the discrimination Black women faced from many Black men on the grounds of their womanhood.
A key Black woman figure from the Black Power movement is Angela Davis, a member of the BPP and the Communist Party, who was very radical and was jailed for alleged involvement in a murder of a white prison guard, which inspired the famous ‘Free Angela Davis (and all political prisoners)” campaign. She came out as a lesbian in 1977 and to this day is a professor and activist for intersectional justice.
Black women reframed Black Power as a movement of justice and liberation not just racially, but gender and sex wise as well.
Malcolm X was a radical Black revolutionary. His work with the Nation of Islam popularized Black nationalist thought and led to the growth of the Black Power movement. He advocated for liberation “by any means necessary”.
Kwame Ture laid the foundations for Black Power as a movement when, as chairman of the SNCC, he chanted Black Power at a march and began organizing for Black Power
The Black Panther Party was a radical, Black revolutionary group aimed at abolishing capitalism. They provided survival programs for Black communities, armed defense in Black neighborhoods, and influenced Black pride and self-determination across the world
Women were a huge part of the Black Power movement. Through founding groups like the Third World Women’s Alliance and the Black Women’s United Front, and through leadership with the BPP and other groups, they revolutionized Black liberation and feminism by providing an intersectional lens.
tagging @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter​ @intersexfairy​ @cistematicchaos​ 
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Because @mtndewloyalist-xvii volunteered himself to receive my fallout 4 sperg:
I've already discussed the ways I'd do the story structure as a whole, let alone the factions different, but if we're talking about more minor changes, I'd expand on companions and how they relate to and showcase the different factions.
In general, since the game is clearly going for a morally-grey scenario where each faction has its strong points and its weaknesses, I'd give each two companions-- one hardliner, and one moderate, someone that represents either the gentler, more humane, or alternatively more flawed side of a faction, or someone with less conviction who might even be swayed to leave it.
So, obviously, you start off with Garvey as the Minuteman hardliner. Completely altruistic, untiring about helping the people of the Commonwealth and not too hung up on keeping the Minutemen cohesive or supplied--as-is in the game, totally optimistic (admirably so, despite all of the shit that's thrown at him before the game starts) but that blinds him to the realities of the situation. So, presumably after retaking the Castle, you get let's say an old Pre-War Ghoul (if we wanna go for a bit more character spiciness, it might be a guy who served alongside the male PC at Anchorage, like it's the guy he was going to meet at the veteran's hall in the opening) who served in the previous incarnation of the Minutemen. A lot more cynical about how these things go, a lot more concerned with actually getting pay and provisions from allied settlements and building a command structure for the group. Still a good guy who wants to help the people, but with his feet more firmly on the ground when it comes to the details of running a militia.
Railroad, very easy. Deacon is the moderate, since even in the base game he espouses helping the people more and cultivating better relations, and he's the soft-touch sneaky bastard type. Bring in Glory as the hardliner, being a far more militant fuck-the-institute type who'd rather just murder her way to Synth liberation.
Brotherhood, Danse is the hardliner, the unquestioning, unflinching soldier who rarely if ever admits to any faults in the organization. Keep him as-is. Bring in someone, I wanna say a Scribe or other tinkering technician type (maybe Halen herself) who can act sort of as a Verona figure (just hopefully less obnoxious) who's loyal but wishes the Brotherhood could only be dicks maybe 40% of the time instead of 80
Institute, you'd need reworks across the board; there's no way the Institute works in any scenario without overhaul, but keep X6-88 as the hardliner, who pursues in his cold machine-fashion the goals of the institute (note: give the Institute actual goals), just rewrite him to be less of a petty fucking dick. Make him an evil character by all means, but he probably shouldn't revel so much in petty cruelty that he dislikes it when you give your dog a stimpack, if you intend for him to represent a faction that's not kitten-eating evil. Bring in a scientist type (maybe a cyborg, since they had no reason whatsoever to cancel that program) as the more idealistic counterpart who genuinely thinks the Institute is the best hope for the Commonwealth and is doing good--again, maybe they leave the faction in disgust, or are persuaded to remain and change it from within.
Of the "can't end the game with them, but represented anyway" factions:
Strong remains the Super Mutant Hardliner. I actually kind of like him, since he represents the culture, such as it is, of super mutants, with their odd collectivism and somewhat hopeful optimism in their own barbaric way, and he can stay that way. Maybe just make him a little more consistent--I'm aware he's supposed to be conflicted, but he just comes off as schizophrenic. Erikson, come the DLC, is the moderate. Wants to find a way for humans and mutants to coexist. Easy peasy.
Raiders: I've mentioned before that I figure Raiders are a two-tiered profession; you've got your average, scrap-armor and scavenged guns shmuck who's raiding for a few months because he had a bad harvest this year, someone forced by desperation or simply opportunistic in outlook; then you've got the hardened, quasi-tribal professionals with real armory skills/tooling and organization, like the Nuka-World raiders. This one's easy, too: Rewrite Cait so instead of an edgy weird nonsense pit fighter, she's an outright Raider. Still a junkie, still misanthropic and bitterly cynical, but as in the base game, can be steered away from that and put on a better path. She's the moderate, because the Hardliner is simply Gage as-is: a merciless Social Darwinist who exults in loot, domination and violence
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fightthesun · 1 year
tagged by @edward-little​​ !!!!! ty ty ty!!!!!
Rules: ‘share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.’
1) Nowadays (FO4) - Preston Garvey/Male Sole Survivor, <1k
 "You must miss it."
Sammy almost didn't hear him, his body tired and eyes closed, but he felt the vibrations from where his head gently rested on Preston's bare chest.
2) A Huge Hand to Hold (I’m on Observation Duty) - Huge Man/Reader, 1k
It was a calm day in the Observation Station as Y/N went about their day. They went about their shift as normal, inputting the anomalies and flicking through the cams with the same active boredom they always did.
3) become the hungry animal (The Terror) - Jopson/Hickey, 20k
All men had their secrets. The man who called himself Cornelius Hickey certainly knew a thing or two about that.
4) 3 times Hickey tried to shut down the pool (and 1 time he succeeded) - (The Terror) - Gen, 3k
Hickey decided pretty early on that being a lifeguard was a bit shit.
5) Ash Seeketh Embers (The Terror/Dark Souls) - Gen, 7k
It was alright, really. Solomon was never a big believer in gods and all that, never held his head high with lofty ideas.
6) a frozen bloom (The Terror) - Joplittle, 22k
Sir Francis Crozier was in a foul mood today, Thomas duly noted as he gathered up the tray with a clink of porcelain.
7) Ex Inferis (The Terror) - Gen, 27k
He opened his eyes. The blue water of the tank blurred his vision as he struggled to find the catch, the doors opening with a rush of liquid as his fingers found purchase.
8) passion speechless lies (The Terror) - Jopson/Hodge, 2k
"Do you believe in Hell, Thomas?" George had asked him one day.
9) Mad About You (The Terror) - Hodge/Dundy, 15k
It was a pale afternoon and it seemed like the sun had decided to spend the day hidden away behind a screen of grey clouds.
10) I know now (The Terror) - Gen, <1k
He has the gun now.
He has the gun and he hates it.
Thank yoouuuuu for the tag!
Tagging (no pressure!): @robocops-a-christ-allegory , @evenom , @brimstone-cowboy and I FEEL like I'm forgetting someone so. If that's you consider yourself tagged.
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joeey-dee · 10 months
What songs remind you of Oliver and Sarah? Either as a ship or their individual characters? If you don’t mind me asking
I am so sorry for how long it took me to answer your question. The last couple of weeks have been crazy.
Yes, so many 😉 most are for both since they are very similar in character and their stories and demons are pretty much a reflection of the other, at least in my opinion.
The songs
Gang Gang - Nova Rockafella,
Ghost - Tom MacDonald,
Army - Ellie Goulding,
Always remember us this way - Lady Gaga,
Rewrite the Stars - Anne-Marie & James Arthur, 
Parachute - Ingrid Michaelson,
Him & I - G-Eazy & Halsey,
Kill for you - Eminem & Skylar Grey,
Remind me - Brad Paisley feat. Carrie Underwood,
I want Crazy - Hunter Hayes,
Secret love - Little Mix,
Can't say no - Rae Garvey,
Wild Love - Rae Garvey,
The Only One & Don't give me those eyes - James Blunt,
Oath - Cher Lloyd feat. Becky G,
Freunde - Pur,
Backup & New Day - Lunik,
Can you hold me - NF feat. Britt Nicole,
Mirror - Justin Timberlake,
Mein Mädchen - Fler
Sweeter than fiction - Taylor Swift
Us against the world - Westlife
Lullaby - Nickelback,
Lucky ones - Lana del Rey,
Heaven - Gotthard,
are just a handful that make me think of them as a couple or friends.
Leave a light on - Tom Walker,
Paralyzed - NF,
Battle Scars - Guy Sebastion feat. Lupe Fiasco and most songs from Soldier Hard or Icon for Hire remind me of Oliver and some Sara too.
Just a man & I can't sleep - Tom MacDonald,
Difficult & Going through Changes - Eminem,
Astronaut - Simple Plan,
Comfortably Numb - Roger Waters,
Numb - Linkin Park,
The coldest night & Traces of sadness - Vanilla Ninja
These are mostly for both of them:
Happy hurts - Icon for Hire,
Triggers - Soldier Hard,
Mansion - NF,
Outside the Wall - Pink Floyd
Chasing Twisters - Delta Rae,
Skin - Sixx A.M.
Those are the ones that just came to mind but there are so many more I missed for sure, lol. Some of these might have inspired a story or two ;)
Do you have songs that make you think of them?
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trencri · 8 months
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@leaderintitleonly arrived at the station !      ⊵ Doc is quiet. He heard those words and he just quietly gets up, quietly gets his now-sharpened herb knife, and quietly kneels down to Garvey. He speaks in a very hushed voice. "Y'find out who called ya those words... Tell me. Yer nev'r the worst. Nev'r. Yer good as gold, strong as steel, an' perservin' as platinum. They ain't know ya. We know ya..." (@leaderintitleonly OKAY ANON MESS WITH THE SORT OF GRANDCHILD AFTER EVERYONE SAW THAT NIGHTMARE. :| ) * unprompted / / ALWAYS ACCEPTING !
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Wow    .    .    .    Doc's    super    serious    about    this. The    grey-face's    words    didn't    super    effect    Garvey ,    but    maybe    that's    because    he's    used    to    being insulted.    Whether    it    be    about    his    species    or    the very    fact    that    he's    homeless.    Whatever    the    case ,    he's    heard    it    a    billion    times.         Still    ,    it    warms    his    heart    knowing    Doc    cared so    much    about    him.         ➸    ―      ❛     Gee    ,    thanks. Don't    worry    .    .    .    I'm    fine    ,    really    !    ❜        
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echthr0s · 1 year
the Otherworldly Companion (OC) masterpost
(aka "who the fuck are these people you're tagging")
Nuadha is what's commonly called the "Dark Urge", but with some modifications. She is an avatar of a largely-forgotten god (in this part of Toril, anyway) who ran afoul of both Bhaal and his Chosen. She travels Faerûn in the company of future Hero of Baldur's Gate Wyll Ravengard searching for a cure to a mindflayer affliction and a reunion with the sundered fragments of her Self.
Dayir and Ishan are my Eorzean Warriors of Varying Luminosity, as it were, and there's a lil about post about them here. Sesshai is their tricksy Viera bestie that I don't talk about nearly enough, for some reason.
Noah Kingfisher is the Sole Survivor of Vault 111; Gabriel the Revelator is the Lone Wanderer; and Gideon of the Grave is Courier Six. Noah is a literal child of Atom, and Gabriel is the next-closest thing, being genetically manipulated by Atom in utero. Noah also exists in Halcyon and Far Cry 5's Montana (along with Preston Garvey).
Anansi Surana is both the Grey Warden that ends the Blights once and for all, and the Herald of [???] (Razikale, but no one knows that) that lays the groundwork for a new world. he's also a First Enchanter for a while. he gets around, you could say. Elijah Wolf (or, Elijah Hawk-child, for much of DA2) is Lord Protector of Kirkwall but that doesn't stop him or his seneschal Varric Tethras from gallivanting off to Skyhold. I don't play in the Dragon Age space much anymore, unfortunately, so don't expect much about these guys unless they respawn in another universe (which is highly possible). or unless I play DA4. which is also possible.
Adrian Shepard is Commander of the SSV Normandy and the scourge of the Reapers. until he becomes something bigger than the Reapers. good thing he's on our side.
Claudio V Invictus is the Saint of Saints and the CEO of Saintscorp. he is the owner of every single pair of the booty shorts in those "shorts that say [x] on the ass" memes.
there are others -- Keahi the Watcher of Caed Nua, Llovyn Arendur of Skyrim, Ananduil and Venanduil of Azeroth, loads more Thedosians, etc -- but they don't have populated tags yet because they simply haven't come up nearly as often.
questions, comments, crack headcanons, etc about anyone here are extremely encouraged and appreciated. you truly cannot go wrong
(side note: #spicy oc tag is where all the nasty posts go. because there will be nasty posts. I delight in debauchery)
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 fandoms and characters i could/will write for, as well as what i will and will not write in terms of content; please refer to these lists when considering requesting from me and respect the boundaries i have set forth.
requests are currently { 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ! }
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smut (refer to list below for hard limits), fluff, angst, poly/(three)some, reverse harem, dubcon, blood + knife play, light bdsm, breath play, mild violence, hunter/prey + capture/captive dynamics, alternate universes, canon divergence, certain canonical pairings, praise & degradation kink, breeding kink
celebrity/real people fics, underage scenarios, foot fetish, watersports, spitting, age play, animal play, daddy/mommy/little play, domestic violence, necrophilia, incest, and more if they arise
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🎞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
steve harrington, eddie munson, jonathan byers, henry creel, jim hopper
🎞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧/𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, harwin strong, erryk/arryk cargyll, jon snow, robb stark, jaime lannister, brienne of tarth, daenerys targaryen, sandor clegane, tormund giantsbane, missandei, grey worm, tyrion lannister, theon greyjoy, samwell tarley, gendry, bronn, oberyn martell, podrick payne, margaery tyrell
🎞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐧
dream the endless, death the endless, desire the endless, johanna constantine, lucifer morningstar, hob gadling, the corinthian
🎞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥
thor odinson, loki laufeyson, valkyrie, wade wilson
🎞 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
cordelia goode, xavier plympton, kyle spencer, moira o’hara, ramona royale, the countess, jimmy darling, michael langdon, misty day, tristan duffy
🎞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
arthur morgan, john marston, charles smith, bonnie macfarlane, kieran duffy, sadie adler, dutch van der linde, javier escuella, jackie estacado, booker dewitt, curie (fallout 4), cait (fallout 4), preston garvey (fallout 4), danse (fallout 4), piper wright, arthur maxson, nick valentine, robert joseph maccready
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, theodora crain, luke crain, steven crain, rick grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, gannicus (spartacus), eric northman, richie gecko, seth gecko
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
sam guthrie, rick o’connell, ardeth bay
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𝐈 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 to deny any request without explanation if it falls outside what i am comfortable with--i do not accept requests from minors, and request that anyone under the age of 18 please not interact with my content as it is intended for a mature audience and is nsfw
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wraithee · 1 year
Sending a kiss 😘 to Kevin Garvey Jr today. You didn’t need to be out in those grey sweat pants jogging like that, but you did, and dammit I respect you for it 🫡
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mt-musings · 1 year
Chapter 14
After being abruptly transferred to the BAU at what she suspects was Gideon's request, Cassie Boann struggles to find her footing. Shy and solitary by nature, the transition is made all the more difficult when Dr. Spencer Reid seems to take an almost immediate dislike to her. Unfortunately for them both, their respective areas of expertise leave them paired off more often than not. But when Cassie's past literally starts hunting her, Spencer is forced to consider that he might, in fact, not hate her at all.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Spencer Reid x OC
Warnings: Canon typical violence, kidnapping, stalking, drug use, blood, injury, death, PTSD, eventual smut, more tags to be added
Series Masterlist
Read on AO3
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14. Fade into You
Spencer hesitated, his thumb hovering over the enter button that would dial Cassie’s number. Hotch gave them the next two days off to rest and recover, something they all were grateful for. He’d spent the first day doing little more than catching up on all the sleep he’d lost over the weekend, sometimes waking long enough to watch an episode of Star Trek: Next Generation and wolf down some takeout. 
He’d planned on visiting his favorite book shops again, fresh out of new reading material and found himself wondering if it might be a good idea to invite Cassie along. They both were avid readers after all, and she had said that she didn’t know many of the smaller shops in DC. Of course she might rather stay home and do—whatever it was that she did in what little spare time they got. 
Maybe she was busy perfecting the dissertation she had so clearly wanted Dr. Garvey to have never mentioned. He doubted she was asleep—he sometimes doubted she slept much at all. 
Of course he wouldn’t know until he called.
“Fuck,” he hissed, pressing enter before he could talk himself out of it. It rang half a dozen times before she picked up.
“Do we have another case already?”
“No, not that I know of. I was just going to check out some bookstores and wasn’t sure if you’d want to come. You said you hadn’t been to Lost City before.”
“Yo don’t have to, I just thought—“
“No, I’d love to—It sounds like a really cool shop. I’m just currently drowning in my own sweat. Can you give me like an hour to get home and shower?”
“It’s 28 degrees out.”
“I’m on mile nine and I wore too many layers.”
“You’re what?”
“I need an hour. Where should I meet you?” 
Spencer looked up to see Cassie jogging towards him, one hand raised in a tentative wave. Her hair was still damp and streaming down her back, though she’d pulled on a grey beanie to keep her ears warm.
“Hey—aren’y you going to freeze like that? I could’ve waited for you to dry your hair.”
“I’m fine, it’s not a big deal.”
“Oh, well, if you say so,” Spencer said, pulling open the door to Lost City. Cassie’s face immediately lit up and he couldn’t help but smile, glad he’d found the guts to call her. 
They spent the next three hours scouring the shelves, each lugging around a slowly increasing pile of books, though his was nearly three times the size of hers. She took a lot longer to decide whether or not it was worth bringing home—he tended to pick up anything he found more than mildly interesting. 
He found himself watching her nearly as much as he spent searching for new finds, eyes flicking back to her of their own volition. She’d dug her glasses out of a pocket of her puffer vest, glasses he’d only ever seen her wear outside of work, away from the team. She furrowed her brow when she was really engrossed in a book, head cocked to the side as she scanned the pages. She still angled herself so she had an eye on the door, but her gaze flicker towards it less, her shoulders relaxing from their usual stiff posture. 
A cell phone broke the quiet serenity of the bookstore, playing a tinny version of the X Files theme song. Cassie sighed, closing the book she’d been perusing and pulled it free from her pocket. 
“I’m sorry, I have to take this. Can I leave these with you?” She asked, motioning to her pile of books. 
“Yeah, of course.” She dropped them on top of his own stack with a smile, her gaze holding his for a moment, long enough for him to notice the flecks of gold in her eyes. 
“Thanks,” she replied, answering the call and ducking out of the shop, leaving the light tinkling of bells in her wake. 
She stayed by the door, shoulders hunched against the cold, the wind whipping her hair. A large part of him wanted to revisit the shelves by the entrance and see if he could eavesdrop but he resisted, instead turning his attention to the books she’d placed in his hands. 
There were only four—Voroshilovgrad, The Optimist’s Daughter, The Museum of Abandoned Secrets, and Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex—none of which he was familiar with. He couldn’t help the slight flush that the last book brought to his cheeks, a flush that was unwarranted considering, at least according to the back, it focused more on a dichotomy of power imbalances rather that the act itself. 
Even if it had it shouldn’t have left him flustered—they were both adults, after all, adults who could do whatever they wanted with whoever they wanted. 
Spencer was just glad no one else had to listen to the mortifying monologue in his head. 
The bells over the door rang out again and he whipped around, too fast. Cassie reentered, face scrunched up in the way that he knew meant she was frustrated with something out of her control. She sighed and crossed back to him, taking her books from his quickly-becoming-precarious pile. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, shaking her head. “There was a fuckup at the lab and they ruined a DNA sample.”
“Which case? We got a confession out of Buford so it shouldn’t be an issue.”
“It’s not a BAU case. It’s just a cold case I’ve been working.”
“Something left over from CASMIRC?”
“More or less,” she replied, though she focused on her stack of books rather than meeting his eyes. There was an emotion broiling just under there surface, something he couldn’t quite define. 
If he didn’t know better, he might have thought she was about to cry.
“What’d you find? Anything special?” She asked, nodding at his books. He took a second before he answered, wondering if he should say something to comfort her. He thought better of it and began a rundown of the books he’d found. She smiled at him as he did, eyes flitting over each title as he told her why he’d picked it. 
She was the only one on the team that never told him to be quiet, that he was rambling. She just listened, butting in with her own two sense, sometimes pulling a book from the stack to leaf through. 
They reemerged on the street just as the sun was beginning to set, the wind whipping through the narrow street. She shivered as the cold hit her, zipping up her vest to her chin. 
“Thanks again for showing me this place.”
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“It’s a bookstore, Spence, there wasn’t much of a risk,” she laughed. She had such a nice laugh.
“Did you have any other plans for the night? Because I still have that documentary I was telling you about saved on my DVR and I could order takeout—if you wanted. I totally get if your busy and it’s last minute,“ Spencer blurted out, stumbling over the words. 
“Sure,” she replied, wrapping her arms around herself, “That’d be fun.”
“Yeah,” he said, face splitting into a grin.
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Been thinking about a certain Marty Robins song lately.
Basically had it on repeat the last few days. Its part of the El Paso trilogy, specifically the second song Felena.  Consider, if you will: The Sole Survivor gets out of the vault- sides with Preston Garvey and his whole gang. They take Sanctuary and build it into an absolutely thriving community, nobody wants for food nor water, and the cases of people being mauled by wild dogs drops to around once or twice a month, if they’re lucky. All things considered, it’s safe.  But one day the raiders get a little too bold- they sneak in through a hole in the fence that had been obscured by the shrubbery, and find their way into the Sole & Preston’s house. The raiders planned to steal some caps and food and get out- but the two happen to be awake and unarmed, and well, Sturges is a heavy sleeper and Mama Murphy is deaf as a board, so they’re pinned.  Three shots- first misses, two and three hit. Despite taking down the institute, saving people’s lives, making the area a somewhat better place, they are caught off guard and killed by two raiders that were just looking for a quick fix. 
The community mourns their loss. Those two were some of the most important members of the community- Preston could lead like no other and the Sole’s absolute stubbornness when it came to getting resources and keeping things in like was absolutely unmatched.  The community moves on. Sturges takes up the lead- some others step up to fill the role the Sole fulfilled. Time marches forward.  Eventually people age- those that watched the rise and eventual fall of the original settlers wither and turn grey and surrender their positions to younger, more capable people.  They share stories, though. Late at night one could be walking through town and hear talking, with no one around. Table at the small cafe will be set, despite it having been closed for hours. The candle will burn for hours and the wax will not drip.  You'll hear them talkin' and you'll hear them walkin' You'll hear them laugh and you'll look, but there's no one around Don't be alarmed - there is really no harm there It’s just the survivor showin’ Preston the town.
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𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
A list here for fandoms I'm in/roleplay in (plus characters I can play!)
Usually in fandom roleplays I enjoy doubling up, unless I feel like being oc in oc x cc stuff, but thats a rare case!
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RDRD 2 - Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Javier Escuella, Dutch Van der linde, Molly O'Shea, Tilly Jackson, Micha Bell, Bill Williamson, Kieran Duffy, Charles Smith, Hosea Matthews, Sean.
Hetalia - Prussia, Germany, South Italy, North Italy, Russia, Japan, America, Canada, England, France, Hungary, Austria.
ATLA - Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Yue, Ozai, Azula, Suki.
Adventure Time (Fionna and cake series) - Fionna, Adult Finn, Farm world Finn, Scarab, Prismo, Simon, Zesty Simon (man's very Zesty) , Vamp world Marceline, Vamp world Bubblegum.
ITSV/ATSV - Peter B. Parker, Miguel O'Hara, Miles Morales, Wiles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabhakar, Hobie Brown.
Holes (yes that Disney movie) - X Ray, Stanley, Zero, Armpit.
The lion King - Scar, Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Sirabi.
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc - Scoobs, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne, Velma.
MW2/3 - König, Ghost, Horangi, Price, Soap, Makarov, Graves, Alejandro, Rudy, Valeria.
Harry Potter - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Victor Krum, Fred, George, Seamus, Lee, Luna, Snape, Remus, Draco (that is a MAYBE) , Lucius (same as Draco)
Starwars - Han Solo, Ben Solo, General Hux, Rey, Leia, Padme, Anakin, Obi Wan.
ATWOW - Ao'nung, Roxto, Kiri, Spider, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Norm, Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Tonowari, Ronal.
GOT - Daenerys, Jon, Arya, Sandor, Ned, Catelyn, Cersei, Robb, Viserys, Khal Drogo, Robert Baratheon, Sansa, Stannis, Bran, Joffrey, Tommen, Gendry, Theon, Jorah, Ramsey, Ygritte, Oberyn, Jaime, Tywin, Tormund, Margaery, Brienne, Tyrion, Melisandre, Missandei, Petyr, Grey Worm.
House of the Dragon - Aemond, Viserys, Aegon, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Jaecerys, Daemon, Cole, Otto, Rhaenys, Lucerys.
Fallout Four - Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse, Preston Garvey, Gage Porter, Sean.
MLP - Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Discord, Sombra, Big Mac, Shining armour, princess cadence, princess Luna, princess celestia, Trixie, Chrysalis, Thorax, Starlight, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst.
AC games - Eivor, Ivarr, Ubba, Randvi, Sigurd, Basim, Hytham, Kassandra, Bayek, Cleopatra, Apollodorus, Julius Caesar.
Jurassic Park - Alan, Ian, Ellie, Robert.
Peaky Blinders - Tommy, Arthur, John, Finn, Polly, Alfie, Michael, Billy, Luca, Lizzie, Aberama, Freddie, Esme, Isaiah, Bonnie.
South Park - Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Wendy, Tolkien, Randy, Gerald, Bebe, Ike, Butters, the goth kids, PC principal, VP Strong Woman, Sharon, Shelly.
Hunchback of Notre Dame - Quasimodo, Claude Frollo, Phoebus, Esmerelda, Clopin.
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This took FOREVER to write out but here it is lmao-
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musicblogwales · 10 months
Richard Walters - 'Anchor' (Official Video)
Richard Walters is back with new single “Anchor”, the latest track to be cut from his upcoming solo record ‘Murmurate’ (out 17 November, via Nettwerk). Enveloped by Walters’ tender falsetto, “Anchor” is a spacious piano piece adorned with longing string arrangements to stir the soul. A song dedicated to his daughters, it finds the artist opening-up about the intense and transcendent connection we feel with our closest family. As Richard explains:
‘“Anchor” is a song about and for my daughters; I've been away a fair bit the last 12 months, which felt especially hard post lockdown, and it's a song about that familial pull and instinct to protect and support them.”
Co-written with esteemed songwriter Edd Holloway (Lewis Capaldi, Tom Grennan), who had also recently become a father around the time of writing, the resultant single is another fine example of Walters’ exceptional ability for intimate storytelling, captivating vocals, and intricate musical arrangements.
“Anchor” swiftly follows recent teaser tracks “After Midnight” and “Move On”, all of which reveal different shades of Walters’ upcoming solo album ‘Murmurate’, which is released this Autumn.
Written in 2022 as the world recalibrated to the tides of change, ‘Murmurate’ homes-in on those feelings of waking up in the post-pandemic world to the realisation that many of us had changed too. An album that ruminates on our human need for real-world relationships and the importance of meaningful connections with those closest to us, these recurring themes would also play into the palpable intimacy of ‘Murmurate’ and its recording. As Richard explains:
“When it comes to music, throughout lockdown I was desperate to be in the room with other people making things again. In my opinion, Zoom just doesn’t cut it when it comes to finding common musical ground and building things up” says Walters. “That’s where the title ‘Murmurate’ comes from - I just wanted to feel that unison again, to move in time with other songwriters and musicians, to flock and gather and soar a little bit, even if the distance from my homelife made me feel torn from time to time.”
Combining unassumingly complex arrangements and openly heart-on-sleeve songs, it’s an album that graciously shifts from nocturnal piano ballads (“All Over”), to sprightly folk/pop poetry (“Long Way Down”), darkly lilting lullabies (“Open Everything”) to longing, love-lorn duets (“Locked Up Never Fade”).
With all tracks performed and written by Richard Walters, ‘Murmurate’ was recorded, produced and mixed by Eliot James, before receiving its final mastering by Dyre Gormsen. Amongst the myriad instruments performed by the pair, listeners will also be able to detect Eliot’s 11 year old son Leland James on cello, plus guest vocalist Lydia Oliver. ‘Murmurate’ is released on the Nettwerk album on 17 November 2023. 
An artist, performer and songwriter based in the UK, Richard Walters has amassed over 100 million streams across his five critically acclaimed albums and four EP's to date. Since his debut release in 2005, his music has featured on a number of TV shows including Grey’s Anatomy, CSI: Miami and Tin Star, while receiving praise from titles including The Guardian, Clash, Line Of Best Fit and other tastemaker press.  Richard’s solo releases have also gained notable support from BBC 6 Music’s Lauren Laverne and Guy Garvey, plus BBC Radio 2’s Jo Whiley and Dermot O’Leary.
Sought-out by stars including Grammy-winner Joe Henry, British icon Alison Moyet and Oscar nominated actress and singer Florence Pugh, Walters has also lent his talents to influential electronic artists including Kx5,  Solomun, Sonny Fodera, Sultan + Shepard and more.
A member of the group LYR (with poet laureate Simon Armitage and Patrick Pearson, who release their second album 'The Ultraviolet Age' on 30th June); Richard also released the album ‘Shapes In My Head’ under the name Sun Lo, a collaboration with ATTLAS, earlier this year. Catch Richard tour his latest work this November at these UK  headline dates: 
RICHARD WALTERS - LIVE DATES 2023 24 Nov - BRISTOL, The Louisiana 25 Nov - OXFORD, Jericho Tavern 29 Nov - MANCHESTER, The Castle Hotel 30 Nov - LONDON, The Grace Tickets on sale now: https://www.richardwaltersmusic.co.uk/live
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ominisallow · 1 year
Since you've got that poll running, I wanted to ask what your witches/wizards wands are like~?
Aww, thanks for showing an interest in my characters! ♥
My Gryffindor, Sloane Garvey, has a notched wand (warm brown) made out of redwood with a phoenix feather core.
My Hufflepuff, Rhodes Winfield, has a soft spiral wand (light brown) made out of rowan wood with a unicorn hair core.
My Ravenclaw, Esther Yeo, has a ringed wand (pale brown) made out of elm wood with a phoenix feather core.
My Slytherin, Cullen Hardesty, has a crooked spiral wand (dark grey) made out of ebony wood with a dragon heartstring core.
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