#getting onto the qsmp means that there’s always an activity to do and built-in stream idea as long as there’s an egg that needs care
beckyblah · 10 months
No dude !!! The reason he doesn't like the tasks is the admin for chayanne is very busy and chayanne will die if they don't come online once a week. He very much loves chayanne and tallulah though, he doesn't want the actual eggs to go
I got this ask like. Days ago and have just been sitting on it because I was annoyed by it and my gut reaction was to be a bit rude and point out that this was sort of proving my point. But that’s maybe not entirely true and also shitty on top of it SO!
Instead I’m going to reply genuinely and start by pointing out that I didn’t stay that Phil hated the eggs. I said that his fans interpret his complaining about the egg event and tasks as him hating them. Maybe you’re actually agreeing with me in this ask and I’m reading the tone wrong? Not sure.
Secondly, I don’t think that he hates the tasks solely because of Chayanne/Cucurucho being busy, to be honest. He hasn’t been shy about saying that he thinks the tasks are too much work and has been ready to be done since the initial 2 weeks were up. I think this is a fair criticism from Phil, since he is dealing with two eggs and has no partner. However there’s many solutions to his problem - such as letting others babysit more often - that he isn’t taking advantage of. And I personally don’t like when he complains on-stream because it leads to people misinterpreting him and trying to “defend” him by complaining as well.
Thirdly, the admins are adults and if they had a problem with the stream schedule, they could also solve this. They’re the one running the show, so if any of them felt like their current workload was too much, they’re the ones who can decide to back off. Acting otherwise, especially for us fans, is a little strange imo. They’re not actually literally kids and we don’t know them or what’s happening BTS.
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