#get to know allison
Do you have a pet? Or another important animal in your life like a relative's or neighbor's pet?
2 pets currently! A maincoon cat named Leroy. I think he is a few years old, i would have to check the file that i got off from him. Then there is Sloppy Joe - his previous name was One Eye but we decided SJ was more appropriate. He is about a year old, a pitbull with white all over and brown patches in spots { a heart patch on one side of his body, one around his eye, over an ear, the tail.}
My brothers had ranges of animals: 2 cats with one that passed, family pets of dogs and cats that have passed by now. And as i know, one of my brothers each { my brother Mike with Matt have a cat named Yurie / or Oreo} {my brother John with Will have a bulldog named Oscar} {my brother Dave with a dog too, i forget which breed but their name is Skynard}
My neighbor has a black lab named Huntley :) I don’t know about other’s animals yet , if they have some.
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31. Tattoo’s and Piercings you have?
for Tattoo’s: i have a bird on either side on the top half of my chest with one carrying a heart and the other carrying a key, the harry potter dark mark on one forearm, the enchanted rose in it’s glass with a chipped tea cup on either side {with a face} and a swirl of roses in between under my breasts on my ribcage, a quote from Alice in Wonderland accompanied by red diamonds, black spades, and a golden pocket watch on one of my thighs. 
{the quote is “Have I gone Mad? I’m afraid so, you’re entirely bonkers... but I will tell you a secret. All the best people are.” i love Alice in Wonderland and that is my favorite quote from it; }
I plan to get much more ; i would/plan to have a heck of a lot.
for Piercings: I have the classic ears only but i want to get other ear kind of ones, septum, dermal, snake bites for the lip{s} , nipples and belly button.}
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30. Favorite song right now?
it’s a tie between I Don’t Give A... or Twisted, both by Missio 
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9. Sexuality? ::
Pansexual and proud ^__^
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29 ?
29. Favorite Band ::
I would have to say Digital Daggers. Every single song of theirs from the beat/tune of the songs to the enticing titles and the lyrics are so good, i just - aaahh
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What is Love to you? true love, soulmates, the one where you're meant for each other? They saw it's hard to describe but i am curious about what you think and believe it to be? Bonus : also give examples through love songs { bc i want to die of romance }
~To Me, LOVE is : ~
Love is patient bc it means you’re willing to fight for the one who holds those feelings over your hearts {s}. Love is having somebody to die for bc there is no risk that you wouldn’t put yourself through to make sure they were alive and s a f e even if they didn’t feel the same or did and wanted you okay too. Love is wanting to help them out of the darkness but willing to be their companion through out it so long as they are alone because they don’t deserve to be alone. Love is sweat , blood and tears: it’s knowing not every moment is going to be pleasant but it’s fighting everyday to keep it because what you two have is real, its true and genuine and nothing can take away how powerful and everlasting it feels. Love is refusing to ever let them go because the way you two feel about each other, seeing them with someone else? is a pain unlike anything else because it’s unthinkable. Love is them being the last thing you think of before you fall asleep and the first thing you think of when you wake up. Love is giving someone the power to break you but hoping and begging and trusting them not too , the fear and risk that you’re putting yourself out there and being vulnerable with the chance of getting broken BUT then they don’t and the utter happiness that you found your other half through the glories and madness of all of time and space regardless of where you two originate.
Love is kind and it’s sweet : its not afraid to show them off to everyone else, being so proud to have them and cherish them like they are the most precious thing in all of creation. Love is worth fighting for , its finding them worth fighting for because you think they deserve everything good: friends, family, a love, .. a hand to hold through the glories and madness of everything life has to offer. Love is fights and arguments, battles and tears : it’s not putting up with the person’s crap and calling them out on their shit but rather doing this together then being apart and losing each other. Love is overcoming the obstacles bc it makes you two stronger rather than break you two apart. Love is continuously trying to woo them even after you’re already together. Love is seeing past all their darkness ; not overlooking it but giving them chances when you see something in them they might not see in themself: something good, something so opposite then what they might act on the outside. Love is seeing them through to their core : for all their good, their pain, their happiness, their dark side. Love is there being no darkness strong enough to ever make you two let ago, to tear you two from each other’s hearts. Love is never letting go, Love is there being nothing having the strength to take away what you two have.
Love is brave, because it gives you a rush, an edge : it makes you want to stand on something of the tallest height and scream about how happy you are. Love is dancing together , not needing music at three am in the kitchen. Love is slow passionate kisses as you bask in the warmth of each other close and the love you put into the softness of the lips moving together. Love is holding hands like a perfect fit as if they were made to be. Love is laughing together and embracing the good moments as they come because they could be gone in an instant. Love is each other’s smile that feels like it lights up their whole face with a sparkle to their eyes. Love is your soul and your hearts, everything in you going : ‘Oh that’s the one for me.” Love is where you go, i go. Love is i will always find you, its you and me always. Love doesn’t judge because its you seeing not just the good sides of each other but the w o r s t. Willingness to understand and listen and be there and comfort... to be their shoulder to cry on, to offer to be their bag to let loose their anger but them refusing to let you see them like that, refusing to hurt you. Love is doing anything to make them laugh and cheer up.
Love is the passion, the fiery intensity, the heated lingering gazes. Love is the feeling of static electricity making everything feel on edge when you two are in distance of each other. Everything around feeling like a barrier but the urge to say FUCK IT and move towards them and let loose your feelings and kiss them and claim them as your own. Love is making love : wanting to worship them like they are the most precious, rare and special of treasures. Love is not being afraid to go rougher, harder, to mark your claim on the one you love and care for because they trust you. Love is while not putting up with their crap, its also defending their honor when they weren't worthy of aggressors for whatever reason. Love is when their is a worry of hurt or loss or danger of the one you love, it's running to them, no hesitation determination and anyone having to hold you back but helpless in the end as you’re all protective and badass and fierce as you’d make anyone regret hurting them. You would want to be their shining savior but also be proud of their accomplishments like “that’s my ____ “ . Love is being able to communicate with looks alone without even needing to speak. Love is all you ever wanted being right there in front of you, maybe even when you were too blind and oblivious to see it.
To some, The best kind of love is the one that starts with friends because you have that additional closeness that comes from all with friendship from a platonic aspect which makes the crossover to romance even more sweeter and intense bc its like a slow-motion realization moment with flashbacks of history together and you realize and you’re in love and its like “oh shit.” Love is regardless of dimension, reality, universe?? You and them will always find each other because you’re connected. Love is finding your other half who knows you better than yourself besides yourself and your family. Love is running hand in hand , embracing everything to come t o g e t h e r. When love is really and truly real, it always finds a way. Love is not being able to imagine them not in your life and wanting them to be apart of it. Love is even when one is reckless and stupid and the other patches them up and scolds them, there is the sexual tension and the loving worrying softness. Love is not walking away when things get tough. Maybe its something in the way they talk, move, carry themselves but the feelings they inspire makes you want them to stay because you can’t live without them. Technically you could but why would you want to and if they feel the same, why should you two have to live without each other??
Love is continously falling in love with them all over again. Love is wanting them to meet your family bc you want them apart of it , for your family to love them and see what you see in them. Love is having products of your two’s love in little ones you two would be parents of in your own chaotic but brilliantly lovely way. Love is seeing them as this person worth cherishing, seeing that they have flaws so they are not perfect, someone else they think you would wish them to be BUT THATS THE POINT, they are them, they are worth cherishing and the fact that they have flaws makes you love them more. Why would you want them to be perfect?? Love is them making you feel in a way no one else ever can or could. Love is being unashamedly, recklessly, irrevocably, head and hearts and souls and body over everything, crazily, madly, dangerously, chaotically in love and lust with someone. Perhaps you would see love as wanting to save someone, finding them worth fighting for, appealing for a better nature that they might not have but the truth is, you make them feel and they want it to STOP. They refuse to have a weakness but at the same time, losing you?? They don’t want to lose the feeling you give and they are scared to give in and give a chance and try and be vulnerable But its them trusting and there being a better outcome than they hoped and if you hurt, they hurt. If they hurt, then you hurt. 
True love, soulmates, the one for you, your other half, everything you ever wanted, your missing puzzle piece, your happiness and happy place, your anchor, your always and forever, your ‘its me and you no one else’ , your ‘i will always find you, we will always find each other.”, etc ????? Love is being each other’s light and anchor, knowing and trusting and being vulnerable, not giving up or abandoning the other. Love cherishes and it trusts, it isnt cruel or cowardly. It is brave and it is scary, it is its own adventure that some fear to tread out of fear of hurt. Love is endless respect, being proud and supportive, standing by one another’s side feeling like there is nothing that couldnt be done or accomplished together. Love is a promise that you never break. Love is endless and it is just... so much romance and cherishing and care and affection it would make your teeth rot out your head. It’s basking in happiness and feeling genuine peace. Love is the feeling of home with them. Love isn’t easy but it is always worth it because if you ever lost it, it can never be replaced. Love is thinking in an argument or fight that one is going to walk away and its going to be a brutal heartbreaking ending when instead its a denial, grabbing them and pulling them into you and working through the issues and showing your love. Love is rewriting the stars to where anything can be yours together regardless of what anyone else might think. Love is running together and running to each other. Love is comfort.  Love is the feelings between you two better than anything in your dreams , tv shows, movies because its repeatedly experienced in dreams instead of watching it happen unconscious or through a screen, its right there in front of you.
Love is being made for each other, nothing can keep you two apart because you two were meant to find each other. Its up to you two. { im starting to write lyrics, dont judge me.} Love is feeling so much for the person but afraid to show it and the now or never , you never know if you dont try feelings bc once its gone, its g o n e. Love is choosing your own destiny and choosing one together. Love is a PROMISE : its swearing to each other in love, affection, care, honesty and trust, your bodies and your hearts. Love is not needing to be anything fake or dramatic or title like with each other as you two might be different around others, its just being able to be your two, just ______ and _______ {youre names ; just two hopelessly in love, living life together }  Love is even if you two were physically seperated, nothing in your love to break it would change. A true love story never ends.
Love is always and forever. 
{I could go on in continuation about what love is additionally to me but here is this to start with ^____^ }
Love songs? : 
1) My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
{ think the scene in Titanic where Jack and Rose watch each other in slow motion as she got on the boat and decided to jump off back onto the sinking ship to go back to him ‘ the sadness of other passengers crying and escaping, saying goodbye. Her and Jack when they immediately reunited. ; Additionally its “I’ll never let go.” Its even in death, jts you two because youll find each other again. Its swearing to their promises they want you to make and you do. }
2) Brave by Tawgs Salter
3) Everything by LifeHouse
4) I Won’t Let You Go by Switchfoot
5) All I Ever Wanted by John Tyree
6) Rewrite The Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya from The Greatest Showman
7) Crazy In Love by Sofia Karlberg {Cover}
8) Stay by Rihanna
9) Perfect, Give Me Love, Kiss Me & Thinking Out Loud ... ALL by Ed Sheeran
10) Somebody To Die For : Hurts
11) The Other Side by Ruelle
{ just a few songs to kill ya of feels ;) }
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If you were apart of the timeless child / timelord { timelady } species, what title name would you want to go by? { not including the unknown true name hard to pronounce } & why? :)
The Protector 
This is why:
One who keeps others safe, guards and looks after them so they are unharmed - risking themselves if need be to make sure the ones under their watchful eye are unscathed. In history - one who looks after the kingdom, taking charge when their sovereign lord is otherwise detained in other duties so the lord protector does it in their stead until further notice, possibly indefinitely based on any decisions made with reasons leading to said choices. Otherwise during the minority , absence or incapacitation of their soveriegn lord. Someone who protects others, wanting their well being to be at the best possibly without anyone negatively affecting.
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Living in Game of Thrones and you had to have some weapons of choice that you were talented in and used to fight, protect and defend yourself and others, which ones would you use? :)
Any use of blades from throwing knives / stars to daggers to swords
and lastly, bow & arrows ^__^
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