#get yourself someone who loves you as much as WWE loves a spear through the barricade
danwhobrowses · 2 months
If anyone's curious after I finally watched all the main PPVs this weekend. MotN (Supercard of Honor): Eddie Kingston vs Mark Briscoe MotN (Stand and Deliver): Oba Femi vs Dijak vs Josh Briggs MotN (Wrestlemania XL Day 1): GUNTHER vs Sami Zayn MotN (Wrestlemania XL Day 2): Logan Paul vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens Best Entrance: The Rock (Wrestlemania XL Day 1) Best Attire: Athena as Karlach (Supercard of Honor) - But shout out to New Day for the Rocky and Apollo gear honoring Carl Weathers. Best Performance: Kyle Fletcher (Supercard of Honor) Best Spot: Billie Starkz fakes a Neck Injury just to jump Queen Amanita to win her first major title at 19 years old (Supercard of Honor)
#wwe#roh#ring of honor#nxt#wwe nxt#nxt stand and deliver#supercard of honor#wrestlemania 40#I'd probably have liked Stand and Deliver more if it weren't for Booker T on commentary#Punk on commentary was so bitter and redundant as well#and Snoop Dogg was fucking baked#also I'd like to point out that I hate the 'pull the ref out the ring' spot - it doesn't stop them from being able to count!#Trips and Steph opening each Mania was a bit narcissistic if TK did it the internet would've ripped him apart even if it were Wembley#nobody wants to admit how big a mark Trips and Steph are for themselves and it shows - literally just jerking themselves off on tv#love Rey but felt Dom and Santos probably should've won though#like ol' Stingray but he kinda lingered too long for Johnny/Dalton#liked Drew's entrance but the Rock took it easily - also that kinda setup should've been for a world title match#Sami and Owens being there for each other backstage before their entrances was nice though#but still a lot of good wrestling out this weekend#Pretty Deadly skit was funny too on Night 1#not the biggest Corbin fan but his tag match was a close second to the NA triple threat#and credit where it's due also to Logan Paul as much as I hate him actually did some wrestling this time#Athena/Shida was a close second against Eddie/Mark too - same with Lee/Fletcher#Kyle just beats out Sami and Dijak imo but they all wrestled their butts off#should've put money on Drew winning then Punk attacking leading to a Priest cash in though#I'd be down for a R-KO tag run though - also a Mina vs Toni match to put Mariah in the middle#but congrats Cody for winning the world title that didn't exist when Dusty was robbed of winning the world title against Flair by count out#get yourself someone who loves you as much as WWE loves a spear through the barricade
0 notes
officialotakudome · 3 years
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AEW Rampage Was a Rare Pro Wrestling Surprise
AEW made it’s formal conception on January 1, 2019 and has since been making a number of accomplishments since. Including sold out shows, record merch sales, signing major stars, and  breaking one million viewers semi-regularly just to name a few. As we come to closing out the year AEW is looking to continue the highs they’ve been receiving in 2021 with the debut of their second televised program AEW Rampage. An hour series that will act as an equal to it’s sister program AEW Dynamite. And with the show they put on for night one that promise has so far already been kept.
AEW Rampage is a 2021 pro wrestling series produced by AEW & WarnerMedia. It currently airs Fridays at 9:00 AM Central on TNT. 
Editor’s Note: Spoilers for the debut episode of AEW Rampage and potential spoilers for the second episode may be present within this review.
AEW Rampage opened with an amazing match and a shock finish.
Kenny Omega (c) vs Christian Cage for the Impact World Championship:
In the opening (and first ever) contest of AEW Rampage, AEW featured a historic moment in which the Impact World Championship was defended for the very first time on another national wrestling promotion’s television program. AEW, Impact, and AAA World Champion Kenny Omega defended against challenger Christian Cage in a bit of a preview to their upcoming All Out main event match for the AEW World Championship. First just wanted to point out that the Pittsburg crowd was HOT for this show from start to finish. It really goes to show that if you give your audience a bit of respect they often respond in kind. Which is a polar opposite to a lot of WWE crowds who often attack the shows with obnoxious chants such as “What!?” & “CM PUNK!”. But WWE often shows little respect to their audience so it can be a bit forgiven.
Omega and Cage are both rather high level in-ring performers, especially the latter at age 47. AEW typically has their best matches open and close their shows and this philosophy continued on the debut of Rampage. Most of the offense surprisingly came from Christian who was really showing out against Omega who was mainly selling everything. At one point in the match Christian hit Omega with a Spear and had a cool near fall. Finish saw the Young Bucks coming out while Don distracted a ref and they handed Kenny a chair. As Omega was preparing for the One-Winged Angel, Christian turned the tides with a Killswitch on the very chair Omega had prepared for a three count. Omega sold the Killswitch like he was shot and Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus join Cage for the post-match celebration.
Winner AND NEW Impact World Champion Christian Cage: **** 1/2 stars
Beloved jobber Fuego del Sol gained a life changing victory in defeat.
Following the commercial break with get Mark Henry interviewing Cage with Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus having A Little Bit of the Bubbly. Cage said Kenny caused him to bring everything he had and felt he wasn’t going to win. He then states that if he gave him so much trouble for the Impact title it’ll be next to impossible for him to win the AEW title, but the victory has Cage in Omega’s head. Next match is God’s Favorite Champion Miro taking on everybody’s favorite jobber Fuego del Sol for the TNT Championship. If Sol wins he’ll be signed to an AEW contract.
Fuego del Sol vs Miro (c) for the TNT Championship:
If you’re even remotely apart of AEW’s social media circles you’ve probably heard of the rise of Fuego del Sol fka Kage. Sol began wrestling in a trampoline fed on Youtube prior to pursing his dreams on the independent circuit. Fuego; real life best friend of rising AEW star Sammy Guevara found his way to the promotion through recommendation working AEW Dark during their stay at Daily’s Place during the pandemic. Fuego also had a starring role in Guevara’s vlog entitled “Sammy’s Vlog” in which he films & documents his & his friends & co-workers’ real lives and careers as a professional wrestlers. Fuego became a fan-favorite due to his likable personality and optimism. AEW took notice of Fuego’s skyrocketing popularity and often had him featured on Dark and occasionally on flagship series Dynamite. The running gag of Sammy’s Vlog was Fuego’s real-life quest for a contract despite his losing streak and the fact that he also worked at Burger King to support his family while on PPA (pay per appearances) bookings with AEW.
Sammy stated many times that the goal of his vlog was to help his friends and guests to establish a gimmick, place to explore personality, and an opportunity to reach an audience basically to help wrestlers get over. And it’s kind of poetic that Fuego is one of the first to truly accomplish those goals. Fuego is now a hit on social media with many of his tweets gaining five digit numbers in likes something that’s rather unheard of from someone who’s had no real presence in the WWE. Now that we’ve gotten to the background of Fuego and the importance of this storyline (apologies for being so long winded about it) we can move on to the match itself. 
This was more or less a squash match, but the point was to get Fuego over in front of a big crowd. As the match began Fuego showed his bravery by hitting Miro with a variation of the Tornado DDT his finishing move of which he is the master. Fuego goes for a pin but only got a one count, he follows up with a second Tornado DDT as the crowd goes ballistic in cheers and Miro wisely rolls out of the ring. Commentary reminds people at home that if Fuego wins via count out he may not win the title but he will in fact still win the AEW contract. Miro unfortunately gets back into the ring at nine only to be hit with THIRD Tornado DDT at this stage the crowd is all over Fuego. He goes for a pin, but gets a very close near fall. As Miro recovers he nails Fuego with the Bulgarian Drop & Thrust Kick followed by the Game Over submission for the win.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion Miro: *** stars
AEW Women’s World Champion returned to Brittsburg in the main event.
Miro celebrates and rips the contract as we head to commercial. Returning from the break Fuego recovers from his heartbreaking loss as the Pittsburg crowd gives him a standing ovation for his efforts. Commentary is selling the idea that this is Fuego’s final official appearance in AEW as they’re back on a touring schedule. Suddenly, Sammy Guevara’s music hits and he appears (briefly) with Tony Khan who hands him a mic and clipboard. Sammy tells Fuego that despite losing he may have still won. Reminding him of his disappointing win-loss record, he tells him it doesn’t matter as the fans and the wrestlers in the back all love him. Realizing what’s about to go down Fuego starts ugly crying as Sammy tells Fuego that Tony Khan wanted himself as his best friend to inform him that as of tonight he is officially All Elite and the crowd goes nuts. In an interview with Sports Illustrated Tony Khan stated that this was 100% shoot and that only Sammy knew Fuego was getting signed regardless of his loss. If you’ve followed Fuego’s journey from the beginning or middle where he made his AEW it really shows that anyone can get themselves over if they work hard enough and have the right platform. Contrastingly, in WWE if you get over without being their chosen guy or gal you’re punished for it being viewed as “having gone into business for yourself”. A testament to this is the infamous rise of Matt Cardona fka Zach Ryder who rose to fame with his “Z! True Long Island Story” Youtube series and had a fundamental role in teaching pro wrestlers to use the internet and social media to work for themselves to get over and would go on to inspire shows such as BTE (Being the Elite) & Sammy’s Vlog.
Cardona would regularly embarrassed and buried on WWE TV after a pity run with the WWE United States Championship rarely finding success beyond point for the remainder of his run in the promotion. Reports stated that morale among talent hit a record low, Cardona’s best friend Impact Wrestling star Brian Myers was also quoted as saying WWE “would hold “brass ring” pep talks every WrestleMania that suddenly stopped once Cardona got over”. So in short, unless you’re their flavor of the week/month/year WWE won’t take it kindly if you work hard and gain a following without their say. Whereas AEW (and virtually every other promotion ever) will do the compete opposite and show support, but enough of the rant it’s time for the main event.
Red Velvet vs Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D for the AEW Women’s World Championship:
Fuego wasn’t the only new signee of the night.
As the match starts Velvet is understandingly thrown off by the boos. More confusingly Velvet is working as a babyface for much of the match, rectifies this when she begins working Britt’s wrist. Obviously, Britt is the heel, but for the sake if the circumstances I’m glad Velvet played into being the baddie for the night. Also can I just say how crazy it’s been seeing Red Velvet grow as an in ring performer? I’ve seen her since her debut on Dark and basically followed through since her debut on Dynamite with Cody against Jade Cargill and Shaq. She’s still fairly fresh and young as a worker, but has really shown off her potential especially here. Lots of back and forth offense from Britt and Red. The finish saw Britt attempting the Lockjaw with the hurt wrist, but once Velvet escapes she brilliantly reverses it with her opposite arm for the submission. 
Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker: **** stars
While Britt celebrates she beats down Velvet who comes back only to be beat down again by the returning Jamie Hayter with a new look. Hayter had a bit run on AEW Dark & NXT UK prior to her return as a full-time AEW talent. Britt had been hinting that she was opening up a bodyguard position and Hayter will fit that role moving forward. AEW Rampage’s debut was an extremely strong show with fantastic matches and excellent storytelling. This Friday is surprisingly going to be even more important, as unless you’ve been living under a rock “The First Dance” in the United Center will be the host of the long-awaited return of CM Punk to pro wrestling and not as an analyst as an in-ring talent. AEW and Punk himself are barely trying to throw fans off of what is undoubtedly going to be a legendary moment for them in their short time alive. 2021 has been very good to AEW and pro wrestling as a whole and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. AEW gives AEW Rampage’s debut episode an 80 out of 100.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
The Role Model’s Crush (Bayley x Reader)
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@themanbexl Request: Ummm maybe do something where bayley is the role model heel with everyone else but with the reader she's all soft and shy
A little surprise to @gaaysatan​ from @themanbexl​ so SURPRISEEEEEE! 
You pick your head up, smiling bashfully when you see Bayley, the Smackdown Women’s Champion making her way towards you.  
Bayley glances away, her cheeks flushed.  
“How are you doing?” She asks and you shrug.  
“Still nervous... I mean, this is the MAIN ROSTER.” You shake your head, Bayley smiling softly at the way you flail your arms.  
“You’re talented Y/N, you’ll be just fine.”  
Bayley says as she places her hand on your shoulder, her thumb running back and forth across your exposed skin before she freezes, her brown orbs wide.  
“I-I b-better go.” She stammers quickly before rushing away, leaving you behind red faced, your heart racing in your chest.  
Watching Bayley cut a promo was as per usual, surprising considering every time she came backstage to talk to you her demeanor changed, the woman stuttering, and bashful.  
“You’re so nervous around her.” Sasha teases when Bayley again abruptly rushes away from you, cheeks flushed red.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles, Sasha smirking.  
“You’re scared of the human equivalent of a puppy.” The blue haired woman laughs and Bayley huffs, her bottom lip jutted out in a pout.  
“I just... I like her.” Bayley mumbles and Sasha claps her hands.  
“I KNEW IT.”  
Bayley swats her arm when she sees you’ve turned your attention to the two of them, a small smile on your face.  
Bayley’s cheeks flush and she sighs.  
“She’s just so cute...” She mumbles, Sasha slipping an arm around her shoulders.  
“Come on, we got a match next, we can talk more about your crush later.”  
Bayley can’t help but watch in awe when you literally transform in the ring from a little ‘puppy’ as Sasha referred to you, into a badass.  
You do a Moonsault from the top rope that Bayley knows would make Charlotte Flair jealous.  
Bayley can’t help but fist bump when you get the 1,2,3, pinning Alexa Bliss a major upset for someone just joining the main roster.  
After celebrating you end up backstage and Bayley rushes to you, surprising you by throwing her arms around your neck.  
“That was amazing.” She grins, eyes wide as she pulls back abruptly when she realizes what she’d just did.  
“Th-Thanks.” You stammer, Bayley smiling.  
“N-N-No problem.” She shuffles, catching sight of Sasha behind you, the blue haired woman sending her a wink.  
You open your mouth to speak when suddenly, you’re cut off by a Southern drawl. 
“Of course, you’d get along with her, a couple of nasties.” Lacey mumbles as she fans herself off.  
You turn around, your brow furrowed.  
“What did you just call her?” Bayley snarls, taking a step towards the blonde, Lacey smirking.  
“Oh, you worry about her, but not about me calling you a nasty?” She laughs.  
You scoff.  
“The only nasty I see here is you.” You shrug, the fans cheering whereas Lacey sends you a glare.  
In a split second the woman throw her fan in Bayley’s face before pulling her arm back, delivering The Woman’s Right to the side of your head, sending you sprawling.  
Bayley drops her title in favor of assaulting Lacey Evans, the woman ducking down, but it’s to no avail because Sasha is soon joining the fray, beating the Sassy Southern Belle down until she’s barely moving.  
Bayley drops to her knees beside you, cupping your cheek.  
“Are you okay?” She asks, worriedly, brown orbs holding a spark of fury when she sees the flushed red skin where the woman’s fist had connected.  
You smirk.  
“She hits like a bitch.”  
Bayley chuckles, shaking her head, moving to her feet and holding her hand out to you.  
“Come on. Let’s get that looked at.”  
Bayley paces the trainer’s room angrily, the red mark on your face had shifted to blue, an eye pack on the discolored skin.  
“I’m gonna kill her.” She growls Sasha watching her friend pace back and forth angrily.  
You wince softly, Bayley ceasing her pacing in favor of moving towards you, taking the ice pack from you in favor of holding it against your face.  
Sasha smiles softly, watching Bayley delicately brush her thumb back and forth across your cheek, your skin flushing beneath her fingertips.  
Wordlessly and quietly, Sasha slips out of the room, giving the two of you some privacy.  
“Hey, it’s okay.” You whisper, Bayley shakes her head.  
“It isn’t, she hurt you.” She mumbles, blushing when you boldly place your hand on top of hers, stroking the back of her hand.
“She hurt you too.” You whisper, Bayley again shaking her head.  
“She can hurt me all she wants, not you...” She whispers.  
“Not you.”  
It’s no surprise that the next week, you and Lacey have a match schedule, the fight between the two of you broadcasted live to the WWE Universe.  
You’re bouncing around in the ring when Lacey’s music hits, the woman doing her usual showboating as she makes her way to the ring.  
The second she gets in the ring she tosses her hat at you and you growl, your eyes narrowed.  
“Bitch.” You mumble under your breath, the woman sending you a smirk.  
Your eyes double in size when Bayley’s music hits, the woman walking out onto the stage, her title around her neck as per usual.  
She makes her way to the ring, stopping outside of it and nodding before she moves to the commentator’s table, ready for a front row view of the match.  
Bayley’s eyes widen and you turn around, immediately being rushed by the Southern woman who swings at you wildly, but you get her in the corner, stomping her until the ref pulls you off of her.  
Bayley smirks.  
“She’s gonna regret ever messing with Y/N.”  
Regret she did, but when things were looking dire for her, Lacey took the easy way out, which of course, meant cheating, using the ropes to cover.  
Bayley snarls, leaping to her feet and making her way into the ring, immediately attacking the woman, reining punches down on her where as you are backed into a corner, again busted in the mouth by The Woman’s Right.  
Lacey eventually rolls out of the ring, stumbling up the ramp as Bayley screams at her.  
The Smackdown Women’s Champion hurries to you, dropping down in the corner beside you.  
“Are you okay?” She asks and you nod, rubbing your face.  
“She still hits like a bitch.”  
Bayley laughs, shaking her head.  
“You’re getting snarkier, what happened to the girl who was an adorable puppy backstage?” She teases and your cheeks flush bright red.  
“D-Did you just call me a puppy?” You ask as the woman pulls you to your feet, shrugging.  
“No...” She mumbles, the two of you leaving the ring and moving up the ramp.  
You scoff.  
“Sure sounded like it.”  
“Shut up.”  
At the sound of a familiar cry, you race through the backstage area, rounding a corner you see Bayley on the ground, Lacey stomping on her over and over again, what she doesn’t expect though is you.  
Lacey lets out a cry when you spear her, a spear that would make Roman Reigns jealous, the woman literally flying a good few feet away.  
Sasha runs around the corner, looking down at Lacey with a massive grin.  
“Damn.” Sasha says, nudging the blonde with her foot, giving her a stomp for good measure.  
Meanwhile you duck down beside Bayley helping her sit up as you worriedly scan her for any signs of injury.  
Sasha of course, is grinning at the two of you, her eyes darting from you, to Lacey and back.  
“I like your girlfriend.” The blue haired woman teases, Bayley’s head snapping up, her eyes wide.  
Your eyes are just as wide, your cheeks blood red whereas Sasha is looking down at the two of you with a cocky grin, giving Lacey an extra stomp when she starts to move.  
Sasha simply shrugs before turning and moving down the hallway, leaving the two of you behind, still sitting on the backstage floor with a groaning Lacey Evans.
Bayley had been notably quiet after that, a week passing before she approached you, shuffling nervously from foot to foot.  
“Hey.” You whisper, eyes narrowing at the sight of the woman who continues to stare at her feet.  
“You okay?” You ask and Bayley shrugs, her brown eyes focused on the floor.  
A piece of hair falls in her face and you move to tuck it behind her ear, the woman’s brown orbs wide as her cheeks flush.  
“Would you...” Bayley swallows hard and your brows furrow.  
Bayley holds her hand out and you reach out, gently taking it with a trembling hand.  
The brunette smiles, intertwining your fingers.  
“M-Maybe...” Bayley closes her eyes, inhaling before exhaling loudly.  
Your brows arch.  
“Run that by me again..?” You smile and Bayley bites her bottom lip, nodding to herself.  
“Do you... Want to g-go on a d-date wi-with me?” She stammers and your eyes widen, darting around her face.  
“You don’t have to, I just-  
You cut her off by ever so gently, cupping her cheek.  
“I’d love to.”  
“Stop laughing.” Bayley growls, Sasha snickering.  
“She’s going to love it, calm down.” Sasha walks up behind Bayley, placing her hands on her shoulder before giving them a squeeze.  
“You could walk up in a trash bag and Y/N would be happy.” Sasha giggles and Bayley rolls her eyes.  
“What about the jacket, is it too much?” Bayley tugs on the front of it and Sasha shakes her head.  
“No, it’s perfect.”  
Meanwhile, not far down the hall you are staring in the mirror nervously, Sasha had just been in the room not long ago and quickly approved your outfit before getting a desperate call from Bayley.  
You nod to yourself; Bayley had asked you to meet in the lobby and now, you were ready to go, well... As ready as you could be when going on a date with a woman you’d been crushing on since even before you’d joined the main roster.  
You nod to yourself.  
“Okay, let’s go.”  
Bayley felt the air leave her lungs when her brown orbs settled on the short, off the shoulder dress you’re wearing stopping at your mid-thigh.  
Lengthy boots cover nearly all of your leg except for a little sliver of skin between your dress and boot.  
You turn around mouth dropping open when you see Bayley in a high pair of heels, a pair of black skinny jeans, a red leather jacket hanging off her shoulders covering a black loose-fitting shirt.  
“W-Wo-Wow.” Bayley stammers, grinning and you bite your bottom lip.  
Your fingertips gently caress the woman’s arm, Bayley’s cheeks flushing pink.  
“Wow yourself.” You whisper, Bayley’s grin widening.  
“We better, uhhhh, get going if we want to make our reservation.” She smiles and you nod, clearing your throat.  
Bayley moves to stand beside you, your hands hanging between the two of you. 
“Hold her hand.” You hear a familiar growl and turn around, spotting Sasha watching the two of you, grinning as she gives you a wave.  
“Get out of here.” Bayley growls and you laugh.  
Bayley turns back towards you, her fingertips gently brushing the palm of your hand before sliding in between your fingers, intertwining them.
“Ready?” Bayley asks, voice trembling and you smile, giving her hand a squeeze.  
The two of you step out of the hotel and Sasha grins, clapping her hands together.  
Bayley’s hand never leaves yours at least until you get to the restaurant, Bayley pulling your chair out for you with a charming smile.  
“Th-Thanks.” You stammer, Bayley smiling bashfully.  
The woman sits across from you, smiling softly, the light of the flickering candle between the two of you making her eyes shine.  
“You...” You swallow hard, cheeks dusted pink. “You, you look... Be-Beautiful.” You stammer, Bayley’s lips splitting into a grin as she reaches across the table, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers.  
“Y-You too.” Bayley mutters and you grin, biting your lip.  
“Why are we still so nervous around each other?” You giggle. “It’s not like we’re strangers.”  
Bayley wiggles in her seat.  
“You’re just b-beautiful... It...” Bayley glances away, the candle light hiding her flushed cheeks, thankfully for her.  
“You just make me nervous.” She shrugs and you smirk.  
“The puppy makes you nervous?” You tease, the brunette rolling her eyes.  
“Shut up.”  
The date went off without a hitch and soon you were back at the hotel, Bayley slowly walking you to your hotel room’s door.  
The two of you come to a stop, Bayley stopping in front of you.  
“I... I had a great time tonight.” She mumbles and you swallow hard, taking a deep breath.  
“Me too.”  
At nearly the same time, you both take a step forwards, your hands moving to rest gently on Bayley’s shoulders, where as her hands grasp your waist.  
You lick your lips, your Y/E/C orbs flicking to her parted lips.  
The two of you gravitate towards one another until your noses brush, Bayley bumping her nose playfully against yours.  
You giggle, bridging the gap between the two of you boldly, your lips pressing gently against hers.  
Bayley smiles against your lips, reciprocating the kiss, the feel of her lips knocking the air from your lungs. She inhales sharply when you tangle your fingers in her short hair, the woman pulling back only to lean back in again, the woman trapping your bottom lip between hers.  
Unfortunately, when air becomes a necessity, the two of you pull apart, eyes fluttering open at the same time.  
“How about next time, I pay for dinner.” You whisper against her lips, the woman grinning.  
“So, there’s going to be a next time?”  
You pull her back in for another kiss, your fingers tangling in her short, soft hair. Again, you pull back, nails scratching gently at the nape of her neck.  
“Yeah.” You whisper, Bayley grinning, leaning in to kiss you again, your massive grins keeping you from kissing long.  
You giggle, resting your forehead against hers.  
“There will definitely be a next time.”  
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WWE Preference: Introductions
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Finn Balor
Baron Corbin
AJ Styles
Jey Uso
Warnings: tiniest bit of language
These are kind of long...
Roman Reigns
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You hopped in place while you were waiting in the gorilla. Shit was going down in the ring, and no one had a clue you were there. Only the Authority knew, because they were who brought you to WWE. The last four years you were having the time of your life in Ring of Honor, but it was time for this. Stephanie had spearheaded the attempt to recruit you, and she quickly became someone you looked up to.  She was everything you wanted to be: strong, intelligent, and elegant. Well, from the short time of knowing her, that was your perception of her. You didn’t follow WWE. All you were told was the Shield and the Authority were bitter enemies and you were more than willing to take up the Authority’s cause - especially after the way Stephanie painted the story. If your focus were tangible it would have burned straight through the curtains. You could hear the commotion of the six men in the ring. Randy, Kane, and Batista were in a straight up brawl with Roman, Seth, and Dean. It was your turn to stir the pot. No music, you slipped through the curtain and strolled down the ramp. The men in the ring didn’t notice you at all, but Hunter and Stephanie welcomed you to the side of the ring with open arms. There was a good portion of the crowd who recognized you. Seth and Dean took a couple of suicide dives off the right side of the ring, and as they were getting up, they saw you and paused. You gave them a wink before your eyes went back to the ring. Randy was to your left in the corner closest to you, and Roman was sizing him up for a spear. You already knew what you wanted to do, and Stephanie placed a hand on your back, silently affirming your decision. Roman’s ‘oo-ah’ was your signal. At the same time you slid into the ring, Seth was up on the apron warning Roman. All you did was block his path to Randy, and the entire fight came to a screeching halt. Roman was able to stop himself, but only inches from you. He was just tall enough that you had to look up at him. You put your hands on your hips, smirked, and stared him down. This was a trick you’d used a thousand times before and every time it rattled the man across from you, but not this time. Roman dipped his glare to your eye level and moved closer. It took you off guard. They assured you Roman would immediately back away, but tonight he was too pumped up. The strangest sensation came over you when you found yourself fighting the urge to back away. He was fired up from the fight, and his pent up aggression was causing his body to shake.
“Get out of my way.” He growled. He was not what you expected. None of this was. In your mind they were pissy little brats, and that was not who was standing in front of you. A legitimate anger was radiating from him, and it made you question what exactly the Authority did to get him to this point. It made you question everything Steph had said to you the last few months.
“Get out of my way.” He reiterated.
Your bravado had slipped away and only a, “No” came out. It almost sounded like a question, and Roman gave you a confused look. You started to pull yourself together. “No” you said firmer. You gave him a hard shove, hardly moving him.
“Ha, nice try.” Dean called from the ropes. His voice pulled you back into the reality that this was bigger than you and Roman. If Steph had been lying to you, you needed to figure out the truth, but you couldn’t do that in this moment. You needed to pull this debut off like nothing was wrong, then reassess later. 
“Try?” You ask Dean before stepping closer to Roman and tilting your chin up, “I did exactly what I came here to do.”
The crack of the kendo stick across Seth’s back was soon followed by the one hitting Dean. Kane and Batista had Seth and Dean in a corner. Roman looked from them back to you.
“Ball’s in your yard now, Big Dog.” You teased him. A ripple went through his jaw as he finally moved out of the ring and helped Seth and Dean over the barrier. Once he felt they were at a safe distance, Roman turned to look back and you were still watching them. The rest of The Authority was laughing and celebrating in the retreat as they slid into the ring around you, but not you. Your eyes held his a few more seconds until Randy laid an arm around your shoulders and whispered into your ear. Seth and Dean pulled Roman away as you faked a smile and let Randy do the same.
Seth Rollins
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William Regal had done this for you because he knew there would be no stopping you anyways. Sure you’d be a great singles competitor to have in NXT now that your tag partner was out for an indefinite amount of time due to injury, but you were a loose, red-hot cannon with a single target: Lacey Evans. She had just slipped out of your grasp, finding out she’d been called up to Raw at the very TakeOver she took your partner from you. Regal was with you when you got the news...both about your partner and about Lacey.
“There’s no choice is there?” He said quietly as you stared at a wall.
The next Monday night Seth was delivering a promo when Lacey interrupted him. She was her arrogant self as she mocked him and the crowd and announced her arrival to the red brand. As she was explaining her mission to classy up Monday Night Raw, much to the annoyance of everyone else involved, your music hit. It was truly unexpected and the crowd went crazy. Seth was the most confused. He hadn’t met either of you in his life, and wasn’t quite sure how he found himself in the middle of this.
Lacey let out a laugh, “Aren’t there suppose to be two of you?”
You saw red and the next thing you knew you were on top of her. Before you knew it a big arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you off of her. You watched her roll into the corner as Seth moved in between you. Without thinking, you shoved him as hard as you could.
“Whoa!” He stumbled back a little and put his hands up.
Of course, you knew who he was, but seeing him in person was a whole different story. You had always thought he was hot, but damn he was really hot. You saw the smirk cut across his face like he was impressed and to your surprise, he moved out of the way. You went right back to work, only to be interrupted once again by Baron Corbin. His music was nearly drowned out by the boos of the audience.
“Alright, that’s enough!” He yelled from the top of the ramp. “As Acting General Manager, I keep order here on Monday Night Raw.” His words riled up the crowd some more. Lacey had rolled out of the ring leaving you and Seth alone in the ring.
“Oh, is that what you’ve been doing?” Seth quipped, pulling some laughs. Even you couldn’t keep the smile from sneaking across your face.
“Yes...Seth. Not that you would know anything about being a leader.” Baron continued down the ramp. “Y/n, I know it’s your first night here, but this attacking innocent people for no reason isn’t going to fly here.”
“Innocent...” You scoffed at the term.
“Acting General Manager Corbin...” Lacey had grabbed a mic outside the ring, “Allow me to introduce this nasty to everyone...this is Y/n and she’s just angry because she went and let her tag team partner get injured to the point she may not be able to come back...” Lacey was getting back into the ring as she talked. The entire audience booed, having seen it was her who caused the injury.
In a split second you saw an opportunity and you took it. As she was climbing onto the apron she got a stiff kick to the face, sending straight back to the floor. The crack it made was amplified by the mic in her hand.
“Y/n! What did I just say?” Baron jumped onto the apron, “You touch her again, I’ll send your ass back to NXT!”
Your heart dropped at his words and Lacey’s face lit up. Seth saw the pain in your face when you flipped around to see if Baron was being serious. You hadn’t been on Raw long enough to know how things worked.
“Back off...” Seth moved in front of him, “You don’t have that power.”
“You want to find out?” Baron challenged and Seth just stared back at him.
“I, for one, would love to...” Lacey said, glaring at you as she walked around the ring.
“I dare you...” Baron hopped off the apron and pointed at you as you walked to Seth’s side. “Touch her again and we’ll find out.” He and Lacey walked back up the ramp to Baron’s music.
“If he can really send me back to NXT...” You turned to Seth, “I can’t risk it.”
He nodded and took a deep breath, “Well, let’s go figure out if he can.” 
He took a few steps before he realized you weren’t following him, so he turned around to see you giving him a confused look.
“You don’t have to help me...” You told him, not wanting him to feel like he had to.
“You got a better plan?” A smug smile hit his face when you shook your head no. “C’mon...” He motioned to the ropes, “I got resources.”
Finn Balor
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You walked into your house after a late night dinner with yet another failed date. This one, though, this one had been particularly bad. No basic etiquette,  no manners, and no filter between his brain and mouth. Two hours of trying not to throw up while watching him eat and listening to sexist garbage spew out of his mouth was pure torture. He didn’t even walk you to your door, which honestly you were grateful for. Before you put your keys down, your phone began to ring. It was a facetime call from you brother, Seth. He normally called you after his matches, so when you accepted the call, you didn’t bother to look at the screen. You left your phone on the counter while you took your shoes off and went straight into ranting about your date.
“Well, my life has been a living hell for the last two and a half hours...” You started, going to your refrigerator for some leftover pizza. “...get this, this is how it ended...he rolled down his window, as I am walking to my door, he YELLS out, for all my neighbors to hear, you sure you don’t want to go back to my place and, ya know, bump uglies or something.” You did your best impersonation of the guy. You let out a groan, “Who even says that?” Laughs burst from your phone, but one of them was definitely not your brother.
“You had to deal with that guy for two and a half hours? It must have been hell.” The thick Irish accent made your heart drop. You were so embarrassed, you didn’t want to look at your phone.
“Ya, not alone, Y/n” Seth called out. They laugh some more while you summoned the courage to look at the phone. You knew who Finn was, but you had never met him.  When you finally looked at the phone, Finn and Seth were still laughing. He was sitting in the passenger seat as Seth drove.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Finn told you through the laughter.
“Go ahead, laugh. Glad my misery is amusing you two.” You tried to hold onto your frustration, but a full smile lit up your face. The next few minutes you recounted the date.
“I’m sorry, sis. You want me to come beat him up?” Seth asked. You hummed in agreement as nodded your head and ate some pizza.
“I got something that’ll make you feel better.” Finn offered, “You wanna hear what your brother did tonight?” As soon as the words left Finn’s mouth, Seth was groaning, begging Finn to not tell you.
“Yes! What happened?” You asked. Finn looked over to Seth,
“You gotta let me tell her. I can’t let her night end with that shitty date.” His comment made you blush.
“Fine...” Seth groaned. You were just as excited to hear the story as Finn was to tell it.
“He got tripped up on the top rope and face planted on the mat...twice.” You both burst out laughing.
“It’s not that funny...” Seth mumbled.
There was a knock at your door and you all went silent. You flipped around and stared at the door wondering if he would have come back.
“Did he come back?” Seth was not playing around.
“Uh...” You went to peek through the window and relief washed over you, “It’s Katie, I forgot I texted her on my way home and asked her to come over.” You could see the relief in Finn’s face.
“Thank god...that scared the shit out of me.” Seth let out a small laugh.
“Well, thank you, Finn...that did make my night better.” You didn’t want to, but you needed to get off the phone.
“Anytime” His smiled.
“Bye, Seth...Love you.” You called to your brother.
“Love you too!” He answered back.
You wondered if Finn would hang up first, but you ended up looking at each other for a second before you hit the end call.
Baron Corbin
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Your mom and Xavier’s dad met later on in their lives. Meaning you and him became step-siblings as young adults. Thankfully, the two of you got along rather well. Really well, actually. You both loved joking around and having fun. He introduced you to WWE. It was something you’d never seen before, but you fell in love with it pretty quickly. Xavier loved having you on Up Up Down Down, because you always gave it your best, but like WWE, it was all so new to you. One of his most viewed videos was when you found out Seth turned on The Shield. It only made it better that you were teaming with him at the very moment you found out. Tonight was a little more low key. Xavier invited you to a show and of course you went. You got there well before the show started and he had a small room set up with a few chairs and his games. Big E and Kofi were already in there when you and Xavier got there.
“Sister!” Big E shouted as he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up in a hug. You laughed and hugged him back, no where near able to match his force.
“Don’t kill her, E!” Xavier laughed just before he put you down.
“Hi Kofi.” You smiled at Kofi as he gave you a much softer, but just as sincere hug.
“Alright, so as far as I know, it’ll be just us and Baron might come in a little later.” Xavier started messing with cameras and sorting through games.
“Oh good, plenty of time to whip your ass...” You flashed him a smile as you hopped on a table against the wall.
“Have you won a game ever?” He threw back before laughing again.
There was more trash talk as the games began. You each took turns switching out. When Baron walked in, you had just gotten up and Xavier and Kofi were playing. He didn’t make any attempt to hide the fact that you caught his eye,
“Well, Hi.” It was very obvious that was directed only to you. Of course, you caught that arrogant vibe, but for some reason coming from him it turned you on. If you hadn’t been staring at each other, your hi would have been drowned out by the other three greeting him at the top of their voices. You went back to the table you had been sitting on.
“Baron, this is my step-sister, Y/n.” Xavier told him, not looking away from the game.
“Well damn Woods...” Baron looked over at you again, “No wonder you’re so ugly.”
It shouldn’t be hitting you like this. You couldn’t control the smirk on your face and you just knew your cheeks had a pink hue.
“I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way.” Xavier raised his eyebrows and caught a glimpse of Baron looking at you, “I don’t like this...”
“I do...” Baron patted him on the back before joining you at the table. He leaned against the wall. You were definitely curious to see how the conversation was going to go, but to your surprise he completely sucked you in. So much so, you lost track of time.
“Oh, Y/n, if you want to be out there for the show, you better leave.” Xavier warned you, “I’ll take you.” They knew how to navigate the back halls of venues, but you definitely needed a guide.
“I’ll take her.” Baron offered you his hands to help you get off the table. It was totally unnecessary, but you slid your hands in his.
“I really don’t like this...” Xavier said, only partly joking.
You came up behind him and gave him a hug, “He’ll take me. I’ll see you after the show.”
“Do you want a hug from me too, Woods?” Baron asked, “I’ll miss you so much.”
“Shut up, Corbin. I’m watching the clock...” He looked at Baron and pointed a finger at him, “If you’re not back in ten minutes, I’m hunting you down.”
“Plenty of time...” Baron smirked back at him.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh my god...” You took one of Baron’s arms and began to pull him out of the room, “I’ll see you later.”
“Ten minutes!” Xavier called, but the two of you were already out the door.
A little more than ten minutes later Baron came strolling back in and sat down with Xavier, who gave him quite the glare.
AJ Styles
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AJ’s name always came up when you were asked about your favorite wrestlers. You idolized him and secretly had the biggest crush on him, despite being nearly 15 years younger than him. The thought of meeting him made you nervous, but after you signed to WWE you knew running into him was inevitable. It took a few years, but after a stint in NXT you found yourself on Raw with a quickly growing fan base. It was because of your connection with the fans that you were put in the Mixed Match Challenge. Your partner ended up being Elias. The two of you weren’t exactly best friends, you couldn’t think of anyone else you argued more with. You always had to keep your eye out to make sure he wasn’t cheating, but to everyone’s surprise your team kept winning. All you had to do now was beat one more team, then you would be in the finals. The only thing was, the team you had to beat was Charlotte Flair and AJ Styles. You stood in the ring with Elias as Charlotte made her entrance and your stomach turned when AJ made his. You turned around and pulled on the top rope, warming up your muscles, trying to get your mind into the right gear. These were your toughest opponents yet, and eye-fucking AJ wasn’t going to help anyone. 
“You got your shit together?” Elias’ voice never failed to drag you into a pissy mood.
“I should be asking you that...” You shot back, “If you cheat, I lose.”
He leaned close to your face, “Then don’t give me a reason to...”
God, you could backhand him across the face, but you settled for an eye roll. When you turned around, you found your competition in the ring. Charlotte had her robe off and your heart nearly stopped as AJ was in the middle of pulling his shirt off. They were ready to square up in the middle of the ring and Elias went to met them. Instead of going to his side, you ducked between the ropes and made yourself comfortable at your corner - something he had done to you.  The fans, along with AJ and Charlotte were highly amused, but Elias was pissed.
“What happened to the team thing?” He yelled at you.
“I have total faith in you.” You told him, eyes one hundred percent contradicting you, “You got this.”
He barely did anything before he tagged you in. AJ tried to engage him, but Elias kept dodging. They circled the ring, and when Elias got close enough he gave you a rather hard “tag” on the shoulder. The boos from the audience were to be expected, but then AJ shoved Elias from behind.
“Don’t hit her like that.” He scolded, “What are you, twelve?”
“He's actually five.” You answered as you got into the ring.
“Shut up.” Elias said before shoving AJ back.
“Oh, so now you want to fight...” You got in front of Elias and pushed him back, “Well, too bad, it’s my turn.”
Charlotte just laughed, “How have you two made it this far?”
“How ‘bout I show you?” After you said that, things finally got moving. You did your best against her, but her experience was almost too much and eventually you had to choke your pride and tag out. You tumbled onto the floor and took a moment to catch your breath. Your moment was cut short when you heard the ref began a three count and you scrambled back on the apron to see Charlotte break Elias’ cover. She never saw your kick coming, and like all of the MMC matches, the whole thing devolved into chaos. The guys had managed to take their fight outside the ring and Charlotte tried to throw you out there with them. She didn’t see you catch yourself, but she did turn around in time to see you pulling yourself up to the top rope. With a quick swipe at your feet, she sent you to the floor, but AJ was there to break the fall. He hit the ground on his back and your knees went to either side of his waist. Your hands slid up his chest, but thankfully you were able to stop yourself just short of headbutting him.
“I’m so sorry.” You mumbled out, but it only made him laugh.
“You’re apologizing to the guy you’re trying to beat?” He asked, which really threw you off.
“I just- She- I didn’t mean to and I feel bad...” You knew you were rambling because you were nervous, but you couldn’t stop yourself. “I need to get off you, I’m sorr-shit.”  You shook your head catching your apology.
His chest vibrated under your hands as he laughed again, a little harder this time. “It’s alright.”
Before you could move, a thick arm wrapped around your waist and hoisted you off of AJ. Elias nearly drove all the air out of you as he picked you up and carried you over to the barricade.
“What the fuck was that?” He grumbled, setting you against the timekeepers wall. You ignored his question more focused on breathing. What you couldn’t ignore was the fact that he was reaching behind you.
“What are you doing?” You asked, but he ignored you as the guitar floated over your head. AJ had just turned his back when Elias started towards him with the weapon. Charlotte saw it, but was too far to do anything except yell at AJ, which caught his attention and the ref’s. You only had a few seconds. On his back swing, you hopped up and grabbed the neck of the guitar. The way it twisted him backwards forced him to let it go.
“What have I said about cheating!” You yelled at him, taking the instrument back to its rightful spot.
“Why would you do that?” He was right behind you.
“We would have been disqualified, moron!” You turned around and shoved him.
“Tag! Y/n, in the ring!” The ref called to you. You didn’t even look in the ring.
“Only if the ref saw!” Elias was still arguing with you.
You crawled onto the apron, “He did see you! Everyone saw you!”
He yelled something else at you, but you had just gotten through the ropes and the moment Charlotte had an opening, she hit you with a stiff spear. That was it. Three count and you were out of the MMC. Once Charlotte was off of you, you rolled out of the ring. Angry? Disappointed? You weren’t really sure what emotion to call it as you sat with your back against the announce table.
Elias stood a few feet away, “Great job...”
“Shut up” You spit back.
He walked away, you figured to leave, but you looked up to see him taking his guitar to the ring. You caught him before he got there, snatching it once again.
“Would you stop?” He yelled as you got off the apron.
You pointed the guitar at him, “You’re an asshole.” With that you smashed it against the ring post. The entire audience erupted in cheers. Charlotte went over to gawk at the pieces of wood, but AJ couldn’t keep his eyes off you as you walked up the ramp.
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Dash and Scott were two of your closest friends. While the three of you were in NXT, you had been an important part of The Revival, but had decided to stay in NXT when they moved on. Now a few years later, they asked you to join them on Smackdown and you couldn’t resist. You made your surprise debut helping Dash beat Kofi. Scott had the ref distracted and you slid into the ring and hit Kofi with a low-blow from behind. The next week you were a guest on commentary along with the Usos as The Revival and The New Day fought to see who would challenge for the Titles that the Usos held. The Usos made their entrance first, so when you came out with The Revival they were already chilling at commentary.
“Aw man...” Corey started as you walked out behind Dash and Scott, “There she is. I’m not a New Day fan, but I was hoping last week was a dream...well, nightmare.”
“Y/n made her Smackdown debut last week as Corey has just alluded to...” Michael clarified as they replayed the clip, “This means The Revival is now at full force.”
“Have you two had the...honor...of facing The Revival with Y/n in tow?” Corey asked The Usos.
“Ah, no we have not.” Jimmy answered. They kept their eyes on you as you came down the ramp.
“Consider yourselves lucky.” Corey added.
“She don’t look that bad.” Jey commented.
“She’s as bad as they come.” Corey assured him, “There’s no way around it. Y/n is just plain mean.”
You and Corey knew each other from NXT, so when you came around the ring you shot him a glare that could kill a man.
“Oh, there it is...” Jey mumbled. He was talking about the glare, but he caught way more than that. The way your heels wrapped around your ankles, the tan of your bare legs, the way your shorts hugged the curve of your hips perfectly, how your shirt was tailored to show you off, even if it had The Revival printed across it. You got on the apron and posed with Scott and Dash. Jey thought he would melt in his chair. Scott helped you off the apron and you took their jackets to your chair.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet, Corey.” Michael pointed out.
“I’m terrified...We should all be terrified.” He answered.
“Don’t worry, Corey.” Jimmy patted his shoulder, “We got your back.”
You finally sat in the chair and put the headset on. You had yet to acknowledge anyone’s presence.
“Y/n, we’re glad to have you. Welcome to Smackdown.” Michael was the first to break the ice.
“Thank you, Michael. I’m glad to see one of you knows how to do your job.” You threw back.
“Oh come on...” Corey groaned.
“Don’t come at him like that.” Jimmy defended.
You leaned onto the table and looked at Jimmy, “You want me to come at you like that, champ?”
Jimmy furrowed his brow, but Jey smirked a little bit.
“I kinda want you to...” Jey said.
“Bring it on...” Jimmy challenged. Missing the fact that Jey was not on the same page he was. Before you could go for it, The New Day began their entrance. Once E’s introduction was over, you went to go at it, but Michael cut you off.
“What brought you to Smackdown, Y/n?”
You gave him an irritated look, “Because Dash and Scott asked me to, that’s why.”
“I’m just curious, why now?” He clarified.
You sat back in the chair as The New Day descended upon the ring, “Separate, we’re the best. Together, we’re the most dominant team this place has ever seen.”
“Oh really? Then why’re we the champs?” Jey slid his chair up to get a better look at you when you answered his question. He sure wasn’t disappointed when that smirk cut across your face.
“You haven’t met me.” For the first time, you actually locked eyes with him. He thought he saw a flicker of a slight crack in your rock solid confidence. He didn’t question the fact that your eyes stayed on him longer than you anticipated. A pancake to Corey’s face broke your gaze. E handed The Usos handfuls of pancakes as Kofi and Woods danced around.
“Let a pancake touch me...I dare you.” You warned E.
“You’re not nice!” Woods pointed at you. You feigned hurt feelings as Scott and Dash moved between them and you.
"Back off.” Scott warned.
“They’re idoits.” Dash told you, making you laugh.
“Eh, you an idiot.” Jimmy yelled at him.
“I’m sorry, of everyone present, who’s eating a pancake out of a grown man’s leotard?” You asked.
Jimmy just glared at you. The match got started and the bickering kept up. Jey noticed you rarely took your eyes off the action. It impressed him that you were able to fire back such snide comments when you clearly were fully invested in the match and not the conversation. Michael was in the middle of a comment when Scott stumbled onto the apron. You were growing impatient and wanted this match to be over. You took your headset off and walked over to Scott.
“This has been going on a while...” You told him.
He rolled his eyes, taking deep breaths, “It’s The New Day, what’d you expect?”
“More than this.” You scolded. “What do you need?”
As you spoke to him, you didn’t realize Big E was getting ready to spear him off the apron, but more importantly E didn’t realize that you were on the floor. As E began his charge, Jey made the connection.
“Oh sh-” He ripped his headset off. He had just enough time grab your arm and pull you out of the way. All you knew, was that you were talking to Scott then the next thing you knew you were buried into Jey’s chest. You hadn’t felt this way in a long time. The way he smelled fogged your brain, the way his arms held you tight against him made your knees weak. You only had one word to describe that feeling - stupid. You pushed out of his arms and turned around to see what he had saved you from.
He leaned into your ear, “You’re welcome.”
152 notes · View notes
dark-sky-seraphim · 5 years
Taking a Chance - Part 7
This is my first WWE fan fiction. First of all, I’m terrible at writing accents so I apologize for not doing so in this story. Second, I’m open to constructive criticism so don’t be afraid to message either this blog or my main blog with any comments, questions, or suggestions (main blog is fallen-angels-and-broken-hunters). You can also find this story on AO3.
Taking a Chance - Part 7
Synopsis: After helping Roman Reigns fend off Drew McIntyre in the ring, you receive a note from an anonymous admirer asking you to meet at the hotel bar after the show. When you arrive, you are met by the one person you never expected to meet.
Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1,449
Warnings: Some angst, language, mild violence
Drew bolts up and off of the prop box as soon as he hears Roman's voice. Your whole body tenses up as he rounds the corner. Nikki and Miz follow in behind him, hanging back a bit, their faces both curious and slightly concerned.
“There you are, Y/N, I've been looking every-” Roman stops in his tracks when he sees Drew. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Drew glares at Roman. His jaw is clenched and his hands are in fists at his sides. “Nikki and I are just making sure Y/N is okay.” He puffs out his chest, his usual maneuver to assert dominance.
Roman scoffs. “Really? You, Mr. 'I enjoy hurting people,' are checking up on one of your opponents? Are you sure you're not here to laugh at her pain?”
“She's a fierce competitor who has earned my respect. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from her, Roman.”
“So, you've suddenly forgiven the fact that she single handedly speared you to the mat a month and a half ago? That doesn't sound like the angry, obsessive, Scottish jackass I know.”
“Roman,” you warn him.
Drew takes a few, brooding steps towards Roman. The anger in his face is abundant. “Watch your damn mouth you condescending prick,” he growls.
“You guys, stop,” you scold loudly.
“You know what, up yours, dickhole!”
“You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that, Roman? You walk around here all saint-like but you're nothing but a two-faced son of a bitch!”
Roman lunges at Drew and shoves him hard enough that Drew stumbles backwards. Drew returns the shove, nearly knocking Roman to the ground. You yell at them again to stop but, not even attempting to listen to you, they charge at at each other.
“Stop it!” Nikki yells as she and Miz get in between the two men. They halt in their tracks. “Seriously, Y/N has already told you to stop. Twice.” She looks sternly at both men. “Drew, I think it's time we left.” She peers over at you and gives you a little nod. “Let me know if you need anything, Y/N, and again, I'm so sorry about the ankle. C'mon, Drew.” Nikki gives him a light push and, together, they head towards the dressing rooms.
Roman takes a few deep breaths then turns his attention on you. “You alright, Y/N?”
You stare at him in disbelief. “I don't understand what just happened.”
Roman seems surprised at your response. “I was just trying to look out for you. You know how McIntyre can be.”
You scoff. “I know he can be a bit of a tool but, believe it or not, he's capable of being a nice guy sometimes.” Roman just shakes his head in defeat. You continue on. “Seriously, Ro, I think you owe him an apology.”
“Really? You want me to apologize to that nutcase?”
“Yes. He was literally just checking to make sure I was okay. You didn't have to act like such a dick.”
“Why are you defending him all of a sudden?”
“Because he didn't do anything.”
“Yeah, today maybe. But what about all of those times in the past? If you ask me, he had it coming.” He raises his voice, the tone intense.
“Roman, I'm serious. If you want to be the guy that people respect, then step up and be the bigger man.” You purse your lips.
“I really don't understand why you're so against me right now,” Roman protests loudly. “We're friends. You should be on my side, not McIntyre's.”
You hold up a hand in frustration. “You know what? I think you need to go cool off for a bit. Go take some time to think and come talk to me again when you've composed yourself.”
Roman sighs deeply in frustration. “Yeah. Okay. Fine.” He anxiously rubs his hand along the side of his face then lightly taps his hand on your shoulder and starts down the hall.
“Hey, Ro?” you call to him before he gets too far. “When you come back to talk, remind me that there's something pretty important we need to discuss.” Roman puts his thumb up and disappears.
Miz, who had ducked out of sight when this conversation began, wanders over and sits next to you. “That was rough.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You look up at him and half-smile. “Thanks for stepping in between them.”
“Well, Reigns and McIntyre are two of the biggest hot-heads in this entire company. When me and Nikki saw Roman headed towards you, we figured we should monitor the situation.” He gives your hand a little squeeze before sliding off the box to head off elsewhere.
“Hey, Miz?” He turns to you attentively. “Would you mind giving me a ride back to the hotel? I came with Drew but...I'm pretty pissed at him right now.”
“Sure thing.” He helps you off the box and grabs your crutches. “I'll walk you to your dressing room and come back for you when I'm done getting changed.”
“You're the best,” you beam.
Miz shrugs. “Yeah, I know.”
* * *
“Take your time, Y/N,” Miz urges. “Seriously, it's not a race.” He assists you through the front doors of the hotel.
“I know. Sorry. I'm just exhausted and want to go lie down.” As you hobble through the lobby on your crutches, you spot Drew sitting in an armchair off in the corner. He stands quickly yet nervously when he spots you walking by. You pause and gaze at him for just a moment before shifting your eyes away coldly and continuing on to the elevator. You and Miz take it up to the second floor and finally make it to your room.
You burst through the door and collapse on the bed, letting your crutches crash to the floor. Miz follows you into your room, throws your bag onto the desk in the corner, and picks up your crutches.
“Are you good or...?” He props the crutches on the nightstand near you.
“Yeah,” you sigh into the mattress before sitting up. “I'm sure Drew is on his way up here so you're good to go.”
Miz smiles. “Alright. Call or text me if you need anything.” You give each other a little friendly smooch on the cheek and Miz ducks out of the room. Before the door can close behind him, it's slowly pushed open again. Drew stands in the doorway, a sheepish smile on his face.
“I'm mad at you,” you deadpan.
“I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Y/N.” He takes a deep breath. “Can I come in so we can talk?” You wave him in as you carefully scoot towards the edge of the bed. “Love, I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am for what happened back at the arena. I let my emotions get the best of me and my actions ended up hurting you. I feel horrible – truly, I do.” He kneels on the floor in front of you and takes your hand in both of his. “Please, tell me, how can I make things right?”
The soft, puppy-dog look on his face melts your heart. “Well, for starters, you can apologize to Roman because God knows he won't do the same for you.”
“Of course, love. I can do that. Anything else?”
You smile gently at him. “Stay with me tonight?”
Confusion fills Drew's face as he searches for words. “By that, do you mean...finish what we started earlier before the match?”
You recall the two of you getting cozy in the hallway, his hands wandering all along your body. You remember the heat you felt rise up from within you. You stop yourself before you let your thoughts escape you too much. “No,” you respond quickly. “No, I really just need to rest tonight. But it would make me feel better knowing that someone was here to take care of me while I'm injured...if you don't mind.”
“Of course I don't mind, love,” Drew whispers with a smile. He rises up to your level and kisses your lips. “I just have to go grab a few things from my room and I'll be back. Okay?”
“Okay.” You kiss him back. Drew stands and heads towards the door. “For the record...” you say as he reaches for the door handle. He looks over his shoulder at you. “What we started before the match...that definitely isn't over.” You wink at him. His cheeks begin to burn red. He laughs nervously before turning the door handle to leave.
A light knock on the other side of the door causes Drew to release the handle and back up towards you in confusion.
Part 6     Part 8
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Family Found Part 43: It’s Official
The last matches are set for Fastlane, including one that the Reader knows she’s going to regret.
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence, Ambrose angst
Word Count: 2840 (Yay! Under 3000!)
Note: Holy fuzz, Roman is back! Which means that I can revert to my original WM plan. Wohoo! No need for the alternative with Brock Lesnar. Maybe. Mwahahaha. Okay. Obviously super excited. Enjoy this new chapter! (I’m such a nerd.)
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 42: Business as Usual
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Monday Night Raw – March 4, 2019
The arena nearly lost its roof. Roman Reigns was in remission. He looked great. He was smiling. And the Big Dog was back in business. On his way up the ramp, Seth Rollin’s music hit. Dean came out too, nearly felling Roman in a hug. For old time’s sake, they stood shoulder to shoulder and observed the WWE universe cheering for them. Then Roman gave Seth a pat on the back and left with Dean to watch the match from the back.
Last week Mojo Rawley won the match that set him as the number one contender spot for the Universal Championship. But he only got it because you restarted the match as a no disqualification. And still only because Elias interfered while the referee’s back was turned, not that it would have mattered.
Seth knew all of this. But he had a match tonight. It wasn’t for the title. He wanted to see what Mojo had up his sleeve and was more than willing to give him the same courtesy. And then at Fastlane, they would figure out who was truly the best. Seth bit his lip and tightened his wrist straps while he watched the clip of what happened before the show started.
Walking in with a mountain of luggage, Seth bobbed in and out of techies. Dean suddenly arrived at his side. “If Mojo loses tonight, I get to face you at Fastlane, right?”
“What?” Seth sputtered. He screeched to a halt. “As far as I know, that’s not… tonight’s match isn’t his title match. It’s not till Sunday.”
Dean growled and rolled his eyes. “Then why are you fighting him tonight? You guys have fought each other before. Won’t be anything new.”
Seth chuckled. “Wouldn’t be anything new with you either, brother.”
With a smile, Dean rotated his shoulders. “That’s what you think. I’ve still got tricks up my sleeve that could take you.”
“And I’m sure Mojo is thinking the same way. Why shouldn’t I use tonight to try and make him slip up?” He nudged Dean’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, man. But I can’t help you out tonight.” He had to walk away. Anything instead of seeing Dean’s face drop. He stopped again but had to smile at Dean’s parting words.
“Hey, Seth. Roman and I will be keepin’ an eye on you tonight.”
Still, Mojo’s music was almost a relief. They got to it. Mojo indeed had a few things up his sleeves. He had a new submission move that caught Seth by surprise, trapping him against the canvas and denying him oxygen. Seth gasped and used the crowd’s encouragement to fight to his knees. They continued. As one would up his game, the other would up his as well. In the back, Dean and Roman nodded in appreciation.
Then the tides turned. Mojo landed a lucky hit to Seth’s formally injured knee. Then once he saw how much it slowed Seth down, he kept gunning for it. He dumped Seth to the outside, fighting to catch his own breath. It was a race between the pain and the referee’s ten count. The count won, giving Mojo the won by count-out. He nodded, accepting it and having his arm raised. While that wouldn’t help him win the title on Sunday, he had solidified his knowledge in Seth’s weak spot.
Dean and Roman finished watching Seth leaning his back against the side of the ring. Roman nodded that he was going to go help him, and Dean left in the other direction. He turned a corner and interrupted your thoughts over your phone. “Another stellar title defense by Seth Rollins. Oh, wait.” You couldn’t meet his eye and slid your phone into your pocket. “But then, we both know it’s a bunch of crap. If you hadn’t interfered last week, I could be champion right now.”
“You just keep telling yourself that.”
“Stop.” He leaned against the wall, blocking your escape path. “We need to talk about… what we both said last week. About the possible match.”
You shook your head. “You were the one that brought up the match last week. I was ready to drop it.” With a sigh, you tried to calm yourself. “We’re cousins, Dean. It shouldn’t… is this normal? This fighting and not understanding what each of us is trying to do?” Before he could spout something, you raised your hands in surrender. “I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to wrestle. You want to win championships. I get that. But you have to understand that I am seeing a much bigger picture. I’m trying to protect the legacy you built for yourself.”
“My-“ he laughed, “my legacy? If I was worried about a legacy I would still want to defend it. You keep saying that you’re trying to help. I’m not seein’ it. This isn’t help,” he motioned between you. “This is a problem. A problem that’s not gonna go away until one of us gives.”
You nodded. This wasn’t going anywhere. “Okay. Agreed. Then what? We have a match. Either I kick your ass or you kick mine, we’re still pissed off at each other. It doesn’t solve anything.”
Dean swayed away and back with a grin. “You kick my ass? Y/N, you couldn’t if you tried.”
“Oh, but you forget. I’ve been trained by the two guys who know you best.” Dean squinted at you while you crossed your arms. “Roman and Seth. Spears, the occasional curb stomp, superman punches, and dropkicks. Ha, I even went into the archives and learned some of your old moves. Way old. You probably wouldn’t even see them coming.” His short-lived lightheartedness sputtered out. You kept pushing. “And you helped train me for Survivor Series.” You looked away. “It seems like a lifetime ago.”
Dean nodded. “Yeah. Time moves like that ‘round here. One day you’re teaming with someone who’s your whole world, and the next you realize you didn’t really know them. Don’t worry, I’m kinda getting’ used to it.”
“I’m not Seth. And I’m not betraying you; I’m protecting you for reasons you-”
“This is the WWE, Y/N! I don’t need protecting. I need room to do my job, what I love to do. You could set the whole locker room on me and I would still fight my way through them. I don’t care what your reasons are.” He huffed and crossed his arms. “If the reasons are such a linchpin in this, tell me.” It was a demand. Either you had to answer this, or Fastlane just got a new grudge match.
“I… I can’t.”
His temples twitched as he tensed his jaw. “Okay. Then you know what you have to do. Set the match. Nothing on the line to win or lose. Since that seems to be the only kind of match you can give me. I won’t even bother you for one this week.” Dean walked away before you could say anything.
When had everything gotten out of control? Your goal had been to reunite with your cousin, not end up fighting him.
Still, you pulled out your phone and made a call. Swallowing, your voice cracked as you said, “it’s done. Make it official.” On the other end, you heard another order, one that made your shoulders slump. “Yes, sir.” You hung up.
Tamina and Nia Jax took control of the ring. Smugly, they looked over the crowd and laughed at the boos they were already receiving. “We beat the Riott Squad last week,” Tamina said.
They shared a laugh. Nia repeated her in a sing-song voice, “we beat the Riott Squad last week!”
“And as such, you all owe us some respect.” Tamina paced from one side of the ring to the other in front of Nia. “We have been the dominant team on Raw since before the tag titles were announced. You guys have no idea how many matches were changed because teams would back out of matches instead of facing us, women to women.” She stopped. “So we’ve got a little plan to up the stakes. To ‘earn’ what is already ours.”
Nia stepped up and placed her hand on Tamina’s shoulder. “As we see it, and as Y/N has made official, by beating the Riott Squad last week, we became the number one contenders for the tag titles and will face them at Fastlane. But. This is the age of the fighting champions.” Nia pseudo-bowed at the waist. “And we are willing to put that on the line for any team in that locker room. Any.”
“So come out, come out, whichever of you dare.” Tamina handed her mick to Nia, who tossed them towards the bel box.
They sniggered as Alicia Fox and Mickie James came out to Alicia’s music. Their halting steps seemed odd until they broke apart, revealing Alexa Bliss pushing them onto the stage. She frowned at them, motioning for them to keep moving. The women rolled back their shoulders and did as they were told. Alexa retreated backstage.
Tamina and Nia had control for most of the match. They gleefully switched tags as quickly as they could, boxing Mickie James in their corner. She was scrapping the bottom on her energy reserves and Alicia scurried across the ring to break up a pin. Alicia faced up to Nia, who was quickly joined by Tamina. They didn’t try to hit her as she wasn’t legal, but they didn’t realize until it was too late that the stand-off had given Mickie enough time to crawl to the corner. Alicia rushed back and tagged in. Both of the number one contenders had used a lot of energy to break down Mickie. That plan had backfired.
The new plan was to stay afloat, which worked for a good while. Unfortunately, the damage was done. Foxy made a quick exit from the ring as the bell rang after a roll-up that pinned Nia. Mickie went with her, lifting her arm in the air and beaming through the exhaustion.
For the final spot in the tag triple threat, the Revival was facing the team of Chad Gable and Bobby Roode. About halfway through the match, Dr. M appeared in the bell box. He didn’t interfere, but he walked around the ring. All four participants kept a wary eye on his movements, only half attacking one another until he walked backwards up the ramp and out of the arena. The Revival won the match, but they didn’t celebrate much. Even Gable and Roode had their attention focused on where Dr. M disappeared. Even more worrying, was the absence of AOP.
Backstage, Ruby Riott was finishing up the last of her shadowboxing. Alexa Bliss, having seen Ruby lose to Nia Jax last week, knew an opportunity when she saw one. Ruby’s place in Fastlane was set. But if Alexa beat her tonight, well, then her path was open to WrestleMania.
“We can be out there, ya know.” Liv Morgan swung her legs from her seat on a crate. “Alexa is slippery. Lives up to it.”
Sarah Logan nodded. “You don’t have to face her alone. We’ve got your back.”
“Like I had your back last week?” Ruby shivered to a stop. “I appreciate it… but I’m going to be facing Ember alone on Sunday. I need to win this fight alone as well. To prove that I can to the WWE universe… and to me,” she added at a whisper. While she grabbed her jacket, she missed the sad shared look between Liv and Sarah. “I’ll catch up after.”
Her teammates watched in silence as she walked away.
Alexa entered the arena first, still riding the high of her friends winning their match against Nia and Tamina. She was smiling brightly. Confident. Proud just to the cusp of excessive. She paused halfway down the ramp to take a breath and to put on her game face. Her expression became a hard slab of cold marble. Something for Ruby to break her fingers on.
Ember Moon walked out on stage. She gave the audience a wave and joined the commentary table. “Hey, guys. Thank you. Glad to be here.”
Then Ruby entered. She grinned and sneered as usual, but it was missing the usual bitter edge. It continued to be missing as the match began. Alexa took advantage of the gaps in Ruby’s attacks and defenses. A particularly hard bounce off the edge of the apron made Ms. Bliss crow in victory. She let her feet dangle off the edge while Ruby tried to recover on the floor.
“What happened to you?” she asked. “I thought you were going to take the roster by storm. Yet, you seem to keep coming up short.”
“You would know about short things,” Ruby spat. She made it to her feet but caught a kick to the face that sent her back to the floor.
“Don’t interrupt.” Alexa flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I know what happened. You helped your friends get the tag titles, and now you can't seem to win your own gold. Oh well. So much for Riott domination.” She climbed the ring post as Ruby made it to her feet again. With a Twisted Bliss, she sent Ruby to the floor for the third time, then rolled her into the ring. Ruby kicked out with a scream.
Ember had some thoughts about Ruby’s bad couple of weeks. “An angry Ruby is a dangerous Ruby. First, she lost to Nikki Cross. Then to Nia last week. If she loses to Alexa tonight, I think it will be the last straw. She’s going to go ballistic.” Ember stroked the leather of the championship. “Just seeing the title does something to you. It… ignites a power in your blood you didn’t know you had. On Sunday, when the referee holds this title up in the air, I know Ruby is going to get hit with that power surge. I’ve been riding for over a month. I’ll have to be careful that it doesn’t stutter out. And watch my back leading up to Sunday. I wouldn’t put it past Ruby not to try something to weaken me before we get to Fastlane.” She flinched as Ruby dropped Alexa off the turnbuckles.
Corey leaned across the table to hold her attention. “What happens if she does beat you?”
She eased back in her chair. And smiled. “I wanted to hold this championship for at least eighty days. As of Wednesday, I’ll have reached that goal.” Her smile brightened, denying that fate. “But maybe I’ve got one more surprise in me. Maybe I can stretch it out to a hundred.”
If the way Ruby took another Twisted Bliss was any indication of how Sunday would go, Ember was going to fulfill her wish. Ruby wasn’t able to kick out again. Alexa was even possible to go as far as posing with her foot on Ruby’s stomach. During her exit, she shot a cold smile at Ember as a warning.
Drew McIntyre was confused when Braun Strowman answered the open challenge. “What are ya doin’ out here, Braun? You are neither Finn Balor nor Dolph.” He snorted. “What you’d do to them?”
The monster among men shrugged away the accusation. “I thought this was an open challenge. Open usually means that anyone can answer. I didn’t do anything to Finn or your buddy Dolph. This time.”
Overhead, the Titantron came to life with a video of what was happening backstage. Trainers had helped Finn to sit up and braced against a wall. His legs stretched out in front of him on the floor, blocking the hallway. They had him lean forward so they could see the back of his neck and upper back. The camera caught the view of some bright red welts already beginning to form. While Finn groaned, another clatter of backstage equipment echoed down the hallway. Some trainers broke off. Dolph was now laid out across the floor, writhing in pain. They called for more help as Elias whistled in the background. He was mostly in shadow, but the hall lights glinted off the fractured edges of his guitar.
Braun shook his head. “Okay, so I knew about Finn. But Dolph was just taken out. I was out here.” Innocently, he flattened his hand on his chest. “So, it couldn’t have been me.” With a sneer, he dropped the mic and made his way down to the ring. He entered the ring and nodded at the referee, who hesitantly reached for the Intercontinental title in Drew’s hands. He reluctantly handed it over.
The title stipulation was called, and then the bell rang. At the end of the show, Drew retained his title. Braun was pinned cleanly, though that didn’t stop the monster from rising to glare at Drew as the champion stood on the ramp. Nor did Drew’s smug holding his title in the air dissipate Braun’s mutterings of future plans.
Part 44: Last Ambrose Standing (Fastlane)
Series Masterlist
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @hallemichelles @laochbaineann@ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @southsidebucky@tinyelfperson @zuni21798 
WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @kingslayers-queen @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirl @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @scuzmunkie @cait-kae@ramsaypants @sony-undead18 @brianaraydean @st4yingstrong@dopeybubbles @crystallizeme @jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering 
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reignmyworld · 6 years
Where have you been? SongFic - Roman Reigns x Reader
Summary: You are working for NBC, having to take one your business partners to a WWE event, although you hate big crowds and would rather stay in the comfort of your own four walls. This might change, however, when none other than Roman Reigns approaches you after his match as you had caught his attention.
Warnings: none
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Note: This is Part 1 of my Rihanna SongFic Series.
Tag List: @iwritewwe @trixdeee @alexisbagans143
Rihanna - Where have you been?
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I've been everywhere, man                                                                              Looking for someone                                                                                       Someone who can please me Love me all night long I've been everywhere, man Looking for you, babe Looking for you, babe Searching for you, babe It was a Thursday evening and Roman was just getting ready for his match in the backstage area although he didn't really feel like working a match today. He was not exactly feeling well. Not necessarily due to health reasons but there were quite a few personal issues, that have kept him distracted for the majority of the day already. He just hoped that he was able to ban those thoughts for the next 30 minutes, so he could deliver a decent match against Cesaro without botching any moves. "Yo man, you're alright?", he suddenly heard a voice and he didn't even have to look up to know that Seth had a worried look on his face. "Yeah I'm alright, I'm alright. Just mentally preparing for the match", he mumbled. Roman was quite sure that Seth didn't buy the lie but if he was honest, he didn't even care... too many things were keeping his mind busy in that moment. Before Seth could reply anything, one of the backstage workers came to pick Roman up and lead him to one of the many doors leading to the arena, so he could get ready for his entrance through the crowd.
While making his way there, there were already a lot of fans backstage that tried to talk him up and tried to take pictures with him, but he just mumbled that he doesn't have time now as he had to get ready for his entrance. As he was waiting for his music to hit, the backstage worker signaled him that he had 10 more seconds until he would have to make his way down the stairs to the ring. Suddenly his entrance theme started playing and once he stepped into the spotlight he could not only hear the cheers but a lot of booing also. The latter one of course was nothing new and although he was always playing it cool, he had to admit that it hurt nevertheless. Who wants to get booed whenever they're working their butts off? He was glancing into the crowd, building the tension a little bit as he heard Jojo Offerman's voice introducing him with her usual words: "From Pensacola, Florida weighing 265 pounds... Roman Reigns." That was his key sentence to make his way down the stairs while a lot of the fans were reaching out their hands, either in order to fist bump him or to clap his shoulders. Once he reached the hall just metres away from the ring he stopped in front of the barricade in order to look around, protracting the moment before he would jump the barricade and move into the ring like he always did.
You just happened to have your seat next to the stairs,  where Roman had been coming down, sitting first row ringside. You were not too keen on being here. Of course, you loved wrestling but you weren't really too fond of so many people surrounding you. However, since you were working for NBC in the marketing department and you were taking one of your business partners to the event as a costumer restraints action, you had no other choice than to be here this evening, although you would have preferred watching the event in the comfort of your own four walls. Your business partner, who was further accompanied by one of your collegues, seemed to enjoy everything about that evening so far and that was the most important thing. Not only for you, but even more so for your supervisor as well as your business relationship. As your colleague and your mutual business partner were deeply trapped in a conversation before the next match started, you let your eyes wander, realizing once again that you didn't like huge crowds.
Where have you been? 'Cause I never see you out Are you hiding from me, yeah? Somewhere in the crowd Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Where have you been? All my life, all my life
You couldn't help but feel as if someone was staring at you and when you looked to your side, your breath automatically hitched as you saw none other than Roman standing next to you, looking you up and down. He had always been one of your faves and you had to admit that the Samoan looked even better in person than on TV. His black hair was wet and falling in long waives over his shoulders, his whole body towered you, making you feel tiny while his almost black eyes captured yours, a warmth in them that you hadn't expected. First you thought you had imagined it but he was indeed winking at you before he started moving again, jumping over the barricade in one swift move before he stepped into the ring, where Cesaro was already waiting. "Wow being that beautiful should be illegal", you mumbled to yourself as Roman was raising his arms in one of the corners of the ring, showing one of his most irresistable smiles.
As Roman was waiting for his match to start, he couldn't help but glance over to you from time to time. He already had wrestled countless shows be it in NXT, FCW or in WWE and he sure as hell had met countless people and had seen countless faces. However, never had he ever had the feeling before of finally meeting someone, that he didn’t even know he was searching for. When he saw you in the audience he was immediately drawn to you and he couldn't even tell why as he didn't even know your name. But it nevertheless felt as if he had unknowingly been waiting to meet you someday. He knew how dumb that sounded but that didn't wash away the feeling that he wanted to get to know you and he swore to himself that he would try to chat you up once the match was over, hoping that this was somehow possible.
As soon as the match between Roman and Cesaro started, you had to admit to yourself that the evening suddenly became less horrible for yourself. For the majority of the event the thought of  finding a good excuse to be able to head home occupied your mind. Now, however,  you actually found yourself enjoying the evening as both men were showing their signature moves in the ring, causing the audience to cheer or boo them and chanting for them. You held back on that, however, as you just weren't extroverted enough, but your colleague as well as your business partner made up for that by yelling alongside the crowd. You really didn't try to stare but you caught yourself focussing mainly on Roman before urging yourself to pay attention to Cesaro as well. As they were throwing each other through the ring, one sending the other one to the mat, the whole fight suddenly changed when they were leaving the ring, wrestling outside of it instead. They vanished on the other side for a bit, causing you to shift your eyes to one of the screens so you wouldn't miss too much of the match. You snapped back suddenly as you heard your co-worker exclaim "Holy shit" as Cesaro and Roman were moving over to your side to continue their fight there, fake slapping and pushing each other although it looked extremely real. Suddenly Cesaro came running towards Roman hitting him with an European Uppercut, sending him into the barricade right in front of you. He was just inches away, so you could have touched him, slamming against the barricade with what looked like full force before crashing to the floor.
Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? I've been everywhere, man Looking for someone Someone who can please me Love me all night long I've been everywhere, man Looking for you, babe Looking for you, babe Searching for you, babe Of course you knew that everything was staged but this action nevertheless looked extremely painful to you. The crowd errupted and you were expecting Roman to get back up to his feet any second but he didn't. Roman knew - according to the training - that he had to stay on the ground for up to a minute to increase the effect of Cesaro's attack. So he stayed in the position he was currently in, laying on the floor face down, appearing for the audience to be unconscious. As he waited for the time to pass, so he could get back up, he suddenly heard a voice asking: "I know that this is all just for show but that looked rather painful. Are you alright? If you're not allowed to move at least give me a slight thumbs up." Roman was slightly moving his head into the direction of the voice. When he peaked up lightly he could see your concerned face while you leaned over the barricade to study his silhouette.
He answered quietly so only you could hear him: "Don't worry doll, I'm alright. Just staying down here for the dramatic effect." He gave you a little smile that instantly made your heart flatter before you answered: "Good. It would be a shame if you were hurt for real." With that you smiled at him before plumeting back down to your seat, asking yourself what the hell you just did there. Roman tried to focus back on the match, trying to hide that stupid grin he had on his face since you had  talked to him. As enough time had passed he got back up and was immediately back into the match, pushing Cesaro back into the ring where he attacked him with the Samoan Drop before he speared him to the mat, pinning him and winning the match while doing so. Although there was still a lot of booing, the majority of the audience cheered for him and his victory over Cesaro. When Roman turned his attention to the audience, letting his eyes wonder, he noticed that you were clapping for him as well, making him grin on the inside like an idiot. As the match was over for good Cesaro and Roman were jumping out of the ring to make their ways around, taking some selfies with the fans and signing some stuff,  that was being held out to them. Since they were the main event with no other match to follow, they took an extra amount of time to pose for pictures in order to make as many fans as possible happy, exchanging a few sentences here and there.
Where have you been? 'Cause I never see you out Are you hiding from me, yeah? Somewhere in the crowd? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Where have you been? All my life, all my life
You were already grabbing your jacket in order to leave before the masses would storm to the exits when you reminded yourself that you weren't alone and you basically couldn't leave before respectively without your guest. "Shall we leave?", you asked in the hope that you didn't sound too desperate as you were already slightly panicking as you imagined being trapped within the huge crowd. Your colleague gave you an innocent smile as he answered: "Let's wait for a few more minutes Y/N. They aren't even done with the their round and I certainly don't want to miss out on the possibility of a picture." You tried to calm yourself by shooting a questioning look at your guest, who immediately agreed with your colleague, causing you to take a deep breath before you were sitting back down. You tried to embrace yourself for the task at hand before reassuring yourself that you could wait until the majority was gone - even though that would mean that you had to stay in the hall longer than expected- but at least you could avoid the masses there.
As you were trapped in your thoughts you didn't even realize that Roman had come over to your side, posing for a selfie with your colleague. As he was done, he was turning his attention to you, studying your face as he realized that you were paying no attention to your surroundings. He once again had to admit that you sparked his interest like noone else had done ever before. Of course talking you up in front of all thse people was not the perfect conversation starter but if he didn't want to miss that opportunity, he probably had no other choice. "Would you like to have a picture as well?", he asked, realizing in that moment how dumb and arrogant that must have sounded. As you were raising your head, he gave you a bright smile, trying to somehow safe the situation. When he saw the smile on your face he felt slightly relieved, this feeling vanishing, however, as you said: "Thank you that's really nice, but I think I'm going to pass." Roman cursed himself on the inside. That really didn't go according to plan, but he wasn't willing to give up that easily as he replied: “I guess I would have said no as well after hearing such a lame sentence.” He winked at you, causing you to blush slightly before he added: “By the way, thank you for asking whether I was alright before. That happens rarely." You couldn't help but laugh as you answered: "Yeah probably because every other fan knows that it is just an act and doesn't need to be reassured due to a light panic attack." Roman had to laugh as well upon hearing your honest answer.
Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? Where have you been all my life? You can have me all you want Anyway, anyday Just show me where you are tonight Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah He held out his hand in order to introduce himself as he was saying: "The name's Joe by the way." He must have noticed your confused look as you were taking his hand in order to shake it, mumbling: "I'm Y/N" He didn't let go of your hand as he chuckled: "Don't give me that confused look, I probably still wouldn't talk to my parents nowadays if they named me Roman Reigns for real. But as a ring name it works just fine." You laughed out loud as you replied: "Yeah I can understand that. That would have been extremely mean of them indeed." Both of you didn't care too much that there were still people around you, that might have noticed by now that he gave extra attention to you. As he let go of your hand, he said: "Listen Y/N, I know this sounds pretty desperate, but you have caught my attention as soon as I stopped right next to you. Would you do me the honor of letting me invite you on a drink? I would really love to talk to you in a less crowded place." Your thoughts were racing. Was Roman Reigns really just asking you out?
I've been everywhere, man Looking for someone Someone who can please me Love me all night long I've been everywhere, man Looking for you, babe Looking for you, babe Searching for you, babe
You gulped hard as you replied: "To be honest, I don't know whether that's such a good idea." He chuckled lightly, saying: "I'm not asking you to marry me, you know? I'm just asking you to let me show you that I'm a pretty nice guy outside of the ring when I don't have to beat people up for a living." You thought about it for a little bit. You had no idea whether you would regret it at the end but with a bright smile you answered: "Sure. A drink in a less crowded place sounds great." With that Roman told you to wait for him at a certain exit before he gave you another wink as he was high fiving a few kids, that were cheering for him as he made his way out of the hall. You were not even caring that you would have to send your co-worker and your business partner off alone, being way too excited for your date ahead. “That evening didn’t seem to be so bad after all”, you happily thought to yourself as you were making your way to the exit, waiting for the Samoan to meet you, more than just curious how the man behind the character would turn out to be in real life. You certainly couldn’t wait to find out. 
Jump to Part 2.
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chudovyygirl · 6 years
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THE WWE'S GLASS CEILING IS JUST A FOOTNOTE FOR RENEE YOUNG She's the first female color commentator in the history of the company. But don't expect Young to list "trailblazer" on her IG anytime soon. She has a bigger mission—to become the greatest to ever put on a headset.
After three grueling hours of fulfilling her role as WWE’s first ever female color commentator on Monday Night Raw’s live broadcast each week, there’s a good chance Renee Youngis going to have to sneak away to the restroom when it’s all over. The enormity of breaking one of professional wrestling’s thickest glass ceilings doesn’t faze her. It’s the smaller things, like not getting a chance to discreetly escape to the lavatory from the announce team’s perch adjacent to WWE’s massive LED stage that, she says, will take some getting used to.“It was one of the things I was legit the most stressed out about doing commentary,” she reveals. “‘But when do I pee?!’ But I feel like I’ve overcome it.”
Young says that since taking over the third chair on Monday Night Raw from Jonathan Coachman, she’s begun to limit her liquid intake throughout the day. She doesn’t really have all that much time to sip coffee anyway, as her new role requires hours of pre-show preparation and research. In addition to a mandatory production meeting where on-screen talent is briefed on storylines, scripts and talking points, Young takes the initiative to chat with the wrestlers one-on-one, getting a sense of who they are, what’s going on in their real lives and where they see their characters going that week. She also scours social media for any interactions between wrestlers or any trending pop culture stories she can reference.
It’s this kind of work ethic, and an ability to make adjustments on the fly, that has helped Young do something no other female broadcaster has ever accomplished in the 66-year history of WWE: co-piloting the company’s flagship broadcast. To some, that makes Young a trailblazer, but she downplays that label with her trademark self-deprecating, cheery sense of humor. “I’m not going to put it in my Instagram headline: ‘Renee Young, trailblazer.’ I do feel the responsibility of it, but it’s also a responsibility I asked for.”
Renee Young, born Renee Jane Paquette in Toronto, Canada, took one of the more circuitous routes imaginable to get to WWE. She grew up in a show business household; her father was a concert promoter and her mother a bookkeeper. When she was 10, Young was encouraged by a client of her mother’s to try her hand at modeling. “I didn’t even know what that meant,” she recalls. “I was like, ‘Sure, it sounds great.’ I would go meet with different talent agencies and different modeling agencies.”
In addition to modeling, however, Young had a penchant for making people laugh. When her parents divorced, Young found that a well-placed joke could defuse the roiling tension of a divided home. “Kind of taking away that spotlight and the awkwardness of the things that were happening,” she says. “Once I realized that’s something that worked for me, I loved nothing more.” That need to be irreverent would manifest itself at school, too. “I was getting kicked out of class regularly,” she says. “I wasn’t a bad kid. I was just loud. Getting kicked out and still trying to make people laugh in the hallway. I was always in kind of a little bit of a situation. I didn’t know when to shut up. Shocker.”
When she was 16, while bouncing around the modeling world, Young was handed a small pamphlet for the Second City improv training center. She would keep it in her bedroom drawer for years as a reminder of who she truly wanted to be. Finally, when she graduated high school in 2003, she asked her father for the $250 necessary to register for her first improv class.
Improv was her passion, and she fully embraced her time at Second City, hoping to transition to a career as a comedic actress. After a brief spell in Los Angeles when she was 19, she came back to Toronto to work in music videos and commercials before settling on a career hosting on Canada’s The Score sports network in 2009. There, she began fronting a wrestling talk show called Right After Wrestling. (The show aired directly after Monday Night Raw in Canada.) That got the attention of WWE, who brought her in for an audition and eventually hired her to conduct backstage interviews with the wrestlers.
WWE offered Young her biggest platform ever, as well as a very strict set of guidelines about what to say and how to say it. Many of the interactions audiences see on Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live are heavily scripted by a team of writers. The performers are asked to get as close to reciting the lines verbatim as they can for their backstage interviews, in-ring promo segments and pre-taped vignettes. Before most interviews, Young would have to preface the exchange with, “Please welcome my guest at this time”—a catchphrase that’s become fodder for jokes within online wrestling fandom.
Despite her early struggles with the tried-and-true WWE formula, Young quickly found allies to help her push forward. Former announcer, and current mouthpiece for Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman was an early supporter of Young. He helped her ease into what can be an overwhelming, esoteric world of wrestling jargon, high pressure and unceasing travel. “He’s had my back from the get-go,” Young says. “He did not need to do that. For whatever reason, he and I have always been close when it comes to talking about being better and wanting to be the best.”
Before her debut as an analyst on Monday Night Raw, Young hunkered down in the stands of the empty arena, where Heyman found her to give his sage counsel. “He just kind of gave me advice on how to be a little more succinct, how to create those little punchlines,” she remembers. “You’ve gotta think about what this is going to sound like in a video package. Make sure you’re saying their name instead of he or she. Just little nuggets like that that you might forget. And I do forget. Sometimes, I might be out there and catch myself saying, ‘Oh, he just speared him’ instead of ‘Roman Reigns just speared Braun Strowman.’”
For the former class clown, it’s not always easy to color inside the rigid lines of WWE’s corporate universe. “Prior to working for WWE, I was always in control of my own material [at The Score].” The commentary role on Raw allows for more off-the-cuff banter for Young, play-by-play announcer Michael Cole and color commentator Corey Graves. “I’ve been here for six years, but until now, I haven’t had many opportunities to flex that [improv] muscle. I’m trying to get back into that mode.”
In her six years with WWE, Young has done pretty much all there is to do besides actually work a wrestling match. She’s worked segments on Raw and SmackDown. She’s hosted an intimate, almost Oprah-style interview show on the WWE Network streaming service called Unfiltered. She’s co-hosted the SmackDown aftershow Talking Smack with former WWE champion Daniel Bryan, and she’s helmed the pre-shows leading up to WWE pay-per-view events.
Perhaps the strangest detour in Young’s career was a brief, season-long stint on the E! network reality series Total Divas, a series that follows WWE female talent like Nikki and Brie Bella, Natalya, Naomi Paige, and Lana through their day-to-day lives. Total Divas is not all that different from other E! reality franchises like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, with its various mundane real-life dramas set against the backdrop of the glamour of the entertainment industry. One of the main storylines of the show was the question of whether or not John Cena would marry Nikki Bella. The particulars of their coupling and the eventual dissolution of that couple was all fodder for the cameras.
As helpful as the show was for her personal profile, Young departed Total Divas after completing work on Season 7. “I think the hardest part for me, for doing Total Divas, was having my relationship be on display,” she says with a sigh.
Her husband, Jonathan Good, also known as Dean Ambrose, is intensely private, according to those who know him—a shy, reserved, sensitive man who only opens up once you’ve made yourself worthy of his trust. “It’s always a compliment when John has a conversation with me,” says Natalya Neidhart, Total Divas cast member and one of Young’s closest friends on the WWE roster. “He doesn’t talk to that many people, so when he talks to me, I’m so flattered.” Young is the opposite that attracted, still that same young person always trying to make others laugh with a one-liner. “[Renee] didn’t need someone who was going to compete with her, in the sense of being bubbly and charismatic. She needed someone who complemented her, and John is just so quiet. He very rarely lets people in.” That dynamic might not have been ideal for reality TV.
“I think [our relationship] was not something we wanted to pull the curtain back on,” Young says. “That made me uncomfortable as well, because the whole time I’m just saying he’s crazy and how do I deal with this crazy person [for story purposes], which is really not our dynamic. That was really odd to navigate as we were doing it.”
Until 2015, the heightened reality of Total Divas was one, if not the only, path to success for WWE’s women. Women’s wrestling simply wasn’t a major attraction on WWE TV until Stephanie McMahon debuted highly touted prospects Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch to usher in the “Women's Revolution” campaign that gave female performers more to do than just pose for the camera and smile. But Young is a part of a class of performers who have become bona fide stars without that platform. Though she’s never competed in a wrestling match (the closest she’s gotten is a brief feud where she and Ambrose traded insults with The Miz and his wife, Maryse), Young has amassed a social media following on par with former world champions like Bayley and Alexa Bliss. “Renee is going to be a superstar at this,” says Michael Cole, who, in addition to being her cohort on Raw’s announce team, is also the person who oversees every announcer in WWE.
“When all is said and done, Renee is going to go down as one of the great analysts that we’ve ever had, because you have to stand out in this business,” Cole says. “Renee will stand out because she’s offering something that’s never been done before. Forget the fact that she’s a woman. Put that aside. That’s become a footnote now. She’s different because never before have we had in the wrestling business what Renee offers to the announce booth. It’s that innate ability to talk to people, to be able to dig underneath the surface and find out what makes these superstars tick.”
Her personality and charisma shined even if her on-screen character is mostly just a slightly toned-down version of the real Renee. “I just have to be a little bit more PG when I’m on a live microphone,” she says. The Evolution pay-per-view is something of a culmination of everything Young has been striving for since she joined the wrestling world. “When I was told I was going to be doing it, I was floored,” she says. “I feel like I can open up a door for other women, show other women and girls different paths to go down.”
Young has done her research into other women who’ve made it into the sports commentary world. She’s especially a fan of ESPN NBA analyst Doris Burke, another supreme talent who has a similarly rabid online following. “One of the things I took away [from my research] is that everyone is used to older white men doing commentary and anything that’s not has been deemed wrong. It’s not [wrong]. It’s just trying to change what people are used to hearing.”
Eventually, audiences will get used to Renee Young’s voice on commentary, if they haven’t already. In addition to her weekly job on Raw and the spot on Evolution, she’ll be calling WrestleMania in April. While Raw is three hours and the average pay-per-view is around four, WrestleMania tops out at a whopping seven hours from start to finish. When will Renee get to go to the bathroom then? “If that’s the biggest of Renee’s worries, she has nothing to be concerned about,” Cole says.
“I am not ready for that yet. I don’t think my bladder is quite prepared,” Young says with a chuckle. “We don’t travel with port-a-potties up there.” For every arena, Young has devised a route to the restroom, just in case. It’s absurd that we keep coming back to the issue, but as Young puts it, “This is real life” and she’s not one to hold back on what’s going on in her own head. “She’s relatable because she’s not perfect,” Neidhart says. In that life, as it is in her journey to relieve herself, Young’s mantra is simple: “You gotta navigate your path.”
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (4-10-2020)
Friday Night Pyro #421 April 10th, 2020 Los Angeles, California The Barracks
Opening Segment: Troy Clausen enters the ring with GM Romeo Roselli who is holding a contract for a “Lockdown 7 match between himself (Troy) vs Champagne Clausen Troy: Last week I rose from the dead! I told the world that my son would be nothing without me! I taught him everything he knows but I’m just a little bit quicker, smarter. I’m more violent. Curt was raised wealthy and privileged. He was like Richie Rich in upstate New York growing up. He had everything. Well I didn’t. A lot of people ask me how I gained my wealth. I hit the lottery when I was 34. I wanted to be a professional wrestler but instead with my new found fortune I funded this company in 2005 along with my constituents. I let business overtake. I wanted to be in the ring. I wanted to live vicariously through my son but my son isn’t a hero. My son is a villain. I’m a hero. I wouldn’t have mercifully beaten up The Freight Train. I LOVE FREIGHT TRAIN! I LOVE PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! AND DAMN IT I LOVE THE FANS!
Champagne enters Champagne: Everything you just said. IRRELEVANT. You! IRRELEVANT! Even that silly clipboard with those empty words on that Lockdown 7 match contract between me and you? IRRELEVANT. I will be in the main event that night, cause in 2 weeks I’ll be winning the 2020 Xtreme Rumble match and I won’t BE in a match with you. Besides. I wrestle real competition. I wrestle real professional wrestlers. Troy: Well that’s quite the coincidence because in the several months I was out of action I was trained by a professional wrestler. That’s right an old grizzled veteran. In Greensboro, North Carolina I traveled and I was trained by the great
Freight Train enters to jubilation Freight Train: Troy Clausen is a trained professional wrestler! The same man who trained me down there in Greensboro Carolina the man himself George South
George South and son (also wrestler) Jake “The Boy Scout” Manning enters to “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey [[Geroge South wrestled for the NWA back in the 80’s pretty much a job guy but has wrestled Flair many times. He still wrestles today and is most known for his podcast “You don’t work Dad, You wrestle” with his son Jake “The Boy Scout” Manning.
Champagne: LMAOOOOOO The Boy Scout? George South? Is that your name? Lol. You were trained by these guys. Go back to your trailer in Greensboro and talk into some cheap podcast equipment and talk about the good days. Hey George have you ever won a match? Like, ever?
Champagne gets in George South’s face, Jake “The Boy Scout” Manning apprehends him to back up George South: Champagne in 2013 you attended my school with HIGHSPOTS and I distinctly remember afterwards you went off on a tangent saying you were the best, this and that, with your nose up in the air at the other fellas and gals trying to chase the same dream as you. You left the school when I said you were too sloppy and you needed to tighten up in the ring and you left. You told me I was a nobody and I don’t have the business training anybody. Well I’ve trained WWE Cedric Alexander that’s a Cruiserweight Champion. I’ve trained Tessa Blanchard Yep that’s the first ever women’s world wrestling champion over there making an IMPACT! I thought I was gonna train you but I’ve spent the past few months training your daddy so he can BEAT YOU Champagne: What’s that? Sorry George I don’t speak hick. Champagne: (looks at Train) I don’t speak retard either (groan dull poor taste) Champagne: (looks at Jake Manning) and the Boy Scout? That’s your thing? Boy Scout With that questionable mustache you look like someone who has the Tik Tok app on his phone and doesn’t have an account. Someone check this guy George South: What’s wrong with you? I’m gonna tell your boy. If you got a problem with my son and me then why don’t you say it Champagne: I do have a problem but now you do. You and me. Let’s go. George South: (looks at Romeo) Well if that’s okay with the General manager I’d challenge you to your own match! That’s right! A Clausen Cleaver match!
(Freight Train Pulls out a Magic Marker from his jacket and draws a poorly done squiggly line not even halfway in the middle of the canvas (George South side is much bigger) Champagne: huh huh I’m not even gonna complain at those odds.
Clausen Cleaver Match M1: Champagne Clausen defeats George South
During the match an attempt to interfere from Troy Clausen was thwarted when Troy shoved in a steel chair toward a downed George South and a standing Champagne stepped on the chair “Thanks” Champagne proceeded to whack South over the back with the steel chair several times until kicking him over his ill-equal line of the Cleaver and pinning South clean 1-2-3
Troy: That’s fine you wanna continue to be a brat, you wanna drag our business out into the mainstream. Well I can play dirty Pal in fact I do it better than anybody ever has in this industry. So Champagne Clausen next week I’m gonna invite people from your past, your present and your future and I’m gonna expose you and I’m gonna embarrass you and at Lockdown I’m gonna give you a beating your father should have given you before...... (intentional botch to enhance Troy’s babyface character)
James Westerbeck interviews The Set (mostly Jordan Oliver) on his current streak as he prepares to fight world champ Golden Bryce tonight. Jordan: I’m 8-0 never been defeated in the year 2020, never lost a match in this DECADE! The real champ is the Juniorweight title and remember that streak of Jacques Dudley’s back in 2012, well that’s nothing on me. I’m swimming with sharks and it’s blood in the water pimpin’. Golden Shower boy is gonna get a kick in the face courtesy of me Jordan Oliver so get that, got that? Good. Mark. (Ruckus is rubbing Oliver’s shoulders behind him) Ruckus: “My boy Jawdan. This my son right here. I f*** with this n**** the long way and new blood cap glock gang rag gang
VIGNETTE Mandy Leon hypes “Mid-evil Marauders” coming soon
1 on 1 M2: Priscilla Kelly defeats Doxy Deity
Post match promo Lotus goes on tangent on how Prisiclla is at her core the thing wrong with modern feminism, toxic and nasty. Doing the right cause the WRONG way. Prisiclla responds “Your whole family has this moral compass high horse how about you shut your mouth”
Lotus responds “Eat those words Prisiclla let it fester in the gristle of your guts :)
Soloman Nasty pleads Joe Gacy go give him ONE MORE CHANCE! Gacy says fine I respect a guy who doesn’t give up
M3: Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil defeat Joe Gacy & Soloman Nasty
Reed puns Nasty after a 450 splash from the 2nd rope
After the match Gacy helps Soloman Nasty up and just when he seems to let him be “The Plagueground” replacing Croyle during injury. Up the ramp Gacy hits Soloman with both tag titles and gorilla presses him onto the steel grate of the stage and leaves him in a whole heap of mess
Backstage: [[FUNNY] All Man is listening to Doja Cat “Say So” embarrassingly making a Tik Tok to it He talks to All Woman and says I’ve been going viral recently! Chainmail are back! Milkmen might be back to work country-wide. My title reign really resonated with people. All Woman: You did it :) You did it ALL by yourself :) All Man smiles corny-like in front of an American flag and chugs a chocolate Nesquik
Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam join commentary and run down Leonard McGraw and Ryu
MATCH OF THE NIGHT RIGHT HERE 1 on 1 M4: Leonard McGraw w/ Ryu defeat Alveno La Flare
PROMO: Lockdown 7 is 40 days away
PROMO: Golden Bryce BANG! Energy commercial
1 on 1 Juniorweight vs World Heavyweight Golden Bryce DEFEATS (8-0) Jordan Oliver
back and forth match. At one point referee Kevin Madrox does a great “YOURE OUTTA HERE” to The Set at ringside (Myron, Kotto, Ruckus, Lexoni & Chrissy Rivera)
Jordan is going for the “Clout Cutter” and Bryce hits the 6 rings on Oliver’s BACK ((Total innovative way to spear someone to their back as Oliver flings off the top rope to the middle of the ring, reverse 6 rings. 1-2-3 and just like that Jordan Oliver takes his first L of the year
Bryce looks at the camera and breaks the 4th wall a bit gives a “hey why not” look Raises Jordan’s Juniorweight title as well as his own World Heavyweight Title both in the air as the show goes off the air!
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past
When WWE brought back Jim Hellwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior after a long and often contentious absence from the company in order to induct him into the Hall of Fame in 2014, it was a heartwarming story of triumphant redemption that could only ever take place in the squared circle. The day after his induction, he delivered a now-legendary promo on Monday Night RAW where he seemingly foreshadowed his own death… and then a mere 24 hours later, he suffered a massive heart attack and was gone.
If it had been left at that, you could almost forgive WWE for leaving out the not-so-heartwarming part of the story — namely, a series of homophobic and racist remarks made in speeches on college campuses and since-deleted blog posts in the mid-late 2000's during Warrior's stint as a conservative commentator.
Only, it wasn't left at that.
In the following years, WWE proceeded to make Warrior a centerpiece of their burgeoning corporate philanthropy efforts, creating the Warrior Award, to be given out at an elaborate ceremony every year to a recipient who "exhibited unwavering strength and perseverance, and who lives life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior." This year, the company merged its Warrior branding into its longstanding partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. Various WWE Superstars and several breast cancer survivors have been sporting the likeness of the Warrior on television all month as part of the campaign and the company has been relentlessly promoting it on social media. Unleash Your Warrior.
Now is probably a good time to quickly go over a few of the things this man said during his stint as an aspiring conservative firebrand in the 2000s. All of these blog posts have been deleted, but through the magic of internet archiving, we were able to track them down.
On Hurricane Katrina victims:
Anyone who expresses sentiments like "How could they let this hurricane come here and do this to our lives?" is a kook as far as I am concerned. Those that somehow believe people are directly to blame for the happening of a natural catastrophe don't deserve to be heard. In fact, they should to be told to shut the hell up. These kinds of people contribute nothing toward repairing things to a better state. Truth is, these people thrive on despair and disarray. Chaos -- mentally and physically and in the way they conduct their lives -- is nothing new to them. They forge their whole lives in and around it. This hurricane to them was nothing more than like rearranging the furniture. If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin -- self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.
Beginning with the choice to sit on their ass expecting someone else to hand them a wonderful, beautiful, healthy and wealthy life. And excuse me for being the one to say so, but if you have a dozen kids and no husband to be a father, there are some 'holes' in your life plan that should be sewed up.
In case it isn't abundantly clear just who "these people" were, this article on the demographic makeup of Katrina victims should clear it up. Warrior is referring to "poor, mostly black New Orleanians without cars."
On the injustice of Martin Luther King Day:
Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream." One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.
On his speech on "Queer Studies" at a Conservative Alliance event at DePaul University:
One guy without his husband and two physically-repulsive butch-dykes slurping on one another's tongues (really) on the front row had a real hard time cozying up to my principled heterosexual obstinacy. So, in an act of pure selfish pleasure the guy got himself physically thrown out by the masculine security guard, unmistakably loving every single masochistic, man-handled moment of it. And the dykes, well, they ran out screaming and yelling like speared wild boars that I was a homophobe for making my remarks. Rumor has it that they decided to exit more because I was not getting stimulated by watching their poorly performed two-nightcrawlers-in-heat act. Ah, the incredible, selfless sacrifices the liberal loons will make on behalf of their cause...warms my heart and makes my whole body laugh.
On the death of actor Heath Ledger (who had played a homosexual character in the film Brokeback Mountain):
By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.
On famed WWE Announcer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (who had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer at the time):
"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."
This one is particularly relevant given that, by sheer coincidence, Heenan's recent death coincided with the launch of the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. It's unclear whether the Susan G. Komen Foundation is aware of Warrior's past statements — they declined to comment on this story.
The purpose of bringing this up now isn't to drag a dead man's name through the mud, or to simply stir up controversy for no reason. It's to ask why WWE thinks it is appropriate to use this man's likeness as a pillar of their inspirational, altruistic corporate philanthropy branding. After his return to WWE, much was made of the bridges that Warrior had burned and the reparations he had made in the wrestling business, but neither Warrior or WWE offered any acknowledgment of—or apology for—his comments going beyond the wrestling business.
His widow, Dana Warrior, said in a statement to VICE Sports that Warrior had become a different man before he died.
"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."
But there was no public sign that he had any change of stance.
It's also important to point out that these speeches weren't given by Jim Hellwig, they were quite literally given by Warrior—he legally changed his name during a copyright dispute with the company—so the idea that WWE can simply make a distinction between the Ultimate Warrior, a fictional character, and the actor portraying him doesn't really hold much water. Also worth mentioning: WWE banished Hulk Hogan, their biggest ever star, down the memory hole when his own ugly, racist comments were made public in 2015.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place. Donald Trump is in there, after all. And Warrior was unquestionably an iconic WWE character, who had a profound impact on the wrestling industry. One could make the case that, regardless of the horrible things he had said during this period (a period where he was not under contract with WWE and had no affiliation with the company) he still deserved to be recognized for his significant achievements inside the wrestling ring.
But the same company that banished Hogan has poured millions of dollars into a quasi-philanthropical marketing campaign promoting the image of a person who made vastly uglier comments.And make no mistake—these initiatives are marketing. This is a notion endorsed by Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon in a tweet from WWE's Business Partner Summit in 2015 (the first year the Warrior Award was given out),
It's obviously not a bad thing that the WWE is making an effort to do community outreach, help with breast cancer awareness, and get involved in other philanthropic efforts. But their insistence on not only welcoming Warrior back into the fold, but completely whitewashing his past and elevating his likeness to a bland symbol of corporate altruism is shockingly tone-deaf, especially for a company that's at least outwardly trying to appear progressive, inclusive and diverse. When asked about this, WWE released the following statement to VICE Sports:
"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."
Either they were unaware of Warrior's past statements or they were aware and just thought they might sweep them under the rug like many of the other uglier parts of their corporate history. However it happened, the company has now spent years devoting significant resources to promoting a reactionary who is on record saying things that would make Rush Limbaugh blush, as a heroic figure of inspiration and redemption. It appears that they will continue to do so. This version of the Ultimate Warrior would be nice to believe in, but ultimately it's as fictional as any other wrestling storyline.
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior’s Bigoted Past
When WWE brought back Jim Hellwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior after a long and often contentious absence from the company in order to induct him into the Hall of Fame in 2014, it was a heartwarming story of triumphant redemption that could only ever take place in the squared circle. The day after his induction, he delivered a now-legendary promo on Monday Night RAW where he seemingly foreshadowed his own death… and then a mere 24 hours later, he suffered a massive heart attack and was gone.
If it had been left at that, you could almost forgive WWE for leaving out the not-so-heartwarming part of the story — namely, a series of homophobic and racist remarks made in speeches on college campuses and since-deleted blog posts in the mid-late 2000’s during Warrior’s stint as a conservative commentator.
Only, it wasn’t left at that.
In the following years, WWE proceeded to make Warrior a centerpiece of their burgeoning corporate philanthropy efforts, creating the Warrior Award, to be given out at an elaborate ceremony every year to a recipient who “exhibited unwavering strength and perseverance, and who lives life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior.” This year, the company merged its Warrior branding into its longstanding partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. Various WWE Superstars and several breast cancer survivors have been sporting the likeness of the Warrior on television all month as part of the campaign and the company has been relentlessly promoting it on social media. Unleash Your Warrior.
Now is probably a good time to quickly go over a few of the things this man said during his stint as an aspiring conservative firebrand in the 2000s. All of these blog posts have been deleted, but through the magic of internet archiving, we were able to track them down.
On Hurricane Katrina victims:
Anyone who expresses sentiments like “How could they let this hurricane come here and do this to our lives?” is a kook as far as I am concerned. Those that somehow believe people are directly to blame for the happening of a natural catastrophe don’t deserve to be heard. In fact, they should to be told to shut the hell up. These kinds of people contribute nothing toward repairing things to a better state. Truth is, these people thrive on despair and disarray. Chaos — mentally and physically and in the way they conduct their lives — is nothing new to them. They forge their whole lives in and around it. This hurricane to them was nothing more than like rearranging the furniture. If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone’s attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin — self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.
Beginning with the choice to sit on their ass expecting someone else to hand them a wonderful, beautiful, healthy and wealthy life. And excuse me for being the one to say so, but if you have a dozen kids and no husband to be a father, there are some ‘holes’ in your life plan that should be sewed up.
In case it isn’t abundantly clear just who “these people” were, this article on the demographic makeup of Katrina victims should clear it up. Warrior is referring to “poor, mostly black New Orleanians without cars.”
On the injustice of Martin Luther King Day:
Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It’s only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name “King” as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had “a dream.” One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.
On his speech on “Queer Studies” at a Conservative Alliance event at DePaul University:
One guy without his husband and two physically-repulsive butch-dykes slurping on one another’s tongues (really) on the front row had a real hard time cozying up to my principled heterosexual obstinacy. So, in an act of pure selfish pleasure the guy got himself physically thrown out by the masculine security guard, unmistakably loving every single masochistic, man-handled moment of it. And the dykes, well, they ran out screaming and yelling like speared wild boars that I was a homophobe for making my remarks. Rumor has it that they decided to exit more because I was not getting stimulated by watching their poorly performed two-nightcrawlers-in-heat act. Ah, the incredible, selfless sacrifices the liberal loons will make on behalf of their cause…warms my heart and makes my whole body laugh.
On the death of actor Heath Ledger (who had played a homosexual character in the film Brokeback Mountain):
By today’s standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.
On famed WWE Announcer Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (who had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer at the time):
“As for you, Booby Heenan, it’s just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death’s bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold.”
This one is particularly relevant given that, by sheer coincidence, Heenan’s recent death coincided with the launch of the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. It’s unclear whether the Susan G. Komen Foundation is aware of Warrior’s past statements — they declined to comment on this story.
The purpose of bringing this up now isn’t to drag a dead man’s name through the mud, or to simply stir up controversy for no reason. It’s to ask why WWE thinks it is appropriate to use this man’s likeness as a pillar of their inspirational, altruistic corporate philanthropy branding. After his return to WWE, much was made of the bridges that Warrior had burned and the reparations he had made in the wrestling business, but neither Warrior or WWE offered any acknowledgment of—or apology for—his comments going beyond the wrestling business.
His widow, Dana Warrior, said in a statement to VICE Sports that Warrior had become a different man before he died.
“I will not be disloyal to my husband’s memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that.”
But there was no public sign that he had any change of stance.
It’s also important to point out that these speeches weren’t given by Jim Hellwig, they were quite literally given by Warrior—he legally changed his name during a copyright dispute with the company—so the idea that WWE can simply make a distinction between the Ultimate Warrior, a fictional character, and the actor portraying him doesn’t really hold much water. Also worth mentioning: WWE banished Hulk Hogan, their biggest ever star, down the memory hole when his own ugly, racist comments were made public in 2015.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place. Donald Trump is in there, after all. And Warrior was unquestionably an iconic WWE character, who had a profound impact on the wrestling industry. One could make the case that, regardless of the horrible things he had said during this period (a period where he was not under contract with WWE and had no affiliation with the company) he still deserved to be recognized for his significant achievements inside the wrestling ring.
But the same company that banished Hogan has poured millions of dollars into a quasi-philanthropical marketing campaign promoting the image of a person who made vastly uglier comments.And make no mistake—these initiatives are marketing. This is a notion endorsed by Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon in a tweet from WWE’s Business Partner Summit in 2015 (the first year the Warrior Award was given out),
It’s obviously not a bad thing that the WWE is making an effort to do community outreach, help with breast cancer awareness, and get involved in other philanthropic efforts. But their insistence on not only welcoming Warrior back into the fold, but completely whitewashing his past and elevating his likeness to a bland symbol of corporate altruism is shockingly tone-deaf, especially for a company that’s at least outwardly trying to appear progressive, inclusive and diverse. When asked about this, WWE released the following statement to VICE Sports:
“WWE’s ‘Unleash Your Warrior’ breast cancer awareness campaign and annual ‘Warrior Award’ recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE’s legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided.”
Either they were unaware of Warrior’s past statements or they were aware and just thought they might sweep them under the rug like many of the other uglier parts of their corporate history. However it happened, the company has now spent years devoting significant resources to promoting a reactionary who is on record saying things that would make Rush Limbaugh blush, as a heroic figure of inspiration and redemption. It appears that they will continue to do so. This version of the Ultimate Warrior would be nice to believe in, but ultimately it’s as fictional as any other wrestling storyline.
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior’s Bigoted Past syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past
When WWE brought back Jim Hellwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior after a long and often contentious absence from the company in order to induct him into the Hall of Fame in 2014, it was a heartwarming story of triumphant redemption that could only ever take place in the squared circle. The day after his induction, he delivered a now-legendary promo on Monday Night RAW where he seemingly foreshadowed his own death… and then a mere 24 hours later, he suffered a massive heart attack and was gone.
If it had been left at that, you could almost forgive WWE for leaving out the not-so-heartwarming part of the story — namely, a series of homophobic and racist remarks made in speeches on college campuses and since-deleted blog posts in the mid-late 2000's during Warrior's stint as a conservative commentator.
Only, it wasn't left at that.
In the following years, WWE proceeded to make Warrior a centerpiece of their burgeoning corporate philanthropy efforts, creating the Warrior Award, to be given out at an elaborate ceremony every year to a recipient who "exhibited unwavering strength and perseverance, and who lives life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior." This year, the company merged its Warrior branding into its longstanding partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. Various WWE Superstars and several breast cancer survivors have been sporting the likeness of the Warrior on television all month as part of the campaign and the company has been relentlessly promoting it on social media. Unleash Your Warrior.
Now is probably a good time to quickly go over a few of the things this man said during his stint as an aspiring conservative firebrand in the 2000s. All of these blog posts have been deleted, but through the magic of internet archiving, we were able to track them down.
On Hurricane Katrina victims:
Anyone who expresses sentiments like "How could they let this hurricane come here and do this to our lives?" is a kook as far as I am concerned. Those that somehow believe people are directly to blame for the happening of a natural catastrophe don't deserve to be heard. In fact, they should to be told to shut the hell up. These kinds of people contribute nothing toward repairing things to a better state. Truth is, these people thrive on despair and disarray. Chaos -- mentally and physically and in the way they conduct their lives -- is nothing new to them. They forge their whole lives in and around it. This hurricane to them was nothing more than like rearranging the furniture. If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin -- self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.
Beginning with the choice to sit on their ass expecting someone else to hand them a wonderful, beautiful, healthy and wealthy life. And excuse me for being the one to say so, but if you have a dozen kids and no husband to be a father, there are some 'holes' in your life plan that should be sewed up.
In case it isn't abundantly clear just who "these people" were, this article on the demographic makeup of Katrina victims should clear it up. Warrior is referring to "poor, mostly black New Orleanians without cars."
On the injustice of Martin Luther King Day:
Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream." One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.
On his speech on "Queer Studies" at a Conservative Alliance event at DePaul University:
One guy without his husband and two physically-repulsive butch-dykes slurping on one another's tongues (really) on the front row had a real hard time cozying up to my principled heterosexual obstinacy. So, in an act of pure selfish pleasure the guy got himself physically thrown out by the masculine security guard, unmistakably loving every single masochistic, man-handled moment of it. And the dykes, well, they ran out screaming and yelling like speared wild boars that I was a homophobe for making my remarks. Rumor has it that they decided to exit more because I was not getting stimulated by watching their poorly performed two-nightcrawlers-in-heat act. Ah, the incredible, selfless sacrifices the liberal loons will make on behalf of their cause...warms my heart and makes my whole body laugh.
On the death of actor Heath Ledger (who had played a homosexual character in the film Brokeback Mountain):
By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.
On famed WWE Announcer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (who had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer at the time):
"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."
This one is particularly relevant given that, by sheer coincidence, Heenan's recent death coincided with the launch of the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. It's unclear whether the Susan G. Komen Foundation is aware of Warrior's past statements — they declined to comment on this story.
The purpose of bringing this up now isn't to drag a dead man's name through the mud, or to simply stir up controversy for no reason. It's to ask why WWE thinks it is appropriate to use this man's likeness as a pillar of their inspirational, altruistic corporate philanthropy branding. After his return to WWE, much was made of the bridges that Warrior had burned and the reparations he had made in the wrestling business, but neither Warrior or WWE offered any acknowledgment of—or apology for—his comments going beyond the wrestling business.
His widow, Dana Warrior, said in a statement to VICE Sports that Warrior had become a different man before he died.
"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."
But there was no public sign that he had any change of stance.
It's also important to point out that these speeches weren't given by Jim Hellwig, they were quite literally given by Warrior—he legally changed his name during a copyright dispute with the company—so the idea that WWE can simply make a distinction between the Ultimate Warrior, a fictional character, and the actor portraying him doesn't really hold much water. Also worth mentioning: WWE banished Hulk Hogan, their biggest ever star, down the memory hole when his own ugly, racist comments were made public in 2015.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place. Donald Trump is in there, after all. And Warrior was unquestionably an iconic WWE character, who had a profound impact on the wrestling industry. One could make the case that, regardless of the horrible things he had said during this period (a period where he was not under contract with WWE and had no affiliation with the company) he still deserved to be recognized for his significant achievements inside the wrestling ring.
But the same company that banished Hogan has poured millions of dollars into a quasi-philanthropical marketing campaign promoting the image of a person who made vastly uglier comments.And make no mistake—these initiatives are marketing. This is a notion endorsed by Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon in a tweet from WWE's Business Partner Summit in 2015 (the first year the Warrior Award was given out),
It's obviously not a bad thing that the WWE is making an effort to do community outreach, help with breast cancer awareness, and get involved in other philanthropic efforts. But their insistence on not only welcoming Warrior back into the fold, but completely whitewashing his past and elevating his likeness to a bland symbol of corporate altruism is shockingly tone-deaf, especially for a company that's at least outwardly trying to appear progressive, inclusive and diverse. When asked about this, WWE released the following statement to VICE Sports:
"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."
Either they were unaware of Warrior's past statements or they were aware and just thought they might sweep them under the rug like many of the other uglier parts of their corporate history. However it happened, the company has now spent years devoting significant resources to promoting a reactionary who is on record saying things that would make Rush Limbaugh blush, as a heroic figure of inspiration and redemption. It appears that they will continue to do so. This version of the Ultimate Warrior would be nice to believe in, but ultimately it's as fictional as any other wrestling storyline.
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past
When WWE brought back Jim Hellwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior after a long and often contentious absence from the company in order to induct him into the Hall of Fame in 2014, it was a heartwarming story of triumphant redemption that could only ever take place in the squared circle. The day after his induction, he delivered a now-legendary promo on Monday Night RAW where he seemingly foreshadowed his own death… and then a mere 24 hours later, he suffered a massive heart attack and was gone.
If it had been left at that, you could almost forgive WWE for leaving out the not-so-heartwarming part of the story — namely, a series of homophobic and racist remarks made in speeches on college campuses and since-deleted blog posts in the mid-late 2000's during Warrior's stint as a conservative commentator.
Only, it wasn't left at that.
In the following years, WWE proceeded to make Warrior a centerpiece of their burgeoning corporate philanthropy efforts, creating the Warrior Award, to be given out at an elaborate ceremony every year to a recipient who "exhibited unwavering strength and perseverance, and who lives life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior." This year, the company merged its Warrior branding into its longstanding partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. Various WWE Superstars and several breast cancer survivors have been sporting the likeness of the Warrior on television all month as part of the campaign and the company has been relentlessly promoting it on social media. Unleash Your Warrior.
Now is probably a good time to quickly go over a few of the things this man said during his stint as an aspiring conservative firebrand in the 2000s. All of these blog posts have been deleted, but through the magic of internet archiving, we were able to track them down.
On Hurricane Katrina victims:
Anyone who expresses sentiments like "How could they let this hurricane come here and do this to our lives?" is a kook as far as I am concerned. Those that somehow believe people are directly to blame for the happening of a natural catastrophe don't deserve to be heard. In fact, they should to be told to shut the hell up. These kinds of people contribute nothing toward repairing things to a better state. Truth is, these people thrive on despair and disarray. Chaos -- mentally and physically and in the way they conduct their lives -- is nothing new to them. They forge their whole lives in and around it. This hurricane to them was nothing more than like rearranging the furniture. If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin -- self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.
Beginning with the choice to sit on their ass expecting someone else to hand them a wonderful, beautiful, healthy and wealthy life. And excuse me for being the one to say so, but if you have a dozen kids and no husband to be a father, there are some 'holes' in your life plan that should be sewed up.
In case it isn't abundantly clear just who "these people" were, this article on the demographic makeup of Katrina victims should clear it up. Warrior is referring to "poor, mostly black New Orleanians without cars."
On the injustice of Martin Luther King Day:
Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream." One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.
On his speech on "Queer Studies" at a Conservative Alliance event at DePaul University:
One guy without his husband and two physically-repulsive butch-dykes slurping on one another's tongues (really) on the front row had a real hard time cozying up to my principled heterosexual obstinacy. So, in an act of pure selfish pleasure the guy got himself physically thrown out by the masculine security guard, unmistakably loving every single masochistic, man-handled moment of it. And the dykes, well, they ran out screaming and yelling like speared wild boars that I was a homophobe for making my remarks. Rumor has it that they decided to exit more because I was not getting stimulated by watching their poorly performed two-nightcrawlers-in-heat act. Ah, the incredible, selfless sacrifices the liberal loons will make on behalf of their cause...warms my heart and makes my whole body laugh.
On the death of actor Heath Ledger (who had played a homosexual character in the film Brokeback Mountain):
By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.
On famed WWE Announcer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (who had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer at the time):
"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."
This one is particularly relevant given that, by sheer coincidence, Heenan's recent death coincided with the launch of the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. It's unclear whether the Susan G. Komen Foundation is aware of Warrior's past statements — they declined to comment on this story.
The purpose of bringing this up now isn't to drag a dead man's name through the mud, or to simply stir up controversy for no reason. It's to ask why WWE thinks it is appropriate to use this man's likeness as a pillar of their inspirational, altruistic corporate philanthropy branding. After his return to WWE, much was made of the bridges that Warrior had burned and the reparations he had made in the wrestling business, but neither Warrior or WWE offered any acknowledgment of—or apology for—his comments going beyond the wrestling business.
His widow, Dana Warrior, said in a statement to VICE Sports that Warrior had become a different man before he died.
"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."
But there was no public sign that he had any change of stance.
It's also important to point out that these speeches weren't given by Jim Hellwig, they were quite literally given by Warrior—he legally changed his name during a copyright dispute with the company—so the idea that WWE can simply make a distinction between the Ultimate Warrior, a fictional character, and the actor portraying him doesn't really hold much water. Also worth mentioning: WWE banished Hulk Hogan, their biggest ever star, down the memory hole when his own ugly, racist comments were made public in 2015.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place. Donald Trump is in there, after all. And Warrior was unquestionably an iconic WWE character, who had a profound impact on the wrestling industry. One could make the case that, regardless of the horrible things he had said during this period (a period where he was not under contract with WWE and had no affiliation with the company) he still deserved to be recognized for his significant achievements inside the wrestling ring.
But the same company that banished Hogan has poured millions of dollars into a quasi-philanthropical marketing campaign promoting the image of a person who made vastly uglier comments.And make no mistake—these initiatives are marketing. This is a notion endorsed by Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon in a tweet from WWE's Business Partner Summit in 2015 (the first year the Warrior Award was given out),
It's obviously not a bad thing that the WWE is making an effort to do community outreach, help with breast cancer awareness, and get involved in other philanthropic efforts. But their insistence on not only welcoming Warrior back into the fold, but completely whitewashing his past and elevating his likeness to a bland symbol of corporate altruism is shockingly tone-deaf, especially for a company that's at least outwardly trying to appear progressive, inclusive and diverse. When asked about this, WWE released the following statement to VICE Sports:
"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."
Either they were unaware of Warrior's past statements or they were aware and just thought they might sweep them under the rug like many of the other uglier parts of their corporate history. However it happened, the company has now spent years devoting significant resources to promoting a reactionary who is on record saying things that would make Rush Limbaugh blush, as a heroic figure of inspiration and redemption. It appears that they will continue to do so. This version of the Ultimate Warrior would be nice to believe in, but ultimately it's as fictional as any other wrestling storyline.
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past
When WWE brought back Jim Hellwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior after a long and often contentious absence from the company in order to induct him into the Hall of Fame in 2014, it was a heartwarming story of triumphant redemption that could only ever take place in the squared circle. The day after his induction, he delivered a now-legendary promo on Monday Night RAW where he seemingly foreshadowed his own death… and then a mere 24 hours later, he suffered a massive heart attack and was gone.
If it had been left at that, you could almost forgive WWE for leaving out the not-so-heartwarming part of the story — namely, a series of homophobic and racist remarks made in speeches on college campuses and since-deleted blog posts in the mid-late 2000's during Warrior's stint as a conservative commentator.
Only, it wasn't left at that.
In the following years, WWE proceeded to make Warrior a centerpiece of their burgeoning corporate philanthropy efforts, creating the Warrior Award, to be given out at an elaborate ceremony every year to a recipient who "exhibited unwavering strength and perseverance, and who lives life with the courage and compassion that embodies the indomitable spirit of the Ultimate Warrior." This year, the company merged its Warrior branding into its longstanding partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. Various WWE Superstars and several breast cancer survivors have been sporting the likeness of the Warrior on television all month as part of the campaign and the company has been relentlessly promoting it on social media. Unleash Your Warrior.
Now is probably a good time to quickly go over a few of the things this man said during his stint as an aspiring conservative firebrand in the 2000s. All of these blog posts have been deleted, but through the magic of internet archiving, we were able to track them down.
On Hurricane Katrina victims:
Anyone who expresses sentiments like "How could they let this hurricane come here and do this to our lives?" is a kook as far as I am concerned. Those that somehow believe people are directly to blame for the happening of a natural catastrophe don't deserve to be heard. In fact, they should to be told to shut the hell up. These kinds of people contribute nothing toward repairing things to a better state. Truth is, these people thrive on despair and disarray. Chaos -- mentally and physically and in the way they conduct their lives -- is nothing new to them. They forge their whole lives in and around it. This hurricane to them was nothing more than like rearranging the furniture. If we could be shown what general conditions they lived in before the hurricane, we would see that had little respect for what they did have. We would see just how unorganized, unclean and dysfunctionally they lived. They never gave a care for order, cleanliness or function before, but now that they can get someone's attention who will possibly take over the responsibility of their life for them, they go on these tirades about how their life has been ruined. Their lives were already in ruin -- self ruin. Ruined by the bad choices they made over and over.
Beginning with the choice to sit on their ass expecting someone else to hand them a wonderful, beautiful, healthy and wealthy life. And excuse me for being the one to say so, but if you have a dozen kids and no husband to be a father, there are some 'holes' in your life plan that should be sewed up.
In case it isn't abundantly clear just who "these people" were, this article on the demographic makeup of Katrina victims should clear it up. Warrior is referring to "poor, mostly black New Orleanians without cars."
On the injustice of Martin Luther King Day:
Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It's only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name "King" as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had "a dream." One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.
On his speech on "Queer Studies" at a Conservative Alliance event at DePaul University:
One guy without his husband and two physically-repulsive butch-dykes slurping on one another's tongues (really) on the front row had a real hard time cozying up to my principled heterosexual obstinacy. So, in an act of pure selfish pleasure the guy got himself physically thrown out by the masculine security guard, unmistakably loving every single masochistic, man-handled moment of it. And the dykes, well, they ran out screaming and yelling like speared wild boars that I was a homophobe for making my remarks. Rumor has it that they decided to exit more because I was not getting stimulated by watching their poorly performed two-nightcrawlers-in-heat act. Ah, the incredible, selfless sacrifices the liberal loons will make on behalf of their cause...warms my heart and makes my whole body laugh.
On the death of actor Heath Ledger (who had played a homosexual character in the film Brokeback Mountain):
By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.
On famed WWE Announcer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (who had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer at the time):
"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."
This one is particularly relevant given that, by sheer coincidence, Heenan's recent death coincided with the launch of the #UnleashYourWarrior campaign. It's unclear whether the Susan G. Komen Foundation is aware of Warrior's past statements — they declined to comment on this story.
The purpose of bringing this up now isn't to drag a dead man's name through the mud, or to simply stir up controversy for no reason. It's to ask why WWE thinks it is appropriate to use this man's likeness as a pillar of their inspirational, altruistic corporate philanthropy branding. After his return to WWE, much was made of the bridges that Warrior had burned and the reparations he had made in the wrestling business, but neither Warrior or WWE offered any acknowledgment of—or apology for—his comments going beyond the wrestling business.
His widow, Dana Warrior, said in a statement to VICE Sports that Warrior had become a different man before he died.
"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."
But there was no public sign that he had any change of stance.
It's also important to point out that these speeches weren't given by Jim Hellwig, they were quite literally given by Warrior—he legally changed his name during a copyright dispute with the company—so the idea that WWE can simply make a distinction between the Ultimate Warrior, a fictional character, and the actor portraying him doesn't really hold much water. Also worth mentioning: WWE banished Hulk Hogan, their biggest ever star, down the memory hole when his own ugly, racist comments were made public in 2015.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place. Donald Trump is in there, after all. And Warrior was unquestionably an iconic WWE character, who had a profound impact on the wrestling industry. One could make the case that, regardless of the horrible things he had said during this period (a period where he was not under contract with WWE and had no affiliation with the company) he still deserved to be recognized for his significant achievements inside the wrestling ring.
But the same company that banished Hogan has poured millions of dollars into a quasi-philanthropical marketing campaign promoting the image of a person who made vastly uglier comments.And make no mistake—these initiatives are marketing. This is a notion endorsed by Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon in a tweet from WWE's Business Partner Summit in 2015 (the first year the Warrior Award was given out),
It's obviously not a bad thing that the WWE is making an effort to do community outreach, help with breast cancer awareness, and get involved in other philanthropic efforts. But their insistence on not only welcoming Warrior back into the fold, but completely whitewashing his past and elevating his likeness to a bland symbol of corporate altruism is shockingly tone-deaf, especially for a company that's at least outwardly trying to appear progressive, inclusive and diverse. When asked about this, WWE released the following statement to VICE Sports:
"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."
Either they were unaware of Warrior's past statements or they were aware and just thought they might sweep them under the rug like many of the other uglier parts of their corporate history. However it happened, the company has now spent years devoting significant resources to promoting a reactionary who is on record saying things that would make Rush Limbaugh blush, as a heroic figure of inspiration and redemption. It appears that they will continue to do so. This version of the Ultimate Warrior would be nice to believe in, but ultimately it's as fictional as any other wrestling storyline.
WWE is Whitewashing The Ultimate Warrior's Bigoted Past published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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