#gaysex even...
anuspastor · 1 year
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doodles for @neuroticreno bc he stayed up w me while i was sick last night :)))
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finedinereception · 1 month
looking back on danny phantom and beginning to realize why i never took vlad that seriously as an antagonist. like a glitch in time really cracked it open for me.
he is a 40 year old man but he is also a category 5 failgirl having a two decade long Mental Health Moment. his hobby is feeling really stupid about a thing he did and then doing it again five days later. he fumbled so hard he almost destroyed all of reality. like on accident.
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mechawolfie · 5 months
i feel nauseous but im so glad to be able to be online again im like taking in as much infortmation as i can at once like an excited dog i need to. slow down. but theres Pictres to look at. Friends to say hi to,.
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i haven’t stopped thinking abt the fucking gay casey affleck brad pitt cowboy movie i need to rip my hair out
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validwarriorcatsnames · 5 months
today morning i spent my time thinking, why do people submit "gaysex" so much and how to make it work.
so, taking gay as in the older meaning: happy, joyful etc. maybe it's mom's wishful thinking to name her kit like that (weird, but may pass?)
sex. okay, i think cats would not have the concept nor the name for sex. i think copulation would be just "mating", like animals do. which isnt wrong i guess, but i've never heard of a suffix that was an activity, like hunting or patrolling, so i'd say it isnt exactly valid?
either way, warriorcat-ified gaysex name ends up as gaymating, which means the nice and happy act of copulation, is probably (hopefully) not valid, and is utterly horrible. maybe even worse than gaysex was to begin with.
actually gaysex works when you play yahtzee with your genitals. happy to help!
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gayboy-proud · 4 months
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Ladies, I want you to know that even though I like pussies, a part of me knows that I was born to suck COCKS because it's SO YUMMY and I love it so much. I love being GAY and I want the y'all to know that I'm a FAGGOT who would love to have GAYSEX in front of the girls just for the fun to show that I'm such a good cocksucking faggot... 😛
I love it so much, I dream of becoming a true HOMOSEXUAL, I don't deserve pussies, I'm a FAGGOT and faggots don't deserve any.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Pee Peerawich Can FUCKING ACT
Alright, I have not been seeing enough praise on my dash for the sheer acting prowess that came out of episode 10. Everyone was great- Copter had the most expressive face I have seen from him the entire show, Suar broke my motherfucking heart, Title was a BEAST with his microexpressions this episode (and could, frankly, use a post all on his own), but it is time to talk about Pee Peerawich Ploynumpol and his acting in this episode. 
The micro and macro-expressions that man was pulling? Exquisite and worthy of praise. 
Car Ride
Tai asks to stay at Patts place that evening, with an immediate implication of #gaysex
Despite the fact that Pee has not moved that much (considering he is literally buckled in to a chair) you can see and feel the excitement radiating off him in this moment. Patts is pumped. Patts is locked and loaded. Patts is ready to commit traffic violations if it gets him to that dick faster. Pee makes that excitement legible to the audience by making his eyes wide, turns that eye shine up, the way he moves his lips, the way he holds his body, the tone he places in his voice. 
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gif by @liyazaki
Tai Ride
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There are not enough gif-makers watching La Pluie, I need more people to watch La Pluie and know how to make gifs to watch La Pluie so that I can have immediate and easy access to an entire episode’s worth of gifs, because this screenshot does not give enough information here. 
What I want to highlight in particular in this scene is that Patts *swallows hornily* when Tai steps towards him. It’s fun for me to see a bit more of a role-reversal here with Patts and Tai. Title is portraying an aura of utter surety in the way that he carries Tai in this moment, and Pee is carrying the excited, yet nervous and cautious energy that Tai usually brings to their emotional connection. 
Then of course, we get the easy chemistry between Patts and Tai in the bed scene. I’m probably gonna have to do a separate post about the hands in this episode, so I won’t talk about them here. But we always have to appreciate the way that Pee is able to portray desire. 
For the sake of time, I am going to link to my Episode 6 and Episode 7 posts about hands, so you can see how good Pee is at making his hands relaxed and natural in these scenes. (What do I mean by that? I mean, if you compare Pee’s hands here to say, James in Bed Friend, you will notice that oftentimes James’ hands are very stiff, like he’s trying to remember how he’s supposed to hold them). 
If you asked me to pick one moment from this scene that I thought was the best part of Pee’s performance, it’s a quick, easy, no contest answer for me, because Pee absolutely crushed the line delivery of “May I?” He makes his voice so soft and kind, and strained/broken. There’s a gravel to it that he doesn’t usually have. Because of it you can tell how important this moment is for Patts. 
The Calzone Betrayed Me? 
Tai and Lomfon are spotted and a picture of them is sent to Patts, Patts who has been told by Tai that they can’t hang out on Sunday because Tai has work he needs to do. Patts calls Tai to check on him, and it is at this point that I honestly believe that if Tai had told Patts the truth, Patts would have been okay with it. Patts is giving Tai an opportunity not to lie, and Tai chooses to double down. 
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And it feels like a slap in the face, and Pee nails this moment, this flash of anger and heartbreak that Patts feels when he hears Tai lie to him. And he’s able to switch it so suddenly to Patts’ acting, not Pee’s, when Patts makes his voice cheerful and says that he misses Tai.
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He hangs up the phone, and there is not even a second of time between when that phone call ends to when Patts starts spiraling. Again, there are not enough gifs of this show at all, which makes it hard to show everyone the very impressive acting beats, but Pee has a whollllleeeee internal monologue happening throughout this entire scene. Pee makes it so easy for the audience to read Patts’ mind here just in his physicality, in the way his face drops, in how quickly his eyes move. 
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The anger and frustration is starting to build. 
Patts trusts Tai, Patts does not want it to be true that Tai is lying to him, so Patts goes to Tai’s place to check on him. He knocks on the bedroom door, and for a split second there is a smile on his face before he processes that  it’s actually Tien at the door. 
Lomfon Gets a Shiner (aka Fight Scene One): 
This is the point in the story where the explosion start, and it is in these moments that Pee really shines in his performance. Lomfon needs to have consequences forcibly beaten into his skull, Patts needs to grapple with all the frustrations he has had with Tai over the last two years of silence, Patts has been patient, graceful, and nothing but kind, and he deserves to McFreakin’ lose it. We know from Patts final conversation with Nara that Patts can have a temper, we know that he is not abusive (Nara’s interactions with Patts and Patts feelings for Nara would be very different if that were the case), but his temper is a flaw Patts himself is aware of. 
Pee has a very difficult job here, because he has to make sure that Patts is allowed to get violent, get loud, and remain sympathetic. Because Patts is a good person, a kind person, who is reconciling with years of unresolved frustrations around Tai and Tai’s silence on top of waiting for Tai to feel comfortable and secure in his connection with Patts, and Lomfon is coming in here to tell Tai something that has the potential to undo all of the months of progress Patts and Tai have been cultivating.
Anyway, Patts wailing into Lomfon is uncomfortable to witness, I am not satisfied by watching this boy who kept disregarding the feelings of every single person around him for the sake of figuring out his own, finally get a face full of consequence because of how blinded Patts is by his rage. Anway, let’s get into the fight itself. Pee handles this scene expertly, the size and severity of Patts unbridled rage oozes through the screen. He makes this fight scene uncomfortable to watch. Now, I’m a simple bastard, right? Normally, I love when a rude character (like Lomfon) talks shit and gets hit. And as much as I have been saying for weeks Lomfon needs to be beaten up, Patts wailing into Lomfon (still holding back because that man did not have bruises and we know there is enough budget for a makeup department to give him bruises if they wanted to, cause they did so for Patts and Tai on the mountain). Anyway, Patts wailing into Lomfon is uncomfortable to witness, I am not satisfied by watching this boy who kept disregarding the feelings of every single person around him for the sake of figuring out his own, finally get a face full of consequence because of how blinded Patts is by his rage. 
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Pee lets himself be ugly, he lets himself be intense, and over the top, and aggressive, he lets Patts feel all of those things. I have seen multiple posts circulating over the last week defending Patts and his anger, and I think part of the need people feel to explain Patts stems from a fear that people will hate this character after this street fight. Because Pee did his fucking job and did it so well that the violence feels real. His anger leaves shrapnel everywhere and you truly truly get the blind rage that Patts is experiencing in the way that Pee does not allow Patts to be detained, in the way that Pee does not let Patts process a single thing around him. 
AITA? (aka Fight Scene Two)
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(sorry, this is kind of a self indulgent picture, y'all know I'm a slut for hands)
Now, the verbal sparring match between Patts and Tai immediately following this fight with Lomfon and Tai’s rejection of destiny, is something that has to be handled very precisely by these actors. Too intense and there may not be a clear path to reconciliation, too reserved and Patts’ justifiable anger at everything is undermined, and we don’t want that. Patts’ motivations for beating Lomfon up and our need to still feel sympathy for Patts, us wanting him and Tai to be together at the end does not work if you undermine the logic behind Patts’ behavior. So Pee is toeing a very precarious line here. He has to balance expressing a lot of anger and not making his character irredeemably violent. 
And GOD, I mean, a gif or a video clip is one thing, you can watch the scene play over and over and over again, and you can analyze it that way, but I actually want to just put a couple of screen caps in here because well…
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Pee embodies that rage. These screen captures are a split second of time, a brief moment, when I take them I take hundreds of them because I am never certain what I am going to get in a singular moment. But every single frame I have of Pee’s face during this confrontation is just the most open and obvious manifestation and portrayal of anger that I have seen in quite some time. 
From a body language perspective (surprise, surprise WKA is talking about body language in a TV show again, how original..) Pee has set his jaw. Pee has set his shoulders. This man is tense, he is stiff, he is using so much goddamn energy. He slouches forward when he’s confronting Tai, leaning in, getting closer to him but still maintaining a distance. They are within arms reach of each other, but Patts is not fully up in Tai’s face. Which I think is important for the audience in maintaining the idea that Tai is safe, and that Tai feels safe with Patts, despite his anger. Which I think continues to hold because Tai is pretty even-keeled in his responses and it is obvious that Tai is not in distress or actually scared of Patts when confronted by this side of Patts. 
BUT when Tai responds with “Patts, I can’t understand what you are asking” ohhhhhhh ohhhhhh the way Pee leans back, the way Pee’s shoulders go straight. Like, seriously, look at the second and third image in this set of four (“who do you choose” \\ “Patts, I can’t understand what you are asking”) can you spot the differences in the way Pee holds his body in those two screenshots? Let me know what you see! 
[Oh and hey! Would you look at that! A barrier between them…]
Thai walks away, leaving Patts in the rain and this is the critical moment, because Patts breaks down. Patts screams “FUCK!” and just swings his body around like he is trying to forcibly expel all the anger from his body. 
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gif by @liyazaki
And this is where Pee really starts to crush his performance, because he shifts Patts’ rage to fear and heartbreak in an instant. He is balancing Patts’ anger and Patts’ insecurities on a knife’s edge, and he is wielding it with expert precision. 
Fundamentally, (and if anyone as an audience member has not picked up on this theme yet, Patts will state this explicitly at the end of the episode so I am confident in talking about it now) Patts’ biggest hurdle to being with Tai is Tai’s silence. Patts waited for years for Tai to talk. He was patient for years. He has been navigating this relationship with Tai very smoothly. He is understanding of Tai’s hesitations and respectful of Tai’s boundaries. But he knows how easy it is for Tai to slip away, and Patts is OVER waiting for Tai to break the silence. He wants to talk, he may be angry here but he wants to resolve the issue. He is confronting Tai’s behavior, Tai’s lies head on, and he needs to hear assurances from Tai that Tai does not have feelings for Lomfon. Or rather Patts just needs to know what Tai decides, and Tai won’t talk to him about it. 
Patts is terrified of being left alone in all of this. Patts is terrified of losing Tai to another “soulmate” because he knows, or knew, that there was still some part of Tai that believes or wants to believe that that is real, and he knows how easy it may be for Tai to get confused, or Tai to overthink, or Tai to retreat and leave him because Lomfon says they are soulmates. What Patts is grappling with here is two years of reaching out over and over and over again only to be met with silence. Patts lost his relationship with Nara because of his connection to Tai. And Pee needs to be able to show the audience the part of Patts soul that this anger is coming from. 
Because it starts as him being infuriated by Lomfon not respecting Patts. It starts at him being lied to repeatedly by Tai. The anger starts there and the longer and longer the conversation goes and Tai refuses to just FUCKING SAY that he chooses Patts, Patts spirals further and further in to the part of himself that has been breaking from the moment his soul mate decided not to reply. And Pee 
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gif by @liyazaki
I know I have already used this screenshot but I am placing it here as a visual comparison for where Pee ended with Patts and where he started with Patts in these scenes from the fight with Lomfon until Tai walks away. 
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(I am curious what similarities and differences people see between the gif above and the screenshot in terms of Patts' body language)
Correct me if I am wrong @bengiyo but I believe you had mentioned in one of our sidebars that they only had enough money to really run this truck once, so every scene was done in one take. It’s not a single shot, there is time to set up and take things down, cool yourself down or amp yourself up, but if is is indeed true they only had the money to run this once per angle, then we really really need to be appreciating Pee’s performance here, because Patts has been a happy, smiley, calm, and patient person for the entire show. Pee and Patts both deserve the emotional catharsis they are getting from a scene this big and complicated.
An Intervention for the Hopeless Romantic (aka Fight Scene Three): 
Patts gets drunk and goes to continue the conversation he started with Tai in the rain and Tai does not want to entertain that conversation, knowing that Patts is drunk. Suggesting they hold off on that convo is the smartest thing that Tai could have done imo, because he knows there is a high possibility of a bad outcome from the kind of conversation he would have to have with Patts (though I also do think Tai would have had extremely similar responses to Patts’ questions either way but I digress)
Patts has had some time to process what happened in that earlier fight so he is capable of calming down, but he is also drunk which means that Pee has to navigate behaviors and physicality of someone who has calmed down about a sore point, but who has also #releasedhisinhibitions by getting drunk and therefore making it harder for himself to moderate his physical responses to his fluctuating emotional state. 
While I personally do believe that Patts would still be angered by the conversation he is having with Tai even if he was sober, I also think having some time and space to process would have enabled him to manage his responses more and allowed him to make more rational versus reactionary decisions if he was sober. But that isn’t what happens. So Tai is his typical, conflict avoidant, fed off of romance novels-self and is therefore infuriating to have a real conversation with to work through everything that happened that day.  
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gif by @liyazaki
(Fun Fact: I am pretty certain that pointing is considered to be extremely rude in Thai culture)
This conflict scene is interesting to me because Title is giving a master’s level of microexpressions to his performance as Tai, and Pee is giving a master’s level of macroexpressions to his performance as Patts. I like the dichotomy of the character’s reactions in this scene. I like how Title and Pee are able to root their character’s personalities so heavily in to how they react to and engage in conflict. Tai runs from it, sure, but similarly to Tien he is able to temper his temper, he is pretty good at remaining, or appearing to remain, calm, cool, and collected, in the face of explosive, loud, and large emotions because Tai has always been a shy, introverted person, who intentionally created silence for himself. Patts is the first one to talk in that soulmate link, Patts was frequently the one who reached out, Patts is older, he’s been in relationships before, he knows how they work, and he understands the realities. So naturally, Pee’s going to play Patts with more obvious, easily readable, and intense emotion. 
A (not-so) fun parallel in this scene is actually the way that Patts swallows in the following gif:
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gif by @liyazaki
At the beginning of this post I mentioned that Patts and Tai seemed to almost change personalities, where Tai was confident and certain and Patts was nervous? Yeah, Patts swallowed hard there (more out of nervousness and horniness) in a similar way to how he swallows hard here before he loses his grip and has that little burst of anger. Patts here, is trying to swallow his anger, but he’s drunk and tired of the bullshit so it doesn’t work. (Pee has some great microexpressions in the moment above too, I want to know what people think is running through Patts' mind based on the small face movements you can see)
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gif by @liyazaki
Tai puts up a test. “let’s break up” thinking this might give Patts an opportunity to pause and re-evaluate his behavior right now. Tai is offering a test of Patts’ love for Tai. If Patts really loves Tai he would just inherently know what Tai is thinking and feeling all the time without ever needing to ask. If Patts really loves Tai, he would never break up with him even if he was mad. But, in a drunken, heat of the moment bout of anger at Tai’s sheer inability to navigate conflict rather and refusal to answer what Patts thinks (and I think too honestly) is a pretty simple, straightforward question about who Tai chooses and agrees: 
“Alright you said it! Let’s break up” 
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(not the best screenshot I've ever taken, but I just needed everyone to see the second time Patts points to Tai.)
Pee does an absolutely phenomenal job of letting Patts process his own words a second too late to stop them. Like????????
Pee lets Patts be angry, loudly angry, physically angry but not dangerously so in these scenes. Tai again is not scared of Patts being here. 
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(it is so interesting to me because I feel like ^this photo makes Pee look younger)
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The legibility of feelings in Pee’s performance from this episode is truly incredible. You can see the moment Patts realizes what he just said, you can see how quickly Patts cycles through his own stages of grief and regret at what he just said. 
Patts knows he just fucked up. Patts knows exactly how badly he just fucked up. And just as quickly as he is able to fall from the anger to the regret, Pee is able to fall from the regret to the fear. Patts is trying so hard to apologize to Tai, Patts wants to take it back so badly. And my heart is breaking for him. 
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gif by @liyazaki
He is begging, he is pleading, he knows what happens if Tai closes that door and he is desperate to stop that from happening. 
And I think it happens a little bit earlier in the scene than what the gif shows but there is this millisecond in that movement of Tai pushing Patts out the door where Pee switches from panic to heartbreak. 
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(when I say this change happens in a millisecond, i mean that I literally had to slow the video down as slow as it could go and then just rapidly pressing the spacebar to pause and play and pause and play to creep to it frame by frame for this shot, he switches so fast).
Pee demolished this episode, he left no survivors. 
Wet and Pathetic 
I have said it already but I think it does bear repeating, due to the themes that were explored in Episode 10 Pee, hands down, no contest, has the hardest job in this episode. Because Patts gets violent, because Patts’ anger is explosive, because Patts’ anger this episode leans more toward unrestrained which can make him come off as aggressive. The way the audience engages in the rest of Patts and Tai’s story falls almost entirely on Pee’s performance this episode.
Once again, because his anger, his violence, his rudeness, and lack of restraint have to be legible as stemming from a deep wound that Tai caused. We have to be able to see Patts as someone with an angry streak but not someone who will turn to domestic violence. We have to be able to see Patts as someone worthy of compassion. If Pee had failed to deliver a performance that was not only legible but heartbreaking, then why would anyone hope they will find a way to work through this. If Pee does not manage to make us feel bad for Patts after having us bear witness to a decently brutal beating (decently brutal here defined as I thought Patts would probably deck Lomfon once, Lomfon would stay down and the rest of the angst would unfold as a result. I truly did not expect a full smackdown with Patts in so blind of a rage that he didn’t even register Tai trying to stop him) the story ends here. But he didn’t fail…he flourished I mean, look at him: 
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gif by @liyazaki
For the second time today he starts breaking down, first because he so desperately wants Tai to choose him. He desperately wants to be chosen. Second, because he wants to keep Tai in his life, he doesn’t want to lose Tai, and he knows that by agreeing to break-up, with the way Tai approaches conflict and romance, that Patts very well may never see Tai again. I think everyone’s reaction to a heat of the moment agreement to break up will be different, I think there is a world where Patts could have a partner who would recognize Patts didn’t mean it, and would open the door to continue the conversation. But Tai isn’t one of those people. Tai locks Patts out like he locked Patts out in his head for two years. 
Sure Patts decked Lomfon (but #lomfondeservedit), sure he grabbed Tai a little too hard, sure he yelled, sure he wasn’t able to manage his emotions better, but Pee was able to deliver a performance that made the rougher parts of Patts’ character go over easier, and goddamn it if my heart wasn’t absolutely shattered seeing Patts sobbing, clawing desperately at the door to be let in.
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gif by @liyazaki
Trying to get this out before Episode 11 airs, I just want to state for the record that I agree with @bengiyo, and @ginnymoonbeam, and @lurkingshan that in the grand scheme of the entire situation Tai is in the wrong here. He lied and then he lied again, and then he refused to communicate, and then he pulled some Nora Roberts logic on a real life relationship, and Tai needs to be the one that apologizes to Patts and the one who tries to re-initiate the relationship. I love Tai to death, Title too did a KILLER performance (but is harder to write about because there are not enough gifs in this fandom for any and all of his microexpressions) I get why Tai conflict style is the way it is, I get where he is coming from, I get where Patts anger is coming from, I get where his pain is. But by lying and then refusing to communicate about it, Tai is in the wrong and Patts deserves an apology for the way Tai treated him, and he deserved to be intentionally, enthusiastically pursued. 
Anyway, Pee Peerawich acted his little heart out in Episode 10 and he deserves more praise than I have seen him get.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!
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system-of-a-feather · 4 months
You know, I honestly do think people would greatly benefit from taking some time to deeply reflect on the known idea that "one of the key point ways to radicalize into a dangerous, harmful, bigotted, and sometimes fascist (NOT CLAIMING THAT IT IS INHERENTLY, JUST THAT WE KNOW IT PLAYS A ROLE IN RADICALIZING FASCISM I DO NOT PISS ON THE POOR) is to create an 'us' vs 'them' way of thinking." Like this is tumblr dot com, yeah there are some people who don't know that and/or disagree with that, but I'd like to think the sensible majority of us who are on the trans gaysex website have heard that be said and have at least mostly agreed with it.
And yet, even then, we have some of the most pointless discourse that is fundamentally built on this "us vs them" ideology. The same "they are ACTUALLY [emotionally and morally charged claim] and are DANGEROUS to live and let be". "[Insert Group] is ACTUALLY a [insert claim that generates fear] because [semi plausible claim and/or over generalization of a few people]." "[Insert Group] wants us dead / gone / silenced and will not stop until this or that and can not be trusted when they say otherwise"
Like, I'm pretty sure this is in queercourse / LGBT discourse, proship related stuff, and all that general way too online internet discourse, but the one I'm most familiar with is syscourse so I'm going to use that as a reference and talk specifically to that audience.
If you are reading this and go "Oh you are vagueing XYZ of [this group] because they literally say those things", I'm sorry to tell you this literally had at least half of the regular syscourser names in my mind - from BOTH sides.
Honestly, I feel if we just really stopped using labels to put OURSELVES into us-vs-them categories that people can immediately box us one place or another, it'd do everyone a lot better in having productive conversations cause you'd actually kind of need to, ya know, talk to a person before you inherently decide that they are the "enemy who wants to take things away from you and silence you."
Nine out of ten times, people just want to live, want to be able to exist and have human decency, and are just generally scared. I'm sure there are some bad apples out there that explicitly do want to actively cause harm to other people for no good reason other than its funny, cause yeah, they obviously exist - but I've come to find most people, even the most aggressive and vocal people, are scared and often isolated and thus trapped in this cycle of discourse.
There is a lot of benefit to be found by taking time to sit, pull off all the assumptions you've made about a person, and just genuinely give space and time to have a genuine, best faith, private discussion about what matters and drives them. If there are people who you think you know their opinions, thoughts, and reasons for doing and saying what they do from just their online public presence, you are honestly probably humorously wrong.
And that isn't to say I'm exempt from it, cause I liberally block at the slightest annoyance which - while minimizing negativity on my dash also happens to shut down any room for any deeper understanding of a person - is good because no one is entitled to you going out of the way to understand them and their perspective, especially when they are actively putting things out that make you feel stressed, annoyed, and/or concerned.
It also isn't to say there is any reason or internal dialogue that fully excuses toxic behavior on it's own. No one is entitled to your forgiveness either, especially if they don't make amends on their own effort.
It's all just to say that I think people would benefit a lot from sitting down and spending some time thinking to themselves what it means, why it is, and how it appears chronically in social communities the "us vs them" mentality and how that ends up causing unhealthy and toxic behavior.
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hollowslantern · 5 months
they keep giving t'pol plotlines where she loses control of her emotions and its quite frustrating make them stop. make them realize that beneath her unfeeling exterior is a heart that's breaking silently and in more pain than any of us can possibly understand. please. and I don't even really have a problem with how at her baseline she has less emotional control than vulcans weve spent a lot of time with previously- on one hand, its probably for some stupid reason like the writers thought she would be too much of a Frigid Bitch. on the other hand it makes sense because she's younger and less mature than characters like spock or tuvok, so for her to be less controlled than them just makes sense. vorik for instance though he didnt get much screen time outside of the incident where he was insane, is also a young vulcan and I feel like he noticeably was less like stoic he had more pep in his step. so like I don't think it's illogical (lol) for t'pol to act the way she does most of the time like I bet they didn't even have protocols yet for what to do when your human colleagues are being annoying she was just out there raw dogging life. and she was very brave about it. but they keep giving her plots where her emotional control is taken from her and I feel like they don't get why spocks breakdown in the naked time and to a lesser importance things like amok time, the sex pollen one, the one where he was straight, etc were so effective its BECAUSE that was such a rarely seen and stark contrast to the spock we know, and youll note that the naked time is the one I list as being most significant because it really really is. it's the first time we see spock lose control, and it's emotional, it's powerful, it's heartbreaking. and i don't think any of his other male hysteria moments ever quite lived up to that one (though amok time comes closest #GAYSEX) for a couple different reasons but the most prominent one is that it's just kind of a thing that loses power and potency the more often it gets used. you gotta let that thing charge back up you can't just be hitting your vulcan with medical contrivance after medical contrivance
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faerociousbeast · 7 months
you guys dont even know about gaysex........
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ccassettetape · 13 days
what if i did math #ccassette recordings 0 notes
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🟨 i-say-yellow
5,126 notes
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🎲 dice-rater ♻️ alien-bro Follow
🌊 diceposting78 Follow
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🎲 dice-rater
Multiple shapes of dice
Fancy numbers
Dice rating: 10/10!!!!!
719 notes
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🧵 gaysex-exclamationpointexclamationpoint ♻️ somerandomdudeidk Follow
🧵 gaysex-exclamationpointexclamationpoint
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grinklor and scrumbloti btw if u even care
◎ a-banana-deactivated20230115
op what the fuck is wrong with you
🧵 gaysex-exclamationpointexclamationpoint
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what do u want from mw
🧮 somerandomdudeidk Follow
You fucking killed them
🧵 gaysex-exclamationpointexclamationpoint
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#sorry bestie 9,739 notes
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🦅 a-real-birds-posts
12,986 notes
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🎇 ccassettetape Follow
did not die today. sad face emoji
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pleuvoire · 9 months
i have a special enmity with that post i see from time to time that's like "tired of complaining about not being able to find posts on your blog because tumblr search function sucks? here's how to find ANY POST YOU WANT! option one: /tagged/gaysex. option two: tagged/gaysex/chrono. option three: your archive. option four: /search/gaysex. this is the one that should theoretically be most useful but also isn't and sucks. ok that's everything have a nice day ^_^"
great thanks i learned nothing new and it didn't even deliver the information promised
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tinybed · 2 years
really missing nosdrinker rn….. he’d clean this site up no doubt about it
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AND i went to the gaysex store and they didnt even know u……..
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Another few things about rewrite!jervis.
- that tea party shit? Hell yeah he still has those but hypnotizing people? Using hypnosis on people to force them to do stuff?? Making them do stuff against their will??????? HELL no, he already feels uncomfortable about the hats he has to make, why would he want to make people do his bidding for some friggin tea party????? He’s just goofing around with friends!!!! Friends who actually WANT to be there!!!!! No hypnosis necessary!!!! He is a nice fucking person ok
- Joker initially tried to do his makeup, (yes, he does wear makeup when he’s “on business”), and Jervis tolerated it the first few times, but Harley noticed that he was looking really really uncomfortable and nervous, so she offered to take over for Joker, and has been helping him out with it ever since.
- Jervis didn’t start out acting “mad”. He was only acting that way, at first, and was doing so on Joker’s orders.
…at first.
- When he was just starting out, he didn’t make the actual hats themselves, he just put the components and wiring and stuff in hats he’d buy or find, and maybe give them a bit of a touch-up if they seemed like they needed it. As he got more familiar with the way they were made, his engineering mind started trying to figure out how he might be able to make them himself, and so he began gradually moving away from modifying store-bought hats and started making his own custom ones.
- He’s probably been in Arkham on only a few occasions. And he only turned himself in on one of those occasions… which wound up being the worst experience of his life. They barely helped him, and really just wound up traumatizing him instead of improving his mental state. He managed to escape, thanks to a few friends he’d made in the “asylum”, and made absolutely sure he’d never have to stay there for longer than half a week if he ever went back there again.
- REFUSES to use knives and certain other weapons. Honestly prefers to punch people if he can lol
- Did i mention he’s
…god dammit, I can’t shorten “homosexual” to anything besides “homosex”, and for extra points I could just say “gaysex” and break the internet-
He’s biro/gaysex.
- Joker reminded him too much of his old managers. So fuck him! Broke the man’s nose and noped the FUCK out of there.
- He and Harley are actually fantastic friends, literally lesbian/gay (and also bi) solidarity I love their friendship
- so, listen, to clarify his sexuality, cause labels BARELY cut it:
he’s ok with women. they’re fine. They’re nice. It’s cool.
Enbi people? YES. Oh my GOD, yes.
Cue the goddamn tea kettle sfx and flustered, embarrassed Lewis Carroll quotations. Because oh, fuck. He is not prepared for the pretty men he is n
- Oh my god oh my god oh my goD OK SO he has that cool thing where he was born with a handful of pigment-less patches on his skin, and it makes it so that he has a natural white streak and a few little white hairs here and there in his hair, he’s SO cool, even one of his eyebrows has a big bit of white in it cause there are a few spots around his eye that don’t have pigment- it’s really hard to see the actual spots on his skin, but if you look closely you can see that there are spots where the hairs are completely white- it’s so cool- (I don’t think it’s vitiligo, I’m pretty sure vitiligo is something completely different and doesn’t actually allow hair to grow from it..? But I could be completely wrong.)
- His nose has been broken a couple times.
- He’s never used his pocketwatch to hypnotize someone without good reason, except when Joker was his “boss” and told him he had to.
- worst nightmare? Initially, he’d say being trapped. After whatever makes him snap makes him snap, and once he starts mentally recovering from it and regaining his sanity, however… it would definitely have to be “losing his head” all over again.
‘S all for now folks-
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ctntduoarchive · 1 year
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1989doolittle · 2 years
i dont even scully .#stansupernatural #deangirl #destiel #gaysex
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