#gays flock together
greghatecrimes · 28 days
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god forbid women do anything
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spoonbf · 8 months
all the women in troys life are gay poor guy
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yonpote · 2 months
is pj bisexual? i feel like i remember him being bisexual
obsessed with the way you phrased this.
ah yes i remember his bisexuality well i saw it in a dream, a far off vision....
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dawningfairytale · 1 year
kinda want the netflix writers to spite the homophobes and biphobes and make min ho bi next season
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ikpwecanfly · 2 months
My only qualm with this episode is the lack of buck/hen conversation
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misasuns · 1 year
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ohhhhh these two can hold so many destructive relationship habits… happy valentines day 😇
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lamonnaie · 7 months
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the whole gang watching pimfahnabdao like "i know what you are 👀"
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When you start to look into the lives of these old gay writers, you realize they all knew each other.
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toffeecoco1 · 1 month
i still find it so funny that mxtx said she doesn’t like having other gay people in her books because she doesn’t think it’s realistic for everyone to be gay. personally, im not sure i know any straight people
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seshrat · 2 months
pj made a very good point on my last post ive met a staggering amount of my recent mutuals at the club
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ravenkinnie · 1 year
amidst the wreckage of the caitvi bi headcanons discourse emerges the final boss, me: I think ekko is a he/him lesbian. also silco and sevika are both homosexuals but they still have sex sometimes
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Sorry for so many asks, but I was thinking, how would the Survive kids react to the others coming out(as anything queer)? Do you tbink Miyuki would've known about older social norms and be confused by modern ones and not care? Which friend is the "overly excited ally"?
Never apologize, I love everyone's thoughts and ideas
It's so hard for me to imagine any of these kids not being themselves some type of queer lmao
I think the reactions would range anywhere from a standard "oh congrats" to (internally) "I think they just made me realize something about myself" to "welcome to the club" to "to be honest we all kinda knew already"
It might be awkward in the sense of just not knowing what to say, but I don't think anyone would have a straight up negative reaction. I mean these are the same kids who accepted literal monsters as their best friends and family, there's no way they're not accepting each other just for not being cishet.
...I can totally see Minoru jokingly responding to one of the other guys coming out as mlm with "cool, just don't fall in love with me" which...depending who it is and what you ship might be something he grows to regret down the line. Either for making them feel bad or because like "I change my mind please fall in love with me" Or both.
It is very funny to me to think that Miu and Kaito would never come out to each other in any official capacity. There is just vibes, referring to themselves with different pronouns until the other notices, and a sibling nod of understanding. And then from there everyone else would catch on eventually.
I also love the idea of Miyuki being too confused to be bothered. She has 0 idea what the words ace or pan mean, but if that's what her friends are then good for them. Society is constantly changing its mind about what's wrong or right, so she'll respectfully ignore it and support her friends unconditionally.
Also her listening to someone else try to explain their identity and going "wait why is this relatable" is funny to me ksjsndn
Her and her brother just spend several hours researching these things so they can understand and support the others better.
To that end
Overexcited ally and possible unwitting closet queer bc times were different Akiharu who can and will go overboard making sure his many adopted children feel loved and accepted
Also the idea of one of the others like Aoi or Takuma getting caught in the "overly excited ally" to "actually lgbt" pipeline. That's what happened to my best friend XD
They just FEEL like the kind of people to go "I'm straight but I support you" and then several years later go "oh I am NOT straight am I"
Everyone else: WE KNOW
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ipcearn · 1 year
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a-curse-of-ravens · 2 years
Is there a connection with being gay and liking corvids?
Cause I'm gay and I like em and that's all the proof I need honestly
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commic-jester · 2 years
isn’t it crazy that all the autistic trans queers in uranium died on the same rollarcoaster accident
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bahoreal · 1 year
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tfw... your bosses 哥s are pressuring you into texting the guy you have a crush on
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